by Jeffrey Meiliken | Nov 26, 2010 | Revelations
The 10 paragraphs and 10 chapters of VaYetze and VaYishlach, the 7th and 8th portions of the 54 portions of the Torah respectively, aren’t usually linked together beyond the sequential story of Jacob that they are telling. Nevertheless, on deeper reflection, they are...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jul 29, 2010 | Revelations
There’s more to the Washington Monument than we first revealed, but more important is what it connects us to as a metaphor: the central axis of the Tree-of-Life; the 42-Letter Sword of Moses; the 10 Commandments; and even Joseph’s Pyramid and the Future Holy Temple....
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Apr 13, 2010 | Revelations
Our revelations last year, about the Omer we’re pretty startling, but one simple piece of the puzzle had alluded us: why do we count it twice? One time by days and another by weeks. As noted last year, since no light is ever lost, the sum of 49 days we count is...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | May 18, 2009 | Revelations
If you’ve been reading our articles, you may feel like you’ve been collecting pieces of the giant cosmic puzzle, so here are few more key ones. For 3330 years we’ve counted the Omer, but for the first time we have a clear understanding as to why. The...