We Were Told to Count to 50!

We were told to count to 50, yet every year we count to 49, and let G-d count the 50th day for us? But that’s not what we were told to do. As an adjunct to our last Article on the splitting of the Torah at Bamidbar (Numbers) Chapter 1 into the precise Phi...

The House of David; The Tide has Turned

From this weeks’ portion, Tetzaveh, Exodus 28:2 “And you shall make holy garments for your brother, Aaron, for splendor and beauty.” The Torah instructs the High Priest to wear 8 garments, 4 of white linen and 4 containing gold. The Hebrew words for...

The Dow Again

A couple weeks ago we pointed out some very odd alignments of the DOW Jones closings and the Jewish holidays this past 6 months and we suggested keeping an eye out for more. Well, there was no Jewish holiday yesterday, and on the 42nd day of the Obama presidency, the...