by Jeffrey Meiliken | Nov 15, 2008 | Revelations
From Genesis 11:2 Shinar, where the Tower of Babel was built, is spelled (Sh,N,A,R) and all four of the letters are found in the second line of the Ana B’koach, the 42-letter Name of G-d (KRAShTtN) The two letters that are left, KTt spell the word tiny, so...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Nov 15, 2008 | Revelations
The numerical value for the messiah Lives (Mashiach Chai ) is 358 + 18 = 376, which is that of Shalom, peace. And the atbash value of Mashiach Chai adds up to the Light (H’or), 212. and also to Zohar, the Book of Splendor. Which the atbash of Shalom adds up to...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Nov 2, 2008 | Revelations
While in The Genesis Prayer there are dozens of integral connections between the first verse of the Torah and the 42-Letter Name of G-d and also to the numerical value of Mashiach, the Messiah, there are many others, one of which is found simply by adding the first...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Nov 2, 2008 | Revelations
All the new wires are reporting a new archaeological find that will help verify the dates and importance of King David’s reign. Talmudic scholars already have the dates and know the importance. The Divine Calendar helps explain exactly why Kind David and Solomon...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Nov 2, 2008 | Revelations
Genesis 1:2 Tohu v’Bohu: “The world was empty and without form.” We know from Chazal that this refers to the 10 sefirot (dimensions) before the interconnectedness of the sefirot (in other words, order). Tohu represents the 10 sefirot (vessels) that...