Korach and the Missing 38 Years of the Torah

This shabbat is the bar mitzvah of my son David, in the portion of Korach. A note of caution; the insights in today’s article may take you far from what you thought you knew about the Torah. According to chazal and just about every commentator on the Torah, Korach was...

G-d Never Abandoned His People

In the nearly 5778 years of our existence since Adam, we have had the connection to the Creator through the Ark of the Covenant in our midst for only 890 years, just 26.72% of the 3330 years since it was given to us. Or so we were led to believe. The truth is we...

The Earthquake and the Flood.

According to the prologue to the Zohar, there are 2 malchuts, 2 staging vessels for the Light within the schematic of the Tree-of-life, one at the end of the first 4, or upper, expansions and the second at the end of the bottom 3 expansions, or the 7th–analogous...

The Tallit is Much More than a Prayer Shawl.

Most of the Torah portion Tetzaveh is about two articles of the clothing that the high priest wore during the time of the Mishkan, the Tabernacle. They are of little use to us today or indeed over the last 2800 years, no matter how wondrous they were then. So why do...