We’ll get to one of the deepest secrets of all time, beyond the Holy Grail, beyond the knowledge of even 33rd degree masons, or anything Dan Brown can come up with, in a couple days, but first I caught Jon Stewart poking fun at Obama winning the Nobel Peace prize the other day. He mentioned that the first thing Obama did after winning the so-called prize was order NASA to bomb the moon.
It’s funny and true.
There is near universal disbelief that President Obama was given this formally prestigious prize and some have even pointed to this as somehow a sign of the end of days, but what is more interesting is the not-so-coincidental bombing of the moon.
NASA bombed the moon in order to release frozen water–a science experiment. But this attack on the moon just happened to occur on Hoshanna Rabba, the night we were to have seen our shadows by the rays of that moon.
Hoshanna Rabba takes place on the 7th day of Sukkot, the festival that links the shechinah with Hashem through the Sukkah, the shakings, and the 70 sacrifices. It is also a festival of water, when we release the water to spread joy (mercy) in the world.
I can’t imagine there was some dire plot, but the two events were obviously spiritually connected. And the festival of water is timed to occur a couple weeks before the anniversary of the Flood, so is this too connected.
What does this mean? What’s the symbolism? Who knows? I’d like to hear your thoughts.
More important are the warnings being received that there is a vast ominous storm approaching and that it’s global. Will these be literal and manifested as vast dark hurricanes, or financial, or caused by a new killer computer virus?
It’s almost irrelevant because they are all being caused by our consciousness–our negative consciousness to be more accurate.
A prominent Moshiach blog just signed off and I’m afraid that even within the impending gloom there is a distinct lack of faith taking hold. The warnings have been given, but they appear to have been overlooked by the vast majority, or at least forgotten all too quickly.
We’ve been given tools, spiritual tools, and a responsibility to use them by opening our hearts to one another in order to reunite the Shechinah (our world) with Hashem (YHVH), the upper spiritual world. With the Tree-of-Life consciousness practically at our fingertips, the veils of illusions will only get thicker, and the wake-up calls only louder.
Don’t get fooled. Remember our brethren 3330 (66.6 jubilee) years ago, who couldn’t see past the gloom and failed to wait the last 6 hours for Moses’ return. Let’s not make that same mistake.
Stay tuned to the promised secret.
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