It came to my attention this week that the giant Reflecting Pool that lies in the central axis between the Washington Monument and the Capital Building is 2300 x 150 feet. At first I dismissed it, even as they pointed out that 2300 x 150 = 345,000 sq ft and that 345 is numerical value of Moses. But on further reflection, I realized that 2300 = 20 x 115 and as we’ve been discussing in the last few articles, the value 20 is synonymous with the highest, crowning sefira (dimension) of Keter, and 115 is the number of jubilee years (Biblical 50-year interval) from Adam to the prophecies of Mashiach (the Messiah) in our generation, specifically 5778 (2018 CE).
Still, I didn’t consider it worth mentioning until I further realized that 2300  + 150 = 2450, and by removing the kolel of 2, we get 2448, as in the year of the exodus from Egypt and the reception of the Torah at Sinai in 2448 HC. Moreover, both 2448 and 2450 equal 49 jubilee years, which we know from the sages correspond with the 49 gates of negativity that the Israelites were at before they crossed the Red (Reed) Sea.
Now, the Torah commands us emphatically to count jubilee years and this connection between the measurements of the Reflection Pool and to both times that the window to the Tree-of-Life reality is said to have opened and is predicted to open again is a little suspicious.  Even more so, when we consider that there are exactly 66.6 jubilee years between those 2 dates and that the Washington Monument is 6660 inches tall.
Nevertheless, I held off writing about this until in a dream last night I saw in a straight line, just as it’s actually laid out, the 541 room Capital Building, the Washington Monument (the giant Egyptian Obelisk) and the 2300 foot long Reflecting Pool just beyond it. It dawned on me then that the US Capital was purposefully designed to reflect these aspects of the Exodus from Egypt across the red sea in 2448 HC, to the Promised Land, Israel, whose numerical value is 541, and who is symbolically represented by the Star of David (Magen David), a symmetrical 12-gonal star that is mathematical comprised of 541 points.
But Why?