For some reason many Moshaich blogs are expecting something big to happen this Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Gemini), in 2 days time.
This is just a quick note before Shabbat to let you know that we’re keeping all of you in mind. This weekend, the 44th day of the Omer will be upon us and we’ve written numerous times this past year about the relationship of the number 44 and the 10 plagues and Israel. For those that haven’t read it, at least you should know that the ordinal value of the initials of the 10 plagues adds up to 44, the numerical value of the first plague, Dam (blood) and that the sum of the standard gematria value of those same initials adds up to 541, that of Israel.
Now, oddly enough, when we add up the gematria sofit value of the 44 letters in the central trunk of the menora that forms Psalm 67 that we count on each day through the 44th day of the Omer, they add up to 5708 exactly, the year Israel became a nation (1948 CE).
And all 49 letters of the full Omer counting equal 5778 + 73, or the year the tzaddikim have prophesied for the manifestation of Moshiach plus the value of Chochma (wisdom).
Moreover, if we add up the square roots of all values for all 49 words of Psalm 67 counted during the 49 days of the Omer (deducting 1 for the kolel of each day counted) they add up to 666.41,
And as we previously discussed, the counting of the Omer is analogous to the counting of the jubilee years (50 year interval) until the arrival of Mashiach, and there are exactly 66.6 jubilee years from the reception of the Torah in 2448 and 5778.
So as we count the last few days before the great revelation of light on Shavuot, when we once again receive the Torah, let’s keep our kavanot (focus) on removing all the negativity, blockages, aspects of death and judgment in our lives and in our souls that would prevent the revelation of Moshiach in our world. And remember (see previously articles on the Omer), the energy and spirit of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai is still with us to help us in our task.
By the way, the 44th day of the Omer is Rosh Chodesh Sivan.
Shabbat Shalom

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