Cleansing Part III

Still cleaning and cleansing… In the last installment in my personal pursuit to clean out my home and life and thus my soul, I mentioned the connection to Tzav and the last line of the 42-Letter Name (Ana B’koach), which is ShKVZYT. What I neglected to...

Shining The Light

I haven’t written much this week. I’ve been too busy cleaning and cleaning. Every Pesach (Passover) we invite Eliyahu Hanavi and H’Mashiach into our homes and lives and if we’ve made the proper environment for them they will come. This Erev...

Vayikra and all the Secrets of Healing.

The Baal Shem Tov has said that he learned all the secrets of healing though the first verse of this 3rd Book in the Torah, Vayikra. I wish I knew them for I’d surely share them with as many people as I could, but I do understand how he could get them from this...

Everything has a Purpose.

We’re starting a new book of the Torah this week, Vayikra, a new chapter in our lives.  The sum of the Names of the 5 Books is 2480, or 10 x 248, the numerical value of rachum (Mercy), injecting Mercy into the 10 sefirot (dimensions) for us.  It’s also the...

The Tabernacle, Creation, and Modern Physics

We know from the Zohar, The Book of Splendor, that the construction of the Tabernacle, Mishkan, is connected to the act of Creation in the first verse of the Torah (Bible). So let’s examine all that money (metal) collected to built the Tabernacle, Mishkan and...