What was in the Beginning?
“In the Beginning, G-d” “Bereshit Bara Elohim
Given that the name of G-d Elohim is the 3rd word in the Torah (Bible), we know that Elohim was in the beginning, but what about in the end? I mean, after a while, we’re introduced to another nine Names of G-d, including YHVH, Adonai, El, Ehyeh, etc, and each represent G-d but also a certain aspect of G-d. It’s something like a Senator that represents and speaks for the federal government but at the same time represents and speaks for his particular state. That said, we know from chazal (the kabbalists and the sages of blessed memory) that the Name Elohim represents “nature,” the natural world of cause and effect with the time delay between one and the other.
Now this delay is both a curse and blessing. It means that when we do something wrong, we’re not immediately punished for it. If I accidentally trip you, the next person I meet doesn’t accidentally trip me, which gives me time to atone for my action somehow, which is a blessing. And spiritually, saying “sorry” doesn’t cut it because “sorry: doesn’t take away my carelessness (lack of human dignity that I didn’t care enough about a fellow human being to watch where I was going and/or that I was so wrapped up in my selfish ego to even perceive another fellow in my path), and it doesn’t take away my pain. That is why, even accidents must be atoned for, which means that if I don’t atone for it, somewhere down the road I’ll be tripped up in my actions/process, even in my good intentions and I won’t know why.
It’s also a curse because if was awake enough to perceive the immediate effects of my actions, I might learn from them quickly and become a more spiritual and spiritually in tuned person. So because of Elohim, we’re spared the physical pain but must endure a much more tortuous spiritual path.
So what is in the End?
As we’ve learned and discussed in other posts (notably Time, Times, and half a time) that the expanded sofit value of the letter Alef (ELP) is 1830, and also that the letter Alef exists in a primordial state before Creation and the Torah, thus anchoring the Name Elohim to an exalted existential space, we find that the numerical value of Elohim spelled out can be read as 1830 + 74 + 15 + 20 +80 = 2019 CE, the year that the prophesies state the illusionary cause and effect world of the tree of knowledge of good and evil will be no more and that the spiritual paradigm of the Tree-of-life reality will be in effect. It’s the end of the Hebrew year 5778, the time, according to prophecy and the Divine Calendar of the Messiah, of the Mashiach.
And from the name Elohim, we can see it further break down to EL and HYM, 1904 + 115 and as discussed in previous blogs, there are 115, (the value of the word (Hazak), meaning strength) jubilee years (Biblical 50-year cycle) from Adam to 5778 and Moshiach.
And the sign that this is no coincidence is that the last two letters in Elohim (ELHYM), yud-mem (YM) add up to 50 in simple gematria, and moreover, we know from the Arizal and chazal that the yud-mem (YM) does indeed represent the 50 Gates of Binah that accompanies the Tree-of-life reality.
Furthermore, spelled out the yud (YLD) and mem (MM), 20 + 80, are representative individually of the letters caf (C) (20) and Pe (P) (80) which together spell out caf (CP) of numerical value 100, and thus this yud-mem (YM) represents Keter both through the total 100 and though the letter Caf, as it is known to represent Keter, crown, the highest dimension/sefira.
To get to core of what is happening within the name Elohim, we must understand as taught to us by the sages that the Name itself through it’s 5 letters is the second letter Hey (H) of numerical value 5 of the ineffable Name YHVH (Tetragrammaton) and that it connects directly to the 5 final (sofit) letters which represent judgment.
Once we understand this, we can then see that the spelled out letters HYM or (HY, YVD, MM) can per permuted to MYM D’YHV, which means “water from YHV (the upper worlds)” which when Elohim is properly connected in our hearts, is completed by the name itself to MYM D’YHVH and since the final Hey (H) is really a vessel, thus the waters and abundance can flow to our world and we can utilize them. When it’s cut off, we get drought and darkness, or when we do receive them we get just plain short-circuits in both the physical and spiritual sense. This is very deep and for those that understand but as the end of days approaches our ability to understand will blossom as will our need.
In the final days, we will complete the circuit of the 27 letter, including the 5 final ones and thus complete the circuitry within Elohim, enabling the upper waters to flow and the Tree-of-Life to grow. This is a metaphor, but in our present state of consciousness we cannot perceive anything more than metaphors. B”H that will all soon change.