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The Prime Directive and Conscious Intelligence
There is Nothing Random about Pi (π) Part 3: The Prime Directive and Conscious Intelligence Mostly overlooked so far in our studies of the metaphysics of the cosmos and of their interaction with our physical world is role of the Prime Numbers, or the Field of Prime...
Silence is more than Golden; It Can Be Everything.
Years back, I was the announcer at our shul for HaRav, whether we barely had a minion, or had our typical 300 people for Shabbat, or a 1000 for a Shabbaton. What this meant was that I was responsible for making sure everyone understood what was going on, were aware of...
The Secret Behind the Prayer of Jabez
The Prayer of Jabez was popularized in a book by that name that came out about 8 years ago and sold millions of copies, promising prosperity, etc if you just recite it. There probably weren't millions of instant millionaires as a result, because the universe doesn't...
The Hidden Columns of The Torah
I know we were going to discuss Jacob's prophetic vision, but while perusing a Mashiach blog, a pearl about Jacob's family entering Egypt and Tehilim (Psalms) that enticed me to look closer at the first verse from the VaYigash paragraphs we had just been studying in...
The Divine Metaphor; Nuclear Fusion and the Bible.
The Zohar tells us 600,000 angels accompanied the 70 Israelites (Jacob’s family) into Egypt, and in our last article (on parsha VaYigash) we also learned from the Zohar that the chariot Joseph harnessed and rode to greet his father was of angelic (divine) origin, the...
The flaming sword
The first portion of the Torah, Bereshit, has 146 verses, corresponding to the numerical value of the word, Olam, world. At the 80th verse, we encounter the revolving flaming sword that G-d uses to block Adam's (Man's) reentry into the Garden of Eden, thus splitting...
Isaac Luria = Moshe = Ehyeh = the highest level
How are Moses and the Arizal related? What is their essence? And what level were they at? The 3 letters of Moshe Rabbeinu, Moses' name, is spelled (MShH) and when it is spelled out it is MM ShYN HY which has a numerical value of (80 + 360 + 15) = 455 which is the same...
Shakings of the Lulav
Regarding the daily shakening of the four species, they would seem to correspond to (5 sets x 6 directions) the 30 blasts of the shofar, and the numerical gematria value (30) of the large Lamed (connected to Binah) in the Torah. That Lamed connects to the Lamed of...