by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 22, 2009 | Revelations
Have you ever wondered how we know so many of the secrets that you haven’t been able to find elsewhere? Ask yourself where we started our journey? In this week’s Torah portion (Pekudei), referring to the redemption, the Tabernacle, H’Miskan (HMShCN)...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 19, 2009 | Revelations
There’s a lot of chatter on the internet about the meaning of the blessing of the sun (Birkas HaChamah), which occurs every 28 years and next on April 8, 2009, erev Pesach 14 Nissan when the sun returns to the exact position as it was on the day it was created....
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 17, 2009 | Revelations
Sometimes we forget what spirituality is all about… Why are there 6 Days of Creation? Why are the 42 rows of the first column of the Torah (Bible) divided into 6 paragraphs, averaging 7 lines per paragraph? Why are there 6 letters in the first word of the Torah,...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 13, 2009 | Revelations
It’s the details that trip us up. Even the slightest slip up can have devastating repercussions, especially so, the higher up you are on your spiritual path. When Moses retrieved Joseph’s bones from the Nile in order to fulfill the pledge to Joseph and to...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Mar 9, 2009 | Revelations
In the Midrash Mishlei 9:2 it is said that in the future time [of Moshiach] all the festivals will be annulled except Purim. They say the Name of G-d (YHVH) has been omitted from the Megilat Esther, but like the Torah whose sum of Yud’s (Y), Vavs(V), and Heys(H)...