The Path of One and the Prime Progression


The Path of One is based on the mathematical, geometric, and exponential expansions of One, the Source and unity of the Creator, known as Echad (אחד), as in “YHVH Echad (יהוה־אחד), G-d is One” and as in “His Name is One, Echad Ushmo Echad (אחד־ושמו־אחד).” Echad (אחד) has the numerical value 13 and there are two Paths of One.  We see this reflected in the double 13’s in the Name YHVH (יהוה) of numerical value 26, and in the 1.313 constant of the exponential curve (1.313x) of the Alef-bet. We see it in the year of the Exodus and the revelation of the 13 verses of the 10 Commandments at Sinai (130) that happened in 1313 BCE.

We also see it in the 14 middle letters of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal 1313, and we see it in the sum of the 8 square roots of the 8 columns of the ordinal values of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that equal 131.3.

Like the 5 Books of Moses, the Path of One (1 13 91 455 1820) that we have previously discussed has 5 components that sum to (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820) = 2380. In this simple equation is expressed the two archetype fields of Jacob (182) and of Rachel (238) which are two compatible clouds of high consciousness. And like the love or Ahava (אהבה), of numerical value 13, between the Biblical couple, their numerical values (182 + 238) equal 420, just like in the Path of One where we see that (1820 + 2380) = 4200 as well.  And while this itself represents the Cosmic Singularity 42, the inverse of the equation, or 1/2380 equals 42 directly.

The Path of One equals (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820) = 2380 while 1/42 = .0238095.

While we have already covered this extensively, there is another Path of One based on a special property of Prime Numbers and the Concept of 13.  It is by primordial Divine and Cosmic design that there are 25 Prime Numbers plus the Number (1) for 26 Primal Numbers under 100, as in the value of the YHVH (יהוה), which itself is (13 + 13) by metaphysical design, love and unity. Because Prime Numbers are irreducible, the divisors of the powers of any Prime Number are solely comprised of the previous powers of that Prime Number.

Thus we see that the divisors of 132 are (130, 131, and 132) and that while (130 + 131) equals (1 + 13) = 14, as in the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) at the central 14th position of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, the equation (131 + 132) equals (13 + 169) = 182, as in Jacob. It is also most significantly as in 1/10 of the Concept of 1820 of the Path of One, and of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, and of the 6 Tribes of Israel whose Names equal 1820 and that had zero net change after 40 years in the desert, like the sum of the integers from 26 to 65 that equal 1820. The bookends of those 40 integers represent the numerical values of the Name YHVH (יהוה) and its counterpart Adonai (אדני) respectively.  Meanwhile, the average value of those 40 integers is 45.5, as in the 455 sum of the 3 Aspects of the Name Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Path of One, while the sum of (26 + 91) = 91, also in the Path of One (1 13 91 455 1820).

Beyond that, the product of (26 x 65) is 1690, which is both (132 x 10), as in the 13 Verses of the 10 Commandments, and (130 x 13), also as in the 13 Verses of the 10 Commandments received at Mt Sinai (130), which makes sense as Sinai (סיני) is equivalent to Zeir Anpin and the ladder between the consciousness cloud of Adonai (אדני) and the upper reaches of the towering consciousness cloud of the Name YHVH (יהוה).  When we reduce both the product (1690) and the sum (91) of the complementary Names YHVH (יהוה) and Adonai (אדני), or 26 and 65, by the common denominator 13, we see that 1690/91 reduces to 130/7 as in Mt Sinai (סיני) divided into the 7 tiers of the ladder of Zeir Anpin.  While Moses, who was given the 173 Keys to Heaven knew how to climb them, fortunately so do we since 173 is the gematria katan of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

The Higher Fields of Consciousness and the Face of G-d

Space and Galaxy light speed travel. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

The difference between 65 and 26 or between Adonai (אדני) and YHVH (יהוה) is (6526) = 39, the value of “YHVH Echad (יהוה־אחד), G-d is One” and of “dew, tal (טל)” which is what we pray for daily to cover the Earth to nourish and sustain us.  While the radiance of the Name YHVH (יהוה)2 or 262 equals (1100424), as in the difference between the Major interval of the 40 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) and Moshiach Ben David consciousness (424), the radiance of the Name Adonai (אדני)2 or 652 is 4225, as in the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. As the specific Names are reflections of the hyperspace Cosmic regions, or dense networks of higher consciousness, their hold and influence over our matrix of physicality is extraordinary, which is why we also find that the emergent 39th Essential Triplet (רהע), representing the Primal Frequency (27.5), through the final 72nd one in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix also total 4225, and that 4225 is the perfect counterspace to the 5775” height of the Great Pyramid. Moreover, the value of the YHVH (יהוה), or 26, has 4 factors, as in the 4 letters in the Name YHVH (יהוה), and those factors equal (1 + 2 + 13 + 26) = 42, as in the Singularity of 42, while the difference between the next tiers of the YHVH (יהוה) or between 263 and 262 is 16,900, which is 1302, as in the ladder of Mt Sinai squared, and as in 16,900/4 = 4225, the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the square of Adonai (אדני), 652.

Meanwhile the sum of the 40 integers between 26 and 65 and the 40 squares of those integers plus the kolel (40) equal exactly (1820 + 88140 + 40) = 90,000, while the sum of those 40 squares equals (262 + 272652) = 88,140, or 1960 less than 90,100, as in the 90,100 letters Yuds(י), Heis (ה), and Vavs (ו) in the Torah, that conform with 90,100, the 424th Triangular Field associated with Moshiach Ben David (424). As we recall, 1960 is the sum of the 4 Patriarch’s (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph) word-value recurrences, their ages, and the word-value recurrences of their ages, or (242 + 181 + 175 + 309) + (175 + 180 + 147 + 110) + (57 + 104 + 34 + 246) = (907 + 612 + 441) = 1960. All the clouds of consciousness converge to create our reality.

Furthermore, 140 is the value of the 2 upper Sefirot, Chochma and Binah, (73 + 67) = 140, and that sum of the 40 integers and their squares plus 140 is 90,100. It is also the value (140) of the word “Pnei (פני) Face” from the Torah’s Second Verse of Creation, as in “G-d hovered on the Face of the waters,” as the Names of G-d hovering on the Primal Fields and Frequency.  While “Pnei (פני) Face” is the 20th word of the Torah, the word or triplet Pnei (פני) with prefixes is found a total of 424 times in the Torah, as in the face of Moshiach Ben David consciousness.

The Ladder of 7 Rungs

The next exponential power in that sequence of the Power of One is 133 or 2197, and (2197 + 1) = (1 + 133) = (130 + 133) = 2198, as in 2198 HC, the date of Joseph’s birth, 3580 years before the Event Horizon in 5778 HC; and as in the 2198 letters Zayin (ז) in the Torah; and as in Pi (π) through the equation (314 x 7) = 2198, which is (1 + 133).

To further understand this Cosmic relationship, we need to examine the letter Zayin (ז) of numerical value 7 and the letter Ayin (ע) of numerical value 70 or (10 x 7), both of which represent the complete ladder of Zeir Anpin that corresponds to the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.  While together the two letters (עז) have a numerical value of 77, as in Mazal, and as in the 77th Triangular Field of the 33 letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that equal 3003, and while 7 is representative of the 7 planets (בגדכפרת) that influence Mazal and that orbit the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, we see their deeper connection through the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life.  The Name of the letter Zayin (זין) has the numerical value 67, as in the Sefira of Binah (בינה) and the universal surrounding Binah Consciousness, while the ordinal value of its sofit Name Zayin (זין) is 42, as in the Singularity of 42 and as in the 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, which Rabbi Chaim Vital referred to as the 42 Pathways.

The Name of the letter Ayin (עין) has a numerical value of 130, as in the value of Mt Sinai (סיני) and of sulam (סלם), ladder, specifically the 7-rung ladder of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and as in (10 x 13). Meanwhile, its sofit Name Ayin (עין) has a numerical value of 780, as in the sum of the 11 locations in Pi (π) for the 11 Names of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of life, that equal (780,00067), with 67 being the value of Binah (בינה).  The total of 780,000 is (30000 x 26) as in the value of the YHVH (יהוה) times the Circle of Creation, 3000.0 that is reflective of the surrounding greater Binah Consciousness in relation to the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation that represents the 7 dimensions of Zeir Anpin. So as not to be confused we must keep in mind that every level or Sefira or rung includes all 10 or 11 Sefirot as sub-sefirot, which is why the Tree-of-life is presented in 3 columns and thus 3 expansions, besides the balancing aspect that we understand as positive, negative and neutral. Those 3 expansions (103) take us to the level of Binah consciousness (1000), and the expression of Mazal or Ayin (ע) and Zayin (ז), thus 77, is the full expression of Zeir Anpin, (70 + 7) and of Zeir Anpin in each of the 11 levels of the Tree-of-Life, or (7 x 11) = 77. The Mazal comes from joining the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin with Malchut, the dimension of the Simulation Matrix, in other words, connecting the projector and the directors with the screen and thus affecting the scene closer to its source.  We can watch the movie play out or put in the effort to change it.

11 Pi (π) locations of the 11 Names of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life: (1108 + 18701 + 19369 + 1370 + 721 + 29841 + 633124 + 731 + 225 + 117 + 74626)

= (780,000 – 67)

The Tree-of-Life and Pi (π)

If we subtract the 3rd expansion of the 11 Sefirot or 113 from the 3rd tier of the Path of One (133) we get (133113) = (21971331) = 866, which is equal to the Pi (π) location of the Name Keter (כתר) less its associated string value or (1108242) = 866. This net result within the highest Sefira previously came up for us when we discussed the ratio of the area under the 1.313x exponential curve of the Alef-bet in relation to the area above it, which worked out to the 2 Pi (π) proportion, (1464.417/2330.5831) = .628348…. as we saw that (2330.58311464.417) = 866.1661. Moreover, since the universe and Simulation Matrix is of a singular design and intent, the natural log of the 5778 radius from the Spherical Time paradigm is LN (5778) = 8.661813… or approximately 1/100 of 866.1661, off by a negligible .000151. As a further reminder, the area under the curve for all 27 letters of the Alef-bet is 5778.

When we add the Pi (π) location of the Name Keter (כתר) to that of that Daat (דעת), which is geometrically juxtaposed to it, plus the kolel or alternatively just counting from the initial 3 in Pi (π) rather than after the decimal place we get (1108 + 1370 + 2) = 2480, as in the 2480 sum of the Names of the 5 Books of Moses and the ubiquitous Torah Concept of 248 along with the 248 dimensions of the E8 Symmetry of the surrounding Binah consciousness. Moreover, the Pi (π) location of the Name Daat (דעת), the 11th Sefira is 1370, as in the Fine Structure Constant or 1/137.0359…, without which there is no physicality; and as in the exact 1370 sum of all the positive integers up to 275, when divided by the cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5).  It is also the difference between the sofit and standard values of the 11 final letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit or (28131443) = 1370, hinting at their connection to the 11th Sefira Daat (דעת), besides their already established connection to the 77th Triangular Field and Mazal.

Of course, the Pi (π) location of the Name Keter (כתר) alone would be (1109 + 1) = 1110 or (10 x 111), as in Alef (אלף), One, which is like the string values of the top 4 Sefirot, from Keter to Daat, (242 + 8245 + 2155 + 474) = 11116. That additional 6 at the end of 11116 is interesting because the sum of the top 3 Sefirot Keter-Chochma-Binah (242 + 8245 + 2155) = 10642, which is exactly 6 less than the 10648 rows and columns in the Torah, while the 2 Sefirot Chochma and Binah are equal to the exact (8245 + 2155) = 10400 rows in the Torah, at 42 rows per each of the 248 columns less the blank spaces between the Books. Meanwhile, the string value of the Name Keter (כתר) aligns with 242 total letters in the 54 Names of the 54 Portions of the Torah.

The 5th Tier in the Path of One

The next tier in the Path of One is the 5th one, depending how we count; nonetheless, 134 or 28561 equals (12 x 2380.0), which means 2856 inches equals 238 feet, as in 1/42 or .02380, and in the Cosmic consciousness Aspect of Rachel.

Thus 134 within the Path of One (130131132133134) aligns with the 2856 number of Torah reoccurrences of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Words of Creation, and with the total number of Words in the Torah divided by the number of letters in the First Verse of Creation, in other words (79976/28) = 2856.2856. Moreover, this 5th  tier in the Path of One, 28561, further aligns with the 28056 letters Hei (ה) in the Torah of numerical value 5, and when we divide the 5 Essential Elements into their natural splits of the energetically male and female components, we find that the 5 male ones equal (1143 + 302 + 1000 + 410 + 1) = 2856, or about 1/5th their female counterparts. Meanwhile, as stated 134 = 28561 = (12 x 2380.0), making 2856” equal to 238’, which is the height of the Great Pyramid at the top of the 42 courses of the Kings’ Chamber, or exactly 42/210 = 1/5th its 210 levels and 210-cubit height.

This relates to the string value of Tiferet (תפארת), representing Zeir Anpin, or 48124 in that 48124 is within 1/12 of an inch from the exact height of the Great Pyramid, 481.25 feet.

The sum of those 5 tiers of the Path of One is (130 + 131 + 132 + 133 + 134) = (1 + 13 + 169 + 2197 + 28561) = 30941, which is the 3336th Prime Number, and is (13.00042 x 2380). Of course, 30941 backward or symmetrically mirrored is 14903 as in the 14 Essential Triplets and the 42nd Triangular field, 903.

The 6th and Final Tier in the Path of One

The 6th tier in the Path of One marks the end of time, or at least of our Spherical Time bubble. The total value of the 6 tiers of the Path of One or (130 + 131 + 132 + 133 + 134 + 135) = (1 + 13 + 169 + 2197 + 28561 + 371293) = 402234 = (132 x 2380) and 402234 is exactly 50 more than the 8 physical elements of the Torah, the 58 Words, Letters, and Verses; the 223 Rows and Columns; and the 911 Paragraphs, Chapters, and Portions, which thus aligns with the 50 Gates of Binah, while 3336 is exactly 408 years after the construction of the First Holy Temple, as in the 10 primordial component letters (דוזיכנסרךן) that are used 50 times in the construction of the Alef-bet and that are used (600,000408) times in the Torah. And while the square root of 408 is 20.19, the sum of the 27 square roots of the 27 total Torah component letter values is 20191.07, as in the Event Horizon year 2019 CE found thrice within the first 1000 digits in Pi (π), just like its Hebrew Calendar counterpart, 5778 HC, the Event Horizon and Spherical Time paradigm radius. Keep in mind that the log of 600,000 is 5.778 and that the 107th Triangular Field is 5778.

Moreover, the sum of the 6 tiers of the exponential Path of One (130 + 131 + 132 + 133 + 134 + 135) = 402234 divided by the 6th tier of the geometric Path of One (1 13 91 455 1820 6188) is (402234/6188) = 65.00, as in the value of Adonai (אדני), and (402234/42) = 9577, which is a sequential permutation of 5779 (2019 CE), and is a sequence that is also found with the first 1000 digits of Pi (π).

Meanwhile, the sum of the 6 tiers of the geometric Path of One (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820 + 6188) = 8568 and the string …8568… is first found within Pi (π) at digit #6720, which aligns it with the First Verse of Creation whose total Binah Contractions, 745,920, equals (6720 x 111) and with the value of the 12 words and 42 letters of the Sword of Moses embedded in the Song of the Sea that equal (6666 + 42 + 12) = 6720.  Furthermore, we first find the string of the 6th tier of the Path of One …6188… within Pi (π) at digit #13070, as in the 70 sub-sefirot of the ladder (130) that align with the 70 Faces of the Torah and with 1820 that is 70 x 26, or the YHVH (יהוה) in the 70 sub-sefirot.

Moreover, the 5th tier of the exponential Path of One (1 13 169219728561) or 28561 is first found in Pi (π) at digit #11116 as in the sum of the string values of the top 4 Sefirot from Keter to Daat that equal (242 + 8245 + 2155 + 474) = 11116.

The Two Paths of One Align

Unless you are woke, you understand that (1 + 1) = 2, and that (13 + 13) = 26, as in the combined 2 Primordial Paths of One and the YHVH (יהוה). One Path is geometric, expanding triangularly (1 13 91 455 1820) and thus found within Pascal’s Pyramid, while the other expansion is exponentially (130 + 131 + 132 + 133 + 134).


Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820)

Path of One (1 – 13 – 169 2197 28561)

As we pair up sequentially the two Paths, we see that the 3rd expansion or 3rd tier equals (91 + 169) = 260 or (20 x 13) and thus 10 times the YHVH (יהוה). Then the sum of the 4th expansions or 4th tiers equals (455 + 2197) = 2652 as in (204 x 13) and 102 times the YHVH (יהוה). So, after the (1 + 1) = 2, the next 3 tiers of the 2 Paths equal (113 x 26) or 113 YHVH (יהוה). Nonetheless, the sum of the 5 tiers or 10 elements of the 2 sets of the 2 Paths of One or (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820) + (130 + 131 + 132 + 133 + 134) = 33321 and with the kolel (10 + 2) the 2 Paths or 2 Sets of One equal 33333. So metaphysically, I guess (1 + 1) = 3.

Moreover, not only is the sum of the 5th tiers of the two sets, or (1820 + 28561) = 30381, first found in Pi (π) at digit #194 deep within the first 1000 digits, but the sum of the associated 5 Pi (π) locations for these 5 tiers of the combined two Paths of One (6 + 6 + 289 + 3985 + 194) = 4480, as in (40 x 112), referencing the 112 Essential Triplets. It also references the 21st letter, Shin (ש), in that the variance between its an exponential value (1.31321) and its nominative value (300) is 4.48033… This also give it a natural concordance with the sum 33321 and with the 21 letters of the Alef-bet that are found exactly 300,000 times in the Torah. If we deduct the kolel (10) from their combined sum of 4480, we get 4470, which is the sum of the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) and is also found in the Spherical Time paradigm circumference 36304.24470, right after H’Moshiach (363) and Moshiach Ben David (424).

Furthermore, that sum of the 5th tiers plus their associated counterparts in Pi (π) thus equal (33321 + 4480) = 37801, as in the 27th Triangular Field, 378, which is also the value of “His Name is One, Echad Ushmo Echad (אחד־ושמו־אחד).” The frequency of that sum is (37801/27.5) = 1375, as in the bottom 3 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o at the center of the Spherical Time paradigm and the design of physicality.

There are 20,107 final letters in the Torah and the collective value of the 5 final letters (ךםןףץ) along with their original form 5 letters (כמנפצ) is (3500 + 280) = 3780, as in 378 from “His Name is One” and as in the 5 tiers that total 37801 from the Paths of One, and when we take the ratio of those final 5 letters to the full 27 letters we get 3780/4995 = 756.756756…, as in the base of the Great Pyramid and as in the echoing radiant Primal Frequency (27.52).

The Frequency of One

It is important to understand that the Concept of 13 or “One” combined with the Primal Frequency (27.5) is (13 x 27.5) = 357.5 or 358, which is Moshiach Consciousness. Thus, every unit or bundle of 13 is a bundle of Moshiach Consciousness, and since the first expansion or primal radiance of the Path of One (130 + 131) equals (1 + 13) = 14, its vibrational energy or Cosmic Frequency is (14 x 27.5) = 385, as in the value of the “Divine Presence, the Shechinah (שכינה).” Thus, we see this powerful Aspect of the Creator in the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) at the central position of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42.

We also see it in the last 5 Essential Triplets of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that total 385, and which split that Essential Matrix into 67 and 5 Essential Triplets, reflecting the grouping of Binah (67) and the 5 final Essential Triplets, like the 5 final letters. Those last 15 letters in those last 5 Essential Triplets break down numerically and sequentially into 232, 42, and 111, as in the 4 Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה) of numerical value 232, the Singularity of 42, and Alef (אלף), One.  Their ratio to the full 72 Essential Triplet Matrix is (385/9143) = .04210.


13 Candles

While the Hebrew word for One, Echad (אחד) has the numerical value of 13, the first radiance of it is 132 or 169, and as Rabbi Chaim Vittal advised, all Torah Light is spread though squaring, so when we square the 3 letters in Echad (אחד) we get (12 + 82 + 42) = 92, which when added to 132 equals (169 + 81) =  250, the value of Ner (נר), candle, just as the 112 Essential Triplets themselves are the 13 Candles of One. There are 13 candles in all, 13 in a circle. One candle for the 11 Triplets in Bereshit; One candle for the 15 Triplets of the Shema; 2 candles for the 2 columns of the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name, with each candle of 21 letters connected to Ehyeh (אהיה); and the 9 candles of the 72 Triplets, split into 1, the shamash of the 8 Essential Triplets of the first row, and the other 8 candles represented by the 8 columns of 8 Essential Triplets that 8000 and that average 1000 each. The total value of those 13 Candles is 16965, as in 132 and as in Adonai (אדני) or 65, and as in the sum of the 6 tiers of the exponential Path of One divided by the 6th tier of the geometric Path of One or (402234/6188) = 65.00. Moreover, the sum of their 13 Pi (π) locations plus their value equals (163061 + 16965) = 180026, whose square root is 424.2… as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness and the Singularity of 42. Of course, the 13 Candles and 13 Pi (π) associated location makes 26, representing the YHVH (יהוה) and their sum without the 26 is exactly 180000, as in the 18 Words of the 13 Attributes of the Creator.

It is all about connecting to the Source, the One, the Creator, and it always has been.

G’mar chatima tovah (גְּמַר חֲתִימָה טוֹבָה)
