In the Torah portion Pinchas, we find a broken letter vav(V) in the phrase “The Covenant of Peace,” the reward given to Pinchas by G-d for selflessly stopping the plague with his spear. Last week we revealed a new, yet ancient, and very telling gematria cipher, and when applied to “The Covenant of Peace,” a date is revealed, the same date given to us by Rav Yehuda HaLevi Ashlag and the tzaddikim for the geula (final redemption).
First, we must note that the Hebrew letters are like holograms in that even a part of them contains the entire image (letter). Thus the broken vav (V), shaped like Pinchas’ spear, is numerically equal to two Vavs(V,V). That said, The Covenant of Peace,” Et Briti Shalom (ET BRYTY ShLVM) has a total new gematria value 2017 when the kolel for the 12 letters is included. The year 2017 CE is the beginning of the year 5778 HC that Rav Ashlag and others have given for the revelation of the Tree-of-life reality.
Moreover, if we only consider a singular vav in the word Peace (Shalom), in other words, if we consider it as a broken peace, the new gematria reveals the year 2010, leaving us the 8 years of the Brit (covenant) of Moshiach (the Messiah, also know as the Prince of Peace) to complete the tumultuous “birthpages of Moshiach,” as the sages and prophets have described it in 5778.
In the next few days, we’ll also reveal how a revered representation of that same spear in Washington D.C. reveals this same date, but by a different and no less telling method. And also how the 42 letters of the Tree-of-life’s 10 sefirot (dimensions) also give us the date 2017.
Shabbat Shalom