As discussed in Part I of the Tabernacle, we know from the Zohar, The Book of Splendor, that the construction of the Tabernacle, Mishkan, is connected to the act of Creation in the first verse of the Torah (Bible).
So let’s examine all that money (metal) collected to built the Tabernacle, Mishkan and see what shakes out.
Gold ….29………730
Silver 100…….1775
Bronze 70 ……2400
Now, it’s relatively easy to see that the 1775 shekels represent and are connected to the 27 letters of the Hebrew alphabet which have a total gematria value of 1775.
Moreover, the 70 talents of Bronze is most probably connected to the 70 Nations, the 70 years, etc, and also the 70 faces of the Torah. And even more so, since the square root of the 4905 shekels is 70.03571 and 3571 is exactly (5778/Phi), or precisely Phi17.
Now, let’s leave the 1775 Silver Shekels out of it for a second, since they were for a special counting, and we have 29+100+70+730+2400 = 3329. And since the Torah makes a special point of telling us that the Mishkan was built in the 2nd year of the Exodus, (in 2449), we get 2449 + 3329 = 5778 (2018 CE), the year prophesied by Rav Ashlag and the tzaddikim for the geula, the final redemption and the advent of the Tree-of-life reality.
And since a talent = 3000 shekels, we see that there is an extra mixed talent of metal currency that can be separated from the shekels, leaving us with (4905 – 3000) = 1905, and giving us a total of 200 talents and 1905 shekels in all that was contributed to the building of the Tabernacle.
And since we’re looking at the Torah’s first verse, it’s interesting that the 27th letter is Resh (R), of numerical value 200, same as the 200 talents.
And if we were to add the 28th letter, Tzadi (Tz) of numerical value 90, to 4905, we’d get 90 + 4905 = 4995, which is the gematria sofit value of all 27 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Obviously, the contributions of the Tabernacle are all about the letters (or the light/energy in them).
Is this reaching? You decide, since the total value of the verse is 2701, which is equivalent to the sum of all the positive integers through 73, as in the 730 shekels of gold used to built the Tabernacle, and since the square root of 730 is 27.01….
What this also means is that the Torah’s first verse is based on a triangular number, the 73rd triangular number. And we know this isn’t a coincidence because not only is the sum of the first 8 words (33 letters) of the Torah also a triangular number (3003), the 77th in fact, but the 7 words of the Torah’s first verse are comprised of 28 letters and 28 is the 7th triangular number. (For more on this and for a better understanding of the Torah and G-d’s design, see The Genesis Prayer)
So knowing this, if we see which letters correspond to triangular numbers within this first verse, we get:
First of all, the numerical value of the 7 letters (BETEEMZ) add up to 535 and with an adjustment for the kolel of the letters and the equation, we get us 541, the numerical value of Israel.
Let Val x Tri# = Sofit Val
B 2 1 = 2 2
E 1 3 = 3 1
T 400 6 = 2400 400
E 1 10 = 10 1
E 1 15 = 15 1
M 40 21 = 840 600
Z 90 28 = 2520 900
7 535 84 = 5790 1905
These 7 letters correspond to the 7 triangular numbers: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, and 28, which collectively add up to 84, or 3 times 28, representative of the 3 metallic elements of the tabernacle and the 3 columns of the Tree-of-life, and 84 is the value of Pad (redemption), the union of the upper and lower 42 Letter names.
Moreover, the sum of the ordinal value sofit of these 7 letters is 78, or 3 x 26, it is representative of the initials of the Tree-of-life, ayin (70) and chet(8), representative of the year 5778, as pointed out by Rav Brandwein. And the gematria sofit sum of the 7 letters is 1905 yet again, bringing us back to the Tabernacle counting.
We discussed in numerous previous articles the connection between the brain’s natural rhythm/frequency (timing mechanism) of 54 beats per minute and its relationship to 5778 which is 54 x 107 = 5778 with the 107 triangular number being 5778, but we’ve recently learned that 54 is also the complete cycle of the 27 letters with its returning light of 27 letters.
And as stated above, the standard gematria sum of the 7 triangular letters in the Torah’s first verse is 535, which when multiplied with 54 x 2 or 27 x 4 = 57780, two complete cycles.
And this becomes all the more interesting because when we multiple the 7 triangular numbers by their respective letters and sum them all up they equal 5790, which is 12 more that 5778 and when we adjust for the kolel in the exact same way as above, we get 5778 yet again.
And given all these connections to 5778 (2018 ce) is it inconceivable that the complete sofit value of these 7 special letters within the 28 is 2018 utilizing the kolel of 7 and 28 letters: 1905 + 78 + 28 + 7 = 2018.
Or that the gematria of the 2 words of the 7 words of the Torah’s first verse not utilized in the special letter sequence above is 616, which is that of “The Torah (H’TVRH).
And you might say skeptically that 2018 could point instead to G-d’s Covenant with Abraham which occurred in 2018 HC, but we know form the sages that the final letters in verse of phrase point toward the future and the final letters in the initial 7 word phrase in Pekudei (“These are the accounts of the tabernacle which were calculated”) add up to exactly 2019: “ELH PKVDY HMShCN MShCN HADT EShR,” which may explain why the Torah chose to double the word Mishkan. And without the sofit, the gematria of the first 6 words less the kolel for the 24 letters in them adds up 2017.
I wonder if the Torah is trying to tell us something?
Oddly, the initials of these 7 words add up to 212, that of “The Light,” and they spell out H’Pe M’H’Pe, “The letter Pe from the letter Pe.” Just something to think about, considering the 4805 letter Pes in the Torah and their connection to the Mishkan.
So why 1905?
At the age of 26, Albert Einstein experienced his year of miracles (annus mirablis), in which he published 4 earth-shattering papers on the physics of the universe that changed the course of history and laid the foundations of quantum physics, introducing the special theory of relativity, explaining Brownian
motion and proving the existence of atoms. And it was on 9/27/1905 on the 27th day of Elul that Einstein revealed the world’s most famous equation: E = Mc2
The Torah, Tabernacle, Creation, the 27 Letters, triangular numbers, Phi, the brain’s frequency (54 B/Min), the surface temperature of the Sun (5778 K) and a dream that revealed quantum physics. And what runs through them all: The Light of G-d.
All that said, let’s look at those 199 talents and the 4905 shekels a little differently because of the 304805 letters in the Torah, 4805 of them are the letter Pe, and those 4905 shekels represent 4805 plus 100, synonymous with keter (the crowning sefira/dimension) and the numerical value of the spelled-out letter Caf (CP). Thus 4805 and 100 equals the 2 letters in Caf (CP).
Moreover, 100 is the numerical value of the letter Koof(K) and since the value 4805 represents the letter Pe, together they form the first two letters in Pekudei (PKVDY, counting), the name of this portion, 23rd of the 54 portions in the Torah. The other 3 letters in Pekudei (PK(VDY) permute to the spell-out letter Yud (YVD), and the total value of the word Pekudei is 200, as in the 200 talents.
It’s not surprising that the Mishkan would connect to Keter; nevertheless, there’s more to this. First we must understand the dynamic construction of the Tree-of-life as revealed by the Arizal in his explanation that the 100 talents of silver collected correspond to Keter, and that they were used to create the ground supports of the Tabernacle’s columns, which are malchut. The metaphor is easy to understand, as the sefirot are arranged as a tree (column) and what receives and holds up the tree from the base, is the sefira of malchut.
For those that understand, this is deep wisdom: Keter is One, Echad, as in God is “One.” It’s inseparable. From Keter the light expands level by level through the 10 sefirot (dimensions) spreading out without diminishing in its entirety. And from each one of these levels the light further divides by 10 sub-levels, and then again. First 1 then 10 then 100 then 1000, each one considered keter because they represent the complete light and not an aspect of it. Yet 1 remains keter of keter of keter, and 100 represents the light stretching from that point all the way through the 10th level of malchut (malchut of malchut) and similarly with 1000.
We’ll get back to this important dynamic structure in a moment, but let’s view that 100 shekels as 1 talent, or keter spread out through malchut of malchut, and thus 1 = 100 = the light of Keter fully disseminated through 100 sub-levels.
Thus is we transfer 100 shekels to the talents we have 200 talents and 4805 shekels, and following that logic, the 200 talents would equal 20,000 shekels, making the total 24805. It just so happens that the 5 Names of the 5 Books of Moses equal 2480 collectively.
And moreover, since 200 is the value of the letter Resh (R), those 200 talents and 4805 shekels together represent the combination Resh-Pe, of value 280, the numerical value of the 5 final letters, that complete the 27 letters, which added up to 1775 shekels, so the allusion is not without merit. And as the Zohar explains, the 5 final letters connect us with the time of the geula, final redemption.
The Hebrew word for “talents” is spelled CCT, beginning with Caf and ending with Taf, thus stretching from Keter (CTR) to the final letter Taf, thus malchut.