Our next Chanukah gift is that of the dawn of time, the moment before physical existence, before G-d created Heaven and Earth.  At that moment there were no limitations, there were no tikkune, no klippot nor negativity. It was a time when everything was One (אחד), the state of Binah.
It was the time of the Light of Love (אהבה). Picture your most joyous moments, when you felt truly loved or when you felt your love for someone deep in your soul and fresh in your heart. Imagine being surrounded by that love. Intensify it.  Imagine it enter your being and replacing the cells and organs of your body until your body is completely replaced by light and you are One with the Light, connected to everyone and everything in their clean pure state. This is the time of dawn.
In recent articles we have connected the Shema with the Torah’s first verse and 42-letter Name of G-d that is encoded in it, and we have begun to explain how to use them to plug into the beyond, the consciousness that existed before the Creation of the Torah, to tap into that dawn of time entry point.  Before the Torah’s first verse existed there was the primordial Aleph (א).  There was the point where the light of the primordial Aleph (א) met the Creation of the Torah. It was the dawn of time, the fount of Ohr Haganuz, the light of Moshiach.
On the other side, it is an Endless Light, an Endless Sea of Light.  At the time of Creation the portal stood open for only 36 hours. Every year on the 25th of Kislev that portal opens for 8 days, 36 candles.
We want to go back to the moment before G-d created the Heavens (Zeir Anpin) and the Earth (Malchut of Zeir Anpin), collectively before physicality.  We want to go back to those first 9 letters of the Torah (ברא–שית–ברא) before Elohim established the 6 dimensions/directions of Zeir Anpin.  We want to go back to the moment before 1216, we want to go to 12:15am when everything was in its potential state, unmarred, unlimited and endless without dimensional boundaries. This was the moment that King David, along with a long line of tzaddkim before and after him, awoke each night, at precisely 12:15am to begin their deepest studies and connect to the most powerful Light.
The dawn of Creation happened at precisely 12:15am, a moment before physicality began at 12:16. The reason is that at 1216 physicality conjoined with the spiritual realm. 1216 is the sum of the cubes of the Yud(י) and the Vav (ו) in G-d’s Name (יהוה), or 10³ and which equals 1000 + 216. As explained previously, a cube is the most basic expansion necessary to create 3-dimensional space, which is the basis for physicality as we know it.
The 1000 in 1216 represents the primordial Aleph (א) and the spiritual realm of Binah, while the Vav (ו) of numerical value 6 is representative of Zeir Anpin (the 6 directions) and cubing it (216) is the symbolic formation of the 3-dimensional world.  Combining the two is like adding water to concrete powder, we get cement. Therefore 12:15 was the last purely spiritual moment before physical existence came into being.  Like the 15 steps to the Throne of Heaven, like the 15 steps in the Pesach Seder and the 15 cubits that the flood waters covered the Earth, the number 15 (יה) is representative of the pure spiritual part of in G-d’s Name (יהוה), representing the upper sefirot of Chochma and Binah.  It is the gateway to the Endless.
The value 216 is always representative of (Gevurah). The 1000 in 1216 shines mercy into our existence to temper that Judgement. The World to Come is above and beyond the level and effect of Judgment.  In the realm of Understanding (Binah) judgment as we know it is not necessary.
The world of physicality is the world of Tikkune (תיקון‎), which has the numerical value of 1216; it has unavoidable judgement built into the system. The Mercy comes from knowing how to connect to G-d’s Names and having a pure desire and the consciousness to do so for selfless reasons. One of those merciful back doors built in helps us overcome our personal and global tikkunim through the first 4 words (18 letters) of the 1000-letter Shema prayer in that “Shema Ysrael Adonai Eloheinu,” which have the spiritual value 1215.
We can also connect to the mercy and endless light through our meditations at Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh (קדוש) (קדוש) (קדוש) during the highest and deepest point in our daily prayers, which is also equivalent to 1215 when the kolel for the letter and words is subtracted, as the Arizal was oft to do.
Rav Abulafia, of blessed memory, advised that we can also do it by using the “Combination of the letters,” of numerical value 1215 to support and overcome the bending of the “70 Languages” of the 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life.  The Zohar tells us that we are on the trunk of tree, and it is our duty and right to support it. It is not just any combination, so we will be highlighting the right ones as appropriate.
And speaking of letters, it is because of this connection to the spiritual realm, to the World to Come, that the first 9 letters in Genesis (ברא–שית–ברא) have a complete gematria value of 1215, as do the 11 unique letters (בראשיתלהםוץ) in that same first verse of Genesis 1:1, which itself is connected to the secret of the 11 ingredients of the incense.  These overlaps between the two worlds maintain a secret access opening available to us, a portal to the Endless Light.
Light was Day and it originally began at 12:15am, but after the sin of Adam 6 hours of Ohr HaGanuz was set aside for us to tap into during Chanukah and preserved for us for the 1000 years of Binah/Moshiach consciousness to come.  Because of that our solar clock shifted 6 hours forward and daylight dawned 6 hours later at 6:15. It was no longer the same light though. It became physical light and our solar clock began ticking.  Eight (8) days divided by the 36 candles is 8/36 or .222 and given 1000 years for each of the 6 Alephs (א) embedded in the Torah’s first verse and for each of the corresponding 6 days of Creation until the Sin, we have the 6000 years.  The clock to Ohr HaGanuz is thus and always was 6000-222 or 5778 years.
Using a more concealed and more revealing gematria cipher, we see that (12 x 15)/(12 + 15) = 6.666…, a metaphysical hint of that Vav(ו) and proportion that would shape the Tree-of-life that would give structure to our world.
Just before physicality came into being, all the energy of the Vav(ו) that would momentarily enter our world in order to create its 3-Dimensional structure existed in potential. Thus, the pre-physical Vav(ו) contained all the energy levels from 1-6, or 1+2+3+4+5+6 which sums to 21 and 21 squared, the square platform on which physicality would be raised, is 21 x 21 = 441, the value of emet, Truth.
In a previous Chanukah gift we discussed giving “Truth” to Jacob and how that Truth defined the boundaries of Israel. 12:15 is the moment of truth. The time 12:15 can be broken down to 12 hours and 15 minutes. Since we are talking about the dimension of Binah, the 12 hours being equivalent to 43,200 seconds is an obvious and direct connection to the 432 HZ frequency of Binah.  When we add to that the 900 seconds that is 15 minutes, we have 12:15 equal 43,200 plus 900, or a total of 44,100 seconds, which harks back to 441 being the numerical value for the Hebrew work emet, Truth.
In truth, the true way to earn the World to Come is through studying the Torah, and the deepest understanding available to most of us is through the Zohar. The following excepts connect us to that understanding and the process of Ohr Haganuz and its differentiation with the physical light of the Sun.

אוֹר הַגָּנוּז

The Torah portion of Miketz is always read on Chanukah and we learn in the Zohar Miketz portion 14:233 as it quotes Malachi 3:20 “ ‘But to you who fear my Name, the sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in its wings,’ Come and behold: The Holy One blessed be He, will cause to shine upon Israel the sun, which from the day the world was created, He concealed from the wicked in the world, as it is written…”
Zohar Miketz 14:234. “The Holy One, blessed be He, stored that light, for when it first came out, it shone from one end of the world to the other. But when He looked upon the generations of Enosh, the generations of the Flood, the generations of the Tower of Babylon and all the wicked ones, He stored the light.”
The dawn of the new light is almost upon us, which is why we are revealing the original dawn. When we connect to the pure spiritual light and bathe in that glorious radiation It lingers with us, helping us to separate from the physicality and the wickedness that is inherent within the physical world.  It helps us to draw closer to the Endless light, to increase our affinity for the pure light of Ohr HaGanuz.  As the time draws nearer for the two lights to shine as One, we can prepare ourselves by using the mercifully given secret connections to the Holy Names and to the spiritually freeing and healing light of Binah.  Or we can continue succumbing to all the ever more available physical temptations that will eventually relegate ourselves to burning light of a merciless Sun, as explained by the Zohar below.
Zohar Miketz 14:236. “The Holy One, blessed be He, will therefore uncover that sun in the future and shine upon Israel, as it is written, ‘But to you who fear my Name the sun of the righteousness shall arise,’ the sun of the righteousness being the sun with which Jacob was healed. It is ‘with healing in its wings,’ because everyone will be healed. When the children of Israel rise from the dust, many will be lame and blind. The Holy One, blessed be He, will shine the healing sun upon them, as it is written, ‘with healing in its wings’.”
Zohar Miketz 14:237. “That sun will then shine from one end of the world to the other. Israel will be cured, but the idolatrous nations will be burned by it. Concerning Israel, the verse reads, ‘Then shall your light break forth like the morning, and your health shall spring forth speedily; and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of Hashem shall be your rearguard.”
We are given this knowledge so no one could say we were unaware. We are given the choice, so no one could say they were a victim.  The tools are several thousands years old. The Zohar is nearly 2000 years old.  None of this is new.  B”H it reaches enough people in time.  B”H everyone will have an opportunity.
Chag Chanukah Sameach