The 11 Dots and Mashiach

Every wonder why there are 12 letters in the the 3 words under the 11 dots? The gematria value of the 12 letters is 314, that of the Angel guarding all knowledge and the Throne of G-d, Metatron, and of the Shin Dalet Yud, which we post on all gateways.  Since in...

The British Played a Critical Role.

Most readers of our articles are aware of the reflected or mirrored nature of the Hebrew and Western calendars and the simple Divine Calendar that exists from Adam until the arrival of Moshiach (the Messiah) in 5778 (2018 CE).  And while Abraham was born in 1948 HC...

Top of the Columns.

The Torah consists of 248 columns and 42 rows, a matrix that goes beyond and letters and even the space between them. And most of those columns, 242 of them to be precise, begin with the letter Vav, itself shaped like a column and likewise designed to help us channel...

Love from Generation to Generation.

I can’t believe I missed this, but they say everything in its proper time.  Every time I see and recite the phrase L’dor V’dor (from generation to generation) in our prayer books I ask myself what is the hidden secret? The LV (36) initials were...