A couple weeks ago we pointed out some very odd alignments of the DOW Jones closings and the Jewish holidays this past 6 months and we suggested keeping an eye out for more.
Well, there was no Jewish holiday yesterday, and on the 42nd day of the Obama presidency, the DOW closed down 4.2%, quite suggestive of the 42-Letter Name of G-d, the Shem Mem-Bet.
But wait, that was right at the beginning of the hillula (death anniversary) of Moshe Rabeinu (Moses), one of the most powerful dates in the Hebrew calendar and in cosmic energy. And the DOW didn’t actually fall 42% as it said in the headlines, but 42.4% as it said in the article, and as we all know by now 424 is the gematria value of Mashiach Ben David.
So now it makes sense. G-d is still sending us messages. Last night, I read a news headline that our current DOW was pacing the decline of the depression month by month and lost point by point. It mentioned that the Dow had peaked on September 3, 1929 (erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5689) and eventually hit rock bottom in July 1932 at 42.22.
That was a double message for me. The 42.22 turning point in the market/depression was an obvious significant connection to the 42-Letter Name and further to the 22 letters of the alef-bet and to 422, the number seventy (70) so associated with the Divine Calendar.
But September 3, 1929 was exactly 30 years before my birth date, so the message became personal. Perhaps the universe was just trying to catch my attention? It worked.
I don’t know what the full message is yet, but I do know that rather than bringing us all closer together, this economic/financial crises is dividing and separating us more with each passing day.
With the looming huge financial burden of Eastern Europe weighing heavily on the Western European Banks and countries, the worsening crises is tearing the recently forged European Community a part Community. A confidential report shows them $16.8 trillion in the whole.
Internationally, it’s becoming every man for himself, as all regions and countries start battening down the hatches and halting the already slowed to a trickle imports.
Riots and huge protests, not always peaceful, are occurring all over the world. With everyone turning their backs on one another, it one be long before the knives come out. And many of those are now nuclear tipped.
Companies, farmers, drug manufactures, and distributors are cutting corners to survive; that can’t be good.
Scam artists are proliferating, taking advantage of people’s last dollars, smirking when they get caught. What was the purpose of Bernie Madoff? To sew doubt and distrust amongst us. No one trusts the system anymore, least of all those in it, which is why there’s no credit in the market place. And thanks to Bernie Madoff, and his feeder alliances we don’t trust our friends and brethern anymore either.
Within the USA, no one with corporate responsibility (an oxymoron for sure) is taking Obama seriously and are therefore pummeling the markets with his every statement. Rather than unify the country as he promised, he’s alienated 40% or more of the country and is trying to push through a very liberal agenda at a time when we don’t have the money for it. In his rush for redistribution of wealth, he is pitting rich against poor, upper middle class against lower middle class, and the only end result can be that we’ll all end up poor. Unified in poverty, just like in the depression.
Obama has, though, found $900 Million to give to the Palestinians (ie Hamas) to rebuild (their offensive weapon stockpile). That’s unity. That’s money well spent, our money. That will bring Hamas and the Palestinians to the peace table.
Every day things get worse, and when we can least afford it, the states and municipalities, all fending for themselves, are raising taxes and cutting support programs to make up for their shortfalls.
So what’s the connection to Moses’ Hillula?
Moses was a unifier. And as we’ll see in our upcoming installment on the 10 Utterances, he brought us all to the highest level (keter) and it was only in his absence, that divisiveness and doubt brought everyone back down to the lowest levels, and forced us all to begin again.
Moses cared about everyone and made sure everyone was taken care of, that a system was put into place to empower everyone and to imbue all of them with the knowledge and Light-force of G-d. He made sure everyone understood the rules of the game, that they abided by them, and knew and received the consequences for not.
We’ve long since forgotten all those, even if we religiously read the Torah every week. No matter, the universe hasn’t and the consequences continue whether we understand the rules or not, whether we ignore the signs or not.
There will be more signs, personal ones for each of us, and global ones. And we’ll keep pointing them out as we see them, but it’s only through our actions that we’ll make a difference.
Harder times are coming. That pace we’re on that mimics the one from 1929-1932 has another year and half to go before hitting bottom at 42.22, when the DOW lost 89% in total. By the way, that market had peaked on Sept 3 in 5689, 89 years before 5778. This time around that won’t be the worst of it. This time around, nations, terrorist organizations, communities, and individuals are armed to the teeth. This time around bad news and its spiraling effects spread with the speed-of-light thanks to the new technologies we’ve developed. In the past few recessions, we’ve propped ourselves back up with new bubbles; this time, we have to wonder if there is any air left to fill them.
Still, it doesn’t have to be this way. If there wasn’t hope for us, the universe wouldn’t be sending us signs and messages, smuggling them through the thickening curtains of illusions. It would simply leave us to our own devices.
Bottom Line: We must wake up before it’s too late!
The same choice that the Israelites who stood at Mt Sinai 66.6 jubilee years ago faced, awaits us: the blissful eternity of the tree-of-life reality or the endless world of illusion and self-inflicted punishment. Most of them chose wrong, and G-d and the H’Moshiach (the Messiah) were standing before them performing miracles on their behalf.

We’re still in the plague stage. Look around, are people’s faith growing stronger? Is your own? That’s what matters most. We must use the signs, learn the codes of the universe, and grow spiritually in these darkest moments if we are to reach our Sinai.
Moses will be there for us if we are there for one another.

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