Moses did everything right except…

It’s the details that trip us up. Even the slightest slip up can have devastating repercussions, especially so, the higher up you are on your spiritual path. When Moses retrieved Joseph’s bones from the Nile in order to fulfill the pledge to Joseph and to...

The 10 Utterances

There’s no complex math in this article, but a lot of numbers, and it can’t be helped. I try to tone down the amount of numbers in the posts, limiting them to the most significant and the minimum necessary to establish the synergies and proofs so that the...

What G-d Thought.

A lesson from my daughter’s kindergarten class: They were exploring Parshat Noach and the teacher sent us this email letting us know what was going on in class: “We asked each student to draw a picture using a red crayon. We asked them to put effort into...

The 10 Plagues and the Final Redemption

…continued from the 10 plagues: In the last two blogs in this mini-series on the 10 plagues, we discussed how the 10 plagues were more for the benefit of waking up the Israelites to the tree-of-life reality than shaking up the Egyptians, and how that were even...