Stranded on Third!

Stranded or Appointed to Be on Third? In our past two articles we have revealed much about how to use G-d’s Name and Unconditional Love, but it also feels like we didn’t quite reveal everything. It also feels like desperation is settling into our world, and quickly...

Choose Redemption Now

Choose Redemption Now We know all the numbers, values and quantities in the Torah must have meaning and a purpose for the Creator. We hope we can gain some insight into these properties of the Torah and from them gain a glimpse into the spiritual workings of the...

Choose NOW the Way You Should Go!

In the previous article “Time to Fight Back” we advised that the final 70 years prophesied in the Zohar and elsewhere is drawing to an end in 2 (!) years. That would be 5778 in the Hebrew calendar year, or 2018 CE. Throughout the hundreds of articles and in books we...

The Time to Fight Back Has Come

This past Shabbat was my daughter’s Bat Mitzvah and in honor of it, I am posting a long overdue, very amended and extended excerpt of the speech I gave on the occasion, since so many people asked for copies of it. To our long time subscribers, I thank you for your...