Anyone who believes in an omnipotent omniscient, omnipresent G-d believes physicality is a Divine simulation whether they realize it or not. If the Creator can affect any aspect of his Creation after it is created, then it is not physically complete; it is still undergoing the process of creation, and thus still in the planning and testing stage, or state. Once we realize that we exist only within that Divine thought process, all that is left is to figure out how it works. Instead of fighting the Creator’s thoughts, the idea is to align ourselves and flow with them. That fight is called Ego. It is called hubris.
Back to the Beginning
Bereshit (בראשית)
Before there were the 7 Days of Creation there was the First Verse of Creation and before the First Verse there was the First Word of Creation. The value of that First Word, Bereshit (בראשית), meaning both “Creation” and “In the Beginning,” is 913, as in the related Concepts of 13 and of the primordial Unification (יאהדונהי) of numerical value 91 that are both integral to the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820), and that are both in the ratio 91/13 = 7, as in the 7 Words of Creation that comprise the First Verse of Creation. Concepts are represented as Numbers or symbols of a higher conscious language but can be more appropriately imagined as clouds of consciousness, dense multi-dimensional networks of interconnected nodes and pathways. We are the recipients and beneficiaries of the results of the interactions between a vast array of those Concepts, after they get filtered down to us, dimension by dimension. By nature, we take everything for granted. We may see a small hailstone bouncing on the pavement in front of us, but it never occurs to us that it was created by thousands of interconnected forces and interactions ranging from the interplay of ions, atoms, assorted cosmic rays, Solar electromagnetic frequencies and radiation, interstellar dust, the Sun, Earth, and Moon’s magnetic fields and their gravity based on relative mass, and much more. We see a flower along our path, but can we imagine the millions of processes that aligned to put it there? How much more so then for the Cosmic processes that are beyond our physical/scientific comprehension, the world beyond the 3-dimensional limit of our perception.
As previously explained in detail, each Hebrew letter is a derivation from and the initial of its higher dimensional Name. It is the face and the rest of the letters in the Name are its body or back, as such the full Name is more complete and more powerful and higher dimensional than the Name, though less accessible to us. Each time the letters in a Name are spelled out the resultant expansion gets incrementally more complex and dimensionally higher in relevance, power and influence. As the Cosmic interface language, this only applies to Hebrew and can only be translated through a set of numerical ciphers. That said, the milui or spelled-out gematria cipher of Bereshit (בראשית) is 1819, as in (1819 + 1) = 1820, which is also from the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820), and is thus aligned with the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. When we discuss alignment, we are not just speaking about numbers that match but clouds of consciousness the phase together. Statistically, each alignment is a highly improbable concordance and multiple ones approach statistical impossibility with the odds of natural or chance occurrences being in the trillions or quintillions to 1 against it.
Therefore, the difference, or the back of the first expansion of Bereshit (בראשית) is (1819 – 913) = 906, as in year 906 BCE when King David, whose 70-year life is at the exact center of the
Spherical Time paradigm, passed away. It is also the same 906 value of the final and 7th tier (שקוצית) in the 14 Essential Triplets of 42-Letter Name Matrix, the one associated with King David, or Malchut of Yesod. It is also the value of the Names of the 4 Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael associated with the 4 creatures and sides of the Merkavah that equal (101 + 246 + 248 + 311) = 906 and is both the value of the final 11 Essential Triplets of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix and the ordinal value of first 30 Essential Triplets of that same Matrix.
The value 906 is also, most significantly, the atbash cipher value of the highest Aspect of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah, while the same atbash cipher value of the unexpanded Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), is 620, the value of Keter, the highest Sefira in the Tree-of-Life. This aligns with the 620 letters in the 10 Commandments received exactly 107,000 letters after the word Bereshit (בראשית), as in the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon radius. The 10 Commandments divide the Torah into 420 YHVH (יהוה) and 1400 YHVH (יהוה), like the 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in the 5778 years of the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon radius. This is further like the 107 value of the first phrase in the 10 Commandments, “Anochi YHVH (אנכי־יהוה), I am G-d” whose ordinal value is 62, as in the 62 Yuds (י) in the 10 Commandments of collective value 620. Thus, the complete value of this first phrase is (107 + 62) = 132, the Radiance of One, Echad, like the 13 Verses in the 10 Commandments that are above and beyond the precise cube of 183 Verses of the Torah. Within the phrase “Anochi YHVH (אנכי־יהוה), I am G-d” we find the 421st YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, as in the 421 cycles of 27.5 years that bring us to the far edge of the Event Horizon grace period, the year 5805 HC, as in the 172 Words, 620 letters, and 13 Verses in the 10 Commandments that add up to 805, the value of the rainbow, God’s Covenant and Sign to the Earth immediately after the Flood, the prior Event Horizon radius in the cyclical Galactic Current Wave.
Meanwhile the 620 letters and 13 Verses equal 633, as in the 633rd digit in Pi (π) where we find the first of the 3 strings …5778… in the 1000 or Binah digits of Pi (π), and since the total of those 633 digits is 2804, there is a total numerical value of 1666 for the remaining 367 digits.
The sum of the two atbash cipher values of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) and the highest Aspect of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah is (620 + 906) = 1526, as in the 1526 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah without a prefix, thus attuning the Alef-bet to the pure essence of the YHVH (יהוה) the blueprints of the Torah before a single letter of the Torah was manifest. The value 1526 is also (676 + 900) = 1526, or (262 + 302), which is the radiant YHVH (יהוה)2 plus the radiant full value of the YHVH (יהוה)2, and it is likewise 1/10th the sum of the 3 expanded Names of the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet, 15260.
As for the 3rd generation or expansion of Bereshit (בראשית), or the milui of the milui gematria, it has a total value of 3384, as in (3342 + 42) = 3384, representing the 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life that equal 3342. We thus see the full, or outer, vortex of the Tree-of-Life directly influencing the development of Creation, along with Names Ehyeh (אהיה), YHVH (יהוה) and the circle of the Alef-bet.
The 3 Clouds of Glory
The 3rd generation or expansion of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) at the central Aspect of Ehyeh (אלף־הה־יוד־הה) in Binah is 2530, which is 10 times the sum of the 22 Pathways of the Tree-of-Life defined by the 22 letters of the Alef-bet, in other words 10 times the 22nd Triangular Field (253). The sum of all 3 of those generations is (151 + 727 + 2530) = 3408, as in the year 3408 HC when the Second Holy Temple was constructed, 70 years after the destruction of the First in the year (5778 x .5778) = 3338 HC. Meanwhile, the 3rd generation or expansion of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) at the lower of the 3 Aspects of Ehyeh (אלף־הא־יוד־הא) in Binah is 3330, which is equivalent to the 66.6 Jubilee years between the Exodus and the reception of the Torah at Sinai in 2448 HC and the year 5778 HC, the Spherical Time Event Horizon, or (5778 – 2448) = 3330. Thus, we see illustrated that those 3330 years span from the highest level of Binah at Keter to the lowest and take us to the edge of the Event Horizon. Those 66.6 Jubilee years are aligned with the 6 letters Alef (אלף) in the First Verse of Creation, (6 x 111) =666, with each Jubilee year being a representation of the 50 Gates of Binah.
The sum of all 3 of those generations of the lower of the 3 Aspects of Ehyeh (אלף־הא־יוד־הא) in Binah is 4440, meaning the first two generations is (143 + 967) = 1110, as in Moshiach Ben David Consciousness times the radiant field of Phi (φ) squared, or 424φ2 = 1110.0, and as in (10 x 111), as in Alef (אלף), One, and as in the numerical value of upper 3 (Chochma, Binah, and Da’at) Sefirot plus Malchut that equal (73 + 67 + 474 + 496) = 1110. The sum of all 3 of those generations that is 4440 also refers to 10 times 444, the value of “From Generation to Generation, L’Dor V’dor (לדר־ודר), which as Rav Ashlag explained, when divided by the 22 Pathways of the Tree-of-Life associated with the 22 letters of the Alef-bet gives us 444/22 = 20.18, the Western analogue year 2018 CE to Event Horizon (5778 HC).
With 107 being associated with Keter and the Event Horizon in 5778 HC we can understand that within the Spherical Time paradigm Physical Time is counted in 60 minutes intervals as an hour and that 67 minutes, as in the value (67) of the Name Binah (בינה) is equivalent to 1:07 or an hour and 7 minutes, like the 107 days that Kamala ran for President—as she stressed in her belated concession speech—and thus we can now understand that the 1967 War, the 1973 War, and the 10/7 War to end all Wars were following the Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life from Binah (67) to Chochma (73) to Keter (107).
We also see that the sum of the 3 generations of the highest Aspect of the 3 Aspects of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah totals (161 + 812 + 3522) = 4495, or exactly 55, or 2 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) more than (143 + 967 + 3330) = 4440, the total of the lower of the 3 Aspects of Ehyeh (אלף־הא־יוד־הא) in Binah, and thus there is one cycle of 27.5 between each level of Binah, the same way that it is two cycles of 27.5 between each level of the 11 Sefirot or (550/10) = 55, and that this is equivalent to (ב)/(נה) in terms of the Name Binah (בינה), (55/2).
While the 3 Aspects of the expanded Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה) are vortices that are also clouds of higher consciousness known as the Clouds of Glory. All 3 sets of their 3rd expansions from Ehyeh (אהיה), which has a complete value of 42, as in the ultimate Source of 42, total 9382 or (10000 – 618), with 618 being 1/Phi (φ). And all 3 sets of all 3 of their expansions equal (4495 + 3408 + 3330) = 12,343, the 1474th Prime Number and 111.102, the Radiant Source of One. As a reminder, this is like the distance between the Earth and Moon divided by the lunar diameter of 2160 miles, or 111.111, while that same distance between the Earth and Moon divided by the lunar and terrestrial diameters (10080 miles) is 23.8095 or 1/42. Everything designed as One; everything reflects the Source.
In the 3 sets of the first 2 expansions of the 3 Aspects of the expanded Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה) there are (3 x 4 + 3 x 10) = 42 letters and the total value of those 3 sets is (455 + 2506) = 2961, as in 55 or 2 cycles of 27.5 and as in the value (506) of first tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. When we add those 42 Names as a kolel to the total value 2961 we get (2961 + 42) = 3003, as in the sum of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation, the 77th Triangular Field and the First 8 Words of Creation that are derived from the 42-Letter Name Matrix. The string …3003… is first found in Pi (π) at digit #1358, as in Binah (1000) plus 358, the value of Moshiach and as in the 1358 value of the Baruch Shem… recited silently after any of the 4 sets of the Essential Triplets including the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation.
Now, since the 2nd generation of Bereshit (בראשית) equals 1819, the back of the 3rd generation is thus (3384 – 1819) = 1565, as in the string gematria of the YHVH (יהוה), illustrating how the consciousness cloud of the Name YHVH (יהוה), which represents the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin, aligns within the outer Tree-of-Life vortex scaffolding to influence Creation.
Meanwhile, the 17 final letters in the 17 Names within that 3rd generation of Bereshit (בראשית) equal 1375, as in the final 3 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and as in the Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o at the center of the Spherical Time paradigm and the design of physicality.
This is also the average of all 3 sets of the 3 Aspects of the expanded Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה), (4495 + 3408 + 3330) = 12,343 plus their Source of Ehyeh (אהיה) and the Kolel (10) or (12,343 + 21 + 10)/9 = 1375, and since (1375/27.5) = 50, we can now understand the geometry of the 50 Gates of Binah as they stretch across all 3 levels of Binah and all 10 Sefirot that bridge them.
Moreover, since the ordinal value of the highest Aspect of the 3 Aspects of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah is 89, we can understand why there are 89 Days in the Cosmic Wheel between the Day of Creation and Chanukah (חנוכה) of numerical value 89, the 8 Day period in each annular cycle when Binah Consciousness and this Cloud of Glory is readily available to us. We can further understand that the squared Name of Binah Ehyeh (א־אה־אהי־אהיה) of numerical value 44 is the process through which the Light spreads on Chanukah according to the Arizal in alignment with the ordinal value of the Name of this 8 Day period, Chanukah (חנוכה) in completion of the 363 Day Cosmic Wheel that is preternaturally designed to align us with H’Moshiach (363) Consciousness.
The 7 Colors of Creation
This frequency of the field of Phi (φ) at an angle of 137.5o and of the 50 Gates of Binah at a height of 27.5 units per Gate or 1375 units is also the frequency of the sum of the 7 base colors of the electromagnetic spectrum that are associated with the 7 Days of Creation, the 7 Words of Creation and all the cycles of 7 in the Torah and the Cosmos. Some of us take for granted the changing colors of the leaves every autumn. This occurs annually during the 27 Days of the Chagim in the Cosmic Wheel, the precession of Holidays and Festivals that stretch from the Day of Creation on the 25th of Elul to Simchat Torah on the 22nd of Tishrei and they align with the 27 letters of the Alef-bet in reverse order, counting down until the beginning of the Torah, Bereshit, read on Simchat Torah, technically at the 27.5th Day. While it may physically be a chemical reaction of little purpose for the trees, to those of a spiritual proclivity it is a display of G-d’s love and beauty for us, a boost to our frequencies and an aid to our realignment. This is why the most beautiful vistas are placed where we can see them. Along the roads and from afar, not within the forests. The spectacle and explosion of colors happen only when the sunlight is filtered through or reflected off the leaves; in the darkened forest we mostly see the decay of the declining year, not the promise of the new beginning. The Light filtered through the leaves delivers a spectrum that supports our DNA and our soul. Nothing in the universe happens in a vacuum; everything has a purpose. This is what we need at this particular time of the cycle, while the Light washing over and through the refreshing shades of green the rest of the year has other powers of healing and energizing. The best way to take advantage of these gifts is to get out into nature, relax into a state of soft focus and let go. The rest will happen naturally, and if you have done it correctly you will feel the world change, shift into a state of harmony and love. The effect may only be temporary, but it will be imprinted on you and your soul forever.
When we sum up the 27 ordinal values of the 27 letters, they total 378, the 27th Triangular Field, or 13 (Echad) more than the 365 Solar Days in a year, and as in the 378 value of “His Name is One, Echad Ushmo Echad (אחד־ושמו־אחד).” It is (27.52/2) or 756/2 as in the Radiant Primal Frequency (27.52). The value 378 is also 130 more than 248, as in the 248 dimensions of the E8 Symmetry of Binah and the ubiquitous Torah Concept. When we sum up the 7 wavelengths (nm) of the 7 colors, we get 3780, or “His Name is One, Echad Ushmo Echad (אחד־ושמו־אחד) in each of the 10 Sefirot of the inner vortex of the Tree-of-Life.
The frequency of that sum of the 7 colors is (3780/27.5) = 13.75, as in the bottom 3 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and as in as in the Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o at the center of the Spherical Time paradigm and the design of physicality. Meanwhile, the color of life that the trees filter and reflect the other (363 – 27) = 336 Days of the year is green at a wavelength of 550 nm or (20 x 27.5) as in Keter times the Primal Frequency, and as in the 550 sum of the 11 initials of the 11 Sefirot of the outer vortex of the Tree-of-Life. It is also the average of the two outer colors, deep red and violet, or (700 + 400)/2 = 1100/2 = 550, the beginning and the end that come together on Simchat Torah.
Those 336 Days in the Cosmic Wheel correspond to the 336 Letters of the 112 Essential Triplets that are assigned to them, starting with the 42 Days from Zot Channukah to Tu B’Shevat, the Rosh Hashanah of the Trees, then through the 216 Days to the Day of Creation on the 258th Day. The 27 Days of the Alef-bet and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 take us to Simchat Torah and the 285th Day, as in the 5 final letters (ךםןףץ) of Judgement and the beating of the 5 willow branches (Aravot). We must keep in mind that along with their original form 5 letters (כמנפצ) their full value is (3500 + 280) = 3780, like the 5 tiers of the Paths of One that we studied earlier that total 37801, and that their ratio to the full 27 letters is (3780/4995) = 756.756756…, as in the echoing radiant Primal Frequency (27.52).
Like the 7 Colors that spread out from the unified white light at 42o, the unified forces that are poured through Bereshit (בראשית) spread out first through the 7 Words of Creation then through the 7 days of Creation then the entire Torah, as in 73 that is aligned with the 343 or 73 letters in the 5th generation of the Name YHVH (יהוה), which makes a total of (161 + 343) = 504 letters in all 5 generations of the YHVH (יהוה), and which aligns the first 4 generations of the Name (יהוה) with the highest Aspect of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah of numerical value 161, while the 42 letters in the first 3 generations aligned with the Source and the 42-Letter Name Matrix. The 73 cube is thus also aligned with the total of all 3 sets of the 3 Aspects of the expanded Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה), or (4495 + 3408 + 3330) = 12,343 and with both Binah Contractions for the notable 6th iteration of the values for Bereshit and for Elohim, the 1st and 3rd Words of Creation, whose value together is (913 + 86) = 999 and whose complete value is (999 + 117) = 1116.
Thus, we see that the digits in the 7 Words (913, 203, 086, 401, 395, 407, and 296) of Creation are rearranged or permuted from the 10 digit-sets (0000, 11, 22, 333, 444, 5, 66, 7, 8, 999) that add up to 1495, which is the sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet. Meanwhile, the 9 locations in Pi (π) for the 9 digit sets, excluding 0000, above, location #’s (94, 135, 1698, 59, 4, 117, 13, 11, 762) add up to 2893 which when added to 107, as in the collective 107 AU distance of the 9 planets in our Solar System, equals 3000, as in the Circle of Creation 3000.0 that influenced the geometric structure and Creation of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation.
It is also as in (9 x 13) = 107 and (9 x 107) = 963, the values of Echad (אחד), One, and Echad spelled-out out (אלף־חית־דלת), the Radiant One, which is exactly 1/6 of 5778, the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon and surface temperature of the Sun, 5778 K, the source of the physical light in our world.
Meanwhile, since the electromagnetic wavelength and frequencies are mutually dependent on the speed of light, we see that their product hovers about 3000 nm/s and averages out to exactly 299,792,458 meters per second, the speed of light. Moreover, the average of the sum of the 7 Color wavelengths times the sum of their 7 their frequencies is (3780 x 40.0)/7 = (151200.0/7) = 21600, as in the diameter of the Moon, 2160 miles, and the sum of the 122 divisors of 151200 is precisely (625,000 – 40), as in H’Keter of Binah (1000), which is exactly 1.6 times 58, the number of words, letters, and verses in the Torah, or conversely the 58 words, letters, and verses in the Torah is (390,625/625,000) or precisely 5/8 energy of the spreading visible light in our world.
Then when we permute or as Abraham Avinu put it in his Sefer Yetzirah “roll” the digits in the 7 Words (913, 203, 086, 401, 395, 407, and 296) of Creation we get 6 digit-permutations for each Word and they sum to 18204, once again in alignment with the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah and the 4 letters in the YHVH (יהוה). If we add the sum of the 7 tiers, the corresponding 7th Triangular Field, 28, as in the the 28 Letters in those 7 Words, we get (18204 + 28) = 18,232, as in the 232 value of the 4 Aspects of the Name YHVH (יהוה).
The sum of the 6 permutations of the 7 Words of Creation, or 42 total elements, like the 42 elements of the Mishkan, creates a total value of 18204, which is exactly 1998 more than (6 x 2701) or 6 times the original emanation. Thus (6 x 2701) + 1998 = 18204, and 1998 is the value of the original emanation of the first 5 Words of Creation, (913 + 203 + 086 + 401 + 395) = 1998, or (3 x 666) and (18 x 111).
Alternatively, if we take the katan or reduced values of the same 7 Words of Creation we get a total of 82, which we have already seen is integrally connected to the structure of Pi (π), and now we see that the 7 permutations of those 7 katan values equal 314, as in Pi (π) and the first Triplet of Pi (314). Moreover, when we add this set of 7 permutations to the set of 7 standard value permutations plus the 7th Triangular Field, which is the mirror symmetry of 82, we get (18,204 + 396 + 28) = 18,628, as in 628, the constant tau or (2π), and as in the speed-of-light, 186,282 mps.
Meanwhile, the sum of the 7 cumulative katan values of the 7 Words of Creation is 222, as in (2 x 111) or Bet (ב) times Alef (אלף), and as in (6000 – 5778) = 222, representing the (6 x 1000) that is the 6 Elefs (אלף) of Bereshit and the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon radius or 5778 years, or exactly Phi (φ)18.
Escape Velocity
When we compare the 42-Letter Name Matrix to the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation that derive from it, we see that the difference between the 7 Words and the 7 tiers is exactly 1000, or
Elef (אלף), as in Binah, and the absolute difference between the 7 Words and the 7 tiers is exactly 2480, as in the ubiquitous Torah Concept 248, the 248 dimensions of the E8 Symmetry of Binah, and as in the 248 Columns of the Torah that complement its 42 Rows. It is also as in the 5 quantitative elements of the Torah that sum to exactly 248,000φ; the collective value of the Names of 5 Books of the Torah that total 2480; as in the 28 final letters in the First Expansion of the First Verse of Creation, 2480; as in tau3 or (2π)3 that equals 248.05; as in the square root of the 616-value of H’Torah (התורה), or 24.8; and as in the 24,800 mph escape velocity from the Earth’s exosphere of 6200 miles that is 24800/4. That escape velocity also works out to 11.18 Km/s, just like the 1118 value of the first verse of the 248-word Shema with 1118 being the value of (φ – .5) = 1.118.
That same escape velocity is necessary to launch us through the 62-mile-high Kármán line at the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere, the boundary between our atmosphere and outer space, which is akin to the 62 Yuds (י), or exactly 10% of the 620 letters in the 10 Commandments. Yet another similar boundary is found in the 620-mile gap between the Earth’s land mass and Antarctica through the tortuous Drake Passage. And then there is the 384,400 km or 6202 exact distance between the Earth and Moon in kilometers.
Moreover, the “The Altar (המזבח),” found within the 42 Elements of the Mishkan, has a numerical value of 62 and is found 100 times in the Torah, giving it a collective value of 6200, just like the sum of the cumulative values of the 22 letters, taken one by one, or (1 + 3 + 6 + 10…1495) = 6200.
The Kaprekar Constant and the Primal Frequency
Physics is the process of the natural laws of the physical world, as we perceive them. Metaphysics is the science, mathematics, and physics of the spiritual realm.
It Begins with Keter
We have discussed in depth many of the mathematical Constants that bridge both those worlds, including the Kaprekar Constant, 6174, which is equal to (6200 – 26), the first mirrored Kaprekar Number Pair (6200 – 0026). It also happens to represent the Keter (6200) boundary, physically and metaphysically, along with the value of the Name YHVH (יהוה), 26. There are 32 such mirrored Kaprekar Number Pairs, and a narrower stricter set of 20 “ascending” ones within them with special subsets within those. The 32 mirrored Kaprekar Number Pairs are defined as mirrored 4-digit numbers whose difference is the Kaprekar Constant 6174, or (abcd – dcba) = 6174.
As a reminder, the Kaprekar Constant is a phenomenon whereby we can take any 4-digit number and arrange its digits in descending order then subtract those same digits arranged in ascending order, repeatedly and we will eventually wind up with 6174. Sometimes it happens on 1 iteration, sometimes up to a maximum of 7. So, of the 9999 possible numbers, all of them will eventually transform into one of the 20 mirrored ascending ones above, staring with (6200 – 0026), as in the Hebrew word for 20, Esrim (עשרים) of numerical value 620, just like the highest of the 10 Sefirot, Keter (כתר). In the physical world, the Kaprekar phenomenon is an interesting enough concept to be declared a mathematical Constant, yet through the lens of the metaphysical world we can see that this constant is based on the Concepts of 9 and 18 and on the Primal Frequency (27.5), along with an association with the 231 Gates of Wisdom that are associated with the Alef-bet, the 11 Essential Triplets also known as the First 8 Words of Bereshit, the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation, and even influenced by the Fibonacci sequence.
The Primal Frequency (27.5)
As we know the Primal Frequency (27.5) is the unique Frequency and Number based on the cycle of 9, which is similar to the Alef-bet that is also based on a cycle of 9. It is also the Frequency upon which the Phi (φ) spiral and Phi (φ) angle are based. The periodicity of the Primal Frequency (27.5) cycle is 11, like the 11-year Sunspot cycle, and this is what gives way to the derivative or secondary Primal Frequency (1.1 Hz).
The Clock Unwinds
As a reminder, the total value for the Binah Contraction for the 7 Words of Creation is 821844 or (3702 x 222), as in 1/2701 = 3702, and the gaps between the digits of 821844, or (8 – 2) = 6, (2 – 1) = 1, is 61740, which is 10 times 6174, the Kaprekar Constant for 4-digit numbers. While the digits in 6174 add up to 18, the value 6174 is the 3-tiered expansion of 18 in that (181 + 182 + 183) = 6174. We also saw that the Kaprekar Constant for 3-digit numbers is 495, which notably is (18 x 27.5), or 18 times the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), and is the sum of the first 18 letters of the Alef-bet. And while φ18 = 5778, the sum of the 3 core Kaprekar values (495 + 1089 + 6174) = 7758, which when arranged in ascending order is 5778.
One alignment that has not been previously explained is the link between 18, Phi (φ), the Primal Frequency (27.5) and 424, Moshiach Ben David consciousness. When we take half of the product of the square root of 27.5 and Phi (φ) we get φ√27.5/2 = 4.2425, as in the Singularity of 42 and 424, etc., which is nearly identical to the square root of 18 or 4.2426. As for the same equation with the Primal Frequency (27.5) we get φ27.5/2 = 22.248, as in the 248 dimensions of the E8 Binah consciousness and as in the 248 columns in the 223 Row-Column Matrix of the Torah. It also works out to 22.25, as in the 137.5o and 222.5o Phi (φ) angle split in the 360o circle, and as in the Great Pyramid’s Apothem, 612 ft that is 22.25 cycles of 27.5 Hz, just like the sum of the 32 mirrored Kaprekar Number Counterparts, 61200, or 2225 cycles of 27.5 Hz.
As for the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit, we must first keep in mind that the Concept of 11 aligns with the derivative, or secondary, Primal Frequency (1.1 Hz) that combines with the original Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) to form Cosmic intervals of 55 and major intervals of 110. Therefore, we also saw that the ratio between the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit and the First Verse of Creation based on their respective 77th and 73rd Triangular values and their respective 33 and 28 letters respectively equals (77 + 33)/(73 + 28) = (110/101) = 1.0891089…, as in 332 or 1089, which is also (112 x 9), and is likewise at the core of the Kaprekar Constant phenomenon. We also see that the 11th Fibonacci Number divided by 11 or (89/11) times the Primal Frequency (27.5) = 222.5, which is also 27.5(100 – 11)/11 = 222.5, as per above.
Phasing and the Path of One
The Kaprekar Constant also came up in reference to the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820 – 6188) in that (6188 – 13 – 1) = 6174.
As a refresher, the phase point of the juxtaposition of the two Primal Frequencies is where both waves are cresting or in phase at the same moment. This occurs whenever their resultant values are both whole numbers. It occurs every 55 integers like a perfect ladder through time. Each one of the phase levels is 5 pulses of 11 sub-beats or 55 higher than the next.
While 55 is the first of the known phase points of the two scales/cycles, the cumulative sum through the 55th integer of the 1.1 Hz scale is exactly 1400, as in position 14 at the center of the Magical Essential Cube of Creation, which is akin to and in perfect alignment with (55/1.1) = 50, the value of the Hebrew letter Nun (נ) that corresponds to that 14th position.
At the 10th pulse of those 11 beats, corresponding to integer 110, the cumulative total for the 27.5 Hz scale is 222 and it is 5550 for the 1.1 Hz scale, or 5772 cumulatively for both. This is the second phase point. While 222 = (6000 – 5778), the ratio (222/1.1) = 201.8, yet another cosmic alignment between 5778 HC and 2018 CE built into the mathematical and historic backbone of our universe.
Meanwhile, the value of the 1000th or Binah integer quotient for the 27.5 Primal Frequency is 36.36363, as in the value of H’Moshiach (363) Consciousness. Moreover, the value of the 1000th integer quotient for the 1.1 Primal Frequency is 909.090, as in the value of Melech (מלך), King (90), whose ordinal value is 36, giving it a complete value of (90 + 36) = 126, as in the 126-value of every face and plane, of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation.
Then, while the 1000th Triangular Number is 500500, the frequency of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah is exactly 1/10th of that 1000th Triangular Number or (1820 x 27.5 Hz) = 50050, and when divided by 1.1 Hz, the frequency of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) equals 45500, as in the sum of all 1000 integers at the Secondary Primal Frequency (1.1 Hz) from .090909 … 909.0909 = 455000, and as in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820).
Meanwhile, at that same the 1000th integer, representing Binah, the cumulative value of all the 27.5 Primal Frequency quotients is exactly 18200, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. The cumulative value 18200 is even more primally associated with the sum of the 26 squares and 26 cubes of the 26 radial vectors for the 27 letters within the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, or (1638 + 16562) = 18200, like the absolute value sum of the Tribes of Ephraim and Binyamin, 18200 from the lineage of Rachel (238) and Jacob (182). This further aligns with the sum of Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) being 2380, as in Rachel (238) or 1/42, and as in (1820 + 2380) = 4200, just like Rachel (238) and Jacob (182) equaling 420, as in the 420 cycles of 27.5 years through the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon in 5778 HC.
The mirrored Kaprekar Number Pairs begin with 6200 or Keter, of numerical value 620, and the 620th integer has a cumulative frequency (27.5 Hz) of 7000.363, as in H’Moshiach (363) and the 7th millennium or Great Shabbat. Meanwhile, since the cumulative frequency (1.1 Hz) values of all 620 integers are 175009.18, the total cumulative frequency values for both Primal Frequencies is (7000.363 + 175009.18) = 182009.54 = (182000 + 9.54), representing Abraham’s age (175); Jacob (182); the digital position #954 of the final …5778… in Pi (π); and the 18200 sum of the 26 Essential vector distances that are directly aligned with the Path of One and 1820 YHVH (יהוה). Thus, at the frequency of Keter, several key concepts combine to form a super Cosmic network node.
The Concept of 9
As for the 3-digit Numbers, the 999 Numerical Pairs from 001 to 999 equal exactly 999000, and given that 1089 equals 332, when we divide 999,000 by 33, we get (999000/33) = 30273, as in the value of the 8th Word of Creation, 302, along with the average value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that encompasses those First 8 Words or 33 Letters, or (3003/11) = 273, and as in (11 x 99) = 1089. For what it is worth, the string …30273… is found in Pi (π) at digit number 10500 and the 11-year Sunspot cycle happens as the Sun and its Sunspots rotate every 27.3 Days.
Nonetheless, it is the 4-digit Kaprekar Number Pairs that we want to highlight here, and of the 9999 possible Numbers, there are 32 mirrored Pairs, starting with Keter (6200 – 0026), that have a separation of 6174 between them. This is metaphysically reflective of the 32 Paths of Wisdom built into the Tree-of-Life structure of the universe with Keter atop it, like a crown. Those 32 Pairs total exactly (320,000 – 32), which is precisely (9999 x 32) or an exact average of 9999 per pair. This is not intuitive, as while one pair (6420 + 0246) = 6666, and another pair (7531 + 1357) = 8888 and yet another pair (8642 + 2468) = 11110, no pair equals exactly 9999. Because the average of the 32 Pairs is 9999, the ratio of the Kaprekar Constant and that average is (6174/9999) = 61746174…, the Kaprekar Constant (6174), yet for no individual pair is this the case.
The average for those 32 Kaprekar Numbers is 8086 and the average for the 32 Kaprekar Counterpart Numbers is 1913, which together is 9999, and when split into (1000 + 8000) = 9000, as in the 9th Sefira, Chochma at the level of Binah and into (913 and 86) = 999, we see represented an alignment with the First and Third Words of Creation, Bereshit (בראשית) and Elohim (אלהים) of numerical values 913 and 86 respectively. Meanwhile, the 4th and 6th Words of Creation, Et (את) and V’et (ואת), have the numerical value (401 + 407) = 808, as in the 8086 average of the 32 Kaprekar Numbers, and the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Words of Creation also equal (203 + 401 + 395) = 999.
While the total for the 32 Pairs is (320,000 – 32), the sum of the 32 complementary numbers is 61200, as in the sum of the ages for the 4 Patriarchs or (175 + 180 + 147 + 110) = 612, which is the value of the word Brit (ברית), Covenant, while a simple permutation of 61200, gives us 12600, as in the ages of all 26 of the generations of Adam, whose 26 logs total 66.6612.
The Major Interval 110 and the 231 Gates of Wisdom
As we were reminded above, the intersection of the 2 Primal Frequencies occurs at the phase points every 55 integers, as in the 10th Fibonacci Number and 10th Triangular Number, and the major intervals occur every 110 integers, like the electricity flowing through our power grid (110V and 220V), and as in (4 x 27.5) = (10 x 1.1) = 110. Critical to this interval is the cycle of 4, which is why it was integrated into Pi (π) in that that the first 4000 digits of Pi (π) equal exactly 18200, as in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) and all the Torah and Cosmic inferences above.
These 32 Pairs have a very distinctive pattern: starting with (6200 – 0026), both the main number and its mirrored complementary number increase in exact increments of the major interval of the Primal Frequencies, or (4 x 27.5) = 110. They do this 7 times, before increasing a single time by the value of 231, the 21st Triangular Field, as in the 231 Gates of Wisdom formed by the 22 letter of the Alef-bet, just like the 22 Cumulative Alef-bet Fields that equal (1 + 3 + 6 + 10…1495) = 6200.
Over the course of the 7 incremental steps, the 4-digit Kaprekar Number Pairs increase a total of (7 x 4 x 27.5) or 28 cycles of the Primal Frequency as in the 28 Letters of the First 7 Words of Creation and as in the 28 Times in 7 Verses of 4 Phrases each in Ecclesiastes (קֹהֶלֶת) 3: 1 – 11. While the 3 Chapters and 11 Verses may allude to the 11 Essential Triplets, the 7 Verses end with the 8th Verse as do the 11 Essential Triplets in the 8th Word.
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”
– Ecclesiastes (קֹהֶלֶת) 3:1
He hath made every thing beautiful in its time; also He hath set the world in their heart, yet so that man cannot find out the work that God hath done from the beginning even to the end.”
– Ecclesiastes (קֹהֶלֶת) 3:11
The pattern then repeats 3 times with 7 incremental increases of 110, then one of 231 with the 231 Gates incremental increase occurring every time the millennium changes. Thus, there are (3 x 7) = 21 increases of 110 or 2310 in total, which is (10 x 231). With the (3 x 231) stepped increase in between the sets of 7, there is thus (10 + 3) = (13 x 231) total change between 6200 and the highest Kaprekar Number Pairs, 9973, and between their complements 26 and 3799, showing us that it always come back to One, Echad (אחד).
Oddly enough, of the 8 divisors (1, 3, 7, 11, 21, 33, 77, 231) of 231, we find that (3 x 77) = 231, and (7 x 33) = 231, and (11 x 21) = 231, and they are all directly aligned with the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation of 8 Words and/or 33 Letters and of the 77th Triangular Field value, 3003, which is at the 8th level, Binah, that is associated with the Name Ehyeh (אהיה) of numerical value 21. Could the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation be the keys to the 231 Gates of Wisdom?
1 | 6200 | 6174 | 26 | 6200 | 26 | 6174 |
2 | 6310 | 6174 | 136 | 6310 | 136 | 6174 |
3 | 6420 | 6174 | 246 | 6420 | 246 | 6174 |
4 | 6530 | 6174 | 356 | 6530 | 356 | 6174 |
5 | 6640 | 6174 | 466 | 6640 | 466 | 6174 |
6 | 6750 | 6174 | 576 | |||
7 | 6860 | 6174 | 686 | |||
8 | 6970 | 6174 | 796 | |||
9 | 7201 | 6174 | 1027 | |||
10 | 7311 | 6174 | 1137 | 7311 | 1137 | 6174 |
11 | 7421 | 6174 | 1247 | 7421 | 1247 | 6174 |
12 | 7531 | 6174 | 1357 | 7531 | 1357 | 6174 |
13 | 7641 | 6174 | 1467 | 7641 | 1467 | 6174 |
14 | 7751 | 6174 | 1577 | 7751 | 1577 | 6174 |
15 | 7861 | 6174 | 1687 | |||
16 | 7971 | 6174 | 1797 | |||
17 | 8202 | 6174 | 2028 | |||
18 | 8312 | 6174 | 2138 | |||
19 | 8422 | 6174 | 2248 | 8422 | 2248 | 6174 |
20 | 8532 | 6174 | 2358 | 8532 | 2358 | 6174 |
21 | 8642 | 6174 | 2468 | 8642 | 2468 | 6174 |
22 | 8752 | 6174 | 2578 | 8752 | 2578 | 6174 |
23 | 8862 | 6174 | 2688 | 8862 | 2688 | 6174 |
24 | 8972 | 6174 | 2798 | |||
25 | 9203 | 6174 | 3029 | |||
26 | 9313 | 6174 | 3139 | |||
27 | 9423 | 6174 | 3249 | |||
28 | 9533 | 6174 | 3359 | 9533 | 3359 | 6174 |
29 | 9643 | 6174 | 3469 | 9643 | 3469 | 6174 |
30 | 9753 | 6174 | 3579 | 9753 | 3579 | 6174 |
31 | 9863 | 6174 | 3689 | 9863 | 3689 | 6174 |
32 | 9973 | 6174 | 3799 | 9973 | 3799 | 6174 |
528 | 258768 | 197568 | 61200 | 161730 | 38250 | 123480 |
258768 | 161730 | |||||
319968 | 199980 | |||||
32 | 20 | |||||
320000 | 200000 | |||||
32 | average | 9999 | 20 average | 9999 |
Meanwhile, of the 32 mirrored Kaprekar Number Pairs, 20 of them are also arranged in ascending digital order, as per the Kaprekar algorithm and within the larger set of 32, they form the same regular pattern with 4 groups of 5, and each of the 5 being (4 x 27.5) = 110 apart, and the gap in between the 4 groups being a set of 3 increments of 110 and one of 231. While the total value of the 20 numbers is 161730, as in the 161 value of the highest Aspect of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah and the 173 katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the total value of the 20 Pairs is (200,000 – 20) for an average of 9999 again. As with the larger set of 32, none of these 20 pairs will have a value of 9999. Yet, when these 20 pairs are split into every other number within each of the 4 groups of 5, the 8 and 12 subsets respectively total (80,000 – 8) for an average of 9999 and (120,000 – 12) for the same average of 9999. The subset of 8 mirrored ascending Kaprekar Number Pairs can be divided equally into 2 additional subsets of 4 and 4 or (6310, 7421, 8752, 9863) and (6520, 7641, 8532, 9643) with their respective counterparts to once again get an average of (39996/4) = 9999.
And once again since the consistent average of the 4, 4, 8, 12, 20 and 32 Pairs is 9999, the ratio of the Kaprekar Constant to their average is (6174/9999) = 61746174…, the Kaprekar Constant, yet for no individual pair within the 32 is this the case. Moreover, we can now detect the hidden Fibonacci pattern as an organizing influence upon the Kaprekar pairs since (4 + 4) = 8, (8 + 12) = 20 and (12 + 20) = 32, whereby the Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 is multiplied by a factor of 4, as in the persistent cyclical interval (4 x 27.5), to get the 4, 4, 8, 12, 20 and 32 Pairs.
Nevertheless, that subset of 8 can also be divided into a set of 6 whose number order total 126 like the 6 faces of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, and whose total is 66660 for an average of 11110, and into a subset of 2 whose number order total 6 and whose average is 6666.
Meanwhile, those sets of 4 pairs each break down into sets of 2 pairs that as above also average 9999 and whose total values (16173 and 19998) equal 2/20 or 1/10th the total values of the overall set of the 20 mirrored ascending Kaprekar Number Pairs (161730 and 199980). The totals for both sets of those 2 pairs mirror each other and thus also work out to the same 1/10th ratios.
Nonetheless, the ordered numbers of the set of 20 mirrored ascending Kaprekar Number Pairs total (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 10…32) = 330, as in (12 x 27.5), or 12 cycles of the Primal Frequency and the 330 cu base of the Great Pyramid. Since the total for the 32 numbers is the 32nd Triangular Field is 528, and since the sum of the 8 numbers of the subset of 8 is (6 + 126) = 132, there is a total number order value of (198 + 132) = 330 in the other (12 random ordered + 8 ascending) = 20 mirrored Kaprekar Number Pairs.
Moreover, while the sum of the 20 mirrored Kaprekar Number Pairs is exactly (199980/27.5) = 7272 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) that is married to the Concept of 9, the sum of the (2 x 20 x 4) = 160 digits in them is 720, as in the sum of the 72 square roots in the 72 Essential Triplet (8 x 9) Matrix, that total 720.0. The average therefore of those 160 digits in the 20 mirrored Kaprekar Number Pairs is exactly (720/160) = 4, just like the average square root of the 72 Essential Triplet is (720.0/72) = 10.00 and 10 is the 4th Triangular Field.
And while, the ratio of the 32 counterpart numbers to the 32 mirrored Kaprekar Number is (61200/258768) = 23.650528%, which includes the 32nd Triangular Field, 528, the value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix less 333.333 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) is also (9166.6575 – 9143) = 23.65… while the Earth’s closest distance to the Sun is around 91,666,666 miles.
Can we really comprehend the mathematics or the physics of our world without understanding the metaphysics of the world beyond?
Every Constant and constant in our world has its rational and origin in the consciousness of the greater universe.
40 and 70
Meanwhile, the counting of the 40 Days of the Flood, the 40 Days of Moses’ ascent of Mt Sinai, and the 40 years in the desert during the 42 Journeys all refer to the summation counting of the 40 integers or concepts between 26, the value of the YHVH (יהוה) that represents Zeir Anpin and 65, the value of Adonai (אדני) that represents Malchut of Zeir Anpin. These are the 40 incremental levels that equal (26 + 27…65) = Σ(26 – 65) = 1820, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah and that act as a surrounding protective and energetic sphere to the 7 dimensions of Zeir Anpin, at an average of 260 YHVH (יהוה) per dimension and 26 YHVH (יהוה) per each of the 70 sub-sefirot.
The Arizal’s Vision
The 1820 YHVH (יהוה) are the leaves of the canopy of the 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life. As the Arizal explained to me, the Light spreads from the center of the trunk through the 4 outstretched limbs like those of the Vitruvian Man, and the Light in each limb is the 455 sum of the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820).
The 4 limbs that reach out to the circle total (4 x 455) = 1820, like the circular canopy of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה).
He further explained that each of the 5 fingers or toes extended from each of the 4 outstretched limbs represents the unification (יאהדונהי) of the YHVH (יהוה) and Adonai (אדני) or (26 + 65) = 91 within the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820). So, each set of 5 within either hand or foot equals (5 x 91) = 455, and all 20 human digits equals (20 x 91) = 1820. Each of those digits represents the 13th Triangular Field as in the Name Echad (אחד), One. While the 3 expansions of the letter Alef (א) go from 1 to 1818, the 3 expansions of the Name Echad (אחד) are exactly (13 + 963 + 2024) = 3000, as in the Circle of Creation of 3000.0 that influenced the geometric structure and Creation of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation along with the 7 Colors of Creation as we just saw.
The Circle of Creation of 3000.0, metaphysically represents the 3 levels of Binah that are each equal to 1000 or 103 and when that surrounding consciousness filters or channels through
the 27 positions/letters of the inner Magic Essential Cube of Creation we see that the result is (27 x 3000) = 81,000, as in the sum of the 210 hypercube Word-Value Matrix and the 79,976 Words in the Torah, or (1024 + 79976) = 81,000.
Moreover, the total of the 3 expansions of the lower of the 3 Aspects of Ehyeh (אלף־הא־יוד־הא) in Binah is (143 + 967 + 3330) = 4440, which is the exact same as the sofit value of the 3 expansions of Echad (אחד), or (13 + 1683 + 2744) = 4440, or (40 x 111), as in 40 Alefs (אלף).
And while (91/7) = 13 or Echad (אחד), One, it is known that (9 x 13) = 107 and (9 x 107) = 963, the value of the first expansion of Echad (אלף־חית־דלת). Moreover, while (6 x 963) = 5778, the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon, the 107th Triangular Field, the second expansion of Echad (אחד) has a value of 2024, as in the year of Trump’s reelection 2024 CE, which is the Hebrew year (5778 + 6) = 5784 HC.
Now, while the atbash cipher value of the first expansion of Echad (אלף־חית־דלת) is 648, as in the square root of 42, or 6.480, the same atbash cipher value for the third expansion of Echad (אחד) is 4173, as in the sum of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) that equal 4173 and as in the katan gematria (173) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. The katan value for that same expansion is 260, as in 10 times the YHVH (יהוה).
Those (9 x 6 x 107) from above that equal (54 x 107) = 5778 are reflected in the 54 bones associated with our hands including the 26 bones, as in the YHVH (יהוה), in our outstretched palms and wrists, which further align with the 26 bones in each of our 2 feet. Given the symmetry throughout, there can be only One architect.
Meanwhile, the sum of those 70 sub-sefirot of Zeir Anpin equals Σ(1 – 70) = 2485, the 70th Triangular Field, while the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah divided by 26, the value of the YHVH (יהוה) associated with Zeir Anpin is (1820/26) = 70, which relates to Σ(26 – 65) = 1820. Thus, the sum of the integers of the sub-sefirot that do not comprise the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) is (2485 – 1820) = 665 which with the kolel (1) is 666, as in the (6 x 111) or 6 Alefs (אלף) in the First Verse of Creation that existed before the 7 Days of Creation. This difference is like the milui or first expansion of Bereshit (בראשית), as in (2485 – 1819) = 666. It is also like the sum of the 248 initials of the 248 Columns of the Torah that equal 1815, matching the 1815 letters in the First 7 Days of Creation, or (2485 – 1815) = 670, as in the 670 Paragraphs in the Torah that are related to Binah (67) at the level of the 10 Sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-Life.
4 Worlds
The 40 levels within the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) from 26 to 65 are simultaneous to and additive to the 70 sub-sefirot of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) and thus together they form 110 levels as in the complete 10 sub-sefirot per each of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-life and as in the 4 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in 110. The 40 levels of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) represent the 10 Sefirot in each of the 4 Worlds (Atzilut or Emanation, Beriah or Creation, Yetzirah or Formation, and Assiah or Action), hinted at by the 4 Yuds (י) in the center of each of the 4 Worlds (אֲצִילוּת־בְּרִיאָה־יְצִירָה־עֲשִׂיָּה). Another hint to the 10 Sefirot in the schematic of the 4 Worlds is found in the Name of the highest level, Atzilut or Emanation (אֲצִילוּת), who’s concealed Atbash or reverse polarity gematria is 546, as in the value of the 10 initials of the 10 inner Sefirot. Meanwhile, the first two letters (אֲצִ) in Atzilut (אֲצִילוּת) not only have the value of 91 as in (26 + 65) = 91, but their complete value is (91 + 19) = 110, as in the 40 levels between 26 and 65 and the 11 outer Sefirot. Moreover, the first 3 letters (אֲצִי) in Atzilut (אֲצִילוּת) have the complete value of 130, as in Mt Sinai, and as in the standard value of the 3 central letters (צִיל) in Atzilut (אֲצִילוּת), while the first 5 letters (אֲצִילוּ) in Atzilut (אֲצִילוּת) have the value 137, as in Kabbalah, meaning to receive, and as in the Fine Structure Constant that is integral to the existence of physicality. The First of everything is the part closest to the Source, and is the seed for the remaining emanation, hence the emphasis on the Torah’s First Letter, First Triplet, First Word, First Verse, and First 7 Days. This is also why the 4 initials of the 4 Worlds (אֲצִילוּת־בְּרִיאָה־יְצִירָה־עֲשִׂיָּה) equal (83 + 29) = 112, as in the 112 Essential Triplets that existed before Creation. In case you are confused, remember Creation only refers to physicality, the world of Malchut of numerical value 496, as in the collective value (446 + 50) = 496 of the last 4 letters (ילוּת) in Atzilut (אֲצִילוּת). The entire Cosmic structure of consciousness and the spiritual world existed before Creation.
The numerical value of the first expansion of those 4 Worlds (אֲצִילוּת־בְּרִיאָה־יְצִירָה־עֲשִׂיָּה) is 2999 which is in absolute alignment with the First Verse of Creation who’s complete (standard plus ordinal) value is likewise (2701 + 298) = 2999, meaning both elements of pre-physicality are 110 more than the year 2889 HC at the center of the Spherical Time paradigm radius and of King David’s 70 year life, as in the 110 years of Joseph and 4 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5).
Meanwhile, the first expansion of the 4 Names of the 4 Worlds plus the kolel is (2999 + 4) = 3003, which is the 77th Triangular Field and the sum of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation, one of the 4 sets of Essential Triplets embedded in the Torah. Each of those 11 Essential Triplets of Creation has an average value of 273, the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) from the squaring of the circle (4/π). Alternatively, adding One (1) to that first expansion of the 4 Worlds gives us 3000, as in the Circle of Creation 3000.0 that is directly derived from the 4 sides of the Square of Creation. That is the First Verse of Bereshit, or 2701, times the K Constant (1.1107207…) or (π√2)/4, which begins with Alef (111) and/or 11 and with 107, as in the 107th Triangular Field, the Event Horizon, 5778, and even has 2701 mirrored as 1072. What is unique about this K Constant (1.1107207…) is that it mathematically describes and dictates the gematria practice called squaring. For example, (2 + 27 + 270 + 2701) = 3000; and while (5778 x 1.1107207…) = 6417, a permutation of the Kaprekar Constant (6174), the sum of (5 + 57 + 577 + 5778) = 6417; and (333 x 1.1107207…) = 3702.0, the sum of (3 + 33 + 333 + 333) = 3702, as in the value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix plus One (1). Moreover, the inverse of the First Verse of Creation is 1/2701) = .0003702 and the ratio between the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the First Verse of Creation is (3701/2701) = 1.3702.
Time is a circle; the beginning is in the end. The snake bites Man on the heel and Man hits him in the head as it says in Bereshit 3:14 and 3:15. This is also the Cosmic Wheel of 363 Days and the Spherical Time circumference of 36304.424470 years, as in the 363 value of the serpent (הַנָּחָשׁ). Physicality is geometry. The intelligent design shows us that 1/5778, the inverse of the 107th Triangular Field, is .0017307027, as in the 1730 difference in census (601,730) after 40 years that was a net difference of (603,550 – 601,730) = 1820, and as in the katan gematria (173) of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and as in the difference of (1.7307027 – 1.1107207) = .620000 or Keter, the Earth’s exosphere and boundary. It also shows us that 107 is the 28th Prime Numbers, as in the 28 letters of the First Verse of Creation, the end is in the beginning.
Keep in mind that the expansions are from our physical or lowest world perspective. From the point of view of the universe or consciousness they are contractions. What we perceive is always of lesser dimensionality than what produced it. Thus a Name came before a letter and an expanded Name came before a simple Name so all the alignments, technology, and geometry found in the various levels of the expanded Names are condensed into the final projection that we see in our world, and they still exist whether we can perceive them or not, but like hidden secrets in a video game or keystroke shortcuts on our computers, if we do not know them we cannot use or engage them. The same is true for all aspects of life and technology in our world.
The total value of those 4 Worlds without an expansion is 1455, as in Binah (1000) and as in the 455 sum of the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה) in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820). The ordinal value of the 4 Worlds is 222, as in 2 or Bet (ב) times Alef (אלף) or 111, and as in (6000 – 5778) = 222, representing the 6 Alefs or Elefs (אלף) of Bereshit and the Spherical Time Event Horizon radius, 5778 years, and just so the cosmic universe is crystal clear on this, the sum of the first 222 digits in Pi (π) is exactly 1000. We should note that 1455 is 89 Days off from being exactly half of their expansion value of 2999 or (2999 – 89)/2.
And as for adding One (1) to that 1st expansion of the 4 Worlds to get (2999 + 1) = 3000, as in the Circle of Creation 3000.0, the sum of the first 676 digits in Pi (π) is exactly 3000, with 676 being 262, the radiant YHVH (יהוה), while (1000 – 676) = 324, or 182 and those digits total 1470, as in (70 x 21) of the 70 Ehyeh (אהיה) that correspond to the 70 YHVH (יהוה) that total 1820. Designed metaphysical intelligence is built into every digit in Pi (π), every letter in the Torah, and every square inch and pixel of our physical universe.
Meanwhile, the first time the string …455… appears in Pi (π) is at digit location 809 as …4553…, suggestive of the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה), while the sum of those 809 digits is exactly 3630 as in the Spherical Time paradigm circumference, 36304.24470 years, and as in H’Moshiach (363).
Using the same metrics, we see that while the 3630 sum of all the preceding digit is found at digit #809, and the similar sum 4240 is found at digit #947, the sum of the first 1000 (Binah) digits in Pi (π) is 4470, meaning that the Spherical Time paradigm circumference, 36304.24470 is systematically embedded in Pi (π) at the locations (809 + 947 + 1000) = 2756, as in the Primal Frequency (27.5), the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52, or 756), the First Verse of Creation and the Concept of 55 or (2701 + 55) = 2756, the 26th even Pronic Number. Moreover, 2756 is also special because its inverse 1/2756 = 10!/1010 . As for sum of the digits, 2755, it is found in Pi (π) at digit #623, which is 378 digits from the end of the 1000 digits, and it is in the middle of the sequence …778577…. The full sequence is …778577134275778…. Meanwhile the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon radius …5778… is next found at that central 947th digit, associated with the sum 4240, Moshiach Ben David consciousness.
The Unique Concept of 55
The average of the 70 and 40 Sefirot (dimensions) is (110/2) = 55, the same as the average of the two Essential Primal Concepts of the First Verse of Creation, 37 and 73 that likewise average (110/2) = 55, which is like the frequency of the letter Bet (ב), the First Letter in Creation, or 2 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) that equal 55. Therefore, the Concept of 55 is the midway or central point between the two Essential Primal Concepts of the First Verse of Creation, 37 and 73 and is the Concept of 18 away from either of them (37 – 18 – 55 – 18 – 73).
On the other hand, 55” is 2 cubits of 27.5” and they are not only directly aligned with 2 cycles of 27.5 Hz but they are the precise width of the Gate of 42 that leads to the Holy of Holies within the Future Holy Temple, and they represent the unique number 55. Whenever the number 55 is raised to a power (55x) the sum of the digit pairs within the resultant product always adds up to 55, for example 552 = 3025 and (30 + 25) = 55. Now, while all 2-digit rep numbers similarly add up to various rep numbers, only 55 is a self-referencing one. If instead of the digital pairs, we take the digital triplets or Binah Contraction of this unique number, and use 552 = 3025 as an example, we get (003 + 025) = 28, as in the 28 letters of the First Verse of Creation and the numerical value of Koach, meaning power. If we use 553 = 166,375, we get (166 + 375) = 541, the numerical value of Israel; and if we use 554 = 9,150,625 we get 784 or 282, while the sum of the digits in 553 and 554 are each also 28. Then, while the digit sum for 555 is 37, as in the Core Prime Essential Concept of 37 that is inherent in that same First Verse, the ultimate digit reduction for all the powers of 55 is always 10, as in the 10 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, and as exemplified by (2 + 8) = (5 + 4 + 1) = (1 + 9) = (3 + 7) = 10.
A Cosmic Truth
The same holds true for all power of 505, as in the gematria value of Sarah, the Matriarch and complement to Abraham’s, 808, as (505 + 808) = 1313, as in the 1.313 constant of the exponential curve (1.313x) of the Alef-bet; as in the revelation of the 13 verses of the 10 Commandments at Sinai (130) that happened in 1313 BCE; as in the 14 middle letters of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal 1313; and as in the sum of the 8 square roots of the 8 columns of the ordinal values of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that equal 131.3. A Cosmic Truth is an undeniable metaphysical alignment based on pure and simple mathematics with no degrees of separation. One such Cosmic Truth, the Abraham and Sarah equation, is that (505 + 808)2/(505 * 808) = 13132/(505 * 808) = 4.225, as in the complete gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, 4225, and as in 652 or Adonai (אדני) squared.
And 3535 years later in 1776 CE, the 13 Colonies united as One to adopt the phrase “we hold these truths to be self-evident.” Cosmic Truth is self-evident. Regardless of 5, 8, and 13 being 3 consecutive Fibonacci Numbers, there is no mathematical causation for this or any of these alignments to occur. They had to be preordained before the start of physical Creation, before the construction of the Torah, before the definition of the Alef-bet, before the winding of the clock of history, even before the metaphysical establishment of the 112 Essential Triplets, at a time of pure consciousness.
That same principle above holds for 5005, as in the 112 initials of the 112 Triplets that total 5005, and therefore for 500500 as well, the 1000th Triangular Number, and 10 times the frequency of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) or (1820 x 27.5 Hz) = 50050, which when divided by 1.1 Hz, equals 45500 in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) and the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה) that equal 455 or (35 x 13). The Source is One and 55 is Cosmically set in the two letters Hei (ה) in the YHVH (יהוה) and in the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה).
We have repeatedly highlighted the speed of light as 186,282 mps, along with all the fractally symmetric dimensions of our Solar System measured in miles, including their masses, their orbits, their distances apart—all the way to our nearest star Proxima Centauri at 4.24 light-years or 1.30 parsecs away–their diameters and their radii, their orbital speed, their periodicity and their rates of rotation, in absolute terms and in terms of their relationship to the Torah and to the Spherical Time paradigm. We have also highlighted all the fractally symmetric temperatures and apparent brightness throughout the universe. On occasion we have also highlighted those same measurements in the metric system. It is like the two mirrored calendars (Western and Hebrew) of the twin time frames of the Spherical Time paradigm whose ratio is 1.86282. Both measuring systems were foreseen in the design of the universe, or more appropriately implanted into our matrix of physicality. In the metric system, the speed of light is exactly 299,792,458 meters per second and the sum of digits in it is (2 + 9 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 8) = 55, which is (2 x 27.5) or 2 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz). The First letter of Creation is an enlarged letter Bet (ב) of numerical value 2, hinting at both the duality of time in the Physical and Spiritual realms, and the duality of measurement that aligns with them.
The Product of the 7 Words of Creation
While we see the 2 cycles of 27.5 Hz or 55 connected to the First Verse of Creation in multiple ways, it also appears in the product of the 7 Words of that First Verse of Creation, or (913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 407 x 296) = 304153525784175760 as its digital pairs breakdown to and equal (30 + 41 + 53 + 52 + 57 + 84 + 17 + 57 + 60) = 451 with 451 digitally contracting to (4 + 51) = 55. Meanwhile, the sum of the digits in this product (304153525784175760) is 73, as in the 73rd Triangular Number, 2701, that is the sum of those 7 First Words.
If instead of taking the product of the 7 First Words, let us take their products incrementally. We do this by taking the First Word and raising it to the power of 1/1; then take the product of the First 2 Words and take its square root, which is the same as raising it to the power of ½; then taking the cube root of the First 3 Words, which is the same as raising that product to the power of 1/3; and then doing the same for all 7 Words, and summing them up. We get a total for 7 products divided by their appropriate n-roots of 2812.363… which is not only 2701 plus 111, the value of the primordial Alef (אלף), plus the value 363 of H’Moshiach, but 2812 is also the sum of the 4 divisors (1, 37, 73, and 2701) of 2701, the sum of those 7 Words. This works out to an average of (2812/4) = 703, the 37th Triangular Field, which is also the (401 + 296) = 703 value of the 6th and 7th Words of Creation.
Meanwhile, the double YHVH (יהוה) equals (2 x 1565) = 3130 and the first 703 digits in Pi (π) total exactly 3130.
Moreover, the sum of the Binah Contractions of the average of the product of the 7 Words of Creation, or (304153525784175760/7) = 43,450,503,683,453,680, is exactly (43+450+503+683+453+680) = 2812, which as we saw is (703 x 4), and thus circles back to the (7 x 4) = 28 letters in those 7 Words. Furthermore, when we divide that same product by 28, or (304153525784175760/28) = 10,862,625,920,863,420, they Binah Contract to exactly (10+862+625+920+863+420) = 3700, which further contracts to 703, the 37th Triangular Field.
It should be noted that the sequence …3637… from 2812.3637… above is first found at digit # 642 in Pi (π) and that 642 is the complete gematria of the doubled letter Shin (שש), the 21st letter of the Alef-bet, with the numerical value 300, as in the 21 letters that are found in the Torah exactly 300,000 times. The other letter of the 22 of the Alef-bet is the 17th letter Pe (פ) that is found 4805 times among the 304805 letters in the Torah.
Those double Shins (שש) thus can represent the 600,000 Israelites that took the 42 Journeys from Egypt to the Promised Land, and each Shin’s (ש) ordinal value of 21 matches that of each of the 2 Names of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) that flank the highest Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה), whose central Name (אשר) also has the ordinal value 42. That Name appears only once in the Torah at Shemot 3:14 and has a string value of 3142. These are what the two Shins (שש) on the tefillin connect us to if we allow our consciousness to take us there.
Meanwhile, the product of the 7 Words of that First Verse of Creation, or (913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 407 x 296) = 304153525784175760, contains the year 5874 HC, whose Western Calendar analogue is 2024 CE, the year President Trump won for the 3rd time, defeating Kamala, a direct permutation of Amalek (עֲמָלֵק) whose numerical value is 240. It is followed by 5760 HC (2000 CE), 24 years earlier, as in the 24 hours in a Day, like the 7 Days of Creation that align with those First 7 Words. While 5760 is (24 x 240), the sum of the digits in those 2 years (5760 and 5784) is 42, as in the Singularity of 42 and the 42-Letter Names of G-d. When we add the …17… that separates the two years to 5760 (2000 CE), we get the start of the Event Horizon (5760 + 17) = 5777 HC, the year when Trump was first inaugurated (2017 CE). Another impossible alignment is that the Hebrew year of President Trump’s victory and inauguration, 5785 HC, is found at the 2812th digit in Pi (π). You cannot fight destiny when it is preordained and written into the Matrix.
While there are myriad parallel timelines or time-paths within the Spherical Time paradigm, certain pre-determined events happen at specific times in all of them; what varies is what happens in between, where your consciousness is at when they do, and which path you are on. For example, in 2448 HC (1313 BCE) the world received the Torah. You could have been an Egyptian, an Israelite who chose to stay in Egypt, an Israelite who followed Moses and accepted the Torah, part of the Erev Rav who followed Moses only to try to usurp his authority and establish a NWO, a Midianite, an Amalekite or an NPE. All the timelines experienced that moment differently and whichever timeline your consciousness was drawn to was what established your destiny and guided soul journey for the next 3330 years. That was when the timelines collectively entered the Event Horizon in 5778 HC and when we were all faced with those same chooses as before: the freedom of consciousness or the slavery to physicality; to follow the elevated teachings of the Creator and of the Conscious Cosmos, or that of the agenda of selfish men; willfully participate and help others to join in on the elevation, or actively fight against the necessary elevation of Man’s collective soul; learn the ways of the Light, or those of darkness; and be one of the Creator’s chosen ones, or chose to fight them. This time, at the end of the prophesied 66.6 Jubilee years, everything in the 27.5-year Event Horizon gets exposed to the Light, and it becomes clear what role your soul chose for itself. Now, over 6 years into the Event Horizon, it is increasingly clear where everyone’s soul stands, and the question remains whether you are going to double-down on your stance. G-d willing (B’H) you are on the right path and continue to elevate and align your consciousness with the greater universe. That is the Exodus.
Furthermore, within that product of the 7 Words of that First Verse of Creation (304153525784175760) we find the overlapping 5-digit sequence …17576… which equals 263 as in the YHVH (יהוה) cubed, a cube of the YHVH (יהוה), making …175760… equal to 10 cubes of the YHVH (יהוה), as in the 10 Sefirot of the inner Tree-of-Life. Moreover, the sequence …17576… is equal to (16900 + 676) or (1302 + 262), as in the ladder of elevation, Mt Sinai with the YHVH (יהוה) both of which are squared. When added to the 90,100 letters Yuds(י), Heis (ה), and Vavs (ו) in the Torah, as in the 424th Triangular Field, we get (16,900 + 90,100) = 107,000, as in the 107,000th letters to the 10 Commandments at Mt Sinai (130). Oddly, there are 805 Words, Letters, and Verses in the 10 Commandments, and the product of the ladder of the 7 Words begins with 304…, as in the 304,805 Letters in the Torah. Yet another alignment.
Then while the sequence …5784175760 is reminiscent of the Pi (π) sequence …5778185778… with the difference between them being 6 million less 10018, we find that the first 3853 digits in Pi (π) equals 17576 or 263, which is significant because 3853 is the sum of the First 11 Words of Creation. It is also exactly 11 more than the sum (3842) of the First 42 Letters of Creation that are derived from the 42-Letter Name Matrix, which contains the 11 Triplets of Creation. They all connect to and align with the 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot of the complete or outer Tree-of-Life that total 3342.
Keep in mind that directionally the terms inner and outer refer to relative dimensionality, with a higher dimension wrapped around a lower one, the way a Name envelops a letter, and an expanded Name envelops a simple Name. We should also note that the 11 Sefirot outer Tree-of-Life contains the emanation of Da’at (דעת), the 11th Sefira, whose ordinal value is 42 and who’s complete gematria is 516, as in the 516 hours in the 22 Days associated with the 22 letters of the Alef-bet and the 22 complete 22 Days of the Chagim in the Cosmic Wheel. And while 11 is half of 22, half of 516 is 258, as in Day 258, the Day of Creation, the collective 42nd and 216th Days since Zot Chanukah in the Cosmic Wheel. Perhaps this is why the first 257 Days until the Day of Creation are aligned with the 55th Prime Number, 257.
Now, while the digit pairs in the 5784175760 sequence within the product of the 7 Words of the First Verse of Creation (304153525784175760) equal (57 + 84 + 17 + 57 + 60) = 275, as in the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), the digit pairs in the remaining first portion of it (30415352…) equal (30 + 41 + 53 + 52) = 82, as in katan gematria value of that same First Verse of Creation.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
– Nikola Tesla
The Words of Creation and the Outer Tree-of-Life
The Aspect of Albam (אל־בם)
Then while the sum of the digits in the 2 years within the product of the 7 Words of that First Verse of Creation, 304153525784175760 is 42, the rest of the digits equal 31, as in the Name of G-d, El (אל). The difference between them is (42 – 31) = 11, which brings up the gematria cipher Albam (אל־בם), the plus 11 cipher, whereby the 22 letters of the Alef-bet are set in a circle and advanced 11 letters. We have already discussed the extraordinary revelations in dividing both the Alef-bet and the higher dimensional Names of the letters in the Alef-bet into two sets of 11 letters, and how these relate to the 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot of the outer Tree-of-Life.
The Unification (יאהדונהי)
We have also discussed how the Concepts of the various Names are regions or clouds of higher consciousness or hyperspace networks, and how they interconnect to form super consciousness networks. We have also discussed that when these networks are viewed through a cipher they are not transforming, but just showing us a different Aspect to their consciousness. Moreover, within these networks what we view as points or nodes are really multi-dimensional shapes or geometries, such as the most basic Tetrahedron. So, as we view them through the lens of specific ciphers, we are seeing these shapes from different angles and in some cases polarizing or phasing them. Therefore, through the Albam (אל־בם) plus 11 cipher the unified cloud (יאהדונהי) of the YHVH (יהוה) consciousness and its pronounceable counterpart Adonai (אדני) that represents the 7 Sefirot of Zeir Anpin with Malchut is converted or polarized from 91 to the numerical value 913, that of Bereshit (בראשית). The unified cloud (יאהדונהי) from the Aspect of Albam (אל־בם) is Bereshit (בראשית) and ergo Bereshit (בראשית) is the unification of the YHVH (יהוה) and Adonai (אדני).
Moreover, while the Unification (יאהדונהי) of the YHVH (יהוה) 26 and Adonai (אדני) equals (26 + 65) = (7 x 13) = 91, the 13th Triangular Field, there are exactly 91 occurrences of Adonai (אדני) in the Torah, and 91 paragraphs in the Torah’s first Book, Bereshit (913). This is like and in alignment with the 11 Essential Triplets or 33 letters of Bereshit that total 3003, the 77th Triangular Field, as in (7 x 11), and whose Albam (אל־בם) value is (422 + 3).
Furthermore, the katan value or yet another Aspect of this primordial Unification of YHVH-Adonai (יאהדונהי) is 28, as in the 28 letters in that same 7 Word First Verse of Bereshit (בראשית), and their ordinal or inner value is 55, thus once again aligning the First Verse of Creation with its associated Concepts of 55 and 28. And from the angle of the EBGD cipher, the primordial Unification (יאהדונהי) takes on the value or shape of 126, like the (3 x 42) = 126 value of the faces and planes in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42. For us it is simplest to see numbers are numbers, yet in the realm of consciousness they are more closely associated with shapes or geographical and geometric addresses. The consciousness cloud of the primordial Unification (יאהדונהי) has a complete value of (91 + 55) = 146, the same as Olam (עולם), meaning world or universe. As the clouds expand, they elevate dimensionally, and the 3rd expansion of this primordial Unification (יאהדונהי) equals exactly 2500, or 502, representing the radiance of the 50 Gates of Binah, and the “All, Kol (כל)” squared, whose complete value is (50 + 23) = 73, as in the Triangular Field of all 7 Words of Creation, and the level of Chochma (73), one level beyond Binah.
Keys to the Matrix
From our perspective, the Albam (אל־בם) Aspect of the Unification (יאהדונהי) is transformed into the 8 letters (שלעספגעש), which is bookended by the two letters Shin (שש) whose ordinal value is 42 like in the highest Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה). Its central 6 letters (שלעספגעש) total 313, as in the 313 Names Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah; meanwhile, the first 6 letters (שלעספג) of this transformed unification total 543, as in the total value of the Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה), while the last two letters (עש) total 370 and have an ordinal value of 37. The structure of this transformed unification (של־עספ־געש) also mimics the Great Pyramid whose base measures 330 cubits, as in the value of (של) and whose height measure 210 cubits, as in the value of (עספ). The height and width of the Great Pyramid or Cosmic Sun Pyramid equal (210 + 330) = 540 or (של־עספ) and is equivalent to the average of the 7 Colors that spread out from the unified light or (3780/7) = 540. Meanwhile 378’ is the measure of the scored midpoint in the Great Pyramid’s bases, which is exactly half the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52/2). In cubits, that midpoint is 165, as in the first location in Pi (π) for the numeric string …2701… at digit #165, while the first location for the numerical string …165… is at digit #238, or 1/42, and the Hebrew word for central point is Nekudah (נקודה) of numerical value 165. This is also the average of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) over the 11 Sefirot, or 1820/11 = 165, which is also the katan gematria0 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. To truly understand the nature of our world without exploring the realms of higher consciousness that created it, is like trying to appreciate a concerto from a condensed translated description of a tone deaf adolescent.
Moreover, as a reminder, of the 11 letters in the highest Name of Binah, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה), the 3 final letters equal 210 and spell “H’Har The Mountain (ההר)” while the middle letters equal 330.
Nonetheless, the remaining value 373 of the transformed triplet (געש) within the angularly transformed unification (של־עספ־געש) is evocative of the (37 x 73) structure of the First Verse of Creation, and it is also aligned with the 37.3% of the 670 Paragraphs in the Torah that are contained in the First (91) and Last (159) Books, leaving 420 Paragraphs in the 3 Central Books, like the 420 YHVH (יהוה) leading up to the 10 Commandments. Moreover, the 27 letters of the Alef-bet have a collective value of 1495 and (1.495 + 1.4952) = 3.7300, and while the number 373 is the 74th Prime Number it is also the sum of the 5 consecutive Prime Numbers (67 + 71 + 73 + 79 + 83) that equal 373 and that are centered on the First Verse’s Core Essential Prime Number 73 and that begin with Binah (67) and end with 83, the Creation Prime Number associated with the ordinal values of the 7 Words of Creation, as previously detailed. It is also the sum of the squares of the first 5 odd prime numbers that equal (32 + 52 + 72 + 112 + 132) = 373.
Yet another Cosmic or metaphysical alignment is found in the cube of 72 that equals 723 = 373248, aligning it with the 4 phases of the Cosmic Harmonic residue that equals (.2730 + .2731 + .2732 + .2733) = .37342, along with the Core Concept of 248 that encapsulates the Torah and the E8 Symmetry of Binah. Of course, together, they project into the 42 x 248 Row-Column Matrix of the Torah. This is like the 3 words phrase that begins the 4th Portion of the Torah, Vayeira, at Genesis 18:1, as in the 42nd Prime Number, 181, “Hashem appeared to him (וַיֵּרָא אֵלָיו יְהוָה)” that begins with 6 letters that total 248 and ends with the remaining 6 that total 42, for a total of 290, as in the central 2 letters (רצ) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 2 final letters (רץ) of the First Verse of Creation. These are the 27th and 28th Letters of Creation, as in (27 + 28) = 55 that average 27.5, the Primal Frequency. The 3rd expansion of that 3-word phrase of when G-d appeared to Abraham (248) is exactly 3700, as in the 3701 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Every Aspect of the Torah is individually and collectively influenced from above and beyond. While studying the meaning of the words Torah is important, our consciousness can soar much higher when we unencumber it and attune it to energy and influence that are beyond the words.
Moreover, as previously explained, the sum of the 42 x 248 Row-Column Matrix of the Torah and the 210 Word-Value Matrix of the Torah is (10,400 + 1024) = 11,424, as in higher level Moshiach Ben David Consciousness in the 11 Sefirot of the outer Tree-of-Life. This Cosmic statistically impossible alignment includes the 14 digital locations indicated in Pi (π) for the 3 numerical Event Horizon strings …5778… found within its first 1000 (Binah) digits, or #644, 622, 633, 634, 635, 636, 948, 949, 950, 951, 954, 955, 956, and 957 that sum to 11,424. And both the sum of the 2 Torah Matrixes and the 14 sequences, like the 14 Triplets in the 42-Letter Name and the 42 digits in this sequence or set, are in perfect harmonious alignment with the value of Pi (π) divided by the Primal Frequency, or Pi (π)/27.5 = 3.14159265358/27.5 = .11424.
The first 4 of this set of 14 numeric location triplets are from the sequence …644622948954… found at the 181st Digit in Pi (π), as in 181 being the 42nd Prime Number, while the difference between the 11,466 square miles of Israel today and 11,424 is (11,466 – 11,424) = 42.
Meanwhile, as we know, the square root of 11,466 is 107.07, which relates to the Event Horizon’s 107th Triangular Field, 5778, and the specific location of the 10 Commandments within the Torah (107,007th letter). Moreover, the digit location #948 within this set of 14 Triplets that align with the 14 Essential triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix begins the sequence …5778185778… and the value of all the digits in Pi (π) up to that point is 4240, the value of Moshiach Ben David x 10.
Extraordinarily, these all align with the 3rd expansion of the First Verse of Creation or (11,421 + 3) = 11,424, which brings the process of Creation back to the circle and the sphere through Pi (π)/27.5 = 3.14159265358/27.5 = .11424.
Furthermore, the sum of these 14 Triplets from Pi (π) that are first found at the 42nd Prime location (#181) plus the value of the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix equals (11424 + 3701) = 15125, which is (5 x 552). In other words, when the set of the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix are aligned with the set of the 14 Triplets from Pi (π) related to the Event Horizon, they total (5 x 552). And while 552 is the measure of the perimeter (3025’) of the Sun and Great Pyramid, whose entrance is exactly 55’ above its platform base, that sum, (11424 + 3701) = 15125, divided by the Primal Frequency is (15125/27.5) = (5 x 552 )/27.5 = 550, and the average of the 42 initials of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life is (550/11) = 55.
Meanwhile, the height of the Great Pyramid is not only (5778 – 3) = 5775” tall, but 5775 = (5 x 1155) and thus (52 x 231), as the 21st Triangular Field and the 231 Gates of Wisdom connected to the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet and the mirrored Kaprekar Number Pairs. Moreover, as in the 20 mirrored ascending Kaprekar Number Pairs, the Great Pyramid is also (5775/27.5) = 210 cubits and 210 levels high, with 210 being the 20th Triangular Field and the sum of the heights of the 20 stacked sequential cubes of the Torah of Truth.
Like the Torah, everything was placed in this world for a reason, though some for more reasons than others, like the monuments that stand out of place in time and historic perspective. These are the keys to the Matrix.
Our Reflective World
Nevertheless, the Albam or plus 11 rotation of the letters in the Name of the 4th World, Assiah or Action (עשיה) transforms into its mirror symmetry (הישע), like a mirror or reflective World. So, from the Aspect of Albam, our world is only mirror or reflection of the spiritual world projected from beyond, exactly as proscribed by Kabbalah and the Zohar. In modern day terms, it is a simulation, a Divine Simulation.
Either way their (עשיה) numerical value is 385 as in (14 x 27.5) = 385, the value of the “Divine Presence, the Shechinah (שכינה),” which echoes in the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and of the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) at the central position 14 of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, and moreover in the last 5 Essential Triplets of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that total 385, and whose ratio to the full 72 Essential Triplet Matrix is (385/9143) = .04210.
The Tree-of-Life Structure of Creation
Our world was created through a vortex of these higher clouds of consciousness that formed a branching tree-like structure or scaffolding as they interacted. The inner vortex trunk of this structure contained 10 Sefirot or dimensions and the outer vortex bark contained 11. As they interacted, the reverberation of (10 x 11) = 110 averaged down to 55 and pulsed in alignment with the ladder-like cyclical Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) that radiates throughout the consciousness clouds and that orients our existence. The 10 and 11 dimensions collectively align with the 21 value of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), and with the 10 sub-sefirot in each of those dimensions, there are 210, as in the 210 years in Egypt that the Israelites were enslaved to physicality before they could cross the Endless Sea to freedom.
The Endless Sea of Binah
As a reminder, the difference between Israel (ישראל) and Egypt (מצרים) is (541 – 380) = 161, as in the highest Aspect of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah, and what separated them was the Endless Sea, Yam Suf (ים־סוף) found 12 times in the Torah for the 12 Tribes. The word Sea (ים) has the value 50, representing the 50 Gates of Binah that needed to be crossed, and the word Endless (סוף) has the value 146, that of Olam (עולם), meaning world or universe and the that is the complete value of the primordial Unification (יאהדונהי) that is (91 + 55) = 146. Meanwhile, the 3rd expansion or generation of the primordial Unification (יאהדונהי) is 2500, or 502, as in the radiance of the 50 Gates of Binah that the Unification (יאהדונהי) bridges. Moreover, the first 3 letters in the Endless Sea, Yam Suf (ים־סוף) equal 110, as in the Primal Frequency throughout the 4 Worlds and as in twice the unique Concept of 55 that is the ordinal value of the Unification (יאהדונהי) and that is built into Creation. The final 2 letters (וף) have the value 86, as in Elohim (אלהים), the 3rd Word of Creation, which contains the word Sea (ים), which has the sofit value 610, as in the 28 letters of the 3rd tier of the Upper 42-Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה).
The World of Love
After the Understanding of the World of One, Echad (אחד) comes the Understanding of the World of Love, Ahava (אהבה). Spelled out with HH (הה), Ahava becomes (אלף הה בית הה) and attains the value 543, as in the highest Name in the Torah, “I am that I am” (אהיה־אשר־אהיה). Meanwhile, the sofit value of the 2nd generation of Ahava (אלף הי בית הי) is 1273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic that squares the circle (1.273) and its complete value less the kolel (1) is 1375, as in Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o at the center of the Spherical Time paradigm, and as in the 50 Gates of Binah etc.
The value of the next generation of Ahava (אלף הי בית הי) is 1174, and while the total distance of the planets in our Solar System is 107 AU, and that 1 AU is Earth’s average distance from the Sun, that 1 AU or 93,000,000-mile average distance divided by Earth’s diameter of 7920 miles, is (93000000/7920) = 11742.42. It is a single unified design.
The Progression from the Source
Now, while the Source is 13 or One, Echad (אחד) and Love, Ahava (אהבה), which together is (13 + 13) = 26, the value of the YHVH (יהוה). This is also the value of their inner and outer Light, their complete value, or (13 + 13) = 26 of either Source Aspect. The value 13 follows 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 or (112, 358) in the following the Phi (φ) Field Spiral of the Fibonacci Sequence, and it is followed by 21, the value of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), the 8th Fibonacci Number, like the 8th level or Sefira, Binah, with its E8 Symmetry.
13 — 42 — 55
The inner and outer Light, or complete value of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), is (21 + 21) = 42, as in the Source of 42, which progresses us to the 10th Fibonacci Number, or (13 + 42) = 55, as in the 13 initials Vav (ו) found in the Shema’s first paragraph of 42 words, and as in the 42 additional times that the initial Vav (ו) is found in the remaining paragraphs of the Shema, making 55 letters Vav (ו) in total. We covered this in our discussions about the rare 7 Bell Prime Indexes (2, 3, 7, 13, 42, 55 and 2841), that are woven into the Torah.
The Fibonacci Spiral
Considering the fractal symmetry in the design of the universe, its notable that the 5th tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix begins with the letter Chet (ח) of numerical value 8 which is the 6th Fibonacci Number, and that …8… is first found in Pi (π) at digit #11, as in the value of the two central letters (בט) of that tier. Moreover, the 6th tier of the 42-Letter Name Matrix begins with the letters Yud-Gimmel (יג) of numerical value 13, which is the 7th Fibonacci Number, and 13 is first found in Pi (π) at digit #110, as in the value of the two central letters (לפ) of that tier, while the 8th Fibonacci Number, 21, is first found in Pi (π) at digit #93, as in the Earth’s average distance from the Sun, 93,000,000 or 1 AU, which is 1/107 the total distance of our planets from the Sun. Meanwhile, the 9th Fibonacci Number, 34, is first found in Pi (π) at digit #86, as in the value of Elohim (אלהים), while the 10th Fibonacci Number, 55, is first found in Pi (π) at digit #130, as in Mt. Sinai (סיני) and as in sulam (סלם), ladder; and the 11th Fibonacci Number, 89, is first found in Pi (π) at digit #11 again.
Nevertheless, the numerical gaps between the digits in the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה) that equal (161 + 151 + 143) = 455 in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) are 55, 44, and 31 respectively and that add up to (55 + 44 + 31) = 130, or alternatively (5 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 +1) = 22, while the numerical gaps in the Path of One (1 – 13 – 91 – 455 – 1820) equal (0 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 2) = 26, as in the YHVH (יהוה). There is no such thing as wasted space in the conscious universe; information is provided everywhere we look, and everything is connected.
This fractal symmetry is not imprinted on and embedded in our universe because it makes creating the simulation easier. It is there because the Creation was made by a single entity of a singular mindset and every Aspect of the Creative Construct is in harmony with its purpose and identity. We, at the lowest rung of that ladder, must learn to appreciate the harmonics and attune ourselves to it if we choose to ascend. Like staring up at a country night, it should feel awe-inspiring, not overwhelming.
In congruence with that special sequential 13 – 42 – 55 in the Shema, there are also 13 initials Hei (ה) in those same 248 words, like the 13 YHVH (יהוה) in the Shema and
there are also 42 Alefs (א) in those 3 paragraphs. The letter Lamed (ל) rounds out the 4 prolific initials with its complete value of 42 and its 34 occurrences, as in the 9th Number in the Fibonacci Sequence. Like the value and ordinal value of the letter Lamed (ל), or (30 + 12) = 42, the 42 initial Vavs (ו) are split into 30 in the paragraph of 122 words and 12 in the paragraph of 72 words. Altogether, these 4 interconnected letters bound by the number 42, spell out the Name of G-d, Eloah (אלוה) of numerical value 42. Of the 248 words of the Shema, these 4 letters are found 148 times as initials.
As the progression continues, spiraling outward from the Source we go from 55 to 89, as in the 89 Days in the Cosmic Wheel that culminate in the Festival of Light, the 8 days of Binah, known as Chanukah of numerical value 89, in alignment with the sofit value of the highest Aspect of the 3 Aspects of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah. Moreover, the 11th Fibonacci Number divided by 11 or (89/11) times the Primal Frequency (27.5) = 222.5, as in the 137.5o and 222.5o Phi (φ) angle split in the 360o circle.
The next and 12th Fibonacci Number in the spiraling Phi (φ) vortex is 144 or 122, while 123 or 1728 is One (1) less than 1729, the number of times the word value 26, as in the YHVH (יהוה), appears in the Torah. While the Primal Frequency of the 12th Fibonacci Number (144 x 27.5) = 3960, as in the 3960-mile radius of the Earth, the diameter of the Sun is equivalent to half of 123 or 864,000 miles, and 144 or 122 is also half of the Earth’s surface temperature 288 K. Naturally, it follows that the Sun’s surface temperature 5778 K is (12 x 481.5), the height of the Sun or Great Pyramid in feet. Yet we also find that the 3960-mile radius of the Earth is both (27.5 x 122) and (330 x 12), as in the 330-cubit base of the same Pyramid, and that while the 1008-mile radius of the Moon is (7 x 122) the 432,000-mile radius of the Sun is (3000 x 122), as in the Circle of Creation, and as in the 12 Tribes of Israel. Symmetry is the hallmark of the Cosmic universe. Chaos and randomness is the purview of Man.
Following the progression, the 13th Fibonacci Number is 233, as in the two expanded higher Aspect spelled-out Names of the YHVH (יוד־הי־ויו־הי) and Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי), and as in so much more already covered. Meanwhile, the string …233… is first found in Pi (π) at digit #229, and the value 2.29 is the result of the 27.5/12 space/time or cubit/foot ratio and 229 is also the 50th Prime Number.
Then while the 15th Fibonacci Number is 610, as in the value of the 28 Letters in the 3rd expansion of the Name YHVH (יהוה), the sum of (610 + 15) = 625, as in H’Keter, and as in the square root of the number of Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah. It is also the sum of the 11 Odd numbered Letters of the Alef-bet. As we go on to the 16th Fibonacci Number, 987, we see that the string …987… is first found in Pi (π) at digit #1510, as in the 151-value of the central of the 3 Aspects of the Names of the Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אלף־הה־יוד־הה), while the first 2 expansions of those 3 Aspects of the expanded Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה) have a total value of 2961 or (3 x 987).
The Two Phi (φ) Spirals
Meanwhile, the sum of the first 19 Fibonacci Numbers is 10945 or exactly (11,000 – 55), making it equal to (199 x 55), while 199 is equivalent to Phi (φ)12, the 12 member in the Phi (φ)x power spiral that crosses through the Event Horizon 5778 in the 18th turn.
And because the universe was designed so that the Spherical Time Event Horizon and Galactic Current Sheet interval would be exactly Phi (φ)18, the sum of the 17th and 19th Fibonacci Numbers is also exactly (1597 + 4181) = 5778, the surface Temperature of the Sun, 5778 K.
These are two separate but related spirals. The Fibonacci Numbers (FN) follow the pattern FNn(φ) = FN(n+1) or FNn/FN(n-1) = Phi (φ), and FN(n+1) = FNn + FN(n-1), in other words each number is in the Phi (φ) proportion to the next and the sum of the two previous numbers determine the next number. The Phi (φ)x power spiral is simply the sequential exponential values of the Constant Phi (φ). So while the Fibonacci Numbers are tangentially based on Phi (φ), their related Numbers in the Phi (φ)x power spiral, including 5778, are direct exponential expansions of Phi (φ).
When we overlay them we see that the Phi (φ)x power spiral also fits the formula Phi (φ)(n-1) = FN(n + n-2)/2 , thus the two spirals are integrally related, and we can directly derive the Phi (φ)x power spiral from the Fibonacci Numbers spiral sequence.
What is even more astonishing is that the sum of the first 18 locations in Pi (π) for the first 18 Phi (φ)x Power Numbers with the kolel (18) is exactly (2 + 1 + 3 + 14 + 95 + 425 + 187 + 120 + 570 + 1925 + 705 + 3434 + 173 + 1681 + 31526 + 2373 + 6114 + 633) + 18 + 1 = 50,000, as in the 50 Gates of Binah (1000) reached at the Event Horizon (5778), in resonance with the 425 value of the 6th location and the 42.5o radiant complement to the Primal Phi (φ) angle 137.5o. Moreover, with several notable numbers with this sequence of 18 Pi (π) locations, we see that the 9th, 10th and 11th equal (570 + 1925 + 705) = 3200, as in the 32 Paths of Wisdom in the Tree-of-Life and in the 32 mirrored Kaprekar Number Pairs that total 320,000, while the first 8 locations plus One (1) equals (2 + 1 + 3 + 14 + 95 + 425 + 187 + 120) + 1 = 848 = (2 x 424) or twice Moshiach Ben David.
Meanwhile, the 18 locations in Pi (π) for the first 18 Phi (φ)x Power Numbers, starting after the decimal place is (1 + 9 + 2+ 13 + 94 + 424 +186 + 119 + 569 + 1924 + 704 + 3433 + 172 + 1680 + 31525 + 2372 + 6113 + 632) = 49972, which has 18 divisors that total 97314, as in the formula 9 divided by the numerical string value of the 42-Letter Name or 9/.123049… = 73.141593… , while 173 is also the katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and 704 is the value of the middle tier of that Matrix. It is also the (22 x 32) = 704 value reflected in the cumulative 22 letters that equal 6200 and the 32 mirrored Kaprekar Number Pairs that begin with 6200. By the way, the cumulative ordinal values for those 22 letters equal 2024, as in the year 5784 HC, and the difference between their complete value of (6200 + 2024) = 8224 and its mirrored version, 4228 is (8224 – 4228) = (6 x 666).
Also, the 14th location in this set of 18 is 1680 or (40 x 42). Nonetheless, that first tier (123049) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix has the standard value 506, as in the complete value of Moshiach Ben David, while Phi (φ) times 17, as in the value of “good, Tov (טוֹב),” equals 27.50657780 or the Primal Frequency in the universe (27.5), the complete inner and outer Aspects of Moshiach Ben David consciousness, and the Event Horizon radius, 5778. Meanwhile, the 18th and final location in this set is 632, as in 632 AD, when Mohammed died and Islam began, and where we find the first …5778… string in Pi (π), or Phi (φ)18. Moreover, according to the Zohar the reign of the Ishmaelites would end 1370 years after they took over, or 10 x 137, Ishmael’s age, and those 1370 years after Mohammed’s death ended precisely on 6/08/02, which is found in Pi (π) at digit #618, as in 1/φ. It begins the sequence …608277857713425778…. that ends with …5778 at digit #632. It has all been written.
The Expanded First Verse of Creation
The 3rd Expansion
We have explored the Cosmic interconnection with a plethora of Aspects of the First Verse of Creation from a myriad of angles in terms of Letters, Words, Triplets and many of their ciphered numerical values. We know that expansion brings us dimensionally closer to the Source and that the more expanded a Name is the more information it conveys to us. It is like a photographer filming in raw mode verses an already converted and filtered jpeg; he gets a thousand times more raw information in every bit of that photo to work with. Thus, yet another vital Aspect of the First Verse of Creation is visible in its 3rd level expansion. From the angle of the albam cipher, its total value is 16,983 or (17,000 – 17), which is reminiscent of the primordial 112 Essential Triplets whose total value is (17,000 – 35), making the First Verse exactly 18 more than the 16,965 total value of the 112 Essential Triplets that preceded it. From the angle of the atbash cipher, the First Verse’s value is 13755 as in the Phi (φ) angle (137.5o) and as in 50 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5), or (50 x 27.5) = 1375, while 55 is 2 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5), or (2 x 27.5) = 55. As a reminder, 1375 is the value of the 6 Essential Triplets of the final 3 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.
Nevertheless, the set of the 18 locations in Pi (π) for the first 18 Phi (φ)x Power Numbers or (1 + 9 + 2+ 13 + 94 + 424 +186 + 119 + 569 + 1924 + 704 + 3433 + 172 + 1680 + 31525 + 2372 + 6113 + 632) = 49972, is 28 shy of exactly 50,000, aligning this primordial spiral at the heart of the Spherical Time Paradigm with the 28 letters of Creation.
The 4 Expansions and the Shema
Moreover, the sum of the 4 standard values of the 4 expansions of the First Verse of Creation equal (2701 + 5503 + 11,421 + 30253) = 49,878, or (50,000 – 122), which further aligns them with the 112 Essential Triplets plus the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) that as previously explained are aligned with the 122 Words in the central paragraph of the Shema. The other packets of the Shema are comprised of 42 Words, 72 Words, and 6 Words and 6 Words, totaling 126 of the total 248 Words that are aligned with the 248 dimensions of the E8 Binah Symmetry that inform and guide the 248,000φ elements of the Torah and its 248 Columns. While the 126 Words aligns with the 126 value of each of the 6 faces and the 6 planes and axes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42; the 6 Words of the first verse of the Shema contain the 15 Essential Triplets of Creation, including the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה); the 42 Words of the first paragraph align with the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix; the 72 Words of the final paragraph align with the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix; and the 6 words of the Baruch Shem total 1358, making the 12 initial Words total (1118 + 1358) = 2476 or 4 shy of 2480, as in the 5 Names of the 5 Books that total 2480. We may be staring 4 expansions into the fabric of Creation, but the tools to access this upper consciousness have always been right on the surface.
The 4 Expansions and the Spherical Time Paradigm
While we have recently discussed the 11,421 total of the 3rd expansion and its connections to the Spherical Time paradigm diameter, Event Horizon radius, and Galactic Current Sheet pulse, the 5503 value of the 2nd expansion is reminiscent of the 550 initials of the 3 columns of the 11 Sefirot of the outer Tree-of-Life, which is once again the 2 or 20 or 200 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5).
Moreover, the 30253 total of the 4th expansion can be constructed as 30,000 plus 253, as in the Circle of Creation (3000.0) plus the 22nd Triangular Field or sum of the 22 ordinal values of the Alef-bet.
Meanwhile, the sum of the Words or Names of the letters in those 4 expansions is (7 + 28 + 75 + 204) = 314, as in the First Triplet in Pi (π), 314. That set of 4 quantities of Words permutes into (5778 + 422), which equals 6200, as per the 22 Letters, the Kaprekar Constant phenomenon, and the Earth’s physical atmospheric boundaries associated with Keter. It is also as in the year –422 BCE when the First Holy Temple was destroyed, which was in (5778 x .5778) = 3338 HC, and the year 5778 HC, the Event Horizon. The value 422 is that of the Hebrew word for “70,” as when the Second Holy Temple was destroyed in 70 CE, and as in when it was built, 70 years after the destruction of the First Temple.
As for the letters in those 4 sets they total (28 + 75 + 204 + 364) = 871, the value of the milui or spelled out Name Adam (אדם), which is in Cosmic alignment with the 871 years from G-d’s Covenant with Abraham in 2018 HC to 2889 HC at the center of the Spherical Time paradigm radius, which is 871 years until 3760 HC or (0 CE), the pivotal year in the Divine Calendar that causes both the Physical and Spiritual Calendars to mirror one another and form the (2018 + 3760) Spherical Time paradigm radius and Event Horizon. As per the Divine Calendar, the year of G-d’s Covenant with Abraham in 2018 HC is thus (871 + 871) = 1742 BCE, which mathematically is (1742 – 1656) = 86 years apart for the year of the Flood in 1656 HC, as in the value (86) of Elohim (אלהים), the 3rd Word of the Torah. Moreover, 1742 is the product of (67 x 26) as in Binah (בינה) and the YHVH (יהוה), and the sum of its 8 divisors is 2856, as in 42 courses of the King’s Chamber system in the Great Pyramid, that measures 2856” or 238’ as in 1/238 = 42, the Source. Every date in history and every inch of our historic monuments was carefully calibrated and set into stone before we came upon the scene.
The Mirror Cipher
The atbash gematria cipher is the mirror cipher, as the Alef-bet is mirrored or reversed upon itself and thus presented as our eyes see it before our minds reverse the images. Meanwhile, that atbash gematria value of 13755 of the 3rd expansion is aligned with and nearly identical to the 13753 sofit complete value of the 2nd expansion of the same First Verse, and they both share a further alignment with the 1371 value of the final letters in the unexpanded First Verse, (137.5o – 1371 – 13753 – 13755).
Then while the sum of the 4 atbash gematria angles of the 4 expansions equals the palindromic (3541 + 5303 + 13755 + 35486) = 58085, when the kolel of 4 and One (1) is subtracted from them we get the same 58080, as in the sum of the 9 triple rep-digits associated with the 9 Triplets of the Alef-bet along with their 9 associated Prime Numbers and their 9 Pi (π) locations or (4995 + 37073 + 16012) = 58080, which is exactly 2112 cycles of the Primal Frequency 27.5 Hz as in (58080/27.5 = 2112), as in the 21st and 12th Prime Numbers, 73 and 37 respectively, which average (73 + 37) = 55.
As insane as this all is to comprehend, it is notable that the sum of the digits in 58085 equals 26, as in the YHVH (יהוה), and the sum of the digits in (3541 + 5303 + 13755 + 35486) is 71, so that the number of cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) that is also based on 9, in (58085 + 71)/27.5 is 2115, which is the exact number of times that the 4 letters in the YHVH (יהוה) are found as a set in any order within any word in the Torah exactly the 2115 times. Furthermore, adding to the insanity is that (2115 x 26) = (55,000 – 10). Insanity is only that which we cannot comprehend.
The Workings of Creation
Nonetheless, the sum of the 4 sets of final letters in the 4 expansions equals (1371 + 2480 + 5022 + 16122) = 24,995 or the same kolel of 4 and One (1) less than exactly 25,000, with 4995 being equal to the 27 letters of the Alef-bet and the 9 triple rep-digits associated with the 9 Triplets of the Alef-bet in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. Moreover, while 22 represents the 22 Names of those 27 letters, the 50 in 5022 and the 161 in 22, align with the 50 Gates of Binah that measure 1375 units and the 161 in 16122 aligns with the value of the highest Aspect of Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) in Binah.
As for the ordinal sofit value of the 4 expansions, they equal (329 + 950 + 2278 + 6110) = 9667, or (10,000 – 333) with 950 being equivalent to Noach’s 950-year lifespan, the 10th in the lineage of Adam, with 6110 being 10 times 611, the value of Torah (תורה), like the first 611 digits in Pi (π) that equal 2701, as in the value of the First Verse of Creation. Moreover, as we recall, the 611 digits beginning with the 18th digit in Pi (π) also equal 2701 while the first 17 digits have a total value of 82, as in the katan value of that First Verse, meaning that their total digits is (17 + 611) = 628, as in tau and their cumulative sum is thus (2701 + 82) = 2783, like the 2278 ordinal sofit value of the 3rd expansion of that same First Verse, in alignment with the 278 value of Ohr HaGanuz, the Light of Moshiach. Also, the sum of the digits in the 4 expansions is (14 + 14 + 19 + 8) = 55 yet again.
Furthermore, the squares of those first 611 digits that equal 2701, total (17,000 – 35), like the 112 primordial Essential Triplets that influenced the Creation of the Torah.
Moreover, and this is equally significant, the rest of the 1000 digits thus equal (4476 – 2701) = 1775, the sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet. Furthermore, this also matches the 1775 shekels that Moses was falsely accused of stealing, and the 1775 collective years that the 10 generations of Adam lived less than their ideal Binah lifespans or (10000 – 8225) = 1775 years, which is also the number of years that the 10 Forefathers of the 10 generations of Adam lived collectively until the date of the Flood in 1656 HC.
In the physical world, we ponder what came first, the chicken or the egg. In the metaphysical realm it is the Alef-bet and the Essential Triplets or Pi (π). They are all the Workings of Creation. It is not possible to Create the Torah without the Alef-bet and the Essential Triplets and it is not possible to Create the blueprints of the Torah or Pi (π) without Creating them both simultaneously, which leads to only One conclusion, the Singularity of the Source and thus the Creator.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and know for what you have to be thankful.