We first mentioned this specific gift a few weeks ago but you may have missed it within a much larger article. This is the easiest of gifts and you can and should use it many times a day, every time you recite or hear a blessing.
Most blessings begin with the word blessed, Baruch (ברוך), whose sofit value is 708, as in the value of 42-Letters in the fully iterated Upper 42-Letter Name of G-d.
This is the station hub above for clearing all the prayers and messages. As the Arizal explains, no prayer get processed without the 42-Letter Names.
It is not coincidental the Israel became a nation in 5708.
We follow Baruch (ברוך) with Atah Adonai (אתה–יהוה) whose numerical value is 432, connecting us and the blessing to the sea of Binah and the Binah frequency of 432 HZ.
We first wrote about this frequency in “Would I ever tell you to eat a BLT” where we showed the symmetry in the Torah’s last word (ישראל) and its first (בראשית) which permute to (אשרי) (בלת) (אשרי), which has the letters (בלת) of numerical value 432 sandwiched between the word Ashrei that means blessing.
Therefore, with each blessing (ברוך‐אתה–יהוה) that we recite, or that we say Amen to, we can connect directly and clearly to the spiritual Sea of Binah. The Sea of Binah is the World to Come, where we will find Moshaich consciousness waiting for us.
It is also imperative that we say Amen (אמן) to any and all blessing we here. According to the Zohar, when we say Amen of numerical value 91 we are are not only completing the powerful unification of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה) with Adonai (אדני) as (יאהדונהי) to link our world with Zeir Anpin, but something even more powerful happens. When we complete the blessing for someone that blessing rises up, gets approved then spreads out and rains down inclusive of all the blessings upon our world. It is that important, and that powerful. We get the same blessing that was said as if we said it ourselves and we get the light for sharing it with the entire world.
May the light of Chanukah and the blessings you hear and recite fill the entire world with the Ohr HaGanuz.
Chag Chanukah Sameach
Shabbat Shalom