by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jul 9, 2010 | Revelations
In the Torah portion Pinchas, we find a broken letter vav(V) in the phrase “The Covenant of Peace,” the reward given to Pinchas by G-d for selflessly stopping the plague with his spear. Last week we revealed a new, yet ancient, and very telling gematria cipher, and...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 26, 2010 | Revelations
Have an amazing Purim everyone! And let us all connect to H’Mashiach and Hashem through the concealed. It is up to us the reveal them in our lives and world, the world of Malchut. This is what the Megillah Ester and the so-called traditions (actually the...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Oct 22, 2009 | Revelations
Before we reveal the measure of the ancient and future cubit, it is imperative that we understand the universal concept of 3. A true understanding of the sefirot (dimensions) and what their names signify is beyond all of us. It’s like trying to tell someone without a...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 12, 2008 | Revelations
It had rained for 2 days straight and with the flood water rising in my backyard, I was reading the Zohar on parsha Noach last night, and not surprisingly there are many insights there into the nature of water. What is in the water we drink? How long can we go without...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 9, 2008 | Revelations
There is a Biblical mystery that has intrigued man for over 2000 years, and another deeper mystery that has perplexed him even longer. The first is what Daniel meant by “Time, times, and half a time,” in his revelations about the end of days. And the...