Further to Torah letters and flaming sword

The 80 verses up to the flaming sword that separated Man from Gan Eden are all the verses in the first 3 chapters of the Torah. The 80 verses corresponds to the letter Pe of value 304805 and since there are 4805 Pes in the Torah, the split of the sword is between the...

The flaming sword

The first portion of the Torah, Bereshit, has 146 verses, corresponding to the numerical value of the word, Olam, world.  At the 80th verse, we encounter the revolving flaming sword that G-d uses to block Adam’s (Man’s) reentry into the Garden of Eden,...

Israel and Abraham

The year Israel became a nation, 1948 CE, has much significance as detailed in The Divine Calender but when we add the numerical value for Israel, 541 to 1948, we get 1948 + 541 = 2489, which is 2480 + 9. The Names of the Five Books of Moses (Bereshit, Shmot, Vayikra,...

tree-of-life meditations for Sukkot

The connection between the lulav and tree of life is further strengthened in that the full gematria value of the 4 species together is (610+277+68+69) = 1024 and 1024 is 32 squared.  R’Chaim Vittal of blessed memory tells us that all Torah light is spread by...