Shema Israel

The deeper the secrets, the more important they are. The Shema Israel prayer is the most well known and widely recited Jewish prayer, yet most people recite it without a clue to its many secrets.  When I completed The Genesis Prayer on the Ana B’koach (42-Letter Name), my teacher advised me to write about the Shema, but I never did get around to it, besides a lengthy comment here and there in the blog, so here is part I in a series about the Shema, which we will, bli neder, complete over time.
Today, I’d like to reveal a few secrets about the initial 6 word refrain that begins the prayer in order to give us all the kavanot (or directed consciousness) when we do recite it, and to reveal why it is recited so often.

But first, I’ll let Aisha Torah give a brief introduction, and by all means please read the rest of their article on the Shema Yisrael — “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One” — is perhaps the most famous of all Jewish sayings.
“The Shema is a declaration of faith, a pledge of allegiance to One God. It is said upon arising in the morning and upon going to sleep at night. It is said when praising God and when beseeching Him. It is the first prayer that a Jewish child is taught to say. It is the last words a Jew says prior to death.
“The Talmud says that when Jacob was about to reveal the end of days to his children, he was concerned that one of them might be a non-believer. His sons reassured him immediately and cried out, “Shema Yisrael.”
“The Torah records Moses including the Shema in his farewell address to the Jewish people.
“We recite Shema when preparing to read the Torah on Sabbaths and festivals. And we recite Shema at the end of the holiest day of Yom Kippur when we reach the level of angels.
“Shema is contained in the mezuzah we affix to the doorpost of our home, and in the tefillin that we bind to our arm and head.”
Now, as for those six words:
Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One

As you may have noticed there is a large letter Ayin and Dalet in the first and last of the 6 words, which should have made all of us take notice of these 2 words in particular, but as my teacher’s teacher often said, what is least noticed is most important.
The first and last word of the famous verse, the words with enlarged final letters, Shema – Echad (ShMA – EchD), connect to Moshiach Ben David as will be explained shortly, and the enlarged letters, Ayin and Dalet, spell “witness” as the sages have told us, but they also have the numerical values 70 and 4 respectively.
The significance of this lies in the Zohar’s explanation of the coming of Moshiach and the end of the 4th exile at the end of the 70 years. And 70 years from Israel’s statehood in 1948 is also the end of the 4th exile that began 1948 years earlier in 70 CE with the destruction of the Second Holy Temple, giving us 2018 (5778 HC), the date Rav Yehuda Halevi Ashlag also gave us.  Pay close attention to what the verse says:

Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.

And pay close attention to where the verse is found: (Deuteronomy) Devarim 6:4 because the ordinal value of the name Israel (YShREL) is also 64. The verse is all about Israel.

The Shema is about Israel

We will save the real meaning of the word AD produced by these 2 large letters (Ayin and Dalet) for another article we’re preparing that deals with the final redemption and concentrate instead on the two words themselves today.
The first word is Shema (ShMA), of numerical value 410, the same as the word Kadosh, Holy) and the last word is Echad (EChD) of numerical value 13, the same as the word Ahava (love) and connected to the 13 attributes of G-d. So together we can take them to mean, “Hear One,” as in one voice, or “Hear Love” or “Holy One” or even, “Holy Love.” Nevertheless and regardless of how we take them, they add up together, including the kolel of 1, to 424, the numerical value of Mashiach Ben David, the Messiah.

The Shema is about bringing Mashiach Ben David

The Shema Israel comes from the Torah (Devarim 6:4) and all the technology of the Torah is designed to help us bring about Moshiach consciousness and prepare is to receive the Tree-of-Life reality when the window of opportunity (gates) opens in the next few years, which is why it is so important we understand what we are praying and why my teacher wanted me to reveal this now.
But don’t forget that we have to play our part too.  Being aware of the encoded technology is very important, but keeping our thoughts pure and focused on the elevation, on the unification and Oneness with G-d (YHVH), and on the divine and unconditional love is even more important.
The deeper the secrets, the more important they are. The Shema Israel prayer is the most well known and widely recited Jewish prayer, yet most people recite it without a clue to its many secrets and the power that these can unleash.  In this series, we hope to change that and fulfill my teacher’s wishes  that we make them available to everything in order to help bring about the tree-of-life reality, the world beyond illusion.
In Part II we’d like to continuing revealing the secrets about the initial 6 word refrain that begins the prayer.

“Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One” — is perhaps the most famous of all Jewish sayings.
For a fuller introduction to the prayer see the article by Aisha Torah on the Shema Yisrael , as we’re going to jump right in. You can find Part I of the Shema and Moshiach Ben David, here.
Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One

The last word of the 6 word verse is Echad (EChD) of numerical value 13, the same as the word Ahava (love) and connected to the 13 attributes of G-d.  It means One, as in the indivisible number 1, as in unity for all Israel (Col Ysrael), and most importantly, as in Oneness with G-d and the universe.
The importance of the last attribute mentioned above is further strengthened by the knowledge that the ordinal value of Echad is also 13, making the complete value of the word Echad(One) 26, the same as the Tetragrammaton (YHVH), ineffable name of G-d. The Lord is One; the Lord is YHVH.

Please notice that the 18 words of the 13 attributes of G-d begin with the double YHVH, matching the twin YHVH’s found in the Shema’s initial 6 word verse.

This is no coincidence. So if we consider they complete value of the word Echad as that of the YHVH, fully 1/2 of the this verse is the unpronounceable Name: YHVH.
And if we sum their standard gematria value (YHVH, YHVH and Echad) we get 26 + 26 + 13 = 65, the numerical value of Adonai, the pronounceable aspect (counterpart) of the YHVH, thus completing the all-important unification of Zeir Anpin and Malchut (Heaven and Earth if you will) and/or of G-d and the Shechina, the make and female aspects of G-d.
This is the spiritual unification, which if injected into out lives and our daily dealings will help bring about the end of exile and the final redemption.
This is why the complete (ordinal plus standard gematria) value of the initials of all 6 words is 385, the numerical value of the Shechina, the female or earthly (divine presence) aspect of G-d.  It is also one of the reasons why the Shema verse begins with the letter Shin from Shechina (ShCYNH) and ends with Dalet or numerical value 4, kabbalistically signifying the 4 letters of the YHVH. Yet another reasons is that their ordinal value (Sh, 21 and D, 4) is 25, representing the 25 letters of the verse, and the exact 4th root of the number of Words, Verses, and Letters of the Torah, 58 or 390, 625. (see The Genesis Prayer for details).
Also, 390,625 is the numerical ultimate unification of G-d as 390 is the value of H’ShCYNH and 625 is the value H’CTR or “the Shechina” and “the Keter (Crown, or Crowning dimension of G-d).”
Please note further that it is also not a coincidence that YHVH, YHVH and Echad) or 26 + 26 + 13 parallels the end-of-days prophecies of Daniel: Times Time and half a Time.
By the way, it’s also no coincidence that the initials of the 13 attributes (not the 18 words) add up to exactly 358, the numerical value of Moshiach, the Messiah.
There are no coincidences in the Torah, only blessings. But we have to choose to see them.  Once we do, we’ll also be able to see past the illusions of our world and that it do is comprised only of blessings. This will bring about the transition into the tree-of-life.
B”H, May we all be open to receive the blessings,
The first day in the Torah is called Echad, אחד, meaning one, instead of rishon, ראשון which would have paralleled the other 6 days of creation.  Rishon, numerically could be said to equate to Moshiach but we weren’t meant to start off with Moshiach. We were meant to earn it. And as we pass the date 1/1/11 we begin anew with Echad, counting through the final 7 years, mimicking Creation. If you look for signs you will find them; if you look within you will find G-d.  Be One.
The deeper the secrets, the more important they are. The Shema Israel prayer is the most well known and widely recited Jewish prayer, yet most people recite it without a clue to its many secrets and the power that these can unleash.  In this series, we hope to change that and fulfill my teacher’s wishes  that we make them available to everything in order to help bring about the tree-of-life reality, the world beyond illusion.
In Part II we’d like to continuing revealing the secrets about the initial 6 word refrain that begins the prayer.

“Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One” — is perhaps the most famous of all Jewish sayings.
Kol Ysrael (CL YShREL) are the last 2 words of the Torah, CL = 50
The ordinal value of Shema, the first word of the verse, is 50, so teh first 2 words of the verse are also representative of Kol Ysrael (CL YShREL), “All Israel.”
The value 50 is kabbalistic code for the sefira/dimension of Binah, (also know as the 50 gates of Binah). Binah is what we consider as Heaven to our Earth.  Then the 6 dimensions between them, corresponding to the 6 words of the Shema, is the ladder that we climb to reach it.  The technology embedded in these 6 words is designed to elevate our prayers and consciousness to the upper sefirot (dimensions), to Binah.
Now to shift gears a little, please note that Sum of complete value of the 6 words equals 1345, or 1000 (Keter, representing completion and the highest sefira) plus 345, the numerical value of Moses, who drew his energy from Da’at of Imma (Binah), a level none of us can.  Moreover, while he first two words (Shema Israel) represent the Torah’s last two words, the full verse has half the numerical value of the Torah’s first verse, tying the Torah together as an endless circle, just as it is meant to be.
Meanwhile, the initials of all 6 words  sum to 332, or 333 (utilizing the kolel of 1, as in the 3330 years, or 66.6 jubilee (Biblical 50-year period) years, from the end of the 1st exile and the reception of the Torah in 2448 to the year of prophecy and the end of the final exile in 5778 (2018 CE).
OK, so that might be a stretch except that the total gematria of the 5 words of the verse is 577, plus the word Israel, the word that ends the Torah cycle.
And according to the tzaddikim of blessed memory, we are in the final decade, 5770, leading up to the manifestation of Moshaich Ben David and the final redemption (geula) in 5778. This will occur in Israel as the exile will have ended.
Referring to the portion of Chukath that we discussed in our article “The Book of the Wars of the Lord,” the act of Moses striking the ground twice instead of following G-d commandment “to speak to the cliff (rock)” we noted that the value of that phrase was 848, or twice that of Mashiach Ben David (424). And also that the reason Moses did that was to shorten the time span of the arrival of the Moshiach by half, from the 5778 years, as denoted by the tzaddikim, to 2889 years, which is the midpoint in King David’s life, because Moses knew how strong the negative side would be today and how difficult it would be for us to overcome it.
Furthermore, the Torah hinted of this in the words “water from the rock,” which was what came directly from his action, in that this phrase’s numerical value is 345, that of Moses, whose completed spirit it is said will be our redeemer, our Moshiach, in the end of days.
We’ve drifted from the Shema, but for a purpose, but first, we need to tie all this into pasha Vaethchanan, where the Shema is found, and which starts off with Moses praying 515 times to enter the promised land in order to bring Moshiach once and for all.
We’ve discussed this in prior articles about his obeying G-d’s request of him to stop at 515, when the 516th time would have achieved his desired result, so we’ll only point out that 848 – 515 = 333, as in the initials of the 6 words of the Shema and as in the 3330 years that will transpire from the Exodus from Egypt and the reception of the Torah at Sinai when we were first offered the Tree-of-Life reality to the year 5778, when Rav Yehuda HaLevi Ashlag (HaSulam) of blessed memory and tells us we will next be offered that opportunity.
In the Torah portion Vaetchanan, we find a clue linking the final redemption prophecies of (Deuteronomy) Devarim chapter 4 with Moses’ pleas and his actions of striking the rock twice on our behalf in order to bring Moshiach earlier than the proscribed divine time frame in that this is the 515th chapter in the Torah.
Furthermore there are 4 phrases within this chapter of numerical value 848, including one at Devarim 4:40 “A long time in the land that God your Lord [is giving you for all time],” but we’ll get into Moses prophecies a little later.
In that same verse, Devarim 4:40, Moses uses the words “All time,” referring to the land that God our Lord is giving us for all time. “All time “kol h’yamim” is spelled in Hebrew CL HYMYM, which breaks down to kol (all) of numerical value 50, representing the 50 gates of Binah, the Biblical jubilee year (50-years long), s mentioned earlier “Shema.”
In this case the word value 50 is coupled with word for “the time” or “the days” h’yamim (HYMYM), and with the kolel of 1, it has the numerical value of 666. Thus, together, they give us the equation 50 x 66.6 jubilee years= 3330 years, which, as we’ve said, is the exact period of time from the first exodus and the reception of the Torah at Sinai when the tree-of-life was last offered to us in 2448 to the year 5778, which the tzaddikim have long known will be the next cosmic window for the Tree-of-life reality.
Nevertheless, in that same verse, Devarim 4:40, we also find that the full phrase “I am presenting to you today, so that He will be good to you and your children after you. Then you will endure for a long time in the land that God” has the numerical value 5777, and is only one of 13 phrases in the Torah with that value with the number 13 being the value of ahava (love) and Echad (one) as in “G-d is One” found later in this portion.
Echad (13) is not only the last word of the 6 words of verse, but teh 2nd half of the Shema + Echad equation that = 424, Moshiach Ben David, as mentioned in our earlier Shema articles.
But back to the word Shema, through its connection to the value 50, it also serves as the link between Zeir Anpin and Malchut. In that the initials of the last two sefirot have the numerical value of 10 and 40 respectively and also form the word for Sea (YM). If you look at the 5 sefirot of central column of the Tree-of-life you’ll see the initials of the upper 3 of them (CDT) equal 424, that o Moshiach Ben David, and the bottom 2 are Yud and Mem, 50.
The 6 words that initiate the Shema Ysrael are thus designed to help align us with the central column of the Tree-of-Life in order that we can help bring out and welcome Moshiach Ben David in our lifetime.  If there is one prayer that ALL (kol) Israel says it is the Shema Ysrael.  Let it be with the consciousness to bring Oneness and Moshiach.
Part IV of the Shema Ysrael will follow shortly, helping to fulfill my teacher’s wishes.