by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jan 7, 2009 | Revelations
Traditionally Kabbalah has been passed down from teacher to student and that goes doubly for its secrets, guarded by righteous souls, tzaddiks, from the corruption of man’s evil inclination and from the erev rav (Mixed Multitude) that would stop at nothing to...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jan 6, 2009 | Revelations
This past erev Shabbat, the father of a friend passed away. It was the hillula of 3 powerful tzaddiks, students of the Baal Shem Tov, so I knew something was up. I never knew his father, but from the moment I entered the synagogue I did. And one after another, first...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jan 5, 2009 | Revelations
Each of the 8 days of Chanukah we read a laundry list of sacrifice to be made by the 12 tribes in the Miskan or Holy Temple, events far removed from our lives by thousands of years. 1 Silver plate weighing 130 shekels (ShKL) 1 Silver bowl weighing 70 shekels 1 Gold...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jan 2, 2009 | Revelations
From the smallest packages come the greatest gifts.In this week’s portion, pasha Vayigash, amidst the listing of the 70 Israelites who entered Egypt to begin the exile there, we find a 3 word verse, the Torah’s shortest verse, Genesis 46:23, “And the...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 31, 2008 | Revelations
This past week I witnessed a series of events unfold and the consequences of these events for many of us who are on spiritual paths is substantial. Usually I delve into deep secrets of Kabbalah and spirituality revealed through the gematria of the Torah verses, but...