The Secrets of Light from the Summit of Stone

Taking it slow, let’s examine a little closer only one aspect of Joseph’s Pyramid (the Great Pyramid), its glimmering capstone. Its full (missing) capstone is 7 levels high, stretching from the 203rd level to the tip of the 210th, completing the tip the sword (ChRB),...

The Journeys of our Lives

These are the journey(s) of our lives. In the Torah portion Masei, we encounter the list of the 42 journeys the Israelites took during their 40 years in the desert including exiting the exile in Egypt at Pi-Haratha to entering the Promised Land. The tzaddikim,...

Sign of the Covenant

If you signed up for the Daily Zohar and I highly recommend that you do, then you would have received the translation below with its Aramaic counterpart in your in box this morning. I just want to point out a couple things concerning the sign of the covenant mentioned...

We Now Know Why We Count the Omer

If you’ve been reading our articles, you may feel like you’ve been collecting pieces of the giant cosmic puzzle, so here are few more key ones. For 3330 years we’ve counted the Omer, but for the first time we have a clear understanding as to why. The...

Purim, 5778, and Moshiach

In the Midrash Mishlei 9:2 it is said that in the future time [of Moshiach] all the festivals will be annulled except Purim. They say the Name of G-d (YHVH) has been omitted from the Megilat Esther, but like the Torah whose sum of Yud’s (Y), Vavs(V), and Heys(H)...