Tipping the Scales

The Twin Vortices of Physicality Radiant Light and Radiant Time We are going to discuss physics, abstract mathematics, the structure of our physical world, and the details and secrets embedded in the Torah, and every bit of that discussion is going to have its...

The Paths of One

The Path of One and the Prime Progression   The Path of One is based on the mathematical, geometric, and exponential expansions of One, the Source and unity of the Creator, known as Echad (אחד), as in “YHVH Echad (יהוה־אחד), G-d is One” and as in “His Name is...

The Radiance of the 72 Names

The Radiance of the 72 Essential Triplets As we listen to the Shofar blowings based on pulses of 9, spiraling in vortexes based on the Phi (φ) angle (137.5o) like the Primal Frequency (27.5), we need to let it connect us to the consciousness of the universe.  The...