Circus freak shows, usually include the world’s tallest and the world’s smallest, but Torah’s longest and shortest is no freak show–it’s very serious technology that can help greatly.
The Second plague, frogs, is very special indeed.  In our last article, we showed how the word frogs contains the hidden word birds, itself a code for angels. Today, let’s look at the 10 places the Torah describes the frogs swarming the Egyptians.  In the middle of them the Torah makes a point of saying that they will be in the Egyptian’s kneading troughs, which in Hebrew is the only 10-letter word in the Torah, matching the shortest verse in the Torah which we read a couple weeks ago, also 10 letters long: Genesis 46:23, “And the sons of Dan were Chushim” (VBNI DN ChShYM).
These all obviously have to do with the 10 sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-life, but the word for kneading troughs, (VBMShERVTYC) is very interesting. first of all, it begins with and (V) the 42-Letter Name (ShMB) spelled out backwards (BMSh) and ends with the word Keter (CTR, the highest, crowning Sefira) backwards (VBMShERVTYC)
Similarly, the Name Israel in gematria atbash, leaving the central Resh (R) unchanged, transforms from  YShREL  to MBRTC or 42 – CTR (keter) backwards.
The rest of the letters in the 10 letter word (VBMShERVTYC) are spelling backwards, YVEV. We’ll get to that in a moment but first we should note that this word is the 15th in the verse and the total numerical value of this word is 985, therefore 985 + 15 = 1000 (keter of keter), the full manifestation of all the subsefirot (dimensions, 10 x 10 x 10) within the 10 sefirot.
The rest of the letters in the 10 letter word (VBMShERVTYC) are spelling backwards, YVEV, the masculine (or divine channeling) letters of the various Names of G-d., such as YHVH and EHYH. Notice that these Names have in common with YVEV the repetition of the 2nd and 4th letters–this pattern mimics the spiritual 4 phase process that Rav Ashlag explains in his Ten Luminous Emanations created the universe and still today guides our interaction with it.
The Zohar reveals about the Final Redemption that it connects to the Holy name for Zeir Anpin, which is the spelled name of YHVH in the form of יוד-הא-ואו-הא. When we removed the feminine or receptive letters (the VD of the letter Yud spelled out (YVD) and the two spelled out letter’s Hey (HE), we’re left with YVEV.
What’s left over of this Name are the letters יוד-הא-הא which have numerical value 32 as the first ב and last letters ל of the Torah. Together they spell לב, ‘heart’ with the numerical value 32, connecting also the 32 times the word ELOHM mentioned in the story of Creation, and especially to the 32 Pathways that comprise the tree-of-Life.
Before we get back to the Torah’s longest word and frogs, let’s take a quick look at the Torah’s shortest verse, and find that amidst the listing of the 70 Israelites who entered Egypt to begin the exile there, there is the Torah’s shortest verse, Genesis 46:23, “And the sons of Dan were Chushim” (VBNI DN ChShYM), and that similar to the Torah’s longest word and also to the structure of the Tree-of-life, it is 10 letters divided into 3 parts (words), one of which is a permutation of Moshiach (MShYCh).  In fact, the verse contains the permutation of (MShYCh BN DVNY), or Mashaich Ben 70 since the last 4 letters have the numerical value of 70.  It could even be (MShYCh BN DV – NY), or Mashiach Ben David, NY.
We also find that both begin with (VB), whose spelled-out format (VV BYT) has a numerical value equal to 424, that of Moshiach Ben David. And moreover, that both include the letters that spell out the acknowledged initials (VMBSh) for “and the 42-Letter Name).  In this case the final letters add up to 1110 or 10 times Aleph (111) the first letter, and by design, the final plague, the killing of the first born, whose initials are (MB, 42) begins at Exodus 11:1.

The first plague, also of the life-flowing element water, is Dam, blood, of numerical value 44. Frogs (Tzfardim), the second of the 10 plagues is 444, and the value of the initials (based on their first mention) of the first 9 plagues is 444, the same as frogs. Why?
For one, they are stem from the 4 letters of the YHVH and represent not just the 1st exile but all 4–especially the 4th–exiles; and two, because the plagues are all about the angels, the hidden code within frogs (Tzfardim), and about rectifying and purifying the negative (anti-) Tree-of-life.
This is why 444 = 4 x 111 (aleph). This is why the value of the initials of the last 5 plagues = 358, Moshiach. This is why the initials of the 11 words in all 10 plagues = 541, Israel, and why the last plague’s initials are 42, MB, and also why there are 42 letters in the 11 Names of the sefirot in the Tree-of-life.
And it is probably why Obama is the 44th President at this time and came in with the 111th Congress.
It’s time to recognize the signs around us, and to recognize those within us as well.  Change occurs internally and manifests externally.  Once we change, so to will our environment.  The plagues didn’t just occur outside the Egyptians windows,  Torah makes the repeated point that they happened within the Egyptians homes.
Egypt (Mitzraim) means constriction in Hebrew, limitation. Don’t make Pharaoh’s mistake; don’t harden your heart as times get tough.  We need to soften our hearts if we want to experience the world beyond limitations and illusions.