Every bit of the Torah has meaning beyond meaning and a purpose beyond purpose. In our previous article we spoke about Egypt being a code word for the “straits (constriction) of the Sea” with the sea (YM) being a code word itself for the 50 gates of Binah. The Arizal takes it a step further and says that the word for Egypt is also a constriction of the Holy Name “Who (MY)” which is comprised of the final 2 letters in the Holy Name Elohim (ELHYM), and moreover that (MY) likewise represents the 50 Gates of Binah. He referenced Isaiah 40:26 “Lift up your eyes on high, and see who (MY) created all this,” and explained that besides “Who” being connected to Binah and thus Understanding, the word for “All” used in this verse is spelled Eileh is spelled (E-L-H) as in the first 3 letters of Elohim.
The Book of Numbers, called Bamidbar (BMDBR) in Hebrew, doesn’t mean Numbers, but Wilderness, usually referring the desert, such as the Sinai Desert. And while it’s true that Numbers are a Wilderness, the important number is the number of journeys that is took the Israelites to cross the wilderness, which is also the number of journeys that it takes us and our souls to cross our wilderness. According to the Torah, the Sages and Tzaddikim that number is 42.
Even though the process of the 42 journeys began on the far side of the End Sea (YM SVP), the Torah tells us in portion Beha’alotcha that the Israelite Journey began here on the 2nd day of the 2nd month of the 2nd year (222). It was right after we learned about the 8 days of sacrifices, which can be connected to the arrival of Moshiach on or about 5778 as will be explained later, and also right after the final approved construction of the Tabernacle on the 8th day. Since the Torah is always consistent once you understand the madness, we see that 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 and that this new journey into the Wilderness begins in the 64th or 8 x 8th Paragraph of Bamidbar.
The word Bamidbar (BMDBR) has the same numerical value (248) as Ramak (RMCh), meaning spear, which is most appropriate as the “spear i”s symbolized by the simple letter Vav (ו) of numerical 6, which kabbalistically represents the 6 sefirot (dimensions) of Zeir Anpin, as does the 4th Book of Moses, Bamidbar.
The 42-Letter Name of G-d, abbreviated (MB) also represents Zeir Anpin (the 6 dimensions of Heaven) as it acts as our link between Malchut (M) and Binah (B). Therefore, it’s not so surprising that Bamidbar (BMDBR) permutes to (DBR MB), which means say (speak) the 42-Letter Name. And we know from Chazal that it is the understanding of the 42-Letter Name (MB) that will bring about the geula (final redemption).
As you know by now, it all emanates through the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) and the sum of the two numerical values of the spelled-out aspects of the YHVH that represent Malchut (52) and Binah (63) is 115, as in the 115 jubilee years (50-year intervals) from Adam to Moshiach in 5778. Moreover the relationship between Zeir Anpin and malchut can be expressed as 6/52 = .11538
The numerical value of the initials of the six (6) chapters that span the Behar-Bechukotai combination of 57and78 verses respectively though Bamidbar with its Phi and 5778 connections and through the Naso-Beha’alotecka Chanukah/sacrifices and 5778 connections through the portion of Shech Lecha (BBBNBSh) equates to 358, the same as Mashiach. These 6 parshot (portions) represent 6 of 54 or exactly 1/9th of the Torah’s 54 portions. These 6 parshot also represent 17 of 187 chapters, or exactly 1//11th of the Torah’s 187 chapters.
Maybe that’s just coincidence, though nothing in the Torah is coincidental. Our lack of understanding is just that: our lack of understanding, not a lack of meaning or significance.
These are secrets true and sure, but what we should take away from this is that as our journey through the wilderness gets difficult you should, “Lift up your eyes on high, and see who (MY) created all this.”
The deepest secret of all is coming up shortly.