by Jeffrey Meiliken | Feb 16, 2011 | Revelations
Some Got it, Most Didn’t; Will We? …Continued from The Ten Commandments In the previous installments we spoke of the first 3 words (Exodus 20:2), “I am God, your Lord,” of the 10 Commandments and how they connect with the Torah’s first...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jan 11, 2011 | Revelations
Circus freak shows, usually include the world’s tallest and the world’s smallest, but Torah’s longest and shortest is no freak show–it’s very serious technology that can help greatly. The Second plague, frogs, is very special indeed. In...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 21, 2010 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations
I know we were going to discuss Jacob’s prophetic vision, but while perusing a Mashiach blog, a pearl about Jacob’s family entering Egypt and Tehilim (Psalms) that enticed me to look closer at the first verse from the VaYigash paragraphs we had just been...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Oct 28, 2010 | Revelations
The Torah always presents information to us with great built in redundancy, so it’s not the Torah’s fault if we’re slow on the uptake. For example, did you ever wonder why there were 70 family members who entered Egypt and began the 210 years of...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jul 1, 2010 | Revelations
A new and very logical gematria cipher has recently been revealed and with it many amazing clues of the Torah have been deciphered. It is almost needless to say that it is only new to us, and is actually as ancient as Hebrew itself. This revelation is dedicated to the...