4 Wells and the Source of the Living Waters

What do the 4 wells in parsha Toldot have to do with Isaac being 60 and with the fountain of life? The Torah begins with the word for “well” permuted in its verse first 3 letters (BRE to BER), and actually it repeat it as the second word in the Torah (BRE...

The Vowels of And B'koach

When the correct vowels are to the Shem Mem-Bet, the 42 letter name of G-d, and the Name is split into two halves, 7 triplets on one side, and 7 on the other, the vowels on the right side of the Name have the collective value of 378, that of Chashmal, the electric...

King David and the Messiah

All the new wires are reporting a new archaeological find that will help verify the dates and importance of King David’s reign. Talmudic scholars already have the dates and know the importance. The Divine Calendar helps explain exactly why Kind David and Solomon...