We exist in a Divine Simulation within the universal Divine Consciousness, whether we have awakened to that realization or not, and the only way to level up or free ourselves from the constraints of eternal sleep mode is to understand the essence of our physical world and the nature of the metaphysical one that governs it. To do that we must learn how to interact with its spiritual or metaphysical components. Once we do, and once we realize that we all exist in Oneness, the connection and alignment we make creates a sympathetic harmonization and fosters a chain of alignments from one consciousness network to the next. Before we know it, we may learn what free will actually means and may be on our way up the stairway to the world beyond.
The Structure
Beyond all the physical and metaphysical structures, and all the dimensional layers of understanding, is the Singularity of One along with its complementary Singularity of 42. They are two Aspects of the same overarching Divine Consciousness, though not Yin and Yang as there is no separation between them. The Outer and Inner Tree-of-Life arrangement of the governing dimensions form the structural backbone to our existence, with 11 Outer or frontal dimensions and 10 Inner and back ones. Like any entity with a front and a back, they are two aspects of the same Sefira or dimension, 21 aspects in total but only 11 separate Sefirot (concentric dimensional shells). It is a self-referencing structure that repeats in every dimension.
The hierarchical set of 11 dimensions is accompanied by the 112 Essential Triplets or Tetrahedra that empower them, as they radiate conscious life-force, influence mazal, and guide the annual Cosmic Wheel. These are divided into 4 sets of specific matrixes, also known as the 4 Vortexes or 4 forces of pressure mediation that act upon the aether, and they were implanted into the Torah before its existence and before Creation. We see them in the Torah as triplet letter sequences, but these are just shadow projections. Their existence is entirely on a higher plane, and they can only be accessed through consciousness. We cannot harness them physically anymore than we can take control of our bodies by grabbing ahold of our shadows. Within the Torah, they are the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema that align with the YH (יה) in the YHVH (יהוה); the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit (Creation) that align with the VH (וה) in the YHVH (יהוה); the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix; and the 72 Essential Triplets of the 72 Name Matrix, which together total 86 Essential Triplets, as in the 86-value of Elohim (אלהים). Altogether, they directly form the Name (יהוה־אלהים) Adonai-Elohim and the unification of the Names Adonai (אדני) and YHVH (יהוה), Ehyeh (אהיה), representing the 3 levels of Binah, Zeir Anpin and Malchut within the Aspect of Binah. Nonetheless, like the Essential Triplets, the only way to access the Names of higher consciousness is through elevating our own consciousness. Our individual consciousness units are what we call our souls. The universal consciousness outside our bubble of physicality is what we call Heaven.
Within the Tree-of-Life structural hierarchy, the lower 7 concentric dimensions are what directly led to Creation. The 10 dimensions of the self-referencing Inner Tree-of-Life that exist in each of the 7 levels form the (7 x 10) = 70 subdimensions of Zeir Anpin known as the 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life.
The 112 Essential Triplets or Tetrahedra exist beyond these branches at the higher dimensional state of Binah, the 8th dimension of Sefira that spreads out into the 248
dimensions of the E8 Symmetry. This is why the 8 corners of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 total 112, and why there are 112 edges and 1120 tetrahedron cells within the 8-orthoplex and why there are 112 integer roots within the 248 dimensional structure of the E8 lattice.
Each dimension is a cloud of consciousness and when those 248 dimensions or clouds are spread out across the 11 levels of the Outer Tree-of-Life they total (248 x 11) = 2728 and thus each contribute one aspect of their consciousness to each of the 27 letters of the full Alef-bet and one aspect to each of the 2701 aspects of the First 7 Words, or First Verse, of Creation, in that (27 + 2701) = 2728 = (11 x 248). When the 112 Essential Triplets or Tetrahedra are similarly spread out over the 11 levels of the Outer Tree-of-Life structure they total (11 x 112) = 1232, and together with the (248 x 11) aspects of the 248 Binah dimensions they contribute (1232 + 2728) = 3960 specific aspects of consciousness to our existence and that is why the Earth was designed with a radius of 3960 miles. Moreover, this Divine design of (248 + 112) = 360 is the reason we view the circle as 360o.
When the 70 subdimensions of Zeir Anpin are infused with the 112 Essential Triplets, they total (70 + 112) = 182, as in the numerical value of the Patriarch and archetype Jacob (182), the central masculine force of our universe. Its complement is the feminine force or Rachel (238), which is equivalent to 1/42, a metaphysical representation of the two Aspects of the Divine Singularity, One and 42. Together Jacob and Rachel equal (182 + 238) = 420, as in the 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in the universe that result in the (420 x 27.5) = 11,556-year diameter of the Spherical Time Bubble in which we exist, and in the periodicity of the Galactic Current Sheet that interacts with the magnetic fields of the Earth, Moon, Solar System, and Sun with devastating cataclysmic consequences.
Through the 10 dimensions of the Inner Tree-of-Life these powerful attractive Yin-Yang forces, labeled Jacob and Rachel, embody the expanding Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) whose sum is 2380, as in (1820 + 2380) = 4200 and as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah to which they and the Singularity of One are aligned.
As we know, the Alef-bet is metaphysically designed to serve as a Cosmic interface with the Concepts of the Numbers and these metaphysically conscious Numbers are our portals to understanding. Numbers are the language of the Cosmos and the equations and ratios between them are the grammar that give us insight into the geography and geometry of the metaphysical world. The Creator made it easy for us in that everything in our world or simulation bubble reflects what is above, and thus the numbers we see below and that we can decipher through guided gematria and through the Torah illuminate the Pathways of the metaphysical world.
Interspatial Processing
Numbers in our world are simple finite instruments of counting. This is not so in the metaphysical world where they represent both distinct independent clouds of consciousness and integrated networks within a vast universal consciousness. Thus, each number has its own set of nuances and varied aspects and substantial depth. Our minds’ processing power is so limited that we see numbers as static pictures, yet they are anything but and there is even substantial space between their digits, allowing those frozen pictures to convey so much more information to us than seemingly possible. When we examine that space we are already operating at a higher dimensional level.
There are 10 digits from 0 to 9, like the 10 Sefirot of the Inner Tree-of-Life structure of the universe, and thus 9 links or 1-digit steps between them (i.e. 0 – 1, 1 – 2… 8 – 9). The gaps between the digits are called their interspace and it is simply the metaphysical distance between the digits. It the metaphysical or non-physical world the distance between any two concepts is based on their similarity of form and thus the metaphysical distance between 8 elephants and 8 pebbles is (8 – 8) = 0, while in the physical world it is both infinite and incalculable. For any integer of any size, the total interspace between its component digits is the resultant integer that is formed from the stringing together of the sequential absolute value gaps between the component digits. For example, the interspace for the number of the First Verse of Creation, 2701, is (2 – 7), (7 – 0), and (0 – 1) or 571. These can be further refined to produce a new interspace value of, in this case (5 – 7) and (7 – 1) or 26, as in the YHVH (יהוה), and then again to produce │(2 – 6)│= 4. Since those interspatial gaps exist simultaneously, we can total them to get (571 + 26 + 4) = 601, as in the 601 years of Noach’s life until the Flood. To get the total spatial and interspatial value of an integer of Concept, we could then add them to the original spatial number to get (2701 + 601) = 3302, as in the base area of the Great Pyramid, 3302, which is (27.5 x 12)2, representing the merging of the time (12) and space (27.5) constants. Their average value is thus (3302/4) = 5778/7 = 825.42 as in the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius over the 7 levels of Creation and/or 7 Sefirot of Zeir Anpin.
Reductive Interspace
The Seed of Creation
Similarly to how the Kaprekar Numbers are functionally processed, we can iteratively add or even subtract the resultant interspace gaps to their previous number. In this same example, we subtract 571 from 2701 to get 2130, then subtract the resultant interspace of (2 – 1), (1 – 3), and (3 – 0) or 123 from 2130 to get 2007 and keep going until there is no longer any gaps or space between the digits, in other words (1 – 1) = 0 or ( 4 – 4 – 4) = 0. In the case of 2701, it takes exactly 40 interspatial reductions to squeeze out or close the space at 55, the zero-point, and the sum of those 42 integers including the 40 interspatial iterations is (2701+2130+2007+1800+1020+898+887+886+884+880+872+857+825+762+748+714+651+637+603+540+526+492+435+423+402+360+324+312+291+213+201+180+102+90+81+74+71+65+64+62+58+55) = 26183 as in Phi (φ)2 or 2.61803…
The 42 steps are akin to the 42 journeys our souls must undertake, and to the 42 journeys the Israelites undertook from their captivity—their slavery to physicality—in Egypt to the freedom of the Promised Land. These steps follow sequentially the 42 Letters of the 7-tier ladder of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, just like the 42 iterative steps of the 7 Words of Creation divided by the 42-Letter Name Matrix or (26183/3701) = 7.07….
The initial and termination points for 42 journeys of the Concept of Creation 2701 are 2701 and 55, as in the double cycle of the Primal Frequency (27.5) which together equal (2701 + 55) = 2756, the 26th Even Pronic Number, as in the YHVH (יהוה), or (52 x 53) = 2756.
As previously discussed, this is also the sum of the first 12 Pronic Numbers, which likewise equal (6 + 20 + 42 + 72 + 110 + 156 + 210 + 272 + 342 + 420 + 506 + 600) = 2756. Not only does this align with 275, the Primal Frequency (27.5) and the sacred cubit (27.5”), but with the 756’ base of the Great Pyramid that is designed to align with the radiant Primal Frequency (27.5)2 and that has its entrance 55’ above that base. Moreover, that entire set of Even Pronic Numbers are all associated with the Exodus saga and as illustrated they split the Ulam Spiral in single file, like the parting of the Red Sea.
This (2701 + 55) = 2756 result of adding the two terminal-points for the 42 interspace iterations of the value of the First Verse of Creation is extraordinary in yet another way, given that both (2 + 7 + 0 + 1) = 10 and (5 + 5) = 10, and that its inverse 1/2756 equals exactly 10!/1010 or 10 factorial over 10 to the power of 10, which is defined mathematically as the probability of all 10 digits (0, 1, 2, 3…9) being represented over all possible 10-digit numeric strings. When our physical world was designed to match the 10-dimensional Inner Tree-of-Life structure of the rest of the universe it was necessary for the seed or First Verse of Creation to embody both the essence of the Singularity of 42 and the essence of base 10 Cosmic mathematics. All the geometry unfolds from there.
The Alef-bet and the 11 Sefirot
As previously discussed, the letter Nun (נ) that occupies the central position in the Alef-bet and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 has its origin in its Name Nun (נון) of sofit numerical value 756, as in the Primal Frequency squared, 27.52.
The 22 Names of the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet total 4248 and those Names can be split into their 22 initials and their 22 backs. When further split into the 11 Odd and 11 Even letters, the set of the 11 Even letter backs total 1756, as in (756 + 1000) = 1756 and as in (1756 + 1000) = 2756 from the 42 journeys of the Creation Concept from 2701 to 55. Meanwhile, the backs of all 22 Names equals 2753, as in 100 times the Primal Frequency (27.5), and again as in the 2756 from above.
Backs of Letter Names
11 Even + 11 Odd
1756 + 997 = 2753
Meanwhile, the 11 Even Names have a total value of 2626, which further aligns them with both the YHVH (יהוה) and the 26th Even Pronic Number, 2756, and what separates them is the value or distance of (2756 – 2626) = 130, which is the value of Mt. Sinai (סיני) and of sulam (סלם), ladder, the ladder beyond Creation. Thus, it is of special relevance is that the numeric string …55… is first found in Pi (π) at digit #130.
Nevertheless, while the digital interspace between the digits in the highest Aspect of the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) or 161 is 55, the digital interspace of all 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה) add up to (55 + 44 + 31) = 130, while they themselves spatially represent (161 + 151 + 143) = 455, as in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820). Meanwhile, the digits in their collective interspace (55 + 44 + 31), equals (5 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 1) = 22, and the digital interspace in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) is (0 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 2) = 26, as in the YHVH (יהוה) and the 26th Even Pronic Number, 2756 that represents Creation. All consciousness is connected and with each expanded dimension it only gets denser and more intricate. And because the Tree-of-Life structure is self-referencing, the dimensions are fractally symmetric, allowing us to smoothly expand our consciousness along with it, once we learn to break free.
Additive Interspace
This enlightening reduction process can be reversed, and instead of reductively subtracting the interspatial gaps, we can sequentially add them until a zero-point is reached at the opposite end of the spectrum, and in the case of the First Verse of Creation, we go from 2701 to (2701 + 571) = 3272 and after 24 additive iterations we reach a zero-point at 9999.
The zero-points for the single digits 1 through 9 are the numbers themselves since they cannot be reduced further. Within the first 9999 integers there are 1942 integers that have additive Zero-points that terminate in either of the 3 rep-digit series 11, 22…999; 111, 222…999; or 1111, 2222…8888, and a much larger set of 7353 integers that terminate in the rep-digit 9999, while there is an additional set of 704 integers that terminate in either the 11111 or 99999.
Within these groupings, there are 112 that terminate in the Zero-point sets from 1 – 222, as in the 112 Essential Triplets; and 330 from 1 – 777 as in (12 x 27.5), the time and space coefficients, and as in the 330 cubit base of the Great Pyramid; and from the 1 – 3333 termination points there are a total of the 541 associated integers, as in the numerical value of Israel, 541. Within the 38 possible termination points there is a set of 147 iterations that correspond to the 51 integers that terminate in rep-digit 777, as in (7 x 21), the value of the 7 Names of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Torah and as in Jacob’s age, 147 years. There is also the set of 173 iterations that correspond to the 62 integers that terminate in rep-digit 888, as in the katan gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 173 Keys to Heaven given to Moses. Meanwhile, there is also a set of 210 iterations that correspond to the 75 integers that terminate in rep-digit 999, as in the 210-cubit height of the Great Pyramid and the 210 years of Exile in Egypt.
Echoes from Beyond
There are certain mechanical reasons for this uneven distribution with 7353 of the total 9999 integers terminating in a zero-point of 9999, which oddly enough closely matches the 7367 zero-point reductive interspatial sequences that terminate in 55 for the set of integers from 1000 to 9999, as in the values of the two Sefirot Chochma (73) and Binah (67). While (7367 – 7353) is 14, the central position in the 27 positions of the Alef-bet and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, the sum of the digits in those 7367 integers is 7340 or 27 less than 7367. Thus, the average of the (7340 and 7367) is 7353, and we must keep in mind that on average each one of these (7367 + 7353) = 14720 separate integers have each undergone a couple dozen iteratives to reach either 9999 or 55 in their respective polarities. Compared with those 14720 separate integers in those two sets, the iteratives or echoes within the digital interspace for the 27 reductive zero-points from 1 – 999 total exactly 14729 or 9 more than the 14720 sum. And while 147 is the number of years that Jacob lived and the value of the ladder of the 7 Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Torah, the value 729 is 93 or (9 x 9 x 9) and it is the value of the 2nd of the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
The total reductive iteratives echoes for all 9999 integers in all 36 zero-points is 420,679 or (420,000 + 262 + 3).
While there are 147 integers that additively terminate in 777, as in (7 x 21) = 147 and as in (3 x 7) = 21, the sum of the digits for all 37 integers that reductively terminate in 777 is 730, as in the (37 x 73) value of the 7 Words of Creation. Moreover, there are exactly an average of (999/27) = 37 integers per reductive zero-point, as in the Core Essential Prime Numbers of Creation, and as in the inner (ordinal) value of the 9th Sefira, Chochma whose outer value is 73, as previously discussed at length.
The number of echoes for those 37 integers that reductively reach zero-point 777 is 171, the 18th Triangular Number, as in Phi(φ)18 = 5778, the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius, and as in the digit sum for all 9999 integers, 180000, whose average over all 36 zero-points is (180000/36) = 5000, while (5000 + 777) = 5777, as in the Event Horizon.
The Cosmic Pulse
While there are 36 reductive zero-points and 38 additive ones for an average of 37, the main termination points of the digital interspace are 9999 and 55, and they are in a ratio of (9999/55) = 181.8. as in the 3 expansions of the first letter, Alef (אלף), 1818, representing One (1), and as in the inverse ratio Alef (א)/Alef3 (אלף) = 1/1818 = .0005500055…. This is the pulse throughout the universe and within the integers that define our physical world, (1/181.8) = (55/9999) = .00550055….
Moreover, we find a further alignment between the total integers in both interspace paradigms and those that do not reductively or additively respectively terminate in either 55 or 9999, or (9999 x 2) – (7930 + 7353) = 4715 integers, in that they equal exactly (4715)/27.5 = 171 cycles of the Primal Frequency, while (4715 + 275) = 4990 or 5 less than 4995, the sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, and as in the residue cycle for the Primal Frequency quotients (.090, .181, .272, .363, .454, .545, .636, .727, .818, and .909) that equals 4.995. When the decimal place is extended indefinitely, the result of that residue sum is 4.9999… = 5. It is this repetitively cycling sets of 10 residues of multiples of 09 within every 11 integers that uniquely align the Inner and Outer Tree-of-Life structure of the universe with the Concept of 9 and the unique nature of the Primal Frequency (27.5) whose double cycle is 55. And while this cycle naturally includes 181, as in the 42nd Prime Number and the first 42 Prime digits that sum to 181, it is simultaneously 1818, as in Alef (אלף), 1818, representing One, thus the two Aspects of the Singularity.
Meanwhile, the sum of the unique Primal Frequency cycles up to integer 55, is 54, as in the 54 Portion annual cycle of the Torah, the value 55 is the first integer interval of the twin Primal Frequency residue cycles of 27.5 and 1.1. The value 1.1 has the same cyclical effect as dividing by 27.5, yet the Primal Frequency of 27.5 is still unique because 1.1 equals (.04 x 27.5) so it is a multiple of it and thus derivative. Nonetheless, 11 represents and is in alignment with the 11 dimensions of the Outer Tree-of-Life and (55/1.1) = 50 and the sum of the 55 cycles of 1.1 through the interval 55 is 1400, as in the 14th letter of the Alef-bet, the letter Nun (נ) of numerical value 50, and the central position of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42. Moreover, since the first interval, 55 is 2 cycles of 27.5, we further understand that (1400/2) = 700, as in the sofit value of the same letter Nun (ן). This is the same central letter whose Name, Nun (נון) from which it derives its source, has a value of 756 or 27.52, the square of the Primal Frequency and base of the Great Pyramid, 756’.
Integer | /27.5 | Cumulative | /1.1 | Cumulative | ||
1 | 0.04 | 0.03636364 | 0.9 | 0.90909091 | ||
2 | 0.07 | 0.10909091 | 1.8 | 2.72727273 | ||
3 | 0.11 | 0.21818182 | 2.7 | 5.45454545 | ||
4 | 0.15 | 0.36363636 | 3.6 | 9.09090909 | ||
5 | 0.18 | 0.54545455 | 4.5 | 13.6363636 | ||
6 | 0.22 | 0.76363636 | 5.5 | 19.0909091 | ||
7 | 0.25 | 1.01818182 | 6.4 | 25.4545455 | ||
8 | 0.29 | 1.30909091 | 7.3 | 32.7272727 | ||
9 | 0.33 | 1.63636364 | 8.2 | 40.9090909 | ||
10 | 0.36 | 2 | 9.1 | 50 | ||
11 | 0.4 | 2.4 | 10 | 60 | ||
12 | 0.44 | 2.83636364 | 11 | 70.9090909 | ||
13 | 0.47 | 3.30909091 | 12 | 82.7272727 | ||
14 | 0.51 | 3.81818182 | 13 | 95.4545455 | ||
15 | 0.55 | 4.36363636 | 14 | 109.090909 | ||
16 | 0.58 | 4.94545455 | 15 | 123.636364 | ||
17 | 0.62 | 5.56363636 | 15 | 139.090909 | ||
18 | 0.65 | 6.21818182 | 16 | 155.454545 | ||
19 | 0.69 | 6.90909091 | 17 | 172.727273 | ||
20 | 0.73 | 7.63636364 | 18 | 190.909091 | ||
21 | 0.76 | 8.4 | 19 | 210 | ||
22 | 0.8 | 9.2 | 20 | 230 | ||
23 | 0.84 | 10.0363636 | 21 | 250.909091 | ||
24 | 0.87 | 10.9090909 | 22 | 272.727273 | ||
25 | 0.91 | 11.8181818 | 23 | 295.454545 | ||
26 | 0.95 | 12.7636364 | 24 | 319.090909 | ||
27 | 0.98 | 13.7454545 | 25 | 343.636364 | ||
28 | 1.02 | 14.7636364 | 25 | 369.090909 | ||
29 | 1.05 | 15.8181818 | 26 | 395.454545 | ||
30 | 1.09 | 16.9090909 | 27 | 422.727273 | ||
31 | 1.13 | 18.0363636 | 28 | 450.909091 | ||
32 | 1.16 | 19.2 | 29 | 480 | ||
33 | 1.2 | 20.4 | 30 | 510 | ||
34 | 1.24 | 21.6363636 | 31 | 540.909091 | ||
35 | 1.27 | 22.9090909 | 32 | 572.727273 | ||
36 | 1.31 | 24.2181818 | 33 | 605.454545 | ||
37 | 1.35 | 25.5636364 | 34 | 639.090909 | ||
38 | 1.38 | 26.9454545 | 35 | 673.636364 | ||
39 | 1.42 | 28.3636364 | 35 | 709.090909 | ||
40 | 1.45 | 29.8181818 | 36 | 745.454545 | ||
41 | 1.49 | 31.3090909 | 37 | 782.727273 | ||
42 | 1.53 | 32.8363636 | 38 | 820.909091 | ||
43 | 1.56 | 34.4 | 39 | 860 | ||
44 | 1.6 | 36 | 40 | 900 | ||
Integer | /27.5 | Cumulative | /1.1 | Cumulative | ||
45 | 1.64 | 37.6363636 | 41 | 940.909091 | ||
46 | 1.67 | 39.3090909 | 42 | 982.727273 | ||
47 | 1.71 | 41.0181818 | 43 | 1025.45455 | ||
48 | 1.75 | 42.7636364 | 44 | 1069.09091 | ||
49 | 1.78 | 44.5454545 | 45 | 1113.63636 | ||
50 | 1.82 | 46.3636364 | 45 | 1159.09091 | ||
51 | 1.85 | 48.2181818 | 46 | 1205.45455 | ||
52 | 1.89 | 50.1090909 | 47 | 1252.72727 | ||
53 | 1.93 | 52.0363636 | 48 | 1300.90909 | ||
54 | 1.96 | 54 | 49 | 1350 | ||
55 | 2 | 56 | 50 | 1400 | ||
As for the last two sets within the first 9999 integers, the 11111 and 99999 sets of the additive digital interspace, they total 704 integers and not only is 704 the value of the central tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and of the word “Derech (דרך) Path,” but 704 is also the sum of the digits for all 173 reductive iterations that the integers went through to terminate in 111, as in the value of Alef (אלף), One, thus uniting the Singularities of One and 42 again. They are also aligned with the 173 integers whose additive interspace terminated in 888, and while (111 + 888) = 999, the consciousness Concept of 173 is the katan gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and the Source of the 173 Keys to Heaven given to Moses. Making this odd alignment more metaphysically intriguing is that those 173 reductive iterations that terminate in 111 happens to 62 different integers and (111 + 62) = 173, yet again, while those 147 reductive iterations that terminate in 222 happens to (62 – 11) = 51 different integers and (222 + 51) = 273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273), and moreover, (273 + 147) = 420, as in the Source of 42 and the 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in the 11,556 year diameter of the Spherical Time Bubble and the periodicity of the cataclysm inducing Galactic Current Sheet.
Intersecting Metaphysical Clouds
Since the sum of the digits in those 51 original integers is 666, the sum of the digits in the 2 sets of integers with consecutive subtractive interspace termination points of 111 and 222 is (704 + 666) = 1370: as in the Pi (π) location #1370 of …474…, the numeric equivalent to the 11th Sefira Daat (דעת); as in the Fine Structure Constant or 1/137.0359…, without which there is no physicality; and as in the exact 1370 sum of all the positive integers up to 275 when divided by the cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5); as in the difference between the sofit and standard values of the 11 final letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit or (2813 – 1443) = 1370; and as in the 1370 years that the Ishmaelites reigned over the Jews.
Integer | /27.5 | Cumulative | /1.1 | Cumulative | |
264 | 9.6 | 1272 | 240 | 31800 | |
265 | 9.64 | 1281.63636 | 241 | 32040.9091 | |
266 | 9.67 | 1291.30909 | 242 | 32282.7273 | |
267 | 9.71 | 1301.01818 | 243 | 32525.4545 | |
268 | 9.75 | 1310.76364 | 244 | 32769.0909 | |
269 | 9.78 | 1320.54545 | 245 | 33013.6364 | |
270 | 9.82 | 1330.36364 | 245 | 33259.0909 | |
271 | 9.85 | 1340.21818 | 246 | 33505.4545 | |
272 | 9.89 | 1350.10909 | 247 | 33752.7273 | |
273 | 9.93 | 1360.03636 | 248 | 34000.9091 | |
274 | 9.96 | 1370 | 249 | 34250 | |
275 | 10 | 1380 | 250 | 34500 |
As recently explained those 1370 years after Mohammed’s death ended precisely on 6/08/02, which is found in Pi (π) at digit #618, as in 1/φ. It begins the sequence …608277857713425778…. that ends with …5778 at digit #633. This is also the square root of the Core Essential Prime Number of Creation, 37, or 6.082763, which also references digit #763, or (763 – 633) = 130 digits later where we find the numeric string …999999…. Moreover, (372 + 1) = 1370.
Meanwhile out of the 9999 first integers, there are 57 cumulative integers that correspond to the first 13 zero-points up to the extraordinary “55” termination point, while the total for 55, the 14th zero-point, is 7930 and the total for the remaining 22 termination points is 3424, as in the 48 letters of the symmetrical Cube of Moshiach that is comprised of the 12 permutations of the YHVH (יהוה) that align with the 12 lunar months of the Cosmic Wheel in the order assigned by the Arizal. Each of the 12 edges of the Cube of Moshiach has a metaphysical length of the cube root of 48, or 3.63424, and just as with the 36304.24470 Spherical Time paradigm circumference, 363 is the value of H’Moshiach and 424 is that of Moshiach Ben David. With each side or edge being 3.63424 cubits in length, they are also (3.63424 x 27.5”) = 99.94 or 100 inches each, forming a cube of 1003 or 1,000,000 inches3, which works out to a cube of 577.7 ft3, provocatively close to the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius 5778. Through the higher perspective of the metaphysical lens, we see the entwining of the interspace of the integers, the Primal Frequency, and the Spherical Time paradigm with the symmetrical 12 permutations of the YHVH (יהוה) in the Cosmic Wheel.
Moreover, the average letter value of the string gematria value for the 12 permutations of the YHVH (יהוה) is 53328/48 = 1111, a termination zero-point of unity. This is where there is no longer separation within a scale that we can perceive, even when peering into the level of Binah hyperspace. And as mentioned previously, this aligns with the Names of the 6 consecutive letters (חטיכלמ) in the Alef-bet that sum to 1111 and whose complete letter value is 180, as in the digit sum for all 9999 integers, 180,000. What we never revealed was that the bounding 2 letters for these 6 consecutive letters (חטיכלמ) are Nun and Zayin (נז) of numerical value 57 and complete value (57 + 21) = 78 as in the 5th Essential Triplet (נגד) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 57-78 value of the Event Horizon. Moreover, the difference between the Names of Nun and Zayin (נז) and the 6 consecutive letters (חטיכלמ) sandwiched between them is (756 + 780) – 1111 = 425, as in the 42.5o radiant complement to the Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o or (180 – 137.5o) = 42.5o.
Moreover, as previously discussed, the value 3424 also came up as the 3424.420% ratio between the volume and the surface area of the cuboctahedron when the edge of the cuboctahedron is 5 cubits, as in (5 x 27.5”) that equals the Phi(φ) angle of 137.5o or (137.5”). The Phi (φ) field always seems to find its way into the heart of all matters physical and metaphysical, just like we found with the last 3 lines (1375) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and with the height of the Gates in the Future Holy Temple (1375”). With the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) applied, we see it connecting through the cuboctahedron, the interspace within the integers, and the YHVH (יהוה) to the higher Moshiach Ben David (424) consciousness and to the Source, 42. Moreover, we already know that the Phi (φ) angle (137.5o) and Pi (π) fields interact to create the infinite pathways of the Spherical Time bubble.
Interspace and The Spherical Time Paradigm
Nonetheless, half of the Event Horizon radius, 5778 years, is 2889, which is in perfect alignment with the 2889 digits in the 999 integers from 1 to 999. This is not only the midpoint in the Spherical Time paradigm radius, but in the exact center of the 70-year life of King David that occurred in 2889 HC, which in turn is exactly halfway between the Covenant of Halves made between G-d and Abraham in 2018 CE, 70 years after his birth and the pivotal year 3760 (0 CE), 70 years before the destruction of the Second Holy Temple. The sum of the digits in the 999 integers or the 999 steps up to Binah (1000) is therefore exactly (2889/11556) = 1/4th the Spherical Time bubble diameter, 11,556 years.
Meanwhile, the number of cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) of the 36 zero-point reductive termination points (1,2…9, 11…99, 111…999, 1111, 2222…9999) for the 9999 integers is (55530/27.5) = 2019.273, as in the Spherical Time Event Horizon’s Western Calander analogue, 2019 CE, found 3 times within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π), just like the Event Horizon 5778 HC itself. The resultant quotient 2019.273 is coupled with 273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) from 4/π, the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273) ratio that squares the circle. Alternatively, the average is (2018 + 1.273) = 2019.273 cycles.
As the sacred cubit (27.5”) is tuned to the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), 2019.273 can be seen metaphysically as the distance to the Event Horizon and not just as time. Hence time and space are One, and the measure of the interspace at its minimum termination is equal to 2019.273 cubits and to the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon, the edge of our perceived time bubble. To fully appreciate this, we must recall that the ratio between Spiritual Time and Physical time (44.70/24) is the speed-of-light which gives us the ratio between the two components of the Event Horizon 5778, (3760 and 2018) or (3761 and 2019).
Since in the Cosmic or hyperspace metaphysical world, Time, Space, and Temperature are One or just different aspects/angles of the same concept, this might explain why the periodicity of the Galactic Current Sheet (11,556 years, 5778 years, 2889 years) aligns perfectly with the surface Temperatures of the Sun and Earth at 5778 K and 288.9 K respectively and with the dimensions of our Solar System at 107 AU to trigger the micro-nova and create the observed extinction level events known as the Great Reset or Spherical Time Bubble reboot.
What is extraordinary is that the sum of the locations within Pi (π)’s first 1000 digits for the twin or mirrored calendar Event Horizons plus the only other 4-digit string repeated 3 times, …9999… is (6771 + 3) = 6774, the precise wavelength of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) is 6774 miles at the speed of light, and 6.774 is the sum of the 10 square roots of the 10 cyclical remainders of dividing by the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz).
Pi – Locations |
9999 |
5778 |
2019 |
763 | 633 | 245 | |||
764 | 948 | 703 | |||
765 | 954 | 996 | |||
2292 |
2535 |
1944 |
6771 |
3 |
6774 |
10 Residues |
Sq Rt |
0.090909 | 0.301511194 |
0.181818 | 0.42640122 |
0.272727 | 0.522232707 |
0.363636 | 0.603022388 |
0.454545 | 0.674199525 |
0.545454 | 0.738548577 |
0.636363 | 0.797723636 |
0.727272 | 0.852802439 |
0.818181 | 0.904533581 |
0.90909 | 0.953462113 |
5 |
6.77444 |
Moreover, the sum of the digits in the 9 location for (5778, 2019, and 9999) is 147, yet again, as in the ladder of the 7 Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Torah that are aligned with the 7-tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. These are the three 4-digit numbers found in triplicate within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π). There are exactly 42 of them found twice and the lone 5-digit one found twice is 42019.
What also is unfathomable is that the ratio of the interspace between the full reductive scale and the full additive scales for the first 9999 integers is (135176914/4735862) = 28.54, as in the date 2854 HC when King David was born and its inverse or (4735862/135176914) = 1/28.54… = .035035, as in the 35 and 35 year split in his 70 year life at the exact center of the Spherical Time radius in 2889 HC.
Digital Interspace and the Tree-of-Life
If within the first 9999 integers we group the termination points into 9 sets of like digits, in other words (1, 11, 111, and 1111) to (9, 99, 999, and 9999) we see that the sum of the integers plus the sum of their echoes for the set of (5, 55, 555, and 5555) equals exactly 420,840, while the number of integers within the first 999 integers that conform to this set (5, 55, 555, 5555) is 625, or 54, the square root of the exact number of Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah, 6252, and the value of H’Keter, the 10th and highest Sefira in the Tree-of-Life structure.
As we know, the sum of the 11 Odd Letters in the Alef-bet is also 625, and one of the many subsets of their Names associated and derived from Pi (π) and Phi (φ) are the 8 Names (Alef, Hei, Tet, Caf, Mem, Pe, Koof, and Shin) whose total value of 1352 is in a ratio with the total 4248 value of the Alef-bet of Pi (π) or 4248/π = 1352. The 8 initials or letters (אהטכמפקש) associated with those 8 Names total exactly 555, which is .111111 or 11.111% of the total 4995 for the full 27 Letters of the Alef-bet, which in turn aligns with the 499500 value of the first 999 integers and the 49995000 value of the first 9999 integers. Keep in mind that (625 – 555) = 70, as in the 70 years of King David, Abraham, Israel, and the Holy Temples, and the 70 subdimensions or branches of Zeir Anpin within the Tree-of-Life.
And while the average of those 9999 integers is (49995000/9999) = 5000, and the central 14th letter of the Alef-bet is the letter Nun (נ) of numerical value 50 and ordinal value 14, the ratio of the 9999 interspace additive and reductive termination zero-points to the value of their respective 9999 original integers is (139912776/99990000) = 1.399267 or 1.4, in alignment with the central letter and position of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 and with the numerical value of David (14) at the center of Spherical Time. We must also keep in mind that the termination point 55 is the 14th zero-point and that while 288.9 K is the surface temperature of the Earth and 2889 HC is the exact center of the Spherical Time paradigm radius, there are 7930 integers out of the 9999 total that reductively terminate in 55, and 7930 miles is the approximate diameter of the Earth, which is also 12756 kilometers, as in the 2756 termination points for the 2701 First 7 Words of Creation discussed above. Moreover, 7930 is 288.3 cycles of 27.5, or approximately the surface temperature of the Earth, 288.9 K.
Meanwhile, the numeric string …4995… is first found in Pi (π) at digit number 777, or (7 x 111) as in the 7 Words of Creation and as in the 7 Alefs (אלף) in the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation whose total value is the 77th Triangular Field.
We can also see the alignment between the 139912776 total termination points and the 222nd Prime Number, 1399, and with the 776th digit in Pi (π) after the decimal place where we find …4995… Nonetheless, while 4995/9 = 555, the sum of the 7930 integers that reductively terminate in 55 with the 7353 integers that additively terminate in 9999 is equal to (7930 + 7353)/27.5 = 555.7455 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5). As for the 7353 integers that additively terminate in 9999, they equal 267.3 cycles of the 267-cubit apothem of the Great Pyramid that is 611 feet, the value of Torah (תורה), while its entrance was hidden 55 feet above the base platform. As we know, the 455 is the value of the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה).
Interspace and the 26 Generations
The interspace between the digits in the integers is enormous, as we saw with the reduction sequence of 2701 that totaled 26183 or 9.69 times 2701, as in the Methuselah’s age, 969, the longest of the 26 generations of Adam. It is also 9.500 times both caps of the interspace (2701 + 55), as in Noach’s 950 years, the 10th generation. Meanwhile, the 9th generation of Lamech, wedged between Methuselah and Noach, lived 777 years.
This compares with the total iterative echoes for all 9999 integers in all 36 zero-points that is 420,679 or 161 less than the sum of the integers and their echoes for the set of (5, 55, 555, and 5555) that equals 420,840, and while 161 is the value the highest Aspect of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah, 420 aligns with the 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) within the Spherical Time Diameter and Galactic Current Sheet periodicity. This all aligns with the 42 letters in the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, whose 11 initials equal 550.
Interspace and the Kaprekar Constant
Meanwhile, the sum of the 4 termination zero-points is (5 + 55 + 555 + 5555) = 6170 which is 6174 with the kolel (4) and is thus equal to the Kaprekar Constant (6174) for 4-digit numbers. This is further equal to the sum of the 36 termination zero-points divided by 9 or 55530/9 = 6170 and since (36/4) = 9 we have (6170 + 4) = 6174 yet again. While the digits in 6174 add up to 18, the value 6174 is equal to the 3-tiered expansion of 18 or (181 + 182 + 183) = 6174, once again bringing us back Cosmically to 18 cycles of the Phi(φ) expansion in the Spherical Time bubble, or Phi(φ)18 = 5778, the Event Horizon radius. And while the square root of 18 is 4.24260… the first time 18 is found within Pi (π) is at digit #424, as in Moshiach Ben David. Without metaphysical understanding, numbers are just pixels on a screen.
7 Dimensions of Creation within 11
While the sum of (3 + 33 + 333 + 3333) = 3702, and while the product of 333 times the circle squaring Constant K is (333 x 1.1107207…) = 3702.0, they match the value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix plus One (1). This is the inverse of the First Verse of Creation, or (1/2701) = .0003702 and thus the ratio between the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the First Verse of Creation is (3701/2701) = 1.3702. This alignment with the First 7 Words of Creation is extraordinary not only because the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix is the inverse of the 7 Words of Creation but because the sum of the First 7 logarithms or Log (1) + Log (2) …Log (7) equals 3.702….
Meanwhile, the sum of the First 11 logarithms or Log (1) + Log (2) …Log (11), as in the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, equals 7.601155718…., which is not only the square root of the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius or 7.6011557182 = 57.778, but 76 is the ordinal value of the First Word of Creation Bereshit (בראשית), and 11557 is the Spherical Time diameter and Galactic Current Sheet wavelength. Plus, Phi(φ)18 = 5778.000, and the Torah specifically tells us that Noach was 601 years old at the time of the other Great Reset, which he began preparing for in the year 1557 HC when his son Shem was born, the 11th generation in the lineage of Adam. Moreover, the sum of the First 76 logarithms or Log (1) + Log (2) …Log (76) = 111.2754253: as in Alef (111) or One; the 112 Essential Triplets of Creation; the Primal Frequency (27.5); the Singularity of 42; the 42.5o radiant complement to the Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o; and the sum of the 22 ordinal value of the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet, 253. This is why we peer into the integers themselves. Each one contains a deep well and wealth of information. Beauty is far more than skin deep.
Naturally, the sum of (6 + 66 + 666 + 6666) = (2 x 3702) = 7404, and of the first 999 integers there are 84 associated integers that reduce to the rep-6 termination category, or (2 x 42), while (9 + 99 + 999 + 9999) = (3 x 3702) = 11106, and they have 4 associated integers. Thus, we see that (11106 + 4) = 11110, as in the complete value of the Torah’s First 42 Words, (9476 + 1592 + 42) = 11110. Moreover, the complete sofit value of these First 42 Words is (20,151 + 42) = 20193, as in the 3 times the Event Horizon analogue 2019 CE appears in the first 1000-digits of Pi (π).
And while the sum of the First 76 logarithms or Log (1) + Log (2) …Log (76) = 111.2754253: as in the 111 value of the letter Alef (א), the first letter of the Alef-bet, and as in the ordinal value of the First Word of Creation, the sum of the First 216 logarithms or Log (1) + Log (2) …Log (216) = 412.000, as in (6 x 6 x 6) = 216 and as in 412, the value of the Name of the letter Bet (ב), the First Letter of Creation. Meanwhile, the sum of the first 275 Natural Logs, as in the Primal Frequency (27.5) or Log (1) + Log (2) …Log (275) = 1273.34, as in the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273) that squares the circle or 4/π, and as in the 401273 quantitative elements of the Torah.
Interspace and the First Holy Temple
While grouping the resultant termination zero-points into sets of like numerals may seem logical to some and arbitrary to others we must keep in mind that without a contrived concept of time, distance in the metaphysical world is based solely on similarity of form so (3 + 33 + 333 + 3333) is a lot closer conceptually to 33 than 33 is to 34. Moreover, the sum of the logarithms for these 9 natural sets, or log (1 + 11 + 111 + 1111) + log (2 + 22 + 222 + 2222) … log (9 + 99 + 999 + 9999) = 33.38… as in the date the First Holy Temple was destroyed, 3338 HC and as in the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius squared, (5778 x .5778) or 57782 = 3338.5284, which is the area component of the Spherical Time bubble (A = πr2). This is in direct alignment with the sum of the logs from 1 – 182, that equal 333.820, as in the value of Jacob (182), and the Path of One.
The physical space between the numbers in (3 + 33 + 333 + 3333) is (3333 – 333) + (333 – 33) + (33 – 3) = 3330, as in the 3330 years or 66.6 Jubilee Years between the Exodus and reception of the Torah in 2448 HC and the Event Horizon in 5778 HC. Designed in the metaphysical world, not a single digit is out of place in the physical one. This is the meaning behind the saying in Midrash Rabba Bereshit 10:6 that there is an angel behind every blade of grass and the earlier quote attributed to Rabbi Simon that every single blade of grass has a corresponding ‘mazal‘ in the sky which hits it and tells it to grow. Angels are our perception of the entities of higher living consciousness. Every parallel time-path in the Spherical Time bubble is a shadow conglomeration of multiple dimensions of higher consciousness, like a valley created by the towering peaks that surround it. We see time as linear because the course through the valley is the easiest one, yet it is only when we climb the peaks that we can see the rest of the universe.
The Focal Points 9999 and 55
The additive and reductive interspace within the digits appears to be drawn to 9999 and 55 respectively like strange attractors, and the ratio of the (2 x 9999) – (7353 + 7930) non-attracted integers to the total integers is (19998/4715) = .42413573701 as in Moshiach Ben David and as in the 3701 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. The same ratios for the two natural sets of the first 999 at the natural dimensional break of Binah and subsequent 9000 integers of the reductive interspace that terminates in zero-point 55 are 999/(999 – 563) = 2.29, as in the time/space ratio (27.5/12) = 2.29, and 9000/(9000 – 7367) = 5.511, whose inverse is (9000 – 7367)/9000 = .18144…, as in the 42nd Prime Number 181 and as in the ratio of the two termination points to one another, (9999/55) = 181.5. Meanwhile, the ratio of the integers that reductively do not terminates in zero-point 55 to those that do within the first 9999 integers is (9999 – 7930)/7930 = .260, as in the YHVH (יהוה).
Expanding Consciousness
Nonetheless, the number of integers within the first 9999 that do not terminate in zero-point 9999 through the additive process is (9999 – 7353) = 2646 or 20 more than 2626, as in the 11 Even Names of the Alef-bet and as in the string …2646… first found in Pi (π) at digit #13320 or (666 x 20). And while the ratio of (9999/2646) = 3.778… the Logarithm of 6000 is 3.778 and the corresponding ratio of (7353/2646) = 2.778… as the Logarithm of 600. And while the additive termination zero-point for the Event Horizon radius, 5778 is 6666, the sum of the logs for 6000, 600, 60, and 6 is 9.11260500, as in Reshit (ראשית), beginning, of numerical value 911 and as in 9/11/2001; and as in the YHVH (יהוה) of value 26; and as in the 500 parasang distance between Heaven and Earth. It also contains alignments with the 112 Essential Triplets which further align with our 112 chakras and the 126-value of the 9 faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42.
Furthermore, since the Logarithm of 600,000, as in the 600,000 Israelite Men at Mount Sinai, is 5.778, the sum of the first 6 logarithms of the order (6 x 10x) or the logs for 600000, 60000, 6000, 600, 60, and 6 is 19.67, as in the 1967 War, also known as the 6-Day War. As previously explained the ’67 War connected to the 8th Sefira Binah of numerical value 67, the ’73 War to 9th Sefira Chochma of numerical value 73, and the ongoing 10/7 War to the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, the Event Horizon or the edge of Keter, the 10th Sefira.
Moreover, while the 9th Sefira Chochma has a numerical value 73, the 9th Fibonacci Number, or 9th Integer in the scale of Phi (φ), is 34 and (34 + 73) = 107 and while (9 + 9) = 18, Phi (φ)18 = 5778.000 and given the 3 times the Event Horizon string …5778… appears in the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) we further see this alignment extended to (3 x 5778) = 17334, as in (73 + 34) = 107 and as in 173, the katan gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
Pythagorean Primes and Triangles
We have spoken extensively about the Core Essential Prime Numbers 37 and 73, especially in relation to the First Verse of Creation, including (37 x 73) = 2701 and that they are the 12th and 21st Prime Numbers. They are also the 5th and 9th Pythagorean Primes, all of which doubly fit as the hypotenuses of Pythagorean Triangles. The metaphysical bond or affinity between the Concepts of 5 and 9 are undeniable with (9/5) = 1.8 and (9 x 5) = 45, as in the value of Adam (אדם), Man. For what it is worth, 452 = (20 + 25)2 = 2025, as in the year 2025 CE or (5778 + 7 years), 5785 HC, when the 45th President becomes President again. This also means that 2025 or 452 is the sum of the 92 results of the multiplication table of the digits (1 – 9) by (1 – 9) and that it is the sum of the first 9 stacked upper cubes (13 + 23… 93) = 2025 in the Tower of Truth that extend to 203, and whose height of 210 levels and 210 cubits places it at the central core of the Great Pyramid, and gives it a volume of 44,100 cu3, as in the 441 value of Emet (אמת), Truth, and as in 212 or the higher Name Ehyeh (אהיה)2. And while (4 + 4 + 1) = 9, much of the phenomena above happens because 45 is the 9th Triangular Number or sum of the digits (1 – 9). Though while 441 is only 1 iteration or (441 + 3) = 444 from its interspatial zero-point, the height of the Great Pyramid and Tower of Truth is only 3” from 5778 or (5775 + 3) inches and 444 is the numerical value of “L’dor V’dor, from generation to generation (לדר־ודר),” and as Rav Ashlag explained to me 444/22 = 20.18, as in 2018 CE (5778 HC).
Notably, the value (9 x 5) = 45 is also the complement to (100 – 45) = 55, the first interval in the unique Primary cycle of 27.5 based on the Concept of 9.
Pythagorean Primes are all of the form (4n + 1) and the first one is 5 followed by 13 and 17. And while the Moses 3 – 4 – 5 right triangle is the most famous Pythagorean Triangle 1 – 2 – √5 also forms a right triangle.
The Pythagorean Triangles formed by the 5th and 9th Pythagorean Primes are 12 – 35 – 37 and 48 – 55 – 73, which sum to 260, or (10 x 26), as in the YHVH (יהוה). As can be seen by these pictures produced by Adam Cunningham and John Ringlan, the Pythagorean Triangles are numerous and help explain the geometry between the concepts of the Cosmic world. To produce a Pythagorean Triangle the sides squared must equal the hypotenuse squared, and in the case of the Core Essential Prime Number 37 squared we saw that (372 + 1) = 1370. In the case of the other Core Essential Prime Number 73 squared we saw that (732 + 1) = 5330, and thus together they equal (372 + 732 + 2) = (1370 + 5330) = 6700, as in Binah (בינה) consciousness, and as in the sum of the squares of the 54 differences between the number of Verses in the 54 Portions of the Torah cycle, (66980 + 20) = 67000. This is the same 54 net differences that equal -210 as in the 210 years of Exile in Egypt that preceded the Exodus to Freedom and the Torah, and whose absolute values total 1500, the highest word-value of the 210 word-values in the Torah. What begins as a seed becomes a tree. It is Cosmic geometry. It is also as in the sum of the 26 generations of net differentials between the 26 generations’ Binah or 1000-year full potential ages and their actual ones, or (26000 – 12600) = 13400 = (6700 x 2) years.
Re’eh | 126 | 15 | 225 | 15 |
Shoftim | 97 | -29 | 841 | 29 |
Ki Teitzei | 110 | 13 | 169 | 13 |
Ki Tavo | 122 | 12 | 144 | 12 |
Nitzavim | 40 | -82 | 6724 | 82 |
Vayelech | 30 | -10 | 100 | 10 |
Haazinu | 52 | 22 | 484 | 22 |
V’Zot HaBerachah | 41 | -11 | 121 | 11 |
54 |
5845 |
-210 |
66980 |
1500 |
67000-20 |
What this is illuminating is that the Sefira of Binah Consciousness lies concentrically within the Sefira of Chochma, whose outer and inner Light are the Prime Essential Core Concepts
of 73 and 37 respectively. Each successive generation within the Tree-of-Life lies concentrically within the dimensionally higher one. What we think of as space contains all the dimensions simultaneously. Our minds cannot conceptualize this, which is why they process everything in either 3-dimensions or 2-dimensional maps.
The Torah exemplifies this in its 210 Word-Value Matrix that is a 10-dimensional hypercube whereby each word-value lies on a specific vertex of its 210 vertices and thus as we read the Torah, word by word, the entire 10-dimensional space is activated simultaneously from a different aspect or point of contact/entry. We see or hear only a single word and only a few of us even attribute values to it, let alone conceptual Cosmic and metaphysical values, yet within each word all 10 dimensions are active and present. Each point of contact is a pixel to our eyes, and our minds are limited to merging them together into a 2-dimensional map that they overlay onto 3-dimensional space. Moreover, what is missing, or that our minds find incomprehensible, they smooth over and fill in. The only way to connect to the higher dimensions and see what we are missing or to comprehend what is beyond our vision is by expanding our consciousness. Just in case we missed it, the Torah with is 10-dimensional hypercube 210 Word-Value Matrix is the key to expand our consciousness.
The total value of that 210 Word-Value Matrix is 21009826 or (210 x 105) + (4913 x 2) = (21 x 106) + (173 x 2), yet another cubic formation (173) of the Torah to accompany all the other metaphysical geometric structures we have uncovered along the path of elevation, including the (183 + 13) Verses; the 223 Row-Column Matrix, the (34 x 103) Words and Word-Values; the 58 Words, Letters, and Verses; and the innumerable redundant Triangles, Stars, Squares, Circles, Spheres, and the Phi (φ) spirals. The Torah shows us that all these and many more geometries exist at once and all below the surface, yet all we see is a few contact points. It is how we connect the dots that leads us to expanded consciousness. The expansion of space within our realm of understanding is spherical or r3, the distance cubed, so it makes sense that certain key aspects of the Torah are quantitatively defined in cubical terms. That is the preparation. Once we can collapse distance as a concept of separation and realize that we are all One, the gates to the hyper-dimensional metaphysical realm open up to us, and the next levels of the Torah begin to merge with our individual consciousness units.
The Harmonic Concept of Good
As we know, 21 is the Concept associated the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), the enveloping Consciousness cloud that houses the 7 lower concentric consciousness spheres that give rise to our bubble of physical illusion. Through the total 21009826 word or letter value of the Torah, we see the connection to Binah or (2100 x 1000) and to 17, as in the (17,000 – 35) value of the 112 Essential Triplets in the Torah. We also see that the ratio of (9826)/2 or (173/2) to the 7 Words of Creation, the product of the 2 Core Essential Prime Numbers or (37 x 73) = 2701, is 4913/2701 = 173/(37 x 73) = 1.819, as in the 1819 sum of the integers from 37 to 73 and as in the 1819 years from Adam to Serug, the 17th generation. Moreover, not only does 4913 contain the value 913, that of the First Word of Creation, Bereshit (בראשית), but 1000 or Binah more than 173 is 5913, the sum of the first 7 factorials (7! + 6! + 5! + 4! + 3! + 2! + 1!), as in the 7 First Words of Creation. Meanwhile, the ratio of the total numerical value of the Torah to those 7 First Words or (21009826/2701) is 7778.5360…, a circular permutation of 5777.8, the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius, in the same way that the Torah/Spherical Time circumference ratio (21009826/36304.24470) is 578.7….
Through the Concept of 21, the Binah/Ehyeh (אהיה) consciousness is also reflected in and aligned with the (5 x 42) = 210 years of exile required to begin the process of Freedom from physicality, and with the ultimate physical measure, the Planck’s diameter (21.09143628 x 10-35), which also contains the 9143 total gematria value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, followed by Tau, 628 or twice Pi (π). Meanhiel, 9143 is a simple permutation of 4913.
And while 21 and 55 fall on the Phi (φ) spiral of the Fibonacci Numbers and (34/2) = 17 is halfway between them, (17 + 55) = 72 and the ratio (17/72) = 4.235, which is equal to (φ + φ2) = φ3 and to the spiraling vortexes of the magnetic pressure gradient that spins at that rate, along with the higher Moshiach Ben David (424) Cosmic Consciousness Cloud that governs and orients it. It is also equal to the ratio of the difference between the 11 Odd and 11 Even Names of the Alef-bet with the whole circular set of their 22 Names, 4248/(2626 – 1622) = 4.2311 or approximately Phi (φ)3.
The alignment under the guidance of the Concept of 21 and the Binah/Ehyeh (אהיה) consciousness cloud that engulfs all our existence is also found in the sum of the 14 square roots of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, 210.0262873…which includes the 72nd Triangular Field (2628) in further alignment with the Torah’s 4th (את) and 2nd (ברא) Words that collectively reoccur 2628 times. While the value of the first Essential Triplet (והו) of the 72 Essential Triplets Matrix is 17, the common denominator in this Cosmic paradigm is the association with the encapsulating Binah Consciousness and the 4 vortexes of the 112 Essential Triplets of Binah that gave rise to Creation. Of course, it is the generated magnetic field that is at the core of the Galactic Current Sheet and of our Solar System.
So why 17? The Cosmic interface shows us that it is the value of the word Tov (טוֹב) meaning “good,” as in when G-d saw Creation was “good” or in harmony with the universe, exemplified by the ratio of the Primal Frequency in the universe (27.5) to Phi (φ) or 27.5/φ = 17. The exact equation is 17φ = 27.50657780, as in the Primal Frequency (27.5); the complete value of Moshiach Ben David consciousness and the uppermost tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, 506; and the Event Horizon radius, 5778. So, while there are exactly 248,000φ Words, Letters, Verses, Rows, and Columns in the Torah, there are 17φ Cosmic units in the Primal Frequency (27.5) and 17φ inches in the cubit.
Just as we search for the numeric strings within the Sea of Pi (π), the string gematria value of a Hebrew word is known as its katan or “reduced” value, achieved by eliminating the place-holder zeros in the letters’ standard values. While the YHVH (יהוה) has a katan string value of (1565), its simple katan value is (1 + 5 + 6 + 5) = 17. The Creator utters the word Tov (טוֹב) 7 times during the 7 Days and 34 Verses of Creation, as in the complete gematria value of (טוֹב), or (17 + 17) = 34. Thus, as we travel metaphysically between the Fibonacci Phi (φ) scale Numbers, from 21 to 55, from the Concept of Binah to the Concept of the radiant Primal Light, we cross through the double YHVH (יהוה) or (17 + 17) = 34 = (55 – 21). This is the chasm of the 7 Sefirot of Zeir Anpin represented by the 7 Days breached by the of 34 Verses in Creation, like the 7 times that the word “good, tov (טוֹב) of numerical value 17 and of complete value 34 appears in those 7 Days of Creation.
The katan value for the word Torah (תורה) is likewise 17. Thus, its standard and katan value is (611 + 17) = 628 = (2 x 314), or tau, twice Pi (π), and while the first 17 digits of Pi (π) after the decimal place equal 82, the katan value of the Torah’s first 7 Words, the next 611 digits equal 2701, the standard value of that 7 Word First Verse, followed by yet another string of 17 digits that also equal 82. And while 17 is the 7th Prime Number, the two digits immediately following this (17 + 611 + 17) digit sequence is …42…. Followed contiguously by …275… and …5778…, altogether 7 digits that describe the nature and essence of the Spherical Time paradigm, giving us the sequence …134275… right in between …577… and …778…, as if inserted to give us a little extra help. Every digit from every angle is set into place, every one of them designed to help awaken our spirit of freedom in the right moment and to nudge us up the 7-tiered ladder.
From the top or edge of that ladder it takes a tremendous leap of faith to reach the 8th level, . To connect to the higher consciousness, we must first sever the roots that bind us to physicality at their core, at our fundamental belief system. If not, like weeds, they immediately grow back and overtake our yard.
Within the first 1000 digits or the Binah cloud of Pi (π), every 2-digit string should be found on average once every hundred digits or 10 times, yet the notable numeric string …17… is found 18 times, as in Phi (φ)18 = 5778, the Event Horizon found thrice amongst those 1000 digits instead of once every 10,000 digits, and the sum of those 18 locations equals (96 + 139 + 156 + 320 + 343 + 429 + 439 + 548 + 567 + 569 + 575 +641 + 647 + 787 + 851 + 888 + 890 + 962) = 9847 or exact 21 more than 9826, as in the sum of the gematria of the Torah, 21009826 and as in (2 x 173) = 9826. The sum of the digits in those locations is 280, as in the 5 final letters (ךםןףץ) of the Alef-bet. We could call this by its medieval name, witchcraft or magic, or its modern name, metaphysics. It is destiny and the keys to the Path of the Tree-of-Life.
Moreover, those 1000 digits of the Binah cloud of Pi (π) total 4470, as in the Spherical Time circumference, 36304.24470 and while (4470 – 248) = 4222, the complement to (10000 – 4222) = 5778, the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius, and while the 5 quantitative elements of the Torah equal 248,000φ, the ratio of (4470 – 248)/ 248 = (4222/248) = 17.0…
11 Sefirot of Nothingness
The logarithm for 55000 or (1000 x 55) is 4.740363, as in the 11th Sefira, Da’at (474) along with the value of H’Moshiach (363) found in the Spherical Time circumference, 36304.24470. Meanwhile, the cube root of 107, as in the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, is 4.7474…, relating and aligning Da’at with the Spherical Time Event Horizon and the Galactic Current Sheet radius, 5778 years; along with the surface temperature of the Sun, 5778 K; the total distance of our Solar System, 107 AU; and the 107,000 letters in the Torah until the 10 Commandments. The initials in any sequence are dimensionally our first point of connect with it, in the same way that the 22 initials of the Alef-bet are dimensionally representative of their 22 Names, and being dimensionally closer to us, they are more accessible and relatable to us and our understanding.
The 11 initials (כחבדחגתנהימ) of the 11 Sefirot of the Outer Tree-of-Life total 550, giving it an average of (550/11) = 50, as in the central letter Nun (נ) of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, whose dimensionally higher Name (נון) has the value of the Primal Frequency and/or cubit squared (27.52). It is also the height of the 11 Gates of the Future Holy Temple as in their 550-cubit collective height designed to transcend the Tree-of-Life, just like the 11 letters Nun (נ) or (11 x 50) = 550 within the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix.
Moreover, those 11 letters Nun (נ) in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix have a collective complete value of (11 x 64) = 704, as in the value of the central tier (בטרצתג) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and of the word “Derech (דרך) Path,” as in the Path of the Tree-of-Life.” They are also in alignment with the 172 initials of the 172 Words of the 10 Commandments that total 10704. We know from the Arizal that the value 172 is aligned with the unification of the 3 Names Ehyeh (אהיה), Elohim (אלהים), and Adonai (אדני) or (21 + 86 + 65) = (107 + 65) = 172, and that with the kolel, (172 + 3) = 175, harmonized with Abraham’s age, and the 248 dimensions’ aligned with his Name of numerical value 248. This is like Joseph’s age of 110 years or (2 x 55) and 4 cycles of 27.5 years, who kicked off the saga in Egypt at the age of 17 surrounded by his 11 brothers.
Those 11 letters Nun (נ) metaphysically represent (704/9143) = 7.7% of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, like the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that equal 3003, the 77th Triangular Field. This is also in alignment with the 33 letters of the 11 Essential Triplets and the 77 additive interspatial echoes that correspond to the 14 integers that terminate in rep-digits 1 to 33. It is like the 550 additive interspatial echoes that correspond to the integers that terminate in rep-digits 1 to 333.
Its average length for the 10 Sefirot of the Inner Tree-of-Life is (550/10) = 55, the 10th Triangular Field. Meanwhile, the ordinal value for those 11 initials (כחבדחגתנהימ) is 100, as in the katan gematria of the 22 initials of the Alef-bet that form 11 sequential pairs whose total value is (12+34+56+78+91+23+45+67+89+12+34) = 541, the gematria of “Israel (ישראל),” the 100th Prime Number found exactly 625 times in the Torah, as in the value of the 11 Odd initials (אגהזטכמספקש) of the Alef-bet, whose ordinal value is 112. The 11 Names of those 11 initial letters (כחבדחגתנהימ) of the 11Sefirot is 2482, as in the 248 dimensions of Binah in the form of the E8 Symmetry and as in the ubiquitous Torah Number 248, including its 248 Columns and the 2480-value of the 5 Names of the 5 Books, whose total elements equal 248,000φ.
The total ordinal value for all 22 initials of the Alef-bet equals 253, or (506/2), as in the complete value of Moshiach Ben David consciousness and the uppermost tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, 506, and as in the sum of the squares of the first 11 integers (12 + 22… 112) = 506. It is twice the 22nd Triangular Field in the same way that 55, the 10th Triangular Field, is twice the Primal Frequency (27.5).
Nonetheless, while 550 is equivalent to 20 lengths or cycles of the Primal Frequency, or (20 x 27.5) = 550, the 11th letter, Caf (כ), has a Cosmic value of 1.31311 = 19.995 or 20, and the 13th Essential Triplet (צית) in the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix has the complete value of (500 + 50) = 550, the same as the 2nd Essential Triplet in that Matrix (יתצ). To be clear it is by design that the Tower of Truth and Great Pyramid are exactly 20 stacked sequential cubes in height, the measure of the core height of the Outer Tree-of-Life.
Metaphysically, this places also the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix as a central vortex or the trunk of the Tree-of-Life with an elastic height of 550 Cosmic units.
The double cycle of 27.5 or 55 also repeats itself throughout human history as an underlying pattern and is found both in the 55-year Kondratiev long wave cycle of large-scale economic expansion and contraction and in the 55-year cycle of increased armed conflict in all known data since at least the 12th century. As with everything else in history and our solar system bubble, the 55-year cycle is the interval and intersection of the 11-year Solar cycle and the 27.5-year Galactic Wave pulse, or (5 x 11) = (2 x 27.5) = 55.
And while (2 x 5) = 10, as in the 10 Sefirot of the Inner Tree-of-Life; (5 x 27.5) = 137.5, as in the Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o; (2 x 11) = 22, as in the 22 letters of the Alef-Bet; and (11 x 27.5) = 302.5 as in the 302 value of the 8th Word in Creation and the final piece of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation, and as in the 3025’ perimeter of the base of the Great Pyramid or 552 feet, the square of its 55’ entrance height above than base. In those interval cycles of 55, the 11,556-year Spherical Time circumference and Galactic Wave Current Sheet interval is (11556/55) = 210, as in the designated 210 years of captivity and enslavement to physicality defined and forewarned in the Torah.
What we never explicitly stated before was that besides the fact that the Hebrew Alef-Bet could have been assigned any numerical value scale and did not have to be one based on the Concept of 9 like the Primal Frequency (27.5), it could also have been based on any number of letters other than 22 with 5 final transformative ones. And given Man’s propensity to create chaos out of order, it would have. So had there not been a Divine Hand in its design, instead of the perfect harmony between the Alef-bet, the physical universe, the metaphysical Cosmos, Phi (φ) and Pi (π) and the Torah, there would be no Cosmic interface, no means of understanding our place within existence, and nothing to look forward to besides an eternity of randomness and chaotic dysfunction.
א – ב 1 – 2 12
ג – ד 3 – 4 34
ה – ו 5 – 6 56
ז – ח 7 – 8 78
ט – י 9 – 1 91
כ – ל 2 – 3 23
מ – נ 4 – 5 45
ס – ע 6 – 7 67
פ – צ 8 – 9 89
ק – ר 1 – 2 12
ש – ת 3 – 4 34
100 541
Of the 4 sets within the 112 Essential Triplets that gave rise to the Torah, the one most directly aligned with the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life and the Torah is the set of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that is composed of the First 33 Letters of the Torah without transformation or permutation. And while the ordinal value of the 11 Odd initials (אגהזטכמספקש) of the Alef-bet, is 112, the ordinal value of the 11 Even initials (בדוחילנעצרת) is twice the 11th Triangular Field or (2 x 66) and when divided by 4 it is (132/4) = 33, while the difference between the 2 sets is (132 – 121) = 11. Meanwhile, at the 73rd digit in Pi (π), suggestive of the value of Chochma, the unknowable all-encompassing Sefira above Binah, along with the 73 Triangular Field, 2701, that is aligned with the First Verse of the Torah, we find the digit string …628… for the first time in Pi (π), as in tau or 2π. The sum of those first 73 digits is 350, meaning that the rest of the (1000 – 73) digits equals (4470 – 350) = 4120 or (10 x 412), which is the value of the Name of the Torah’s first letter (ב), and of the Hebrew word for house, Beit (בית), as in Beit El (בית־אל), The House of G-d. Now, while the Binah(Pi) ratio (4120/350) = 11.77143, as in the vortex of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that equate to the 77th Triangular Field and are at the 3rd level of Binah, Ehyeh (אלף־הא־יוד־הא) of numerical value 143, like the vortex of the 72 Name Matrix of value 9143, we see that the ordinal value of the Name (בית) of the Torah’s enlarged first letter Bet (ב) is 34 or (2 x 17).
That enlarged first letter Bet (ב) of numerical value 2 represents many things, and so does its Name Bet (בית), whose value 412 aligns with the 1st year of the Great Reset of the Flood, or (5778 – 4120) = 1658 HC, which is Man’s second 1st year, exactly 4120 years before the Event Horizon in 5778 HC. Moreover, while it also represents the value and number of total times that the Name El (אל) of numerical value 31 appears in the Torah, or (31 + 4089) = 4120, it further aligns with the first 3 locations where the string value …506… appears in Pi (π) or (1116 + 1171 + 1833) = 4120, and while 506 is the complete value of Moshiach Ben David, the highest Consciousness level within Binah, and of the 11 first natural squares, it is the value of the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
While providing us with a roadmap to the metaphysical world and the paths of elevation, this is yet another illustration of how the 4 Vortexes of the 112 Essential Triplets work together to maintain and sustain the 7 levels of Creation and everything that exists within them. This is also the reason that there are 112 chakras within our human bodies, each aligned with one of the 112 Essential Triplets above. Through Moses’ pleading with the Creator for the healing of his sister Miriam, the Torah provides us with an insight into how to access these 112 Essential Triplets that exist beyond our dimensional understanding to effect powerful healing in our world. The Torah gives us the famous 11 letter phrase that Moshe uttered, El Na Refa Na La (אל נא רפא נא לה) of numerical value 449, which is 3 more than the value (446) of the Hebrew word for death, Mavet (מָוֶת) and there are only two 3 letter combinations whose complete values equal 446 and thus 449: Beit (בית) or (412 + 34 + 3) = 449 and the 13th of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix (שקו) or (406 + 46 – 3) = 449.
While Beit (בית), whose value 412 represents 3 turns of the Phi (φ) angle, or (3 x 137.5o) = 412.5o, is the Name of the First Letter of the Torah, the Essential Triplet (שקו) is the last of the 7-tier or 7-turn right wing of the double helix that has the numerical value of 1618 or Phi (φ). Its counterpart helix has the value of 2083 which is the 314th Prime Number, as in Pi (π), 314, completing the vortex of the twin Primordial Fields. Each wing consists of 7 Essential Triplets or 21 Letters and directly connects to the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), forming the 2 wings of the 11 letters of the singular and highest Name of Binah, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה), which is why the Name Ehyeh (אהיה) appears 7 times in the Torah.
The Name Bet (בית), whose value is 412, represents 3 turns of the Phi (φ) angle, or (3 x 137.5o) = 412.5o and the string …4125… first appears within Pi (π) at the palindromic digit #20302, which represents the value of the first Essential Triplet (ברא), or 203, contiguous with the 302 value of the 8th Word of the Torah, bookending the canyon-like vortex of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation. While this too conveys the intersection of the Phi (φ) and Pi (π) Fields, it is also like the first (אבג) and last (שקו) Essential Triplets of the 7 Essential Triplets in the Phi (φ) helix of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal (6 + 406) = 412. In contrast, the first (יתץ) and last (צית) Essential Triplets of the 7 Essential Triplets in the Pi (π) helix of the 42-Letter Name Matrix each have the complete value 550, just like the two consecutive Essential Triplets (נגד) and (צתג) of the Phi (φ) helix that together have the standard value (57 + 493) = 550. And while the two end-caps plus the 2nd Essential Triplet (קרע) in the Pi (π) helix equals (500 + 370 + 500) = 1370, as in the Fine Structure Constant or 1/137.0…, those 3 Essential Triplets plus the 3rd Essential Triplet (יכש) in the helix equals (1370 + 330) = 1700.
Moreover, while the 3 right column Essential Triplets (נגד), (חקב) and (יגל) equal (57 + 110 + 43) = 210, and while the 3 consecutive Essential Triplets (יכש), (בטר) and (טנע) of the Pi (π) helix equal (330 + 211 + 129) = 670, as in the 670 Paragraphs of the Torah and Binah, the 1700 plus the 412 sum from the (4 + 2) = 6 Essential Triplets from the 2 helices equal the palindromic value (1700 + 412) = 2112, as in the exact number of cycles in the 3 sets of rep-digit prime numbers and their Pi (π) locations. As previously explained, all 9 numbers equal (4995 + 37073 + 16012) = 58080, which is exactly 2112 cycles of the Primal Frequency 27.5 Hz (58080/27.5 = 2112) with 73 being the 21st Prime Number and 37 being the 12th Prime Number, representing the Core Essential Prime Numbers of Creation, and 4995 naturally being the sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet.
Nth Prime # |
Prime |
Pi Location |
111 | 607 | 153 |
222 | 1399 | 1735 |
333 | 2239 | 1698 |
444 | 3119 | 2707 |
555 | 4019 | 177 |
666 | 4973 | 2440 |
777 | 5903 | 1589 |
888 | 6907 | 4751 |
999 | 7907 | 762 |
4995 |
37073 |
16012 |
135 x 37 |
21061 |
37073 |
We should take comfort that there is an angel behind every blade of grass and G-d’s hand in every digit, cell, and pixel of our existence.
Welcome to 2025!