The Fingerprints of G-d

There is a place with G-d’s fingerprints all over it. And they form a pattern, two hand prints, 10 fingers and a date. Last week, I was wrapping one of our Pesach cabinets, when I discovered 3 bags of Israeli cous cous (chametz gamor) in the cabinet we were...

We Have Been Duped

It is Pesach, and even more than our homes, we need to clean out our souls of the chametz. We must clean up our own acts.  There is a reason Purim precedes Pesach.  There is a reason for everything. Yes, we have been duped, once again.  And it is bad. Amalek refers to...

The Beginning and the End

Like the Tree-of-Life, the Torah is never-ending. It’s one giant Name of G-d, holographically comprised of thousands of other Names. Today we will explore the first and the last of those component Names, which are very different and yet essentially the same. The...