by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 8, 2010 | Revelations
The Mystery of the 1000 Generations Aisha Torah published this excellent devrai Torah, but we wanted to add a couple notes to help clear up this Talmudic mystery, paradox if you will. We bring this matter up, because we are soon to write about the Erev Rav and their...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 7, 2010 | Revelations
Metatron in the Beginning and in the End Out next Chanukah revelation concerns the archangel Metatron (MTTRVN) of numerical value 314. The sages, tzaddikim and Zohar all tell us he was originally Enoch (ChNVC), the 7th in the lineage of Adam. Zohar 43. Balak : 6....
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 4, 2010 | Revelations
Miketz Reveals the Date of the Final Redemption. This is the first of the promised Chanukah revelations, which traces the clues to the final redemption from the Torah to the Zohar to the Arizal, back to the Torah and to us . The Torah portion Miketz falls on Chanukah...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 2, 2010 | Revelations
Why do we find some people charismatic and others, we can’t get away from fast enough? Why can’t we get our messages across? When others may speak utter nonsense, and people are glued to their every word? It’s because those people learned the real...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Nov 26, 2010 | Revelations
The 10 paragraphs and 10 chapters of VaYetze and VaYishlach, the 7th and 8th portions of the 54 portions of the Torah respectively, aren’t usually linked together beyond the sequential story of Jacob that they are telling. Nevertheless, on deeper reflection, they are...