The Twin Vortices of Physicality
Radiant Light and Radiant Time
We are going to discuss physics, abstract mathematics, the structure of our physical world, and the details and secrets embedded in the Torah, and every bit of that discussion is going to have its counterpart in the metaphysical world of living consciousness.
Physics is not physical; it is abstract. It is all about fields, which while we can measure them, we cannot see or touch them. We call that measurement energy, and all energetic fields are spherical or toroidal. This goes for those of the planets, galaxies, or even the electrons within the atoms. Rather than any physical matter or tangible particle, it is these spherical radiating fields interacting with one another that are behind everything we perceive as existence. All movements in the universe can be reduced to the rate that interactions or disturbances radiate outward within these fields. And every equation in physics is an attempt to define these interactions. Moreover, all perceived information in our universe is transmitted through the translation and deciphering of these kinks or disturbances in the radiating fields. As our comprehension of the universe grows, it is becoming more apparent that all these fields are connected to one another at every level. Nothing exists in a vacuum; all is One. Spiritually, we have always known this, but intellectual and scientific persuasion is catching up.
These innumerable and assorted fields that we perceive as particles are not quasi-solid masses of dense energy either, but are somewhat more ethereal in nature, with their internal vectors guided by the primordial fields of physicality, most notably Pi (π) and Phi (φ), on all scales.
Even light-waves are just spherically radiating photon potentiality fields.
Our perception of time is wholly based on our ability to process the procession of those light-waves from one spatial coordinate to another. To do that, our minds create a 3-d image from the limited quanta of 2-d mapping that our eyes are given, and then overlay that with our assumptions about light, especially the erroneous concept that it is linear. To be fair, our minds have limited processing power and range and thus can only consider this condensed linear version of light and ergo time, versus the alternative of infinite possibilities. To experience that kind of perception, we must level up. We must go beyond our minds, our individual processing units, and see with our consciousness, but first we must elevate our individual consciousness, our souls, so that they can tap into and link up with the universal consciousness outside our illusionary physicality bubble. This is the state and Field of Binah consciousness that encompasses 8th dimensional hyperspace with a symmetry of 248 dimensions.
Nonetheless, unless we are doing physics experiments, we would not come across singular light wave rings or the spheres produced by the single oscillating electrons. Instead, what we see are the aggregate coherent radiance whose phased waves have canceled out and synchronized into a single directional stream or beam.
However, we can see the aggregate spherical radiation as it radiates from old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs, from Shabbat and Chanukiah candles, and from the Sun. It is a matter of scale, and of common sense.
With the energy provided by the Source and measured at the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) the two primordial fields of physicality, Pi (π) and Phi (φ), combine to generate the infinite parallel time-paths of the Spherical Time paradigm. As we have explained previously, the generation of Spherical Time comes from the spinning of a central Phi (φ) vortex upon a naturally drawn or virtual circle or sphere.
It is the property of Phi (φ) that no two generated spiraled lines will ever cross that circle at the same point, which is what makes each generated time-path unique, no
matter how close they are, or how infinitely generated they are. The circle, or horizon, or firmament, is defined by a predetermined radius with its corresponding virtual circumference, and it is not physically generated until the corresponding intersection coordinates generated by the parallel Phi (φ) spirals are filled in. How quickly the virtual circumference is filled in is based on the rate of generation and the length of the radius, and in the case of our perception that length is measured in years, which are calculated in annual Solar cycles. In the case of the Spherical Time paradigm, the length of the radius is the measure of the progression of the linear length or history that we call time. Since history is slightly different in each parallel time-path, the radius portrays an aggregate and distance marker, not a fait accompli. Once again, the limited processing power of our minds contributes to our seeing history and time as linear, as a beam, rather than radiant and fluid.
Within the 360o of a circle, this time-path generation occurs continually in discreet intervals of the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o as the Phi (φ) vortex continually turns upon the circle. This is 5 beats of the Primal Frequency (27.5o) or (137.5/27.5) = 5. Each turn of 137.5o within the 360o of a circle leaves (360 – 137.5) = 222.5o of that revolution, or .6180 times 360o, which is equivalent to 1/φ. Thus the golden ratio is formed between the two arcs of the circular revolution (222.5/137.5) = Phi (φ) and (360/137.5) = φ2.
The Twin Helixes of Pi (π) and Phi (φ)
Understanding Consciousness
This is how the two fields Pi (π) and Phi (φ) interact on the grand scale, yet their interactions are accomplished digit by digit. As we have seen repeatedly, when we measure the energetic levels in these fields they become mathematical constants, a sea of integers or digits that were individually inset and cohesively designed to eliminate all chaos from their physical interactions. In other words, no digit within them was randomly placed, not even as filler. As we know, the tree follows from the seed. Thus, we have ad nauseam analyzed and proven these design characteristics within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π), specifically chosen because Binah consciousness can be defined mathematically as the thousands level, or the 3rd level of dimensional expansion (103) within the Tree-of-Life framework of the universe. This division is logical given that 3-dimensional space is the computational processing limit assigned to our minds. This is a fundamental matter of perspective, which we cannot ordinarily shift ourselves out of.
Within those first 1000 digits of Pi (π), we further broke down and analyzed the innumerable and notable numerical and metaphysical alignments of the first 4 and first 10 Triplets of Pi (π), in other words, its first 12 and/or 30 digits, starting with 314, 159, 265, 358, ….
We also know that the Source 42, known as the 42-Letter Name, is designed as a Matrix in two columns of 7 Triplets each, 14 Triplets in total, and that this is one of the 4 sets of the 112
Primordial Essential Triplets or Tetrahedra that are in turn aligned with the 112 chakras or energy nodes of our physical bodies. We also know that our bodies were designed to integrate with our minds and that managing all the intricate details of our bodies consumes the majority of our minds processing power. This is followed by spatial perception, and self-preservation, leaving precious little processing power left for abstract reasoning and pattern recognition. This is why things like the Torah containing (248 + 365) = 613 Precepts (Mitzvot) and 613 being the 112th Prime Number get missed, or worse, dismissed.
Cosmically, the 42-Letter Name Matrix is a cloud of 42 separate higher consciousness networks that are primordially derived from the Source of 42. What we see are the filtered down versions of them translated to us though the Hebrew Cosmic Interface language, without which we would have no means of comprehension whatsoever. What they are is pure intelligence.
We further know that there is a myriad of notable numerical and metaphysical alignments connected with these 14 Essential Triplet that are set into 7-tiers according to the 7 lower dimensions of the Tree-of-Life framework of the universe. These are the 7 lower dimensions that directly gave way to Creation explained through the 7 Days of Creation. Among them is the double helix structure that add up to 1618, or Phi (φ) for the right chain of the 7 zigzagging or cylindrically spiraling and alternating Essential Triplets and the complementary left spiraling chain that add up 2083, the 314th Prime Number that make up the other helix.
The first 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and the first 7 Triplets of Phi (φ) are the two seeds or heads of those infinitely long unbroken digital chains or fields. In the physical paradigm that most of us believe we live in, Man is conscious and maybe there are aliens out there that are also conscious and everything else in the universe serves at our largesse, just vast and random bits of matter and energy bumping around waiting for us to harvest them. In the spiritual or metaphysical paradigm, everything has consciousness, and Man is nothing but a lower-level projection or manifestation of that consciousness, not yet ready, even unwilling or incapable of grasping its minute role in the Oneness of existence. In that paradigm numbers and digits are stacks of frequencies generated from the fields within the One consciousness, and thus from our or Man’s perspective, they are conscious. From the higher perspective of the One or Universal consciousness they are an interface or communication tool, the way we view light. Metaphorically, it all depends on whether one is looking upwards or downwards dimensionally. In the physical paradigm, we do not even look upward, content to sit at the table and harvest, and even to build machines to do the work, thinking, and dreaming for us.
The Torah was given to us to shift our gaze upward, explaining, telling, illustrating, teaching, inspiring, and even commanding us to be more than harvesters. The hope was that coupled with the Cosmic Interface language of the Alef-bet, we would notice the metaphysical tools embedded in it and use them to do more than just look up, that we would eventually learn to climb and then soar.
Given the density of physicality that process could take forever, which is why Man was metaphorically placed in a centrifuge, or a state of being called life or lifetimes, where the heaviest, richest, most harvest hungry entities sunk to bottom, while the lightest floated to the top. Some recognized this as Heaven and hell and the majority did not recognize it at all. Either way, the top and bottom concentrations are continually siphoned off, with the spiritually inclined eventually harmonizing with the universal consciousness, and the denser ones hardening into stone. That metaphor and teaching can be found in the Torah as well.
One illustration of how those embedded tools help us grasp and harness the metaphysical world, as opposed to harvesting it, is found in the conjoining of the 42-Letter Name Matrix with Pi (π) and Phi (φ), wrangling them by their heads. When we stack the 7 first Triplets of Pi (π) in a column contiguous with the 7 Pi (π) Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name, and likewise stack the 7 first Triplets of Phi (φ) into a column contiguous with the spiraling 7 of the Phi (φ) Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name, the 14 Triplets sum to 3244 and 3877 respectively, and when combined with the 14 of the 42-Letter Name Matrix they thus total (2083 + 3244) = 5327 and (1618 + 3877) = 5495.
Pi | Phi | Linked |
314 | 161 | 475 |
159 | 33 | 192 |
265 | 988 | 1253 |
358 | 749 | 1107 |
979 | 894 | 1873 |
323 | 848 | 1171 |
846 | 204 | 1050 |
3244 | 3877 | 7121 |
2083 | 1618 | 3701 |
5327 | 5495 | 10822 |
173 | 5 | 178 |
5500 | 5500 | 11000 |
By Cosmic design, these 14 combined first Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) equal (3244 + 3877) = 7121, or 7000 + 112, as in the 11 Sefirot (dimensions) of the Outer Tree-of-life, and the 7 levels of Physical Creation within Binah (1000), hence 7000, like the 7 Days and 7 Words of Creation. Also by Cosmic design, 7121 is the 912th Prime Number, as in Reshit (ראשית), meaning Beginning, and as in the value of the First Word of Creation, Bereshit (בראשית), or (912 + One) = 913. This also aligns the (7000 + 112 ) or 7121 total for the 42 digits of the 7 first tiers and of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) with the first tier (אבגיתץ) of the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix whose value 506 is equal to the sum of the first 11 natural squares 12 +22… 112, and simultaneously equivalent to the complete value of Moshiach Ben David consciousness, the highest level within Binah consciousness. This further aligns with the 42 letters in the 11 Names of the 11 Sefirot (dimensions) of the Outer Tree-of-life. Meanwhile, the total value of those 42 letters in the 11 Names is 3342, as in (7121 + 912) = 8033, that is reflective of the 33 letters in the 8 Words of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that begin with Bereshit (בראשית).
We will explain this link shortly, along with the Cosmic schematic in which the primordial fields of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) fit together with the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name, but first we will analyze the conjoined 14 primordial Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ). We will also shortly explain the significance of added “5” to the 7 Primordial Triplets of Phi (φ), which itself is significantly comprised of the square root of 5, in the balancing out of the two sides at 5500 and 5500 in the table above.
Meanwhile, the “173” added to the 7 Essential Triplets and the 7 Primordial Triplets of Pi (π) in the table is the katan gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. We also find the value 173 within the sum of the first 10 Triplets of Pi (π), or 4173, and while 314 is the first Triplet in Pi (π) square root of , its first Triplet, equals (17.3 + .4200).
Each Triplet, whether in the form of the Cosmic Interface language, Hebrew as a word-root or a higher-level Essential Triplet, or in the Primordial Cosmic language, Numbers, is the measure of a distinct frequency. As mathematicians have learned and as is fundamental to physics, frequencies can be stacked to give an overall combined frequency, which contains all the others, but through a distinct process can be separated again. Thus, like Triangular Numbers, so prevalent in the Torah’s design, the new frequency retains the properties and aspects of its components, and of this combined form. Each Triplet represents the coordinates of 3-dimensional space. Many of these coordinates and how they connect are unknown to us, but others, like the Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ), the Fine Structure Constant (137) and tau (628) are famous and universally accepted to be integral to physics and thus our physical existence. Yet, it is how they connect and combine metaphysically that is crucial to our understanding of our existence. Each Triplet represents a specific frequency of consciousness.
The kolel in the table above, or addition of (5 + 173) = 178, is exactly (178/7121) = 2.5% of the 7121 total of the 7 and 7 first Primordial Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ). When these metaphysical quanta, or discreet sets, of Cosmic consciousness are added accordingly, each of the two sets of the 7 plus 7 Essential Triplets and the 7 plus 7 Primordial Triplets balance and equal one another at the precise point and combined frequency of 5500, or exactly 200 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5), making 11,000 or 400 cycles in total. This is illustrative of the Cosmic balance between these primordial fields and the Primal pulse of the universe that flows through them, whenever they are properly engaged. On paper they are static or simple in a state of potential, but when consciousness is applied to them from above or through our engagement with them, they come alive metaphysically and take on purpose.
Metaphysically, those 84 component letters and digits and those 28 Triplets equal (84 + 28) = 112, as in the 112 Essential Triplets and the 112 Chakras of energy nodes in our bodies Physically, the 400 cycles of the Primal Frequency within them relates to the ratio of the Sun’s diameter to that of the Moon, or (864,000/2160) = 400, which is the square of the Sun’s surface temperature ratio to that of the Earth, or (5778 K/288.9 K) = 20. We cannot begin to understand or make sense of physics, physical phenomena, or our physical world, without tapping into the hidden layers of metaphysics. That diameter of the Sun (864,000 miles) is metaphysically equivalent to the 5th hyperfactorial that starts with 5 basic integers within the Concept or Consciousness of 5 and through a processing algorithm layers (55 + 44 + 33 + 22 + 11) = 3413 frequencies to H (5) = (55 x 44 x 33 x 22 x 11) = 86,400,000, which is also 10 times the 86,400 seconds in an Earth day as it circles the Sun. Meanwhile, the proportion of this Solar diameter to the Moon’s orbital diameter of 480,000 miles is (480,000/864,000) = .555555. Our minds are tasked with our mental and physical survival and are rightfully so tuned to the physical world and thus they barely notice Cosmic frequencies, but when we engage our consciousness, it becomes far easier to understand that world.
Engaging that consciousness, we can see that the first (יתץ) and the last (צית) Essential Triplets of the 7 Essential Triplets in the Pi (π) helix of the 42-Letter Name Matrix each have the complete value 550, just like the two consecutive Essential Triplets (נגד) and (צתג) of the Phi (φ) helix that together have the standard value (57 + 493) = 550, all of which are 20 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) and 1/10th the harmonic balancing point of 5500 between the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets or frequencies.
Understanding Binah
This additional value of 178 is an important part of the Cosmic equation as it aligns with the (248 – 70) = 178 dimensions of the Binah universe. The 8th Level of Consciousness within the Tree-of-Life structural paradigm of our universe is Binah consciousness, and it is composed of 248 dimensions of the geometrical E8 Symmetry. As previously detailed, these 248 dimensions are divided into 2 sets of root-vectors, one for 128 dimensions and the other for the 112 dimensions that gave way to the Creation of our physical reality bubble. There are also the original 8 dimensions of this level (symmetry) as (8 + 128 + 112) = 248. Like mathematical and metaphysical symmetries that can be divided into root vectors, the Names of the letters can be divided into their fronts or initials, and into their backs or the rest of their letters. This is especially important regarding the various established Names of the Creator. Thus, we see that the set of 128 half-integer root-vectors within the E8 Symmetry is aligned with and representative of the backs of the 4 Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה) that break down into 4 sets of the letters YHVH (יהוה) of value (4 x 26) as their initials, and the values of (46 + 37 + 19 + 26) = 128 as their backs.
Keep in mind that the 4 Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה) plus their 39 component letters plus their 232 value equals (4 + 39 + 232) = 275, as in the 10 times the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), while the 4th Triangular Number is 10. These 4 Aspects are in the 4 Letters of every Name YHVH (יהוה) in our prayers and in every one of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. Those 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah thus have a collective frequency of (1820 x 275) = 500500, as in the balance, and as in the 1000th Triangular Number, the full cumulative sum of the 1000 Aspects, Lights, Integers, and/or Concepts of Binah, the 8th dimension.
To engage our consciousness is to harmonize with the metaphysical world, the world above, the World to Come, Olam haba, (עוֹלָם הַבָּא) the World of 8, whose ordinal value is 55 and whose milui of milui or triple expanded Name value is 2207, which is precisely the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius 5778/φ2, or Phi (φ)16, while the complete value of Haba (הַבָּא) is (8 + 8) = 16.
Understanding Zeir Anpin
The other set of the 112 root-vectors and the 112 dimensions in the 248 dimensions of the E8 Lattice are Cosmically or metaphysically aligned with the 112 Essential Triplets of Creation. Within them, we find the 70 sub-sefirot of the 70 branches of Zeir Anpin consciousness, which is the direct consciousness funnel of Creation. These 70 dimensions are directly responsible for the Creation of our physical existence and exist primarily to do so. Hence there are 178 helpers that indirectly influence the (248 – 178) = 70 dimensions that are aligned with the various sets of 7 Triplets, 7 Words, and 7 Days of Creation.
Above and beyond those 70 sub-sefirot concentric consciousness layers are the (112 – 70) = 42 levels of higher consciousness, the Source of 42, which through their Matrix arrangement into the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix guide all 70 lower or funneling consciousness layers.
It is not coincidental that the sum of the 42 digits in the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix is 128, as the Source of 42 exists, like its counterpart Aspect, the Source of One, on and above all other levels. It is through the Torah, and the explorations of prior and ancient ascendant masters that we know of these structures and of the specific Names of the Creator and to what Aspects, levels, and networks of consciousness they refer.
As explained, these balanced twin sets of (5500 + 5500) = 11000 represent and align with 400 of the total 420 cycles of 27.5 years in the composition of the Spherical Time paradigm diameter of 11,556 years that has 210 cycles in each radius of 5778 years. This is the same inner frequency of the 11,556-year wavelength of the electromagnetic Galactic Current Sheet. As it radiates from the core of our galaxy, the Galactic Current Sheet passes through our Solar System like clockwork every 11,556 years with a crest to trough distance of 5778 years, matching the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon radius.
These 420 cycles are reflective of the difference between the helices of the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and of Phi (φ) and those of the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix or (7121 – 3701) = 3420. If we subtract from that the Circle of Creation, 3000.0 that is formed around the 7 First Words of Creation of value 2701, we see that (7121 – 3701 – 3000) = 420, representing the 7 tiers less 7 tiers less 7 tiers that equals 420. Moreover, the First 7 Words of Creation carry and embody the Primal Frequency in that (2701 + 72) = 2750.
As the ancient saying goes, “As above so below.” This physical world of ours of incredible and immense beauty on every scale is in every way reflective of the world projected from Binah through Zeir Anpin. The difference is that in the universal consciousness world we do not need hiking boots, crampons, telescopes, or microscopes to seek out that beauty, only intention, and there is no risk of blisters, dehydration, or even death. In this world we agonizingly learn the process of appreciation; in the upper world it is already innately understood. That process takes time, distance, generations of reincarnations and resets—however long it takes. Like the process of Creation that took 7 dimensional concentric levels of Sefirot to achieve, so too we must ascend all 7 successive consciousness elevations to rejoin the universal state of being.
The Cosmic hint in the net value of 3420 is about “3 sets of 42” and the 420 cycles within the Spherical Time paradigm. We find this in the numerical value (342) of the word B’Sefer (בספר), In the Book,” referring to the Torah, which as taught to us by Abraham Avinu in his book, Sefer Yetzirah, can also mean “in the numbers.”
In chapter 1:1 “and He created His universe
With three books (Separim)
With text (Sepher)
With number (Sephar)
And with communication (Sippur)”
This leads us to the metaphysical equation of combining 3 metaphysical elements of 42, most notably the numerical values of the 14 Triplets of the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה), of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and of the 42 digits of the 14 matched Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ). These 3 sets of 42 equal (708 + 3701 + 7121) = 11,530, or exactly (11556 – 11530) = 26, or the value of One YHVH (יהוה) less than 11,556, the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and the Galactic Current Sheet wavelength.
The Irreducible Concept of 5
What is this like? This pivotal hinge with the YHVH (יהוה) at the center of Creation is also found in the ratio of the total gematria of the Torah, or the 5 Books of Moses, divided by 378, which is the 27th Triangular Number and/or the sum of the 27 positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42. Metaphysically, 378 is also the numerical value of the phrase “He and His Name are One, Echad U’Shmo Echad.” Thus, the value of (21009826/378) = 55581.55 or (55555.55 + 26), which is reminiscent of the lunar orbit/solar diameter proportion, (480,000/864,000) = .555555 and the Concept of 5.
While 378 is also the full cycle of the 54 Portions of the Torah as in (54 Portions x 7 Days) = 378, the two mirrored Names “Echad (אחד)” each of numerical value 13 in Echad U’Shmo Echad (אחד־ושמו־אחד) represent both the 1313 of the constant of the exponential curve (1.313x) of the values of the Alef-bet and the revelation at Sinai in 1313 BCE, along with (13 + 13) = 26, as in His Name YHVH (יהוה).
Let us not forget that Phi (φ) is One (1) and is directly derived from One (1):
Pi | Phi | Linked |
314 | 161 | 475 |
159 | 33 | 192 |
265 | 988 | 1253 |
358 | 749 | 1107 |
979 | 894 | 1873 |
323 | 848 | 1171 |
846 | 204 | 1050 |
3244 | 3877 | 7121 |
2083 | 1618 | 3701 |
5327 | 5495 | 10822 |
173 | 5 | 178 |
5500 | 5500 | 11000 |
Meanwhile, the precise value of the astonishing and pre-designed ratio of the Torah to the Magic Essential Cube of Creation is (21009826/378) = (26 + 55555.55026455026455…, as in the 2 cycles of the Primal Frequency or (2 x 27.5) = 55; as in the 26 value of the YHVH (יהוה); as in the 8th Triplet in Pi (π) …264…; and as in the sum of the 3 Aspects and main consciousness levels of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) consciousness that is found in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820). The value 455 is also first found in Pi (π) at digit #808, the sofit value of Abraham and the Binah complement to (1000 – 808) = 192, the value of the 2nd tier of the entwined Pi (π) and Phi (φ) helices.
Just so that this is not lost within this sea of numbers and equations, the total gematria of the 5 Books of Moses, divided by the 27 positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation equals (26 + 55555.550). In other words, when fed through the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, on average, each of the 27 positions is responsible for releasing an energetic value of 55555.550 or 2020.2018 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) into our world, while a hyperspace algorithm or set of algorithms guides and molds that energic field into the Torah. Moreover, the only 5-digit number to repeat within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) is 42019, as in (2020 + 2018)/2 = 2019, and the total gematria of the Torah divided by 5 is (21009826/5) = 4210965.2.
8 Dimensional Hyperspace
The connection between the primordial Concept of 5 and the 5 Books of Moses is most readily apparent when we add together its precise number of Words, Letters, and Verses to get 390,625 or (5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5) as in 58, the Concept of 5 in the 8th or Binah dimension. All 8 coordinates are symmetrically equal to 5.
In metaphysical alignment with the Torah we know that the Binah E8 Lattice consists of a rank 8 root system that contains 240 irreducible root vectors spanning R8 all of the same 8 coordinate length. These 8 vectors, or roots (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8) which are divided into two types, the 112 in which all ai are integers (i.e. -1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) and the set of 128 in which ai are half-integers (i.e. 1/2,-1/2, 1/2,-1/2,-1/2,1/2,1/2,-1/2) with their sum being an even integer, and the sum of their squares being 2. As we will see later in analyzing the source of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), this is critical. These make altogether (112 + 128) = 240 roots + 8 coordinates, or 248 nodes/dimensions.
Those 112 roots with integer entries form what is known as a D8 root system, and as the fractal reflection of the metaphysical world manifests in the physical one, we further see that the 112 integer root vectors correspond to the 8 corners (8, 10, 6, 19, 22, 9, 20, and 18) = 112 of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42.
Moreover, it is apparent that the Cube is primordially designed in such a way that there is another set of 8 positions that also equal 112. These are the central edge positions of the top and bottom tiers (24, 26, 17, 15, 11, 13, 4, and 2) = 112.
There is also a set of 8 positions that correspond to the 128 half-integers root vectors (23, 21, 12, 25, 5, 1, 14, and 27) = 128, all of which are in the central tier except for 1 and 27 of the vertical axis. The remaining 3 positions unaccounted for equal (3, 7 and 16) = 26, as in the YHVH (יהוה) and as in the Torah/Magic Cube equation (21009826/378) = (26 + 55555.55). Once again, just like in our DNA, we find the Creator’s signature in the designs of our world.
As previously detailed, the E8 Lattice is comprised of 8-Orthoplexes and 8-Simplexes in the ratio of 17280/2160 = 8, with the value 2160 being the diameter of the Moon in miles. The 8-Orthoplexes are highly
complex and have 14169600 elements while the 8-Simplexes contain 8812800 elements or (14169600 – 8812800) = 5356800 less elements than the 8-Orthoplexes. And while 2160/8 = 270, the 8-Orthoplex to 8-Simplex difference ratio is (5356800/14169600) = .3780, as in the 27th Triangular Field, and the 378-sum of the 27 positions in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42.
Moreover, the letter values that correspond to the 8 corners (8, 10, 6, 19, 22, 9, 20, and 18) that equal 112 are respectively (8, 10, 6, 100, 400, 9, 200, and 90) = 823, and when we add the letter values of the 3 remaining positions that equal (3, 7 and 16) = 26, and translate them through the Cosmic interface language of the Alef-bet to (3, 7 and 70) = 80 we get (823 + 80) = 903, the 42nd Triangular Number.
Meanwhile, the location in Pi (π) for the Spiritual Time and Physical Time radii of 3760 years and 2018 years that correspond to the pivotal year 0 CE and Event Horizon 5778 HC respectively, are at digit #7140and digit #4068, which sum to (7140 + 4068) = 11208, as in the 8 corners that equal 112, and the 112 roots in the E8 Lattice.
A Colorful Projection
As the fractal geometric symmetry projects from the structure of the Binah or 8th dimensional consciousness into the 7 dimensions of Zeir Anpin, we are reminded of the 7 wavelengths of the 7 visible colors in the electromagnetic scale total 3780 in length. And like the speed-of-light in the Spherical Time paradigm equations and the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) derivation equations, the electromagnetic wavelength and frequencies are mutually dependent on the speed of light. The products of the wavelengths and frequencies hover about 3000 nm/s and they average out to exactly 299,792,458 meters per second, the speed of light. This is by definition and not some phenomenon; however, the average of the sum of the 7 visible color wavelengths times the sum of their 7 frequencies is (3780 x 40.0)/7 = (151200.0/7) which equals 21600, as in the diameter of the Moon, 2160 miles, and the 2160 8-Simplexes, and the 216 letters in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, while the sum of the 122 divisors of 151200 is precisely (625,000 – 40), as in H’Keter of Binah (1000) with 40 being the sum of the 7 color frequencies.
We must realize that it is only because of the differences between the assorted electromagnetic frequencies that our minds can process our world. Even within the narrow visible light band, if there were no differences we would see everything as a single color and lose all perception of depth, thus collapsing our world from 3-dimensional to 2-dimensional. The same is true with the Cosmic interface language, Hebrew. The total for the 7 wavelengths of the 7 visible colors in the electromagnetic scale or 3780 is (10 x 378), which is the equivalent to the 27 letters of the Alef-bet or 27th Triangular Number throughout the 10 dimensions of the Inner Tree-of-Life, and 3780, as the value of “His Name is One” Echad Ushmo Echad (אחד־ושמו־אחד)” suggests the underlying Oneness of white Light spread throughout the 7 dimensional tiers of physicality represented by the 7 colors the Creator gave us.
Moreover, the collective value of the 5 final letters (ךםןףץ) of the Alef-bet and their original form 5 letters (כמנפצ) equals (3500 + 280) = 3780, and their ratio to the full 27 letters is 3780/4995 = .756756756…, as in the echoing radiant Primal Frequency (27.5)2 and as in the 756’ base measure of the Great Pyramid. Another way to phrase this is that the echoing radiant Primal Frequency (27.5)2 divided by the 7 wavelengths of the 7 visible colors equals the 27 wavelengths of the Alef-bet, or (.756756756/3780) = 4995. Now the equation is all about frequency and wavelength, and thus the relationship between the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), visible light, and the Cosmic interface language, Hebrew, is clear. There are 27.5 wavelengths of the Primal Frequency every second, like a refresh rate in the movie of physicality or 27.5 frames/second.
This primordial equation can be rearranged into the format of energy, mass, and the speed-of-light, or E = mc2, as 3780 = (.756756756 x 4995), keeping in mind that wavelength times frequency equals the speed-of-light. Then when we take the inverse of 3780 or 1/3780, which is metaphysically One/(He and His Name are One), we get .00264550264550, as in the value of the Name YHVH (יהוה), 26; as in the 8th Triplet in Pi (π) …264…; and as in the sum of the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) consciousness that is found in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820), which we just saw with the equation of the total standard value of the Torah, (21009826/378) = (26 + 55555.55026455026455…) = (26 + 55555.55 + 1/3780).
This further reminds us that every number has its own inherent identity relationship with One, or N/1 = 1N, and has an inverse relationship with it as well, as 1/N or One/N.
The 5th Tier Reveals…
Pi | Phi | Linked |
314 | 161 | 475 |
159 | 33 | 192 |
265 | 988 | 1253 |
358 | 749 | 1107 |
979 | 894 | 1873 |
323 | 848 | 1171 |
846 | 204 | 1050 |
3244 | 3877 | 7121 |
2083 | 1618 | 3701 |
5327 | 5495 | 10822 |
173 | 5 | 178 |
5500 | 5500 | 11000 |
Nevertheless, the sum of the 5th tier of the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) helices is 1873, which is synchronically aligned with the total standard value of the Torah divided by its katan (small or reduced gematria) value, which is itself aligned with the 112 Essential Triplets, or (21009826/1121239) = 18.73…. As for the katan total Torah value when utilizing the 27 letters of the sofit Alef-bet, it is 1161081, which may allude to the first Triplet of Phi (φ), 161, which is first found within the Pi (π) Field at digit #1610 and it may also allude to the Sefira of Tiferet, representing Zeir Anpin, whose name value is 1081. Moreover, this sofit sum’s average value is (1161081/27) = 43003 = (40000 + 3003), as in the 3003-value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation. And while the average katan value of the 27 letters themselves is (135/27) = 5, the square root of that 135 total is 11.618… as in 10 plus Phi (φ), 1.618. Meanwhile we last saw that 43003 numerical figure in the squaring of the circle that has an area of 3√27500. If 3√27500 is the area of a circle, then the square the inscribes that circle has an area of 1.273 or 4/π times 3√27.5, giving it a resultant area of 1273 3√27.5 = 3842.43003, which is the value of the first 42 Letters of the Torah, 3842, coupled with the average katan value of the Torah, 43003, and bridged by 424, representing Moshiach Ben David consciousness. It is conjoined with the 3003-value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that makes up the first 33 letters of those 42 letters that total 3842, or 500 more than the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, 3342. The networks of consciousness are revealed by the geometry that binds them. If numerical Concepts are the language of the Cosmos, geometry is the grammar.
Partitioning the Torah
Considering that the 5 Names of the 5 Books of Moses have a numerical value of 2480, and the 5 main quantitative elements of the Torah total 248,000φ, it is obvious that the Torah was designed around the Concept of 5, the same as the Constant Phi (φ). Thus, we can understand why the Concept of 5 was chosen as the kolel to bring the value of the 7 Triplets of Phi (φ) and their 7 corresponding Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix to 5500. Together, those 14 primordial Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) along with the 14-Essential Triplet Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Helices of the 42-Letter Name Matrix equal (5500 + 5500) = 11000. Meanwhile, that same total gematria value of the Torah divided by the Spherical Time diameter is (21009826/11556) = 1818.088, as in the 3 expansions of the first letter, Alef (אלף), representing One (1), or 1818, while its inverse ratio or Alef (א)/Alef3 (אלף) = 1/1818 = .0005500055…, which brings us back to 5, 55, 550, and 5500, and to the 2-cycle pulse throughout the universe. And just as the …9826 in the 21009826 total value of the Torah is (2 x 173 or 4913), it is also metaphysically 2 times the 4913 x 10-35 volume of the Planck Sphere, whose diameter is 21.0914362859… x 10-35, which includes the …9143… value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix and Tau, 628.
Keep in mind that to achieve this value of 21009826 a total of 304805 letters had to come together and each one adds their separate quanta of energy and frequency. Moreover, those individual 304805 letters were aggregated or portioned into 79,975 or (80000 – 52) words, which were further partitioned into 5845 verses to tell a specific coherent story, and those 3 partitioning components add up to exactly (304805 + 79975 + 5845) = 58, or the Concept of 5 in 8-dimensional hyperspace. Meanwhile, the ratio (21009826/4) = (5252525.2 – 275/4) and therefore (21009826/8) = (2626262.6 – 275/8) as in the Creator’s signature, the YHVH (יהוה), and the Primal Frequency (27.5) and the 4 Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה). This is all unfathomable, yet it is right there in front of us, and while we cannot possibly comprehend how the conscious metaphysical universe achieved this or much else for that matter, we can perceive that this equation and window into Creation can also we broken down into (26 x 101010.1 – (.05 x 27.5) as in the 10 Sefirot of the Inner Tree-of-Life structure of the universe. Meanwhile, the decimal equivalent of the binary number 101010 is 42, as in the 42 Rows that those 58 elements were further partitioned into, and naturally as in the Source of 42 and its twin Source of One that is behind it all.
Keep in mind that the Concepts behind the Source of 42 and its twin Source of One, Echad (13), are the Concepts of 42 and 13 and conjoined they equal (42 + 13) = 55, the pulsed beat of the universe, while their average is the Primal Frequency of the aether, (42 + 13)/2 = 27.5, just as we saw reflected in the (13 + 42) = 55 initials Vavs (ו) and Alefs (א) among the 248 initials of the Shema from the Torah. Moreover, (42 x 13) = 546, as in the 10 initials of the 10 Sefirot of the Inner Tree-of-Life schematic of our universe while their sum in each of those 10 Sefirot (dimensions) is 10(13 + 42) = (10 x 55) = 550, as in the sum of the 11 initials of the 11 Sefirot of the Outer Tree-of-Life schematic of our universe.
As mind-boggling as all this is, we see that when the 223 Row-Column Matrix is added to the 58 elements we get precisely 248,000φ main partitioning elements of the Torah. Yet when we add together the 223 Row-Column Matrix comprised of its 42 Rows and 248 Columns less the empty rows, along with the 3 other partitioning elements that total (54 Portions + 187 Chapters + 670 Paragraphs) = 911, we get (10,648 + 911) = (11,559 – 3) = 11,556, as in the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and the Galactic Current Sheet wavelength.
Meanwhile, the cube root of the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52) is 9.110, as in the 911 minor partitioning elements of the Torah.
Of all the thousands of pages filled with dense insights into the universe downloaded from the metaphysical consciousness, this one small four paragraph section is all we need to expand and elevate our consciousness because it is impossible to ponder the magnitude of these concepts without harmoniously aligning with the world beyond.
A Magical Hidden Architecture
The value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix is immeasurable. The 4 Vortexes of consciousness or 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplets are the 4 pillars of the Matrix on which our Creation was constructed. The numerical value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix is 9143, and when partitioned into its first row of 1143, or 1/8th of 9143, we are left with (9143 – 1143) = 8000 or 203 for the remaining 8 rows or the square of (8 x 8) = 64 or when folded up the cube of 43 Essential Triplets.
Meanwhile, the 20th Triangular Number is 210, and through the Cosmic Interface language, the Hebrew Name for 20, Esrim (עשרים) of numerical value 620, as in the Name of the crowning Sefira, Keter (כתר). This helps explain why the 4 central letters of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix equal 210, the top of “The mountain, Hhar (ההר)” of numerical value 210, or (10 x 21), the value of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), above all 10 Sefirot of the Inner Tree-of-Life at the level of Binah. This is directly aligned with the First 21 Verses of the Torah whose total value is exactly 62000. When we add the Cosmic or translated value 20 to the complete value of Esrim (עשרים), we get (620 + 80 + 20) = 720, as in (10 x 72) and as in the sum of the 72 square roots of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, 720.0.
Magic Magic Squares
We have discussed the metaphysics of the Normal (sequential first integers) Magic Squares multiple times and there are several 8 x 8 Normal Magic Square whose rows, columns, and diagonals add up to the Constant 260 or (10 x 26), as in the value of the YHVH (יהוה), yet there is one unique Normal Magic Square whose squares of those same 64 sequential integers also form a magic square and its’ Constant for its rows, columns and diagonals is 11180, as in (10 x 1118), the value of the First Verse of the Shema and hence the value of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema, which includes the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה). Just as the expanded Name YHVH (יהוה) is hidden within the First Verse of the Shema or 26 within 1118, so too is the Normal Magic Square of Constant 260 hidden within the Squared Normal Magic Square of Constant 11180. Now, that is magic!
Meanwhile, the value of the First Verse of the Shema plus the kolel for its 25 letters is (1118 + 25) = 1143, the value of the First Row of the 72 Essential Triplets Matrix that rest above the 8 x 8 Inner Matrix of value 8000, that metaphysically rests above the 8th dimension of Binah, like the 9th Candle of Chanukah. We have previously explained in depth the connections between the 9 Candles of Chanukah and the 72 Essential Triplets Matrix, yet one additional observation is that the numerical value of Chanukah (חנוכה) is 89, and the 21st Verse of the Torah has 89 Letters.
Given this connection to 1143 again, it must be by Cosmic design that 11180/260 = 43 as in the simple union of the Source of 42 and the Source of One (1), or (42 + 1) = 43, as in the First Verse of the Shema that says “G-d is One.”
Meanwhile, the net difference between the two 8 x 8 Normal Doubly Magic Square Constants is (11180 – (8 x 260) = 9100, as in (9100 + 43) = 9143, and in relation to the same inner Matrix within the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix it is (9100 – 8000) = 1100, as in (1100 + 43) = 1143 and as in (20 x 55) = 1100. Moreover, 9100 is in alignment with the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) as it is (9100/13) = 700 times 13; (9100/91) = 100 times 91; (9100/455) = 20 times 455; and (9100/1820) = 5, or a total of (700 + 100 + 20 + 5) = 825 times the Path of One. This is as in the diameter of the Great Precession (25,920 years) and Great Day (25,920 parts of a minute) or 25920/π = 8250, or (300 x 27.5), as in the Primal Frequency (27.5) that is (82.5/3). We should keep in mind that for every 1o of the Great Precession there are (25,920/360) = 72 years.
Those Cosmically aligned 8250 and 825 results are further aligned with the area of the base of the Great Pyramid divided by its perimeter or (3302/1320) = 82.5, which aligns with the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon and radius 5778/7 = 825.42. and the great Pyramid’s height, 5775”/7 = 825. And in pure metaphysical synchronicity, the numeric string …825… is first found in Pi (π) at digit #88 as in the squares of (8 x 8), which …8250… is first found in Pi (π) at digit #6416 as in the squares of (8 x 8) = 64 and (8 + 8) = 16. This is also (42 x 401), the value of the 4th Word in Creation (את), whose complete value is (401 + 23) = 424, the numerical value of Moshiach Ben David consciousness.
Moreover, the perimeter of the Great Pyramid, 1320 cubits, is equivalent to 36300” as in the value of H’Moshiach, 363, and as in the Spherical Time bubble circumference, 36304.24470. It is off by only 4.24470, which is equal to 27.5/√42, about 1 inch per side over 756.25 feet. Meanwhile, the numeric string …363… is found in Phi (φ) at digit #2618, as in Phi (φ)2 or 2.6180…, and …36304… from the Spherical Time bubble circumference, 36304.24470 is first found in Pi (π) at digit #134240, as in Echad (13), the Source of One, and as in the 4240 total value of the digits in Pi (π) through the final sequence of …5778…, the Spherical Time paradigm radius and Event Horizon.
Nonetheless, the sum of the two 8 x 8 Normal Dual Magic Squares of Constants 11180 and 260 is (11180 x 8) + (8 x 260) = 91520, or (3328 x 27.5), which with the kolel is (3328 + 2) = 3330, as in the 3330 years between the Exodus 2448 HC and the Event Horizon radius 5778 HC. It is also (3520 x 26) = 91520.
260 | ||||||||
56 | 34 | 8 | 57 | 18 | 47 | 9 | 31 | 260 |
33 | 20 | 54 | 48 | 7 | 29 | 59 | 10 | 260 |
26 | 43 | 13 | 23 | 64 | 38 | 4 | 49 | 260 |
19 | 5 | 35 | 30 | 53 | 12 | 46 | 60 | 260 |
15 | 25 | 63 | 2 | 41 | 24 | 50 | 40 | 260 |
6 | 55 | 17 | 11 | 36 | 58 | 32 | 45 | 260 |
61 | 16 | 42 | 52 | 27 | 1 | 39 | 22 | 260 |
44 | 62 | 28 | 37 | 14 | 51 | 21 | 3 | 260 |
260 | 260 | 260 | 260 | 260 | 260 | 260 | 260 | 260 |
11180 | ||||||||
3136 | 1156 | 64 | 3249 | 324 | 2209 | 81 | 961 | 11180 |
1089 | 400 | 2916 | 2304 | 49 | 841 | 3481 | 100 | 11180 |
676 | 1849 | 169 | 529 | 4096 | 1444 | 16 | 2401 | 11180 |
361 | 25 | 1225 | 900 | 2809 | 144 | 2116 | 3600 | 11180 |
225 | 625 | 3969 | 4 | 1681 | 576 | 2500 | 1600 | 11180 |
36 | 3025 | 289 | 121 | 1296 | 3364 | 1024 | 2025 | 11180 |
3721 | 256 | 1764 | 2704 | 729 | 1 | 1521 | 484 | 11180 |
1936 | 3844 | 784 | 1369 | 196 | 2601 | 441 | 9 | 11180 |
11180 | 11180 | 11180 | 11180 | 11180 | 11180 | 11180 | 11180 | 11180 |
A few of the consecutive metaphysical alignments or anomalies in this 8 x 8 normal doubly magic square include the vertical sums of 216, 182, 232, 173, and the horizontal sums of 173 and 107.
56 | 34 | 8 | 57 | ||||||||||
33 | 20 | 54 | 48 | ||||||||||
26 | 43 | 13 | 23 | ||||||||||
19 | 5 | 35 | 30 | ||||||||||
15 | 25 | 63 | 2 | ||||||||||
6 | 55 | 17 | 11 | ||||||||||
61 | 42 | 52 | |||||||||||
37 | |||||||||||||
216 | 182 | 232 | 260 | ||||||||||
56 | 34 | 8 | 57 | 56 | 34 | 8 | 57 | 18 | 173 | ||||
33 | 20 | 54 | 48 | 33 | 20 | 54 | 107 | ||||||
26 | 43 | 13 | 23 | 26 | 43 | 13 | 82 | ||||||
19 | 5 | 35 | 30 | ||||||||||
15 | 25 | 63 | 2 | ||||||||||
6 | 55 | 11 | |||||||||||
61 | 52 | ||||||||||||
37 | |||||||||||||
216 | 182 | 173 | 260 |
Layers of Grace
More magical than the magic squares, though, are the Essential Triplet Matrixes. As we know, the sum of the square roots of the 72 Essential Triplet values and of its 9 row totals equal (720.0 + 280.0) = 1000.054, as in Binah (1000), and as in the average column and average row totals of its inner (8 x 8) Matrix, 1000. However, the square roots of their 72 ordinal values reveal even more astonishment and metaphysical magic, adding yet another layer of complexity, and with it information and understanding to the already hyperspatial network that is embedded in the 3 consecutive verses of 72 letters within the Torah at the exact splitting of the Red or Endless Sea, Yam Suf (ים סוף).
To begin with, the sum of those 72 ordinal values equals 2159, as in the diameter of the Moon, 2159 miles, usually rounded to 2160 miles, as in the 216 letters in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, giving us a precise average of 9.996 or 10.00 per letter and 30.00 per Essential Triplet, which is amazingly similar to the average of the square root totals for their standard value or (720.035/72) = 10.0005.
Next, we see that the sum of the square roots of those 72 ordinal values is 388.89, which is not only exactly half of 777.77, but is also exactly 100.0 more than 288.9, referencing the surface temperature of the Earth (288.9 K), and the midpoint in the Spherical Time paradigm radius, 2889 HC, which is also the midpoint in King David’s 70-year life. Moreover, the average ordinal value of the sum of the 9 columns is thus (388.89/9) = 43.20… or (2 x 21.60), once again self-referencing the 216 letters in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix and the Moon’s diameter.
Given this deeper connection to 7 or 777.77, as in the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and of Phi (φ), the 7 Days of Creation, 7 Words of Creation, and 7 Sefirot of Zeir Anpin, it is notable that the average value for the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix is (9143/72) = 127, as in the Mersenne Prime Number 127, or (27 + 1).
As beautiful as this window into the metaphysical world is, when we peer deeper we see that the sum of the square root of the total standard value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, 9143, plus the square root of its total ordinal value is (95.61903 + 46.46504) = 142.0840, or (100.0 + 42.0840), as in the Name value of the 5th Letter Hei (י) of the Alef-bet as it recurs in the Torah. The 28056 letters Hei (הי) in the Torah equal (28056 x 15) = 420,840. It is also the complete interspace value 420,840 for the set of (5, 55, 555, and 5555) termination points as recently discussed. What makes this so much more profound is that (420840/72) = 5845, the exact number of Verses in the Torah.
Focal Points
These layers or overlaid fields of the 72 Essential Triplets’ standard values and of their component letters’ ordinal values, while loosely related through the exponential curve y = (1.313x) of the values of the Alef-bet whereby x is the ordinal value and y is the standard value, have no physical or logical reason for their mutual metaphysical fractal focal points. This is especially so given that these are further strengthened by the deeper dimensional layering of their square roots, individually, globally, and by their distinct rows and/or columns. We must keep in mind that the crossing of the Endless Sea is one of the major focal points in the entire Torah and in the history of mankind, and that it occurred in 1313 BCE.
Ordinal values: | 72 Essential Triplet Matrix | |||||||||
col | Col | col | col | col | col | col | col | col | ||
8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Total | ||
row | 1 | 38 | 13 | 29 | 39 | 41 | 34 | 32 | 17 | 243 |
row | 2 | 37 | 35 | 20 | 29 | 26 | 19 | 17 | 22 | 205 |
row | 3 | 19 | 30 | 30 | 37 | 34 | 24 | 33 | 19 | 226 |
row | 4 | 47 | 25 | 20 | 40 | 27 | 52 | 7 | 41 | 259 |
row | 5 | 27 | 41 | 37 | 25 | 31 | 36 | 25 | 24 | 246 |
row | 6 | 28 | 49 | 46 | 28 | 27 | 24 | 34 | 15 | 251 |
row | 7 | 33 | 20 | 46 | 29 | 42 | 34 | 28 | 17 | 249 |
row | 8 | 31 | 36 | 20 | 21 | 51 | 33 | 32 | 40 | 264 |
row | 9 | 32 | 25 | 25 | 26 | 16 | 27 | 46 | 19 | 216 |
row | Total | 292 | 274 | 273 | 274 | 295 | 283 | 254 | 214 | 2159 |
Sq Root of Sum | 17.088 | 16.553 | 16.523 | 16.553 | 17.176 | 16.823 | 15.937 | 14.629 |
131.3 |
That said, we see that the sum of the square roots of the ordinal sums of the 8 columns is 131.3, as in the 1.313 constant of the exponential curve (1.313x) of the values of the Alef-bet; as in the year of the Exodus, 1313 BCE; and as in the 14 middle letters of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal 1313. It gets even more magical when we add those square roots of the 8 column ordinal sums to the 8 square roots in each of those columns and see that the total for the first column is 57.783, as in the Spherical Time paradigm radius, 5778, and as in the 3 times that …5778… appears in the first 1000 digit in Pi (π).
Square Roots of Ordinal values: |
72 Essential Triplet Matrix |
8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Total | |
1 | 6.1644 | 3.6056 | 5.3852 | 6.245 | 6.4031 | 5.831 | 5.6569 | 4.1231 | 43.414 |
2 | 6.0828 | 5.9161 | 4.4721 | 5.3852 | 5.099 | 4.3589 | 4.1231 | 4.6904 | 40.128 |
3 | 4.3589 | 5.4772 | 5.4772 | 6.0828 | 5.831 | 4.899 | 5.7446 | 4.3589 | 42.23 |
4 | 6.8557 | 5 | 4.4721 | 6.3246 | 5.1962 | 7.2111 | 2.6458 | 6.4031 | 44.108 |
5 | 5.1962 | 6.4031 | 6.0828 | 5 | 5.5678 | 6 | 5 | 4.899 | 44.149 |
6 | 5.2915 | 7 | 6.7823 | 5.2915 | 5.1962 | 4.899 | 5.831 | 3.873 | 44.164 |
7 | 5.7446 | 4.4721 | 6.7823 | 5.3852 | 6.4807 | 5.831 | 5.2915 | 4.1231 | 44.11 |
8 | 5.5678 | 6 | 4.4721 | 4.5826 | 7.1414 | 5.7446 | 5.6569 | 6.3246 | 45.49 |
9 | 5.6569 | 5 | 5 | 5.099 | 4 | 5.1962 | 6.7823 | 4.3589 | 41.093 |
17.088 | 16.553 | 16.523 | 16.553 | 17.176 | 16.823 | 15.937 | 14.629 | 388.89 | |
Total | 68.007 | 65.427 | 65.449 | 65.949 | 68.091 | 66.793 | 62.669 | 57.783 | 520.17 |
909.05 |
Moreover, the sum of those 8 dual column ordinal sums is 520.17, as in 2017, the Western Calendar analogue to 5778 HC, and that sum, plus the 9 row ordinal sums of the square roots, is (388.89 + 520.17) = 909.06 or (1818/2), as in the 909.09 cycles of the Primal Frequency in 25,000, or (25000/27.5) = 909.09.
Meanwhile, half of the sum of those 8 dual column ordinal sums are (520.17/2) = 260.08, as in the Constant 260 of the 8 x 8 normal dual magic square, which makes their average per column equal to (520.17/8) = 65.0, as in the numerical value of Adonai (אדני), the pronounceable corresponding Name to the ineffable YHVH (יהוה), of numerical value 26. The value 65 is also the 313th Prime Number, as in the 313 Names Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah.
If we remove the first column that adds up to 57.78, the remaining 7 columns average (520.17 – 57.78)/7 = 66.05495, as in (24 x 27.5) = 660 and as in 5495, the sum of the 7 first Triplets of Phi (φ) and 7 corresponding Phi (φ) helix Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. If instead, we were to divide it by 8, we would get (520.17 – 57.78)/8 = 57.79, as in the Event Horizon year 5779 HC or 2019 CE that is also found 3 times in the first 1000 digit of Pi (π).
Meanwhile, in yet another layer or overlaid field we see that the sum of the 9 square roots for the 9 rows of the complete values (standard plus ordinal) for the 72 Triplet Matrix equal 313.616 as in the 313 Names Elohim (אלהים) in “The Torah (התורה)” of numerical value 616. Moreover, the sum of the average for them plus the sum of the average for their counterparts, the 8 columns, is (313.616/9 + 298.473/8) = 68.009, which is like the sum of the square roots of the 8th column ordinal values 68.007, as in the numerical value of Chaim (חיים), life.
Obviously, this is not magic, but is the way of the world of metaphysics, where there are layers upon dimensional layers of hyperspace geometries contributing to the living
consciousness. Any consciousness level capable of creating a world as intricate and detailed as our own and of creating minds capable of appreciating beauty in all those details is certainly capable of layering nodules and networked coordinates to fractally project and transmit the blueprints from one dimension to the next. Even in the simplest sense, we must keep in mind that these Essential Triplets are structurally Tetrahedra, or pixels of higher consciousness and that the Creator gave them to us in the Cosmic Interface language of Hebrew for a reason. This is how He wants us to connect to them, in their potential state, where they can do the most for us. This is the same way that an architect wants his building enjoyed and appreciated by the most people, rather than the few who can read the blueprints and the engineering notes.
Hidden Truth
Considering this embedded 43 cubic geometry in the inner (8 x 8) Matrix, it is also noteworthy that the cubic root of the standard value (1495) of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet is 11.43441 or 1143, along with 441 or 212, and that of the 20 stages of the Tower of Truth, the bottommost stage of the 20 stacked sequential cubes is 203 or 8000 cubic cubits, and that the Tower’s overall height is 210 cubits with a volume of 44100 cubits3. This 441 value of Emet (אמת), Truth, or 212 is also found in 4 consecutive rows of the 8 rows within the inner 8 x 8 matrix of the 72 Name Matrix, as their ordinal square roots sum to 44.108, 44.149, 44,164, and 44.11 respectively.
Square Roots of Ordinal values: |
72 Essential Triplet Matrix |
8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Total | |
1 | 6.1644 | 3.6056 | 5.3852 | 6.245 | 6.4031 | 5.831 | 5.6569 | 4.1231 | 43.414 |
2 | 6.0828 | 5.9161 | 4.4721 | 5.3852 | 5.099 | 4.3589 | 4.1231 | 4.6904 | 40.128 |
3 | 4.3589 | 5.4772 | 5.4772 | 6.0828 | 5.831 | 4.899 | 5.7446 | 4.3589 | 42.23 |
4 | 6.8557 | 5 | 4.4721 | 6.3246 | 5.1962 | 7.2111 | 2.6458 | 6.4031 | 44.108 |
5 | 5.1962 | 6.4031 | 6.0828 | 5 | 5.5678 | 6 | 5 | 4.899 | 44.149 |
6 | 5.2915 | 7 | 6.7823 | 5.2915 | 5.1962 | 4.899 | 5.831 | 3.873 | 44.164 |
7 | 5.7446 | 4.4721 | 6.7823 | 5.3852 | 6.4807 | 5.831 | 5.2915 | 4.1231 | 44.11 |
8 | 5.5678 | 6 | 4.4721 | 4.5826 | 7.1414 | 5.7446 | 5.6569 | 6.3246 | 45.49 |
9 | 5.6569 | 5 | 5 | 5.099 | 4 | 5.1962 | 6.7823 | 4.3589 | 41.093 |
17.088 | 16.553 | 16.523 | 16.553 | 17.176 | 16.823 | 15.937 | 14.629 | 388.89 | |
Total | 68.007 | 65.427 | 65.449 | 65.949 | 68.091 | 66.793 | 62.669 | 57.783 | 520.17 |
909.05 |
Meanwhile the other 4 rows, starting with 42.23, have an average of (168.94/4) = 42.23, which is all the more extraordinary since the sum of the same ordinal square roots for the first column is 57.783 and the sum of (42.235… + 57.783…) = 100.0181502, as in Binah (1000) and as in the 1815 letters in the 7 Days of Creation and as in 5778π = 18152.12. Meanwhile, the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix less the kolel (2) for the 2 components is (4225 – 2) = 4223.
The equations are endless and are often redundant and certainly fractally integrated, whether through adjacency or layering, yet they all serve a purpose. Even their fractal nature serves a purpose. We see and latch onto numbers, symbols, and grammatical shorthand strokes, yet what we are inadvertently doing is tracing the paths and flow patterns of consciousness. As our minds try to process these endless streams, our consciousness is tracing the patterns and learning from them, the way a child mimics and learns from its parents. We learn through redundancy, and the fractal nature designed into the sets of equations and revelations draws us deeper into the Cosmic consciousness. As we read and think through each equation and each series of equations, as we follow the geometric connections and try to imagine them in 3 or more dimensions, as we roll and permute the letters of the Alef-bet and all their ciphers, specific neurons fire in our minds, many for the first time, etching pathways that will grow stronger with time. As this happens, corresponding pathways are traced into our consciousness, which can then more readily harmonize with the universal consciousness. It is the way of the conscious world, and it is how the kabbalists write, tracing fractals upon our minds, helping us to integrate into the greater universe of the living consciousness, Binah consciousness.
The Structure of Binah Consciousness
The 210 cubit and 210 course height of the Great Pyramid and Tower of Truth and the 210 years of exile in Egypt, which are metaphors for our 210 cycles of physicality that equal 5778 years, are not coincidental. They are derived from the Inner and Outer structures of the Tree-of-Life that contain, as we have discussed, 10 sub-Sefirot per Sefira. Since the Outer Tree-of-Life has 11 Sefirot and the Inner one 10, together the complete dynamic contains 21 Sefirot, each of which has 10 sub-Sefirot, making 210 in total. This is the structure or sphere or network of Binah consciousness, which is why the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) has the value 21.
This is also why, metaphysically, the 20th Triangular Number is 210 and the 20 Prime Numbers from the 21st Prime Number, 73, which represents the First Verse of Creation to the 40th, 173, representing the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 173 Keys to Heaven, total (73 + 79…173) = 2448, as in the year of the Exodus (2448 HC) at the end of the 210 years in Egypt, and as in the reception of the Torah at Sinai. This is also why, metaphysically, Moses had to ascend for 40 days to receive the Torah, just as the waters rose for 40 Days, and Man gives birth after 40 weeks, and King David reigned for 40 years.
This is also why, metaphysically, the midpoint in the Spherical Time paradigm radius, 2889 HC, and the midpoint in King David’s 70-year life had to occur (2889 – 2448) = 441 = 212 years after the Exodus. Meanwhile, the value of the 22nd Verse of Creation is 2889, and the number of the letters through the 22nd Verse is 1100, or (40 x 27.5) for an average of exactly (1100/22) = 50 letters per Verse, as in the 50 Gates of Binah.
This is why the sum of the 2 Fields of the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and of Phi (φ) which along with their corresponding 2 Helixes of the 14-Essential Triplet of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the kolel of 173 equal 11000, as in the 11 Sefirot at the level of Binah (1000), and that 11000 is (20 x 550), or Keter (20) times the 550-value of the 11 initials of the 11 Sefirot.
Perfect Harmonic Equilibrium!
If we were to create a virtual pyramid whose central ascent angles extend to that 210-cubit peak at 722 degrees or 51.84o we would wind up with the exact dimensions of the Great Pyramid, which is why the 4 central letters (הראד) of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix equal 210. Then when we add the 2 central letters below them, the 6 letters equal (הראדסה) 275, the measure of the cubit (27.5”) and the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz). This is like the 39th Essential Triplet of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that equals 275, as in (275 + 39) = 314, the first Triplet in Pi (π).
The Great Pyramid also has an apothem of 267 cubits or 611 feet, as in the numerical value of Torah (תורה), and since the apothem is the height of the triangle formed at the scored 165 cu midpoint in each side of the Pyramid, the area of each side is thus (330 x 267)/2 = (165 x 267) = 44,055, which works out to the volume of the Tower of Truth less 45, or (44100 – 45), as in the value of Adam (אדם), Man. Now that is the perfect harmonic equilibrium!
However, this also means that the 4 sides cover a total surface area of (4 x 44,055) = 176,220 = (4202 + 180) square cubits, as in the 420 cycles in the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and the Galactic Current Sheet wavelength of the Primal Frequency (27.5) on which the 27.5” ancient secret cubit is based. Moreover, while the area of the Great Pyramid’s base is 3302 or 108900, the ratio of the surface area of the 4 sides to its base is thus (176220/108900) = 1.618182 or Phi (φ). Perfect harmonic equilibrium!
This brings up the average of the 2 kolel to the 2 Fields of the Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) which along with the corresponding 2 Helixes of the 14-Essential Triplet of the 42-Letter Name Matrix equal (5500 + 5500) = 11000. Those 2 kolel, or 5 and 173, average (5 + 173)/2 = 178/2 = 89. The metaphysical consciousness behind this equation is that there are 89 Days from the Day of Creation in the 363 Day Cosmic Wheel of the Chagim, or Cosmic windows, until Chanukah (חנוכה) of numerical value 89, and while (1000 – 89) = 911, as in the 911 Portions, Chapters, and Paragraphs in the Torah, (1000 + 89) = 1089 = 332. The consciousness network that straddles both sides of 1000, Binah, totals (89 + 89) = 178, and includes on one side the 8 Days of Binah, Chanukah, the crown jewel in the Cosmic Wheel of (11 x 33) = 363 Days, and on the other side the First 33 Letters of Creation or First 8 Words of the Torah that comprise the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation whose value, 3003, is the 77th Triangular Number, as in the numerical value of Mazal to which the 8 Days of Chanukah also connect.
The Great Pyramid’s purposeful dimensions also include the corner slope angles of 42o; the face to face edge angles of 112o; the apex angle of 76o, as in the ordinal value of the Torah First Word and as in the square root of 5778; and the base platform that forms a perfectly square base with an area of 27.54 square feet and with a perimeter of (42 x 72) feet; along with a height of 5775 inches or 3 inches shy of the Spherical Time paradigm radius, 5778. This height is simultaneously 210 cubits or 481.25 ft, which is metaphysically aligned with the sum of the square roots of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet that equal 481.2 in Mispari gematria. Mispari gematria is the substitution of the standard gematria of a letter by the Name of the standard value of that letter, for example 13, as in Echad (אחד), is substituted for 1.
Cosmic Codes
Mispari Gematria
Standard | Mispari | Sqrt |
1 | 13 | 3.606 |
2 | 760 | 27.57 |
3 | 636 | 25.22 |
4 | 273 | 16.52 |
5 | 348 | 18.65 |
6 | 600 | 24.49 |
7 | 372 | 19.29 |
8 | 401 | 20.02 |
9 | 770 | 27.75 |
10 | 570 | 23.87 |
20 | 620 | 24.9 |
30 | 686 | 26.19 |
40 | 323 | 17.97 |
50 | 408 | 20.2 |
60 | 660 | 25.69 |
70 | 422 | 20.54 |
80 | 446 | 21.12 |
90 | 820 | 28.64 |
100 | 46 | 6.782 |
200 | 501 | 22.38 |
300 | 1083 | 32.91 |
400 | 720 | 26.83 |
1495 | 11478 | 481.2 |
5500 | 27.5 | |
5778 | 210 |
Meanwhile, the sum of the Mispari gematria for the 22 letters of the Alef-bet from Alef (א) to Tav (ת) or from 13 to 720 is 11478, which is exactly 5500 more than the Spherical Time paradigm radius, or (11478 – 5500) = 5778, which is even more notable because the square root of 5778 is 76.013 and the first two letters Alef (א) and Bet (ב) have the Mispari values 760 and 13.
Moreover, for some metaphysical reason, the sum of the first 9 letters from Alef (א) to Tet (ט) equals 4173, as in the sum of the first 10 Triplets in Pi (π), and as in (39 x 107) for those that understand. Likewise, for yet another metaphysical reason, the sequential the digits in 4173 are found sequentially in the 401273 quantitative elements in the Torah.
Furthermore, the average for the Triangular Mispari, which is another way of describing the sum of their 22 cumulative Mispari values, is (122245/22) = 5556.5… or (5555.5… + One). And the sum of the first 4 letters is 1682 for an average of (1682/4) = 420.5, as in the 420 cycles of the Primal frequency (27.5) in the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and Galactic Current Sheet wavelength at the end of the 4th exile. This Mispari gematria for the 22 letters of the Alef-bet may not exist for the translation of the Torah into Cosmic Codes, but it definitely exists, and it definitely was designed into Creation simultaneously with the Alef-bet prior to the Torah.
So now we understand that not only did the Names of the Letters exist before the Letters existed, as we have thoroughly previously proven, but the Names of the ordinal values of the Letters existed before their ordinal values, which as we have also proven existed prior to their nominal values as the ordinal values served as the variable in the Letters’ exponential curve function (1.313x).
Mispari | Mispari | |||
Ord Value | Standard | Mispari | Ordinal | Complete |
1 | 1 | 13 | 13 | 26 |
2 | 2 | 760 | 760 | 1520 |
3 | 3 | 636 | 636 | 1272 |
4 | 4 | 273 | 273 | 546 |
5 | 5 | 348 | 348 | 696 |
6 | 6 | 600 | 600 | 1200 |
7 | 7 | 372 | 372 | 744 |
8 | 8 | 401 | 401 | 802 |
9 | 9 | 770 | 770 | 1540 |
10 | 10 | 570 | 570 | 1140 |
11 | 20 | 620 | 583 | 1203 |
12 | 30 | 686 | 1335 | 2021 |
13 | 40 | 323 | 1211 | 1534 |
14 | 50 | 408 | 848 | 1256 |
15 | 60 | 660 | 923 | 1583 |
16 | 70 | 422 | 1175 | 1597 |
17 | 80 | 446 | 947 | 1393 |
18 | 90 | 820 | 976 | 1796 |
19 | 100 | 46 | 1345 | 1391 |
20 | 200 | 501 | 620 | 1121 |
21 | 300 | 1083 | 1035 | 2118 |
22 | 400 | 720 | 1386 | 2106 |
253 | 1495 | 11478 | 17127 | 28605 |
28605 | Average: | 521.72727 | 778.5 | 1300.2273 |
28858 | Sq Root: | 107.13543 | 130.87016 | 169.13013 |
Cube Root: | 22.557384 | 25.776687 | 30.58304 |
By utilizing the Names of the ordinal values, we get a complementary set for the 22 letters and can then calculate their complete value, and we first see that the average for the 22 ordinal Names is (17127/22) = 778.5, just like the 10 component letters (דוזיכנסרךן) of the Alef-bet whose value 1557 is twice 778.5, as in a permuted 5778. Meanwhile, 1557 is (173 x 9), as in the gematria katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, while the sum of the 22 ordinal Names, 17127, is exactly 9000 more than (9 x 903) = 8127 or 9 times the 42nd Triangular Number (903), as in (17127 – 8127) = 9000. This all connects metaphysically to the 9th Sefira, Chochma, or Wisdom within the realm of Understanding, as does the Spherical Time paradigm diameter less 1557, or (11556 – 1557) = 9999. And 9999 is the 3rd of the three 4-digit numerical strings located within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π), along with …5778 … and the corresponding year …2019…. Moreover, while 63/7 = 9, the triplicate strings ….9999… are found at digit #763 within Pi (π), and the standard total Torah gematria divided by the Primal Frequency (27.5) is 21009826/27.5) = 763993.7.
The value 1557 is also the atbash or reverse alphabet cipher value for the “430 years” that the Torah states the Israelites were in Egypt until the 10 plagues and the crossing of the “Endless Sea Yam Suf (ים סוף),” who’s complete sofit gematria is 1557. Then while 1557 is twice 778.5, it is half of 3114, which is the sum of the inverses of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π), or (1/314 + 1/159 + 1/265 + 1/358…1/327) = .03114. As a reminder, these are the 430 years from 2018 HC that is related to the Physical Time radius of 2018 years and the year (2018 + 430) = 2448 HC, when the Torah was received at Sinai (130) once G-d snapped the Israelites’ chains of physicality. This year of the Exodus and the reception of the Torah was the year 1313 BCE. While 2018 HC is 3760 years, as in the Spiritual Time radius, before the Event Horizon Spherical Time radius, or (2018 + 3760) = 5778 HC (2018 CE), the ratio of that time frame equals (430/3760) = .1143, the value of the first row of the 72 Letter Name Matrix, 1143, or 1/8th of the entire Matrix.
While there is confusion between the 210 years in Egypt and the 430 years in Egypt, we do find the numeric string …210… at digit #430 in Phi (φ) and then next at digit #1000, concluding the period of Binah.
The Source of One and Concept of 13
Nonetheless, the average for the complete Mispari value of the Alef-bet is (28605/22) = 1300.2273 and the sum of their 22 square roots is 169.13013, as in 132 = (13 x 13) = 169. Thus, they are, on yet another level, aligned with the Source of One, Echad of numerical value 13. We need to consider that this is the Cosmic Interface language that is comprised of the 22 initials of their 22 higher dimensional Names which are themselves derived from both the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) proportions vias-a-vis the circle and the Concept of 42. And now we see how their 22 ordinal values are integrally networked together in multiple ways through the Source of One, Echad of numerical value 13, which is the complementary Aspect to the Source of 42. It is critical that we grasp the profundity of this. The 22 Letters of the Alef-bet, individually and jointly, are metaphysically linked to the Creator’s consciousness at the highest level and so when they join together to form words and Names these too are One with the Creator and the consciousness of the universe, and each one has the power to be a portal to that consciousness.
On yet another level of dimensional depth, the ratio of the complete Mispar value of the 22 letters to their standard value, or (28605/1495) = 1.913378, or One (1) plus the 913-value of the First Word of Creation, “Bereshit (בראשית), In the Beginning,” which includes the 13th Triangular Number (91) and Echad (13), One, and then followed by Echad Ushmo Echad (378), “He and His Name are One.”
We must keep in mind that the standard values of the Alef-bet come from its exponential curve (1.313x) that is based on Constant 1.313. We should also keep in mind that the ratio of the Sun’s volume to that of the Earth’s is 1,300,000 to 1, and that while the Sun orbits the Milky Way at 130 miles per second, the Milky Way hurtles through space at 1,300,000 miles per hour in this symmetrically designed universe. It is as if at a certain moment in our development the Creator wanted to make sure we did not miss this Concept, so He made it abundantly and redundant clear.
In what could only be seen as a metaphysical implant into the coding of the universe, the 13th time that the numeric string …5778… appears in Phi (φ) is at digit #131331 and the 13th time that 1313 appears in Phi (φ) is at digit #73737. This is playfully similar to the 11th time the string …4173…, the sum of the first 10 Triplets of Pi (π), appear in Phi (φ) at digit #110013, while the 13th appearance of …3760…, the pivotal Spiritual Time radius, is found at digit #110004, as in (11000/4) = 2750.
As the Concept of 13 is at the core of the Path of One and the Source of One it must be of pure Cosmic design that the 91st Triangular Number, 4186, equals (4186 – 13) = 4173, or 13 more than the sum of the first 10 Triplets of Pi (π), while 91, the 13th Triangular Number, is (7 x 13), and is at the center of the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820), while there are 91 doubled words in the Torah.
As hard as it may be for us to perceive, the Concepts of the numbers and their relationships, including the exponential curve of the Alef-bet and the values of their Names that we have previously proven are in the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) proportions, along with the values of the Names of their values all existed before the Creation of anything physical, including the Earth, Moon, Sun, and the Milky Way.
A Pair Made in Heaven
This is metaphysically aligned with the final 2 Words of the First 7-Word Verse of Creation, “V’Et H’Ertz (ואת־הארץ), and the Earth” of numerical value 703, the 37th Triangular Number, and the sofit value of the word Gan (גן) as in Gan Eden, the Garden of Eden. While the implications there are enormous, including the Concept of 37, the Core Essential Prime Number at the core of the structures of our DNA, it is the 3rd and 4th letters of the Alef-bet about whose alignment we are referring. While there are 2109 or (3 x 703) letters Gimmel (ג) in the Torah, there are 7032 or (10 x 703) letters Dalet (ד) in it, for a total of (13.0028 x 703) for the 2 consecutive letters whose nominal values are (3 + 4) = 7.
Moreover, the complete Mispari gematria of the letters Gimmel (ג) and Dalet (ד), or 3 and 4, is (1272 + 546) = 1818, as in the 3 expansions of the letter Alef (א). It is also as in the ratio of the total gematria value of the Torah divided by the Spherical Time diameter or (21009826/11556) = 1818.0, and it is the inverse proportion to 55. Also, while their sum (2109 + 7032) = 9141 plus the kolel (2) equals 9143, the value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, the ratio of their product over their sum is (2109 x 7032)/(9141) = 1622, as in the sum of the Names of the 11 Odd Hebrew letters that equal 1622, and that is in the Phi (φ) proportion with the other 11 Even Hebrew letter Names.
It is as if these two letters were designed from Creation to go together and complement one another, so much so that of the 231 Gates of Wisdom, the 231 letter pairs in the Torah, the pair Gimmel–Dalet (גד) is the 42nd pair and is found 371 times forward and 37 times in reverse in the Torah, as in the 37th Triangular Number, 703, and while 73 is sometimes the Name value of the letter Gimmel (ג), 73 is the 21st Prime Number and 231 is the 21st Triangular Number, as in (37 x 73) = 2701, the 73rd Triangular Number and value of the First 7 Words of Creation. While 371 is 173 backwards, as in the katan value of the 42 Letter Name Matrix, the sum of the (371 + 37) pairs equals 408, as in the value of the 8th letter Name, Chet (ח), and as in the (600,000 – 408) component letters in the Torah. Moreover, it should not be ignored that in English, the predominant language of Man in the final days of understanding, the letter pair Gimmel–Dalet (גד) spells God.
The Speed-of-Light
Meanwhile, the ratio of the Mispari gematria for all 22 letters of the Alef-bet to the value of their 22 ordinal names is (11478/17127) = .670169, as in the 670 Paragraphs in the Torah and the 670 million miles per hour speed of light.
As we well know, the First Verse of Creation has a numerical value of 2701, the 73rd Triangular Number, yet when we multiply the values of the 22 Names of the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet by their exact 304,805 letter occurrences in the Torah, the total sum for the Torah is 50323793, which is precisely 270.1… times the Speed-of-Light or (186,282 mps x 270.1… = 50323793. Then when we divide those 304,805 letters by the value 45, as in the value of Adam (אדם), Man, and as in the associated Aspect of the YHVH of Zeir Anpin (יוד־הא־ואו־הא), we get (304,805/45) = 6773.44, which is nearly identical to the wavelength of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) or 6773.9 miles, in other words, the speed-of-light divided the Primal Frequency is (186,282 mps/27.5) = 6773.9 miles.
As a reminder, the sum of the locations within Pi (π)’s first 1000 digits for the 3 sets of the 4-digit triplicate numerical strings, which are based on the mirrored calendars Event Horizons is (6771 + 3) = 6774, matching the precise wavelength of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) or 6774 miles at the speed of light, and the 6.774 sum of the 10 square roots of the 10 cyclical remainders of dividing by the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz). Moreover, the sum of their 27 digits is 147 as in the 7 Names of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Torah or (7 x 21) = 147.
Pi – Locations | |||||
9999 | 5778 | 2019 | |||
763 | 633 | 245 | |||
764 | 948 | 703 | |||
765 | 954 | 996 | |||
2292 | 2535 | 1944 | 6771 | 3 | 6774 |
Metaphysically, we understand that the 6 bundled dimension of Zeir Anpin that shape physicality align with the 7 first Triplets of Pi (π) and the 7 first Triplets of Phi (φ) together with the associated 7 and 7 Essential Triplets of the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name. We also understand that those two sets of 14 primordial and Essential Triplets equate to 5500 and 5500 or (200 x 27.5) each, as in the Primal Frequency (27.5). We can now further comprehend that they have an average of (7121/14) and (3701/14), which equals exactly (7121 + 3701)/14 = (10822/14) = 773, as in 186,282 mps/27.5 = 6773.9 miles.
In our physics, frequency is determined by the distance between two wave peaks as they pass through a fixed distance in a fixed amount of time, and the higher the frequency the closer together those peaks and thus the shorter the distance between them and thus the shorter their wavelength. This is what defines the entire electromagnet scale and all energy as we can perceive it. The corresponding wavelength to a frequency of 27.5 Hz in space is solely contingent on the speed-of-light and works out to 6773.90539 miles. When we round that off as 6774 miles, we see that the sum of the 10 square roots of the resultant 10 remainders of dividing by the Frequency (27.5 Hz), from .090909 to .909090, is 6.774… While metaphysically this Cosmic alignment is of obvious harmonic and perfect design, in our physical world, there is no reason to connect simple Number Theory with the speed-of-light. If only our minds had more processing power or more time for abstract reasoning and pattern detection, who knows what insights into the universe we might gather and what it could truly mean for us to understand how to harmonize with the universal consciousness.
What is happening is that when the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) is applied to the integer Concepts they get segregated into 10 stackable Fourier theory frequencies that always equal 5 and that their triangular or cumulative sum is thus (55 x 5) = 275 or 10 cycles of the Primal Frequency.
Integer | 10 Residues | Sq Rt | /27.5 | Cumulative | 10 Residues | Sq Rt /27.5 | Sq Rt Cumulative |
1 | 0.090909 | 0.30151119 | 0.03636364 | 0.036363636 | 0.363636 | 0.19069252 | 0.190692518 |
2 | 0.181818 | 0.42640122 | 0.07272727 | 0.109090909 | 0.727272 | 0.26967994 | 0.33028913 |
3 | 0.272727 | 0.52223271 | 0.10909091 | 0.218181818 | 0.090909 | 0.33028913 | 0.467099366 |
4 | 0.363636 | 0.60302239 | 0.14545455 | 0.363636364 | 0.454545 | 0.38138504 | 0.603022689 |
5 | 0.454545 | 0.67419953 | 0.18181818 | 0.545454545 | 0.818181 | 0.42640143 | 0.738548946 |
6 | 0.545454 | 0.73854858 | 0.21818182 | 0.763636364 | 0.181818 | 0.46709937 | 0.873862898 |
7 | 0.636363 | 0.79772364 | 0.25454545 | 1.018181818 | 0.545454 | 0.50452498 | 1.009049958 |
8 | 0.727272 | 0.85280244 | 0.29090909 | 1.309090909 | 0.90909 | 0.53935989 | 1.144155107 |
9 | 0.818181 | 0.90453358 | 0.32727273 | 1.636363636 | 0.272727 | 0.57207755 | 1.279204298 |
10 | 0.90909 | 0.95346211 | 0.36363636 | 2 | 0.636363 | 0.60302269 | 1.414213562 |
55 |
5 |
6.7744 |
2 |
8 |
5 |
4.2845 |
8.050 |
2.4899 |
6.7744 |
And since the 390625 Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah is exactly 58, there are exactly 108 or 100,000,000 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) in the scaffolding structure of the Torah and we see that it was designed to align with the 10 first integers (1 – 10) as in the 10 Sefirot of the inner Tree-of-Life, along with every subsequent set of 10 integers. Moreover, since the cumulative value of those 10 first integers in terms of their cycles of 27.5 is exactly 8, we further understand that scaffolding structure (58) of the Torah is that of the 10 stackable residues of the Primary Frequency (27.5) raised to the power of the sum of their cumulative cycles. The 10 Fourier residues of the integers Primary Frequency (27.5 Hz) cycles when raised to the sum of their triangular values precisely equal the 58 Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah. Moreover, the ratio between them, or 5/8, is equal to .625, the value of H’Keter (625), and the square root of the 390625 Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah
Furthermore, the sum of the square roots of those 10 triangular values of those first 10 integer Primary Frequency (27.5 Hz) cycles equal 8.050, as in the 805 Words, Letters, and Verses in the 10 Commandments. And the sum of the square roots of the first 10 integer Primary Frequency (27.5 Hz) cycles equal 4.284, as in the Source of 42. This is precisely 2.4899, as in the 248 dimensions of E8 Symmetry and the ubiquitous Torah Concept 248, less than the square roots of the 10 cyclical remainders of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), 6.7744… and of the 6774-mile wavelength of the Primary Frequency (27.5 Hz), as in (6.7744 – 2.4899) = 4.284.
If instead of the sum the square roots of the cycles, we instead take the square root of the sum of the 10 residues, we get the square root of 5, such as we find at the root of the Field of Phi (φ), while the Concept of 2 in the Phi (φ) root is the natural sum of the 10 frequencies. We can also now better appreciate why 55, as the sum of the first integers 1 through 10 and (2 x 27.5), is so prevalent in the Cosmic equations.
In harmonic alignment with the sum of the square roots of the first 10 integer Primary Frequency (27.5 Hz) cycles or 4.284, is the sum of the first row of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, 1143, and its permutation from Pi (3.141…), or (1143 + 3141) = 4284. Meanwhile, its ratios are (1143/3141) = .363…, as in H’Moshiach, and (3141/1143) = 2.75, the Primal Frequency.
Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Gematria
This unworldly unraveling of metaphysical mystique is like some of the Cosmic Codes that JD successfully deciphered for us a few years back. By the nomenclature of Cosmic or metaphysical we are referring to the intersection of the physical mathematics from geometry to Number Theory, along with the interface language of the Alef-bet and the Torah, to all that exists beyond our comprehension and perception and that lies behind the workings of the mathematical world.
Utilizing the cumulative or Triangular values of Pi (3.14159…)—3 for Alef (א), (3 + 1) for Bet (ב), (3 + 1 + 4) for Gimmel (ג), etc.—and doing the same for Phi (1.618033…)—1 for Alef (א), (1 + 6) for Bet (ב), (1 + 6 + 1) for Gimmel (ג), etc.—in other words using their first 9 Triplets, we can add them together with their respective ordinal values (1 – 27) and apply them to the 27 letters of the Alef-bet accordingly. In the case of the powerful regressive Name of the YHVH (יהוה) its standard numerical value goes from 26 for YHVH (יהוה) to 72 for (י־יה־יהו־יהוה) and from 214 for the YHVH (יהוה), as in the numerical value of Ruach (רוח), or G-d’s Spirit that hovered on the Waters (fields), to 620 for (י־יה־יהו־יהוה), as in Keter (כתר), the highest and crowning of the 11 dimensions (Sefirot) of the outer Tree-of-Life, when this cosmic cipher is applied.
Keter (כתר), associated with the Triangular Regressive Name (י־יה־יהו־יהוה), sits atop the Tree-of-Life at the juncture of Pi (π) and Phi (φ). Its’ difference with the value of 550, as the 11 initials for the entire Tree, is (620 – 550) = 70, as in the 70 branches of the 42-Letter Name and of the Tree. This is a metaphor for the Keter or Crowning moment in the Torah at the 13 (Echad) Verses and 620 Letters of the 10 Commandments that sit atop the first 70 Chapters of the Torah.
When this same gematria cipher or algorithm is applied to the First Word of the Torah, Bereshit (בראשית), its value goes from 913 to 2368, as in the year 2368 HC when Moses was born. And when we add 112, as in 112 Essential Triplets, we get (2368 + 112) = 2480: as in the value of the 5 Names of the 5 Books of Moses; as in the Name of the 4th Book, Bamidbar (248); the Name Abraham (248); the 248 columns in the Torah; the 248,000φ main elements of the Torah; the 248 Words of the Shema, and as in the 248 dimensions of the associated E8 Lattice. Moreover, when the reference to those 112 Essential Triplets is added to the Concept of 248, we get (112 + 248) = 360, as in the 360o in a circle, which is the intersection of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) at the core of the Spherical Time paradigm. As for Moses, the addition of 112 to the year the First Holy Temple was destroyed, 3338 HC is (112 + 3338) = 3450, as in 10 times Moses (345), while the year 3338 HC is the ratio of the Spherical Time paradigm radius (5778 HC) to itself or (.5778 x 5778) = 3338. Moreover, 3450 is the exact number of occurrences in the Torah of the 2 Words Et (את) and V’et (ואת) from the 7-Word First Verse of Creation, whose nominal value together is (401 + 407) = 808, as in the sofit value of Abraham, whose Name is embedded across the First 5 Words of Creation.
Tau Phi Gematria and the Spherical Time paradigm
The complete value of the Alef-bet with the kolel for the 27 letters is 27 plus 378 for the 27 ordinal values plus 4995 for the 27 standard sofit value of the letters, and this works out to (27 + 378 + 4995) = 5400 at an exact average of (5400/27) = 200 per letter, like the 200 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in the twin sets of the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets that equal 5500 or (5500/27.5) = 200.
We should realize that in the metaphysical universe everything is purposely connected and that there are 70 facets to the Torah, meaning that words within it can be viewed from different angles to give us differing perspectives and understandings. Those angular facets include permuting or as Abraham Avinu explained it, rolling the letters. Therefore, since the preposition Et (את) is widely known to represent the Alef-bet from Alef (א) to Tav (ת), we can see that the First Word in Creation, Bereshit (בראשית), breaks down into Et (את) ,Bet (ב), Resh (ריש), which translates into “The 2 letters Resh (ריש),” and while Resh (ר) is the 20th Hebrew letter, it has a value of 200, as in the 2 sets of 200 cycles in the twin sets of 7 and 7 Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets that are Cosmically aligned with the 7 First Words of Creation, led off by the word “Bereshit (בראשית), In the Beginning.” Moreover, we can see that this further aligns with the full value of the 27 letters of Alef-bet that also equate to 200 as per the above. Thus, we see the format in this of the twin stacked Magic Essential Cubes of Creation as previously discussed.
Nonetheless, those twin sets of the 7 tiers of the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets naturally contain (21 + 21) = 42 digits and the product of 42 and the fields of Pi (π) plus Phi (φ) is 42(π + φ) = 199.9 or 200, just like the 200 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in the twin sets of the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets that equal 5500.It all emanates from the Source of 42 and the Source One.
Moreover, the Cosmic magic or metaphysics continues with the product of the Spherical Time paradigm radius and Pi (π) and Phi (φ), or 5778(π + φ) = 27501.12, which is 1000 (Binah) times the Primal Frequency (27.5) plus 1.12, as in the 112 Essential Triplets, with 501 being the value of the Name Asher (אשר) from the highest Name of Binah, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה) while Asher (אשר) has the ordinal value of 42 and is likewise found permuted inside the First Word of Creation Bereshit (בראשית). The other 3 letters Be’it (בית), meaning House as in House of G-d, can likewise be permuted into the triplet (תבי) whose string gematria is 420, as in the 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and the Galactic Current Sheet wavelength.
And because 5778 equals Phi (φ)18, the Cosmic equation 5778(π + φ) is also equivalent to (φ19 + 5778π) with φ19 being equal to 9349.000 or precisely 10 less than the complete value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, 9359, Meanwhile, 5778π equals 18152.12, as in the 1815 letters in the First 7 Days of Creation, and as in the 1815” length of the Grand Gallery in the Great Pyramid, while 212 is the value of the word “The Light, H’Ohr (האור),” the average of the 2nd and 3rd Triplets in Pi (π), or (159 + 265)/2 = (424/2) = 212, as in the first thing G-d saw in our world, “And God saw the light, that it was good” from Genesis 1:4.
The value Pi (π) is most often used as tau, which is 2π or (6.282…), in physics because of cycles of wave functions, which is also why the figure 55 keeps appearing within Number Theory. Nonetheless, we see that when the gematria cipher of 2π, as in the mathematical and physics constant Tau, plus Phi (φ), is applied to the 27 ordinal places, in other words twice the cumulative values of the digits in Pi (π) plus the cumulative values of the digits in Phi (φ) as they correspond to all 27 letters, the Alef-bet in the 2πφ cipher also equals exactly 5400, illustrating once again that Pi (π), Phi (φ), and the Alef-bet were concurrently designed to interact with one another. It also means that the average for the 54 digits that consequently align with the 54 Portions of the Torah is (5400/54) = 100, like the 100th Prime Number, 541, the numerical value of Israel, and coincidentally the 541 rooms in the US Capitol building that houses 100 Senators, while the entire United States Congress is made up of 100 senators, 435 representatives, and 6 delegates to the House of Representatives, a total of 541 legislators.
When the complete value of the C2πφ or Complete Tau Phi cipher is applied, that total for the Alef-bet goes from 5400 to (5400 + 378) = 5778, as in the Event Horizon radius in the Spherical Time paradigm.
Moreover, the sum of the cumulative total for the first 27 digits of Pi (π) is 1733, as in the small gematria of the 42-Letter Name (173), and the same total for the 27 digits of Phi (φ) is 1934. Together they equal 3667, while their inverse is (1/3.667) = .27270248 as in the two sets of 27 digits and as in the Concept of 248 yet again. This is also like the sum of the digits in 5778 that equals 27, and those in 2889, and in (2018 + 3760) as well, the entwined Spiritual and Physical Time radii within the Spherical Time paradigm radius.
Furthermore, the 3 times that the string …5778… recurs in the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) totals (3 x 5778) = 17334, which is found within Pi (π) at digit #67021, as in the value of Binah (67), etc., and as in the value of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) consciousness, 21. Furthermore, the value 67021 is the 6677th Prime Number, or (6677 – 6057) = 620, as in the highest Sefira, Keter, and as in the 620 letters in the 10 Commandments, while 6057 is the sum of the 3 recurrences of the string …2019…, the Western Calendar analogue to 5778 HC, within those same first 1000 digits of Pi (π).
Meanwhile the figure 1733 aligns perfectly with the Solar and Lunar eclipse cycle of 173.3 days, the time between the Cosmic openings for eclipses of either the Sun or the Moon that can only occur during the ascending or descending lunar nodes. These nodes happen when the lunar orbital path crosses the Earth ecliptic, which is every 173 days. The precession or nodal period as those nodes cycle around the Earth is 18.612958, or metaphysically off from the speed-of-light by .081820% while the minimum declination in that 18.6-year cycle is 18o20’.
As we know, the basic equations for the Spherical Time paradigm are:
C = 2 πr
C = 2(2018π + 3760π) = 36304.24470
C = 4π(2889)2/2889 = 36304.24470
C = 2(5778π) = 36304.24470
C = 2π(5778) = 36304.24470
In these equations C is the circumference of the sphere, the value 2018 represents the 2018-year radius of the Physical Time frame, and the value 3760 represents the 3760-year radius of Spiritual Time frame with the ratio between them being metaphysically equivalent to the speed of light (3760/2018) = 1.86282 or 186,282 MPS. The year 2018 CE is equivalent to the Hebrew calendar year 5778 HC, and the Hebrew year 3760 HC is the pivotal year 0 or 1 CE on the Western/Gregorian Calendar. In the Spherical Time paradigm, time, or the time pathways radiate outward from the center, while the value 2889 HC is the halfway point to the year 5778 HC and is exactly the halfway point in the 70 years of King David’s life, 2889 HC.
While we may perceive time to be billions of years long, the Torah, which we have already proven was designed and created before physicality, says that the conscious part of Man is around 5778 years old and that prior to that there was 6 Days or a little less than 6000 years of preparation for that consciousness, hence the Spherical Time paradigm diameter of 2(5778) = 11,556 years. We all know that physically this is impossible, yet so are all the other findings and alignments that we have uncovered, so that leaves us with trusting the Creator and trusting that in a Divine Simulation His timeframe is a perfect one and that it makes complete sense.
Something else to ponder is that this means that the complete Tau-Phi gematria cipher (C2πφ) for the entire Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 is 5778, and that the average positional value is thus (5778/27) = 214 or (2 x 107), as in the 107th Triangular Number, 5778.
While we clearly see the tau or 2π portion of the Spherical Time paradigm equation in the revealing gematria cipher (2πφ). We also see the result 5778 when applying that cipher to the complete Alef-bet. On the other side of the Spherical Time equation, we have the circumference of the spherical bubble as 36304.24470, or numerical strings 363 (H’Moshiach) and 424 (Moshiach Ben David) consciousness, the two highest layers of consciousness within the 248 dimensions of Binah supra consciousness, along with the numerical string 4470, as in the 44.70 Spirituals hours for every 24 Physical ones that are in the speed-of-light ratio within the Spherical Time paradigm, and as in the 4470-sum of the first 1000 digits in Pi (π) that are associated with Binah. So, it is even more relevant that when we apply the same complete gematria cipher (C2πφ) to the 7 Essential Triplets of the Pi (π) helix within 42-Letter Name they too equal 4470.
We can now understand that the time limit or Event Horizon of the 5778-year radius of the Spherical Time paradigm bubble was determined cosmically by the limits of the values of the Alef-bet and by the structure of the fields of the cosmic constants Pi (π) and Phi (φ). Regardless of its alignment to prophecy, it was not arbitrary or contrived. As Rav Ashlag explained, the 5778-year radius can also be had by taking the 6000 years from the first 6 Days of Creation, and continually reducing it with the kabbalistic (.333 – .666) ratio to eventually get (6000 – 222) = 5778, or 3.7% less than 6000, as in the initial 5778 years in the 6 Days of Creation. We could say that this portion of 222 years corresponds to the Sefira of Keter, especially since the first time the value of Keter, 620, appears in Phi (π) is at digit #222, and at digit #620, we find the value …42….
This also means that 5778 is 96.3% of 6000 and that Man was Created and/or became conscious in the 6th Day, (1000 – 37) or 96.3% of the way to the first 6000 years of those 6 days, which is telling, since the Essential Core Prime Number 37 is at the heart of every aspect of our DNA and our amino acids. Moreover, while (6 x 37) = 222, the value 963 is (9 x 107) and (5778/6), and most importantly it is the value of the first expansion of Echad (אלף־חית־דלת), One, as in the Path and Source of One.
Furthermore, Einstein’s Cosmological Constant, the figure that corrects Einstein’s E = MC2 equation, is 2.888 x 10-122 times the Planck’s length, or approximately 2889, aligning it too with the surface temperature of the Earth is 288.8 K while that of the Sun is 20 times that at 5778 K. We know that the Cosmic Interface language translates the Hebrew Name for 20, Esrim (עשרים) into the numerical value 620, as in the Name of the crowning Sefira, Keter (כתר) so we see this Sun/Earth layered geometric alignment extend to the precise 6202 or 384,400 km distance between the Earth and Moon, and hence to the 384,400 value of the 4805 letters Pe (פ) in the torah, out of the total 304805 letters in the Torah.
The 9 to 5 in Number Theory Again
In another context in a previous article we mentioned that of the 999 possible combinations of all 3-digit numbers, there are 10 numbers or 5 mirrored combinations (495 – 594, 693 – 396, 297 – 792, 99 – 990, 198 – 891) that equal the Kaprekar related number 1089 or 332, and that 8 of the 10 first locations in Pi (π) for these 10 numeric strings add up to (464 + 143 + 41 + 1962 + 737 + 685 + 44 + 2071) = 6147, a permutation of the Kaprekar Constant (6174). What we failed to note was that 4 of those 8 locations equal (143 + 1962 + 737 + 2071) = 4913 or 173, as in the total value of the Torah 21009826 that equals 21000000 + (4913 x 2), which means that the other 4 add up to (6147 – 4913) = 1234, which is equivalent to the sum of the 7 Triplets of Phi (φ) divided by Pi (π) or (3877/3.14159265358…) = 1234.0… And while the ratio of the two main termination points for the additive (9999) and reductive (55) digital interspace within the first 9999 integers is exactly (9999/55) = 181.8, the resultant value of 173 less the Constant 1313 that helped create the Alef-bet is (4913 – 1313) = 3600, as in the circle (360o) and as in (18 x 200), like the (27.5 x 200) = 5500 totals of both sets of the Phi (φ) and Pi (π) Triplets, which all circles back to the 18 spirals of Phi (φ) or Phi (φ)18 that equals 5778.000, the Spherical Time paradigm radius.
Recently we discussed that all integers have specific rep-digit termination points when the interspace or gaps between their digits are either successively subtracted or added until there is no longer any space between the digits. When these termination points for the first 9999 integers are grouped into 9 sets of like digits, in other words (1, 11, 111, and 1111) to (9, 99, 999, and 9999), the sum of their corresponding original integers plus the sum of their successive echoes for the set of (5, 55, 555, and 5555) totals exactly 420,840. Meanwhile, the number of integers within the first 999 of those 9999 integers that conform to this termination set (5, 55, 555, 5555) is 625, or 54, the square root of the exact number of Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah, 6252, and the value of H’Keter, the 10th and highest Sefira in the Tree-of-Life structure.
Vector Analysis and Cosmic Interspace
Another way to think about the digital interspace within numbers, is as the vectors between the digits, or the vectors that connect the digits. The formula for the magnitude of a vector (X, Y) in 2-dimensional space is |V| = √(X2 + Y2) and so by squaring and adding any 2 adjacent digits and taking their square root, get their vector relationship. Then by doing that for each of the digit pairs in any integer or whole number or numeric string and adding them together we get their vector trail or geographic interspace. While the total for the first 99 integers is 700.30, the total for the first 999 integers is 13,556.091 or exactly, (13,556.091 – 11,556) = 2000.091, or 2000 more than the Spherical Time paradigm diameter.
Time, Frequency, and History
As a placeholder within this intricate Cosmic design, the katan value for the word Torah (תורה) is 17, and the first 17 digits within the Field of Pi (π) equal 82, the katan value of the First 7 Words of Creation. So, while (17 + 82) = 99, their triple value is (2701 + 17 + 82) = 2800, as in the 28 Letters in the First Verse of Creation and as in the .666 or 2/3 of 4200 from the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) = 2380, with (1820 + 2380) = 4200 and the Source of 42. Moreover, while the 28th Prime Number is 107, as in the 107th Triangular Number, 5778, and the sum of the 10 Triplets is Pi (π) is (4200 – 33) there are 66.6 Jubilee years or 3330 years from the 2448 HC date of the Exodus to 5778 HC and those 3330 years less the equivalent date 1313 BCE is (3330 – 1313) = 2017, as in the Event Horizon Western Calendar equivalent, 2017 CE and as in the mirrored 2017 years until the Covenant of Halves with Abraham.
When we consider the same 2/3 ratio of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) or (.6666 x 27.5) = 18.33… we see that is it equal to the 1833 value of the 21 letters through the exact midpoint of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and that it coincides with the exact 1833 letters Samech (ס) of numerical value 60 in the Torah. Moreover, 1833 years after Noach’s birth in 1056 HC is the precise midpoint in the Spherical Time paradigm radius, 2889 HC, and the exact midpoint in King David’s life. Time is tuned to frequency. History is written in layers of frequency. And it all radiates from the Source. One-third (1/3) of 1833 is 611, the numerical value of Torah (תורה) and (4 x 611) = 2444 plus the kolel (4) is 2448, the year of the Torah revelation and the Exodus, which is thus equivalent to 4/3, as in the volume of a sphere equation, of 1833, while 2448 is also (.8888… of 27.5) or (1 – .1111…) x 27.5.
This is encoded in the second set of the 13 Verses of the 10 Commandments at Devarim 5: 6–18, whereby the atbash or reverse gematria, known as “Ohr Choser, Returning Light” for the 209 Words is 66325, which is 275 less than (66325 + 275) = 66600, the orbital speed of the Earth around the Sun. Keeping in mind that 275 is the value of the 4 Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה), the standard value of the second set of the 10 Commandments is approximately (275/2) less than 55,000 or (2000 x 27.5). The 209 Words reflect the complete value, or (154 + 55) = 209, of the “World to Come, Olam Haba, (עוֹלָם הַבָּא)” whose ordinal value is 55, which is a metaphysical reason that the 5th Book of the Torah, Devarim, has 159 Paragraphs, as in the 159-value of “The World to Come, H’Olam Haba (העולם הבא).” Those 209 Words reflect the sum of the 42 digits in the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and 7 Triplets of Phi (φ) that equals 209, and as we will explain shortly, this set refers to the level of Binah, which means that the first set of the 10 Commandments at the 107007th letter in the Torah may refer to Keter of the 7 dimensions of Zeir Anpin.
Nevertheless, as we know, the Concept of 5 is directly aligned with and related to that of 9 in that the sum of the 10 cyclical remainders—all multiples of 9—derived from dividing consecutive integers by the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) is exactly 5, while the sum of their 10 square roots is 6.774, as in the precise wavelength of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), or 6774 miles at the speed of light. The 10 multiples of 9 in those cyclical 10 remainders equal (1 + 2 + 3…10) = 55, the 10th Triangular Number, which brings us back to the cosmic harmony of the 2 helices of the Phi (φ) and Pi (π) Triplets that each equal 5500.
It also explains why in our 10-dimensional structure of the Inner Tree-of-Life and in our base 10 mathematical world the Event Horizon grace period for the 11,556 years Special Time paradigm diameter and for the 11,556-year Galactic Current Sheet wavelength is 55 years. This takes us to a palindromic (11556 + 55) = 11611, as in the 611-value of Torah (תורה) mirrored backwards and forwards, which is also 17 x (700 – 17), like the 112 Essential Triplets whose total value is (17,000 – 35).
Those (11556 + 55) = 11611 years equals 422 cycles of 27.5 years, as in the 422-value of the Hebrew word (שבעים) for 70 and as in the 422 BCE date that the First Holy Temple was destroyed, which was 70 years before the Second Holy Temple was built, which stood for 422 years until 70 CE when it was destroyed. Now while 11611 years is more precisely 422.2 cycles of the Primal Frequency, the natural complement to 4222 is (10000 – 4222) = 5778, and (.5778 x 5778) = 3338, the year the First Holy Temple was destroyed.
It is almost beyond comprehension how these synchronized alignments could be possible. It is certainly beyond the realm of physical possibility.
Frequency Illusion
There is a phenomenon called the frequency illusion or the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon and it is a cognitive bias towards noticing a specific concept, word, or number more frequently after recently becoming aware of it. After 20 years we would assume that the effect should have abated, even if there is some truth to it, like how do we not notice that in hundreds of different cities on the same date, the local news stations announced that there were exactly 33 local deaths that day supposedly due to Covid, or that more recently a helicopter made a beeline for flight 5342 as it approached runway 33. We naturally are moved to connect those dots for right or wrong. In one sense it is pattern recognition, a key component in higher IQ measurement, and is a way for our consciousness to make sense of the alien world of physicality into which it has been thrust. In another sense, once a concept or message is subliminally inserted into our minds, it automatically gets reinforced every time we encounter it, and we become more primed to notice and receive it. As is now widely known, all those assorted news outlets were paid through their oligarchical conglomerate owners to read from the same script and were reimbursed through covert funds from USAID and other clandestine taxpayer funded sources, so no, there was no coincidence or Baader–Meinhof phenomenon there. It was signaling, the broadcasting of a secret code or message. As for the helicopter assault who knows, but as the time-pathways during the 27.5-year Event Horizon grace period at the edge of the bubble sphere or torus get stretched thin, cross, and short-circuit, everything gets revealed. It is part of the reset/recycling process.
While lesser minds will suggest to us that we are under the influence of the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon whenever we see patterns within the matrix of our world, we are in fact waking up, and those patterns or repetitive numbers are the sparks of the neurons firing within our consciousness. Just as the patterns emerge when we string them together in our physical world to reveal hidden sources and truths, so too do they happen in the metaphysical world from which our world was coalesced. And like the secret messaging paid for and broadcast across our TV screens and in secret hand and eye gestures by likewise paid off and purchased celebrities, the metaphysical universe is constantly sending us messages and embedding codes for us to find. As the current cycles of 5778 and 11,556 years with their stretched 27.5 and 55-year grace periods draw to a mutual close, the signaling race becomes more dire.
The Concepts of 5 + 8 = One
While Sarah, the Matriarch, whose life is declared in the Name of the 5th Portion of the Torah, has a numerical Archetype value of 505, Abraham, her husband has a numerical Archetype values of 808 and of 248, as in the 248 dimensions in the E8 Symmetry of Binah. These are the two components of the Constant (505 + 808) = 1313 within the Source of One, which is why Abraham is credited with the concept of monotheism, One God. When the Torah tells us he broke the idols, it is metaphorically alluding to the breaking of the desires for physicality represented by those clay idols. The One God made Man from the dust of the earth; Man made idols to represent his selfish desires from the earthly dust, transferring his focus from the Spiritual to the Physical, idol worship. As the Creator shattered the vessels of the prior resets and the realms of the 8 Kings and returned all to dust and clay, so too Abraham shattered the vessels in the form of his father’s idols. The Torah is continually teaching and explaining. It is up to us to listen and understand.
Sarah thus represents the Concept of 5 and Abraham the Concept of 8, which come together in the Torah’s 58Words, letters, and Verses. H’Keter, or (625 = 54), likewise appears to be a higher power manifestation of the Concept of 5, we see that (625 – 555) = 70, as in the 70 years of King David at the exact center of the Spherical Time paradigm radius; and as in the 70 years of Abraham, Israel, and of the Holy Temples; and of the 70 sub-dimensions or branches of Zeir Anpin within the Tree-of-Life. Therefore, it is notable that the same total Torah Name value equation that we used for the letter Hei (ה) when applied to the letter Ayin (ע) of standard value 70 and sofit Name (עין) value 780 is (11250 x 780) = 8775000, as in the Spherical Time paradigm radius (5778.000) in reverse, or mirrored. Inferred here is also that the 11250 letters Ayin (ע) in the Torah less the Constant 11180 of the 8 x 8 doubly normal magic square equal (11250 – 11180) = 70, its nominal value.
Furthermore, by a separate Divine act of Cosmic design, the average of the sum (124793723) of all the 22 sofit Name values for all 22 letters as they recur in the Torah is the symmetric (124793723/22) = 11171.111, or 8.888 less than 11180.
What is likewise harmonically synchronous is that while the 1000th Triangular Number is 500500, relating the Concepts of 5 and 55 to Binah consciousness, the metaphysical equation (1820 x 1375)/5 = 500500 unites the 6 Essential Triplets of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, whose value is 1820 and thus aligned with the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) and the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, with the 6 Essential Triplets of the 5th , 6th, and 7th tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, whose value is 1375, as in the 50 cubit high Gates of the Holy Temple, the 50 Gates of Binah, (27.5 x 50) = 1375, and the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o. At the core of this is that 1820 cycles of the Primal Frequency are (1820 x 27.5) = 50050.
Moreover, that significant resultant Binah value of 500500 when divided by the 248 dimensions of Binah, scaffolded with the architecture of the E8 Lattice and Symmetry, is (500500/248) = 2018. This is the Western Calendar (2018 CE) analogue to the Spherical Time radius of 5778 HC and is symmetrically equivalent to the year 2018 HC when Abraham of numerical value 248 received the Covenant of Halves (50/50) with the Creator. Furthermore, 5005 is the value of the 112 initials of the 112 Essential Triplets, aligning them with Jacob, whose Name has the radiant value of (182 x 27.5) = 5005.
The value of completion, 40 comes up often in our discussions and in the Torah. There are the 40 Days and 40 Nights of the Flood; the 40 Days of Moses’ ascents of Mt Sinai and the 40 days between them; the 40 years in the desert during the 42 Journeys and the 40th Prime Number, 173, as in the katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix associated with those journeys; the 40-week human gestational period; the 40 years of King David’s rule and of King Solomon’s; and the 40 integers between 26, the value of the YHVH (יהוה) and 65, the value of Adonai (אדני) that equal Σ(26 – 65) = 1820, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. So, it is notable that just as the merging of the Concept of 5 and 8 equals (5 + 8) = 13, as in the 13th Hebrew letter, the letter Mem (מ) of value 40, the merging of the Concept of 5 and 8 also equals (8 x 5) = 40. There is a reason and purpose for everything in the metaphysical world.
Crossing Pi (π) and Phi (φ)
Given these metaphysical relationships between the various core clouds of consciousness and that Phi (φ)18 = 5778, the Event Horizon radius, and that there are (183 + 13) Verses in the Torah, it is of note that that (18 x 5778) = 104004 and that the location of the 13 verses of the 10 Commandments within the Matrix of the Torah is at its 107007th letter. This gives us a net of (107007 – 104004) = 3003, the exact value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creations formed by the first 8 Words and/or First 33 Letters of the Torah.
Moreover, while the last 2 strings …5778… within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) are separated by the number 18, they terminate in 805, as in the (172 + 620 + 13) = 805 elements of the 10 Commandments that initiate the final 42 of those Pi (π) digits. And while the sum of the digits leading up to this sequence is 4242, the value 805 is also the numerical value of “rainbow,” the official sign of G-d’s Covenant with the Earth immediately after the Flood, which is produced because of light’s incidence angle with water, 42o.
Within the confines of physicality nothing ever makes sense and everything is random; however, with the metaphysical tools of the Cosmic Interface language (Hebrew), the multi-faceted Matrices of the Torah, and the Cosmic language of the numerical Concepts, everything falls into place, including time, space, interspace, physics, history, and all the physical attributes and dimensions of our universe.
The historically recorded extinction level events associated with this same synced periodicity of every 5778 years and especially every (2 x 5778) years are akin to the great metaphysical reset called the Flood, and to the physical one caused by the Galactic Current Sheet. As we have often discussed, both the numerical string …5778… and its Western Calendar counterpart …2019… are each found 3 times within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) and the first time …5778… is found is at digit #633, which is the exact net differential between the two sets of the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ), or (3877 – 3244) = 633, which in turn is 8.889% of their total (3877 + 3244) = 7121.
When we add to that difference, the net difference between the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) helices of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, or (2083 – 1618) = 465, plus the natural kolel, we get (633 + 465 + 2) = 1100 or 40 times the Primal Frequency (27.5) and as in the 11000 total value of these combined 4 intertwined primordial sets.
Then while the absolute value of those 7 differences between the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) is 2645 or Phi (φ)2 plus 27, as in the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, (2618 + 27), their sum plus the absolute value of the corresponding 7 differences within the 42-Letter Name Matrix plus 1/42 as the kolel for the twin sets of 42 digits and 42 Letters is (2645 + 1317 + 238) = 4200.
As we have previously seen, this Comic harmonic alignment is mirrored in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) whose sum is 2380, as in (1820 + 2380) = 4200, and as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah to which they and the Singularity of One are aligned. This is a binding force behind the metaphysical consciousness networks and their ratios, such that (1/2380) = 42 and (4200/2380) = 1.764 or metaphysically as 1764 = 422, along with the ratio of (2380/1820) = 1.30…., and the subsequent ratios (2380/4200 + 1820/2380) = 1.331373, as in Echad, One, 13; the cube of 113 or 1331; the 313 Names Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah; the Fine Structure Constant, etc. (1/137); and the Triangular Value of the 7-Word First Verse of Creation, 73.
Nonetheless, the ratio of the 7 Triplets in Pi (π) to the total for both sets of 7 is (3244/7121) = .455555, as in 455-value of the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) consciousness that is in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820). Of course, this makes the ratio for the 7 Triplets in Phi (φ) to the total for both sets of 7, (3877/7121) = .544446, or .033333 or 1/30 less than .577779 or .5778, the Spherical Time paradigm radius.
Meanwhile, the location within Phi (φ) where the first string …7121… occurs is at digit #20175, as in the Western Calendar analogue year of the Spherical Time paradigm radius, 2017.5 CE, while 2017 is a permutation of the First Verse of Creation, 2701. Moreover, while the average of the first locations for …3877… and …3244… in Phi (φ) is (6308 + 6531)/2 = 6420, the 3rd location for the Pi (π) sum …3244… is at digit #16800, or (4 x 4200), as in the Source of 42.
Pi (π) and Phi (φ) and the Path of One
The crossover between Pi (π) and Phi (φ) and the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) is likewise extraordinary in that the locations in which the Path of One is first found in both Pi (π) and Phi (φ) and their sums are all integrally related to each other and to our Solar System.
As we see in the accompanying table, while the string …13… representing Echad, Oneness, is first found at digit #55 in Phi (φ), it is found at digit #110 in Pi (π) for a sum of 165, as in the 2, 4, 6 multiples of the Primal Frequency (27.5) so ingrained into the Cosmic framework of our universe. Since the same scenario for the string …1… gives a sum of (2 + 1) = 3, the cumulative sum so far is (3 + 165) = 168 or (4 x 42), which it should be noted is (132 – 1).
The next string sequentially is …91… which is first found in Phi (φ) at digit #42, as in the Source of 42 and the various Names of 42, which together with its complement in Pi (π) gives us a total of (42 + 249) = 291, as in the value of the 11th Essential Triplet of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation, while (42 + 13) = 55.
Also, the first 3 locations in Phi (φ) cumulatively equal 99, while the first 3 cumulative locations in Pi (π) equal (1 + 110 + 249) = 360, as in the 360o circle associated with Pi (π). Next, we see that the two sums (165 + 291) = 456 and subtracting the kolel (1) gives us 455, the next value in the Path of One. Furthermore, the sum of the corresponding Pi (π) and Phi (φ) locations for 455 equal exactly (1012 + 808) = 1820, as in the final position in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) and as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. Moreover, 808 is not only the sofit value of Abraham but the previously corresponding Pi (π) location is 249 or 1 more than 248, the standard value of Abraham. Then, while the digit #1 and #110 locations in Pi (π) equals (1 + 110) = 111, as in Alef (אלף), or One, the 2 cross location sums (291 + 1820) = 2111, and the sum of the 4 consecutive locations in Phi (φ) equal (2 + 55 + 42 + 1012) = 1111.
If that were not Cosmically pleasing enough, the first location in Phi (φ) for the string …111… is digit #441, the value of Emet (אמת), Truth, or 212 as in the radiant Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה)2. And given that One Day is 24 hours, it is not inconceivable that the 24th time the string …111… appears in Phi (φ) being at digit #42107 was planned. Nor that (441 – 111) = 330, or (12 x 27.5) and the base of Great Pyramid, while 44,100 is the volume of the Tower of Truth, the Great Pyramid’s height, or that while (24 x 111) = 2664, which is (2448 + 216), the difference between the Spherical Time paradigm radius midpoint and the year of the Exodus, 2448 is 441 years. Nor should we assume it is coincidental that the equatorial Solar rotation period or sidereal motion is 24.47 days.
For whatever metaphysical reason that the Creator had in mind, the sum of the corresponding locations for 1820 in Pi (π) and Phi (φ) equal (37,256 + 24,653) = 61909, which when added to 91 from the Path of One gives us (61909 + 91) = 62000: as in the value of Keter (620); which is the square root of the 6202 distance between the Earth and the Moon; which is symmetrical with the 6.20-mile difference between the Sun’s equatorial diameter and its polar one; and with the 62.0-mile edge of the Earth’s atmosphere, the Kármán Line; and with the 6200-mile edge of Earth’s exosphere; which is aligned with the 6200-cumulative value of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet; the 6202 total value of the 4805 letters Pe (פ) in the Torah; and with the 62 Yuds (י) among the 620 total letters in the 10 Commandments; which is also in alignment with the first 21 Verses of Creation that have a total value of 62000; which further aligns with the difference between the ratio of 1/5778 and the ratio of the circle to the inscribed square that equals (1.7307027 – 1.1107207) = .620000.
That 6200-mile edge of Earth’s exosphere is also 10,000 kilometers, or 105 kilometers. This all makes even more sense given that the sum of all 5 levels of the corresponding Pi (π) and Phi (φ) locations to the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820), including the Path, plus 32, as in the 25 Paths of the Tree-of-Life, equal exactly 66600, as in Earth’s orbital Speed around the Sun.
The crisscrossing is also like the product of the 3rd Triplets in Pi (π) and Phi (φ) that equal (988 x 265) = 261820, as in Phi (φ)2 or 2.618… conjoined with the 1820 from the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah.
While the ratio of (265/988) is .26821…, the sum of the 7 ratios of the 7 tiers of the Pi (π)/Phi (φ) Triplets is 13.137…., as in the gematria sofit value of Sarah, the Matriarch, and her complementary consciousness, Abraham, or (505 + 808) = 1313; as in the 1.313 constant of the exponential curve (1.313x) of the values of the Alef-bet; as in the revelation of the 13 verses of the 10 Commandments at Sinai (130) that happened in 1313 BCE; as in the 14 middle letters of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal 1313; and as in the sum of the 8 square roots of the 8 columns of the ordinal values of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that equal 131.3 It is also as in the Fine Structure Constant 1/137 and all the Torah and Cosmic synchronicities with 137, the 33rd Prime Number, that we have previously highlighted.
Apropos to that ratio of (265/988) = .26821 is that 26 is the value of the YHVH (יהוה), 82 is the katan value of the First Verse or First 7 Words of Creation and its standard value less its katan value, which by the way is always a multiple of 9 by Cosmic design, is (2701 – 82) = 2619 or (2618 + 1), that is Phi (φ)2 + One.
A Very Cosmic Connection
However, the very first Cosmic connection between the two Primordial Fields of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) is found in the first Triplet of Phi (φ), 161, which is not only the value of the highest Aspect of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי), but is also first found within the sea of the Pi (π) Field at digit #1610, or #1611 when we begin with the initial 3, as in (1611 + 7) = 1618, which is Phi (φ). It is also as in 611, the numerical value of Torah (תורה), which is also the Interspace or the digit gapping within 7-1-2-1, the sum of the 7 tiers of the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets.
Meanwhile, at 11,556 Hz for the Galactic Current Sheet frequency, the wavelength would be 16.11…miles and its wavenumber, or the inverse of the wavelength, would be .06203 as in Keter (620) and as in the first Essential Triplets of the Torah and Creation (ברא) of numerical value 203. Alternatively, at wavelength 11,556 miles, the frequency would be 16.11… Hz and its wavenumber would be .00014763 mi, which is simultaneously 9.173 e-8 meters, as in the Pi (π) equation relationship between the Concept of 9 and the 42-Letter Name Matrix, whose katan value is 173.
Before we go any further, we should explain that within the 7 Triplets of Phi (φ), the first digit “8” of 1618 was omitted. This leaves us with the sequence 1610…, aligning it with the location in Pi (π) for the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) and for the first Triplet of Phi (φ), 161. When the digit “8” is included, there are a completely different set of crossed symmetries, which we will examine momentarily. First, we should further point out that the number of Cafs (כ), Tavs (ת), and Gimmels (ג), representing (אכתג), the 4 letters/nucleotides (ACTG) of our DNA nearly balance out the number of Alefs (א) in the Torah, or (28869 – 27059) = 1610, as in highest Name of Binah Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי), and as in the 4th and 7th tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that sum to (704 + 906) = 1610, and as in the highlighted purposeful omission by the Creator of the first digit “8” of Phi (φ). As a reminder, those 4 nucleotides (ACTG) of our DNA in the Hebrew Cosmic Interface language (אכתג) equal 424, as in the value of Moshiach Ben David consciousness.
To be clear, we cannot randomly go around omitting digits, but the Creator can. This may be why the inverse of the sum of the Words and Word-Values in the Torah equals 1/(79976 + 1024) = 1/81,000 and similarly 1/81 = .0012345679, omitting the number 8, which is all the more relevant because (987654321/123456789) = 8, and the Concept of 8 as previously explained is aligned directly with the E8 Symmetry of the 8th Sefira of Binah consciousness.
The process of omission, or the leaving of an empty digit place, opens a nearly infinite dimensionality to even relatively small sets. This is the only case that we have noticed, which implies that the Creator wanted us to find this portal to 8th dimensional Binah or E8 Symmetry. By doing so, He is also making it clear that there is unlimited symmetry and infinite possibilities within the design of Cosmos and within its varied primordial fields. Another implication is that there are choices, not all paths need to lead to Rome. Different levels of understanding will lead to different outcomes.
The 7 Triplets of Pi (π) do not vary, regardless which set we utilize; however, we can call the set with the omitted 8, the Binah set, and the straight set of 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and of Phi (φ), the Zeir Anpin set. Yet, as always, we are only speculating as to the intentions of the Creator and are limited by the scope of our vision and consciousness, while even metaphysical reality may not be what it seems. Shades of Inception.
Layers Upon Layers of Depth
Mathematics is metaphysical by nature. It consists of all sorts of numbers and operations that are non-physical representations of relationships and concepts that exist only in our minds. Mathematics are even more metaphysical than words, which all exist only in our minds and that mean different things depending whose mind they are in. We have a concept of what a bird is, but what of an oiseau or a pajaro? We may even have a definition in mind of what a bird is, and that may include flying, but what about flightless birds, or other objects that fly, like bats or insects. Language exists in our minds and how we integrate with it depends on how we process it, much more so than what is physically in front of us. Numbers and mathematics are even more abstract. Their whole existence is free from physicality and free from how we interpret or process them. Moreover, when we want to understand our world we must temporarily shut out physicality and tap into the metaphysical world of mathematics and only then can we return and apply it to our world. But that is where the layers of inception come in, because what we see in the metaphysical world is limited by our ability to process and our ties to the physical realm. Entire levels of conversations and understandings with different and alternative realities are simultaneously happening above our paygrade and if perchance we can slip into one our entire perspective shifts. It is like being invited to the C-suite and finding out everything you thought you knew about your company was wrong. Imagine then you find out the numbers are not even numbers but clouds of consciousness. It would be like finding out that your corporate board was really an AI supercomputer that conferred daily with other corporations’ AI supercomputers.
Love Thy Neighbor
In the Binah set, the value 820 stands out. It is the numerical value of the famous phrase from Leviticus 19:18 that is said to be at the heart of the Torah, “but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ).” With 1000, as in Elef (אלף) that is also Alef (אלף) or One, we get (1000 + 820) = 1820, as in the Path of Echad, One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) and the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. Alternatively, the sum of the natural Echad squares from 12 – 132 equals (820 – 1). Just as an insight, the cube root of 820 is 9.359, the value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix with its kolel, (9143 + 216) = 9359. Also, the sum of the natural Echad squares from 12 – 132 less the 11 natural squares from 12 – 112 that is equivalent to the first tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the complete gematria of Moshiach Ben David, is (819 – 506) = 313, as in the 313 Names Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah.
The value 820 is not only the 7th Triplet in Phi (φ) but is also the net difference between the sum of the 7 Triplets of Phi (φ) and the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) along with their corresponding helices of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, or (6147 – 5327) = 820. Meanwhile, the sum of the 14 combined Triplets of Pi (π) and of Phi (φ) or (3244 + 4529) = 7773, and when we add the 42-Letter Name, we get (7773 + 3701) = 11,474, as in the 11th Sefira, Da’at, of numerical value 474, which is (11556 – 11474) = 82 less than the Spherical Time paradigm diameter. And while the 77th Triangular Number is the sum of the 11 Essential Triplets or First 8 Words of Creation, the 73rd Triangular Number is the sum of First 7 Words or First Verse of Creation, reflecting 7773, which emphasizes that 82 is its katan gematria of the of First 7 Words of Creation. Moreover, the numeric string …7773… is first found in Phi (φ) at digit #1619, or (1618 + 1), and the total for the Phi (φ) side of the helices equals (4529 + 1618) = 6174, which as previously discussed aligns with the unique mirrored combinations (495 – 594, 693 – 396, 297 – 792, 99 – 990, 198 – 891) that equal 332, and whose 8 of the 10 first corresponding locations in Pi (π) add up to (464 + 143 + 41 + 1962 + 737 + 685 + 44 + 2071) = 6147.
22 Names, 70 Sefirot
Nonetheless, the 7 locations in Pi (π), many of whom are noteworthy, for the 7 Phi (φ) Triplets equals (1610 + 84 + 2020 + 1949 + 998 + 2363 + 52) = 9076, as in (330.0 x 27.5) and as in the base measure of the Great Pyramid, 9075 inches. And while the corresponding 7 Phi (φ) locations for the 7 Pi (π) Triplets equals (7773 – 5573) = 2200 less than their nominal total for their joint 14 Triplets, those corresponding totals equal (9076 + 5573 + 7773) = 22422, which is found in Pi (π) at digit #110986 or 14 less than 111,000. Meanwhile, the 6th Triplet in Phi (φ), 484 is equal to 222, as in the 22 Names of the letters of the Alef-bet, the palindromic sum 22422 is 422 backwards and forwards, as we saw reflected in the history of the Holy Temples and as in number 70 associated with the 70 subsefirot of Zeir Anpin and the first set of the 10 Commandments in the 70th Chapter of the Torah.
27 Letters, 70 Sefirot
Nevertheless, if we choose the sum of the Pi (π) field locations for all 7 Triplets of Phi (φ) beginning with the initial 3, we see that the sum is (1611 + 24 + 1536 + 56 + 1239 + 150 + 374) = 4996 or (4995 + One), as in the sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, 4995, whereas the sum of the 7 Triplets locations of Pi (π) within Pi (π) is (1 + 4 + 7 + 10 + 13 + 16 + 19) = 70, as in the 70 sub-Sefirot and the 70 YHVH (יהוה) in the Tree-of-Life Structure that align with Zeir Anpin, as in (70 x 26) = 1820.
Additional Layers
Examining both sets of the 7 tiers of the Zeir Anpin Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets vis-a-vis their locations within the complementary fields, we see that the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) first appear within Phi (φ) at locations that sum to 5573 or 5500 plus 73, as in 21st Prime Number and the Core Essential Prime Number 73 that represents the First 7 Words of Creation through its Triangular Number equivalent, 2701. Moreover, the average of the 2 sets equals (4989 + 5573)/2 = (10562/2) = 5281 or One mile (5280’) plus One foot. Furthermore, the sum of the 7 natural logarithms for the 7 sums of these 2 sets of corresponding locations is 50.05, just like the value 5005 from the Path of 7, or (1 + 6 + 21 + 56 + 126 + 252 + 462 + 792 + 1287 + 2002 + 3003 + 5005) = 13013, and from all the other 5—5 Cosmic consciousness alignments that we have just reiterated.
However, when we add the square roots of those same 7 sums to their total, we get (10582 + 260.6) = 10822, which is equivalent to the original 2 sets of the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and of Phi (φ) along with their corresponding 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, or 10822.
Layers in Time
This is all reminiscent of Noach, who loaded the Ark with the animals 2 by 2 and 7 by 7. And while we can find suspected meaning in many of the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets alternate corresponding locations, it is the first 2 Triplets of Pi (π) in the Field of Phi (φ) that are the most intriguing. The location of the first Pi (π) Triplet, 314, is correspondingly found in the Field of Phi (φ) at digit #947, which is the location in Pi (π) where we find the final of the 3 numeric strings of the Spherical Time paradigm radius …5778… within the Binah or first 1000 digits. Moreover, 947 is the 161st Prime Number, as in the first Triplet in Phi (φ), not to mention the value of the highest Aspect of the Name Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah. These fields appear to be contorting into a vortex centered upon this focal point in physicality, consciousness, and time.
Furthermore, the location of the second Pi (π) Triplet 159 is found in the Field of Phi (φ) at digit #702, which is the location in Pi (π) where we find …2019…, the Western Calendar analogue (2019 CE) to 5778 HC, which is also found 3 times there. It is also notably the numerical value of Shabbat (שבת), as in the prophesied 1000 years of the 7th millennium and time of Moshiach. Meanwhile, the sum of all the preceding digits in Pi (π) to digit #947 totals 4240, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness, and as in the numeric value (9476) of the Torah’s First 42 Words, whose complete value is (9476 + 1592 + 42) = 11110.
While 947 is the location of …5778… and the 161st Prime Number as in the first Triplet of Phi (φ), and the highest Name of Binah, it is also the Mispari gematria of the ordinal value (17) of the 17th Hebrew letter, Pe (פ), or (שבע עשרה) = 947.
Back to the Source of 42
These redundant alignments with the primordial 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) and the Source of 42 is deeper yet, as we see that their 7 cumulative sums total 24181, as in the 42nd Prime Number, 181, and as in the sum of the first 42 digits in the set of all the Prime Numbers, 181, while the sum of the 7 logarithms of the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) is 18.10.
Moshiach Consciousness
Moreover, the sum of the 7 logarithms of the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) along with those of the 7 Triplets of Phi (φ) is 35.887, as in the value of Moshiach consciousness (358), and as in the 4th Triplet in Pi (π), 358. It is also very precisely, the ratio of the highest Aspect of the Name Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah, and/or the first Triplet of Phi (φ), 161, to the Spherical Time paradigm radius and Event Horizon limit of our Solar System, 5778, as in (5778/161) = 35.888.
And while, this is also the cube root of the sum of the first 8 factorials (1! + 2!… 8!) or 35.890, it is also the sum of the ratios of the orbital speeds of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, that collectively equal 35.88. As the Sun orbits the Milky Way at 6.720 times the speed that the Earth is orbiting the Sun, and as the Earth orbits the Sun at 29.16 times the speed that the Moon orbits the Earth, together this discreet system totals (6.720 + 29.16) = 35.88. Meanwhile, the sum of the radii of the Earth and Moon is 5040 miles or exactly 7!, or 7 factorial.
As we saw in The Genesis Prayer, the product of the 28 Letters of the First Verse of Creation over its 7 Words equals Pi (π), and its string value times Phi (φ) or 221304221135041453404614512965129504545662φ = 358,077,751,650,319,904,712,680,826,223… as in 3580, the complement to the average of the first locations for …3877… and …3244… in Phi (φ), or (6308 + 6531)/2 = 6420 and (10000 – 3580) = 6420, with (4200 – 3580) = 620, Keter. More and more fields of consciousness are sucked into the Vortex.
All the while, the sum of the 2 sets of the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) when separately divided by Pi (π) and Phi (φ), equal (7121/π + 7121/φ) = 6667.705, as in the orbital speed of the Earth around the Sun, about 66,677 mph. As for the measure of the mile or 5280 feet that is utilized in “miles per hour,” it is exactly 192 cycles of 27.5, as in the value of the 2nd tier of the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets, or (159 + 33) = 192, and as in the 192 hours in the 8 Days of Chanukah associated with Binah. Their net difference is (159 – 33) = 126, as in (3 x 42) and as in the value of each of the 6 faces of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42.
The Layers Collapse into One
Meanwhile, the Natural Logarithm (LN) of the 6th Triplet in Pi (π) or LN (323) equals 5.77765 or 5.778, exactly as in the Logarithm of 600,000, representing the 600,000 Israelite Men that stood at Mt Sinai to receive the Torah: Log (600000) = 5.778. And while the midpoint in the Spherical Time paradigm radius is 5778/2 = 2889, as in the exact midpoint in King David’s Life, 2889 HC, the cube root of 2889 is 1.4242378, and while 378 is the 27th Triangular Number and the numerical value of the phrase “He and His Name are One, Echad UShmo Echad, the value 14242 is exactly twice 7121, as in the sum of the 7 First Triplets of Pi (π) and of Phi (φ). The value 378, the sum of the 27 positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 is also half the radiant Primal Frequency or 27.52/2 and it is (9 x 42) = 378. The concept of dividing key numerical values by 2 is also a process in dimensionality in the geometry and symmetry of a hypercube whose vertices increase or decrease by a factor of 2 from one order to the next. This is the same as multiplying or dividing by “.5,” which means that the Concept of 5 can be swapped in for the Concept of 2 in our equations or Cosmic relationships.
The 27th Triangular Number, 378, is not just the sum of the integers from 1 to 27, but as the sum of ordinal values of the 27 Hebrew letters, is represents the sum of their Inner Light or inner energy.
Another of those primal relationships is found in the equation of dividing the sum of the sofit gematria value of the 22 Names of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet by 2 or (10048/2) = 5024 while the log of (5024) is 3.7010…, as in the 3701 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Thus, by Cosmic design the log (10048/20) = log (502.4) = 2.7010, as in the value of the First 7 Words or First Verse of Creation. Thus, we can see that by using the simple grammar of the Cosmos, the building blocks of the Interface language link the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the First 7 Words of Creation that are derived from it.
As previously explained, the dual Aspects or Sources of our Universe are the Concepts of One and of 42.
Mersenne Primes
Mersenne Primes (3, 7, 31, 127, 8191, 131071, 524287…), which are of the nature of (2n + 1), have come up multiple times in our discussions, especially regarding Perfect Numbers and the “Life of Sarah.” It was explicitly stated that she lived 127 years, the 4th Mersenne Prime Number, when she died at the “City of 4 (בקרית ארבע).” We find this dynamic in the 401,273 quantitative elements of the Torah that equal exactly 248,000φ, as in the 248-numerical value of Abraham, her husband, along with the Cosmic Harmonic Constant (1.273) that squares the circle and encloses it on 4 sides, as in the 401,273 elements. It is also related to the 400 shekels that Abraham paid for Sarah’s burial cave and the surrounding field less her 127 years, or (400 – 127) = 273, the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273), which is the difference between the areas of that square and its enclosed circle or cave, as in the 273-value of the word “four, Arba (ארבע).”
Another interesting property of those 401,273 main quantitative elements of the Torah is that 401 is the standard value of the Hebrew word for 8 while 273 is the standard value of the Hebrew word for 4, giving us the coordinates 8–4. Meanwhile, (3003/11) = 273 is the average of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that are comprised of the 8 First Words of Creation.
Moreover, the sum of the 360o circle and the 4 sides that encase it is (360 + 273) = 633, the location in Pi (π), digit #633, for the first appearance of …5778…, the Event Horizon radius.
Once again, the design is purposeful, but the purpose is speculative, though it may have to do with there being 248 dimensions in the E8 Symmetry of Binah, and with the gematria of Abraham being both 248 and 808 in sofit gematria, while Sarah is 505, since 401273 is comprised of 5 quantitative categories: the (80000 – 52) Words, the 58 Letters, the 5845 Verses, the 42 rows, and the 248 columns.
Then while (808 + 505) = 1313, we see that the 5th Mersenne Prime is of the order of n = 13 and equals 8191, which is (8191 – 7121) = 1070, or (10 x 107) more than the sum of the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and of Phi (φ). This makes this metaphysical relationship reflective of the 13 Verses of the 10 Commandments at the 107,007th letter in the Torah, along with the Spherical Time paradigm radius 5778, and the 7 tiers of the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and of Phi (φ).
Meanwhile, the 6th Mersenne Prime (131071), which is in the order of n = 17, begins with 13 followed by 107 and then One (1). The 7th Mersenne Prime (524287), which is in the order of n = 19, is (524800 – 524287) = 513 or (19 x 27) less than the 1024th Triangular Number (524800), as in the sum of the 1024 or 210 positions and vertices in the Torah’s Word-Value Matrix and/or the 10-dimensional Hypercube. This, of course, is harmonically aligned with the 5 Elements, or 248,000φ Words, Letters, Verses, Rows, and Columns, in the 5 Books of Moses.
The 6 Days of the Earth
Moreover, the cumulative value of the first 4 Mersenne Primes is 168 for an average of (168/4) = 42, just like the product of the digits in (4 x 1 x 2 x 7 x 3) = 168. And the average (8359/5) = 1671 for the first 5 Mersenne Primes aligns with the 1671 letters in the first 6 Days of Creation, which is equivalent to the sum of the Prime Numbers in the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) or 1670, plus One (1). It is also exactly one-half of, or the midpoint in, the 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, or (3342/2) = 1671. Furthermore, while the cumulative total for the first 5 Mersenne Primes is (9359 – 8359) = 1000 less than the complete value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, it is also the sum of their 72 square roots (720.0) plus the 9 square roots (280.0) of their 9 rows that equals (720.0 + 280.0) = 1000.0, and alternatively, it is the average value of their lower 8 rows, exactly 1000.
We cannot begin to understand our physical universe until we understand the fundamentals of the metaphysical one. Once we understand the fundamentals of the metaphysical universe, we will have no need for our physical one.
The Solar cycle is 11 years and that greatly affects the Earth and the Solar System through all the intersecting fields, yet the Earth has its own cycle, the 6-year cycle. Across dozens of metrics from the core dynamo to the layers of our atmosphere the Earth System oscillates on a 6-year cycle. Therefore, within the confines of the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius there are (5778/6) = 963 such cycles. As discussed, the value 963 is that of the first expansion of Echad (אלף־חית־דלת), One, as in One Day, meaning that the 6 Days of Creation represent (6 x 963) = 5778, as in the 6 Days and the 5778 years that existed in preparing the Earth for Man, who was Created on the 6th Day. The Earth has 5778 years, and Man has 5778 years in each reset cycle.
The YHVH (יהוה), the Aspect of the Creator at the level of Zeir Anpin, has its own cycle, which is why 5778/26) = 222.2… or 6 Days at the level of Binah (6 x 1000) less the Earth’s 5778 cycle, equals (6000 – 5778) = 222.
While each of those 963 cycles is equivalent to (9 x 107) as in the 107th Triangular Number, 5778, and the limit of the Solar System, 107 AU, along with the temperature of the Sun, 5778 K, we see that 107 cycles of the Sun’s 11 year periodicity equals (11 x 107) = 1177, as in the 1177 K temperature of Venus and Mercury, the two planets between the Sun and the Earth, whose temperature is 1/20th that of the Sun, 288.9 K. This is aligned with Man’s decreed cycle of 120 years that is 20 times the Earth’s 6-year cycle.
In case we were to believe those planetary temperatures as a coincidence or aberration, please note that our Solar System was further designed such that the surface temperature of Mars is 210 K and that of the two neighbors Saturn (134 K) and Uranus (76 K) together is also (134 + 76) = 210 K, making the 3 of them equal to 420 K as in the 210 cycles of the Primal Frequency in 5778 years, etc., and as in the 420 cycles in the full diameter 11556 years. And while 210 cubits and 210 courses is the height of the Great Pyramid and 165 cubits of 27.5” is the scored measure of its base, the surface temperature of Jupiter is 165 K, Pluto’s is 50 K, and Neptune’s is 72 K, giving all 6 of the planets beyond Earth a combined surface temperature of 708 K, as in the value of the Upper 42-Letters of the Name of YHVH (יהוה). Likewise, the surface temperature of the Earth (288 K), combined with those of the four (4) planets flanking Jupiter (210 K + 288 K + 210 K) are also equal to 708 K.
Moreover, while the Great Pyramid has an apex angle of 76 degrees and the surface temperature of Uranus is 76 K, the 4 combined surface temperatures of the four (4) planets Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus that equal (288 K + 210 K + 134 K + 76 K) = 708 K also has the sum of their digits equal to (288 + 210 + 134 + 76) = 42 (מב) as in the 42 Letters of the Names and as in the Great Pyramid’s corner slope angles of 42o.
We must keep in mind that Absolute Zero or 0 K is –273o C and that 273 K (0O C) is the freezing point of water, while the 11-year sunspot cycle works on a 27.3-day revolution period, just like the average value for the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation, 3003/11 = 273, which is further aligned with the 27.3 days that the Moon takes to orbit the Earth, its sideral rotation, and its tropical month or period between moonrises at our poles, while the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation in the universe is 2.73 K. Perfect design integration!
We also see those 107 cycles of the Sun’s 11-year periodicity, (11 x 107) = 1177, in the sum of the 72 Essential Triplets and their 72 ordinal positions, or (9143 + 2628) = 11771, while 11,771 minus their 216 letters as a kolel is 11,555, the Spherical Time paradigm diameter. This would be the year 2017 CE, the front edge of the Event Horizon, and while 2017 radians equal 115565o of a circle or (3 x 107) = 321.0 circles, we see that 5778/321 = 18, as in Phi (φ)18 = 5778.
We cannot begin to understand our physical universe until we understand the fundamentals of the metaphysical one. Once we understand the fundamentals of the metaphysical universe, we have no need for our physical one.
That said, it is emerging that the Earth with its 6 year cycles based on its internal dynamo is analogous to the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin, and that the Moon, harnessed to the Earth, is analogous to the receptacle dimension of Malchut; and that the Sun, giver of life and the energy that feeds it, with its 11 year cycles is analogous to the full 11 dimensions of the Tree-of-Life.
While Earth and Man pulse with the simpler beat of the Inner Tree-of-Life and the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin, the Sun metaphysically pulses with the beat of the 11 dimensions ofthe Outer Tree-of-Life, where the bundling includes all 7 dimensions beneath the additional 11th dimension of Da’at.
Fruits of the Tree
The Cumulative Ladder of the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and of Phi (φ)
While the total for the first tier of the 7 Triplets of the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) double helix equals 475, or the 474 value of Da’at, the 11th dimension in the Outer Tree-of-Life, plus One, the cumulative value for the first 2 tiers is 667 or (666 + One). And while the cumulative value for the first 3 tiers is 1920 or (10 x 192), the value of the 2nd tier, the cumulative value for the first 5 tiers is 4900 or exactly 702. Then while the sum of the 3rd and 4th tiers is (1253 + 1107) = 2360, the square root of 5 at the heart of the design of Phi (φ) is 2.2360. Meanwhile, the sum of the 4th and 5th tiers is (1107 + 1873) = 2980 or (10 x 298), as in the 298-ordinal value of the First 7 Words of Creation that align with the 70 sub-sefirot and 70 faces or facets of the Torah and the 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life.
Names of G-d
Then while the first Triplet in Pi (π) is 314, as in the Name of G-d, Shaddai (שדי), and the first Triplet in Phi (φ) is 161, the value of the highest Aspect of the Name Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah, the difference between them is (314 – 161) = 153, the 17th Triangular Number, which is harmonically aligned with the 17th Hebrew letter, Pe (פ) , whose Name spelled-out Pe-Alef (פא־אלף) has the value (81 + 111) = 192, as in the value of the 2nd tier of the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets, and as in (64 x 3), reflective of the 192 nucleotides in the 64 codons of our DNA and RNA. Moreover, 17 is the katan value of the YHVH (יהוה) and of the Torah (תורה) and digit #153 is the first location in Pi (π) where we find the string …111… as in Alef (אלף) and One.
Meanwhile, the 7th tier of the Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets is (204 + 846) = 1050 = (21 x 50), or 21, as in the value of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) times 50, as in the 50 Gates of Binah consciousness, which is akin to the last 3 tiers of the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal (27.5 x 50) = 1375, as in the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o.
What may not be clear is that the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius, 5778 years, is 42 turns of the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o just like the height of the Great Pyramid, 5775”. Or that 137.5 is the cube root of 2,600,000, and that while the 3 upper tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix equal 1820, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, and the 3 bottom tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix equal 1375, this is the cube root of 2,600,000,000 or 2.6 billion or 100 million YHVH (יהוה). This is like the 26,000 years of the circumference of the Great Precession of the Earth’s axis against the stars and of the parallel Cosmic Wheel. It is realizing that the Name of G-d is everywhere, and that the Creator can be found everywhere and anywhere we look. He and His Name are One. His handiwork is Him.
Symmetry of Creation
It should be noted that while (200 – 27) = 173 and (4200 – 27) = 4173 and the string “327” from the 5327 total of the Pi (π) side is the 10th Triplet in Pi (π) and the 5th Triplet of the 5 Triplets that begin with 3, the value 27 aligns with the 27 Letters of the Alef-bet and the 27 positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, and is the definition of 3-dimensionally perceived space, as 27 = 33, which in turn plays a huge role in why the Hebrew Alef-bet is the Cosmic interface language with our physical world.
So, we must ask if the 327 Triplet is related to the E8 Binah Symmetry? To begin with we can mathematically describe the Binah hyperspace as:
And the basic geometric form it takes is the Magen David where each of the 3 vertices of each of the interlocking triangles is equivalent to 27 dimensions, hence the two SU (3,27), while the first SU (3) represents the 23 = 8 base dimensions with the e6 being 78 dimensional.
This Primordial Magen David presents as (27 + 1) root vectors/vertices in each of the star’s 6 vertices and (72 + 6) in the center, which makes 246 in total plus the 2 for the 2-dimensional e6 projection for a total of 248. We must keep in mind that there are 240 faces in a 6-d hypercube, analogous to the 240 non-base dimensions of the E8 Lattice and (112 + 128) = 240 root vectors.
The (6 x 27) outer vertices or dimensions total 162 and as we detailed previously, this is the value of “In [G-d’s] image (בְּצֶלֶם)” whose complete gematria value is (162 + 45) = 207, the gematria of Ohr Light (אור), and while 162 approximates Phi (φ), 2.07 is the ratio of the 162 outer dimensions to the 78 inner ones (162/78). This is why Adam (אדם), Man, of numerical value 45, is made in G-d’s image.
With E6 in the center of the Star, we find additional symmetry in that the central column of (27 + 78 + 27) + 1 dimensions equals the 133 dimensions of E7 and this can be sliced along any of the 3 axes of the Star. An interesting alignment occurs with the 7 base dimensions of E7 and the Torah in that the sum of the ending verse coordinates for the 7 sets of the 7 Days of Creation is (5 + 8 + 13 + 19 + 23 + 31 + 34) = 133, the last 4 of which add up to 107 and the first 3 to 26.
This mimics the first two Words of the 10 Commandments, “Anochi YHVH (אנכי־יהוה), I am G-d” of numerical value 107, at the 420th YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, whereby the YHVH (יהוה) has the value of 26 and Anochi (אנכי) has the value 81, as in the 81,000 Words and Word-Values in the Torah, and as in 1/81 = .0012345679, with the omitted 8 of Binah. It is also mimicked in the 3 vertices of 27 dimensions or (3 x 27) = 81 dimensions of each of the triangles in the E8 Magen David within the E8 Coxeter plane projection.
Meanwhile, the right and left columns equal 2 (1 + 27 + 27 + 1) = 112 dimensions, as in the 112 Essential Triplets/Tetrahedra of the Torah and Binah Consciousness that are aligned with the 112 root vectors of E8.
8-Dimensional Symmetry in the Magic Essential Cube
To the myriad symmetries we have discussed about the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, there are the additional ones formed by the 8 singular cubes of 8
vertices each, or 64 vertices in total like the 64 codons in our DNA and RNA and the sum of Adam and Eve (45 + 19) = 64, and as in the inner 8 x 8 inner square of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix.
There are 7 shared vertices in each cube, as in this illustration. In this scenario, only the 8 original corners that add up to 112, as in the 112 Essential Triplets of Creation, are unique, and the central 14th position, or (112/8) = 14, is shared by all 8 cubes. When we map this out, we see that the sums of the 8 cubes, taken individually from 1 – 8 are identical to the position sums for the 8 aligned positions within these 8 listed cubes (1 – 8), and that the total for the 8 cubes is 896.
While the 64 positions in these 8 internal cubes are akin to the (8 x 8) = 64 positions in the Inner Matrix of the 72 Triplet Matrix, their ratio (896/8000) is the same as the average of the 8 internal cubes, or (896/8) = 112, as in the 8 original corners that sum to 112 and as in the 112 Essential Triplets of Creation. Furthermore, it is by Cosmic design that the Binah Complement to 112 is (1000 – 112) = 888. When we state, “by Cosmic design,” we mean by direction of the Creator, however it was accomplished.
Upon closer inspection the striped or diagonal symmetry in the unfolded cubic matrix appears, and while the 7, 14 and 21 stripes are most readily apparent, all the parallel upward diagonal stripes are also symmetrical. Moreover, like the row and column averages of 112, so too do the two central diagonals each equal 112, one composed of the 8 corners of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation and the other exclusively of its central 14th position.
Meanwhile half the cubes, or the 4 consecutive cubes labeled 5 – 8 add up to (117 + 104 + 116 + 118) = 455 from the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) and as in the sum of the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) consciousness, which is equivalent to ¼ of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. While, this also holds true for the labeled 5 – 8 aligned positions within those 4 cubes that terminate symmetrically in 4–20 in both instances, as in the 420 cycles of 27.5 years in the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and Galactic Current Sheet wavelength, the central 14th position in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 is equivalent to the first two expansions in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) or (1 + 13) = 14, as in the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
The 4 other consecutive cubes labeled 1 – 4 add up to (106 + 108 + 120 + 107) = 441, as in the 441 value of Emet (אמת), Truth, and as in 212 and the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה)2, and as in the 44100 cu3 Tower of Truth. The net difference between them is (455 – 441) = 14, as in the central position 14 and as in the value of David (דוד), at the central of the Spherical Time paradigm and history, and as in the average of the 64 positions in the cubic matrix, (896/64) = 14, and the average of each vector in the original Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 or (42/3) = 14, as in the first position in Pi (π) after the decimal place, 3.14… and as in the first Triplet in Pi (π), 314, or (3 x 14) = 42. This is like the difference between the 1st and 4th Triplets in Pi (π) or (358 – 314) = 42, while the 2nd and 3rd Triplets equal (159 + 265) = 424, which is (424 – 314) = 110 or (4 x 27.5) more than the 1st Triplet (314).
Within these first 4 cubes, the first two average (106 + 108)/2 = 107; the next one is the age of Man, 120 years; and the 4th one is exactly 107, as in the 107th Triangular Number 5778, the Spherical Time radius and surface temperature of the Sun, 5778 K, along with the total radius of our Solar System, 107 AU. Another symmetry is found in that there are exactly 107 digits in the 8 Cubes versus the 45 for the original Magic Essential Cube of Creation, the numerical value of Adam (אדם), Man. And in yet another surge of metaphysical synergy and/or symmetry, the sum of those 107 digits and those corresponding 45 digits in the original cube is (107 + 327 + 45 + 144) = 625, as in H’Keter and the square root of the 390,625 Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah. Since the value of those 107 digits is 329, we see that (329 – 107) = 222 as in (6000 – 222) = 5778, the 107th Triangular Number. Moreover, the net difference between these 2 corresponding sets of digits in the cubes is (107 – 45) digits = 62, as in the 62 letters Yud (י) in the 10 Commandments at begin at the 107,000th Letter in the Torah and the 420th YHVH (יהוה).
We have seen that there is a perfect 8 x 8 square within the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix of Constant 1000 and that the sum of the ordinal values of those 64 Essential Triplets is 1916. We have seen that there is a Normal 8 x 8 doubly Magic Square of Constant 260 and with a total value of 2080, the 64th Triangular Number. And we have seen that there is an 8 x 8 square Matrix unfolded from the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 112 and with a total value of 896. Thus, juxtaposed we see that the 3 Constants total (1000 + 260 + 112) = 1372, which with the kolel (3) equal 1375, as in the 42 turns of the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o in the Event Horizon 5778, as in the 3 bottom tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix equal 1375, and as in the 50 Gates of Binah and the height of the Gates of the Holy Temple.
Moreover, while 1916 is (1920 – 1916) = 4 less than 1920, the cumulative value of the first 3 tiers of the Binah Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets, the sum of all 3 squares is (1916 + 2080 + 896) = 4892 or 8, as in the omitted 8, less than 4900 or 702, which is the cumulative value of the first 5 tiers of those same Pi (π) and Phi (φ) Triplets. And it would be remiss not to point out that the sum of the value of inner 8 x 8 square within the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix plus the value of the Normal 8 x 8 doubly Magic Square is (8000 + 2080) = 10080, the sum of the Earth and Moon diameters, 10080 miles, or (8 x 1260), which is (24 x 420), like the 240,000 mile distance between the Earth and the Moon.
We cannot fathom why all these symmetries are built into the primordial Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, or any of the Torah and Essential and Primordial Triplet alignments, only that geometry and crystals tend to unfold and replicate symmetrically. We also know that severally and conjointly this serves as proof of their being proactively designed, along with their primordial status vis-à-vis the Creation of our physical existence. This necessarily provides us with discreet windows or portals into the worlds of higher consciousness, and thus they can serve as elevators for our souls. The higher we elevate our souls, the greater we harmonize with the universe, and thus the more we understand. It is a designed process that cannot be circumvented with physical technology. A robot may be able to work for you, but it will not be able to do the work for you, and AI may be able to think for you, but it can only control your consciousness, not elevate it. Technology can easily replace us as beings, but it cannot replace our reason for being.
No matter how quickly our technology develops, it cannot break through the limits of physicality. There is no physicality beyond our projection bubble. When that bubble fills up and bursts, it just resets. Physicality exists only in our minds and thus cannot interact with the metaphysical world of universal consciousness. It is for that reason that there is a firmament and an interface language that translates consciousness into physicality and into physical understanding, known as wisdom. In is a one-way cipher. It can only translate physicality into consciousness interpretively, not literally, which is why there is a time limit. At a certain point there is too much knowledge and not enough conscious thought. When Man becomes prolific in digitalizing his world, he no longer has a need for that world and the gift is rescinded.
The Twins
The age-old dynamic is between the two competing forces within physicality, the desire to elevate our consciousness to that of the universe, rising up through the ranks of the Tree-of-Life, and alternatively the desire to raise our physical boundaries to that of the universe, inverting the Tree-of-Life, which The Zohar labeled 2000 years ago as the New World Order. It is the battle between the Erev Rav and the chosen ones. It is the battle between good and evil.
These are the twins that were in Rivka’s womb. Genesis 25:24 is a unique 6-word verse in which every word contains twin letters. Those 6 doubled letters contain the Mem-bet (מב) or 42 twice, and all together they spell out Yah-Mabul (יה־מבול) or the Name of G-d Yah (יה) of value 15 and the word for the Flood (מבול). The waters rose 15 cubits above the Earth and the first 3 doubled letters that are also the 3 first initials (ויל) of the verse have the value 46, as in the word cubit, amah (אמה). Moreover, the verse tells us that this was at the end of her gestation period, or 40 weeks, like the 40 Days of the Flood when the waters rose. And they rose Day and Night. According to the Torah narrative Rivka already knew she had twins so what was the Torah announcing? The twin forces that would fight with and rely on each other for the next 3760 years or so to the far end of the Event Horizon grace period. Since Isaac was born 100 years after Abraham, in 2048 HC, this would take us to 5808 HC (2048 CE) with both the 248 in 2048 and the 808 in 5808 reflecting Abraham. Moreover, the Interface word for 100 is Meah (מאה), a permutation of the word cubit, amah (אמה).
What is telling about the radius 5808 is that in 5808 years through 5808 HC the Earth would pass through precisely 77707.21 sidereal moons, each of which is 27.3 days or 2121407 sidereal days/27.3 lunar sidereal months. Moreover, in One Solar year of 365.242 days, there are (365.242/27.3) = 13.378 sidereal lunar months as in 13, Echad, and 378, as Echad Usmo Echad “He and His Name are One.”
The birth of Isaac also occurred exactly 400 years before the Exodus in 2448 HC, in alignment with the 400 shekels that Abraham would pay for Sarah’s burial cave and surrounding field, and in alignment with the 400 years of affliction that Abraham was told his seed would endure in a strange land. The Hebrew for 400 used in this prophecy given to Abraham by G-d in Genesis 15:13 is (אַרְבַּע מֵאוֹת, שָׁנָה) of numerical value (273 + 447) = 720, as in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix utilized at the Splitting of the Sea in 2448 HC.
While the katan value of those 6 twin letters, 12 in total like the 12 Tribes, is 42, their ordinal value, is 107, as in the Event Horizon time limit, 5778 HC. Meanwhile, the 13 letters in the last 3 words (והנה תומם בבטנה) have a value of 620, as in Keter, and as in the 13 Verses and 620 Letters in the 10 Commandments at 107,000th Letter in the Torah. With the kolel, they equal (620 + 13) = 633, as in the first location in Pi (π) for the numeric string 5778, the 107th Triangular Number. Twin forces, one time frame. One force that adhered by the 10 Commandments and the other that fought against them.
The 14 letters of the first 3 words (וימלאו ימיה ללדת) on the other hand equal 622, so with the kolel (3) they equal 625, the value of H’Keter, a twin but not exact twin to the back 3 words. And since 622 connects to the head of the snake in 622 CE and since we know that Jacob was born holding Esau’s heel, the verse harks back to G-d’s prophecy and the circle of the snake and Man. There is duality in everything which is why 622 HC is when Enoch, who walked with G-d, was born. And it is why the gematria of snake, nachash, and Moshiach are both 358. Like a magnet or magnetic field that contains two polar opposite forces, they are of one source and no matter how we slice up the field they both endure as equally strong opposing forces, attracting and repelling in equal power.
Pascal’s Pyramid of Consciousness; All Paths Lead to One
Yet another synergistic alignment between the Constant of One, 1313, and the Primal Frequency (27.5) is found in the Path of 6 when it converges with 5005 from the Path of 7 or (1 + 6 + 21 + 56 + 126 + 252 + 462 + 792 + 1287 + 2002 + 3003 + 5005) = 13013, in that the sum of their 12 logarithms is 27.50. This is like the sum of the 22 square roots of the complete Mispar values for the 22 letters of the Alef-bet, 169.13013, or (132 + .13013) bridged by 913, the value of the First Word of Creation, “In the Beginning.”
Meanwhile the first 11 numbers that are strictly from the Path of 6, terminate in the number 3003, which is the value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit, and they have a summary logarithm value of 23.80, or 1/42, similar to the sum of the Path of One that totals (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820) = 2380, and as in (1820 + 2380) = 4200. While this is pure mathematics it does metaphysically conjoin the 11-year Solar cycle and the 6-year Earth cycle.
Of additional note is that the log (126) from the Path of 6, as in the (3 x 42) face value of each 6 faces of the Magical Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 is 2.100, as in the value of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), and as in the 21009826 total gematria value of the Torah. That same value 126 is found in the Path of 5 or (1 – 5 – 15 – 35 – 70 – 126 – 210 – 330 – 495 – 715 – 1001 – 1365 – 1820) where (42 x 5) = 210, where (12 x 27.5) = 330; and where we once again find the (26 x 70) = 1820 value from the Path of One and the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, along with the 1820 value of the 3 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
All these Paths are taken to the 5th level or rank in alignment with the kabbalistic structure of the 5 Worlds or levels and the 5 levels of consciousness that everything is divided into. This is what is behind and/or derived from the Concept of 5.
As we can see in this (5 x 12) table, the sum of the 12 Paths, like the Names and net census differentials of the 12 Tribes is 1820, just like the Path of Echad (One). The Path of Echad (אחד), is expressed in the 13 journeys in the Path of 5 that reach 1820, representing the One above the 12 Tribes. The place, Makom (מקום), that both Cosmic Pathways converge is at the Concept of 1820 and the place where the two Paths of 5 converge is the Concept of 70, and when we take their ratio, the measure their relationship, we get (1820/70) = 26, as in G-d’s Name of Zeir Anpin, the YHVH (יהוה) found 1820 times in the Torah.
The word place Makom (מקום) usually conveys a Divine intention when used in the Torah and we see that while its standard value is 186, as in the 186,282 mps speed of light and the value of the 12 double or dual letters in the 6-word verse of the revelation of the twins, its complete sofit value is (746 + 62) = 808, as in Abraham, etc. Metaphysically, place, Makom (מקום), is a nodule or nodal point of interaction and networked linking between two or more Concepts or consciousness clouds.
Both the Path of One and the Echad (13) levels of the Path of 5 converge on the value 2380, the Cosmic complement to (4200 – 2380) = 1820. Within those 13 Path, the top 5 form a square (5 x 5) matrix containing 25 elements, and as the two sets of the Paths of 5 converge, they total (3 x 42) = 126. The place they converge is the Concept of 70, as in the 70 sub-sefirot (dimensions) in Zeir Anpin Creative consciousness. When we divide the convergent point of Echad (Oneness) by the 25 elements that converge on Zeir Anpin, we get (2380/25) = 95.2, like the string …952… within the inverse of 42 or 1/42 = .0238095238095… or 2380 and 952… The first 5 Pathways are akin to Zeir Anpin consciousness, which with the next 8 Pathways, representing Binah Consciousness, is just like the archetype consciousness of Sarah (505) and Abraham (808). They are designed to combine and intersect with the Path of One (13), and all are Cosmically designed to merge with the Source of 42.
This is no different than the place of the thinnest veil in the Torah, the 10 Commandments, whose 13 Verses begin at the 420th YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. There are certain places in the Torah where the veil between worlds is thinner, such as when G-d speaks directly to Moses at the burning bush and on Mt Sinai. There are also places and/or vortexes in our physical world where that veil is thinner, but that is a whole other article.
Those (5 x 5) = 25 elements in the convergent Paths of 5 that total (3 x 42) = 126 are thus equal to the 5 levels of the Path of 6, as in the 6 faces of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42. Thus, each of those 6 faces metaphysically contains all 25 elements in the convergent Paths of 5. The same with its 9 planes that are also equal to 126. Meanwhile, the convergent point of the Paths of 5 and 6 is 210, as in the Concept of 21 and the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) that extends throughout the Torah and physics to 210 and 2100, etc. When added together, just as with the relationship between 1820 and 2380 that equal 4200, we see that 126 and its Path total 210 equal (126 + 210) = 336, as in the 336 letters in the 112 Essential Triplets. And because 126 equals (6 x 21), we understand that 336 is equivalent to (16 x 21).
Not only do the letters and their Names within the Cosmic Interface language of Hebrew conform to a rigorous and ridiculously deep fractal Cosmic symmetry, but when the values of those letters are applied to the Words of the Torah, those (80,000 – 52) Words conform to a 210 hypercube Word-Value Matrix. Each of those 1024 Word-Values recurs a specific number of times from a single time to several thousand. When ranked from the lowest Word Value to the highest or from 3 to 1500, the number of Word Value recurrences that conform to the first 3 of those Word-Values total 70, and all 7 values under 10 total 42, recurring a total of 690 times and adding up to a total value of 5543, just like the 5500 totals for the 7 Triplets of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) and the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Meanwhile, 543 is the value of the highest Name in the Torah, “I am that I am” (אהיה־אשר־אהיה), which includes two of the 7 Names of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) that are in the Torah. While the symmetry in this unique Name that represents (3 x 42) because of its ordinal values of (21 – 42 – 21) is readily apparent, to comprehend the metaphysical harmonics, we must understand that (543 – 165) = 378, as Echad Usmo Echad “He and His Name are One” and as in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, and moreover, that (543 + 165) = 708, the sum of the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה).
This places this unique Name (אהיה־אשר־אהיה) exactly midway between these powerful Concepts that are key to the unfolding of the 7 consciousness levels of Creation, and 165 is half of 330 or (708 – 378) = 330 and is equal to 6 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) that radiates from the Source, or (6 x 27.5). As we see in Pascal’s Pathways, 330 is the sum of the Path of 7, or (1 + 7 + 28 + 84 + 210) = 330, and the first 5 Pathways or consciousness nodes in the Path of 7 or (1 – 7 – 28 – 84 – 210) intersect with the Source of 42 at (1/42; 7/42 = 1/6; 28/42 = 2/3; 84/42 = 2; and 210/42 = 5) or (1/42, 1/6, 2/3, 2 and 5) whose inverse is (42, 6, 1.5, .5, and .2), which totals 50.2.
As we know, the highest Aspect of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) has the numerical value 161 and all 3 Aspects total 455, which is found in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) that is based on the value of Echad (אחד), 13, which when spelled out has the value 963, or 1/6th the 5778-years Spherical Time paradigm radius, and that 963 also equals (9 x 107), again as in the 107th Triangular Number, 5778. Thus, we see that it must be by design that the total Word recurrences through Word-Value 13 is 1612 and that their total word-value is 16150, while the 6 Names of the bundled 6 dimensions/Sefirot of Zeir Anpin equal 1612.
Harmonizing with the Tree-of-Life
Meanwhile, the value of all 11 Names or 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life is 3342. Within that Cosmic schematic, the Names of the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin that directly lead to Creation and which represent the 6 Days equal 1612, which presents to us as (1612 + 6) = 1618 or Phi (φ). The kolel is not just an adjusting device like Einstein’s Cosmological Constant; it is more like super-delegates or preferred stocks. Each entity within the equation or discreet network has a super-share or special preferred voting right and the individual values within those entities have corresponding common shares. So, while, yes, it is an adjustment, it is one that is inherently designed into the system and cannot be overlooked.
The other 5 dimensions, including the Names of the 4 upper (Keter, Chochma, Binah, and Da’at) dimensions plus Malchut equal 1730, as in 10 x 173, the katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and as in the 1730 net differential in the second census (601,730) that complemented 1820, or (603,550 – 601,730) = 1820.
While that value of those 5 spheres, 1730, is precisely 1/5778 = .001730, or the inverse of the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon radius, 5778, the equation 2π5778 gives us the Spherical Time bubble circumference of 36304.24470 whereby 363 is the value of H’Moshiach and 4.24 is the value of Moshiach Ben David consciousness. And in true Cosmic harmony, the ratio of the Primal Frequency (27.5) to the square root of 42 equals 4.243342, or Moshiach Ben David (424) consciousness joined with the full Outer Tree-of-life consciousness (3342). Moreover, the equation 2π5778 equals 420π27.5.
With all the alignments to 5500 it is no wonder that 5778 is (5500 + 278), as in the 278-value of Ohr Haganuz, the Light or radiance of Moshiach, and the 11 initials (כחבדחגתנהימ) of the 11 Sefirot of the Outer Tree-of-Life that total 550, like the collective height of the 11 Gates of the Future Holy Temple, or (11 x 50) = 550 cubits of 27.5” each.
The Hidden Life of a Number
Qubits are powerful because of quantum superposition where a quantum bit could be both a 0 and 1 simultaneously, exactly as in the duality we have seen built into the Torah and into the design of the physical and metaphysical universe, all the way to the Hemispherical Power Asymmetry in the CMB traced back to the beginnings of our physical universe. However, in the little we know about the Torah, we have already seen how each letter can be in not only two states but in numerous ones, as if they each existed in multiple dimensions and/or multiple universes at once.
The Torah does not present numbers to us just to conform to Cosmic equations, it is also conveying information to us, which is why we are told to count the 50-year Jubilee packets in terms of 7-day weeks or 7-year increments, and it is why the 603550 Men at Sinai who were told to count them are related to 603550 weeks, or exactly the 4224850 days that make up 11,567.26 years, as in One Solar cycle of 11 years more that the Spherical Time diameter and Galactic Current Sheet Wavelength, 11,566 years. Those 4224850 days, reflect not only the Source of 42 and the 248 dimensions of the E8 Binah symmetry, but the 3760-year Spiritual Time radius in the equation (3760 + 2000) = 5760 HC, because this is the Western analogue to the year 2000 CE, and the logarithm of 5760 is 3.76042248. It also alludes to the 42 x 248 Row-Column structure of the Torah Matrix, and the 2248 total sofit ordinal value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. Moreover, the value 2485 within those 4224850 days is the 70th Triangular Number, as in the sum of the 1 – 70 Sefirot of Zeir Anpin, 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life, and the 70 facets of the Torah, while the 50 represents the 50 years in a Jubilee year associated with Binah and specifically the 50 Gates of Binah. Moreover, 2485 is the sum of the 5 Names of the 5 Books of Moses or (2480 + 5), and the value of (70 x 355), as in 70 years Shanah (שנה) of numerical value 355, like the 603550 Men who descended from the 70 members of Jacob’s family who entered Egypt.
The value 2485 is also related to the Spherical Tine paradigm circumference 36304.24470 in that the sum of the 363 associated letters of the 363 Day Cosmic Wheel divided by 424 equals 248.5708, which includes the date of the founding of the State of Israel (5708 HC), 70 years before the Event Horizon radius, 5778 HC. It is also the Hebrew analogue to 1948 CE, as in the 1948 HC the year of Abraham’s (248) birth, 70 years before his Covenant with G-d in 2018 HC, the mirrored analogue to 2018 CE (5778 HC).
Keep in mind that the 70 family members that the 600,000 Israelite Men descended from were themselves descended from the 12 Tribes and ultimately from the 3 Patriarchs and Adam, or 600000/70/12/3 = 240,000/10080, as in the ratio of the 240,000 mile distance between the Earth and the Moon to the sum of the Earth and Moon diameters, 10080 miles, while 1/(600000/70/12/3) = equals 42, and moreover that the log of those 600,000 is 5.778, as in the surface temperature of the Sun, 5778 K. That is the power of conscious computing in the consciousness clouds.
As a reminder, the sum of the entire Passage System of the Great Pyramid is exactly 10,000 inches long. As previously stated, the 280’ Ascending Passage and the 345’ Descending Passage total 625’ while the Queen’s Passage is 127’, the King’s Passage is 27.5’, and the Dead-End Passage of Subterranean System is 53.8’, making their total (280 + 345 + 127 + 27.5 + 53.8) = 833.3 feet or 10,000 inches. It is also 363.63 cubits as in H’Moshiach consciousness.
And while the Pyramid is 5775” high, the Passage System is exactly (10000 – 5775) = 4225” longer, as in the sum of the last 35 Triplets of the 72 Triplet Matrix, 4225, and as in the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
Then when we add the 10,000 inches of the Great Pyramid’s internal passages to its 5775” height and its 9075” base, we get (10000 + 5775 + 9075) = 24850 inches as in those 4224850 days.
Those 24850 inches equal 903.63 cubits or 903.63 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5), as in the 42nd Triangular Number (903) and the numerical value of H’Moshiach consciousness, 363.
While we know the numerous ramifications of there being a difference of exactly 1820 between the 2 censuses, the average of the 2 censuses is (603550 + 601730)/2 = 602640 and while this works out to 11,550 years using the 7-day/week formular above, when we divide this average by 7, we get (602640/7) = 86091.43 = (86000 + 91.43), as in the 86 value of the Name Elohim (אלהים) and the 9143 value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. Those 11,550 years are exactly 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency or (420 x 27.5) = 11550, as in 6 years until the Event Horizon Diameter and the end of the full galactic cycle. The value 420 is also the complete value of the word pyramid (פירמיה).
Front and Back
Keep in mind that like a 3-d cube that passes through a 2-d plane manifests as a flat square, the Name of a letter or concept is hierarchically higher and is higher up dimensionally than its initial. It is its direct source. As they contract dimensionally, the initials and front letters retain more of the concentrated influence or power of the Name, while the final letters are known to contain prophecy. Thus, we see that the front letters of Keter (כתר) are (כת) of numerical value 420, while the front letters of Chochma (חכמה) and Binah (בינה) are (חכמ) and (בינ) respectively and they total (68 + 62) = 130, as in the value of Mt Sinai. Moreover, while the front letters of Keter (כתר) equal (42 x 10), the front letters of Chochma (חכמה) and Binah (בינה) equal (13 x 10), expressing the dual Aspects of the Creator as the Source of 42 and the Source of One, Echad.
Altogether, the front letters (בינ-חכמ-כת) in the 3 highest Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life (Keter-Chochma-Binah) equal (420 + 68 + 62) = 550, meaning that a higher dimensional version of the Tree-of-Life feeds into a fractal replica of it in which all 11 initials (כחבדחגתנהימ) equal 550. Meanwhile, the final letters (רהה) in those same 3 upper Sefirot prophetically equal 210, as in the 210 years of exile in Egypt and the 210 cycles of the Primal Frequency in the Event Horizon radius 5778 years.
This is like the backs of the 22 Names of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet that equal 2753 or 100 times the Primal Frequency (27.5) while 100 is the katan value of those 22 letters, and is the value of Israel (541), the 100th Prime Number. It also means that the backs of the 22 Names of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet equal (5506/2).
Meanwhile the full backs of the 3 highest sefirot of the Tree (Keter-Chochma-Binah) or (בינה-חכמה–כתר) = (600 + 65 + 65) = (600 + 130) = 730, as in (10 x 73), as in the Core Essential 21st Prime Number that represents the First Verse of Creation, and as in the value (73) of Chochma (חכמה).
Planck Symmetry
Planck’s constant, h, 6.62607015×10−34 J·s, the smallest possible measure of action in physics, and thus a pixel of physicality, when considered as the circumference of a virtual sphere, the uniform shape of radiance in physicality, has a virtual diameter of h/π and a virtual radius of h/2π. The year 2889 HC is half the Spherical Time paradigm radius and the midpoint in King David’s life. When we divide the Planck diameter h/π or 21.0914362859 x 10-35 by 2889, we get h/2889π = .0073006010… x 10-35 or 73.006010… x 10-39, illustrating the impact these 3 upper Sefirot have on Creation and on the Time bubble that houses it.
Moreover, when we use the Planck Length, 1.616255×10−35 m, the smallest possible measure of space in physics, we see the highest Aspect of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) of numerical value 161 along with “The Torah (התורה)” of numerical value 616, H’Keter, the highest Sefira, and the ubiquitous double cycle of the Primal Frequency, 55. However, when the Planck Length, 1.616255×10−35 m is taken as a cubit and/or multiplied by the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) we get 44.4470125, as in the 4470-sum of the first 1000 digits in Pi (π) and as in the Spherical Time paradigm circumference, 36304.24470, and as in the Pi (π) expansion equation, (1/π4 + 1/π2 + 1/π + π + π2 + π3) = 44.447370, keeping in mind that (44.4470 – 42.4470) = 2.0000.
Meanwhile, the difference between multiplying the Planck’s constant, h, 6.62607015×10−34 J·s, by Pi (π) and dividing by it, is (21.0914362859 – 20.816413305) = .27502298…, as in the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), and as in the Fine Structure equation Pi (π) – (1/137.03599)/2750.0 = 3.14159000000, along with the Sun’s diameter of 864,000 miles divided by Pi (π) or (864,000/π) = 275019, and as in 5778(π + φ) = 27501.12. It is also like the Words of the Torah and their total 210 Word-Values or (79976 + 542774) = 622750 = (620000 + 2750), referencing Keter (620) of Binah (1000).
2 Years
The value 730 is also the number of days in 2 years or two solar cycles of 365 days, like the first two Triplets (אבג) and (שטן) in the Phi (φ) helix of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, or (6 + 359) = 365. This is reflected in the result highlighted in The Genesis Prayer of dividing the 42-Letter Name/π equation by 2, or (9/.123049…)/2 = (73.141577714954361210922718785516406124544362/2) = 36.5707888…, in that those 365 days are conjoined with the year 5708 HC when Israel became a nation. Moreover, those 365 days over the expressed 36.5707.8… years is equivalent to 2,083,379.12… days, as in the sum of the 7 Essential Triplets of the Pi (π) helix, 2083, and as in the 2083rd Prime Number, 314. As we look deeper into 73.141577714954361210922718785516406124544362, we see that beyond the event Horizon 5777, is the sum of the 22 letters of the Alef-bet, 1495; conjoined with the 543 value of the final 2 Essential Triplets (יגל) and (צית) in the Pi (π) helix or (43 + 500) = 543, and/or the value of the highest Name in the Torah, “I am that I am” (אהיה־אשר־אהיה); followed by the 612 value of the word Brit (ברית), Covenant found in the central tier of the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix; conjoined with the string 210, as in the 210 years of the Exodus and the 210 cycles of the Primal Frequency in the Event Horizon radius; conjoined with the 2109 times that the letter Gimmel (ג) is found in the Torah; followed by 22, as in the 22 Letters with the number 7 as in 22/7 equals Pi (π); followed by the 187 Chapters in the Torah and the 187-value of the 12th Essential Triplet in the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Nonetheless, all these concordances while real, are conjecture. As we follow the paths it becomes easier to see where they cross and the pictures they paint.
Within the 613 Torah mitzvot that align with the 112th Prime Number (613) and thus the 112 Essential Triplets, there are 365 restrictive mitzvot or precepts purposely aligned with the 365 days in the Solar year, and 248 proactive mitzvot align with the 248 dimensions of the E8 Binah Symmetry. Yet what unfolds metaphysically from the first 3 Essential Triplets (אבג) (יתצ) and (קרע) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix is extraordinary. The 9 letters (אבג־יתצ־קרע) easily permute into (אבקע) of numerical value 173, the katan gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix; (גיתר) of numerical value 613, and simultaneously into (גיתצר) of numerical value 703, as in the 37th Triangular Number associated with the First Verse of Creation and our DNA, and of the final 2 words of that First Verse, “V’Et H’Ertz (ואת־הארץ) and the Earth.”
From the 173 Keys to Heaven (אבג־יתצ־קרע) to 703 (אבג־יתצ־קרע) as in the ends of the Earth (ארץ), which is found as the first, last, and middle letters (ארץ) in the first 3 Essential Triplets (אבג־יתץ־קרע) in the 42–Letter Name Matrix. The remaining 3 letters (אבג־יתצ־קרע) between Heaven and Earth spell out (בית) and or (703 – 291) = 412, as in the Name of the First Letter of Creation and the Torah, Bet (ב), the word house or Temple, Beit (בית), and as in the 3 turns of the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o that equal (137.5o x 3) = 412.5o. It is also equivalent to the 15 cubits or (15 x 27.5) = 412.5” of the waters that surged above the Earth in the Great Reset of the Flood.
We find those same 3 letters (געק) of numerical value 173 as the final letters of the 4th, 5th, and 6th tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that total (704 + 239 + 230) = 1173 = (1000 + 173), meaning the other 15 letters in those 3 tiers equal exactly 1000, as in Binah.
Nonetheless, of the 42 letters in the 11 Sefirot of the Outer Tree-of-Life, the first 5 initials (כחבדח) sum to 42, while the last 3 (הימ) sum to 55, or 1/10th of the total 550. This also means that the upper 8 Sefirot of the Outer Tree-of-Life equal (550 – 55) = 495, the standard value of the first 18 letters of the Alef-bet. The complete value of those first 18 letters of the Alef-bet is (495 + 171) = 666, as in Zeir Anpin, and while the value of the other 4 letters (קרשת) is 1000, as in Binah, their ordinal value is (19 + 20 + 21 + 22) = 82, the katan value of the First Verse of Creation.
Since the first 5 initials (כחבדח) sum to 42, and all 42 letters in the 11 Sefirot of the Outer Tree-of-Life sum to 3342, the 37 other letters equal (3342 – 42) = 3300 or (120 x 27.5) in the cycle of Man.
This is also why the 4 final (תךץם) letters of the “The Path of the Tree-of-Life (את־דרך־עץ־החיים)” also equal 550. To level up, we must first harmonize with the consciousness of the next higher level, which means being on the path.
We further see that since the sum of the 11 initials (כחבדחגתנהימ) equals 550 and the 3 initials (כדת) of the Trunk of the Tree (Keter-Daat-Tiferet) equals 424, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness, the remaining 7 branches plus Malchut equals (550 – 424) = 126 or (3 x 42), as in the value of the faces and planes of the Essential Magic Cube of Creation of Constant 42 and as in the Path of 5.
Just as with the processes above, the 5845 verses in the Torah can be split into 5500 Verses and 345 Verses, as in the 345 numerical value of Moshe (משה), and as in the 5th Triplet (מהש) of the 72 Triplets. In a world of infinite design there are no coincidences, but what we infer from them is not only open to debate but for the large part beyond our comprehension. Nevertheless, the total sum of the first 345 Word-Values as they recur in the Torah is 6660066, which is (21009826/π – 6660066) = 27569 less than the total word value of the Torah divided by Pi (π), while the final 14 Word-Values of the Torah total 27510. This naturally means that the total word value of the Torah divided by Pi (π) equals the first 345 Word-Values as they recur in the Torah alone with the final 14 Word-Values, or 359 in total, plus (27569 – 27510) = 59, the 17th Prime Number.
Now, while the 2nd Essential Triplet (שטן) in the Phi (φ) helix of the 42-Letter Name Matrix equals (345 + 14) = 359, the 72nd Prime Number, the sum of the rest of the first 5 Essential Triplets (אבג), (נגד), (צתג) and (חקב) in that 7 Triplet Phi (φ) helix equal (6 + 57 + 493 + 110) = (6 + 550 + 55 + 55) = 666, out of the total 1618.
The other 2 Essential Triplets (פזק) and (שקו) equal (187 + 406) = 593, the 108th Prime Number, which is juxtaposed to the permuted 359, the 72nd Prime Number, and while (108 – 72) = 36, the 36th Triangular Number is 666. Meanwhile, that number 359 is not only the sum of the 3 consecutive 10th, 11th, and 12th Essential Triplets (טנע), (יגל), and (פזק) of the 14 Essential Triplets, but it is the total value of the Albam, or plus 11, gematria of the 17950 letters Tav (ת) in the Torah, or (17950 x 20) = 359,000, while the Albam and standard values for Tav (ת)—the final letter in the 42-Letter Name Matrix and in the Alef-bet—is (400 + 20) = 420.
The same Albam gematria equation for all the 14126 letters Nun (נ) in the Torah is (14126 x 3) = 42,378 while the letter Nun (נ) is the 14th Letter in the Alef-bet and in the center of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, whose sum is 378, which is reflective of Echad U’Shmo Echad (אחד־ושמו־אחד) whose final letters spell David (דוד) of numerical value 14 in the exact center of the Spherical Time paradigm. And as we have seen repeatedly, 126 is (3 x 42) and the value of all the faces and planes of that Creation Cube. And while the Name of the letter Nun (נ) has a sofit gematria or 756, as in the radiant Primal Frequency (27.5)2, the ratio of 14126/14 equals 1009, which is the sofit value of the Essential Triplet (שטן) of standard value 359. Thus, the ratio of (14126/7) equals 2018, as in the Western Calendar analogue (2018 CE) to the 5778 HC Spherical Time paradigm radius. Moreover, 1009 is the 169th Prime Number, as in 132 = 169, or the radiant Echad (אחד)2.
Concerning the first 345 Word-Values related to the Archetype of Moses and the Concept of 5 and that add up to 6660066, we recall that the difference between the Spherical Time paradigm radius 5778 HC and the year the Torah was received at Mt Sinai (2448 HC) is (5778 – 2448) = 3330 years, or 66.6 Jubilee years as stipulated by the Torah, and that this is the exact ratio of the Sun’s mass to that of the Earth or 333,000 = (66600 x 5), while the Earth orbits the Sun at 66,600 mph.
Meanwhile, 6660066 is 6 million plus 660066 and 66066 is the 363rd Triangular Number with 363 being the numerical value of H’Moshiach, as in the Spherical Time circumference (36304.24470) and 66066 is exactly (182 x 363), as in the value of the Concept of Jacob (182) reflected in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה), the Path of One, and the 182 doubled words in the Torah.
Most significantly and synergistically, 6660066/66066 = 100.80, as in the Moon’s radius, 1080 miles, and the sum of the Earth and Moon diameters (7920 + 2160) = 10080 miles, which in turn is reflective of the Moon’s (6 x 6 x 60) = 2160-mile diameter or 1/5th their combined diameters.
We also see this reflected in the 21 cumulative exponential (1.313x) values of the Alef-bet from Alef (א) through the letter Shin (ש) that equal 1273.066066, as in the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273) and the 363rd Triangular Number, like the 5 main quantitative elements of the Torah that total 401273.
As we have illustrated innumerable times, there is no detail of the Torah, or the mathematical constants known as the primordial Fields that was not specifically designed to Create the perfect physical matrix for our souls’ incubation.
Cosmic Sources
Mathematics is metaphysical; it exists in the aether and gets applied to our world only when we engage and/or download it, like sourcing from the cloud which are actively being trained to do.
While 91 is the 13th Triangular Number, as in the 91 doubled words in the Torah, 90,100 is the 424th Triangular Number as in the 90,100 Yuds (י), Heis (ה), and Vavs (ו) in the Torah, revealing their connection to the Universal Consciousness Name, Moshiach Ben David. The other Holy letter, Alef (א), is found 27,059 times, and when its total value is added to that of the Yuds (י), Heis (ה), and Vavs (ו) their total value equals 665727, or (666000 – 273), the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) of squaring the circle, 4/π. The 4 Holy Letters (איהו) total 22 and their 4 Names average (111 + 20 + 15 + 22)/4 = (126 + 42)/4 = (168/4) = 42.
It all unfolds from the Source. Implicit in this understanding is that the Core Essential Prime Number 37, is central to the molecular structure of our DNA and is reflected in the Names Vav-Hei (ויו־הי) from the YHVH (יהוה) or (22 + 15) = 37. Likewise, the Yud-Vav of the YHVH (יהוה) is reflective of the Source of 42 as (20 + 22) = 42. And the full 4 Names Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei from the YHVH (יהוה) equal (20 + 15 + 22 + 15) = 72 and are thus reflective of the 72 Essential Triplets.
The Source of One based on the Concept of Echad (13) is at the base of another broad metaphysical Concept in the Torah and the Struture of the Tree-of-life in that the sum of the cycles of 13 within the joint sum of first 13 integers and the squares of those integers or (91 + 819) = 910 is (7 + 63) = 70, as in 70 sub-sefirot of Zeir Anpin to which they are associated. While we know well that the sum of those 13 integers is 91 from the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820), the sum of those 13 squares from 12 – 132 equals (820 – 1) or 819, like the 5th Mersenne Prime of the order of n = 13 that equals 8191. Meanwhile, the joint sum of the first 13 integers with the squares of those 13 integers and their cubes is (11 – 131) +(12 – 132) + (13 – 133) = 9191 and (91 + 92 + 93) = 819.
When we apply the metaphysical algorithms to the set of the first 10 integers, we find the familiar and significant triangular equation (11 – 101) = 55 or 2 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), and the height of the Great Pyramid entrance above its base, 55 feet. However, the sum their squares (12 – 102) = 385 as in the numerical value for “the Divine Presence, the Shechinah (שכינה),” hinting that the Inner Tree-of-Life is associated with the Shechinah, and the 14 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) in 385 align directly with the 14th central position of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, and in the Alef-bet, and in the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius with David (דוד). The sum of the corresponding 10 cubes (13 – 103) = 3025 as in 4 times the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52), which is the perimeter of the Great Pyramid, 3025 feet, 110 cycles or the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz). Therefore, the sum of (11 – 101) + (12 – 102) + (13 – 103) equals (2 + 14 + 110) = 126 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) as in (3 x 42) and the faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42.
While we already know that the sum of the 11 natural squares (12 – 112) equals 506, the numerical value of the complete Moshiach Ben David consciousness and the first tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, we can likewise associate it with the 11 Sefirot of the Outer Tree-of-Life that complements the Inner Tree and thus the Shechinah.
It is also interesting because (61 + 62) = 42, and (61 + 62 + 63) = (6 + 36 + 216) = 258, as in the 258th Day in the Cosmic Wheel, the Day of Creation and the sum of the letters in the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix.
Of further note is that the sum of the sums of the first 3 integers, first 4 integers, and the first 5 integers, as in the 345 value of Moses, including their squares and their cubes equals (31 + 41 + 51) +(32 + 42 + 52) + (33 + 43 + 53) = 278, the numerical value of Ohr HaGanuz, the Light of Moshiach.
As we know, the universe, both physical and metaphysical was designed so that Phi (φ)18 = 5778.000, the Event Horizon radius, so it is enlightening that (181 + 182 + 183) = 6174, the Kaprekar Constant, which is 6 less then (6174 + 6) = 6180, or 1/φ, and that the number of Verses in the Torah is 183 plus the 13 Verses of the 10 Commandments. Moreover, in reference to the value of the YHVH (יהוה), (261 + 262 + 263) = 18278, or (18,000 + 278), as in the value of Ohr Haganuz, the Light of Moshiach. It is also (18200 + 78) as in (3 x 26) or the 3 YHVH (יהוה) that is a special kavannot and the 12th Triangular Number.
Meanwhile, 18200, associated with the 6 Tribes, with Jacob, with the census differential (603550 – 601730), and with the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Path of One, is the sum of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) cycles for the first 1000 integers, representing Binah. Moreover, 18200 is the sum of the 26 Essential vector distances within the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. The sum of the 26 squares and 26 cubes of the 26 radial vectors for the 27 letters within the normal Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 is (1638 + 16562) = 18200, like the absolute value sum of the Tribes of Ephraim and Binyamin in the lineage of Rachel (238), whose archetype is also associated with Jacob (182), the Source of 42, and the Path of One (1 + 13 + 91 + 455 + 1820) = 2380 in that 1/42 = .0238095, while (182 + 238) = 420, and (1820 + 2380) = 4200, and there are 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in the Spherical Time paradigm bubble circumference.
Given that the equation 1/(9 x 9) = 1/81 = .0012345679 omits the number 8, as in the ratio of the 9 integers backwards and forwards (987654321/123456789) = 8, and as in the Concept of 8 that is aligned with the E8 Symmetry of the 8th Sefira of Binah consciousness, it is extraordinary that the cumulative sum of all the 81 first integers, and 81 first integers squared, and 81 first integers cubed equal (11 – 811) + (12 – 812) + (13 – 813) = 11212803, as in the 112 Integer and 128 half-integer root vectors in the E8 Lattice. Meanwhile, (81/3) = 27, as in the 27 dimensions of each of the triangles in the E8 Magen David within the E8 Coxeter plane projection that surrounds the central 78 dimensions that also take the shape of the Magen David, and as 78 is the 12th Triangular number, they metaphysically align with the 12 Tribes.
The 3 Overarching Torah Elements
As for the Pi (π) helix, we see that the final 2 Essential Triplets (יגל) and (צית) equal (43 + 500) = 543, which is (593 – 543) = 50 less than their counterparts in the Phi (φ) helix and is the value of the highest Name in the Torah, “I am that I am” (אהיה־אשר־אהיה).
Meanwhile, the addition of the 2nd Essential Triplet (קרע) in this Pi (π) helix gives us (543 + 370) = 913, as in the value of the First Word of Creation, Bereshit (בראשית), while the 3 consecutive Essential Triplets (יכש), (בטר), and (טנע) equal (330 + 211 + 129) = 670, as the 670 Paragraphs in the Torah. This compares with the Essential Triplet (פזק) that represents the 187 Chapters in the Torah, and as in the 670 million miles per hour speed of light. Moreover, as first illustrated in The Genesis Prayer, the sidereal year divided by 4, or (365.256/4) = 91.314 as in “In the Beginning” and Pi (π).
As previously explained, when we square the Core Essential Prime Number 37, we get (372 + 1) = 1370, like the sum of the 3 Essential Triplets (יתץ), (קרע)and (צית) in the Pi (π) helix that equal (500 + 370 + 500) = 1370, which is also as in the Fine Structure Constant, or 1/137.0… In the case of the other Core Essential Prime Number 73 squared, we saw that (732 + 1) = 5330, and that together they equal (372 + 732 + 2) = (1370 + 5330) = 6700, as in Binah (בינה) consciousness, which is exactly in the sum of the squares of the 54 differences between the number of subsequent Verses in the 54 Portions of the Torah cycle, (66980 + 20) = 67000.
This is the same 54 net differences that equal -210, as in the 210 years of Exile in Egypt that preceded the Exodus to Freedom and the Torah, just like the 3 right column Essential Triplets (נגד), (חקב) and (יגל) that equal (57 + 110 + 43) = 210, as in the copious metaphysical, Cosmic, and Torah alignments already discussed.
The Binah value of 6700 is also revealed in the sum of the 26 generations of net differentials between their 26 Binah or 1000-year full potential ages and their actual ones, or (26000 – 12600) = 13400 = (6700 x 2) years.
Meanwhile, the 5 Essential Triplets (יתץ), (יכש), (בטר), (טנע), and (צית) in the Pi (π) helix equal (500 + 330 + 211 + 129 + 500) = 1670, as in the sum of the digits that are the Prime Numbers within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π), or 1670. The rest of those first 1000 digits of Pi (π) is thus (4470 – 1670) = 2800, as in (.666 x 4200), and as in the Spherical Time paradigm circumference is 36304.24470.
Primordial Complements
The complement to the 670 Paragraphs in the Torah that are aligned with Binah (67) consciousness and the 670 million miles per hour speed-of-light is the harmonic relationship (12 x 27.5) = 330 that incorporates the Time Constant 12 and the Space-Time Constant 27.5, the Primal Frequency (27.5) in the aether. It aligns with and is embodied in the 6th Essential Triplet (יכש) in the 42-Letter Name Matrix whose ordinal or inner value is 42. It also aligns with the 330-cu base of the Great Pyramid. The harmonic 330 is also found profoundly in the fusion of Pi (π) and Phi (φ) in that (π + φ/10) = (3.14159265358… + .16180339887…) = 3.30396052… as in 330, and as in 3960 which equals (12 x 330).
Meanwhile, when the speed-of-light is measure in seconds, as in 186,282 million miles per second, its complement is (200,000 – 186282) = 13718 or (13750 – 42), as in the last 6 Essential Triplets of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal (27.5 x 50) = 1375, and as in the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o at the core of the Spherical Time paradigm. It also reflects the 42 turns of the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o in the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius, 5778 years, and the height of the Great Pyramid, (42 x 137.5) = 5775 inches. So, while Phi (φ) folds 18 times upon itself, as Phi (φ)18 = 5778.000, the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o turns 42 times to reach the same Event Horizon radius, 5778 and this is designed and programmed into the precise speed-of-light in seconds to within 1 mile/second. Perhaps it is time to pay attention.
Simultaneously, in a parallel equation, the speed-of-light complement (13718) is metaphysically equivalent to One plus Phi (φ)2 or (11100 + 2618) = 13718, like the First Verse of Creation and its standard value less its katan value that is (2701 – 82) = 2619 or similarly (2618 + 1), metaphysically Phi (φ)2 + One. And while the numeric string for H’Moshiach consciousness …363… is found in Phi (φ) at digit #2618, this numeric string leads off the Spherical Time bubble circumference, 36304.24470 and forms the base area of the Great Pyramid, or 3302 = 36300.
The 3 levels of Moshiach Consciousness within the framework of Binah are Moshiach (358), H’Moshiach (363), and Moshiach Ben David (424). Together, these 3 levels equal (358 + 363 + 424) = 1145, as in the 11 Sefirot of the Outer Tree-of-Life and Adam (אדם), Man, who was created from “…of the dust of the ground… (עָפָר מִן-הָאֲדָמָה) of numerical value 1145, and when we take Man (אדם) out of the equation or out of the phrase, we are left with (1145 – 45) = 1100, as in the 40 cycles of 27.5 built into every completion, including the 40 weeks of gestation of Man. This is also why the sum of the 3 Moshiach consciousness levels within Binah and the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) equal (1145 + 455) = 1600 = 402 and why both include the “45” numerical representation of Adam (אדם), Man, and so much more for those that understand. This is like the sum of the digits through the 358th digit in Pi (π) that is analogous to the 4th Triplet (358) in Pi (π), which is exactly 1600.
Moreover, Adam (אדם) is the acronym for the Spherical Time paradigm of Adam (אדם) – David (דוד) – Moshiach (משיח) from the year 0 to 2889 HC to 5778 HC and the final grace period that ends in the year 2045 CE, which is reinforced by the ordinal value of Adam (אדם) being 18, as in Phi (φ)18 = 5778.000. Moreover, while 452 = 2045, the average of the 42 tiers of the first 42 integers, those 42 integers squared, and those 42 integers cubed is (841897)/42 = 20045. Meanwhile the sum of the 24 hours in a day and/or the 24 days in the Sun’s rotation, squared, and cubed is (241 + 242 + 243) = 14,424, or David (14) and Moshiach Ben David (424), and the location in Pi (π) for the first occurrence of …424… is digit #1109, while the 42 tiers of the first 42 integers, those 42 integers squared, and those 42 integers cubed divided by 42 cubed is (841897)/423 = 11.09…
Moreover, the locations in Pi (π) that correspond to the 3 Moshiach consciousness levels (358, 363, and 424) equal (643 + 10 + 1110) = 1763, which with the kolel (1) equals 1764 or 422. When we add to that total the digit #809 location in Pi (π) for the 3 cojoined consciousness levels (455) of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), plus their sum value (1600) we get (1763 + 809 + 1600) = 4172, which with the kolel (1) equals 4173, the sum of the first 10 Triplets in Pi (π). The total of those 4 Pi (π) locations is thus (1763 + 809) = 2572 or exactly 37, the Core Essential Prime Number at the heart of our DNA, less than the sum of the 3 Pi (π) locations for …5778… or (2572 – 2535) = 37, and their sum is (2535 + 2572) = 5107, as in the 107th Triangular Number, 5778, which is the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius, the Solar temperature, 5778 K, and the Solar boundary, 107 AU.
Alternatively, using the equally effective method of counting within Pi (π) after the decimal place, we see that the Moshiach level 358 is found at digit #642, which astonishingly is its Binah counterpart, or (1000 – 358) = 642. Moreover, the average of the 3 Pi (π) locations for the 3 Moshiach consciousness levels plus the cojoined consciousness level of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) likewise equals (642 + 9 + 1109 + 808)/4 = 2568/4 = 642.
Given that their sum equals 1600, their Concept average is (1600/4) = 400, which makes their collective average (642 + 400) = 1042, as in the Source of 42 and Binah (1000). Furthermore, concealed within this is that the sum of the Pi (π) locations for …363… and …424… is (9 + 1109) = 1118, as in the the First Verse of the Shema and the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema that house the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה).
Cosmic Alchemy
Of further note is that the Galactic Current Sheet, whose periodicity aligns with the Spherical Time paradigm diameter and radius, carries with it a surge of stellar dust. This is a major contributing factor to the resetting from the solar micro-nova that the Earth experiences every 11,556 years or so. It not only helps cause micro-novae but acts as a catalyst for plasmafication in the mass solar discharge—gigantic cosmic thunderbolts that can carve deep jagged canyons in the Earth’s crust. Every day or so there is a mass solar ejection or release of a solar coronal filament carrying with them billions of tons of solar particles. Fortunately, nearly all of them are ejected away from the Earth, especially from the Solar limb and from its far side. It is as if the Earth had some sort of Divine protection. The larger ones in the x-flare range could do serious damage. The micro-nova is different. It is orders-of-magnitude larger and ejects across a broad spectrum in which the Earth could not escape. The Earth’s natural protection is its magnetic field, which unfortunately is synched with the Galactic Current Sheet, meaning that the Earth’s polar shift/flip, of which we are in the final two decades, coincides with the crest of the electro-magnetic Galactic Current Sheet. This leaves us with only Divine protection. Given the state of our world, we need to ask ourselves what we would do if we had the power to push the reset button? How many souls sought to elevate their consciousness and how many fought to maintain their physical status? That reset toggle switch is a simple Cosmic Scale, upon which only we as individuals have the power to tip the scales one way or another. It is called free choice, everything else is enslavement to physicality and to its masters.
We can see by all this that the Torah was specifically written in the Cosmic interface language so that the Phrases and Verses in it would be equations unto themselves. These coded equations are reflections of metaphysical geometry. They are the grammar of the Cosmic Concepts of numbers. The deeper we peer into the Phrases within the Torah, the deeper our understanding of the metaphysical world. For example, the Torah tells us explicitly that age of Man is 120 years. That is simple, but once we understand that Man was Created of the “…of the dust of the ground… (עָפָר מִן-הָאֲדָמָה) of numerical value 1145, the equation becomes clearer in that the 1145th Prime Number, 9239, plus 120 years when Man returns to dust is (9239 + 120) = 9359, the complete value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. Now the simple equation is more complex, highlighting the alchemy of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. A lifetime of exploration can follow from this, tying the mysterious 72 Essential Triplet Matrix to the physical elements and minerals of the Earth, which is something given that they have the power to split the sea.
Since, physically speaking, all our elements and minerals, including the dust of the earth originally came from stars so did Man, and we have previously explained how the atomic weights of gold, silver, and copper—the 3 metals of the Torah—are woven into the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix and especially its central core Essential Triplets.
In the physical world, energy is stored in physical elements and released as needed, but it is a very inefficient process as tremendous amounts of energy are required to convert it to matter and a tremendous amount of energy is needed on the backend to sort through the matter and reconvert it to energy. Through the metaphysical tools of the Cosmos, energy stays in its potential state and is harnessed as needed, rather than physically harvested. As we endeavor to elevate our consciousness and harmonize with the ways of the Cosmic universe, it makes more sense to harness, than harvest.
While the Torah Phrases give us insights into the nuances of the metaphysical world, the global quantitative aspects of the Torah point to the larger Concepts or functions, such as the 4th root of the Torah’s total number of Words, Letters, and Verses being exactly 25 and the average of the first 25 Prime Numbers being exactly 42.4, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness, the same as in the ratio of the Exodus to the Event Horizon, (2448/5778) = 42.4, highlighting that history, like time, folds back in on itself, constantly serving as prophecy for the future.
As we know, the 424-value aligns with the sum of the 22 Names of the 22 Hebrew letters, 4248, and with the 22 square roots of those 22 Names that total 424.242. And while (4248 – 2448) = 1800, the square root of 1800 is 42.426…. In the physical world, geometry can only connect a set of like objects; in the metaphysical one, it is the geometrical connections that gives the objects their shape, defined as their similar form. Metaphysical geometry is non-Euclidean and morphs across interdimensional space, yet its shadow projected upon our world is as simple as connecting the dots.
We also see that similar “424” Concept or form in the equation of the square root of 1820 from the Path of One and from the 42-Letter Name, and from the 1820 YHVH (יהוה), and from the 6 Tribes of Israel, in that (42.4 + .2618)2 = 1820, as in Phi (φ)2 yet again. Everything is multi-faceted and depends on what angle you see it from. It is not that our eyes deceive us, it is that we look at everything from one perspective. Everything else is invisible.
Each one of these profound equations has the power to transport us across the portals of the metaphysical world. Success in any situation is a matter of perspective and shifting it along with the time-path we are on when it is not working out. We must be able to let go and allow our consciousness to harmonize with the greater universe, to get into the zone. Then by properly harnessing the 4 Vortices of the 112 Essential Triplets and the other assorted gifts and tools of the Torah we get elevate even beyond the time-paths and the limits of physicality.
There are countless Phrases in the Torah, some make grammatical sense and others we can only see through the underlaying mathematics and coding. Verses, on the other hand, are a specific discreet set. We have written hundreds of pages about the Torah’s First Verse, as it is the seed to the entire Torah, but every Verse tells a story and unlocks a Heavenly gate no matter how innocuous or mundane it may appear. This is why the true Kabbalists would agonize for days and weeks over a single one; every gate opened tips the scales in Man’s favor.