The Missing 222 Years; What is Time?

Someone recently asked me why if some of the sages said Moshiach would come in the 6th millennium, did the tzaddkim say 5778; how are we to account for the missing 222 years.  The concept of time is a difficult one to grasp. Sure, we can all watch the clock and...

What's Really Concealed in Washington?

Dan Brown is a terrific writer and excellent researcher. Here are a few facts and Kabbalistic meanings to some of the facts he dug up for his bestseller The Lost Symbol. We’ve previously drawn numerous connections between the timing of the founding of America, the...

The Journeys of our Lives

These are the journey(s) of our lives. In the Torah portion Masei, we encounter the list of the 42 journeys the Israelites took during their 40 years in the desert including exiting the exile in Egypt at Pi-Haratha to entering the Promised Land. The tzaddikim,...

Blessing of the Sun

There’s a lot of chatter on the internet about the meaning of the blessing of the sun (Birkas HaChamah), which occurs every 28 years and next on April 8, 2009, erev Pesach 14 Nissan when the sun returns to the exact position as it was on the day it was created....

Phi in the Sky

I’m sorry for the delay in my posts. I’ve been working all week on the follow up article to the 10 Utterances and it’s such a crucial topic that spans 5 Torah portions that it’s taking longer then anticipated. Meanwhile, one of you had asked me...