The 10 Commandments (Utterances) began in Exodus 20:2 with G-d saying, “I am God, your Lord (Anochi Adonai Elohaycha, ENCY YHVH ELHYC). These 13 letters numerically translates to 107 plus 546, or 653 plus the kolel of 13 (letters) for a total of 666.  Got your interest? Still think 666 is some number of a beast? How about 546 being the sum of the initials of the 10 sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-life? Do you think those 10 dimensions can somehow be tied into the 10 Commandments (Utterances)? And that 13 is the numerical value of echad “One” as in “G-d is One?” And knowing all this, is it just coincidental that the first 2 words (“I am G-d) of the 10 Commandments, the highest point of the Torah have the numerical value 107, when the sum of all the integers through 107 = 5778 (2018 CE), the year prophesied by the tzaddikim for the 3rd manifestation of the Tree-of-Life, the 1st of which was with Adam, the 2nd in 2448 HC with the receipt of the 10 Commandments and the 3rd 66.6 jubilee years later in 5778 (2018 CE).
Oh, and by the way, this is the 54th paragraph in Shmot (Exodus) and while 54 x 107 = 5778, it begins at the 107007th letter in the Torah. If you think there is any coding or hidden meaning in the Bible at all, beyond the literal, if you believe in anything that the sages and tzaddikim did, then this is where you want to begin; after all, there is only 7 years left before 5778 (2018 CE).  This will be a multi-part series on the highest point in the Torah, the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments, and how do we know that they are the high-point, because as the Arizal, of blessed memory points out, 620 is the numerical value of Keter, the highest sefira (dimension), literally “crown.”
And recall that these 10 Commandments begin at Exodus 20:2 because as the Arizal further points out, the numerical value of the Hebrew word for 20 (Esrim) is also 620, and this is the 2nd time we stood at Keter and had the opportunity to receive the Tree-of-life reality and blew it.
First we need to establish that the 10 Utterances, more commonly known as the 10 Commandments, are found at a unique place in the Torah, which is why we laid out the math that heretofore had been known and guarded by a select few, passed by teacher to student to teacher for generations, 26 generations for Moses and 28 afterward for a total of 54, like the 54 portions that the Torah is divided into. Those same teachers would tell you that 26 is the gematria value of the ineffable Name of G-d, YHVH, and 28 is koach (power) as in the 28 letter of the Torah’s first verse.  But it’s more than a specific place in the Torah, the 10 Commandments are located at a unique paradigm in time. And we need to establish that for you, before we can reveal what actually happened back then.
Remember, the numbers are just the energy readings that we take when we press our measuring devices (our minds) against the wiring of the Torah to see how its circuitry works, and see which way the current flows. They are our guides to the cosmic gateways to which the Torah connects. If we think of the Torah as a static parchment of paper with words on it, rather than as live wires, then we’ll miss out on the ability to draw enormous amounts of energy from it, and we’ll miss the tremendous opportunities, like the one opening up for again soon.
Let’s begin, as G-d did, with “I am God, your Lord (Anochi Adonai Elohaycha, ENCY YHVH ELHYC),  and add that the final letter sum to 515.  The sages (chazal) have taught us that the final letters always point toward the future and in this case they pointed to the 515 times that Moses would later plead with G-d to let him enter the promised land.  We further know from chazal that had G-d not stopped him at 515, the next prayer would have succeeded and once Moses stepped into the land of Israel, it would have been all over and the Tree-of-life, world beyond illusion, would have been a reality. But that wasn’t G-d’s plan.
Those last 28 generations were each 120 years long, the length of Moses life, so that he’d be there for us in every generation, culmination in the final 120 years at 5778 (2018).  To see a larger picture of that plan go to The Divine Calendar.
And if we ask why that wasn’t G-d plan, we have only to look at ourselves because 516 is the value of “The people, ET H’AM“, as G-d refers to them.  It was the people fault. They weren’t ready, but we’ll get into that later. This also coincides with why we stand in judgment every year for 516 hours between Rosh Hashanna and Hoshanna Rabba.
Part II to follow shortly.