by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 16, 2008 | Revelations
What is going on right now? Can things get worse? The spiritual tenet of kabbalah that has been lost on everyone is that when looking to solve a physical problem the only solution is a spiritual one. You can’t solve physical (material) problems with physical...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 9, 2008 | Revelations
Why do we count? Why does the Torah always list numbers, and why are numbers so hard for us to grasp? The following is an excerpt from The Divine Calendar about the curious mathematics in the 26 generations from Adam to Moses. It is just one more aspect in and of the...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 1, 2008 | Revelations
We’ve seen that in the Divine calendar from Adam to Mashiach, year 0 to year 5778 HC there is midpoint marked by the midpoint of King David’s 70 years life, the year 2889 HC. And it’s known by chazal that אדם (ADAM) stands for Adam-David-Mashiach....