In this section of the Pi (π) paradigm, we will discuss the concept of the central point and locate its nexus between the physical and metaphysical universes. Once that is done, we will explain what happens at the boundary between our Spherical Time bubble and metaphysical world, in other words, the boundary of the end of time. Before that though we will once again establish through new mostly never published analyses how the Torah in its entirety, its First Verse, the Alef-bet, the mathematical constant Pi (π), and the set of Prime Numbers are all designed elements of both universes and are in no possible way random. By the time we finish we will show how every single digit within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) and many more beyond that partition have at least 2 or 3 specific roles in their specific locations that we know of, besides doing their part in bending a straight line into a circle.

The Occurrence Matrix of the 27 Letters of the Torah

 The Set of 8

While the 8 generations though Methuselah lived a total of 6848 years, there are 8 letters (במפקרשםץ) of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet in the Torah whose total number of occurrences are a multiple of 5 and that end in 5. Collectively, they equal (16345 + 14465…1035) = 84860, or twice 42430, as in Moshiach Ben David (424) and 6848 backwards.

The set of 8 letters (במפקרשםץ) begins with (במ) or 42 and the digital string value of the first 4 (במפק) is 2480, like the 42 row and 248 column Torah matrix. Meanwhile, the total letter value of this set of 8 letters (במפקרשםץ) is (222 + 2000) = 2222, as in (80002222) = 5778, the Event Horizon. This aligns with the 2222.7 sum of the 27 cube roots of the 27 total letter values for the entire Torah when both standard and sofit values for the 20,107 final letters are included. It is also like the 2222 sum of the 15 Names of the Single and Mother letters of the Alef-bet, as delineated by Abraham Avinu. And while the first 3 letters (במפ) of this set of 8 equal 122, like the 122-word middle paragraph of the 248-word Shema, the remaining last 5 letters (קרשםץ) average 420 per letter and equal 2100, as in the 21009826 total value of the 22 standard letters of the Torah, and the sofit value of the 3 final letters (םםץ) in the Torah’s First Verse, the First Verse of Creation that are also part of this set of 8.

The Sets of 8 + 5 = 13 Letters

Of the 27 positions of the Alef-bet and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, there is a set of (5 + 8) = 13 positions that are aligned with letter recurrences in the Torah that are multiples of 5, in other words wholly divisible by 5. These either end in a “5 like the set of 8 letters, or “0,” which is a multiple of 10, like the specific set of 5 letters. The 5 letters (כלעתף) that are multiples of 10 total 60,210 recurrences as in the 210 years of exile in Egypt, etc. As we know, there are 26 vectors within the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, all emanating from the central 14th position. These form 13 symmetric axial lines, and since 13 letters of the Alef-bet in the Torah have recurrence values that are a multiple of 5 then that leaves 14 letters that are not. Statistically, only 20% or 5.4 of the 27 letters should have been a multiple of 5, not 13, unless of course the Torah was specifically designed this way and carefully arranged letter by letter. Metaphysically these 8 and 5 letter sets align with the Names Abraham and Sarah whose values are 808 and 505 respectively.

While the average recurrences per letter of these 5 letters (כלעתף) is (60,210/5) = 12042, the total letter value of the full set of 13 letters is (2222 + 1320) = 3542, or exactly 7 times 506, as in the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 7-tiered ladder of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and as in the complete gematria value (506) of Moshiach Ben David consciousness.  The digital string …3542… is found in Pi (π) at location #700, as part of the longer sequence …3542019… that includes 42019, the only 5-digit sequence found more than once within the first 1000 digits, but more about that shortly.

And while (2100/7) = 300, the value of the letter Shin (ש), the 21st letter, the first 42 letters of the Torah total (3542 + 300) = 3842. It is also (35423342) = 200 more than the 42 letters in the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, as in the 20th letter Resh (ר) of numerical value 200, with both Shin (ש) and Resh (ר) part of the set of 8 letters and its inner set of 5 letters (קרשםץ) whose value is 2100, like the 3 final letters (םםץ) of the First Verse that are also part of those 5 letters (קרשםץ).

Regardless, the specific set of 5 letters (כלעתף) alone total 1320, which is (48 x 27.5), the Primal Frequency that is aligned with the 1320 cu perimeter of the metaphysically Sun Pyramid and physical Great Pyramid, like its 210 cu height.

The Set of 3 Holy Letters

Meanwhile, none of the 13 letters in this full set are the letters Yud (י), Hei (ה), or Vav (ו), the 3 letters in the YHVH (יהוה), which add up to 21, the value of the Name of Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אהיה). The number of Yuds (י), Heis (ה), and Vavs (ו) in the Torah total 90,100, another multiple of 5 and the 424th Triangular Number once again, as in the standard gematria value of Moshiach Ben David consciousness. The 3 letters work out to 90,100 = (5 x 18020), as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah.

The Sets of 4 and 5 Letters

Nonetheless, there is also a set of 4 letters (אגחן) whose recurrences end in the digit 9 and while they total 40,616, as in the 40 years and the 616-value of H’Torah (התורה), and a set of 5 letters (דהזטך) with recurrence quantities that end in the either 2, 4, 6, or 8 and they sum to 42448, as in 424, 42, and 2448, the year we received the Torah after the 210 years of exile in Egypt.

Then when we add the recurrence quantities of the 5 letters (דהזטך) that end in either 2, 4, 6, or 8 to the 8 letters (במפקרשםץ) recurrences that end in 5 they equal (42448 + 84860) = 127308, as in the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273) that our solar system and so much more is scaffolded upon, just like the 3842/1273 = 327.5 equation of the Primal Frequency and Torah’s first 42 letters (3842) that we covered earlier.

All 5 Sets of Letters

That makes 5 sets of letters that the Alef-bet gets naturally partitioned into: (במפקרשםץ), (כלעתף), (אגחן), (דהזטך), and (וינספ) based on their final digit. Keep in mind that whether we speak about the digits and digit locations in Pi (π) or the digital string values of letters and words or the final digits is a set of letters, when we immerse ourselves in a virtual reality video game or in the screens of our multiple devices that consume most our days all we are seeing is digits, lots of tiny pixels programmed by math and digits.   Likewise, what we perceive as reality is nothing but digits and digital mathematical programming.  Our brains are wired to pick up on these digital impulses, translate some of them, and form an inner matrix that we call perception, and that we view as our world.

The final set (וינספ) consists of the letters ending in 1, 3, or 7 and three of those letters’ quantities are Prime Numbers. Meanwhile, that final set totals 76671, whose cube root is 42.48253, as in the 22 Names of the Alef-bet that total 4248, followed by the 22nd Triangular Field, 253, which is also 8253, one of the 42 twice found 4-digit strings in Pi (π)’s first 1000, including the string …8253… found at digit 903, as in the 42nd Triangular Field.  Unless the letters are self-organized because of the live interactions between streams of hyperspace consciousness, the detailed planning in designing these interlocking matrices is mind-bogging.  But that anyone could think that the Torah was created by man and that all these myriad phenomenon happen randomly defies comprehension.  Keep in mind that when the dual values of the 20,107 sofit letters are considered these 27 letters total precisely 5800.02, or (5778 + 22)2. Moreover, the sum of the 22 Names of the 27 letters is 4248 and their sum using sofit gematria is 10048, a difference of (100484248) = 5800.

Then while (580022) = 5778 K, the surface temperature of the Sun, we find that the 22 letters of the Alef-bet align with the 22 years of the Solar Magnetic Cycle, in which the oppositely charged magnetic bands move from the poles to the equator and then annihilate themselves when they meet, triggering a new cycle.

Moreover, these 27 letters break down into a set of 50 of the 10 original component letters (דוזיכנסרךן), and the sum of the square roots of their 27 total values based on their component letters is 20191.07842, as in the Western Calendar analogue (2019 CE) to the Event Horizon 5778 HC, along with 107, as in the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, plus …42. The midpoint in those primordial component letters (דוזיכנסרךן) is (1557/2) = 778.5.

Furthermore, the average of those 5 partitioned Torah letter sets (84860, 60210, 40616, 42448, 76671) = 304805/5 = 60961, the 6145th Prime Number.

Partitioning the sets in these patterns based on their last digit might seem random to us no matter how wonderful they worked out, but the Cosmic reasoning has to do with what happens when we raise a number to power. The number 5 raised to any power will always end in “5,” likewise the number 0, explaining the sets of 8 and 5 letters that end in “5” and “0” respectively. The numbers (2, 4, 6, and 8) will always end in a repetitive series of (24862486, 4646, 66, 84268426) respectively based on the sequential power to which it is raised, explaining why the letter occurrences that ended in either 2,4,6, or 8 were grouped together. The number 9 raised to any power will alternately end in either 9 or 1 such as 91 = 9, 92 = 81, 93 = 729, and as we know 9 has a whole host of special properties, not least of which is integrally tied to the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz). The number 1 will always end in 1 no matter what power to which it is raised; the number 3 will alternately end in either 3, 9, 7, or 1 sequentially and repetitively; and the number 7 will also end in either 7, 9, 3, or 1 sequentially and repetitively. Moreover, the sum of these 3 repetitive sequences is (1 + 3971 + 7931) = 11,903 or the Major interval 11,000 = (400 x 27.5) plus the 42nd Triangular Field, which was not an influencing factor as far as we know, just a bit of cosmic accounting.

A Ladder of 7 Tiers

The average number of occurrences assigned to the 27 letters in the Torah is 304805/27 = 11,289.07 or 11,289, which is 267 shy of the Spherical Time diameter (11,556), as in the 267-cu length of the Great Pyramid’s Apothem, the bridge between its base and summit.  We also find the value 267 in the product of the two sums of the 7-rung ladder of the 7 Names of the YHVH (יהוה) and 7 Names Ehyeh (אהיה) that are aligned with the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. In other words, (7 x 26) = Jacob (182) and (7 x 21) = 147, his age, meaning that the Concept and archetype of Jacob multiplied by his age is (182 x 147) = 26754. It should be noted that the fusion of the YHVH (יהוה) and Ehyeh (אהיה) is (21 + 26) = 47 and that the 47th Tetra Number, or cumulative sum of the first 47 Triangular Numbers is 18424, as in Moshiach Ben David (424) while the value of Moshiach Ben David (4.2426)2 squared is 18. It is the ladder in the Path of the Tree-of-Life.

Meanwhile, the 10 Commandments are found at letter # 107007 in the Torah and the numeric string …10707… is found at digit #18424 in Pi (π), suggesting a link between the unification of the YHVH (יהוה) and Ehyeh (אהיה) and the 10 Commandments, or highpoint (Keter) of the Torah and our consciousness. Moreover, 28 is the 7th Triangular Field and there are 47 digits in the 7 tiers of the 28th Triangular Field (1 + 2 + 3 …28) like the 28 letters in the Torah’s First Verse and like the 28th Prime Number, 107. The sum of those 47 digits is (7 x 22) = 154, an average of 22 per tier, giving us (154 + 28) = 182, as in (7 x 26) = Jacob (182).  None of this makes any sense within the paradigm of physicality; yet it all adds up perfectly when we perceive Numbers as Concepts and as bundles of consciousness. Beyond the veils of illusion of physicality and random chaos lies a world of graceful order.

In hyperspace or metaphysical/cosmic mathematics Triangular Numbers constitute a discreet field, as opposed to an unbounded field such as Pi (π) or Phi (φ).  Each Triangular Number consists of a network of all its component integers or concepts. So, while the concept of 47 is at the intersection node of the Concepts of YHVH (יהוה) and Ehyeh (אהיה), it opens to a discreet field or network of all 47 integers from 147. Likewise, the concept of 5 embraces the field of (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) = 15 that is aligned with the higher Concept of Yah (יה) and that is known as the 5th Triangular Number or the 5th Triangular Field. A Tetra Number is a far vaster discreet field that consists of all the individual Triangular Fields within its network and retains all the properties of all those many numbers or concepts as well. So, the 47th Tetra Number contains 47 Triangular Fields, each of which is its own sub-network for a total of 1128 individual concepts, (1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3….1 + 2…47) = 18424.

Alternatively, the concept of 267 from the Jacob equation (182 x 147) = 26754 contains the 267th Triangular Number or Field that totals 35778. It also intersects with the 26705 sum of the 90 doubled words (or 180 in total) that represent the linkage between Zeir Anpin and Binah in the Torah, which in turn matches perfectly the 267.050 square root of the total ordinal value of all the letters Zadi (צ) in the Torah, whose numerical value is 90, and whose ordinal value is 18. Nonetheless, that average of the 27 letters, 11,289.0 is off from the 7189 letters Chet (ח) in the Torah by 4100.0 and from the letters Tav (ת) by 6660, and from the 11250 letters Ayin (ע) in the Torah by only 39.0 letters. The sum of the 27 net deviations of all 27 letters from the average is 60.063.

The Sets of 8 and 14 Letters

Independent of the letter sets above, there is a set of 14 letters that have a total value of 14996000, whose average is (14996000/14) = 1071143, as in the 107th Triangular Field associated with the Event Horizon radius, 5778, and with the 10 Commandments, and as in the as in 1143-value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix’ first row, and the average of its 8 columns that likewise equals (9143/8) = 1143.

The 8 letters of the 22 not included in this set of 14 are the letters Pe, Yud, Hei, Vav, Zayin, Chet, Caf, and Shin (פיהוזחכש) and their total value is 6013826.  This split gives us an equation (a relationship) whereby the total value of the Torah divided by this special set of 14 letters equals (21009826/14996000) = 1.401029, as in 14, and as in the 14 letters in the second half of the Torah’s First Verse that equal 1499…. Meanwhile, the first half of the First Verse is 1202 or (2 x 601) as in the 6013826 balance of the letters, and as in Noach’s age (601) at the time of the Flood, the great reset. The ratio of the 8 letters to the 14 letters is thus (6013826/14996000) = .401029 as the value 401 of the middle word (את) of that same First Verse

Meanwhile, the ordinal value of those 14 letters is 168, or (4 x 42) and the average letter value is (1059/14) = 75.64286, as in the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52), and the Singularity of 42 from the 14 Essential Triplets, along with the 86 of Elohim (אלהים), the third word in that First Verse of Creation.  Moreover, the radiant Primal Frequency 756 equals (18 x 42).  Right now, we are discussing the breakdown of the letters as they appear in the Torah and before long, our conversation will segue into the marvels of the First Verse of Creation and then the rest of the verses of Creation before we get to the main point, the central point through which everything flows into our world.  In the center of the 27 letters and 27 positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 is the number 14, like the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. So given the connections and alignments with the 14 letters of the Torah and the 14 letters of the First Verse of Creation just discussed, we need to point out that the complementary number to the 86 of the Name Elohim (אלהים) is (10086) = 14.

Those 4 Aspects of the Singularity of 42 that equal 168 line up with the 4 Aspects or expanded Names of the YHVH (יהוה) whose numerical values are 72, 63, 45, and 52 respectively. Their counterspace complementary values are (10072) = 28 and (100 63) = 37 both of which reflect the Torah’s First Verse; (10045) = 55 = (2 x 27.5); and (10052) = 48, as in the Cube of 48 Holy Letters that reflect the 12 Lunar YHVH (יהוה). Altogether, they are (400232) = 168 = (4 x 42).  On some level this is what Abraham had in mind when he paid 400 shekels for the entrance to Gan Eden.

What is of further interest because of its metaphysical alignment is that the 8 letters (פיהוזחכש) are all found on two opposite faces of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, the one that is centered on position 14 and whose Constant is 42, making its faces equivalent to (6 x 126) = 756, as in 75.64286, and as in the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52). The 4 letters Yud, Caf, Chet, and Zayin (יכחז) correspond to positions 10, 11, 7 and 8 on the South face and the 4 letters Pe, Vav, Hei and Shin (פוהש) correspond to positions 17, 6, 5 and 21 on the North face with Zayin (7) directly opposite Shin (21) and Yud (10) directly opposite Vav (6). These two mirrored sets form the Mirrored Prime Numbers (6 + 7) = 13 and (10 + 21) = 31. And while 31 is the 11th Prime Number and 13 is the 6th and (6 + 11) = 17, the letter Pe (17) is diagonally opposite the letter Caf (11), which only leaves us the Hei (5) and Chet (8) as in (5 + 8) = 13 and as in the 58 quantitative elements of the Torah. This also means that the 3 pairs that directly match up total 72, bringing us back to the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix and the 14 complementary letters found in the rest of the Essential Cube of Creation. If it was not clear to us before, the Magic Essential Cube of Creation existed before the Torah and is the Primordial Source of the Alef-bet.

The Torah and the Field of Pi (π) –

The First Verse

Numerical Bundles

The complementary number to 72 is 28 and the 28th Prime Number is 107, meaning that it is One (1) beyond the horizon of the 27 Hebrew Letters and/or the 27 positions in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. It also means that it leads to the Event Horizon radius of 5778, like a string of 107 bundles of units (1 + 2 + 3107) = 5778. This is like the First Verse of the Torah that has 7 words and 28 letters that sum to 2701, as in One (1) beyond the horizon of the 27. That is a string of 7 bundles of units that equal (1 + 2 + 37) = 28, which is a string of One (1) beyond the complement to 28, and as in a string of 73 bundles of units that equal (1 + 2 + 373) = 2701. As the diameter of a circle, that string of 73 bundles or 2701 times Pi (π) gives us a circle that measures twice 4242.720 around, or two circles each of circumference 4242.720, as in the Singularity of 42, Moshiach Ben David consciousness and the 720 Lights of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. Perhaps, these are the two circles of Shabbat spoken about in the Zohar that are above physicality. Of course, a string does not have to remain straight, and as we will discuss later, it can be folded into various geometric shapes if it is of just the right length.

בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ

The value packet 2701 backwards is 1072 and exactly 107007 letters later we find the 10 Commandments, the summit of the Torah, and the physically highest point in the Torah besides Noach’s landing on Mt Ararat which was about 17,000 feet high. It took both Moses and Noach the same 40 days to reach those respective summit heights, Moses on land, Noach on the sea.

Meanwhile, the sum of the first 28 Prime Numbers is 1371, in other words it is a string of the first 28 Prime Number bundles that can, like the First Verse, which is a string of 28 letter bundles, be folded into a perfect Triangular Field of 7 tiers. Its total value is 1371, as in the 1/137 Fine Structure Constant, and as in the digit #1371 location in Pi (π) where we find the string …47496… or Da’at (474) coupled with Malchut (496), both for their first appearance in Pi (π), metaphysically stretching from the lowest Sefira to the 11th Sefira in the Tree-of-Life.  These relationships are not casual ones, and obviously of purposeful design since there are 11 unique letters in the First Verse and since 1371 is the sum of the 7 final letters (תאםתםתץ) of that First Verse. Then while the difference between 496 and 474 is 22, the average for the First Verse’s 7 initials is 22/7 or 3142, approximately Pi (π), and exactly the string gematria of the highest Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה) and of the sum of the 3 iterations of the two Names Ehyeh (אהיה) and the YHVH (יהוה) that link Zeir Anpin with Binah.

Those 7 initials that equal 22, also refer to the 22 letters of the Alef-bet, and we see that not only is 4 times the value of “Torah” with the kolel equal to (4 x 611 + 4) = 2448, the year we received the Torah, 2448 HC, but 2448 plus the sum of the 22 ordinal values is (2448 + 253) = 2701, the value of the First Verse, and that the Western analogue to 2448 HC is 1313 BCE, as in the 1.313 Constant of the exponential curve of the Alef-bet (1.313x) which utilizes those 22 ordinal values. The third high-point is where Jacob’s ladder was set, the foundation stone, and site of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem upon the Temple Mount, at 2448 feet, at almost exactly 1/10th the sum of the heights of Mt Sinai and Mt Ararat, measured today at 7497’ and 16,945’ respectively. Subtracting (169457497) = (2448 + 7000), but that’s today, perhaps Mt Ararat was (17,00035) feet high back then as the waters receded, aligning it with the value of the 112 Essential Triplets.

The complementary value to 42 is 58 and the 22 values of the 22 Names of the letters of the Alef-bet are comprised of a set of 58 digits, as in the 5800.02 total gematria value of the Torah, and as in the (100484248) = 5800 difference between the 22 Names sofit and standard sum. Nonetheless, those 58 digits sum to 171, and the sum of their 58 squares sum to 927, which together with the kolel (2) is 1100, as in the Cosmic Interval or (40 x 27.5 Hz).  Then since the sum of their 58 cubes is 5979 or 1731 more than 4248, all 3 sets (original, squared, and cubed) of the Alef-bet digits equals (171 + 927 + 5979) = 7077, taking us right back to the connection between 7 and 22. Moreover, when we add the original set of the 22 Names, 4248, to the 3 expansions we get (4248 + 7077) = 11,325 or 231 less than the Spherical Time diameter, 11,556 years, as in the 231 Gates of the 22 letters when paired together. Furthermore, since (58 x 4) = 232, as in the 232 value of the 4 expanded Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה), we alternatively have the equation for the 4 sets of the 22 Names as (4248 + 7077) + (58 x 4) = (11,325 + 232) = 11,556 + One (1).  And the inverse of that difference of 1731 is 1/.1731 = 5777.008 just in case we had any lingering doubts.

28 and 82

Meanwhile, 82 is the gematria katan of its First Verse, and the word value 28 is found 82 times in the Torah, and 82, while being a mirror of 28, when added to it gives us (28 + 82) = 110 or (4 x 27.5), the Primal Frequency that permeates the universe. The Torah brings this concept together in a single word, Laban (לבן), meaning white. It is infamously the name of the evil sorcerer Laban (לבן), the brother of Rivka, and father of Rachel and Leah. Its standard value is 82 and its ordinal value is 28, showing us that the white space between the letters contains just as much power as the black letters themselves. That is where the relationships lie, along with all the rich depth and integration.  The white space (white fire) is akin to the software and the black letters (black fire) is akin to the hardware.

It also shows us the alchemistic power that can happen when the right letters come together. However, Laban (לבן) is spelled with a sofit letter, meaning its collective value of 110 is an illusion and it is not the embodiment of Creation, which is why Laban’s (לבן) power was able to be overcome by Jacob and Rachel. The power of evil lies in the illusion. As the Torah illustrates repeatedly it is a force that needs to be overcome, and to do so we must be able to see past the illusion.

Nonetheless, the sum of the squares of the 82 digits after the decimal place in Pi (π) is (12 + 42 + 12 +…62) = 2701, the standard value of the 28 letters of the First Verse, where the true power lies.  This concept is significant because the katan gematria of the Hebrew is in essence its digital value. Thus, digitally the First Verse of Creation aligns directly with Pi (π), meaning one can be translated into the other and visa-verse with simple algorithms. Let that sink in, as this is going to get a whole lot deeper.

Moreover, while the word Torah (תורה) has a numerical value of 611, the sum of the 611 digits after the 3 in Pi (π) is likewise (1 + 4 + 1 +…4) = 2701. And while 2701 is a mirror of 1072, the sum of the digits in the 72 Essential Triplet values of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix is 611 and is comprised of 172 digits.  And while the sum of the square roots of those 72 values is 720.0, the sum of the square roots of its 8 rows is 280.0, like the 28 letters of the First Verse, the mirror of 82, and naturally they total 1000.0. That total of 611 for the 172 digits includes the overall number 72 as the 73rd, as in the 73rd Triangular Field, 2701. This means that first 611 digits in Pi (π) not only perfectly conform to the Torah’s First Verse but to the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that is derived from the 3 consecutive verses of 72 letters each at the Splitting of the Red Sea.

Meanwhile the sum of those 82 digits is 405 and the string …405… is found at digit #595 in Pi (π), as in (405 + 595) = 1000, while the digit sum in (405 + 595) is 28. The ratio of 2701/405 = 6.66913… as in the .666 ratio and the 66.6 jubilee years to the Event Horizon from the year of the reception of the Torah, 2448 HC, coupled with the 913 value of Bereshit, the Torah’s first word.


Nevertheless, the value 82 is extraordinary within the periodic Table and the physical elements of our existence. While Lead (Pb) has an atomic number of 82 and its atomic mass is 207.2 g/mol or 207.2 amu, every element beyond Lead with its 82 protons is not only radioactive but will eventually decay into lead. In could be said that Lead (82) is the limit of stability in our physical universe, so its overlap with the Torah’s First Verse is most telling. Moreover, one of the reasons for its stability is that its 82 protons match the 6th and outermost nuclear shell of stability, which are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, and 82 for protons and 126 for neutrons, as in the (3 x 42) faces and planes of the 6-sided Magic Essential Cube of Creation. This makes Lead 208 super stable, as it is composed of (82 + 126) protons and neutrons. Even today, these are called Magic Numbers by scientists, and it is most interesting to find both 28 and 82 amongst them, along with (50 + 8) = 58 and (20 + 2) = 22.  Meanwhile, we know that 208 or (8 x 26) is the value of Isaac, but 207.2/82 is 2.52682… and 252 is (6 x 42), while 207 is the numerical value of Ohr (אור), Light. The value 207 is also the value of raz (רז), secret, but within the Event Horizon there are no more secrets as everything is exposed to the “Light Ohr (אור).”

17 and 2π.

As explained, Laban (לבן) has a standard value is 82 and an ordinal value of 28 matching the katan value of the First Verse of the Torah, so it is notable that the first time it appears is in Lech Lecha 17:17 since the katan value of the Torah (תורה) is 17, like value of the Hebrew word for “good, tov (טוֹב).” While the sum of the two gematria values for Torah (תורה) equal the critical value (611 + 17) = 628 = (2 x 314), or twice Pi (π), the first 17 digits of Pi (π) after the decimal place equal 82, as do the first 17 digits of Pi (π) after the first 611 digits. The number 17 is not only the 7th Prime Number as in the 7 words of the First Verse, but the sum of the 611 digits starting with the 17th digit in (π) is also 2701.  

Regarding the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, since that total of 611 for the 172 digits includes the overall number 72 as the 73rd entity, as in the 73rd Triangular Field, 2701, we further see that without the 72, there are 170 digits, as in the adjoining integral 17 digit sequences, and moreover, that the net total is 602, as in the sequence …72602… that is found at the 288th digit in Pi (π), like the 72 Triplets of 216 letters that equal 288, and whose digit total is (7 + 2 + 6 + 0 + 2) = 17. Moreover, the first Essential Triplet (והו) of the 72 Matrix, has a value of 17.

A Bundle of Oneness

Even further evidence of the relationship between the Torah’s First Verse and Pi (π) is found at the 82nd digit in Pi (π) after the 3 where we find the string …628…. And those 17 digits plus the additional 611 that equal 2701, total (17 + 611) = 628, or twice Pi (π). Those first 628 digits take us to the powerful condensed string sequence …134275778… as in the Concept of Echad (אחד), One (13); the Singularity of 42; the Primal Frequency (27.5); and the Event Horizon radius, 5778. While the sum of the first 628 digits after the 3 is 2783, the sum of the digits through the start of this significant sequence is 2780, as in the 278-value of Ohr HaGanuz, the light of Moshiach that was set aside during Creation for Moshiach and that is available to us during Chanukah (89),  starting 89 Days from the Day of Creation at the 8 Day summit of the 363 Day Cosmic Wheel.

And while 89 is the 24th Prime Number, the sum of the first 24 Prime Numbers is 963, the same as the sum of the first 10 Triplets of Pi (π), the total cycles of the 27.5o and 137.5o radiances for those 24 Prime Numbers is 42. In other words, (963/27.5) = 35.0 and (963/137.5) = 7.0 and (35.0 + 7.00) = 42.0, the Singularity and the Source, while 963 is the value of the spelled out (אלף־חית־דלת) form of the Hebrew word for One, Echad (אחד). Thus the 24 first Prime Numbers joined as One equal the 24 hours and become One Day. The string …963… is also found within the 1000 digits of Pi (π) and it is immediately followed by …963 1859… a possible metaphysical reference to the Carrington Event in 1859 that signaled the start of the Earth’s current magnetic shift and the onset of the reset cycle that began that same year with the appearance of the peak galactic wave in our solar system which should crest about 186 years afterwards around 2045.  The Hebrew Calendar equivalent to 1859 CE is 5619 HC and within Pi (π) its first appearance is immediately preceded by …186 5619….

Meanwhile, the sum of squares of the first 963 digits in Pi (π) is 27387, as in the sum of the 20 amino acids in our DNA whose combined molecular weight is 2738.01 g/mol, which is the value of the Torah’s First Verse (2701) along with its reciprocal (1/2701), also known as the 42-Letter Name Matrix, or (2701 + 37.01) = 2738.017, which equals 2 x (372), with the number 37 being at the heart of every aspect of our DNA and our 20 amino acid groups that compose it, just as it is the Torah’s First Verse, and as in (100037) = 963.


The value bundle 628 is not just twice Pi (π). It also represents the all-important physical and mathematical constant Tau or 6.28… as in the 6.28 radians in every circle or in every 360o. This brings up the fact that the string …628… is first found in Pi (π) at digit #72, as in the 72 years that pass in every 1o of the 360o of the 26,000-year Great Precession. The next time the string …628… is found in Pi (π) is at digit #82, as in the first 82 digits squared that equal 2701, the small gematria of the First Verse and the twin sequences of 17-digits within those 628 first digits that equal 82.  The 7-digit sequence between the two 628’s or between the two representations of the circle is …628 6208998 628… and they sum to 42 and begin with Keter (620), like the Tree-of-Life and like the 620 letters in the 10 Commandments, followed by the palindromic 8998 or (17 + 17). Moreover, the squares of these 7 digits, like the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, equal (62 + 22 + 82 + 92 + 82) = 330, as in periodic radiance of the Prime Frequency (12 x 27.5) that is reflected in the base of the Great Pyramid, 330 cu or 27.52 feet. Together, those digits and digits squared are (42 + 330) = 372, as in the complementary number to 628 or (628 + 372) = 1000.

Furthermore, the string 330 is found twice in these 1000 digits, as one of the 42 duplicated 4-digit strings (…3305…) present there, and the first time it appears is at digit #365, as in the 365 days in the cyclical Earth year, and the second time it is at digit #401 after the 3, as in the 401 value of the 4th and central word, Et (את), in the First Verse.

The value 3305 is also the ordinal sofit value of the first 3 of the 10 Commandments, whose milui value is 42611, as in 42 and Torah (611).

The Phenomenal 3 Phases of Pi (π)

The mathematical constant 6.28… is also the cube root of 248, representing the Torah and its 248 dimensions in myriad ways; nevertheless, the 248th Prime Number is 1571, which is not only exactly half of 3142 or Pi (π)/2 but is also the albam gematria value (1571) of the Torah’s First Verse. It is already clear that π/2, π, 2π are all physically and metaphysically aligned with the First Verse.  Those 3 Constants together sum to approximately 11, as in the 3 columns and 42 letters in the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life paradigm. More precisely they sum to 10.9955742… and we find the first string …1099… at the 23805th digit inPi (π), as in the sum of the Path of One (1 13 91 455 1820) = 2380 that equals 1/42. And while 1099 is the sum of the squares of the first 37 digits in Pi (π), the sum of the squares of the 373 digits from the 628th digit until the 1000th is 10995, with both positions simultaneously referencing the (37 x 73) value of the Torah’s First Verse. Moreover, the first string …10995… in Pi (π) is found at the 208000th digit, as in Isaac (208) or (8 x 26) and as in the 7-digit sequence between the two 628’s or two representations of the circle …628 6208998 628… that sum to 42.

112 Essential Triplets

Nonetheless, of extraordinary concordance is that the sum of the squares of the first 611 digits in Pi (π) is (12 + 42 + 12 +…42) = 16,965 or (17,000 35), which is the exact sum of the 112 Essential Triplets in the Torah. The sum of the squares through the 611th digit in the full paradigm starting with the 3 is (17,000 42). And whether relevant or not, the string …16965… is first found at digit #20048 in Pi (π), a possible reference to 248.

Those 112 Essential Triplets in the Torah refer to the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix; the 72 Triplets of 216 letters of the 72 Triplet Matrix; the 11 Triplets of 33 Letters of Bereshit; and the 15 Triplets of the 45 letters of the Shema. These are 4 of the 5 Essential Elements of Creation that also include the 9 Triplets of the 27 letters/positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. Thus all 5 sets (14 + 72 + 11 + 15 + 9) of the Essential Triplets equal 121 or 112, as in the 11Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, and their corresponding letters equal (42 + 216 + 33 + 45 + 27) = 363, as in H’Moshiach and as in (33 x 11). When we multiple the 5 sets of Triplets by their letters we get the 17-digit equation (588 + 15552 + 363 + 675 + 243) = 17,421 and subtracting the sum of the 5 or (17,421121) brings us to 17,300, as in the 173 Keys to Heaven given to Moses that are directly aligned with the 173 katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the (17300 + 1) value of the 336 letters of the 112 Essential Triplets including their kolel (336); the inverse of the Spherical Time Event Horizon, 1/5778 = .001730; and the 1730 men beyond the original 600,000 that reached Freedom from physicality. In addition, since the sum of the 363 letters and the 121 Triplets is 484, we see that 17,421/484 is almost exactly 36, and that (36 x 484) = 17,424, as in Moshiach Ben David.

In case it is not clear, the reason the 10 Commandments are found at the 107,000 letter after the Torah’s first word, Bereshit, meaning “In the Beginning,” is that it is the highpoint of the Torah, and that it was meant to be the second Beginning, our entrance into Binah Consciousness.  By allowing ourselves to be duped by the erev rav we were condemned to battle for another 66.6 jubilee years within physicality, like the (3 x 666) value of the Torah’s first 5 words and like (5 x 666) = 3330, the 66.6 jubilee years from 2448 HC to 5778 HC. The 10 Commandments begin right at the 420th YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, leaving 1400 YHVH (יהוה) from that point on, as in the 140-digit sum between the two …330… strings in Pi (π), and the central 14th position in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. It lies midway between positions 27 and 1, as in 2701.

Within Pi (π) we can either count from 3, the typical way that we use, or after the 3, which means after the decimal place and relates to its alignment with the Torah’s First Verse. Both methods are valid. We have just seen the 2701 alignment and as we know 2701 equals (37 x 73), the 73rd Triangular Field, while the last two words of this verse equal 703, the 37th Triangular Field.  When we count 1000 digits from the beginning of Pi (π), we get a sum of 4470, which is a numeric string found within the Spherical Time circumference, 36304.24470. When we count them after the decimal place those 1000 digits shift over one and total 4476. This second system or Torah paradigm aligns the totals at the 845th digit so that the sum up to that point is 3773 and so that afterwards it is 703. For this and all the reasons above we call this the Torah alignment, and it is just a bonus that (8 + 4 + 5) = 17.

Protection from The Shadow of Death and Evil

Metaphysically, this aligns with the 3773 complete value of the verse in Psalms 23:4, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me,” an amulet of protection. The complete gematria of the key first part or phrase in this verse (גַּם כִּי-אֵלֵךְ בְּגֵיא צַלְמָוֶת, לֹא-אִירָא רָע–כִּי-אַתָּה עִמָּדִי) is 2100, and like the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit, it is comprised of 11 words and 33 letters. As we know 21 always relates to the higher Name Ehyeh (אהיה) and 2100 also relates to the odd/even algorithm applied to 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit where one column equals 2100 and the other 903, the 42nd Triangular Field.

That value 2100, as in the 21009826 total value of the 22 standard letters of the Torah, is also the sofit value of the 3 final letters (םםץ) in the Torah’s First Verse, the First Verse of Creation.

The total value of the squares of each of the 1000 digits after the decimal place in Pi (π) is 28448 or (26000 + 2448), as in Great Precession of 26,000 years and their average is thus (26,000/1000) = 26, the value of the YHVH (יהוה), combined with 2448 HC, the year of the Exodus and reception of the Torah.

What is truly astonishing is that the sum of the first 1000 digits in Pi (π) plus their squares and their cubes (4470 + 28376 + 202944) = 235790, which is 82 less than the Sun’s diameter times the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) or (864,000 x .273) = 235872 = (235790 + 82), as in the 82 value associated with the Torah’s first verse and reflected in Pi (π).  Metaphysically, we can picture this as the 3 phased radiance of the Pi (π) Field plus the First Verse at its center being equivalent to the area of a circle inscribed in a square whose 4 corners are equivalent to the Sun.  This is the same ratio that the Earth and Moon fill as a circle inscribed in a square whose 4 corners are filled by the Moon.

Moreover, while the value 28 is found 82 times in the Torah as in (28 + 82) = 110, the value 82 is found 138 times in the Torah as in (82 + 138) = 220 like our 110 and 220 volts and as in the (4 x 27.5) and (8 x 27.5) intervals of the Primal Frequency of the universe.  The Torah circuitry does not stop there as the value 138 is found 108 times as in (138 + 108) = 246, Gabriel, and the value 110 is found 246 times.

That value 246 in this word-value chain is not arbitrary as it is also (3 x 82) as in the independent 3-tier chain of 82 and as in the First Verse. The bundle 82 is both the katan value of the First Verse and the sum of the digits in the 7 words of that First Verse of standard value 2701. In other words, (913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296) = 2701, and the sum of the digits in (913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296) is 82. Before we continue, we should point out that (2701 + 82) = 2783, as in the sum of the first 628 digits in Pi (π) as previously discussed, and as in Ohr HaGanuz, the Light of Moshiach.

Taking it a step further we see that (913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 395 x 407 x 296) = (304,153,525,784,175,760) and that (304 + 153 + 525 + 784 + 175 + 760) = 2701, while the sum of the digits in 304,153,525,784,175,760) is 73, as in the 73rd Triangular Number, 2701. This is the first tier.

The second tier of 82 is comprised of taking that product and multiplying by 82 or (913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 395 x 407 x 296) x 82 = 24,940,589,114,302,412,230 whose digit sum is (24 + 940 + 589 + 114 + 302 + 412 + 230) = 2701, again, while the sum of the digits in 24,940,589,114,302,412,230 is 64. This is the second tier. And the digit sum for these two tiers is (73 + 64) = 137, as in the Fine Structure Constant, etc.

The third tier of 82 is comprised of taking that product and multiplying by 82 again or simply 822, as in (913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 395 x 407 x 296) x 822 = 2,045,128,307,372,797,810,240 and once again (2 + 045 + 128 + 307 + 372 + 797 + 810 + 240) = 2701. This time the sum of the digits is back to 82.  This is the third tier.  The chances of this occurring randomly even without the word-value chain or katan value or anything else we have uncovered are 311 billion to 1 according to a statistical analysis by Oren Evron, not that any of this is even remotely possible randomly or by some whimsy of evolution.

Moreover, while the 3 sums of the digits follow the pattern (64 + 9) = 73 and (73 + 9) = 82, we see that final product in the chain begins with 2045, as in the year 2045 CE at the far end of Event Horizon, and that the number of digits in our 4 products is 20, 18, 20, and 22, as in the year of the Event Horizon 2018 CE and as in (20 + 22) = 42. Meanwhile the 64-sum of the digits is also the ordinal value of the sefira of Malchut, and the 82-sum of the digits is that of the sefira of Tiferet, while 73 is the value of the sefira of Chochma.

The product of (64 x 73 x 82) = 383,104 or 1296 less than 6202, the square of Keter, with 1296 being the natural square of 36, which in turn is the natural square of 6, with the 36th Triangular Field being 666 and being part of the tri-fold geometry of the first 5 words of the First Verse or (3 x 666). It is also 57 more than (Keter1)2, matching the digit sum of the 3 iterations (10 + 19 + 28) = 57 of the results of the equation (82 + 822 + 823) from the First Verse expansion just outlined. That 57 bundle metaphysically aligns with the 57 tetra-helix spine or chain of the 57 Tetrahedra group within the 600-cell, as previously detailed. The 57 group is further aligned with the 57-complete value of 42 (מב), the Source.

A similar string to 383,104 is found at the 26th digit in Pi, …383279…, which is 175 higher, as in the 175 years of Abraham and the 175th Magen David Number, 182701, as in a Star from Jacob (182), coupled with 2701. The sum of the digits through that 26th digit is 121 or 112, as in the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life.

Why 82?

All this brings up the question why 82? It all comes down to the spiraling letter Pe (פ) of numerical value 80. There are 304805 letters in the entire Torah and 4805 of them are Pes (פ), whose total value is thus (4805 x 80) = 384,400 = 6202, the square of Keter, the radiance of the crown at the highest level, at the central point, and at the top of the head of the Torah, its First Verse. We first find the value 384 at position #17 in Pi (π), while (384 + 17) = 401, the value of the central 4th word in the First Verse, like the string …3844… found at digit #123.

The letter Pe (פ) is not so simple even with considering the 10 original composite letters, the letter Pe (פ) has a concealed compartment within it, the letter Bet (ב), the Torah’s First Letter, the head of the head of the head. The negative white fire space within the letter Pe (פ) forms the letter Bet (ב).

This brings the value of the letter Pe (פ) that is associated with Keter to (80 + 2) = 82. Moreover, like the katan value (17) of the Torah (תורה) and like the twin sequences of 17-digits within those 628 first digits of Pi (π) that equal 82 sandwiched around the 611 digits associated with the Torah (תורה), the letter Pe (פ) is the 17th letter of the Alef-bet. There is a metaphysical reason for everything in the Torah and in our universe.  The symmetries and repetitive patterns are often there to draw our attention; they are not their raison d’être. We are always to look deeper, and to remember that numbers are networked bundles and concepts, not accounting tools, and that the Hebrew letters are the Cosmic Interface to our understanding. So now, all those impossible patterns and symmetries that simultaneously show that the construction of the Torah and Pi (π) are simultaneously of a mutual purposeful and primordial design can be traced to a single letter Pe (פ). So maybe it is no coincidence that Pi (π) and Phi (φ), the Greek letters chosen as names for our primordial mathematical constant, were derived from the letter spiraling Hebrew letter Pe (פ).

The spiral in the letter Pe (פ) that forms around the letter Bet (ב) in the same way the Torah unfolds from the same letter Bet (ב) and that Pi (π) unfolds from the number 3, is composed of the original composite (irreducible) letters Caf (כ) and the Vav (ו) of numerical value 26, as in the YHVH (יהוה). So together with the concealed letter Bet (ב) we have (26 + 2) = 28, as in the 28 letters of the Torah’s First Verse, like the 82 times that the value 28 appears in the Torah.

This also like the Tzitz, one of the 24 designated articles worn by the High Priest (Cohen H’Gadol) delineated in Exodus 28. Worn on his forehead like a crown, this radiant gold plate was engraved with the words “Holy to God, Kodesh L’YHVH (קדש־ליהוה), whose ordinal value is 82.

The Name for the letter Pe (פ) is Pe (פא) of numerical value 81 or 92, like the 9th Sefira, Chochma, of numerical value 73 and inner value 37, as in (37 x 73) = 2701, etc. Moreover, when we add the 1000 designation for the Alef (א), we get (81 + 1000) = 1081, as in the Sefira of Tiferet, representing Zeir Anpin, whose ordinal value is 82.

If we consider the hidden letter Bet (ב), we see that the value of Pe (פא), meaning “mouth” or entrance, is (82 + 1) = 83, and we find that just like the 82 times that the value 28 appears in the Torah, as in (28 + 82) = 110 = (4 x 27.5), the first major interval of the Primal Frequency (27.5), the adjacent value 27 appears 83 times in the Torah, as in (27 + 83) = 110 = (4 x 27.5), and as in (2701 + 82) = 2783, the sum of the first 628 digits in Pi (π).  There is a deep purpose for everything in the Torah and the universe. The numbers are just conduits.

The composite value of the primordial letter Alef (א) is 32, as in the 32 Paths of the Tree-of-Life, and when paired with the value 80 of the Name Pe (פא), it equals (80 + 32) = 112, as in the 112 Essential Triplets in the Torah and the Cosmos.

There is another reason the First Verse’s values of 2701 and 82 align so perfectly even though they come from two very different gematria ciphers. When we examine the reduce the set of all ordinal values to the least possible corresponding letters, we see that the ordinal value 65 becomes (27 + 27 + 11) or (כץץ), which equals 1820, as in the 3 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal 1820, as in the radiance of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah that is (70 x 26), and as in the sum of the 40 integers from the YHVH (יהוה) to Adonai (אדני), or (2665). It is also the 1820 difference between the two censuses, and of the 1820 value of the 6 Tribes in the second census that had no net census elevations past the original 600,000, while the other 6 tribes total 1870 and had 1730 net census elevations. The value 1870 corresponds to the letters (עץץ) that most efficiently match the ordinal value 70.

For the first 27 letters of the Alef-bet, the system is identical to the standard vs the ordinal cipher from which it is derived and then goes off on its own from there, while the katan value has no bearing whatsoever. For example, the Torah’s first word, Bereshit has a value of 913, and a katan value of 13, but because of its ordinal value of 76, its equivalent efficiency value is 2200. However, when we use the ordinal value as 82, it most efficiently matches (אץץץ) of numerical value 2701, and when we break down those 7 words individually, they translate and sum to 280, as in the 28 letters of the verse.

The 42-Letter Name, the 72 Triplets, and Moshiach Within Pi (π)

Utilizing the “after decimal” Torah alignment for Pi (π), we see that not only is the total through the 611th , the “Torah” and/or “72 Matrix digit” 2701, but the sum of the (1000611) = 389 remaining digits until the 1000th digit is 1775, as in the non-sofit sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet and as in the 1775 mistakenly missing shekels from the Mishkan of 42 Elements.  Moreover, 1775 is 11 more than 1764 or 422, as in the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life of 42 letters and total value 3342.

Meanwhile, 20 digits later, we find that the sum of the squares of the 631 digits leading up to the first Event Horizon string …5778… found in Pi (π) is 17541, or 17,000 plus 541, Israel, with the rest of the digits through 1000 equaling 1680 or (40 x 42).  We can see that this is reflective of the product of the 5 sets of Essential Triplets or (588 + 15552 + 363 + 675 + 243) = 17,421, which is 120 or 5! less than 17,541, and reflective of the (17,00035) total value of the 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplets, along with the twin sets of 17 digits associated with the First Verse and Pi (π), not to mention all the Days of Creation designated as “good, tov (טוֹב) of numerical value 17. Moreover, when we divide the 754 that is found in 17541 by 1998, the sum of the first 5 words in Creation, we get .3773773773…. as in the (37 x 73) structure of that First Verse.

Furthermore, the sum of the digits through the second Event Horizon string …5778… is 4242 and through the third …5778… is 4278, as in 42 and 278, Ohr HaGanuz, the Light of Moshiach. By Light, we mean Cosmic Radiance.

The string …18… wedged in between the second and third stings of the Event Horizon …5778… is the complement to the 82 katan value associated with First Verse of Creation. Therefore, the two complementary numbers are associated with the beginning and the end.  While 82 starts us off, 18 is a limit which is why Phi (φ)18 = 5778.000 and Pesach Matzah must be processed from start to finish in 18 minutes, and why there are 18 parts in a Hebrew minute, the partition that cause a day to be equivalent to the Great Precession, as 25,920 parts of a minute in every day is equivalent to the 25,920 years in Earth’s precession.

Counting 611 digits back from the 1000th digit takes us to the (1000611) = 389th digit and the sum of those 611 digits is 2759, as in the Primal Frequency (27.5) that is based on the Number 9.

The sum of the squares of the digits through the 420th digit in either scale is 11,552 and just as 420 is 4 less than 424, Moshiach Ben David, the total 11,552 is 4 less than 11,556, the diameter of the Spherical Time paradigm. Moreover, the sum of the 580 digits through the end of the first 1000 digits is 2628, the 72nd Triangular Field.

Meanwhile, the sum of the squares of the digits through the 358th digit, as in Moshiach, in either scale is 10,072 and the sum of the corresponding 358 digits is 1600 or 402, while the sum of the last 358 digits from the end of the 1000 digits after the decimal is 1618, as in Phi (φ). Its counterpart (1000358) for the sum of the first 642 squares is 10,481, as in the height of Great Pyramid (481 ft), whose elevation angle (51.84o) is 722. Moreover, the numerical string at the 358th digit is …903…, the 42nd Triangular Field. Its longer string is …90360011330… as in (600 + 42) = 642, etc., while the P/S cipher for the word “days, Yamim (ימים)” is 160000/100 = 1600, as in the End of Days and the Days of Moshiach.

The 40th Prime Number is 173, the gematria katan of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and it is at digit #784 in Pi (π) that we find the digit sequence …97317328… that sums to 40, and that cocoons the value 173 within the 9th Sefira of Chochma (73) and the 73rd Triangular value (2701) of the 28 letters of the First Verse, especially since 784 equals 282, the complement to 72.

To the Point

Those digit counts of 20 and 18 in the First Verse expansions of 82 align with the 20 and 18 ordinal values of the last 2 letters (רצ) in that First Verse, which are the same 2 letters (רצ) found in the exact center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, known as the Nekudah Emtzait (נקודה־אמצעית), the central point, for those that Understand.

This central point (נקודה) of the original restriction or tzimtzum that created the Spherical Time bubble of our existence has a numerical value of 165, and the Arizal’s term Emtzait (אמצעית) for central has a value of 611, relating it to the Torah, as well as to the 42-Letter Name Matrix of small gematria0 165. It also relates to the central or midpoint of a circle of diameter 330 or (12 x 27.5) and to the scored midpoint of the 330 cu base of the Great Pyramid, meaning as previously explained that the 165 cu is also the central point of the square base of the Great Pyramid and of a circle inscribed in that square.

It should be noted that 165 is 2/3 or .666 of 248, as in the 248 dimensions of the Torah and of Metaphysical space in the E8 construct of consciousness. The other 1/3 is 82.666. Meanwhile, the midpoint or central point in 165 is 82.5 and the central line or diameter of the Great Precession and Great Day (25,920) is 25920/π = 8250 years or parts of a minute respectively.

Another deep secret for students of true Kabbalah is that the nekuda (נִקּוּדה) shebalev, the point in the heart (center) of the original restriction or tzimtzum that created the Spherical Time bubble of our existence has a numerical value of 165, as in the 6 bundled sefirot (dimensions) times the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), and most significantly as in the 165 katan gematria0 of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. It is at the 165th digit in Pi (π) where we find the first string …2701….

It is the same in both paradigms. It all flows and emanates from the Singularity of 42.  Meanwhile, the sum of the digits within Pi (π) through the 35th and 36th digits respectively are 165 and 173, as in the katan gematria0 and normal katan gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

The two First Verse numbers aligned with Pi (π) and each other equal (17 + 82) = 99, and the numeric string …4995… that represents the 4995-total value of the 3 tiers of 9 (1 – 9, 10 – 90, 100 – 900) of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, is located at digit #777 in the Cosmic or Spherical Time paradigm alignment of Pi (π). From that point to the 1000th digit the sum of the digits is 999. Moreover, that digit #777 aligns with the 7077 total of the 3 sets of digits, squares, and cubic sums of the 22 Names of the Alef-bet.  Moreover, in between the two predominant sequences …999999… like the 6 faces of 9 positions each on the Magic Essential Cube of Creation and 4995 or (5 x 999), we have …729… as in the cube 93.

Heaping on yet another level of astonishment is that the value 82, synonymous with the Torah’s first verse and already proven to be integrated into Pi (π) is found 13 times within its first 1000 digits, 7 within its first 280 digits, and that the sum of those 13 digital locations, the sum of those 13 vectors is (53 + 89 + 100 + 242 + 114 + 135 + 229 + 280 + 335 + 374 + 620 + 829 + 904 + 933) = 4995, as in the sum of 27 letters of the Alef-bet. Moreover, the sum of the 13 logarithms of those 13 vectors is 31.4028107… or Pi (π) combined with the 28th Prime Number, 107.

The 82-digit sequences must align with some higher Concept within the metaphysical realm because that is the way and hierarchy of consciousness. Thus and we find that since there are 41 letters in the 3 iterations of the higher Name Ehyeh (אהיה) that make up the Binah consciousness sequencing within the 3142 paradigm, two drops of them would equal 82 letters. Those two drops have a numerical value of (2434 x 2) + (41 x 2) = (4868 + 82) = 4950, which is the sum of the 18 letters from Yud (י) to Zadi sofit (ץ), setting aside the first 9 that equal 45, as in Adam (Man).

Neither the Pi (π), Phi (φ), or the Alef-bet Fields exist independent of one another, and neither does the Torah. All consciousness is One and that is not a slogan. It is the Prime Principle of existence.  It is no longer, nor has it ever been, a matter of computational power or constrictions of time or space. What we see before us defies any notion of physics within the paradigm of our existence. You cannot just insert, rearrange, and place numbers and digits, and entire sequences within the primordial mathematical constants. Our physics does not allow it. Man makes up numbers and statistics for us every day, but that does not make them real. Most recently Man has tried to insert his own patented sequencing into our DNA, but that does not it natural, and may not even make the victims human anymore. As I wrote in 1998, it will most likely sterilize them.

What we need to understand is that the toxins in our media, food, drugs, jabs, geo-engineered air and consequently our water supply, have all been placed there to siphon off the heavenly life-force so that the evil klippot can feed off it. Evil cannot directly utilize or access the radiant Primal Frequency that energizes us, but once evil invades human bodies its converts them to zombie-like hosts and utilizes these toxic catalytic agents or enzymes to make that energy bio-available to the evil entities.  Certain frequencies such as those produced by 5G intensify the process.

Unlike humans that are detached from their consciousness, evil still acts as one single consciousness hive and that is what the NWO is all about. It is becoming the Matrix but it is not the machines that are harvesting people; it is the hive of evil consciousness. As it saps people, it is zapping them of the strength to fight off obesity, disease, and despair. It zaps them of the ability to have creative original thoughts and supplants them with its hive mentality and group speak, one thought/one language.

We should be grateful for the Cosmic reset. Without it, our existence would be a non-starter. As seen by the abundant archaeological evidence, Man as a civilization has never made it past the Event Horizon outer boundary.

Both the Torah and the Zohar told us about the great reset of the Flood in 1656 HC and that one cycle of Man, 120 years later, in 1776 evil would gather as one consciousness and hatch a plot of an NWO. This was in the 10th generation, 16 generations would follow, as in 1776 = (16 x 111), while …1776… in Pi (π) is found 111 digits from the end of the 1000, and sandwiched between 611, Torah, and 666.


As we see that the year of the Flood, 1656 is 9 less than 1665, let us get back to the tools that can make a difference and that can boost the strength of the Primal Radiance. Starting with the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, whose sum of the 27 positions is 378 and whose 3 tiers of 9 letters each total 1665 or (15 x 111), we see the concordance with Pi (π) in that the first 378 digits in Pi (π) after the 3, is 1665, while the sum of the 378 squares of those digits is (10,4241), as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness, where we want to focus our attention. Our thoughts and actions 100% follow our focus. To our minds everything else is white noise. This why so much effort and nearly all of our technology has been harnessed to distract us.

We also know that the Magic Essential Cube of Creation is a cube of 33. What we could not realize so readily is that the sum of the cubes of the first 27 Prime Numbers taken with their 27 ordinal values equal 99.099. It is no coincidence that the First Verse of the Torah aligns with the 9th Sefira, Chochma (73) or that (8273) = 9 or that (17 + 82) = 99.

A Solar Alignment.

Since the sum of the Prime Numbers in the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) is 1670, the difference between them and the total 4470 for those 1000 digits is exactly 2800, just like the Pi (π) related values from the Torah’s First Verse of 28 letters. Furthermore, (17 + 82 + 2701) = 2800.

Ironically, the solar radio flux presents at 10.7 cm, as in the 107th Triangular Field (5778), and this wavelength corresponds to 2800 MHz. It is called the F10.7 index and it is an excellent indicator of solar activity.  The F10.7 radio emissions originate high in the Sun’s chromosphere and low in the corona of the solar atmosphere above its 5778 K surface. The F10.7 emissions correlate well with the sunspot cycles and activity, as well as the Ultraviolet (UV) and visible solar irradiance records.  There is nothing about the scaffolding or matrix of our universe that is out of line; everything is by design, as if the Sun consciously knew that the sum of the integers from 1 to 107 is 5778.

The Sun’s diameter is 864,000 miles across, which is only 62.0 miles off the Primal Frequency (27.5) times Pi (π) or 864,000 – (27.5 x 105 x 3.14159265358…) = 62.0 miles, which is symmetrical with the 6.20-mile difference between the solar equatorial diameter and its polar one; the 62.0-mile edge of the Earth’s atmosphere, the Kármán Line; the 6200-mile edge of Earth’s exosphere that is the border with true outer space; the 6202 distance between the Earth and the Moon; the 6200-cumulative value of the 22 letters; the 6202 value of the 4805 letters Pe (פ) in the Torah; and with the 62 Yuds (י) and the 620 total letters in the 10 Commandments, which are found at the 107,000 letter after the beginning of the Torah.  These alignments are all preposterously illogical, as none of them should have anything to do with one another, even if 62 was not 248/4 and even if 620 did not represent Keter, the highest level and dimension of the Tree-of-Life. Nonetheless, this also means that a circle with a diameter of 275,000 miles is virtually equal to the Sun and was the blueprint for it.

Maybe that is why while many people saw a Sun eclipsed by darkness, others saw Light.

Those Cosmic blueprints would include the Sun being exactly 400 times the diameter of the Moon (2160 mi), and making their diameters equal to exactly (12,000 x 72) and (30 x 72) respectively, and because the Earth’s Great Precession that is (12 x 2160) or 1o every 72 years, the Sun’s diameter is also exactly equal to (864,000/25,920) = 33.333… times the Earth’s Great Precession, and thus 33.333 times the Hebrew parts of a minute in a day.

As previously discussed, this aligns with the Sun’s Mass/Earth’s Mass ratio of 333,000, which itself is 5 x 66,600 mph, the Earth’s Orbital speed around the Sun. And while the square root of 620 is 24.8998…., the Sun’s diameter divided by 7 times the Earth and Moon radii equals (864,000/(7 x 5040)) = (864,000/(7 x 7!)) = 24.4898, as in the year 2448 HC of the Exodus and 3330 years (66.6 jubilee years) before the Event Horizon radius of 5778 years. The Creator is a flawless architect, engineer, and clock-maker.

The ratio of the Earth to the Moon is (7920/2160) = .273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273); as in Absolute Zero (-273o C); as in 273 K, the freezing point of water; as in the 11-year sunspot cycle of 27.3-day revolution periods; as in the 27.3 days that our Moon orbits the Earth; and as in the 27.3 days that it spins around with respect to the stars; and as in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation in the universe (2.73 K).  It is also the average Triplet value, 3003/11 = 273 of the 11 Triplet or 33 letters of Bereshit, while the sum of the digits through the first appearance of 273 in Pi (π) is 1330, and that is at the 298th digit, as in the ordinal value of the First Verse of the Torah that coincides with those 11 Triplets and 33 letters. The full string …14127372… there includes the full Cosmic Harmonic (1.273), sandwiched between possible representations of the 14 Essential Triplets and the 72 Essential Triplets.

The diameters of the Earth and Moon divided by 4, or (7920 + 2160)/4 = (10080/4) = 2520 miles, and the word value 31 is found 2520 = (60 x 42) times in the Torah.  The Torah makes a point of telling us that Methuselah, the world’s oldest man, lived 969 or (100031) years and we know that the cube root of 31 is 3.141380, approximately Pi (π). It is off by 0.00021200119, which mysteriously spells out 9/11, 2001 in NYC (212), in the 21st century, 2000.

The number 2520 is also the sofit value (2520) of the important verse from a Prayer of Moses, Psalm 90:17, whose standard value with the kolel is (1960 + 58) = 2018, the Western Calendar analogue to the Event Horizon 5778, and whose final letters sharpen to the same point (111) as the 42-letter verse in the Song of the Sea known as the Sword of Moses, Alef (אלף). Of the (10042) = 58 letters in this special verse, 27 are the Holy letters Yud (י), Hei (ה), and/or Vav (ו), which have a total value of 196, or 1/10th the verse’s total of 1960, meaning that the remaining 31 letters equal 90%, or 1764, which is 422. We are told that this verse is supposed to be the first verse of Psalm 91, (91:1), the Psalm of Salvation.

With all those multiple of 62 being divisible by 31 and likewise the core Torah Concept of 248, meaning that both Keter (620) and Malchut (496) on opposite ends of the Tree-of-Life, are divisible by 31, as in 20 and 16 respectively, it is phenomenal but not surprising that the Sun’s diameter divided by 31 equals (864,000/31) = 27870.96774, as in 278, Ohr Haganuz, the Light or radiance of Moshiach; the 70 years of David at the center of Spherical Time; the 709 value of Abraham’s 7 planets, including the Sun, Earth, and Moon; and the 6774 mile the wavelength of 27.5 Hz against the speed of light; and also the 6.774 sum of the results of the 10 square roots of the 10 cyclical resultant remainders of dividing (110) by 27.5 that makes 27.5 unique.

Perhaps it is a stretch, but Newton’s Gravitation Constant G which Einstein uses in his Theory of Relativity is 6.6743 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 as in (6.774.100). Perhaps gravity has more to do with the Primal Frequency and the design of the Cosmos than some super weak force that does not seem to fit physically or mathematically into any grand theory cosmology yet somehow invisibly holds the universe together.

As we know, the Earth and the Moon are in the Cosmic Harmonic ratio with the Moon being .273 of the Earth’s diameter.  If we apply that same Cosmic Harmonic ratio (1.273) or 4/π to the Sun, we see that the square that circumscribes the Sun would be 1100000 miles or (1100000/864000) = 1.273 and that 1100000 = (40,000 x 27.5). Moreover, (1100000 x .273) = 300300 as in the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that control mazal and that total 3003, with each Triplet averaging 273.

With the Sun’s surface frothing the way it is with the 11-year cycle approaching grand solar maximum we should be glad our solar system is a simulation and that all the larger coronal mass ejections (CMEs) fire away from Earth, giving us more time.


The sum of the squares of the sequential digits through digits #3, #6, and #7 within Pi (π) are 27, 137 and 173 respectively, while the sum of the squares of the first 37 digits is 1100, as in the Major Interval (40 x 27.5), and the square the circumscribes the Sun. Meanwhile, the sum for the first 79 digits is 2448, as in the 22nd Prime Number, 79, and as in the year of the Torah and Exodus, 2448 HC. The sum of the corresponding first 79 digits is 376, as in Shalom, Peace.

We must keep in mind that a date is not an isolated occurrence that pops up somewhere in the aether, as the illusion of linear time would have us believe. Since there is a definitive starting point, it is a vector and this one for example is a vector of 2448 years that parallel’s the vector of 79 digits in Pi (π) that parallels the vector of 22 Prime Numbers that parallels the vector of the 22 Triangular Numbers.  Another definition of kabbalah is “parallel”, and these parallel and thus related vectors can all be applied to one another in simple mathematical operations. This is not a new way to employ mathematics only in how we understand our universe. For example, adding the parallel vectors 2448, 79, and 253 for the 22nd Triangular Number associated with the 22nd Prime Number we get (2448 + 79 + 253) = 2780, as in Ohr HaGanuz, the radiance of Moshiach. While the linear time theory holds that there is no beginning or end, the Torah teaches us repeatedly the importance of there being a beginning and it delineated a specific set of 26 vectors of time for us to ponder, paralleling the 26 vectors of the Alef-bet and the 26 vectors of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. That set of 26 vectors of time add up to exactly 12600 and each of the 26 vectors of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation terminate in a plane of 126.

The Central Point

The First Verse

Here is where it all comes together, at the Emergence Point. There are two geometric patterns to which the 7 words and 28 letters of the Torah’s First Verse naturally conform. The first is the 7th Triangular Field, and the second is a 7 x 4 rectangle.

The Torah’s First Verse has a total value of 2701 and in both geometric shapes we find that the bottom row conforms to the last 2 words and/or 7 letters of that verse and equals 703, the 37th Triangular Field.  Both geometric shapes have an inner and outer component much like every element in physicality has an inner and outer light and every word has an inner (ordinal) and outer (standard) value.  Both geometric shapes are symmetric in that they break down into 10 inner letters and 18 outer ones, with 7 in each bottom row. In the case of the rectangular arrangement the inner rectangle totals 802 and the outer border, 1899.

The First Verse itself is split down the middle into two halves of 14 letters of values 1202 and 1499, which are 400 or 202 less than 1899, and 400 or 202 more than 802 respectively. The Triangular arrangement is split into 621 and 2080 as the inner and outer triangles with 703 also as its bottom rung.

Here is where the comparisons become metaphysical in their design.

  • Those 14 letters that add up to 1202 are metaphysically aligned with the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. They work out to (2488/242) or 42 less than the midpoint in the 26 generations, halfway to the Promised Land that was reached in 2488
  • When we divide the 1899 outer triangle by 703 of either bottom 7 letter row, as in (1899/703), we get .27012802759…, as in the 2701 value of the entire First Verse; its 28 letters; and the Primal Frequency (275) that curses through it, coupled with the number 9 that the Primal Frequency is based on and the 9th Sefira, Chochma that encapsulates that verse.


  • When we reverse the equation or take its inverse, (703/1899), we get .3701948…, as in the 3701 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, coupled with 1948, the year of Abraham’s birth, whose name (אברהם) is embedded in the First Verse, and the year 1948 CE when Israel became a nation.
  • When we divide the 1899 outer triangle by the 2701 value of the entire First Verse (1899/2701): we get .703729359, as in the 703 value of either bottom 7-letter row and as in the last two words in that verse, coupled with the 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life, and with 37 of the 37th Triangular Field and of the bundles of 37 at core of our DNA; plus 729 or 93 of the 2nd tier of the 7-tier 42-Letter Name Matrix; along with the 9 columns of the 72 Triplets that total 9359 with the kolel of the 216 In other words, for some reason it spells out the 3 verses of 72 letters at the splitting of the Red Sea that total 9359.
  • As previously discussed, the 27 letters of the 9 tiers of the Alef-bet and Magic Essential Cube of Creation add up to (111 + 222999) = 4995, like the 4 nucleotides in our DNA whose molecular weight is 5; likethe sum of the 10 residues of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in triplet decimal places (.090, .181, .272, .363, .454, .545, .636, .727, .818, and .909) that equal 4.995. So, it is astounding that the sum of the set of the 9 triplet rep-digit Prime Numbers (the 111th, 222nd, 333rd… and the 999th) , gives us the palindromic result (607 + 1399… 7907) = 37073, as in the (37 x 73) Triangular structure and value of the First Verse. Moreover, it is phenomenal that the locations within Pi (π) that we first encounter each of the 9 numbers in this same set of 9 triple rep-digits (111, 222999) sum up to (153 + 1735…762) = 16012, which when added to its mirrored digits, they too equal the palindromic (16012 + 21061) = 37073. Moreover, while the sum of those 9 rep-digits is 4995 and while …4995… is found at digit #777 in Pi (π), the sum of the 95 digits in the 9 rep-digits, along with the corresponding 9 Prime Numbers, and the corresponding 9 Pi (π) locations is 444. The wildest part is that the sum of the digits in 444 is 12 and in 777 it is 21, with the 12th Prime Number being 37 and the 21st being 73.

  • While 777/7 = 111 and (3 x 37) = 111, the 7 final letters (תאםתםתץ) of the First Verse have an ordinal value of 111, and when we subtract that from their standard value, they equal (1371111) = 1260, as in (30 x 42), representing the faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, and the 12600 sum of the 26 generations, etc.
  • Yet another dimension to this incredible dynamic is found when we go back to the basic integers 110 and examine them with the lens of our simple base 10 mathematics/cosmology. Taking each integer and dividing it by 10, we see that they sum to (10/1 + 10/2 + 10/3…10/10) = 28…, a possible reference to the year 2928 HC when the First Holy Temple was constructed. It is also One (1) more than 108, or 28.284271…, off by only .0054112, as in Israel (541) and the 112 Essential Triplets, or alternatively, the 12 Tribes of Israel.
  • Then when we raise each of those fractions of 10 to the power of the original integer, (10/n)n we get some more interesting results. The results peak at (10/4)4 = 0625, which is the exact number (390,625) of letters, words, and verses in the Torah, and the 3rd number, (10/3)3 = 37.037037…, as in the rep 370 or Alef (אלף)/3 = 111/3 that equals 37, and as in the 3701 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix plus its inverse (1/.3701) = 2701, the value of the First Verse, as in (3701 + 2.701 + .0002701 +…) = 3703.7037037…
  • While that (10/3)3 value also reflects the 3rd Essential Triplet (קרע) in the 42-Letter Name Matrix, whose value is 370, the most amazing aspect of this basic cosmological sequence is that the sum of those 10 exponential results is 2173037, reflecting the 173 gematria katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the equation of the Spherical Time Event Horizon, 1/5778 = .0017307027, along with and 73037 as in (73 x 37) = 2701, yet most significantly it is off from the 186,282 mps speed-of-light by only 65 mps, the value of Adonai (אדני), and of (10 + 55) = 65, with 55 being the sum of (110). This is very similar to the ratio of Spiritual Time/Physical Time in the Spherical Time paradigm or 3760/2018 = 1.86323. Moreover, 10/55 = .1818, the value of the 3 iterations (expansions) of the letter Alef (א) that equal 1818, which metaphysically represents the Yud (י) divided by the 2 Heis (הה) in the YHVH (יהוה), or 10/55.

  • Another perplexing alignment is found when examining and adding the 6th and 7th exponential results (12.142… and 21.433…), seeing as the 12th Prime Number is 37 and the 21st is 73.


  • The value 999 is found twice amongst the 127 possible combinations of the 7 words of the First Verse. It is the sum of the 1st and 3rd words, (913 + 86) = 999, and the sum of the 4th, 2nd, and 5th words (401 + 203 + 395) = 999. Together, they represent the 1st through 5th words and the 6 upper rows of the Bereshit Triangle, which equal 1998 or (666 x 3).
  • When we divide the 1998 of the upper 6 rows or first 5 words of the Bereshit Triangle by the 2701 value of the entire First Verse (1998/2701): we get .7397260273, which represents the 73-value of the 9th sefira, Chochma, and Triangular Field value (2701) of the First Verse; followed by the rep-sequence 97260273, which includes the 9 columns of the 72 Triplets; the 26 of the YHVH (יהוה) and the 273 of the ubiquitous Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) that itself includes 73.
  • Meanwhile, when we divide the 703 of either bottom 7-letter row and/or the last two words in the First Verse by the 2701 of the entire verse, we get (703/2701) = .26027397 as a rep sequence, as in the intrinsic properties as (1998/2701) = .7397260273…, just this time beginning with the 26 of the YHVH (יהוה). Naturally both quotients add up to One (1).

  • Alternatively, when we divide the 802 value of the 10 letters of the inner rectangle by the 1998 upper 6 rows or first 5 words of the Bereshit Triangle (802/1998): we get .401401401, as in the rep sequence 401, the value of the central 4th word in the First Verse. Moreover, 401 is half of the value of the inner rectangle, or (802/2), and it is the average of the 3 consecutive (4th, 5th, and 6th) words of the verse “et H’Shamayim v’et (את־השמים־ואת)” or (401 + 395 + 407)/3 = 401, whose final letters equal (20 x 42).
  • The word-value 401 is the most numerous word-value in the Torah, found 2669 times or (2701 32) times, and while their total value is (401 x 2669) = 1070269, as in the 107th Triangular Field, that represents the Event Horizon, 5778 years, the sum of (401 + 2669) = 3070, or 703 backwards, the 37th Triangular Field. Meanwhile the 703 of either bottom row of the two geometrical arrangements and/or the last 2 words in the First Verse is the same value as the phrase “The Lord called Moses (וַיִּקְרָא– אֶל-מֹשֶׁה)” from Vayikra 1:1, the portion with 111 verses, as in Alef (אלף), and 6222 letters as in the galactic cycle (12,0006222) = 5778, the Event Horizon.

  • Meanwhile, the Name Moshe, Moses (משה) appears in the same place in both the inner triangle and inner rectangle, centered above the 703, and the letters beside them (תיי) equal 420 for a total of (345 + 345 + 420) = 1110, or 10 times 111 as in Alef (אלף), and as in the first time in Pi (π) that 424 (Moshiach Ben David) appears, at digit #1110.
  • When we divide the 802 value of the 10 letters of the inner rectangle by the 2701 value of the First Verse or full rectangle, we get (802/2701) = .296927064…, as in the 296 value of the 7th word in the verse.
  • When we divide the 1998 of the upper 6 rows or first 5 words of the Bereshit Triangle by the 802 value of the inner rectangle, we get (1998/802) = 49127182045…, as in the 7th Mersenne Prime Number 127, which is the number of possible combination of the 7 words of the First Verse; coupled with 2718 or Euler’s Number (e), also known as Napier’s Constant (e); coupled with the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) and the Path of One; followed 45, Adam (man) and coupled with 2045, the year at the extreme far edge of the Event Horizon.
  • When we divide the 1998 of the upper 6 rows or first 5 words of the Bereshit Triangle by the 703 of either bottom 7th row, the last 2 words in the First Verse, we get (1998/703) = 8421052631…, as in the 28 letters of that verse; the 42-Letter Name Matrix associated with that verse; the 210 years of exile, etc.; and the 2105 sum of the letters and verses in the 6 Days and 31 verses of Creation, then sequentially, the 52, 26 and 63 Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה), followed by 31, El.
  • Likewise, when we divide the 2701 of the entire First Verse by the 703 of the bottom row of either shape, we get (2701/703) = 3.8421052631…, as above and as in the 3842 value of the first 42 letters of the Torah that morph from the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Therefore, (3.8421052631 8421052631) = 1.
  • Meanwhile, the sum of the 1998 value of the upper 6 rows of the Bereshit Triangle and the 802 value of the inner rectangle is (1998 + 802) = 2800 or .666 of 4200, just as 1998 is (3 x 666).

  • The 18 letters in the outer triangle of the Bereshit Triangle have a value of 2080 which is the 64th Triangular Field, or sum of integers from 164, as in the 64 positions in a square of 8 x 8, like the 8 x 8 square 64 Essential Triplets of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix in the Foundation Block that equals exactly 8000; and like the 8 x 8 normal magic square whose constant is 260 and whose internal sub-constant is 130.
  • Moreover, the Tetra Prime Number or cumulative sum of the cumulative Prime Numbers through 172, or 2701 backwards is the palindromic 2080802 that somehow metaphysically includes the outer triangle value of 2080 perfectly aligned with the inner rectangle value of 802, side by side. Since both geometric shapes are split into the same 18 and 10 proportions, it is as if the universe is suggesting we can swap inner portions, and this (2080 + 802) = 2882, as in the 82 times that the value 28 is found in the Torah and the 82 katan value of those 28
  • When we divide the 2080 value of the outer triangle of the Bereshit Triangle by the 2701 of the entire verse or entire triangle, we get (2080/2701)= .770085153…, reflecting the 77th Triangular Field of the first 8 words of the Torah that comprise the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit, connected with mazal (77).
  • That 2080 value of the outer triangle of the Bereshit Triangle aligns with the placement at digit #208000 in Pi (π) of …10995… as in the 995 sum of the 3 phases of Pi (π).
  • When we divide the 802 value of the 10 letters of the inner rectangle by the 2080 value of the crossed 18 letters of the outer triangle of the Bereshit Triangle, we get (802/2080): .3855769… as in the 385 value of the Shechinah, the feminine Aspect of the Creator, the Divine Presence coupled with the gates and radiant feminine Aspect of the YHVH (יהוה), which is 55 or (2 x 5).
  • Meanwhile, 0802 and 2080 are mirror images of one another and sum to the palindromic 2882, which is 7 years before the midpoint in the Spherical Time paradigm radius of 2889 HC and the midpoint in King David (14)’s 70-year life, as in the 7 words of the First Verse.
  • The sum of the other crisscrossed components, the 621 value of the inner triangle and the 1899 value of the outer rectangle is (621 + 1899) = 2520 or (60 x 42), which is the number of times the word-value 31 is found in the Torah. It is also half the radii of the Earth and Moon (3960 + 1080)/2 = (5040/2) = (7!/2) = 2520
  • Meanwhile, the sum of the 20 letters of the two inner components (621 + 802) = 1423, which aligns with the 1,423,000 miles lunar orbit around the Earth.
  • The ratios with 621 are unremarkable with the possible exception of (621/802), the value of the inner triangle to the inner rectangle, that equals .7743142144… as in 77; and as in the 3142 value of the string gematria of the highest Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה) and the sum of the 3 iterations of the Names Ehyeh (אהיה) and the YHVH (יהוה); coupled with 214, the value of Ruach, spirit.
  • As for the difference between the 703 of either bottom 7 letter row and/or the last two words in the First Verse and the 621 value or the inner triangle, we see that (703621) = 82, the katan value of the First Verse.
  • Meanwhile, the difference between the 802 inner rectangle value and the 621 value or the inner triangle is (802621) = 181, as in the 42nd Prime Number (181) and the sum of the 42 first digits in the Prime Numbers, 181.
  • Then there is the equation that aligns or pairs the components of the top and base of the Bereshit triangle and the inner and outer portions of the Bereshit rectangle by their like digit sums, in other words (7 + 0 + 3) = 10 with (8 + 0 + 2) = 10, and 27 with 27: (703/802 + 1899/1998) = 82701, as in Jacob (182) and the 2701 value of the First Verse. Moreover, both (802703) and (19981899) = 99, whose digits sum to 18, like the 18 letters in the outer rectangle of 1899.
  • Comparing the digit sums of the inner and outer triangle with the inner and outer rectangle, we see that (621 and 2080) and (802 and 1899) respectively give us (9 + 10) = 19 and (10 + 27) = 37, which are the inner and outer components of the 2 consecutive Magen Davids. The Star of 37 has 19 as its inner hexagon and the Star of 73, as in the 73rd Triangular Field, 2701, has 37 as its inner hexagon. Furthermore, the average of their digit sums is (19 + 37)/2 = 28, as in the 28 letters in the First Verse. Meanwhile, the first two Magen Davids are One (1), followed by the 137 Star/hexagon pair, as in the 7 words of the First Verse. The 6th Magen David (Centered Star Number) is 181 with its connection to 42, and 91 is its hexagon, as in the Path of One (1 13 91 455 1820) that sums to 1/42.
  • As for the product of the digits in 1998 and in 1899, they both equal (1 x 9 x 9 x 8) = 648, the square root of 42, or 480…, which means the product of their digits’ product is 42.
  • Meanwhile, the product of the two inner geometric shaped arrangements of the First Verse is (6 x 2 x 1) = 12 and (8 x 2) = 16, which together is (12 + 16) = 28, as in the 28 letters of the First Verse, like the digits in the outer triangle, 208 It is also like the P/S cipher of the product of the digits in the inner and outer triangle over the sum of their digits, (8 x 2 x 1 x 8 x 9 x 9)/(8 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 9 + 9) = (16 x 648)/(37) = 280.216216… as in the 28 letters, the 280 value of the 5 final letters (ךםןףץ) and the 216 letters in the 72 Essential triplet Matrix and/or Gevurah (216) repeatedly.

We have previously examined the make-up of the Bereshit Triangle so let us take a closer look at the Bereshit Rectangle. The 7 vertices (corners) in the two symmetric arrangements, the triangle and the rectangle, total in sofit gematria (908 + 910) = 1818, as in the 3 iterations (expansions) of the letter Alef (א) that equal 1818. Meanwhile, the 4 vertices or 4 corners (בבוץ) of the Bereshit Rectangle alone equal 100 in standard gematria or 910 in sofit, which aligns with the Path of One (1 13 91 455 1820) as (1820/2) = (2 x 455) = (10 x 91) = (70 x 13) = 910. Meanwhile (70 + 10 + 2) = 82, the katan value of the First Verse.  Alternatively, in the center of the rectangle we find the 4 letters (לשאה) that have a gematria value of 336, as in the 336 letters in the 112 Essential Triplets of the Torah, and within them we find one of the 4 central Triplets of the 72 Triplet Matrix, the 28th Triplet (שאה). It is coupled with the letter Lamed (ל) whose complete numerical value is 42. The actual 2 central letters of the Bereshit Rectangle are the Lamed-Shin (לש) pair with a value of 330 as in (12 x 27.5) the Time-Primal Frequency product and the base of the Great Pyramid. The complete value of the Lamed-Shin (לש) pair is (330 + 33) = 363, as in H’Moshiach, as in the 363 Days in the Cosmic Wheel, and as in the Spherical Time circumference, 36304.24470. The complete value of H’Moshiach (המשיח) is (363 + 57) = 420, reflecting the higher Consciousness Concept’s connection to the Singularity of 42.

The central letter pair (לש) has the ordinal values 12 and 21, as in the 12th and 21st Prime Number 37 and 73 whose product is 2701 and that are central to the dynamic of the First Verse.

The Bereshit Square and Circle of Creation

The ratio of the circumference of the circumscribed circle to the perimeter of its inner square is 1.110720, as in the Name Alef (111) and the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, and the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, which also aligns perfectly as previously discussed with the area under the exponential curve of the 7th letter, Zayin (ז) that has a variance of 1.11072… with the number/value 7.

Moreover, it would seem that the …107… in this 1.1107207 ratio, which geometrically is (π√2)/4, is of intelligent design in that 1/5778, the 107th Triangular Field, is .0017307027 and (1.73070271.1107207) is about .620000 or Keter, and maybe, metaphysically it relates to the 7th millennium, the Great Shabbat with 702, Shabbat, built into these two key numbers backwards and forwards, also known as the 1000 years of Binah Consciousness before the full assimilation into the state of universal consciousness. That value 1000 it should be noted is comprised of the 50 Gates of Binah times the 20 cubit or Keter height of those Gates, given that the value of the Hebrew word for “20” and for Keter are both 620.  And this once again is why the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments are found in 20th paragraph of Exodus, the 70th overall, at letter 107,007 in the Torah, or (107 x 1000), with the 111 being the value of both Alef (אלף) and Elef (אלף), meaning 1000. So, with …207… being the value of “Ohr (אור), Light” and of Raz (רז), secret, we have the beginning of an understanding of the 10 Commandments as a circle or radiant Light. That understanding grows deeper when we recall that 173 is the small gematria of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and that 42 digits before the 1000th in Pi (π), we find the string …805… as part of the final of the set of 3 strings of the Event Horizon …5778…. with 805 being the sum of the quantifiable elements of the 10 Commandments, and the value of the rainbow, G-d’s sign, and Covenant with the Earth immediately after the great reset of the Flood.  Meanwhile the difference between the symmetrically placed strings in this most notable sequence is (818805) = 13, as in the 13 verses of the 10 Commandments and the cube of 183 + 13 verses in the Torah.

The 10 Commandments and the Tree-of-Life

This concept of 805 is also found within the 304805 letters of the Torah, the 4805 letters Pe (פ) in the Torah, and the 28056 letters Hei (ה) in the Torah, but most notably in G-d’s Covenant with the Earth after the Flood, the rainbow of numerical value 805, and in the 805 elements of the 10 Commandments. Most of us think the 10 Commandments would logically be split down the middle into 5 and 5, but that is physical logic and not metaphysical sense.  By examining those 805 elements in the 10 Commandments we see that the appropriate split to unleash the powerful technology is to split them into the upper 3 Commandments and the lower 7 ones, in the exact same way that the 10 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life are. This split works out to the verses of Exodus 20:27 and the 7 verses of 20:814, as in the 6 x 7 Matrix of the 42-Letter Name and the 6 x 7 cubit final Gate to the 203 cu3 Holy of Holies within the Future Holy Temple.

The first 3 Commandments are about the Lord/Creator (יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ) and are akin to the 3 upper Sefirot (Keter, Chochma, Binah) of higher consciousness. The next 7 Commandments start with the 7th Day, the Sabbath, and cover the dealings between Man, akin to the processes of Zeir Anpin and the Creation of physicality over the 6 Days, as it explicitly states within that 4th Commandment about the 7th Day.  This covers the 7 lower Sefirot.

The 11th SefiraDa’at, comes into play in the initials (יא) of the Lord/Creator (יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ) and in the first words of the 10 Commandments “I am the Lord (אָנֹכִי יְהוָה),” which begins at the 107,007th letter in the Torah. Not only does “I am the Lord (אָנֹכִי יְהוָה),” have the numerical value 107, as in the 107th Triangular Field of the Event Horizon 5778, but the EBGD or plus 1 gematria of the “Lord/Creator (יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ)” is also 107, and its ordinal value sofit is 77, as in the 77th Triangular Field, 3003, of the 11 Triplets of Bereshit.

Nonetheless, the 620 letters in the 10 Commandments align with 620 being the gematria of both Keter and of Esrim (20), as in the 20th Chapter.  Of those 620 letters, there are 277 letters in the upper 3 Commandments, as in the 59th Prime Number (277) with 59 being the 17th Prime Number and 17 being the 7th Prime Number; and there are 343 or 73 in the lower 7 Commandments.

Split this way, we see that the total value of the 277 letters in the upper 3 Commandments when spelled-out into their full names is 42611, or the Singularity of 42 and the 611 value of Torah (תורה). The same milui gematria applied to the lower 7 Commandments is 61125, as in the 611 value of Torah (תורה) again and the exact 4th root (25) of the total 390625 verses, letters, and words in the Torah. Alternatively, when spelled-out with the Hei as (הה) instead of (הי) the total for the upper 3 Commandments is 42242.

The 172 words in the 10 Commandments are similarly split into 76 words, as in the ordinal value (76) of Bereshit (בראשית) and as in the square root of 5778, and into 96 words for the lower 7 Commandments.  Those 76 words pertaining to the 3 upper Sefirot and 3 upper Commandments are 1/10th of the values of the Names of the 3 upper Sefirot, Keter, Chochma, and Binah, or (620 + 73 + 67) = 760.

The overall 172 words is the value of the 3 Names Ehyeh (אהיה), Elohim (אלהים), and Adonai (אדני) and is also the number of digits in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix whose sum is 611, the value of Torah (תורה). Moreover, the 6 verses and 76 words of the upper 3 Commandments equals (6 + 76) = 82, as in the katan value of the First Verse of Creation, and as in the first 82 digits in Pi (π) squared that equal (12 + 42 + 12 +…62) = 2701,  the standard value of the First Verse of Creation.

Therefore, the 805 elements of the 10 Commandments split into verses, 76 words, and 277 letters, or 359 elements, and the lower 7 Commandments are comprised of 7 verses, 96 words, and 343 letters for a total of 446 elements. When combined, the technology reveals the “death, Mavet (מות) or 446 of satan (359); that is what the 10 Commandments are designed to do for us and why they are at the high point (Keter) of the Torah. The word death Mavet (מות) is found 42 times in the Torah, and the word value 446 is found 103 times in the Torah, as in the (7 verses and 96 words) or (7 + 96) = 103, while the value (422) of the Hebrew word for seventy, Shevim (שבעים), as in the 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life that stem from the 7 lower Sefirot, is found 96 times in the Torah.

The technology in the 10 Commandments also spells out when this death to satan was supposed to occur if we had adhered to the 10 Commandments. Israel became a nation in 1948 CE, 172 years after 1776, the year of the Tower of Babel (1776 HC), the US declaring themselves a nation (1776 CE), and of the illuminati or NWO doing the same in May 1776 CE.  As the Zohar explicitly stated nearly 2000 years ago, the purpose of the Tower of Babel was to construct a NWO, a rearrangement of the Tree-of-Life with Man, certain men, on top, not G-d.  Also, according to the Zohar, the 70 years after the birth of Israel in 1948 were supposed to be the birth pangs of Moshiach consciousness and the death throes of satan, which brings us to 2018 CE or 5778 HC, 66.6 jubilee years after the reception of the 10 Commandments at Sinai. This is also exactly 1948 years after the destruction of the Second Holy Temple in 70 CE, after standing for exactly 422 years, while the First Holy Temple was destroyed 70 years earlier in the 5th month of 3338 HC, as in 57782 or (5778 x .5778) = 3338.5284.

Moreover, this aligns with the spelled-out letters in the upper 3 Commandments that total 42242, as in 422 or 70 years, and as in (1776 + 242) = 2018 CE (5778 HC).

As for the (172 + 13) = 185 words and verses in the 10 Commandments the Arizal points out that this is the milui or spelled out value for G-d, El (אל). Meanwhile, while the first phrase in the 10 Commandments “I am the Lord (אָנֹכִי יְהוָה),” connects to 5778 through its value of 107, its complete gematria is (107 + 62) = 169 = 132, as in the 13 verses of the 10 Commandments and as in One, Echad (אחד), the Source.  Keep in mind that the Torah contains exactly 5845 = (5832 + 13) = (183 + 13) verses, and that not only does Phi (φ)18 = 5778.000, but the two Holy Temples stood for exactly (410 + 422) = 832 years, which is 1/4 of the 3330-year time period between the reception of the 10 Commandments in 2448 HC and the Event Horizon in 5778 HC.

While the first phrase “I am the Lord (אָנֹכִי יְהוָה)” has an ordinal value of 62 or 1/10th the 620 letters in the 10 Commandments, there are exactly 62 letters Yud (י) in them for a total value of 620, and they are split into 32 Yuds (י) in the upper 3 Commandments and 30 Yuds (י) in the lower 7 Commandments, as in the 32 Elohim (אלהים) in the first 6 Days of Creation and the 3 in the 7th Day, which aligns with the 6 verse/7 verse split of the 3 Commandments/7 Commandments.  Moreover, those 32 Yuds (י) in the upper 3 Commandments align with the 32 Paths of Wisdom that connect the 10 Sefirot in the Tree of Life.

And while the total value of the letters in the two sides of the split equal (20215 + 28240) = 48,455, reflecting the “455” value of the 3 Aspects of the expanded Name of Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אהיה) found in the Path of One (1 13 91 455 1820), the sofit total is (33,455 + 46,530) = 79,985. So, the sofit value of the upper 3 Commandments reflects Moses (345) and the “455” value of the 3 Aspects of the expanded Name of Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אהיה) again, while the total sofit value of the 10 Commandments equals the number of words in the Torah less 10, or (79,98510) = 79,975 words.  Moreover, the difference between the total sofit value and the total standard value of the 620 letters is (7998548455) = 31530 or exactly One (1) less than the number of Yuds (י) in the entire Torah, 31531.

The sum of the digits in 48,455 is 26, as in the YHVH (יהוה), while the sum of the digits in the sofit values are 20 and 18, like the ordinal values in the two letters at the center of the 42-Letter Name Resh-Zadi (רצ) and as in the Western Calendar analogue to 5778 HC (2018 CE).

Finally, the 805 Elements in the 10 Commandments point us to the year 5805 at the far edge of the Event Horizon that began in 5778 HC.

The year of the Event Horizon has come and gone and as a civilization we did not take heed and failed to adhere to even the 10 Commandments, yet as the Torah showed us so did the Israelites who were there at Sinai, and yet some of them made it to the Promised Land. We can be of the few that make it before the end of the elastic grace period in 5805. It depends on our desire and Understanding.

Hyperspace Mathematics and Directionality

This (100042) = 958 is also the gematria of verse 2:1 in the Torah, the first of the second paragraph and culmination of all Creation, the beginning of the Shabbat, the 7th Day. The gematria sofit of that 22-letter verse is (3000112) = 2888, as in the 2888 years until the midpoint or central point (2889 HC) in the Event Horizon radius, 5778 years, and the midpoint in the 70 years of King David’s life.  In hyperspace mathematics all the numbers in an equation are related and attributable to one another, like how a corner can be defined independently but will always be part of the square in which we found it. Equations are cosmic/metaphysical geometry. When a number that has cosmic relevance is also the result of subtracting a major concept number from a completion number in a complementary capacity, they are geometrically related and thus are three attributable to one another. In hyperspace mathematics there is no direction, so subtraction is of only minor deference than addition. They are mirrored concepts in a similar way that inverses are, and that reversed numbers are.  Only the illusory physical world places directionality limitations on objects, notions, and concepts, the biggest being that if linear time. Not being able to envision time as spherical and thus as bi and omnidirectional confines us to a single path and self-inflicted cell. Sure, it makes it much easier on our simple minds to process things, but it is like being given a Ferrari and driving it down the highway in first gear. If you never engage a higher gear, you will never learn the advantages or thrill of speed. Moreover, eventually someone will convince you to sell them your Ferrari and trade it in for a Fiat that better suits you, or worse an automatic American car than minimizes your thinking, or even worse a self-driving Tesla or Uber where you only have the semblance of control and are at the mercy of someone else entirely.

And while the cube root of 2888 is 1.424073 and of 2889 is 1.4242378, as in the Holy of Holies (1424); and as in Moshiach Ben David (424); Chochma (73); the Singularity of 42; Rachel (238), the inverse of 42; and the Magic Essential Cube (378) of Creation of Constant 42; we find that the first string …111072… in constant Pi (π) is at digit #424020.

So, when that square perimeter is exactly 2701, as in the First Verse and as in the 73rd Triangular Field, the circle that circumscribes it has a circumference of 3000.0. Thus, we have yet another geometric shape associated with the First Verse and consequently the primordial constant Pi (π).  We also see the dynamic of the 3 Sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-Life above and the 7 Sefirot (dimensions) that are engaged in the creation of physicality below with the square representing physicality and the surrounding circle, the Spiritual boundary, much as is the Spherical Time bubble.

Moreover, as you may recall the oscillating recurrent progression of the Primal Frequency (27.5) and thus of the 27.5” cubit, or (27.5 + 2.75 – .275 + .0275 – .00275 + .000275…), equals 30.000… and that


given the relationship between the Time Constant (12) and the Primal Frequency (27.5) we further see that this Harmonic Circle is also directly aligned with the area (30.000) of a circle of circumference 12, which as previously explained is also 10(π/φ2).

This square that transforms magnificently into a circle of 3000.0 is really the Bereshit Rectangle in that each side of the square represents a wrapping of the 28 letters around its perimeter, 7 to each side, and those 7 letters each applies to the rows of the rectangle in sequential order with the last side equal to 703. The 4 sides of the Bereshit Square are 915, 287, 796, and 703, which means that the two opposite sides (915 + 703) = 1618, as in Phi (φ), bringing in the Phi (φ) Field as yet another Primordial Constant influencing the Creation and development of the Torah’s First Verse.  This is also the 1618 complete value of the 6 bundled sefirot of Zeir Anpin with the kolel (6), and of the zig-zag algorithm of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix whose 7 odd Essential Triplets equal 1618, indicating once again how fundamental Phi (φ) is in the structure of the metaphysical universe. Those zig-zagging Essential Triplets constitute the 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th 12th and 13th of the 14 Essential Triplets in the Matrix, and their products match up as the Even Pronic Number pairs that we found in the Path of the Exodus square spiral, (1 x 4 x 5) = 20, (8 x 9) = 72, and (12 x 13) = 156. This results in a P/S cipher result of exactly 4320, as in the radius of the Sun, 432,000 miles. We need to keep in mind that the other Essential Triplets among the 14, add up to 2083, as in the 314th or Pi (π) Prime Number, and first found in Pi (π) at digit #877, and as in the 3 sides of the outer Bereshit Triangle that equal 2080.

Nevertheless, those two sets of opposite 7-letter pairs (בץ,תר,יא,שה,את,רא,בו) that equal 1618 by some act of metaphysical consciousness split into their first 4 that equals (8 + 201 + 401 + 305) = 915 and the last 3 that equal (11 + 600 + 92) = 703, as in the first 7 letters of the First Verse that equal 915 and the final 7 letters that equal 703. This is no slight of hand; there is no logical reason or physical reason that the letters should line up this way.

Moreover, the square root of the sum of the collective area of all 6 possible rectangles that can be formed by the unequally distributed component edge values of the Bereshit Square (915, 287, 796, and 703) is 1619.874 or 1.873760 more than 1618 or Phi (φ), which may be reflective of the 187 Chapters of the Torah, the Concepts of 18, 73, 37, and the 3760 years of Spiritual Time that reflect the pivotal year 3760 HC (0 CE) in the mirrored Calendars. The value 187 is also the sum of the squares of the digits in 5778, or (52 + 72 + 72 + 82) = 187.

The first 3 sides of the Bereshit Square naturally fold up into a triangle and equal (915 + 287 + 796) = 1998 or (3 x 666) or 3 times the 36th Triangular Field, and each of those 3 Triangular Fields has a value of (18 x 37), or (54 x 37) in total, as in the 54 portions of the Torah and the 54 cycles of 107 in the Spherical Time paradigm.

While the inclusion of 666 in the Torah’s First Verse may raise eyebrows to those that never read the original version of Revelations, it is no more than a numeric version of 2/3 and the speed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, about 66,649 mph, which works out to (66,649/73) = 913.0000, as in the value (913) of the Torah’s first word, “Bereshit (בראשית), In the Beginning.”

Meanwhile, there are 4 possible Triangular configurations from the 4 sides of the square, and they total 8103, whose average is 2025.75, as in 452 = 2025, or Adam (Man) squared, and whose square root is 90.01666, or (3 x 30.00555); nevertheless, the final letter in the First Verse and in the Alef-bet has a value of 90 and/or 900.

While there are 5 letters of the Alef-bet that reach below the plane (קךןףץ) and their collective value is 3000, and 1 letter (ל) of value 30 that goes above it, as in the 3000.0 value of the Circle of Creation, the complete value of the 28 letters of the first verse plus the kolel (1) is also exactly (2701 + 298 + 1) = 3000, meaning the difference between the Square and the Circle of Bereshit is its ordinal value, 298.  Meanwhile, the midpoint in King David’s life and in the Spherical Time radius (2889 HC) is (3000111 years), or 3000 less Alef (אלף) or One (1).

Moreover, the Bereshit Square of 2701 has an edge of (2701/4) = 675.25 and thus an area of 455,963, as in the “455 of the Path of One (1 13 91 455 1820) and the 3 Aspects of the Name of Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אהיה), along with the 963-value of the spelled out (אלף־חית־דלת) milui gematria form of the Hebrew word for One, Echad (אחד), invoking Oneness, and as in 5778/6 and/or (107 x 9).  While the 703 edge of the Bereshit Square is (19 x 37), it is also (9.630137 x 73), reflecting both the property of One as above, and of kabbalah, meaning “to receive,” which is also reflective of the Fine Structure Constant, 1/137. What makes this even more extraordinary is that that the 73rd Tetra Number, the sum of the first 73 Triangular Fields, is 67525 or (100 x 675.25), 100 times the average edge length of the Bereshit Square.

Moreover, the diameter of the circle of 3000.0 is 954.948…, as in the 954th digit in Pi (π) where we find the 3rd string …5778… of the Event Horizon and the 948th digit in Pi (π) where we find the 2nd string …5778….

The area of the Creation Circle of 3000.0 less the area of the Creation Square of 2701 is 260,261.8, as in 26 of the YHVH (יהוה) and 2.618 of Phi (φ2), while the ratio between them is π/2 or 1.5708, as in the year Israel became a nation, 5708 HC. This is similar to the area of the rectangle formed by the first two sides of the Bereshit Square, (915 x 287) = 262605.

While the 73rd Tetra Number is 67525 or (100 x 675.25), giving us the edge the Creation Square; the 74th Tetra Number, as in (2 x 37), is 70300 or (100 x 703), the 37th Triangular Field and bottom edge of the Bereshit Square, Bereshit Triangular, and Bereshit Rectangle. Then, while 703 is the 19th Hexagonal Field and 2701 is the 37th Hexagonal Field, bringing in yet another geometric shape into the fold, the 22nd Cumulative Hexagonal Field, as in the 22 Letters, is 3773. Then while the 54th Hexagonal Field, as in the 54 Torah portions, is 5778, the Event Horizon; the 101st is 1373701, as in 137 and 3701, the value of the 42-Letter Name Matix.

Hexagonal Fields will always also be Triangular Fields and thus we see that the 14th Hexagonal Field is 378, as in the sum of the 27 positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation and the 27th Triangular Field, which coincides with its central position, 14, which is interesting because the cube does not unfold into a triangle. That 27th Triangular designation is based on 378 numbers or items stacked into a triangle and/or a hexagon. This teaches us metaphysically that when we look at a number, say 27, we should be seeing 27 items and in that particular case, a cube of 33 items (units). Thus, the Magic Essential Cube of Creation begins with a cube of 13 and ends with a cube of 33 and in between them is a bundle of 14 units. So, when we say a number aligns with a geometric shape, like the 107th Triangular Number, 5778, we are saying that it is a field of stacked or ordered units 107 tiers deep that takes the shape of a perfect triangle. It is a specific ordered field of 5778 units. We must consider that it took an act of consciousness to take a string of 5778 items (units) and fold it 106 times into that shape and to keep it that way.  A code could be written to do that, but someone would still need to write that code and also the code that told the consciousness the rules of when and when not to do that and when to fold it into a hexagonal shape for instance, or alternatively to keep it as a straight line and to use it as a radius to form a circle or sphere.  It is far more complex than that as once the metaphysical network organizational shape is established, the individual items are tagged with a location such as …#376, #377, #378… and they too may fold up into organizational shaped networks. However, those tagged items are free to move around and change seats within the original shape—it does not change either the shape or the total, 5778, but it can change drastically what we see close-up and alter a near infinite set of equations and possibilities based on that item’s new pseudo location.

This is similar to how our DNA works and why it is best to leave its development to the original consciousness that programmed and manages it.  This is also why we are in a bubble and cannot mess with the complexity of the metaphysical realm of consciousness, a world we cannot yet begin to fathom let alone operate in.  It would be like putting a newborn in charge of Apple’s manufacturing and global supply chains without the middlemen, but far worse.  Imagine what would happen to Amazon if you randomly changed the location tags in their distribution centers, or to Chase if you randomly switched all the numbers around on their accounts, or to our government if you just made up the laws and verdicts as you went, and changed the voting totals, inflation and unemployment numbers, death tolls from certain diseases and their supposed cures, even inverting them, efficacy rates for drugs, crime rates, migration flows and polices, made up perceived threats domestic and foreign while ignoring the real ones, called homicidal maniacs victims and survival genocide. Imagine the ensuing chaos. That is why there is a bubble.

The Unfolding of Cosmology

The Creation Circle of 3000 has the same circumference as the perimeter of a square of 750 per edge. The Creation Square of 2701 is in the proportion or ratio of the K Constant 1.1107207… to that Square of 750 that is derived from the Creation Circle of 3000.0.  Thus, the area between the two squares is K2, while the area between the Creation Circle of 3000.0 and its derived 7502 square is the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273…). The ratio between the area of the Creation Square of 2701 and the Creation Circle of 3000 is π/2.  Ratios are just geometric grammar. When we subtract the value of Keter (620) from each side of the Square of 750 we get (750620) = 130, leaving us with an inner square of 1302.

Since the numbers of letters, words, and verses in the entire Torah also forms a perfect square of 6252, we see that on a nominal basis the Creation Square is (675.25625) = 50.25 longer per side and the area of 50.252 is 2525.0625, as in half the radii of the Earth and Moon (5040/2) = 2520 miles that is also half 7! Factorial or (60 x 42) plus the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 42-Letter Name (506) that is also the complete value of Moshiach Ben David, coupled with 625, Keter.

This also further ties together with the full 8 first words of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that is comprised of the first 33 letters of the Torah and that totals 3003, as in the 77th Triangular Field and/or the 39th Hexagonal Field. Their average is (3003/11) = 273, representing the ubiquitous Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) of the 4 corners of the square beyond an inscribed circle, and the ratio of the Moon/Earth (2160/7920).  Geometry on the Cosmic scale. Moreover, those 33 letters total exactly 3000 more in their total sofit valuation than their standard one, or (6003 3003), as in the Circle of Bereshit.

We see that this magnificent Creation Circle of 3000.0 gave way to the Creation Square, yet this phenomenal, jam-packed Creation Square gives way to another circle inscribed within it, whose area is by definition equal to π(675.25/2)2 = 358,112.159165, as in 358, Moshiach; the 112 Essential Triplets in the Torah; the 159 katan value of the 42 Letters of the YHVH (יהוה); and the 165 katan0 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. This is exactly half the area of the Outer Creation Circle of 3000 that represents the Binah (1000) expansion in the Upper 3 Sefirot, or (3 x 103).

We are witnessing the unfolding of Cosmology or the Cosmological Consciousness from the Circle of the Upper 3 Sefirot, 3000.0 to the Square formed by the Torah’s First Verse of Creation with an area of 455,963, as in the 3 Aspects of the expanded Name of Binah consciousness Ehyeh (אהיה), along with the expanded form (אלף־חית־דלת) of Echad (אחד), One, to the Moshiach Circle that is ½ the area of the Upper Circle and that envelopes the 112 Essential Triplets concealed within the Torah, along with the conjoined Names of the 42 Letters of the YHVH (יהוה) and the 42-Letter Name Matrix ladder which bring Pad (פד), Redemption. We should also point out that 112 is the ordinal value of the 10 letters in “Heavan and Earth” (הַשָּׁמַיִם וְהָאָרֶץ) as written at the completion of Creation.

What we are learning is that metaphysical spatial consciousness in terms of distance and area and basic geometric shapes came first, and that the Hebrew letters were then arranged accordingly. In particular, the Concepts and relationships between the Circle, Square, and Triangle shaped the First Verse of the Torah, in other words the First Verse of Creation, and thus the Creation of physicality.

The Center or Midpoint

Meanwhile, the average or midpoint in the central Lamed-Shin (לש) pair is 330/2 = 165, and it is at the 165th digit in Pi (π) where we find the first string …2701…, as in the sum of the first 611 digits in Pi (π) that matches the 611 value of the word Torah, found 33 times in the Torah. This aligns with the 165 value of the gematria katan0 of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, whose 14 Essential Triplets have at the letter pair RZ (רצ) in its center, like the last two letters in the First Verse (רצ) that totals 2701.  Half of that 165 value is 82.5, as in the 82 katan value of the same First Verse and the sum of the squares of the first 82 digits in Pi (π) that equal 2701.

Earlier, we explained that the sum of the 9 rep-digits is 4995 and that …4995… is found at digit #777 in Pi (π), while the sum of the 95 digits in the 9 rep-digits of the corresponding 9 Prime Numbers and the sum of the digits in their corresponding 9 Pi (π) locations is 444. We also explained that the sum of the digits in 444 is 12 and in 777 is 21, with the 12th Prime Number being 37 and the 21st being 73, as in (37 x 73) = 2701 and as in the 37073 total corresponding 9 Prime Numbers and as in the 37073 sum of the 9 Pi (π) locations. The Nekudah Emtzait (נקודה־אמצעית), or central point has the gematria (611 + 165) = 776, as in Torah (611) and as in the 42-Letter Name Matrix (165), and while the midpoint in (12 + 21)/2 = 16.5, the value of the Nekudah Emtzait (נקודה־אמצעית) or central point Plus the One (1) at the center is 777.

Meanwhile, the 776th position in Pi (π) after the 3 that is aligned with ”the central point Nekudah Emtzait (נקודה־אמצעית)” is the same as the 777th position, and thus the central point lines up with the number 4995, as in the sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet; the 499.5 g/mol average weight of the 4 nucleotides (ATCG) of our DNA; the 499.5 sum of the 10 residues of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in triplet decimal places (.090, .181, .272, .363, .454, .545, .636, .727, .818, and .909); and the 49.95 sum of the inverses of the first 173 digits in Pi (π), while the sum of the inverses of the values of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet that total 4995 equals 3.14015, as in Pi (π).

Those two letters (רצ) at the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, have the numerical value 290, just like the average of the 9 Essential Triplets of the First Verse.  Since the first 27 letters total 2611, as in 26 of the YHVH (יהוה) and 611, the value of Torah, they average (2611/9) = 290.111, which is exactly 10 less than the entire First Verse divided by 9, (2701/9) = 300.111.

The value 290 is found within the first 1000 digits in Pi (π) and again at digit #6001 where it immediately proceeds the first time Phi (φ) or 1618 appears, …2901618… metaphysically suggesting that Phi (φ), which we already know is integrally associated with the 42-Letter Name Matrix, emanates from there.

We need to keep in mind that the last three tiers of the 7-tiered Name equal 1375, as in the 137.5o Phi (φ) angle and that the 7 zigzagged Triplets in the 7-tiered 42-Letter Name Matrix equal 1618, again Phi (φ). The first place in Pi (π) where we find the 137.5o Phi (φ) angle (…22881375…), it is immediately preceded by 2288, the speed that Moon is orbiting the Earth, 2288 mph, while (2288 + 1375) = 3663, whose inverse is 273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) that is also the ratio of the Moon/Earth, (2160/7920) like so much else in the Cosmos. And because 165 is (6 x 27.5), the Primal Frequency, and 137.5 is (5 x 27.5), the difference between the center and the Phi (φ) angle is 27.5, the Primal Frequency.

The Nekudah Emtzait (נקודה־אמצעית), the central point of the original restriction or tzimtzum that created the Spherical Time bubble of our existence has a numerical value of 165 plus 611, relating it to the 42-Letter Name Matrix and to the Torah (611) and to the central point of a circle that has a diameter of 330 or (12 x 27.5), which we have seen reflected in theLamed-Shin (לש) pair at the center of the Torah’s First Verse Bereshit Rectangle and Creation Square. This coupled with the complete value of the Lamed-Shin (לש) pair being (330 + 33) = 363, as in the 363 Days in the circular Cosmic Wheel, and as in the Spherical Time circumference, 36304.24470, gives credence to the concept of the (לש) forming a special central point circle within the First Verse of Creation.

And when we superimpose the letter pair (רצ) at the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix with the Lamed-Shin (לש) letter pair at the center of the First Verse of Creation, we get (290 + 330) = 620, Keter that simultaneously aligned with the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments.

While the ordinal values of Lamed-Shin (לש), 12 and 21, correspond to the Prime Numbers, 37 and 73 respectively, the ordinal values of (רצ), 20 and 18, correspond to the Prime Numbers, 71 and 61 respectively, making all 4 of them equal to 71, the 20th Prime Number, as in Keter again. Moreover, the value of those 4 ordinal values and corresponding 4 Prime Numbers is (71 + 242) = 313 as in the 313 times that the Name Elohim (אלהים) is found in the Torah, including the First Verse of Creation.

Mathematically, the midpoint of the diagonal of the Bereshit Rectangle and Creation Square is (675.252)/2 and the midpoint of the inner square is (337.6252)/2 = 238.737 as in 1/42 from the Path of One coupled with the outer and inner Concepts of 73 and 37.  Moreover, it is at digit #238 in Pi (π) where we find the first string …165…, the midpoint or radius of 330, while at digit #165 we find …2701…, the First Verse.

The midpoint or central point in 165 is 82.5, which aligns it with the diameter of the Great Precession and Great Day (25,920) or 25920/π = 8250 years, or alternatively parts of a minute. Meanwhile, the Event Horizon divided by the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that are aligned with the 7 words of the First Verse is equal to 5778/7 = 825.42, suggestive of the midpoint of the 42-Letter Name Matrix of katan0 value 165.

We find that midpoint 3 times in Pi (π) as the string …8253… which is one of the 42 strings of 4 digits found twice within the first 1000 digits, and it is one of only 4 strings of 4 digits found thrice: the two concurrent analogue years 5778 and 2019; the string 9999, and 8253, which total 26049, or 26142 with their digit sum of 93. The 3 locations of the string …8253… are the 88th digit, the 828th digit, and the 903rd digit, as in the 42nd Triangular Field (903). Their total is (88 + 828 + 903) = 1819, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah minus One (1).  The first time …8253… appears is 913 digits from the end of the first 1000, as in Bereshit (913). Moreover, the order that 8253, 2019, 5778 and 9999 are found in Pi (π) in which they make their first appearance have as their 4 initial digits 8259, and the 4 digit locations for their first appearance including the initial 3 is (89 + 245 + 633 + 763) = 1730: as in the sum of the 4 upper (Keter, Chochma, Binah, and Da’at) sefirot and Malchut, 1730; as in the 42-Letter Name Matrix (173); the 1730 Men beyond the original 600,000 that crossed over into Israel; and as in 1/5778 = 0.0001730…. Moreover, …1730… is first found in Pi at digit #24488, as in the year the Torah was received at Mt Sinai, 2448 HC.

The Fine Structure Constant or 1/137.0 is a slight permutation of 1/.0001730 = 5778, and it is at digit #1370 in Pi (π) where we first find either value of the 11th Sefira Da’at (474) and the 1st or last sefira, Malchut (496), …47496… coupled together, and while the sum of the digits in …47496… is 30, the sum of Da’at (474) and Malchut (496) is (474 + 496 + 30) = 1000, symbolizing completion.

The Mechanism

We know that the far end of the Event Horizon is at around the year 5805 and that like clockwork, the Sun will go micro-nova sometime around then and that the great reset will begin anew, as it has done countless times before.  We know that metaphysically that is akin to pushing a reset button on the Divine Simulation, which no one actually has to press it as its already programmed into the system/matrix. But how does that coding work and what goes on spiritually/metaphysically? The Sun is Zeir Anpin, which is represented by the YHVH (יהוה), and Zeir Anpin is comprised of the 70 Sefirot of the complete physicality projection mechanism, in other words, the 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life. The makes a total of (26 x 70) = 1820 YHVH (יהוה), as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah, which is also Zeir Anpin. So, the Sun is complete or full at 1820 YHVH (יהוה), meaning that if one more YHVH (יהוה) is injected into its surface, which burns at 5778 K, it will burst, or micro-nova, the same way that adding one more of anything to the Torah invalidates it.

As we know 5778 is also the Spherical Time bubble radius, and 5778/70 = 82.542… related to the Central Point, etc. Moreover, (5778/26) = 222.22, as in (5778 + 222) = 6000, and 1/222.22 = .0045000, as in Adam (Man). Adam reflects the Aspect (יוד־הא־ואו־הא) of the YHVH (יהוה) at the level of Zeir Anpin and was created from the “dust” on the 6th Day.  This aligns with the 2222.7 sum of the 27 cube roots of the 27 total letter values for the entire Torah when both values for the 20,107 final letters are included, as in the value 20 representing Keter, and 107, as in the 107th Triangular Field, 5778. This is also why the physical limit of the Solar System is a total of 107 AU, the 28th Prime Number, like the 28 letters of the First Verse of Creation.

When we add One more YHVH (יהוה) to Zeir Anpin and/or the Sun we get, (5778 + 26) = 5804, the far point or bursting point of the Event Horizon. The Sun goes micro-nova every 12,000 or (6000 x 2) years, or more specifically every 11,556 or (5778 x 2) years plus the merciful cosmic elasticity period. The physical reason for this is the significant excess dust that rides on Parker Instability galactic current wave that has a periodicity of around 12,000 years. It was no coincidence that the Event Horizon coincided with the 45th US President, or that the far end of the Event Horizon is 2045. That was fate; Man’s agenda has since sealed it.

This is why the Creator was finished on the 7th Day and rested. The bubble created for us was at its limit and there was purposely no room for Man to create his own G-d, even an AI one.

Moreover, the 12 digits in the 4 sets or sides of the Creation Square recombine from (915, 287, 796, 703) into 3 sets of 5778, 2019, and 9763, and while 5778 HC and 2019 CE are the mirrored calendar analogues of the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon, we find the first numerical string …9763… at the 8250th digit in Pi (π), and it is at digit #763 in Pi (π) where we find the numeric string …999999…. Or six 9’s in a row, a double set of rep-digit 999, like the two distinct sets of words of the First Verse that equal 999.

All aspects of the metaphysical world were blended into Creation. Thus, we see first that 8250 = (300 x 27.5), and then that the value 763 is also the value of the 9 Essential Triplets of the 1st column of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. Moreover, the total 763 is analogous to the sum of the cube roots (7.63) of all 10 of the resultant remainders of the unique Primal Frequency (27.5) from .090909 to .909090, which are all based on multiples of 9.

Meanwhile, the sum of the locations within Pi (π) for …5778… and …2019… is 4472, as in 72/161 = .4472, which is also 1/√5, while the log (4472) = 3.650. It is also 4470 when subtracting the kolel, as in the 4470 sum of the first 1000 digits in Pi (π) and the Spherical Time circumference, 36304.24470.

A Unicorn Prime

The Cosmic rabbit whole gets weirder and deeper yet as the 3 locations of the string …8253in Pi (π)  equal (88 + 828 + 903) = 1819 and the 1819th Prime Number is 15601, as in the 15601 digits in the unicorn Prime Number 1808010808….18080108081 in which that 10-digit sequence repeats that sequence 1560 times as in (60 x 26) and as in 156, the value of Joseph and Zion, the central spiritual point above Jerusalem, and as the 156 value of the central Meeting Tent (אהל־מועד)” of the Tabernacle, the Miskan of 42 Elements. Moreover, while the sum of the digits in the rep sequence 1808010808 is 34 as in the 34 verses in the 7 Days of Creation, (156 + 34) = 180.  

Meanwhile, (15601 + 1819) = 17,420, and the ratio of 26/1.5 is 17.333, as the katan value (173) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and while it is also approximately 103, it is precisely 15.60128253 more than the square root of 3, accounting metaphysically for both 15601 and 8253 in a single simple cosmic equation. The Pi (π) is a cosmic melting pot that appears to be imprinted upon of encoded by a variety of metaphysical elements and the same can be said of the Torah. That is the way of living consciousness. Even when something appears to be unique or a unicorn it is an integrated part of universal unity and serves a purpose within the collective consciousness. And just in case we had any lingering doubts, when we split any of those 1560 identical sequences in half and sum them, we get (18080 + 10808) = 28888 as in (2888.88), the 2889 midpoint in the Spherical Time radius of 5778 years and of King David’s life.

The ratio 26/1.5 represents the ratio of the Names YHVH (יהוה)/Yah (יה), and we see that two of the components of the YHVH (יהוה), the YH (יה) times the VH (וה) equals (11 x 15) = 165.  The ratio 26/1.5 also represents the difference between the two radiant forces in the aether, the YHVH (יהוה) at 26, and the Primal Frequency at 27.5, which is 1/6th of 165, as in (27.526) = 1.5.

That difference of 1.5 between them works out to (27.5/1.5 26/1.5) = (18.33317.333) = One (1). This also brings us to the central midpoint in the 42-Letter Name Matrix of katan value 173. Using standard gematria that midpoint RZ (רצ) is at a sum of 1833 for its first 42/2 = 21 letters, as in the 1833 letters Samech (ס), representing the circle, in the Torah.  It is like the Greater Creation Circle of 3000.0 that aligns with the 21 letters of the Torah total of exactly 300,000.

Meanwhile the letter Samech (ס) is the 15th letter and has a value of 60 or (40 x 1.5). Thus, the total value of the 1833 letters Samech (ס) in the Torah equals (110,00020) or (4000 x 27.520), ergo 4000 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) minus Keter. The Keter portion sits above the circle, which in the metaphysical world means in its center. This is also another illustration of the alignment between the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 11 sefirot of the 42-letter Tree-of-Life.

7 Days of Creation

In the design of the first 7 Days of Creation we see that they contain 1815 letters, which is 5 less than the Torah’s 1820 YHVH (יהוה) yet exactly (165 x 11), as in the point, nekudah (נקודה) of the 11 Sefirot and the 42-Letter Name Matrix, especially since the central point is right above the letter pair (בט) of numerical value 11 and right beside another pair (בט), also 11.  Another hint to the hidden letter Samech (ס) is found beside the second pair (בט) this time with the two letters Nun-Ayin (נע) being the 14th and 16th letters, skipping over the missing 15th Samech (ס).

While the letter pair (גח) also equals 11, the 5 letters (גחקנע) equal 231 and the two twin pairs (בט) equal 22, giving us the schematic of Abraham’s 231 Gates in a circle of the 22 letters, while the 9 letters including those two twin pairs (בט) thus equals 253, the 22nd Triangular Field, representing the Alef-bet. The ordinal value of the other 3 letters (רצת) is (20 + 18 + 22) = 60, the value of the concealed letter Samech (ס), making their complete value, (690 + 60) = 750, or one quarter of the Creation Circle of 3000, one side of a square whose perimeter matched the circumference of that Creation Circle, which is 75 more than the 675-side of the Creation square, as in the complete value of the letter Samech (ס), (60 + 15) = 75.

Meanwhile, the string …1815… of the 1815 letters of Creation is found at digit #728 in Pi (π), as in the 7 Days and 7th Triangular Field, 28, and the First Verse of Creation of 7 words and 28 letters.

The first 21 verses, as in the 21 letters of the Torah that total 300,000, have a total value of 62000, which aligns foremost with Keter (620), and with the 6200 miles to furthest edge of Earth’s exosphere; the difference between the ratio of 1/5778 and the ratio of the circle to the inscribed square or (1.73070271.1107207) = .620000; and the 31 verses of the 6 Days times 2000. It is also the sum of the cumulative values of the 22 letters, 6200, which brings us to the value of the next verse, the 22nd verse of Creation, whose total value is 2889, as in the midpoint of the Spherical Time radius and King David’s life. Moreover, the sum of the letters through the 22nd verse is 1100 as in the major interval (40 x 27.5) for an average of exactly 50 letters/verse.  While the 13 initials of that 22nd verse total 156, as in Zion, the nexus point above Jerusalem, the midpoint between the realms, its middle letters total (4221).

There are 1671 letters in the first 6 Days of Creation, which is equivalent to the sum of the Prime Numbers in the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) or 1670, plus One (1).  It is also exactly one-half or the midpoint in the 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, (3342/2) = 1671, yet another indication that the first 6 Days of Creation were akin to the Sefirot (dimensions) involved in the Creation of physicality only. The other half of the Tree-of-Life is dedicated to the higher metaphysical dimensions, that existed before physical Creation.

The Magen David in the First Verse

Meanwhile, the ratio of the 398 Prime Numbers to the 602 non-Primes in the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) is (382/602) = .66112956, as in the ratio of Rachel to Leah, 238/36 = 6.611; and as in the value of the word Torah (611). It is also representative of the 11th Centered Star or Magen David Number (661), whose first 11 equal (1 + 13 + 37 + 73 + 121 + 181 + 253 + 337 + 433 + 541 + 661) = 2701, as in the value of the First Verse of Creation.

Considering that (37 x 73) = 2701, and that Israel (541) is the 10th Centered Star (Magen David) Number, that 121 or 112 is the 6th, and 181, the 42nd Prime Number is the 7th, and that the 22nd Centered Star (Magen David) Number is 2773, the concordance is overwhelming that the Magen David geometric shape was considered in the design of the Torah and not the work of the Masons or some other random group as some delusionists would tell you. It is a necessary design element that concentrates the 6 bundled dimensions (sefirot) into the central 7th dimension, the 6-sided hexagon that is akin to the 6-sided cube, and it purposely has a central point.

Moreover, the sum of the inverses of the Centered Star (Magen David) Numbers equals 1.159173… as in the gematria katan of the 42-Letters of the YHVH (יהוה), 159, and the 42-Letter Name (173).

And while 4213 is the 27th Centered Star (Magen David) Number, (4213 + 27) = 4240, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness, and as in digit #424020 in Pi (π), where we find the first string …111072… of the ratio or K Constant 1.1107207… that converted the Creation Square of 2701 into the Creation Circle of 3000.0.

Meanwhile, it is at the 1107th digit in Pi (π) where we find the string …724245415069595082… that not only begins with the 72, as in 72 Essential Triplet Matrix and the 72 from the K Constant 1.1107207…. It is immediately followed by the first time in Pi (π) that 424 appears, as in the 424020th digit just mentioned and as in Moshiach Ben David, but then also by the first time either 541 (Israel) or 506, the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 42-Letter Name and complete value of Moshiach Ben David, appear within the Pi (π) Matrix. This is followed by 95 twice, the value of “The King (המלך),” and the 18-digit sequence is capped off by 082, as in the katan value of the First Verse of Creation that we have seen weaved into the Pi (π) Matrix’ first 1000 digits. The sum of the digits in this special sequence is 78 and of their squares is 472, so together they equal 550, or (20 x 27.5), the Primal Frequency, as in the sum of the initials of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, and much more as previously discussed.  It is also true that the 1110th digit in Pi (π), as in the K Constant 1.1107207…. or encircling ratio, is also found within this sequence. So yes, we can conclude by now that the Pi (π) Field or Sea of Pi (π) is a vast and nearly infinitely complex Cosmic Matrix.  Our ability to tap into it is only limited by our gross lack of knowledge and understanding. If you do not have the Hebrew Cosmic Interface language and cannot see numbers as cosmic concepts and the ratios between them as geometries than yes, it is just a vast sea of jumbled digits, and the earth is a big ball of dust, and the universe is an entangled mass of coincidence.  If you choose the red pill, there are no limits.

The Sun’s toroidal magnetic field is a closed on with looped circuitry between it and the planets, which is why to one extent or another they all influence one another, as Abraham described in the Sefer Yetzirah, The Book of Formation. The Earth, Venus, and Jupiter for example form a conjuncture or alignment that reverses the oscillations in the Tayler instability and cause a tidal effect with exactly a 11.07-year periodicity that lines up exactly with the 11-year Solar Minimum.  And if that was not enough of a concordance with the K Constant 1.1107207…. or encircling ratio, while the AU distance of the Earth is 1, that of the first two planets Mercury and Venus is 1.110, that of the entire Solar System is 107, and that of Venus is .72 AU. Why would the planets distance from the Sun in relation to the earth—the definition of AU—be aligned with the K Constant 1.1107207…. that describes a circle circumscribing a square?

Yet, within the Pi (π) Prime ratio (382/602) = .66112956 we also have references to the 112 Essential Triplets and to the 956th digit in Pi (π) where we find the end of the final …5778…. Moreover, those 602 non-Primes is equivalent to the 602 value of the 170 digits in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, which total 611, when the (7 + 2) are added.

Central and Midpoint Symmetry Explained

The central point Nekudah Emtzait (נקודה־אמצעית) of the Spherical Time bubble radius is 2889 years, which coincides with the central point in the Adam-David-Moshiach (אדם) timeline, 2889 HC. The central point of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that is at the center of the metaphysical universe and the Spherical Time paradigm and that is the backbone of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life structure is the midpoint Resh-Zadi (רצ) of numerical value 290. The Sun (חמה) of ordinal value 26 represents Zeir Anpin and both are associated with the YHVH (יהוה), making the Sun the physical and spiritual (life-giving) center of our Solar System. With its’ surface temperature of 5778 K, the Sun flies through space at 448,000 mph or 720,000 kph, while the Earth that religiously orbits the Sun and absorbs that life-giving force has a surface temperature of 288.9 K. This is exactly 1/20th of the Sun’s temperature but metaphysically speaking, representative of half, or a midpoint, a perfect reflection of the relationship of 2889 HC to 5778 HC. The value 290 is as close as we can get to 288.9 with two Hebrew letters, as in Resh-Zadi (רצ). It is off by 1.1, as in the 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life of which it is the center.  The central or 21st letter of the 11Sefirot is the letter Resh (ר) and the Sefira of Gevurah to which is belongs (גבורה) is intersected by 5 Pathways or channels between the spheres.  In order clockwise, these Pathways (גזאצפ) each align with a different letter in the name Gevurah to which is belongs (גבורה), and the Pathway that corresponds to the letter Resh (ר) is the letter Zadi (צ), hence Resh-Zadi (רצ). They also pair together, counterclockwise, starting with the letter Zayin (ז), the other alternative.

The 28 in 2889 metaphysically connects to the 28 letters of the First Verse and the seed or center of Creation, while the 89 connects to the 8 Days of Channukah (89) at the center and pinnacle of the 363 Day Cosmic Wheel, 89 Days after the Day of Creation (the 25th of Elul). Please note that the 6th Day of Creation is Rosh Hashanah, when the first day of the Solar year aligns with the start of the lunar month.

There is a reason that we perceive the Earth as orbiting the Sun at 66,600 mph, and that is because the Earth represents physicality, the concentration and focus of the 6Sefirot and 6 Days of Creation, while the Sun is the full 7 Sefirot and 7th Day and surrounds it with Light and life-giving force. This is exactly as in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, with 14 or (2 x 7) in its center, its core, and its Light shining in the 6 directions to the 6 faces of the Cube. And King David (14) is likewise at the center of the Spherical Time paradigm. And when the 5778, representing the Sun, is divided by 6, it equals exactly 963, as in the expanded form (אלף־חית־דלת) of Echad (אחד), One.

The higher up the scale of the Sefirot the closer we get to the Source, the center. We see this concept reflected in the Sun – Earth physical relationship. This is why value-wise the top 4 or Upper Sefirot equal (1234/3342) = 37% of the full 11 Sefirot, as in (1000963) = 37 and as in the 37 at the core of our DNA, the First Verse, etc.

So, if Creation is the Source, and Adam is the Source, and the Sun is the Source, and full and Singularity of 42 is the Source, and the higher up the Sefirot the closer we are to the Source, what are those midpoints of 290 or (רצ) at the center of the 42; and/or the 288.9 K representing the Earth as midpoint in physicality; and/or the (רצ) at the center of the 42 letters of the Tree-of-Life; and/or David (14) at the midpoint (2889 HC) of Spherical Time and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42? Just as the Source is One, these midpoints are all one and the same, the balance or equilibrium points in their systems.

In our paradigm we are not meant to reach the Source, but to seek it out, to find the equilibrium point of zero gravity where physicality is not weighing us down, nor are we floating away. We start at the bottom and through trial and tribulation hopefully climb higher. When we reach that equilibrium point the Source and conscious universe takes over and elevates us like a tractor beam, pulling us forward. We are still only halfway there but now we are operating in Spiritual Time, allowing us to more relative time to process and make better decisions.

The 10 Commandments is another such midpoint or equilibrium point which is why it is placed at the 107,007th letter in the Torah. Like the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, it is linked to the Source, just as the sum of the planets in our Solar System’s orbital radii equal 107 AU, and just like 1/5778 = .0001730 as in the katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the Singularity. From that point on, metaphorically the Creator elevates us until we reach the Promised Land, as occurred in 2488, and which is akin to reaching the 8th level, Binah, the universal consciousness of the 248 dimensions of the E8 symmetry. This is why exactly 1730 men beyond the original 600,000 made it through the 42 journeys, as in the log (600,000) = 5.778.

We have been given these specific Midpoints or Equilibrium Points for a reason. They are portals to the Source, not short cuts, but places where we can focus our attention from the distractions of physicality. The gematria of the 4th tier of the 42-letter Name Matrix in which the(רצ) is placed is 704, as in the value ofPath, Derech (דרך),” and it is midway through our Path. Since (704290) = (2 x 207), as in the value of Light, Ohr (אור), the midpoint is the place through which the Light emanates and radiates. If you have found your way to this portal, you are already on the path of awakening and elevation. The same can be said for the 10 Commandments, actually following them will protect you from the trappings of physicality and release you into that zero-gravity state.

The Midpoint and the Triple Solar Eclipse of Destiny

According to the Talmud, a solar eclipse is a bad omen for the entire world, and we know that physically they occur in set predictable precise moments in time based on the clock-like mechanism of the Earth, Sun, and Moon movements that were wound up eons ago.  The Gemara (Sukkah 29a) states that the location in which the Sun is seen in total eclipse is where the warning is darkest.

The string …290… representing the central midpoint letter pair (רצ) in the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix is sandwiched (…2129021…) between twin 21‘s within the proven to be revelatory first 1000 digits of Pi (π), and fittingly this aligns with the 21 letters in the 42-Letter Name Matrix that lead into the central pair (רצ) and the 21 letters that follow it. Thus 42 cleaved down the middle like the Covenant of Halves. This is like the highest Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה) that is found only once in the Torah, whose twin wings Ehyeh (אהיה) each have the value and the ordinal value 21, and whose central Name has the ordinal value of 42.

The gematria of the 4th tier (בטרצתג) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix in which the central midpoint (רצ) is placed is 704, as in Path, Derech (דרך) of the Tree-of-Life with its 11 Sefirot This central tier begins with the 5 letters that start off with (בט) of numerical value 11, and it conceals the word Brit (ברית), Covenant, when the Zadi (צ) is broken down into its component Yud (י) and Nun (נ). These first 5 letters have the value 701, as in the 701st digit in Pi (π) after the decimal place where we find …42019… and as in 2701, the value of the First Verse of the Torah and Creation.

It is part of a long 31-digit revelatory sequence that starts at digit #702, as in Shabbat (702), the 7th Day, …4201995611212902196086403441815…. It is immediately preceded by the …611… value of Torah (611) with its Pi (π) and 72 Essential Triplet concordances, and it is immediately succeeded by …1960… as in the sum of the cubes of the first 4 Triplets (12-digits) in Pi (π) (33 + 13 + 4313 + 53 + 93 + 26353 + 33 + 53 + 83) = 1960, which is followed by the diameter of the Sun, …8640…. The whole sequence begins with 42019 that couples 42 and/or 420 with the Western Calendar analogue to the Event Horizon, 2019 CE, which like its counterpart 5778 HC is also found times in first 1000 digits of Pi (π).

After the diameter of the Sun, we find the numbers …34… and 1815, as in the 1815 letters in the 34 verses of the 7 Days of Creation.

The 31 digits plus their 114 value plus the 1815 letters equals 1960, as in (28 x 70), representing the First Verse, and as in the 4 Triplets of Pi (π) above, along with the 4 Patriarch’s Names’ word-value recurrences, their ages, and the word-value recurrences of their ages: (242 + 181 + 175 + 309) + (175 + 180 + 147 + 110) + (57 + 104 + 34 + 246) = (907 + 612 + 441) = 1960, as found just before the diameter of the Sun in the prophetic sequence above.

Besides the …112… of the 112 Essential Triplets, and 121 of 112 and the 121 Triplets that includes the 9 of Magic Essential Cube of Creation, and the (424/2) = 212, of “The Light, H’Ohr (האור),” there is also 1211 backwards. This is the number of days in 173 weeks. The Torah teaches us that days and years come in cycles of 7, and 173 cycles of 7 Days, as in the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix of katan value 173, aligns with the 173 weeks that equals 1211 days. These 173 weeks are exactly 3 years, months, 3 weeks, and 3 days.  There are exactly 1211 days (173 weeks) between the total solar eclipse on Aug 212017, and the date the Covid-19 DNA altering vaccine was rolled out on December 142020, and then again exactly another 1211 days (173 weeks) until the next total solar eclipse on April 8th2024.

While that is too ominous to be a coincidence, especial given that Covid-19 and the date 12/14/20 permutes to 42019 along with either 121 or 211, and given that 4/8/24 permutes to 4248, the sum of the 22 Names of the Hebrew letters, etc.

The next total solar eclipse over the USA is on August 122045, at the far end of the fully stretched Event Horizon, when the Sun is due to go micronova.  Moreover, while April 8th2024, is the 29th of Adar BetErev Rosh Chodesh Nissan, both Aug 212017, and Aug 122045, are Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, the 29th of Av, as in the Pi (π) sequence …11212921… when Moses received the second set of Tablets, on the cusp of the 11th and 12th solar months.  And as in the twin dates Aug 212017, and Aug 122045, and as in the Pi (π) sequence …11212921…  we know the 12th Prime Number is 37 and bookend 21st Prime Number is 73, as in the (37 x 73) value of the Torah’s First Verse of Creation, etc.  The first two of the triplet total eclipses are 2242 Days apart, or 7 years, and there is another 21 years from 2024 to 2045 and the third and final eclipse. In the Hebrew Calendar there is exactly 28 years to the day between the first of the triplet eclipses and the last and final one, as in the 28 letters of the Torah’s First Verse, and as in the width of the Event Horizon window from 5777 HC to 5805 HC that began in 2019 CE after the end of the 5778-year radius of the Spherical Time paradigm.

The time between the first and middle eclipse is thus twice 3 years, months, 3 weeks, and 3 days or 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days pivoting on the jab, and in Hebrew the letters for 29 are (כט), which we learned from Abraham Avinu are the letters corresponding to the influence of the Sun and of the month of Av, as in the 29th of Av, triply emphasizing the Sun on these ominous days of eclipse. He also taught us that the 7 letters that correspond to the 7 planets including the Sun and Moon have a collective value of 709, as in digit #709 in the Pi (π) sequence where we find …1121… as in the 1211 days reversed.

In the exact middle of those 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days we received the Covid-19 DNA altering vaccine on the 28th of Kislev 5871, midway through Chanukah on the 4th Day of Chanukah—some gift! This would be 31 years before the final eclipse of the Sun, as in the 31 verses of the Days of Creation. This is not to say Man planned it that way, but on that pivotal day, December 14, 2020, the total eclipse in this photo taken in Gorbea Chile also occurred, aligning all the events with the darkening of the light of the Sun.

We have to imagine that it must be tough to line up the Earth and Moon vis-à-vis the Sun just right given that they are orbiting it at 66600 mph, and that the Moon is orbiting the Earth at 2288 mph, while the Earth is rotating at 1000 mph, especially since they are not even in the same plane and the Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of (90 – 66.6)o.  Nevertheless, the Creator did, and He also managed it so that there would be exactly 346.0 or (2 x 173.00) lunar months (at 29.53059 solar-Earth days) between the triple eclipses, given the two symmetric consecutive periods of 173 weeks within them. He also managed it so that the two end date eclipses would fall on the 29th of Av, the 5th Lunar month in the Hebrew Calendar, as in 29/5, so that they would align with the 29.5 days in the Lunar month. Was this more difficult than arranging the digits …9235…, a permuted version of 29.53, the Lunar month, to immediately precede …42019…, the only 5-digits sequence in Pi (π) to repeat within the 1000 digits? Since a week has 7 days and the first segment between the eclipses is 346 weeks and the full segment between the first and third eclipses is 346 lunar months, the ratio of the full to the shorter segment is the same as the lunar month to the week or 10218/2422 = 29.53059/7 = 42.1865, or 4219, as in …42019…. There is meaning and purpose in everything and every detail within the Cosmos, and it is there whether we look for it or not, whether we ignore it or not.

As you may recall, the value 346 is the value of “His Name (שמו)” and it is the hypotenuse of the Core Essential Right Triangle of Creation, whose base is 173 and whose height is 300. Its perimeter with the kolel (1), as in “His Name is One,” is 820, as in the sofit value of the Name of the 11th letter, Caf (כף), that represents Keter, the crown of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life.

The dimensions of the Core Essential Right Triangle of Creation reflect the square roots of 39 and 12 or 1.733, and 3.46 respectively, as it is the right triangle of 3 – 9 – 12, and of its perimeter of 8.20.  Its area is 2.6 as in the YHVH (יהוה), giving the Core Essential Right Triangle of Creation an area of 260 or 10 times YHVH (יהוה).

The sum of the 31 digits in the sequence …4201995611212902196086403441815…. and their squared digits is (114 + 706) = 820, as in 820 value of phrase from Leviticus 19:18 at the heart of the Torah, “but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ).” Given the metaphysical constitution of Pi (π) we first find the string …1918…, which was also the ending date of WWI, at digit #3338, as in the year the First Holy Temple was destroyed, 3338 HC, the square of the Event Horizon (57782), and not only is it immediately followed by 2618 as in Phi (φ)2 but it is immediately preceded by 2928, as in the year 2928 HC that the First Holy Temple was built. In the full 20-digit sequence …29281918261861258673… Phi (φ)is followed by 612, as in Brit (Covenant) and then by …586… the value of Jerusalem, the center of our world, where the First Holy Temple was built and destroyed, and then by 73, as in Chochma, and the Triangular value of the Torah’s First Verse, which brings us back to 2928 and the 29th of Av on the 28th year after the first of the Triplet eclipses that began with the start of the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon.

The value 820 is also the milui (הה) value of “Solar Eclipse (ליקוי חמה)” in Hebrew, while the last solar eclipse to pass over Jerusalem and Tel Aviv was on September 71820, as in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah and the Path of One ( 13  91  455  1820), just about 39 years to the day before the Carrington Event in 1859 that marked the kick off of this cycle’s death spiral of dust toward the Sun and the flipping and weakening of Earth’s magnetic fields.  Had the Carrington Event happened today, we would literally be in the dark ages with all our electronics completely fried, and that was just a relatively small CME at a time when Earth’s magnetic field was much stronger. The statistical probability of any given 4-digit string appearing in the first 1000 digits in Pi (π) is 1 in 10 and 1 in 10,000 if it is found at a specific point, and the odds against it exponentially higher if it is found in conjunction with other related strings or in a location related to them. The string …1859…, like all the others in this article is found within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π) at digit #797 or (1000 – 203), as in the 203-value of first Essential Triplet (ברא) in the Torah, meaning to Create. It is immediately preceded by …0963…, as in the expanded form (אלף־חית־דלת) of Echad (אחד), One, meaning the Creator, and is both 1/6th of 5778 years, the Spherical Time paradigm radius, and Event Horizon, and 9 times 107, as in the 107th Triangular Field, or 5778 found 3 times among the first 1000 digits in very specific locations.  Here is where those exponential odds become astronomical, as the sum of the squares of the 793 digits until …09631859… are exactly (32 + 12 + 4262) = 5778.

This was all spelled out for us in the Torah where in 2448 HC the 13 (Echad) verses of the 620 (Keter) letters of the 10 Commandments was placed at the 107,000 letter after “In the Beginning,” in a scale of (2448/5778) = .424, as in Moshiach Ben David, the ultimate Consciousness level, to 5778 HC, the Event Horizon.  And where Noach’s Flood illustrated the complete devastation and extinction that happens at the far edge of the Event Horizon when Man reaches the height of hubris and apex of his evil inclination.

To be clear August 21, 2017, was only 1 month before the year 5778, which marks the entrance into the final acceleration curve of the declination of the Earth’s magnetic and protective field, which parallels the final crest of the cyclical Parker Instability Galactic Wave that rings out from the center of our galaxy and periodically interacts with the Sun’s magnetic field. The result has been utter devastation and extinction level events on the Earth every cycle of about 11,556 years and to a lesser degree every half cycle of 5778 years. These are called Heimlich-Bond and Danguaard-Oesher events and there is an enormous amount scientific geological evidence of this along with an abundant amount of archeological evidence of the consequences to prior once civilizations in spite of academic turf-guarding recalcitrance and click-bait alien attribution.  The width of the Event Horizon at the edge of this Spherical Time bubble is the elasticity or grace period. Magnetic bands only stretch so far and then they burst, the same with bubbles. We are at the edge of the 11,556-year period. The Hebrew Calendar began at the midpoint.

The September 71820, Israel eclipse is 2782.030 lunar months before the final eclipse on August 122045, as in Ohr HaGanuz (278), the Light set aside for Moshiach at the time of Creation, and as the 203-value of first Essential Triplet (ברא) in the Torah, meaning to Create, coupled with the 820 once again, and the 82 katan value of the First Verse of Creation. It is also notable that had there been 2 additional months, there would have been 2701 solar months in that period, as in the value of the First Verse (2701) and/or 2784 lunar months, with 2784 found at digit #6200 in Pi (π), as in Keter (620) and the 6200-mile limit of the Earth’s Exosphere, its physical limit. Perhaps this is telling us somethingAfter all, two months is 60 days, and the Ohr HaGanuz was set aside in the last 6 hours of the 6th Day of Creation, while the Israelites succumbed to the erev rav and did not wait the last 6 hours for Moses to descend with the first set of Tablets, causing the process to continue for an additional 66.6 jubilee years and meaning Moses never would have had to ascend for a second set on Rosh Chodesh Elul.

There was only one additional eclipse that happened in Jerusalem, but not Tel Aviv, and that was on August 211933, the 29th of Av again, erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, and it was 112 years after the one in 1820 and 112 years before the upcoming final one in 2045, as in the 112 Essential Triplets of the Torah.  Altogether, it was 225 or 152 years or YH (יה)2 between them. The August 211933, midpoint Jerusalem eclipse was exactly 84 years or 1008 solar months before the 28-year triplet American eclipse sequence began on August 212017, as in 84 is (3 x 28), just as 112 is (4 x 28) years, like the 28 letters in the First Verse of Creation.  The Earth and Moon diameters together equal 10080 miles.  And most oddly, when we add 173 lunar months to these 84 years, we get 1211 lunar months, which matches the 173 weeks between the first two sequential American total eclipses or 1211 days split on either side of the Covid-19 DNA altering vaccine roll out and Southern Chilean eclipse on 12/14/20, Perhaps this is telling us something.

Perhaps this is telling us something, given that 173 is the katan gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

Perhaps this is telling us something, given that 12/14/20 can be digitally split into 121 and 420 and that 121 is 112, and the first tier of the 7-tier 42-Letter Name Matrix, not only has the complete gematria value (506) of Moshiach Ben David consciousness, but also equals the sum of the first 11 natural squares (12 – 112). And perhaps it has to do with the 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot Tree-of-Life.

Or perhaps this is telling us something, given that that the Covid-19 vaccine or mRNA-1273 aligns its name with the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273) that the Earth, Moon, and Sun and physical Cosmos share, and that this very particular vaccine was named for the 1,273 amino acids in the SARS-CoV-2 S protein, years before that virus would be discovered let alone be sequenced—let that sink in. Or given that Moderna began filing patents specifically on mRNA-1273 in 2017, the year of the total eclipse, or that their final patent for mRNA-1273 was filed in June 2019, and that they officially began their clinical human testing on Feb 25, 2020, all before the WHO and CDC had declared Covid-19 to be an issue. And metaphysically, perhaps this is telling us something given that the 5 main quantitative elements (the words, letters, verses, rows, and columns) in the Torah total 401273 and that 4/π is 1.273.

While the Sun Moon and Earth are set into a clock-like mechanism, a program, nothing happens without a reason. As it says in the 14th verse of Creation, “Let there be lights in the firmament…let them be for signs…and for days and years.”

Nonetheless, the sum of the 28 digits in the full sequence that starts with the Moon and ends with the Sun …9235420199561121290219608640… is 107, as in the 107th Triangular Field, 5778, the Event Horizon radius and the surface temperature of the Sun, 5778 K.

In case we were wondering, the non-intersecting total eclipse that streaks across Western Canada to Montana on August 23, 2044, is exactly one Hebrew year (12 lunar months) prior to the final triplet eclipse and occurs on the 30 of AvRosh Chodesh Elul, as do the others when considering the time frame of Jerusalem. Those 12 lunar months are 354 days, as in …9235420199561121290219608640…, starting with the Moon and ending with the Sun. It is not that the total eclipses happen on or beside a Rosh Chodesh, since they must occur on or about a new moon, but it is the time-period between these specific events that is intriguing, and that they occur on the same very powerful Rosh Chodesh Elul, the 12th Lunar month, just as December is the 12th Western Month.

The Two Portals

As we said, following the 10 Commandments at the heart of the Torah will protect us from the trappings of physicality and release us into that zero-gravity state.  The First Verse or the Beginning of Creation is represented by the 73rd Triangular Field, and the Event Horizon or end of Creation is represented by the 107th Triangular Field and thus the difference between the beginning and the end is (107 73) = 34, as in the 34 verses of the 7 Days of Creation.

It is also as in the ordinal value (34) of the Name (בית) of the Torah’s enlarged first letter Bet (ב). That enlarged first letter Bet (ב) of numerical value 2 represents many things, and so does its Name Bet (בית), whose value 412 aligns with the 1st year of the Great Reset of the Flood, Man’s second 1st year, 4120 years before the Event Horizon in 5778 HC, and with the complete value (31 + 4089) = 4120 times that the Name El (אל) is found in the Torah, as in Beit El (בית־אל), The House of G-d. This in turn aligns with the first 3 times that the string value …506… appears in Pi (π) or (1116 + 1171 + 1833) = 4120, and while 506 is the complete value of Moshiach Ben David, the highest Consciousness level within Binah, and of the 11 first natural squares, and is the value of the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 42-Letter name Matrix, 1833 is the sum to the central midpoint of that Divine Matrix that aligns with the 1833 Samechs (ס) in the Torah. The fuller string …5068006422512520… includes the complete value (4225) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 2520 times that the value 31 of the Name El (אל) is found in the Torah.

As previously explained, the Name Bet (בית), whose value is 412, represents 3 turns of the Phi (φ) angle, or (3 x 137.5o) = 412.5o and the first time we see …4125… within Pi (π) is at the palindromic digit #20302 representing 203 backwards and forwards, the value of the first Essential Triplet (ברא) of the Torah, which begins with that same enlarged Bet (ב). It is always amazing when the Creator arranges it so that the Phi (φ) Field and Pi (π) intersect, and in this case they do so at the Torah’s first letter.  Thus, the complete value of the Name Bet (בית) with the kolel is (412 + 34 + 2) = 448, as in the 448,000 mph that the Sun orbits the galaxy. When we consider the Name Bet (בית) as an extension of the letter we see that (ב־בית) forms 2-448, as in the year 2448 HC of the Exodus and the 10 Commandments.

The Earth’s distance from the Sun is 1 AU, meaning it is 1/107th that of the entire Solar System. The Earth’s temperature is 1/20th of the Sun’s, as in the 20th Chapter and 107,007th letter where we find the 10 Commandments. As we know the Hebrew word Keter and “20” or Esrim share the same gematria of 620, as in the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments. The 13 verses of the 10 Commandments out of the (183 + 13) verses of the Torah is the portal to Keter.  Does it take more than just following them, sure, but half the work is done; that is the midpoint. Most people go their entire life without even reaching that point, indeed many lifetimes and even numerous great cycles or bundles of lifetimes, and so many souls (consciousness units) just sink under the weight of physicality and physical desires. Once they turn their backs on the Source and are attracted to false light, they are doomed. Depending whether we choose good, or evil determines whether live out the rest of the simulation program at the midpoint as a lively body within the beautiful garden-like Earth, or as cold dark dust on Pluto. It all depends on our choices. That is what is meant by free will. Being in the midpoint is a matter of balance, not between good and evil, for no inclination toward evil will keep you buoyant, but between accepting the physical state of the simulation in which we appear to live in and rejecting it for a more spiritual state of being. It is a state of acknowledging our physical desires and restricting them for a higher purpose. It is a place of accepting our integration within society yet yearning for the integration with the universal consciousness. It is the state of letting go and not being afraid to fall. With animals that happens naturally almost immediately after they are born. With humans, it takes a year of preparation before they let go and start walking. That moment is our initiation into the state of letting go. From that point on most of us get schooled in the art of fear, and thus hold on ever tighter.

The hidden letter Samech (ס), representing the circle, at the center of the letter pair (רצ) at the center of the 42-Letter Matrix is the midpoint of the circle of the 42-Letter Name, a small tight circle within a circle. And, yes, the 7 tiers can be arranged into a closed circle giving the Name even more metaphysical mind-bending properties, including 21 major bars or Paths, or as Abraham Avinu referred to them, beams that form gates, between the opposite letter pairs that cross paths at the central point. These are out of the total 861 gates between the letter pairs, just as in the 231 Gates of Wisdom between the 22 letters of the Alef-bet. In this configuration the 42-Letter Name becomes a portal or Stargate.  It does not lead to other planets, though it could if one wanted to waste more of their time; it leads directly to Binah consciousness. To be clear, this portal does not make someone suddenly attain the level of Binah consciousness, nor does it transfer them physically out of the system, but it can aid us in applying the attributes of Binah consciousness within our realm. The extend to which it is applicable depends on our intent (focus) and our level of Understanding, our consciousness level. The portal allows us to momentarily, and simultaneously operate on both levels.  It is similar to what can happen when we sleep and dream, alive within the program but learning and processing outside it.

When we add the value of the hidden letter Samech (ס) to the 42-Letter Name Matrix, its value becomes (3701 + 60) = 3761, as in 3761 HC, the first year (1 CE) of the 2018-year Physical Time portion within the Spherical Time paradigm, or (57783760) = 2018, and conversely it is –3761 CE or year One (1) of both the Spiritual Time portion and the full 5778 year radius of  Spherical Time.  Keep in mind that the ratio between the two distinct time paradigms is the exact speed of light.  The journey toward Understanding seems to be a long arduous process, and yet to the conscious universe it is happening at the speed of light. We are processing it at the speed of man.  Of course, when we inject AI, we put ourselves at a distinct advantage. Only man would have the hubris to think that that was a good idea. Nevertheless, at the end of the journey is the soul level realization that history and reality is not real, that history is only what you believe it is, which means your current state of being is whatever you believe it is, meaning it is whatever you want to make it, and that includes your future.  At that level of true understanding, you also realize that while you can make yourself into the richest man on Earth, or the most popular popstar, or whatever you want in any moment, what is the point? Physicality suddenly loses meaning to you and you no longer have a use for the simulation matrix. That is when you move on. Meanwhile, the process is incremental, which is why death is built into the program. It is there so that we learn that no matter how much fame or fortune we garner in this physical world, we all end up dead, ugly, impoverished, and alone. The idea is to get us to question what is the point?

If we remember all this or even some of this in our next incarnation, the next reboot, maybe we will make more spiritual choices. Each time we make a spiritual choice over a physical one we are operating at a rate of 3760/2018 = 44.70/24 hours/day = 1.86282, the speed of light, so basically, we are engaging the jet stream in the matrix. This is why the string …186117… is found at the 424th digit in Pi (π) and that the sum of the 1000 (Binah) digits is 4470, and that the numbers 17 and 82 are built into the First Verse of our guidebook to the Divine Simulation, and simultaneously into Pi (π). It is also why (186,282186,117) = 165, the katan0 value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and that (8217) = 65, which will all become clear in a moment.

To better understand the system and the Portal of 42, we need to reexamine some of the Cosmic equations that we have previously covered in a new context.  The various Names of the Creator are all super and supra regions of living consciousness within the strata of Binah universal consciousness. Those Names are considered Concepts because they are far beyond our comprehension. The values of those Names are reference points to help us focus and to help locate those regions in an abstract sense. All those regions and Concepts are wrapped within the Concept of One.

The value of the Name Adonai (אדני) is 65, and 65 is the square root of the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, 4225, in other words the 42-Letter Name Matrix equals Adonai (אדני)2.  This Concept itself is mindbogglingly complex and profound. Every time we recite or meditate on the 42 Letters of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that Essence of the Creator is radiating through each letter. Knowing and understanding this concept brings us that much closer to the Source and empowers each connection that we make through these letters. We must also keep in mind that each of the 42 Letters of the 42-Letter Name Matrix connects with one letter of the 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life and helps attach us to the Tree-of-Life consciousness. This helps bring a proper order to how we process things, ensuring a more auspicious outcome.

Abraham and Sarah together equal (808 + 505) = 1313, which refers to Oneness (13) and Love (13) the central or apex date in the Torah, 1313 BCE. Their average value of midpoint between them is (1313/2) = 656.5, as in Adonai (אדני) Adonai (אדני) radiating through the 42-Letter Name Matrix. As we know, the lovestruck Patriarch pair Jacob and Rachel, that are also aligned with the Path of One, total (182 + 238) = 420, and their midpoint is the ubiquitous 210. Abraham (808) and Sarah’s (505) connection to Rachel (238) and/or (1/238) = 42 is further revealed by their respective locations that are first found in Pi (π) at digits #106 and #132, which sum to 238.  Alternatively, 248 and 505 are found at digits #480 and #132, which together is 612, as in Brit (ברית), Covenant.

The Patriarch pair chronologically between them, Abraham’s son and Jacob’s father, is the central pair Isaac (יצחק) and Rivka (רבקה), and their Names conceal the central point (רצ) in the 42-Letter Name Matrix, while the rest of the letters in their Names total 225 or 152 as in YH (יה)2 that split into 112 and 113, and the 112 from their Names and associated with the 112 Essential Triplets is spelled Yabok (יבק), as in the supernal unifications of the Names of Binah consciousness, Elohim (אלהים) with the YHVH (יהוה), and alternatively, the 3 Names YHVH (יהוה), Ehyeh (אהיה) and Adonai (אדני). Moreover, as explained earlier, the milui value of Yabok (יוד־בית־קוף) is 618 or 1/Phi (φ).

Meanwhile, the two outer pairs, Abraham and Sarah and Jacob and Rachel have a combined standard value of (248 + 505 + 182 + 238) = 1173, as in 3 consecutive tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal (704 + 230 + 239) = 1173, as in the gematria katan 173 of the 42-Letter Name, spelled out by the final letters in these 3 tiers (געק).

This central point (רצ) within the Singularity of 42 that is aligned with Isaac and Rivka, whose combined value of (208 + 307) = 515 is that of Tefila, prayer, is the place where soulmates can meet, auspicious pregnancies can happen, and the living water can flow. It is the well where the Patriarchs found each other and the Well of Miriam, whose gematria value 290 matches that of the Resh-Zadi (רצ) pair.  All it takes is Understanding.

The Basics

One is Echad (אחד) is 13, and the Alef-bet, the Cosmic Interface Language, is based on the Constant 1.313, and (2 x 13) = 26, the value of the Name YHVH (יהוה), and the YHVH (יהוה)2 is the Divine Radiance throughout the Cosmos/Consciousness. Twice Adonai (אדני), or (2 x 65) = 130, or (10 x 13), a fuller expression of One (13), as in the ladder, Sulam, and Mt Sinai, both of numerical value 130. Finally, the Name Ehyeh (אהיה)2 or 212 = 441, as in Emet (אמת), Truth, an appellation for the Torah. These are hierarchal Concepts or supra levels of universal Consciousness. Together, they give us the diameter of the Spherical Time bubble:

While the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, 4225, equals the Adonai (אדני)2 component in this Cosmic equation, the sum of the 42 square roots of the atbash (reverse alphabet) values of the 42 letters in the 42-Letter Name Matrix is 1155.6, as in the same Spherical Time Diameter. Moreover, the product of the Primal Frequency at the center of Spherical Time Source times 42, or (42 x 27.5) = 1155.

To understand this is to know that when we harness the 42-Letter Name Matrix by elevating and purifying our consciousness, we can harness and access the time-paths of Spherical Time. Like Dr Strang we can shift into better timelines which is akin to traversing the multi-verse. Once again, to be clear, this is not a short cut to Binah universal consciousness, but a tool that can accelerate our journey there. It is part of the development process. It is a tool that has been available to us all along and has been used for thousands of years, but not everyone finds their way to it. Very few actually, and the majority of those ignore it as a curiosity, reciting it religiously in their prayers.  When standing on the shore of the Red Sea only one man jumped in. When standing at Mt Sinai, only one man desired to hear the Creator’s voice directly. It takes absolute desire to overcome the fears of this world.  We are all on the 42 journeys just like the Israelites in the desert.  It all depends how far along we are on our journey as to how strong our desire is and how well we can access it.  The Torah was very clear: No adults made it, they were recycled through the next generation, and of the 600,000 only 1730 elevated all the way up and beyond. That is (1730/600000) = .288% as in the 288 Holy Sparks we are supposed to find and elevate.  That said there are a thousand levels of engagement within the 42-Letter Name Matrix, all of them beneficial, and anyone can access them. Those with selfish or evil intentions will find all the gates locked tight. There are fail-safes in place, so that there are no repercussions and so that there are also no benefits to those unworthy. Those that are worthy will find that the more they use it and the more they strive to understand it the more blessings will come from it. Like an instrument, the more you practice it the better you will get. Those with proper intentions will eventually find all 173 keys to the palaces, but they will not open until we are ready.  It is not a video game; it is a consciousness training program.

The 7 tiered 42-Letter Name Matrix is the ladder, Sulam, or twice Adonai (אדני) as in (2 x 65) = 130, and ¼ of that ladder squared or (1302/4) is 4225, the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Moreover, that radiance of One or 1302 is the difference between the cube of 26 and the square of 26, or (263262) = (YHVH (יהוה)3YHVH (יהוה)2) = 16,900 = 1302. This is also the area of the inner square of the square formed by the Creation Circle of 3000.0 less Keter or (750620)2 = 1302.

Thus 42-Letter Name Matrix is both the ladder (130) and ¼ of its radiance, 1302, (YHVH (יהוה)3YHVH (יהוה)2)/4.

One quarter of the Light released in the devolution from the cubic or 3-dimensional form of the YHVH (יהוה) as it transitions into its 2-dimensional Aspect is equivalent to Adonai (אדני)2, which in turn is equivalent to the complete Aspect of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

Universal Consciousness is Binah, the level of Understanding, the 8th level in the hierarchy, just above the 7 tiers of the ladder of the 42 journeys of our souls. And just as the Universal Consciousness created the unique 3 x 3 Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42, it also created the 8 x 8 normal magic square of constant of 260 and endowed it with special attributes. As we just saw, 260 is also the area of the Core Essential Right Triangle of Creation.

While equating to 260 or the YHVH (יהוה) every which way, the 8 x 8 normal magic square subdivides into quadrants of 4 x 4 simple magic squares of 130 or the ladder, as in One, along with its inner squares and outer corners that also equal 130, and all those can all be bisected into pairs of 65 or Adonai (אדני). Furthermore, the sum of the 82 integers in this normal magic square is (80 x 26) or 80 YHVH (יהוה), similar to the 82 Essential Triplets in the square foundation portion of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that equals 8000.

The ladder within the Cosmically designed Pyramid of the Sun that matches the Great Pyramid precisely measures 210 tiers and 210 cubits as in the 210 years that the Israelites were in Egypt. This is the Tower of Truth, as juxtaposed to Mt Sinai of numerical value 130 that awaited them once they sought out freedom. The value 130 is equivalent to 2 minutes 10 seconds and while the Sun is 864,000 miles wide, there are 86,400 seconds in a day, and the arbitrary 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute can be said to be aligned with the value 60 of the concealed letter Samech (ס) at the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

7 Days to Process

Meanwhile, the total katan value in the first 6 Days and/or first 31 verses of those 6 Days is 5913, as in the 5913 sum of the first 7 factorials (7! + 6! + 5! + 4! + 3! + 2! + 1!), and the katan value less the number of letters for the 6 Days is exactly (59131671) = 4242, suggesting those 7 factorials refer to the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the 7 Aspects of the Singularity of 42. It would also appear to reflect the sum of the digits in Pi (π) through the second Event Horizon string …5778… that is 4242. Moreover, the string …5913… is first found in Pi (π) at digit # 4211 or 31 digits less than the 4242 result above, as in the 31 verses in the 6 Days of Creation.

And those 1671 letters in the 6 Days is akin to the complete value of the 4 corners of the 42 Letter Name Matrix (אץשת) or (16721) = 1671. Meanwhile, the average of those 4 corners is thus (1672/4) = 618 or 1/φ, in other words the inverse of the 7 zigzag Essential Triplets (1/1618) in that Matrix.

While, the value 5913 is the sum of the square roots of the first 428 integers or (4 x 107), which aligns with the total 434 words in the 6 Days as (428 + 6) = 434 and as 434 is the value of the Name Dalet (דלת), which means “4,” and because it is at digit #428 in Pi (π) where we find the first string …173… the small gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

Not only is 5913 equal to (215 x 27.5), as in the sum of the 6 Essential Matrixes of Zeir Anpin  (27, 72, 42, 11, 15, and 48) = 215, but 5913/92 = 73, in the same way that 9/(42-Letter Name) = 73.14593, both reflecting Chochma, the 9th Sefira, while the date the 10 Commandments were received on Mt Sinai in the parallel mirrored Western Calendar was 5/9/1313 BCE.  While all this obviously relates to the 7 words and 73rd Triangular Field value of the First Verse of Creation, it also encompasses the Earth and Moon whose radii together equal exactly 7! (factorial) Miles.

Another Pi (π) – Factorial – Divine Calendar conjuncture is found at the 600th digit in Pi (π) where the string …2000… is found, the Western Calendar analogue to the Hebrew year 5760 HC. While the sum of 6! and 7! equals (720 + 5040) = 5760, and (2000 + 600) = 2600, a further conjuncture with the YHVH (יהוה), the 24th Tetra Number or 24 first cumulative Triangular Fields is 2600 and 576 = 242 with 24 being the 4! Let us not forget that all this aligns with the arbitrary 24 hours in a Day.

Those 434 words average exactly (434/31) = 14 words per verse, as in the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and the 14th central position of the Alef-bet and the Magic Essential Cube of 42. Moreover, two of the verses have their middle letters sum to 1107, as in the K Constant 1.1107207, etc.; these are the 18th and 24th verses, as in (18 + 24) = 42.

Those 1671 letters in the 6 Days of Creation are also aligned with the 1671 value of the 15th Tetra Prime Number, the sum of the 15 cumulative totals of the 15 first Prime Numbers, as in the higher Name Yah (יה).

Factorials and Magic Squares

Those 434 words over the 6 Days average (434/6) = 72.333, and the average for the 1671 letters is (1671/6) = 278.5 as in Ohr Haganuz once again. Nevertheless, the phrase “the sixth day (יוֹם הַשִּׁשִּׁי)” from Genesis 1:31 is associated with the 6 directions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation and with the 6 bundled dimensions (Sefirot) of Zeir Anpin, and it has a numerical value of 671. This is in alignment with the 11 x 11 Normal Magic Square that has the constant 671, meaning all its rows, columns, and diagonals equal 671, as in the value of the expanded Name Adonai (אלף־דלת־נון־יוד), which brings up another cosmic alignment in that the 3 x 3 Normal Magic Square has a constant of 15, connected to the Name Yah (יה), as in the 1671 value of the 15th Tetra Prime Number.

So, we have just seen the connections between the 1815 letters of the 34 verses, that equals (165 x 11), referencing the central point, the 11 Sefirot, and the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Now we see that while the next normal magic square has a constant of 34, as in the 34 verses, the 6 x 6 normal magic square has a constant of 111 as in Alef (אלף), and that the product of the two magic square constants (15 x 111) = 1650.  The magic does not end there though, as the 7 x 7 normal magic square has a constant of 175, as in Abraham’s age, while the 10 x 10 normal magic square has a constant of 505, as in Sarah. Moreover, Sarah’s life was 127 years, as in the ordinal value of the revelatory 15th verse in the 3rd Day, like the 3 x 3 normal magic square that has a constant of 15, and while the 1105 constant of the 13 x 13 normal magic square is found in Pi (π) at digit #174, we see that the ordinal sofit value for that same verse is 174, and that it is digit #175 when including the initial 3, coming full circle. This is on top of the 4 x 4 normal magic square that has a constant of 34 is found at digit #86, as in the value of Elohim (אלהים), whose complete value is 127, and the constant 15 of the normal magic square is found at digit #3, as in the 3 x 3 normal magic square of constant 15.  Another aspect of Sarah’s 10 x 10 normal magic square that makes it so special and unique is that the 100th Triangular Field, in other words the sum of the 100 numbered positions in the 10 x 10 square equal 5050 or 10 times 505, its constant, and the 10 x 10 aspect is the value of the Yud (י) removed from Sarah’s  Name Sarai (שרי) and that the Torah makes a point of delineating her life as 100 years plus 20 years plus 7 years.

We have overlooked the 5 x 5 normal magic square that has a constant of 65, which is found at the digit #7 in Pi (π), and the 8 x 8 normal magic square that has a constant of 260 or (4 x 65). And while 260 evokes the YHVH (יהוה) and 65 evokes Adonai (אדני) of matching values, and (5 x 5) with (8 x 8) evokes the couple’s Names Abraham and Sarah or (808 + 505) = 1313, and while these two constants (65 and 260) are found at digits #7 and #289 or (172), they also total (7 + 289) = 296, the value of the 7th word of the First Verse, Earth, with 289 K being the surface temperature of the Earth that is perfectly aligned with the Sun’s. Meanwhile, the 8 x 8normal magic square of constant of 260 has several different ways that it can be composed with special dynamics. One such way splits it into quadrants of 4 x 4 simple magic squares of 130 each and those quadrants have inner squares and outer corners of 130 too, which can all be bisected into pairs of 65. Another version forms consistent wave-like patterns of 260 that go across horizontally, vertically, and from the inside out.  Truly magical to behold.

And while the 12 x 12 normal magic square has a constant 870, as in the sum of (3! + 4! + 5! + 6!) = 870, and as in the 11 odd letters of the Alef-bet, all 11 normal Magic squares from 3 to 13 equal (15 + 34 + 65 + 111 + 175 + 260 + 369 + 505 + 671 + 870 + 1170) = 4245, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness and as in the total sofit gematria of that 15th verse, 4244.

Normal magic squares are not just fun puzzles and mathematical oddities but are specifically designed and aligned matrices consciously organized from specific sets of integers. If we think of numbers as numbers, they are cool. If we think of them as concepts representing regions of consciousness, the normal magic squares take on a whole new meaning and significance. Within the realm of consciousness anything unique and purposefully organized is significant. And if we have stumbled upon them, it is by invitation, and we should take advantage.  It may be low handing fruit, but nonetheless delicious, and it may be a long time before we can reach any higher or allowed to eat from the tree again.

Other than that, the series of normal magic squares adds to burgeoning body of proof that everything cosmic is related, the normal magic squares can be thought of as geometric sets of stackable squares, whereby each layer is permutable.  That 11-tier truncated pyramid of the 3 x 3 to 13 x 13 squares covers (32 + 42132) = 814 positions, and the matching set of 11 positions within Pi (π) for their relative constants is 4966, or 4955 after the decimal place, giving us (4966 + 814) – 2 = 5778, or (4966 + 814 + 11) – 2 = 5778, either way alluding to the Event Horizon.

Each one of those stacked tiers of layers consists of a natural square set of consecutive numbers or positions. The first tier is (19) = 45, as in Adam, but the first 2 tiers equal (45 + 136) = 181, as in the 42nd Prime Number and the first 42 digits in the set of Prime Numbers, while the first 3 tiers equal (45 + 136 + 325) = 506, the complete value of Moshiach Ben David ; the value of the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and the sum of the first 11 natural squares (12112) that are associated with the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life. Meanwhile, all 11 tiers sum to 45044, and when added to the sum of their 11 Pi (π) locations it is (4955 + 45044) = 49999 or with the One (1), exactly 50,000. Alternatively, it reflects the point in Pi (π) that Feynman was so fixated on …1134999999… that starts off with the “11” and the Constant 34 that matches the 34 verses of Creation.

6 Year 6 Days

The 6 Days are metaphysically connected to the expression “six years (שֵׁשׁ שָׁנִים)” from the 21st chapter in parsha Mishpatim, 156 paragraphs later, the 66th paragraph in Shemot. That verse states, “If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve; and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing,” and it contains the words “six years (שֵׁשׁ שָׁנִים)” of numerical value of 1000, and ordinal value 100, as in the completion of the 6 dimensions/states of the slavery of physicality, and as in the major interval of the Primal Frequency (40 x 27.5) = 1100, like the 40 years and 42 journeys in the desert to overcome and burn off the clutches and remnants of physicality. Part of the reason the process is so long and arduous is that any trace of physical/evil desires will regrow like a cancer. This is also the reason we have cancer in our world, so that we understand that concept, process, and learn to fear it. Meanwhile, the complete sofit value of “six years (שֵׁשׁ שָׁנִים)” is (1560 + 111) = 1671, or 1000 as Elef (אלף), Binah, plus the 671 value of the expanded Adonai (אלף־דלת־נון־יוד), the Name that radiates to fill the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

Moreover, if we subtract the 21 letters of the final phrase, “And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (וַיְהִי-עֶרֶב וַיְהִי-בֹקֶר, יוֹם הַשִּׁשִּׁי),” from the 6 Days, there are 1650 or (10 x 165) letters left and then if we subtract the 6 initials (ועובהי) of this phrase from the total value of the 6 Days we get a total value of exactly (10009999) = 100,000 and a total number of 1656 letters in the 6 Days, as in the year of the great reset, the Flood in 1656 HC. That full value of 100099 averages 3229 per verse, the 457th Prime Number.  Nonetheless, the total for all 7 Days is 110,601, as in (110000 or 4000 x 27.5) plus the 601 years of Noach’s life at the time of the Flood. Over the 7 Days there are a total of 6380 letters, as in the value 380 of Egypt, representing constriction and physicality, and their average is (6380/7) = 911.4286.  Meanwhile, the average number of words is 67 words/Day, as in the value of Binah.

The 34 Verses of the 7 Days

While, the 6 Days represent the process of generating physicality through the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin, the dimension into which it is projected is Malchut, of numerical value 496, and the sum of the first 31 positive integers, representing the 31 verses of the 6 Days and the 31st Triangular Field, is 496.

The story of Creation is much more than a narrative. It is a story of metaphysical processes. It is difficult to grasp these processes from our perspective, but because they reflect the pathways and circuitry, the raw quantitative numbers are there to provide us clues. This is why the cumulative sum of the words and letters through the 33rd verse, when G-d finished Creating the 7 Days and rested, is 2207, which not only reflects the 22/7 ratio of Pi (π) seen as the average of the 7 initials of the First Verse, but 2207 is exactly Phi (φ)16 and is the ratio of the Event Horizon over Phi (φ) squared or 5778/φ2. Using the same super simple algorithm of adding the cumulative letters and words, we see that the sum through the highly revelatory 27th verse, when G-d Created Man, is 1730, as in the inverse of the Event Horizon, 1/5778 = .0001730…; and as in the 173 Keys to Heaven given to Moses, the normal katan value of 42-Letter Name Matrix; and as in the sum of the values of the 4 upper (Keter, Chochma, Binah, and Da’at) sefirot and Malchut, 1730; and as in the 1730 Men beyond the original 600,000 that found freedom from physicality and crossed over into Israel; and as in the sum of the first locations of the 4 triplicate 4-digit numbers (8253, 2019, 5778 and 9999) found in the first 1000 of Pi (π);  and finally as in the string1730… that is first found in Pi at digit #24488, that suggests the year of the Exodus and the Torah reception at Mt Sinai, 2448 HC.  It is not just that the Torah, Creation, Pi (π), and Phi (φ) are designed to point us to the Event Horizon and to the 42-Letter Name Matrix, but that these are all intertwined metaphysical elements that came together to form our physicality, our Spherical Time bubble. Understanding them can better help us, not only navigate that physicality, but as Rav Brandwein of blessed memory put it, usher in the geulah, the final redemption. Perhaps, this is why there are exactly 113 letters up to this 27th or 33 verse, which is suggestive of the 3-column structure of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life. With the 50 letters in this verse, there are 290 letters until the end of the 6th Day, as in the 290 value of the central point of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Those 113 letters also align with the cumulative 336 words through the same verse, as in the 336 letters in the 112 Essential Triplets, which in turn align with the 7 rungs of the unification of Ehyeh (אהיה) and the YHVH (יהוה) that brace the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, as in 7 x (21 + 26) + 7 = 336.

It begins with the 3rd verse, whose cumulative letters and words total 130, as in Sinai and ladder, such as the ladder of the 7 rungs of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, then the 4th verse where that total rises to 187, as in the 187 Chapters of the Torah, and the sum of the squares of the digits in 5778, or (52 + 72 + 72 + 82) = 187. Then there is the 13th verse that has a value of 1342; its cumulative word and letter sum is 763, as in the 763 digit in Pi (π) where we find all 3 triplicate strings …9999… or …999999… as in 63/7 = 9, and as in the 2 sets of the 5 words within the First Verse that equal 999 and 999 and that integrally relate to (5 x 999) = 4995, the sum of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, and of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation.

There is one 9 there for each Day of Creation and they total (6 x 9) = 54, like the 54 Portions in the Torah and the 54 cycles of 107 in 5778, the Event Horizon. We know that both the 27 letters of the Alef-bet and the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) are based on cycles of 9, much as the 27 positions in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation are wound and unwound in cycles of 9 positions per face, per 9 planes, per the 9 positions of Magen David and cross bar sets in each plane, and per the 9 Triplets with their planal distribution (123, 456, 789…).

Then there is the 15th verse, whose cumulative letter and word sum is 901, like the 90,100 Yuds (י), Heis (ה), and Vavs (ו) in the Torah that form the 424th Triangular Field, as in Moshiach Ben David consciousness, and to hammer home the point, the Creator arranged it so that the sum of the first 901 digits in Pi (π) equals exactly 4000, and moreover that the sofit value of this 37 letter verse would be 4244, just like the 424 value of the 4 nucleotides (ATCG) of our DNA that are based on the number 37, and whose average molecular weight is 499.5 g/mol, like the Alef-bet and Magic Essential Cube of Creation, 4995. This is the verse about the lights being set in the firmament of Heaven, and shining light on the Earth.  It is the Light of Moshiach Ben David consciousness, the ultimate consciousness that shines through the Yuds (י), Heis (ה), and Vavs (ו) in the Torah and that forms the 1820 YHVH (יהוה), which is 5 more than the 1815 letters in the 7 Days of Creation.

Those 1815 letters represent 66 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) or (66 x 27.5) = 1815, like the 60 cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5) in the first 6 Days that average 10/Day, and 6 cycles on the 7th Day, which is One (1) addition one for each of the 6 Days.

What is amazing is that the Creator can do all this and still make the total number of letters and the total ordinal value for those 1815 letters in the 7 Days equal to (1815 + 19205) = 21020, as in the 20th Triangle Field, 210, and the Tower of Truth built into the Great Pyramid, which works out to an average of 3003 per Day, as in the 3003 value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation, which is equal to the 77th Triangular Field.

Meanwhile, the sum of the words through the 17th verse is 210, and its initials equal 120, the 15th Triangular Field, as in its 8 words of this verse times 15 which equals 120. Moreover, while its 8 words and 33 letters mirror the first 8 words and 33 letters in the Torah, its ordinal value is 378, as in the sum of the 27 positions of the Alef-bet and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation.  What is more extraordinary is that the sum of the first 17 factorials is 378011820620313, which also incorporates the Concepts of the 11 Sefirot, 18, 820, 620, and the 313 Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah.

Everything we need to know has been metaphysically written into the story of Creation.  Once it was completed, everything was set into motion.

This is why Abraham was born in 1948 HC and the nation of Israel in 1948 CE, which is 5708 HC, and why the product of those dates with the Primal Frequency equal (5708 + 1948) x 27.5) = 210540, as in the metaphysical Sun Pyramid and actual Great Pyramid’s height, and base plus height, measurements, whose difference (330 210) = 120, like the 17th verse, and like the (1671 + 434) = 2105 sum of the letters and verses in the 6 Days. If instead, we subtract the year of the Flood (1656 HC) from them, we get (5708 + 1948) – 1656 = 6000, as in the 6th millennium associated with the 6 Days, the common prophetic time span for the final redemption that is aligned with the half galactic wave catastrophe cycle. Moreover, (5708 + 19481656) x 27.5 = 165,000 as in the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the 1815/11 letters in Creation, and the 60 cycles of the concealed Samech (ס) at the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, (60 x 27.5) = 1650, etc.

With the 34 verses of Creation, verse 1:16 explains about the two great lights in the firmament, ostensibly the Sun and the Moon, and the phrase, “the greater light to rule the day (אֶת-הַמָּאוֹר הַגָּדֹל, לְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַיּוֹם)” for the Sun has a complete gematria of exactly 1815, matching the 1815 letters of Creation. The Moon on the other hand, “and the lesser light to rule the night (וְאֶת-הַמָּאוֹר הַקָּטֹן לְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַלַּיְלָה) “ has the complete value 2001, giving the Sun and the Moon phrases a difference of (20011815) = 186, as in the speed-of-life ratio between Spiritual Time and Physical Time (3760/2018) = 1.86…. The word for “the great” or “greater” light, referring to the Sun is H’Gadol (הַגָּדֹל) or numerical value 42, and its ordinal value is 24, as in the 24 hours in our day.

Meanwhile, those 1815 letters are (20181815) = 203 less than the Event Horizon Western analogue (2018 CE), as in the Torah’s first Essential Triplet (ברא), 203, which initiate the Torah and are on the far side of the First Verse from its last 2 letters (רץ) that have the ordinal values (2018) like the matching central pair (רץ) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and like the digits in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah and the Path of One (1820).

Regarding the 34 verses in the 7 Days of Creation that are split into 31 verses in the first 6 Days plus 3 in the 7th Day, it is reminiscent of the 313 times that the Name Elohim (אלהים) is found in the Torah. Moreover, whether we pair (31 + 6) = 37, or the (3,7) association that mimics the Tree-of-Life and that represents 37, we come back to the core DNA and First Verse Concept of 37. Nonetheless, none of this explains why 34?

For that answer we have to look to the higher Concept of the YHVH (יהוה) and see that its string value is 1565 and that the sum of its 4 digits is (1 + 5 + 6 + 5) = 17, its katan value, the same as that of Torah (תורה), (4 + 6 + 2 + 5) = 17, which as we have seen are associated with the twin sequences of 17-digits within those 628 first digits of Pi (π) that equal 82 sandwiched around the 611 digits that are associated with the Torah (תורה) and 2701, its First Verse. Looking deeper into Pi (π) we find the twin sequences …1565… side by side each other at the 13585th digit, as in the 1358 value of the Baruch Shem…. (“Blessed be the name of the glory of His kingdom forever and ever”) that is supposed to be recited silently after each of the 5 Essential Elements/Matrices of the Torah. The purposeful addition of the 5 to the 1358 of Binah (1000) and Moshiach (358) in 13585, as in the 5 Essential Elements, the 5 Books of the Torah and the 5 wedged in between the twin YHVH (יהוה) in Pi (π) …156551565… is also aligned with the concealed Samech (ס) at the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, as in (60 x 26) + 5 = 1565, the YHVH (יהוה). This is the first time the YHVH (יהוה) as 1565 appears in Pi (π), and the second. The full sequence is …156551565666111359823112… ending in the 112 Essential Triplets.  So, we see that the two YHVH (יהוה) or (17 + 17) = 34 may represent a metaphysical reason behind the specific number of 34 verses in Creation, like the 7 times that word “good, tov (טוֹב) of numerical value 17 and complete value 34 appears in the 7 Days of Creation.

Wedged in between and connecting the two YHVH (יהוה) is the number 515, as in the value of Tefila, prayer, …156551565…

Those two YHVH (יהוה) or (2 x 1565) = 3130, as in the 31 verses in the first paragraph or the 6 Days of Creation, bound with the 3 of the 3 verses in the 7th Day, and as we just mentioned this aligns with the 313 times that the Name Elohim (אלהים) appears in the Torah. Meanwhile, during the 7th Day, the 35 final letters in the 35 words add up to 3137, which also incorporates the value 137 of Kabbalah, meaning to receive, as in receiving the 313 Elohim (אלהים), the Creator, and in receiving the 35 Elohim (אלהים) in the 7 Days, 3 of whom are in the 3 verses in the 7th Day.   Moreover, we find the string …3137… in Pi (π) immediately after the string …1000…, as if the 7 Days follow Binah, or as if the 7th Day is Binah, because the sum of the digits from that 1000 to the end of the 1000 digits in Pi (π) is 666, as in the 3-dimensional world of the 6 Days projected through the 6 bundled dimensions of Zeir Anpin, and as follows the twin YHVH (יהוה) in Pi (π) …156551565666111… followed by the 111 of Elef (אלף), meaning 1000, a far from organic alignment with the structure of the Tree-of-Life.

These 35 words align with and complement the (17,00035) total value of the 112 Essential Triplets of Creation, and with the twin sets of 17 digits in Pi (π) associated with the First Verse of Creation, etc. Moreover, the total value of those 313 Elohim (אלהים) is (2700082), as in the katan value (82) of the First Verse that we have seen so integrated into Pi (π), and both the value 313 and the 86 value of Elohim (אלהים) are found amongst the 72 Essential Triplets, the 51st (החש) and the 72nd (מום) respectively.

When we subtract the 35 Elohim (אלהים) of the 7 Days of Creation from the 313 of the Torah, we find that the rest of the Torah contains (31335) = 278 Elohim (אלהים), as in the Ohr HaGanuz or the Light set aside for Moshiach at that time. This aligns with the 1565th digit in Pi (π) that begins the strings …27862551818… which starts with 278, followed by 625, H’Keter, and 1818, as in the 3 iterations of Alef (א), One (1).

So why this cosmology with Pi (π)? It is the perfect map against which we can plot our paths amongst the stars. It is a known sea of numbers and digits with specific fixed locations.  They do not shift; the only thing that shifts is our perspective and the endless journeys we can take through it.  But how can it bend a straight line into a circle and participate consistently and reliably in all these other formulas and equations if it does double duty as a map and if contains all this other stuff tied to the Torah and so much more? To understand that we must step outside physicality. Pi (π) only bends a straight line into a circle because that is its role in the program. It is an actor playing a part. This role and outcome are what is projected for us and is what we see whenever Pi (π) is engaged or whenever a circle is dissected. We cannot see anything else within the parameters of the program.  It is like watching FRIENDS and when we see Rachel, we know it is Jennifer Aniston, but we only hear and perceive Rachel—because it is a “program.” It is the same way in which we can analyze a movie and see all the plot flaws but no matter how many we find; the movie still ends the same way—because that is what is projected. Our minds are designed to accept and process the projection, not to peer around it.  Mostly, they are occupied with filling in the substantial gaps in our sensory input using preconceived notions, which is why multiple witnesses can see the same event and come away with different realities. It is also why we are so easily manipulated, because when we are given either subliminal or reinforced conscious suggestions our minds jump to the opportunity to use them to fill in the gaps. Even our cosmically lowly world operates at too high a stimulus rate for our minds to make sense of it all, so it ignores most of it and fills in the gaps between the frames, or only when our senses pick up on something as a significant change or an important action item. Depending on our preconceived mindsets, this can mean ignoring some very important information. And so far, we are only speaking about what is considered the physical world projection, let alone the metaphysical realm, whose frequencies can bleed into ours, allowing us to tune into. Once we start seeing more, we are seeing beyond the confines of the program; we are thus waking up, the opposite of being “woke.”

32 Paths of Wisdom

Nevertheless, of the 313 Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah, 35 are found in the 7 Days, as in the 35 words of the 7th Day, and 32 of them are found in the first 31 verses of the 6 Days, corresponding to the 32 Paths of the Tree-of-Life.

Noach was born 600 years prior to the Flood (1656 HC) and while the 1833 value is the midpoint of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that coincides with the 1833 letters Samech (ס), we find that 1833 years after Noach’s birth in 1056 HC is where we encounter the midpoint in the Spherical Time radius, 2889 HC, as in King David’s life. Moreover, the value 1056 is the 32nd Pronic Number, the 2-phased number (32 + 322) that reflects the 2 levels of the 32 Paths of the Tree-of-Life that began back in the 6 Days of Creation.  And like the 35 words of the 7th Day and the corresponding 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life, this was when Adam gave David 70 years of his life, and we know that the midpoint in the Spherical Time radius split David’s life into two segments of 35 years.

Moreover, it was in Genesis 18:33 that G-d stopped Abraham from trying to save Sodom and Gomorrah, which Google wants us to believe were victims—a common theme today. The Hebrew word for five (חמשה) contains the Name Moses (משה) and is found 72 times in the Torah, like the 5th Essential Triplet (מהש) in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. G-d stopped Abraham at the “sake of 10” because he did not want him to ask for mercy for the sake of 5 (חמשה), as he would inadvertently be asking for the sake of Moses (משה).  Mercy is Chesed (חסד), which Abraham embodied, and it not only begins with the same letter as five (חמשה) and has the letter Samech (ס) in its center but has the numerical value 72. Chesed (חסד), of ordinal or inner value 27, is the 5th Sefira from the top of the Tree-of-Life.

The Branches of Creation

The First Verse of Creation is like the truck of a tree from which sprang the rest of the Torah, like the 70 branches of the Tree-of Life.

As we know the Name David has a value of 14, like the central point (14) of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation and the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, and the central split of 14 letters and 14 letters in the Torah’s First Verse. Meanwhile, Noach was 601 years-old at the time of the Flood, which matches the midpoint in the first 14 letters of the First Verse of Creation, 1202/2, leaving (2701601) = 2100 for the rest of the First Verse, or 70% of the Creation Circle of 3000.0, as in the 70 years of King David’s life, which Adam sacrificed for him, (1000930) = 70.  It is also as the 2100 sofit value of the 3 final letters (םםץ) in the Torah’s First Verse, the First Verse of Creation, whose standard value is 210, and average value is 70.

All these extraordinary mathematical and geometric alignments went into creating the First Verse of Creation. Then springing from it we find that there are a collective 4122 reoccurrences of all 7 of its words. This aligns directly with the 4122 years between the onset of the great reset Flood in 1656 and the Event Horizon in 5778, or one word per year between the great resets, with the 28 letters of the First Verse aligning with the width or grace period of the Event Horizon, one letter per year, as we saw with the prophetic eclipses, the signs (אֹתֹת), also meaning letters, in the firmament.

These 4122 branched reoccurrences include the Torah’s 4th (את) and 2nd (ברא) words that collectively reoccur 2628 times, which is not only the 72nd Triangular Field (2628), but is found in the sum of the 14 square roots of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, 210.0262873… Besides yet another inherent reference to (5 x 42) = 210 and to the 210 years of exile in Egypt, 210.0262873… is also evocative of Planck’s diameter (21.09143628 x 10-35) that likewise includes a reference to the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix through its 9143 total gematria, and the mutual 628 of the all-important twice Pi (π) constant; and to the 21009826 gematria of the entire Torah. While the 73 in 210.0262873 is obviously another reference to the First Verse’s Triangular Field, 2701, the Torah’s 5th word (השמים), Heaven, reoccurs 73 times in the Torah, meaning that its 4th, 2nd, and 5th words reoccur (2628 + 73) = 2701 times throughout the Torah, just like we see composed within the sum of the 14 square roots of the 14 Essential Triplets, 210.0262873…, not to mention that 2628 breaks down to the YHVH (יהוה) and to the 28 letters of the First Verse of Creation.  No detail is overlooked even down to the Planck scale, everything in the universe is on order.

Moreover, the Torah’s 1st word (בראשית) and 7th (הארץ) together reoccur 365 times in the Torah, as in the 365-year life of Enoch that relates to the 365 mitzvot and the 365 days in Earth’s Solar year. Meanwhile, the 4th (את) and 6th (ואת) words reoccur 3450 times or (10 x 345), the gematria of Moses (משה), which also represents the equation Phi (φ) minus the Cosmological Harmonic (1.273) or Pi (π)/4), as in (1.6180 1.273) = .3450. It also represents the equation 1/φ minus the Cosmological Harmonic residue (.273), or (1/φ – .273) = (.6180 .273) = .3450.

Because the average of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit is (3003/11) = 273 we know that the Cosmological Harmonic residue (.273) is a bridge from the First verse of Creation to the Torah’s 14-word Second Verse, as are the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that overlap both verses.

Within this Second Verse we see that G-d’s Spirit (רוּחַ אֱלֹהִים) has a collective value of (214 + 86) = 300, as in the Creation Circle of 3000.0, and the 21 letters of the Torah that total 300,000 and that align with the 21st letters, Shin (ש) of numerical value 300. This is the letter Shin (ש) in Moshe (משה) and in H’Shamayim (השמים), Heaven. It represents G-d’s Spirit, Ehyeh (אהיה) of numerical value 21 hovering above the waters.  The Higher Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) is found 7 times in the Torah, once for each of the 7 words of the First Verse and for each of the corresponding 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and for the 7 Days of Creation that unfolded from them. That Spirit is represented by the 4805 letters Pe (פ) out of the Torah’s 304805 letters, meaning the value of those 4805 letters Pe (פ), which is Keter2 or 6202, hovered above the 300,000 and Creation Circle of 3000.0 that represents the spelled out or expanded Name Elohim (אלף־למד־הי־יוד־מם), the Torah’s 3rd word, whose 13 letters total 300, and whose complete value is (300 + 120) = 420.

The two letters Shin (ש) and Pe (פ) that schematically represent the 304,805 letters in the Torah, together have a value of 380, as in Egypt, representing constriction and physicality. When we subtract the 6202 of those 4805 letters Pe (פ), which is Keter2 hovering above the 300,000 letters of the Creation Circle of 3000.0, from the 6252 or H’Keter2 letters, words, and verses in the Torah we see that (6252 6202) = 6225 = (5845 + 380) as in the 5845 verses in the Torah plus the Shin-Pe (שפ) representation of physicality, of the word Shefa (שפע), the Divine Flow and/or abundance.

In other words, the number of the letters and words in the Torah equal (6202 + 380), the radiant Heaven and the physical Earth, which complement each other as (620 + 380) = 1000, Binah Consciousness. Going down to Egypt and the exodus from it is a metaphor for our consciousness descending to the physical realm and escaping from its clutches to return to the Promised Land. Of the 73 souls or consciousness units who descended there, the 3 who left in peace and honors and of their own accord were the developed and elevated ones of Abraham, Sarah, and Jacob. The 3,000,000 souls that descended from them all left with the will of the Creator and with guns at their backs and had to be dragged through the desert over 42 journeys for 40 years to purge the desire for physicality from their consciousness.

Geometry of the Tree-of-Life

It is not just numerical mechanics that makes this magnificent square within this glorious circle so special. It is what they represent.  The square represents the lower 7 Sefirot of the Tree of Life that are within the Circle of the 3 upper Sefirot with the 11th Sefira (Da’at) behind them metaphorically, as an overarching unifying structure and like its ordinal value of 42, it aligns with all 42 letters of the 11 Sefirot and the 42-Letter Name. Within the Tree it rests as the 8th Sefira between the lower 7 of Zeir Anpin and the Upper 3. This is why it equals the entire framework of (3000 + 2701) = 5701, which is 7 years before Israel became a nation in 5708, as in the 7 lower Sefirot. That is also why the first 8 words or 11 Essential Triplets of the Torah equal 3003, the 77th Triangular Field, as in (5701 + 77) = 5778, the Spherical Time paradigm Event Horizon. The square of 2701 has an area of 455,963, and when folded up into a cube it is approximately 77 cubic units, off by only .042%.

Just so that this important structure would not be lost on us within all the beauty of the mathematics, we see that the difference between the circumference of the upper/outer Circle of 3 and the inner/lower Square of 7 is (30002701) = 299 and 299 is the sum of the Inner Light (ordinal value) of the lower 7 Sefirot (27 + 36 + 82 + 40 + 15 + 35 + 64) = 299, out of the total 420 for all 10 Sefirot, like the expanded complete value (420) of Elohim (אלהים).  This also means that the 3 upper Sefirot equal (53 + 37 + 31) = 121 = 112, as in the full 11 Sefirot, and as in the top tier of the 7-tier 42-Letter Name Matrix whose value is the sum of the natural squares from (12 to 112). The Inner Light (ordinal value) of the 11th Sefira, (Da’at) is 42, the nexus between the Name and the Tree, matching the average Inner Light (ordinal value) of the 11 Sefirot (462/11) = 42.

Meanwhile, the sum of the digits in those (3 + 7 + 1) = 11 ordinal values is (22 + 56 + 6) = 84 or twice 42, as in Pad, redemption, while the (3 + 7 + 1) alignment matches the standard value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, 3701.  When that digit sum, 84, is added to the total Inner Light (ordinal value) of the 11 Sefirot, we get (462 + 84) = 546, as in the 10 initials of the 10 Sefirot, and as in the value of Israel with the kolel, as explained by the Arizal. Moreover, at digit #299 in Pi (π) we find the string…73… as in Chochma in the middle of the 3 upper Sefirot.

Another phenomenon that occurs with the Tree-of-Life dynamic and the Torah is revealed when we examine the sum of the digits in the 11 Names of the 11 Sefirot. The sum of the digits of all 11 Names is 120, as in the age of Man and Moses, and the Inner Light (120) of Name Elohim (אלף־למד־הי־יוד־מם), etc., thus the sum of the 42 letters of the 11 Names with their digital sum is (3342 + 120) = 3462, matching the 3000 of the Creation Circle and the 462 Inner Light (ordinal value) of the 11 Sefirot. Its average is thus 3462/11 = 314.73, as in Pi (π) and Shadai (שדי), the Mezuzah on the door of the 73rd Triangular Field, the First Verse of Creation and the doorway of the Creation Square. When the 84-digit sum of the Inner Light (ordinal values) of 11 Sefirot is added, the total become 3546, which is the exact value of the Second Verse of the Torah.

The Second Verse of Creation

The ratio of the Second Verse to the First Verse is (3546/2701) = 1.313, which is the union of the Concepts of Abraham and Sarah that equal (808 + 505) = 1313, and the year of the Exodus and the reception of the Torah, 1313 BCE, and the Constant of the exponential curve of the Alef-bet (1.313x).

Before the living consciousness spread out to create the entire Torah, before the first Day of Creation, it passed through its companion verse, the Second Verse, which has a complete gematria value of (3546 + 576) = (3546 + 242) = 4122. The inclusion of 242 is the set-up for time to be established as One Day in the next verse, and as in the rest of the 31 verses of the 6 Days of Creation that comprise the Torah’s first paragraph.  We have studied the Space/Time ratio as the Primal Frequency/12 or 27.5/12, which is also the cubit to the foot ratio or 2.29166…, which represents the 50th Prime Number, 229, so it must be relevant that (229 x 18) = 4122 in the verse that initiates time.

From there the living consciousness spread throughout the 6 Days and the 10 Utterances of Creation that are tied to the 42-Letter Name Matrix. We have previously analyzed the symmetry in their verse structure etc., so we will only add that the sum of those 3rd to 31st verses is 93852, which is found in Pi (π) at digit location #169, as in 132. It is part of the much longer 28-digit sequence that we have discussed earlier, …2701938521105559644622948954… and who’s sum is 126 or (3 x 42), like each of the faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42.  The Ramchal shares a deep secret about the number 126, and it applies to the Future Holy Temple and to the verse in the Song of the Sea, Exodus 15:17, “The Sanctuary, Adonai (אדני), that Your Hands established (כננו).” He explains that the word Connu (כננו) spelled without the additional Vav (ו) has the value 126 and it is the value of the expanded regressive Name of Adonai (אדני), or (א־אד־אדנ־אדני) which will shine from the crown or Keter of the Shechinah at the Keter of the Holy Temple.

The 28-digit sequence …2701938521105559644622948954… as in the First Verse’s 28 letters, begins at the 165th digit in Pi (π) and starts with 2701 the value of the First Verse. We have already established the number 165 as being aligned with the central point and with the midpoint of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. Now see that the value of the Shechinah (385) lies within the center of the inner sequence of the 3rd 31st verses …93852… that begins at digit Echad2 or One2 or 132, placing the Shechinah at digit #170 or (17 x 10) as in the value of the word “good, tov (טוֹב).

The initial 5 digits of this sequence 27019 is also 1/3701, the value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

Nevertheless, this inner sequence …93852… is coupled with the sequence at the 173rd digit in Pi (π), …2110555…, which is the exact number of days in 5778.28 sidereal years with 173 being the katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. The number 173 is also the 40th Prime Number. Then separated by the digit “9” we have the 12-digit or 4 triplet sequence …644 622 948 954… that tells us where we can find the exact 3 locations within Pi (π) for the 3 numerical 4-digits strings …5778… of the Event Horizon, digits #948, #954, and the average of (644 + 622)/2 = #633 that are 22 digits apart, as in the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet. In the center of that sequence, we find the Space/Time ratio 27.5/12 = 2.29, or 229, the 50th Prime Number. When the separating digit 9 is added to the subsequent string …644622948954… the total for the 13 digits is 72, leaving a total of 54 for the first 15 digits …. …270193852110555… as in the 54 portions of the Torah and the 54 cycles of 107 that equal 5778.  Meanwhile, the sequence …644622948954… begins at the 181st digit in Pi (π), as in the 42nd Prime Number and as in the sum of the 42 first digits in the Prime Numbers, 181.

This aligns with the word Pnei (פני) Face from the Torah’s Second Verse, as in “G-d hovered on the Face of the waters,” whose word value is 140 and whose complete value is 181, while its katan value is 14, as in the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. The 20th word of the Torah, the word and triplet Pnei (פני) with prefixes is found a total of 424 times in the Torah, as in the face of Moshiach Ben David consciousness, and it consists of the letters Pe-Yud (פי) of ordinal value 27 with the letter Nun (נ) of ordinal value 14 in the center, just as it is in the 27 letters and positions of the Alef-bet and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42.  This is also like the distribution of the words in the first 3 verses of the Torah, 7, 14, and 6 respectively for a total of 27, as in the central 14th position in the 27 letters/positions of the Alef-bet and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation.

Meanwhile, the phrase “G-d hovered on the Face of the waters,” has a value of 1369 or 372, directly linking it to the First Verse, even more so when we consider that the speed that the Earth revolves around the Sun is about 66,659 mph, which works out to (66,659/73) = 913.1369, which also includes, 913 and 1313, the Torah’s first word and Alef-bet constant.

As we said, further linking these two first verses of the Torah is their revelatory ratio of 3546/2701 = 1.313, which beside the obvious alignments also reflects the complete value (313) of the “Tree of Life, Etz H’Chaim (עֵץ הַחַיִּים),” and the 313 times that the Name Elohim (אלהים) is found in the Torah. The ratio of the difference between the two verses (35462701) = 845 is (845/3546) = .2382 or approximately 1/4.2, as in (3546/845) = 4.2, and as we recall the total digit sum through the 845th digit in Pi (π) is 3773, leaving a total digit value of 703 to complete the first 1000 digit portion of Pi (π), as in the final two words of the First Verse, the 37th Triangular Field. Then if we add those 2 words to the 14 words of the Second Verse, we get (703 + 3546) = 4249, or 4248 + One (1), as in the sum of the 22 Names of the Alef-bet, who’s Constant of its exponential curve is 1.313x.

So, in this 28-digit sequence …2701938521105559644622948954… within Pi (π) we have the First Verse represented initially and explicitly, the 3rd through the 31st Verses of the 10 Utterances represented implicitly, and the Second Verse that is associated with the development of the Concept of Time represented by the establishment and measurement of the Event Horizon.  Everything is ordered in our world matrix to the finest digit and degree. If we are seeing chaos we are not seeing past the veils. We are looking around us and not within. Our eyes cannot see, but our consciousness, our soul, is open to vast vistas. Only our minds can put up the veils to block that inner vision and only if we allow others to tell us how to use them.

The Path of the Central Point

As evidenced repeatedly, all things emerge from the center, the Emergent Central Point, which metaphysically is the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. The 7-tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix are the 7 rungs on Jacob’s ladder that was set upon the Foundation Stone, the Biblical central point in the physical world. As the first stop in Jacob’s journey “He alighted upon the place (וַיִּפְגַּע בַּמָּקוֹם)” which has the katan value 42 and the word “in the place” begins with (במ) or 42 and begins and ends with (במ) or 42, just like the Israelites 42 journeys and the 42 journeys of our souls that each begin and end with “from and to (מב).” “And behold a ladder set upon the earth (וְהִנֵּה סֻלָּם מֻצָּב אַרְצָה),” showing us that the place the ladder set upon, the “earth (אַרְצָה)” was the central letter pair (רצ).

Each of us has a central point that our consciousness emerged from. That is where our focus should be.  It is the Point of One (1). It is somewhat different for each of us but for all of us it is internal. It is said that our souls enter our bodies through the heart, lev (לב), our central point. Its value is 32 as in the 32 Paths of Wisdom that connect the Sefirot, as the heart connects all parts of our bodies, but we must remember the secret that the central point is metaphysically the highest point, the same as a mountain summit is in the middle and slopes down in a circle to its edges.  The 42-Letter Name Matrix allows us to find our central point and puts it in our crosshairs.

It is through this point that the radiant Light of the YHVH (יהוה), the Primal Frequency (27.5), and Moshiach Consciousness emerge. Through the simple equation of Moshiach and the Primal Frequency we see that 35.8/27.5 = 1.301818, as in Echad (אחד), One; Mt Sinai (130); and the 3 expansions of the 1st letter, Alef (א), that equal 1818, all connected to the Central Point of One. As reiterated, through the 620 value of the Hebrew word for twenty (עֶשְׂרִים) the value 20 represents Keter (620), the shining radiant crown, and it expands into the 20th Triangular Field 210, which is why that Concept keeps coming up in our exploration; nevertheless, when coupled with H’Moshiach consciousness, we see that the Log (20.0363) = 1.301818, as in the Central Point of One. These are all Pathways leading from and to our Central Points.  The point at the peak of the Tower of Truth.

This is why the complete value of the Torah’s first 42 words is (9476 + 1592 + 42) = 11110.  Its complete sofit value is (20,151 + 42) = 20193, as in the 3 times the Event Horizon analogue 2019 CE appears in the first 1000-digit portion of Pi (π), while the first time the string …20193… appears in Pi (π) it is immediately followed by …533385… as in the year 3338 HC when the First Holy Temple was destroyed, and as in 57782 or 33385….

We discussed the area under the exponential (1.313x) curve of the 7th letter, Zayin (ז) that has a variance of 1.11072… with the letter value 7. The area under the exponential curve of all 22 letters has a cumulative variance of 130.0% with the nominal values of each of the 22 letters, as in the Concept of One, Echad (13) at the center of it all. The complete value of “In water B’Mayim (במים)” is also 130. Like the word “In the place (בַּמָּקוֹם),” the word “In water B’Mayim (במים)” begins with 42 (במ) and begins and ends with 42 (במ). Ritual cleaning, especially a Mikve, must be done “In water B’Mayim (במים);” metaphysically, we are being cleansed by the power and radiance of the Singularity of 42, as were the Israelites in their 42 journeys. If water is just a construct within the simulated matrix, then there as to be cosmic/metaphysical reason that it connects with cleansing, otherwise something else could have been chosen, or water could have been used but with a different Hebrew name, and it would not have a katan value of 11 or an EBGD gematria value of 73, or an atbash value of 360. The word “In water B’Mayim (במים)” is found 54 time in the Torah, on average once for each of the 54 portions of the Torah.

The total value of the 1833 letters Samech (ס) in the Torah is (110,00020), as in the 11 Sefirot of the 42 Letter Tree-of-Life whose initials total 550, or (20 x 27.5). That 110,000 value at the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix divided by the 11 initials is thus (110,000/550) = (200 x 27.5) like the Log (20.0363) that equals 1.301818. While the area under the exponential curve of the 11th letter, Caf (כ) of numerical value 20 is 17.5033 as in the 175 years of Abraham, the 20th generation, the 20th letter, Resh (ר) of numerical value 200 has an area under the exponential curve of 203.003, as in the value of the first Essential Triplet (ברא) of the Torah (203), which is  3.003 more 200, as in the 3003 value of the 11 Essential Triplets and first 33 letters of Bereshit. The letters Caf (כ) and Resh (ר) are the first and final letters of the word Keter (כתר), while its central letter Tav (ת) equals 202. It all circles and spirals around and around for that is the nature of consciousness. It is all connected and feeds on itself, which is why consciousness must remain pure. There is no place for evil outside the realm of the physical illusion.

The word Keter (כתר) is comprised of the letter Caf (כ) of numerical value 20 at the center of the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet, representing the Sun, along with the letter pair Tav-Resh (תר) from Torah (תורה) whose ordinal value is 42. Moreover, the letter Caf (כ) has an ordinal (inner) value of 11 as in the 11 Sefirot of the 42 Letter Tree-of-Life of which it is the crown and thus its center.  Moreover, the other two letters (וה) in the word Torah (תורה) come from the YHVH (יהוה) and equal 11, thus Keter (כתר) is simultaneously the Torah (תורה).

While the first location within Pi (π) that the digital string …3342… of the total value of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life is found is immediately followed by 107, as in the Event Horizon, the Inner Light or total ordinal value of the 11 Sefirot of the 42 Letter Tree-of-Life is exactly (11 x 42), as in the Path to the Singularity of 42. Thus, the total value of the 11 Sefirot of the 42 Letter Tree-of-Life is (3342 + (11 x 42)), metaphysically reflecting the 33 letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that contain the First Verse and that bridge it with the Second Verse. The average of the complete value of the 11 Sefirot is thus (3804/11) = 345.81818, as in Moses (345).  Then, while the logarithm of the complete Tree-of-Life, or Log (3804) = 3.580 as in Moshiach, the sum of the logarithms of all 10 bases for 3804 is Σ logs(1-10) 3804 = 50.60000, as in the 506 value of the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and as in the complete value of Moshiach Ben David. The same formula for the YHVH (יהוה) or Σ logs(1-10) 26 = 20.00000, bringing us back to Keter, the Central Point. Then bringing the two Concepts together we see that (3804 + 26) = 3830, as in the year 3830 HC that the First Holy Temple was destroyed, 70 CE. And while the North face of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation totals 855, the 855th digit in Pi (π) splits the first 1000 digits into the values 3804 and 666.

Maybe this relates to 1/Phi (φ) or the string …6180… that ends at digit #3804 in Pi (π) for its first appearance.

As previously explained, the radiance of the Crown of H’Keter combined with the Primal Frequency is 516, as in the 516 times that Moses needed to pray to the Creator to allow him to bring Moshiach Consciousness to the world. As with Abraham, G-d stopped him One (1) utterance short of his mission. The value 516 is the complete value of the 11th Sefira, Da’at (דעת) of numerical value 474 and inner value 42, thus (474 + 42) = 516. Moses, who was at the level of Da’at, knew the Path. Now we do too.

One of the simple secrets of Creation is that 3000 is (4 x 750) or 750 per side of the square formed out of the Circle of Creation, and each side is (330 + 420) = 750. That is (12 x 27.5) + (10 x 42) per side, or (48 x 27.5) + (40 x 42) in total, as in the 48-Letter Cube of the 12 Lunar YHVH (יהוה) and of the Cosmic Wheel and the 40 years and 42 journeys to reach the Promised Land.  The 420th YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah is at the start of the 10 Commandments and the 330th is at the start of their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.

The area of the central square when Keter is removed from each side is (750620)2 = 1302, and like the 8 x 8 normal magic square, it forms 4 even more central squares each of 652, as in the radiant Adonai (אדני)2 or 4225 that shine through the complete value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

As did our universe, this middle section on the physical and metaphysical aspects of Pi (π) and how it itegrates with the Torah, began with a single thought about the central point and turned into a small book unto itself. I would have broken it up into more digestable sections but it is a complete thought and like a circle or bubble once broken it cannot be put back together. Our elaborations on the topic may appear exhaustive, but they are only scraping the surface, and will hopefully be a source for others to take up the vast exploration. Stay tuned for Part 3 where we come at the metaphysics of Pi (π) from yet another angle, and do not forget to Count the Omer as it binds us to the Cosmic Wheel and to the 42-Letter Name Matrix, both necessary understandings on our way to the Geulah.
