When the correct vowels are to the Shem Mem-Bet, the 42 letter name of G-d, and the Name is split into two halves, 7 triplets on one side, and 7 on the other, the vowels on the right side of the Name have the collective value of 378, that of Chashmal, the electric field of the angels and spirit of the tzaddikim. The left side’s total vowel valuation is 210 as in the 210 years in Exile in Egypt. Each triplet of the right side has a valuation of 56, which is 2 x 28 (koach/power)except the middle triplet, which is 42, and the vertical sum of the first letters of each line is also 56, or twice 28. And 28 is the number of letters in the Torah’s first verse, the one connected to the Shem Mem-Bet.
If we add all the vowels in the Name, plus the kolel of 28 we get 378 + 210 + 28 = 616, the value of H’Torah, “The Torah.”
If we add the value of all the vowels to all the letters and subtract the kolel of 42, we get 3701 + 588 – 42 = 4247, with 424 being the value of Mashiach Ben David. And the sum of the letters and vowels of the first line, that associated with Abraham, total 612, the value of Brit (covenant), as in the Covenant of Abraham.