Israel's Borders – A Divine Gift

For the first day of Chanukah our gift was the revelation that our solar system was not a once in a billion life-producing chance occurrence, but a gigantic fixed clock-like mechanism, tuned to very specific frequencies and wound to a specific time frame. On the...

What is Time?

Do you take the Earth, Moon and Sun for granted? I did, until recently. Like most people, I assumed physics and random chance played some role in their creation. Then again, like most of us, until recently I thought our news was real. Fake news is the least of our...

Chanukah in June

It’s funny that in the portion of Naso, we read about the sacrifices that we read during the 8 days of Chanukah and in the very next portion BeHa’alothekha we read about the Menorah in Chapter 8 of Bamidbar. Obviously these two portions must be connected somehow. ...

The Mystery of the Double Words

Before we examine the ancient monument that has stood proud for thousands of years secretly hiding the value of the ancient and future cubit in plain sight and see what else it reveals about our history and future, lets go back to the nature of the cubit itself: the...

Why Are You Crying Out to Me?

The Book of Exodus in Hebrew is Shmot, Names, and that’s really all we need to know. In Shmot 14:15 G-d replies, “Why are you crying out to me? Mah Titzak Elai (MH TZAK ELY)?” That’s what G-d replied to Moses and the Israelites when they stood...