Sukkot is Upon Us.

We’re going in a new direction soon and will begin explaining the meaning and significance of the dimensions of the Third Temple. All the proportions we’ve learned about through the Torah, the Names, and the universal constants will have new meaning as we...

Goshen: Seeds Planted in the Darkness

The seeds are always planted before the crops, and often it’s not where they are planted it’s by whom. In parsha Vayigash, 46:28 it says [Jacob] sent Judah ahead of him to make preparations in Goshen (Goshnah).” Goshen (Goshnah) has the same 4...

The Vowels of And B'koach

When the correct vowels are to the Shem Mem-Bet, the 42 letter name of G-d, and the Name is split into two halves, 7 triplets on one side, and 7 on the other, the vowels on the right side of the Name have the collective value of 378, that of Chashmal, the electric...

Tohu V'Bohu and the Messiah, H'Mashiach

Genesis 1:2 Tohu v’Bohu: “The world was empty and without form.” We know from Chazal that this refers to the 10 sefirot (dimensions) before the interconnectedness of the sefirot (in other words, order). Tohu represents the 10 sefirot (vessels) that...