What is the Universe?

So what is the universe? We’re about to embark on a journey of explanation and exploration of the Third Holy Temple and thus be able to breach the confines of our universe.  We will take it very slowly so that each point can sink in well before we move on.  The...

Everything has a Purpose.

We’re starting a new book of the Torah this week, Vayikra, a new chapter in our lives.  The sum of the Names of the 5 Books is 2480, or 10 x 248, the numerical value of rachum (Mercy), injecting Mercy into the 10 sefirot (dimensions) for us.  It’s also the...

The 10 Utterances

There’s no complex math in this article, but a lot of numbers, and it can’t be helped. I try to tone down the amount of numbers in the posts, limiting them to the most significant and the minimum necessary to establish the synergies and proofs so that the...

The Hidden Message in the 10 Plagues

The 44th President of the United States has just been sworn in (twice, the second time without the Bible), about 66.6 jubilee years (Biblical 50-year interval) years after the 10 plagues and 8 years shy of the year 5778 when the tzaddikim have prophesied Moshiach and...