There is Nothing Random about Pi (π) Part 6: Metaphysical Magic

Magic is just our way of shrugging off technology that we do not comprehend. In this section we are going to cross back and forth between the physical realm and the metaphysical one that are stitched together with invisible threads. Using the Hebrew letters many of those threads will be laid bare to the naked eye and the nature of magic and miracles will become apparent. As part of that process, we will prove that the Alef-bet like so much else in our universe is based upon a fractal scaffold of the Constants Pi (π) and Phi (φ), and the number 42, all the while conforming to the exponential curve 1.313x.

In these sections, we will also conclude our proof that not only is there nothing random about Pi (π), but that its first 30 digits form a set of 10 Triplets and a set of 4 Triplets that independently from Pi (π) are integrated into the Torah and the Cosmology of the universe, and that it is through the understanding of these 14 Triplets of Pi (π) and the 112 Essential Triplets of the Torah that much of the so-called magic in the universe occurs and through which the miracles are worked. We will also explore the complementary masculine and feminine energies (forces) that along with the radiant Primal Frequency of 27.5 and the radiant YHVH (יהוה) permeate every aspect of our existence.

Metaphysical Magic

Of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π), 5, or exactly half of them, begin with the digit “3” and none of the other Triplets contain a single “3,” placing all 7 of the 30 digits that are “3” within those select 5 Triplets.  While the digits “3” amongst those 15 digits total (3 x 7) = 21, as in the value of the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה), the remaining 8 digits (14582827) sum to 37, as in the Prime Essential Concept of 37 at the core of our DNA and the First Verse of Creation. Their product is 35840, as in the value of Moshiach (358) and the 4th Triplet of Pi (π), 358. Using the P/S gematria cipher we see that (35840/37) = 968.648648…, giving it a counterspace with 1000 of 31.351351351…, and a counterspace with Methusaleh (969), the oldest age attained by Man, of .351351351… as in the 313 Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah and as in the 26th Triangular Field or 351 that aligns with the YHVH (יהוה) of numerical value 26. These are just the inherent properties of this set and some of their cosmic alignments and associations, not the magic, even though the product of all 15 digits in the 5 select Triplet is thus (37 x 35840) = 78382080, which has 351 factors not including itself, again as in the 26th Triangular Field. It is also 9 factorial times 216, which is 3 factorial cubed, or 9!(3!)3.

Nonetheless, of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π), 5, or exactly half of them, begin with the digit “3” and they sum to (314 + 358 + 323 + 338 + 327) = 1660, which means that with the kolel (5) they equal 1665 or (15 x 111), as in the Concepts of the Name YH (יה) times the Name Alef (אלף), and as we know 15 and 111 are the constants of the “3 x 3” and the “6 x 6” Magic Squares. The value 1665 is also 1/3rd of 4995, the sum of the 3 tiers of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, which is conspicuously similar in form to the final Triplet (327). Moreover, broken down as (3 + 27) = 30, it reflects the 30 digits in the 10 Triplets of Pi (π), showing us that 327 is the stop Triplet, or ending Triplet in the primordial sequence. It alerts us, as Abraham did in his book, Sefer Yetzirah, that we need to stop at “10 and not 9, 10 and not 11.” Moreover, this conceptual interrelationship between 3 and 27 or 33 within this 10th Triplet is further born out in equation (327/3) = 103, the 27th Prime Number.

In examining the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) we are parsing the full string of the constant (3.14159265…) into discreet 3-digit strings or numeric triplet segments. The 5 Triplet segments that begin with 3 and total 1665 like 1/3 of the Alef-bet also equal any 3 sequential segmented Triplets of the “3 x 3” Magic Square. Its 3 rows (294 + 753 + 618) and/or 3 columns (438, 951, and 276) each equal 1665, just like each of the 3 tiers of the Magic Essential 33 Cube of Creation of Constant 42 whose Alef-bet values each equal 1665.


This brings up yet another magical property of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation in which everything equates to 42 in that when the values of the Hebrew letters are applied within the top tier, all the rows, columns, and even one of the two diagonals all reduce to (6, 1, 8) or 618, as in 1/Phi (φ), while one of the rows (860010) also has a nominal value of 618. The sum of each of those reductions is thus (6 + 1 + 8) = 15, the magic constant of the Name YH (יה). While the magic of the Singularity of 42 works with all the cosmic and physical numbers, this magic of 1/Phi (φ) only happens when the cipher of the cosmic interface, the Hebrew letters, are applied, meaning that this interlocked system of the Hebrew letters and the numbers was always meant to be from the dawn of Creation. The other diagonal (100110) adds up to 111, or Alef (אלף) and also reduces to 111 and then to 3. So, the two alpha-numerical diagonals are 15 and 111, or (3 x 42) = 126, as in the numeric value of each of the faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube, and as in the constants of the “3 x 3” and “6 x 6” Magic Squares.

And just like the “3 x 3” normal magic square, instead of one row being 618 or a permutation of it and another row being 753 and the third being 294, within the Magic Essential 33 Cube of Creation each tier fits that rule. It is a mathematical and metaphysical stipulation.  The value 294 is not inconspicuous either, as it is the difference between the 1526 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah without a prefix and the total 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in it. There are 294 YHVH (יהוה) with prefixes in the Torah, which is not only an extraordinary alignment with the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, but the ratio of those 294 YHVH (יהוה) to the total 1820 YHVH (יהוה) is approximately (294/1820) = .1618 as in Phi (φ) or 1.618.

The 3 non-conforming diagonals in the 3 tiers equate and reduce to (111 + 555 + 999) = 1665, once again, and reflect as rep-digits the 2nd Triplet (159) of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π). This too reduces to (1 + 5 + 9) = 15, as in YH (יה) again, the constant of the “3 x 3” Magic Square. Keep in mind, that the mathematics and geometry within the magic square and Magic Essential Cube of Creation are primordial and exist whether Man was created or not, none of this would be apparent for us to process or recognizable to our limited consciousness within the interface of the Alef-bet.  There is no question why the forces of evil want to wipe out Israel, the Jews, and all traces of Hebrew. It is what makes the magic of metaphysics accessible and the elevation of our consciousness possible.

Because those 3 diagonals are stacked directly on top of each other, they represent a diagonal slice or plane of value 1665 straight through the heart of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, leaving the two sets of 3-column wings or 6 peripheral columns equal to 3330, as in the 3330 years between the year of the Exodus and the reception of the 10 Commandments, 2448 HC, and the year 5778 HC of the Event Horizon.

The triple rep-digit sequences combine to form Magen Davids in each tier, starting with the top tier’s triangle (6 15 24) that translates through the Cosmic Interface into (סםו) and thus 666. This Triplet rep-digit 666 triangle pairs with the (8 17 26) triangle, which likewise transforms into (חפף) and thus the 888 Triplet. In the center of the two opposing symmetric triangles of 666 and 888 is the number One (1).


Likewise, the 2 – 11 – 20, or (בכר), the 222 triplet, is found as a triangle in the bottommost horizontal plane, as is the opposite triangle of 4 – 13 – 22 or (דמת), the 444 triplet, also forming a Magen David of (222 + 444) = 666 with 27 in the center.

The top and bottom Magen David thus equal (1554 + 666) = 2220, like the values of the First Verse of Creation when “G-d and Heaven, Elohim (אלהים) and H’Shamaim (השמים)” are removed. In other words, when the values of the 3rd and 5th words are deducted (2701481) = 2220. Naturally, their central positions equal (1 + 27) = 28, as in the 28 Letters of the First Verse.

Meanwhile, the triangle 3 – 12 – 21 or (גלש), the 333 triplet, is found in the middle horizontal plane, opposite to the triangle 7 – 16 – 25 or (זען), the 777 triplet, thus forming the 3rd symmetrical vertically stacked Magen David with 14 in the center.  This central Magen David of 777 is exactly half the top one of 1554, which itself is (1554/2220) = .7 or exactly 70% of the top and bottom Magen David together, all reflecting the Concept of the 7 Sefirot aligned with the 7 words of the First Verse of Creation and the 7 Days of Creation.

Naturally, the 3 centers of the stacked Magen David, (11427) equal 42 and form one of the 3 axes of the Magic Essential Cube.  The symmetrical Magen Davids all align with one another, as do the cross bar diagonals going horizontally through the centers of each of them. If we look straight down through the top of the cube, we see a single strong Magen David (Shield of David) with a bar across the middle. This is the true origin of the Magen David, created at the origin of time, not halfway through our civilization.  And in the very center of that Star is the number 14 for David (דוד).

As those 3 Magen David take on a 3-dimensional geometry they form the core of the cuboctahedron.

Moreover, the average of each star is (222 + 444)/2 = 333; (333 + 777)/2 = 555; and (666 + 888), = 777, mimicking the triangles and bars of the middle plane 333, 555, 777 that match the middle (357) row of the 3 x 3 Magic Square that was metaphysically expanded into or descended from the 3-dimensional Cube. While the average of the 3 parallel bars is (111 + 555 + 999) = 555, like the centermost bar, the Magen David is the potent symbol of Israel, representative of the 12 Tribes and imbued, as previously explained, with the essence of the expanded Names of G-d. Its centermost position, and heart of the Magical Essential Cube of Creation is 14, and thus we see that (55514) = 541, the value of Israel—conceived at the dawn of time.  Without Israel there is no seed of Creation, and thus no reason for our existence.

A Physics Interlude

Mathematics is the blueprint of our universe, and physics is what was constructed from them. As metaphysically mind boggling as all this is, we need to bring physics back into the picture. Physics is the visible or surface portion of the metaphysical iceberg that is happening beneath the Field or within the Sea. As previously explained, mathematically and geometrically, Pi (π) integrally relates to the normal oscillating sine curve that repeatedly and rhythmically traces the circle. In this case we want to consider the area under a sine curve, more specifically the net area under the curve sin (x)/x.

The normal oscillating sine curve traces a complete circle every 2π and thus a graph of it intersects with the x axis at Pi (π) intervals.

When we compress that normal oscillating curve by 1/x we dampen it, squishing it down. This happens in both the positive and negative ranges, giving us the curve of sin(x)/x.

And the area under the curve is the integral of sin(x)/x dx.

The blue area is the positive area, and the red indicates the negative area.

As it turns out, this net difference of the positive less the negative area under the curve equals exactly Pi (π).

And it continues to do so for sin(x/3)/(x/3) and again for x/5 etc. but not ad infinitum. At sin(x/15)/(x/15) it suddenly dips below the Pi (π) field threshold by a tiny amount and stays below it.

Then oddly enough, when we add a coefficient 2cos(x) to the integral, the integral equation or net area under the curve continues to equal Pi (π), for a much longer number of oscillations.

This time the integral continues to generate exactly Pi (π) from x/3, x/5, x/7 through x/111, beyond which point it too dips below the Pi (π) field threshold by an extremely tiny amount and stays below it.

Thus, the two bounding or pivotal numbers for the oscillating Pi (π) curve integrals for a coefficient of 1 and 2cos(x) are 15 and 111, exactly as we saw with the constants of the normal magic squares of (3 x 3) and (6 x 6) and with the alpha-numerical diagonals of the top tier of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. These bounding values are also exactly as reflected in the tiers and planes of the Alef-bet, the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, and the select 5 of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) that all contain the formula (15 x 111) = 1665. Since those select 5 Triplets all begin with 3, the 5 of them equal 15, matching their (3 x 5) = 15 digits. Moreover, the last digit of those 5 Triplets (314, 358, 323, 338, 327) totals (15 + 15) which means the rest of the digits in the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) equal (14130) = 111, the other bounding number, bringing us full circle.

Pi (π) Magic with Time and Space

While (2 x 1665) = 3330, the time differential between the Event Horizon in 5778 HC and the Torah’s reception in 2448 HC, we can find amongst those sequential 5 Triplets of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π), (314, 358, 323, 338, 327) the digital string …3338… , as in year 3338 HC when the First Holy Temple was destroyed and as in 57782 = 33385284, which also metaphysically hints at the 3 times that the string …5778… appears in the first 1000 digits of Pi (π).  Meanwhile, when we take the product of the digits in the 5th Triplet in this set, the 10th Triplet over all, the 3 digits after the digit string 3338, we get (3 x 2 x 7) = 42, and when we take the product of the digits in the 8 digits that precede 3338 we get (3 x 1 x 4 x 3 x 5 x 8 x 3 x 2) = (12 x 720) = 8640, as in the diameter of the Sun, 864,000 miles, while the product of the digits in 3338 is (3 x 3 x 3 x 8) = 216, as in the diameter of the Moon, 2160 miles. This is like the sequence at the 700th digit in Pi (π) that begins with the 12 lunar months or 354 days, …35420199561121290219608640…, and ends with the 8640 of the Sun’s diameter, and that is chock full of cosmic alignments as previously detailed.

What makes this metaphysical alignment all the more cogent is that while the average of the 4 sets of Essential Triplets that comprise the 112 Triplets plus the 27 positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation is (16965 + 27)/4 = 4248, which is the exact value of the 22 Names of the Alef-bet, the average of the 112 Triplets plus the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) or (16965 + 4173)/4 = 5284 as in 57782 = 33385284.

Moreover, the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) plus the 27 positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation equals (4173 + 27) = 4200, while (10 + 27) = 37, referencing the Singularity of 42 and the Core Essential Prime Concept of 37 that even our DNA is based upon, and as a reminder the Concept of 111 from the previous sections is (3 x 37).

Channukah and The 8 Generations

Of course, that average of the 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplets plus the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) less 4 or ((16965 + 4173)/4 4) = 5280, the full gematria value of the 27 Hebrew letters that equals (4995 + 280 + 5) = 5280, and moreover the length of the mile, 5280 feet. This cosmic value of 5280 divided by the radiating Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), or alternatively the sacred cubit (27.5”), gives us (5280/27.5) = 192, the lifespan difference between Methuselah and Lamech, the 8th and 9th generations, which is like the 192 hours of Binah consciousness in the 8 Days of Channukah within the Cosmic Wheel and the 192 hours that the 9th Candle of numerical value 1143 is lit, which in turn is (8 x 1143) = 9143 over the 8 Days, the value of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix.

While the net difference between the 8th and 9th generations is 192, the net difference between the 9th and 10th generations, Noach’s generation, is (192 + 173) = 365, which is not only Enoch’s lifespan, who in verse 5:24, walked with G-d and was no more because G-d had taken by him, but represents the 365 days of 24 hours in a solar year. While the 173 differential is the katan gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the difference in ages between these 4 generations from Yered to Noach is (604 + 192 + 173) = 969 years, Methuselah’s lifespan, the age of the oldest man. Up until then the cumulative difference was 709 years, as in the 7 planets (בגדכפרת), doubles as Abraham called them, that govern mazal in the physical world. Then from Noach to Moses, the cumulative difference was 1024, as in the 210 Word-Value Matrix of the Torah and the 1024 vertices of the 210 hypercube that align with the 11th tier of Pascal’s triangle, in which each tier represents the next order of hypercube. The tower of the forefathers is a tower of understanding.

The Hidden Structure of Creation

The 210hypercube or 1024 Word-Value Matrix in the Torah stretches from the value 3 of the word Bo (בא) to (תשתרר) of the standard value 1500, whose ordinal value is (42 + 21 + 42) and together with the kolel for the 7 letters their complete value is (1605 + 6 + 7) = 1618, as in Phi (φ). The 210 levels can be viewed as a dimensional unfolding from the initial 2, a total of 10 times, as in the 10 Sefirot (dimensions). This is in alignment with the bookends of the two halves of the First Verse of Creation or (בא) of numerical value 3 for the first 15 letters and (םץ) of sofit value 1500 for the last 15 letters. This creates a Yin-Yang central overlap of the two halves of Creation, the act of Creation in “In the Beginning God Created” and the manifestation of what he Created, “Heaven and Earth.” It is like two vortexes swirling in opposite directions.

Moreover, the bookends (בם) of the first half or upper 3 words of Creation, akin to the upper 3 Sefirot, have a value of 42, as in the Singularity of 42, and the bookends (אץ) of the second half or lower Creation of Zeir Anpin have the value 91, as in the Zeir Anpin unification of YHVH (יהוה) and Adonai (אדני). The difference between them is (9142) = 49 = 72, as in the 7 Words of Creation and the 7 tiers through Zeir Anpin that we climb with the 42-Letter Name Matrix, whose elements are counted as 49 during the ascent of the Omer.

When we set aside the two bookends, each half a verse has (142) = 12 letters, like the 12 hours in day and 12 hours in night, and they equal (120242) = 1160 and (149991) = 1408 respectively with the difference between the upper half and the lower half of Creation being equal to (14081160) = 248, as in the consummate Torah Concept of 248 and the 248 dimensions of the E8 Symmetrical structure of our conscious universe.

When we add the upper and lower Creation net values, we get = (1408 + 1160) = 2568, as in the value of the Ark of the Covenant, 256, which is 28 or 2 dimensions less than the full 210, as in the 22 letters (בם־אץ) that were set aside. The sofit value of the 2 letters (אץ) is (901 + 2) = 903, as in the 42nd Triangular Field.

Urim and Thummim

Those 248 dimensions of the E8 Lattice are split into two sets of root vectors. The first integer set consists of 112 root-vectors, as in the 112 Essential Triplets and the second set is 128 half-integer root-vectors, representing the (112 + 4 + 10) = 126 total Triplets, including the 2 sets of Pi (π) ones, and the 2 yet concealed ones.

It has been shown that the Cohanim, descendants from Aaron, the High Priest, Moses’ brother, have special DNA or special coding within their DNA that sets them apart, even from the Levites, which was the tribe they were descended from. It is as if the 8-day preparation that G-d subjected them to altered their DNA somehow. The mystical chest plate of the Cohen H’Gadol or Highest Priest is found in the 112th Paragraph of the Book of Shemot (Names), as in the 112 Essential Triplets and the 112 sum of the 8 corners of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. It contains the Urim and Thummim, a garment pouch for the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix that radiate with the YHVH (יהוה).  Utilizing the EB-GD (אב־גד) or plus 1 gematria cipher illuminates the value of the phrase Urim and Thummim (אֶת-הָאוּרִים וְאֶת-הַתֻּמִּים) as 425, or (424 + 1), which is also the value of the final Essential Triplet (כהת) of the 9th Candle within the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. Moreover, the ordinal sofit value of this phrase is 192, coinciding with the 192 hours that the 9th Candle burns over the 8 Days of Binah.

Even more revealing is that its associated gematria sofit value with the kolel for the 16 letters is 2701, the exact value of the First Verse of Creation, the 73rd Triangular Field, as in the 9th Sefira, Chochma (Wisdom), just like the gematria katan (73) of the matching phrase “The Heavens and the Earth (אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ)” from that same First Verse.  Moreover, both “Urim and Thummim (אֶת-הָאוּרִים וְאֶת-הַתֻּמִּים)” and “The Heavens and the Earth (אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ)” contain the hidden Name (אהוה) as their initials. Futhermore, the standard gematria value of the phrase Urim and Thummim (אֶת-הָאוּרִים וְאֶת-הַתֻּמִּים) is 1565, the string gematria representation of the YHVH (יהוה) and of the hidden Name (אהוה).

Meanwhile, the atbash gematria of the phrase Urim and Thummim (אֶת-הָאוּרִים וְאֶת-הַתֻּמִּים) is 1656, which is the year of the Flood (מבול). The Flood (מבול) is a special word that contains the value 42 (מב); 72 (מבל); an ordinal value of 33 as in the 33 letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation; and an ordinal value of 15 for (מב), as in the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema that contain the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה); thus, representing all 4 sets of Essential Triplets.

Moreover, with the kolel of One (1) the words Urim and Thummim together have the complete gematria value 2018, as in the Western Calendar analogue to the Event Horizon 5778 HC, drawing obvious parallels for us with the Flood (מבול).  As Rav Brandwein explained, the final letters point to the future and the 4 final letters (תםתם) in Urim and Thummim (אֶת-הָאוּרִים וְאֶת-הַתֻּמִּים) plus the 4 initials of the hidden Name (אהוה) also equal (2000 + 17 + 1) = 2018.

That resultant frequency, ordinal value, elevated 8-day period, and 8th generation lifespan of 192 is also the exact number of times the 4 nucleotides in the 64 or 82 Codons or Triplets in our DNA are repeated. And given that the 4 nucleotides (UCGA) of our DNA have a ACGT letter (אכגת) value of 424 before they are translated by RNA the 64 Codons (Triplets) total (424 x 192) = 20,352 or 6 less than 20,358, which is the complete value of the 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplets, like the 6-dimensional hypercube that has 192 edges and 64 vertices.  The Creator keyed the frequency of the chest plate and the Urim and Thummim to the DNA of the Cohanim, a frequency available to all of us over the 8 Days of Chanukah, a period in which we can adjust and cleanse our DNA.

Fibonacci Time

One of the premises that our physical world and the Cosmic Wheel have in common is that there are 24 hours in a Day. Any construct of time beyond the illusionary linear one must consider the Spherical Time paradigm, and as we know Phi (φ)18 = 5778.000, the radius of the Event Horizon.  We also know that the Fibonacci sequence is based on Phi (φ), so it is relevant that the 4 sequential 15th18th Fibonacci Numbers equal (610 + 987 + 1597 + 2584) = 5778, and that the 6 sequential 8th13th Fibonacci Numbers equal (21 + 34  + 55 + 89 + 144 + 233) = 242, which is equivalent to 25,920/45, the Great Precession and number of parts of a minute in a Hebrew Day divided by Adam (Man).  Those parts of a minute in a Hebrew Day are based on 18 parts per minute. Meanwhile, the value of the 1st7th Fibonacci Numbers is 33 and thus the other 8 Fibonacci Numbers, the 1st7th and the 14th together, complete the set of the first 18 in this eternal ethereal cosmic puzzle, and collectively those 8 equal (33 + 377) = 410, the value of the first Essential Triplet (שמע) of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema. Somehow the living consciousness of the metaphysical cosmic world integrated the Path of the 33 letters and 8 words of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit with the 45 letters of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema, through the concepts of time and the geometric spiraling Fibonacci sequence. Those (33 + 45) = 78 or (3 x 26) letters of the 26 Essential Triplets have a total value of (3003 + 1118 + 78) = (42001) as in the Singularity of 42.

And what is 24 hours but 4! or (4 x 3 x 2 x 1), while the age of Man as defined by the Creator is 120 years or 5! or (5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1), making a Day equal to 5!/5 hours, and an hour equivalent to 5!/2 minutes or (5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)/2, while the Hebrew parts of a minute are 18.  And while 18 is the value of chai (יח), life, the average value of that set of 18 Fibonacci Numbers is 6764/18 = 375.778, as in 37, the Constant of Life consistent throughout every component of our DNA, and as in 5.778, the Event Horizon and the logarithm of the 600,000 souls present in Adam and represented at Sinai. As for the 6764 sum of the set of 18 Fibonacci Numbers, it is evocative of the 4 letters of the radiating YHVH (יהוה) that equals 262 = 676. As the patterns unfold before us, so too the number of invitations to the world of Binah.

While One Day of 24 hours is of vital importance to the illusion of physical time and to the Spherical Time paradigm, it was built into the 26 Generations and their relationship to the Spherical Time diameter (11,556 years) in that the sum of the net differentials between the 26 Generations is 11,580 years and (11,58011,556) = 24. Moreover, the sum of the net differentials through Noach’s 10th generation was 330 or (12 x 27.5).

Culm Culm
Generation life span Difference Abs Diff Abs Diff Net Diff
1 930 18 18 18 18
2 912 7 7 25 25
3 905 -5 5 30 20
4 910 15 15 45 35
5 895 -67 67 112 -32
6 962 597 597 709 565
7 365 -604 604 1313 -39
8 969 192 192 1505 153
9 777 -173 173 1678 -20
10 950 350 350 2028 330
11 600 162 162 2190 492
12 438 5 5 2195 497
13 433 -31 31 2226 466
14 464 225 225 2451 691
15 239 0 0 2451 691
16 239 9 9 2460 700
17 230 82 82 2542 782
18 148 -57 57 2599 725
19 205 30 30 2629 755
20 175 -5 5 2634 750
21 180 33 33 2667 783
22 147 10 10 2677 793
23 137 4 4 2681 797
24 133 -4 4 2685 793
25 137 17 17 2702 810
26 120 1024
351 12600 810 3726 45252 11580


A Star Will Come from Jacob


There is a prophecy about the victory of Israel over the nations in the End of Days announced by Balaam in Numbers 24:15 – 19. It ties into the phrase that begins the 63rd paragraph in the Torah, the unique paragraph that occupies an entire Torah portion, Parsha VaYetze of numerical value 107, the 7th portion in the Torah.  It is the portion of the birth of the 12 Tribes.

The paragraph begins with the phrase “(וַיֵּצֵא יַעֲקֹב, מִבְּאֵר שָׁבַע) Jacob went out from Beer-Sheba,” whose first word VaYetze (וַיֵּצֵא) holds the sentiment of the entire portion.  It means “went out” and has the numerical value 107. The word is repeated 55 times in the Torah, as in twice the Primal Frequency (27.5), and 54 times after its first appearance when Cain (קין) of numerical value 170 went out from G-d’s presence and set out to unleash a chain of devastation into the world. The total value of those 54 times is (54 x 107) = 5778, the Spherical Time radius and Event Horizon.

While the final letters (אברע) in this phrase total 273, the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273), the back letters in the first two words (יֵּצֵא־עֲקֹב), meaning to leave, terminate, and/or to escape from the heel, also have the numerical value 273. The Zohar explains that the final generation is the heel of Adam, which when combined with the Event Horizon helps give insight into this phrase. The final generation and the Event Horizon can be a period of escape and/or of termination. The back letters of “from Beer-Sheba (מִבְּאֵר־שָׁבַע)” are (אֵר־בַע), which also have the numerical value 273, and their corresponding front letters (שמב) are the acronym of the Shem Mem-Bet, the 42-Letter Name, a partial indication that the secret to our escaping the fate of physicality lies with the understanding of the 42-Letter Name and the Cosmic Harmonic that our physicality is scaffolded upon. Of course, removing the initials (שמ), as in Shem, the Name, the rest of the letters in “from Beer-Sheba (מִבְּאֵר־שָׁבַע)” have the value 275, as in the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) in the aether and in our universal consciousness. We last saw the 4 letters (אֵר־בַע) that spell out the Hebrew word for “4” when Abraham’s wife Sarah died in the “City of 4 (בקרית ארבע)” at the age of 127. While the central letters (בְּאֵר־שָׁבַ) have the same 505 numerical value as in Sarah, the outer bookend letters (מע) have the value 110 or (4 x 27.5). Moreover, Sarah’s age and place of death equal (127 + 273) = 400, representing the final letter in the 22 letters of the Alef-bet, Tav (ת), and the 400 shekels that Abraham made a point of paying for her burial place at the entrance to Gan Eden.

Meanwhile, the middle 3 letters (קבמ) in the 4-word 15-letter phrase (וַיֵּצֵא יַעֲקֹב, מִבְּאֵר שָׁבַע) equal 142, as in the complete value of the word VaYetze (וַיֵּצֵא), emphasizing the role of both Jacob and Beer-Sheba in the end of days. Moreover, MiBeer (מִבְּאֵר) permutes into Abram (אברם), while cosmically and metaphysically sheba (שָׁבַע), meaning 7, refers to the 7 planets in the Cosmic Wheel that Abraham told us about. Moreover, Sheba (שָׁבַע) has the string gematria 327, as in the 10th and final Pi (π) Triplet, while Beer (בְּאֵר) is the first Essential Triplet in the Torah, meaning Beer-Sheba (בְּאֵר־שָׁבַע) represents the first and last of the 126 Primordial Triplets.

Jacob escaped from the clutches of the evil Laban, an incarnation of Cain, a link in his strong chain and broadening network, but Jacob had to work 3 sets of 7 years to do so, a 21-year tithe to the 210 years of exile in Egypt that would follow.

As it says in verse 4:15 “Whoever kills Cain will be punished 7 times as much,” and after the next killing in his evil parallel chain, this time by Lamech, the 7th generation, we get the verse “If Cain shall be revenged 7 times, then for Lamech it shall be 77 times, like mazal (מזל) of numerical value 77 guided by the 7 planets. At that point Seth (שת) of numerical value 700 was born to Adam and the parallel lineage of good and the incarnations of Abel began again after a pause of 130 years.

Hidden in Portion VaYetze, starting in verse 30:14, is the seed of King David (דוד) of numerical value 14. Reuben brought Leah an herb that aids in conception and she bartered for a share of it with Rachel. That herb dudaim (דודאים) begins with the Name David (דוד) and it is found 5 times in the Torah, all in this paragraph, and (5 x 14) = 70, as in the David’s age, at the center of the Spherical Time paradigm, much like the 14 Essential Triplets and 70 subsefirot of the 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix Ladder. This is all found in the 63rd Paragraph and 7th Portion in the Torah, as in (63 + 7) = 70.

Meanwhile, the sofit gematria of dudaim (דודאים) is 625, as in H’Keter, the highest crowning level.  While the plural of dudaim (דודאים) is 625, matching the 625-value of the square root of the Torah’s Words, Letters, and Verses; the singular version of the word dudai (דודאי) is used the next 4 times it is mentioned and it has a value of 25, as in the 4th root of the Torah’s Words, Letters, and Verses.  Two of those times it has the prefixes MB (מב) or 42, like all 42 of the Israelites journeys through the desert to Israel, the Promised Land, making the total value of those 4 appearances, (4 x 25 + 42) = 142, just like the complete value of the word VaYetze (וַיֵּצֵא). The seed of a Portion is in its first word. Then when added to the first appearance of the Triplet David (דוד) as dudaim (דודאים) their total value is (65 + 142) = 207, the numerical value of raz (רז), secret, and of ohr (אור), Light. The complete value of all 5 times is 360, as in the 360o circle, or (5 + 360) = 365-day cycle. This occurred 2070 years after the birth of Seth (שת) and the start of the lineage of good, or (10 x 207) years. Of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π), 5 of them begin with the digit 3, yet of the 26 Generation, it is only one, the 365 years of Enoch, and those 10 Triplets of Pi (π) plus 365 equal (1662 + 365) = 2027.  Is this when the circle closes? When we add the 18 digits in the 6 Triplets we get (2027 + 18) = 2045 CE or 5805 HC, at the far edge of the Event Horizon grace period (5778 + 27.5). The seed of a Portion is in its first word.

These 5 appearances of the Name David (דוד) are a set of 5 of the 6 times the Name David (דוד) appears in the entire Torah within any word. The seed of David had to be conceived and concealed with the secret Light in the middle of the birth of the 12 Tribes, just as Moses’ birth had to be concealed in the water that would later split into 12 paths to allow the 12 Tribes to go out.

Three Books later, Balaam, Laban’s descendant and a powerful prophet in the lineage of Cain, built 7 altars and sacrificed 7 bulls and 7 rams and tried 42 times to curse the Israelites, Jacob’s 12 Tribes, but he made it clear that he could only do and say what G-d told him or allowed him, and he thus blessed them and prophesied on their behalf.


I see it, but not now; I perceive it, but not in the near future; a star shall go forth from Jacob, and a staff (scepter) shall rise in Israel, crushing all of Moab’s princes, and dominating all of Seth’s descendants.

Numbers 24:15 – 19

This famous 13-word verse of Torah prophecy has been interpreted as David being the star, and H’Moshiach as the staff. As we saw, through the dudaim (דודאים), David was established within the Tribes of Jacob.

While the two words “star” and “staff” equal (48 + 311) = 359, as in the difference between the Names Israel and Jacob, his original Name, or (541182) = 359, they match the 9 consecutive letters or 3 Essential Triplets in the two tiers of the 42-Letter Name that end in (קז) of numerical value 107:

The 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplets

The 4 other words, “Shall go forth from Jacob, Shall rise from Israel,” equal (224 + 222 + 146 + 581) = 1173, the exact value of the 3 consecutive tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal (704 + 230 + 239) = 1173, in other words the 18 Letters equal (1000 + 173), representing Binah consciousness and the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

This is like the sum of the 4 sets of the 112 Essential Triplets that equal (4199 + 3701 + 9143 + 42 + 216) = 17301. While this is an obviously alignment with the 1730 men who elevated to freedom beyond the 600,000 base measure of the second census after 40 years, it also aligns with the Triangle, Rectangle, and Square of Creation (2701) and moreover, the Circle of Creation (3000.0), and with the 40th Prime Number, 173.  When we add 2701 to 17301 we get (2701 + 17301) = 20002, or about .666 of 30000, as in the Circle of Creation (3000.0), which is in direct alignment with 17301 through the Core Essential Right Triangle of Creation.

It is obviously also reflective of the Core Essential Triangle of Creation (300173346) that is based on the right triangle of 3 – 9 – 12 and “Love thy neighbor,” is also the 30o60o90o triangle that comprises the diagonals of a cube.

As previously detailed, Core Essential Right Triangle of Creation (300173346) is formed by the 30o60o90o angles of a triangle established by the diagonal through the cube and that this conforms to 3 sides of 3 – 9 – 12 or (300173346) or when scaled up to (300001730134600) with the value 346 being that of “His Name (שמו).” Moreover, given its base of 173, as in the 42-Letter Name Matrix and its height of 300. Its perimeter is 819.6 or 820, as in the sofit value of the Name of the 11th letter, Caf (כף), that represents Keter, the crown of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life and as in as in the numerical value of the verse from Leviticus 19:18, that is said to be at the heart of the Torah, “but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ).”

Its area is 2.6 as in the YHVH (יהוה), giving the Core Essential Right Triangle of Creation (300173346) an area of 260 or 10 times YHVH (יהוה) and when using the total for the 112 Essential Triplets (17301) and the Binah Circle of Creation (30000) it is 26000, as in the Great Precession of Earth Axis, the Great Year, and the Hebrew Day in parts of a minute. Metaphysical geometry is at the essence of it all.

While the 13 initials of the full verse total 864, as in the 864,000-mile diameter of the Sun, its first word darach (דרך) has the sofit value 704, like its counterpart derech (דרך), meaning path, and like the path in the central tier (בטרצתג) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that is also 704.

As we know, the 7 planets, as delineated by Abraham, are metaphysically represented by the 7 double letters of the Alef-bet (בגדכפרת) and they orbit the center of the 42-Letter Name Singularity with 4 of them in that central 4th tier.

Moreover, the final letters (ךבבםטל) of the phrase “a star shall go forth from Jacob, and a staff (scepter) shall rise in Israel” add up to 1143, as in the 1143-value of the 9th Candle of the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix, its first row, and the 1143 average of its 8 Columns, and the 4 consecutive Essential Triplets in it (ריי), (שאה), (ירת), (האא) that equal 1143.  This is also the exact value of the 6 words of the first verse of the Shema with the kolel for its 25 letters, or (1118 + 25) = 1143.

Furthermore, the 6 initials (דכמושמ) in the phrase equal 410, as in the word “Holy” and the 410 years that the First Holy Temple stood, and as in the first Essential Triplet (שמע) of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema.

The word-value of Shema  (שמע) is 410, which is also the value of Moshiach Ben (משיח־בן) and since Shema (שמע) is the first Essential Triplet of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema and the remaining 14 Triplets are comprised of the 42 letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה), as in the 14-value of David (דוד), the complete the Concept of Moshiach Ben David (משיח־בן־דוד) higher consciousness in contained in the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema.

Meanwhile, the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 42-letter Name, has the complete value of Moshiach Ben David.

That same first tier (אבגיתצ) also has the letter-pair (ית) in the center, which is the same 410 numerical value as Moshiach Ben (משיח־בן) and Shema (שמע), while the rest of the letters (אבגץ) add up to 906, as in 906 BCE, the year King David was born, also completing the Concept of Moshiach Ben David (משיח־בן־דוד) higher consciousness.

Moreover, David’s birth occurred 74 years before the construction of the First Holy Temple, as in the two the enlarged letters Ayin (ע) and Dalet(ד) of numerical value 74 that are an integral part of the first verse of the Shema as they occur in the words Shema (שמע), meaning hear, and Echad (אחד), One or “Hear One” or alternatively “Holy One” of numerical value (410 + 13 + 1) = 424, Moshiach Ben David yet again. The remaining letters in between the two witnesses (עד), the enlarged letters Ayin (ע) and Dalet(ד), have a collective value of 704, as in the letters Ayin (ע) and Dalet(ד) that 70 and 4 respectively, and as in first word darach (דרך) of the verse of the star of Jacob and like derech (דרך), Path, and the 704 value of the central tier (בטרצתג) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that is traced around the bottom tier of the Essential Cube of Creation, along with the 7 planets of the Cosmic Wheel. And while (70 x 4) = 280, as in the 5 final letters (ךםןףץ) of the Alef-bet, the net value from the two parts of the Shema verse of the Path of Moshiach Ben David, is (704424) = 280.

This connects the phrase “a star shall go forth from Jacob, and a staff (scepter) shall rise in Israel” to David and to the Concept of Moshiach Ben David (משיח־בן־דוד) higher consciousness and to the 42-Letter Name and to the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema, as various means of elevating our consciousness.

Time Before Time

Consciousness is literally everything. While we exist in a restriction or bubble within the universal consciousness, filled by projections upon the radiating fields of the aether, we are not really there, it is only that our consciousness believes it is. It cannot believe otherwise without going through a process of maturation and spiritual development, hence all the trauma and drama in our physical reality.  Fortunately, when we entered this simulated realm, we entered with a set of tools attuned to the geometry, frequencies, and fields of the universe outside the bubble. These are floating units of higher consciousness that can link together in myriad ways to give us a lifeline and act as a ladder to the beyond and the next level.  These tools including most prominently the 112 Essential Triplets, are found in the Torah that was there for us from the beginning. The links that harness, bind, and aggregate them are found in all the equations we have enlightened, and the many more to be discovered and revealed.  More tools are found in the Mitzvot (the precepts) and commandments, especially the 10 Commandments.  While words to live by, following them often makes life much more difficult and less physically pleasurable, but we were not downloaded into this realm to easily cruise through life or to get rich off it. That is just a waste of our limited time here. Following the precepts and commandments speeds up our process and our progression toward elevation. They do so even faster if we understand them and do them with the proper kavannot. One of the secrets of a mitzvah (מצוה) is that its ordinal value is 42, connecting it to the ladder of elevation that is the 42-Letter Name Matrix, which is yet another reason that there are 248 imperative ones, as in the (42 x 248) Row-Column Scaffolding Matrix of the Torah. Another secret of a mitzvah (מצוה) is that its standard value is 141, as in the sum of the 30 digits in the 10 Triplets of Pi (π).  It is a reminder that the process is circular, cyclical, spiral and toroidal, not linear, and that there are a total of 14 Triplets in Pi (π), 42 digits. Every mitzvah (מצוה) has a lasting and multiplying effect. Every mitzvah (מצוה) can be a circle of 42 and can open a mini portal in the Spherical Time pathways.

In an ongoing ever lengthening chain, the true kabbalists have been adding to explanations of the kavannot and the understanding of the tools and processes, often writing not for their generation or cycle but for the future ones, as the spiritual knowledge is cumulative and cannot be lost.  This is why many have gone to great lengths to pen encyclopedic works only to pass it on to a single student or small cadre, not that many in their day or even their cycle could grasp it anyway. What happens is that the consciousness program inserts these works into the subsequent generations of the Matrix construct, presenting them as historical facts or mysterious artifacts. This is why the Zohar suddenly appeared in historic records in 1279 when it was attributed to its author, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai 1100 years earlier. As an intelligent conscious simulation program of consciousness development, the program matrix does not even have to reboot back to the beginning but can collectively insert all our souls’ avatars into the year 2448 HC, or even 1776 CE, or later with suitable background stories as to history, science, and culture. I am not saying this is what happens, only that it is very plausible and may explain a lot of what we have been observing since entering the Event Horizon, including the odd overlapping of historical layers. We would not know the difference until it was exposed in Event Horizon and even then, it would depend on how awake we were versus how woke.

This 11,556-year cyclical process is referenced in Midrash Tehillim 90:13, where the number of previous cycles or worlds is given as 974 worlds, which were said to have been created and destroyed over the 2,000 years prior to the start of our 5778-year countdown.  “These are the nine hundred and seventy-four generations that were [existed] before the creation of the world and [that] were swept away in the blink of an eye because they were wicked.” That is a lot of times Man has collectively failed, but as the Midrash says, it happened in the blink of an eye, the flash of a hard reboot or explosion of a micronova. It is interesting though that 974 is (100026) and that the 974 prior generations line up with the 26 in the lineage of Adam to equal 1000.  Moreover, 2000 is also 2 as G-d’s Day is 1000 years and (2 x 974) is 1948, as in the birth of Abraham (1948 HC) and of Israel (1948 CE). It appears whoever wrote the mysterious Midrash Tehillim 90:13 was leaving us a message, a message in a bottle if you will.

And Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said: When Moses ascended on High to receive the Torah, the ministering angels said before the Holy One, Blessed be He: Master of the Universe, what is one born of a woman doing here among us? The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to them: He came to receive the Torah. The angels said before Him: The Torah is a hidden treasure that was concealed by You 974 generations before the creation of the world, and You seek to give it to flesh and blood? As it is stated: “The word which He commanded to a thousand generations” (Psalms 105:8). Since the Torah, the word of God, was given to the twenty-sixth generation after Adam, the first man, the remaining 974 generations must have preceded the creation of the world. “What is man that You are mindful of him and the son of man that You think of him?” (Psalms 8:5). Rather, “God our Lord, how glorious is Your name in all the earth that Your majesty is placed above the heavens” (Psalms 8:2). The rightful place of God’s majesty, the Torah, is in the heavens.”

-Talmud 88b7

Two equations come to mind: HMoshiach and Torah equal (363 + 611) = 974 with its corollary Moshiach and H’Torah equal (358 + 616) = 974; and Moshiach Ben David and the seeds (initials) of the Tree-of-Life that equal (424 + 550) = 974. Practice makes perfect.

A slight permutation of these 9 letters (שֵׁבֶט מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל) of the staff elevating in Israel gives us (שמב־ישראל־ט), which is the acronym of the Shem Mem-Bet (שמב), the 42-Letter Name, and 9-Israel that has the numerical value 550, as in the value of the 11 initials (כחבדחגתנהימ) of 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, also the 550 sum of the 11 generations. Those are the 11 initials of the 42 letters in the 11 Names of those 11 Sefirot, whose initials average 550/11 = 50, as in the 50 Gates of Binah and the 50 component letters in the Alef-bet, and as in the 50-cubit height of the 11 Outer Gates of the Future Holy Temple.

Another way of looking at the staff (שֵׁבֶט) of Jacob and the slight permutation (שמבט־ישראל) is as Shem 11 (שם־בט) , the Name of 11, and Israel (ישראל), while the total value of the 42 letters in the 11 Sefirot is 3342. The 33 letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation of numerical value 3003 is the Name of 11, Shem (בט), directly connected to the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life. We thus see that the 4 sets that comprise the 112 Essential Triplets are the 4 Names: the Shem (בט), the Shem (מב), the 42 letters of the Holy Name YHVH (יהוה); and the 72 Name Matrix, the 4 higher clouds of living consciousness.

This is important because when we engage them, we should be engaging them humbly and respectively as we would a benevolent but much higher intelligence capable of understanding our thoughts and interpreting our words and actions, not as a mechanical device or dashes on a piece of paper or screen.  

Then oddly enough, the sum of the 11 Sefirot less the sum of the Names of their 11 initials is (3342 2472) = 870, which is the sum of the 11 even letters of the Alef-bet, which is also the magic constant of the normal 122 magic square. Can the Tree-of-Life be what rises? Can the staff (שֵׁבֶט) hint to the month of Shevat (שְׁבָט), the 11th month, as in Tu B’Shevat, the New Year of the Trees that falls on the 42nd Day of the Cosmic Wheel and that begins the counting of the next period of 216 days of the 72 Names.  This goes hand in hand with the equation of 42 and the Primal Frequency at the core of Spherical Time, or 27.5/√42 = 4.243342, as in the higher consciousness of Moshiach Ben David (424) along with the 42 letters of the Tree-of-Life (3342).

The Cosmic Wheel

Meanwhile, the 12 permutations of the string values of the 12 Names of Zeir Anpin, YHVH (יהוה) that encircle the Cosmic Wheel as the 12 lunar months total 56661 and the 12 permutations of the string values of the 12 Names of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה) total 39996, which together with the 3342 value of the Tree-of-Life and One (1) equal exactly (56661 + 39996 + 3342 + 1) = 100,000.  The average of the 12 permutations of the Name Ehyeh (אהיה) is (39996/12) = 3333 or 9 less than 3342, or 3 more than the 3330 years from the Torah and Exodus in 2448 HC to the Event Horizon 5778 HC, which also means that the value of the Tree-of-Life is (33423330) = 12 more than that time-differential, like the 12 Tribes, etc.

The difference between the 12 permutations of the Name YHVH (יהוה) and the 12 permutations of the Name Ehyeh (אהיה), like the 12 Hours of Day and the 12 Hours of Night, is (5666139996) = 16665 = (15 x 1111).

Those 12 permutations that form the 12 edges of a cube are based on the 12 lunar month Cosmic Wheel, and thus the Moon. So, it makes sense that the EB-GD cipher where we add one to each ordinal value, like turning 1 notch on a dial of 22 letters, transforms the value of this verse into 2160, the diameter of the Moon and 1/12th the Great Precession, that reflect the 216 letters in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. The value 2160 is also (10 x 216), the numerical value of Gevura, the 6th Sefira (dimension) as in (6 x 6 x 6) = 216. Gevura is strength and judgement and the complement to 216 at the level of Binah (1000) is (1000216) = 784, which equals 282, with 28 being the gematria of the word “koach (כח), power.”

Celestial Matters

“a Star shall go forth from Jacob”

Nonetheless the references in this verse to the Event Horizon, especially through the value 107, extend to the Solar System’s 107 AU total distance from the Sun, whose surface temperature (5778 K) equals the 107th Triangular Field, which is like the Earth’s orbit around the Sun at 107,000 KPH and the Moon’s daytime mean surface temperature of 107o C. The Solar System is centered on a Star, our star, the Sun. Our Sun is set to micronova within the next 23 years or so, at the end of the grace period of one cycle of 27.5 years after the onset of the Event Horizon. This is in exact alignment with the Parker Instability Galactic Current Sheet or Wave periodicity of 420 cycles of 27.5 years. These micronova that are triggered every 11,556 years or so, are in the order of X1000, as in Binah (1000) and given the ever-weakening state of Earth’s magnetic field, even an X10 can be massively destructive to our power grids, and to all the bio-magnetic functions of life on our planet, natural and otherwise.  Fortunately, as if by divine providence, most of the X class flaring seems to point away from Earth whether from CMEs, sunspot eruptions, filament releases, solar wind, or otherwise. Just in the last two months we have had an X10 and X12 occur just after the active sunspot group turned away from us. This X12 would have knocked us back into the stone age, as all our power grids and stations would have been fried. This phenomenon has been noticed as far back as anyone has recorded them, leaving us to speculate whether we have been spared for some reason, according to some cosmic clock, or Divine interference.  It is obviously due to some cosmic or metaphysical mechanism because the pattern is regular, non-random, and supernatural, including the Sun’s 11-year sunspot cycle, 27.3-day periodicity, and the F10.7 radio emissions at 2800 MHz.

Due to parallel cyclical decline in Earth’s magnetic field, as we get closer to the micronova event, the solar and galactic tidal forces, cosmic forcing, and induction currents will steadily increase. This will result in more powerful solar storms and their earthly vortex driven counterparts: flood-inducing thunderstorms, lightning, blizzards, cyclones, typhoons, tornadoes, and hurricanes. The tidal forces will start pulling apart Earth’s crust, causing new crevices and cracks, and increasing volcanic activity as the mantle begins to separate from it in anticipation of the final surge and axis flip. All the species including Man will act erratically as the field fluxes wreak havoc and cause their processing to glitch. These will be as signs.

Complementary Resonance

Three (3) of those 5 Pi (π) Triplets that begin with the number 3 equal (314 + 338 + 327) = 979, which just happens to be the 5th Triplet in Pi (π) or (979), which in turn is the product of the two complementary numbers (11 x 89), the 5th and 24th Prime Numbers. Any two integers that add up to 100 are complementary numbers. There are 6 pairs of Complementary Prime that total 600, and their associated Prime Ranks total 177, or (600 + 177) = 777.

There is a separate set of complementary numbers for up to 1000. Nonetheless, the products of the 99 integer pairs of complementary numbers to 100 is 166650 or (1500 x 111 + 150) with 1500 being that largest word value in the Torah and 111 representing the Name Alef (111), the first letter. The equation (1500 x 111 + 150) also equals (150 x 11110), like the difference between the 12 permutations of the Names YHVH (יהוה) and Ehyeh (אהיה) or (15 x 1111). The two most significant Concept Names of the Creator, YHVH (יהוה) and Ehyeh (אהיה), when set into the Cosmic Wheel correlate by a factor of 10 to the first 100 integers. Moreover, the sum of the products of the 9 integer pairs of complementary numbers up to 10 is 165 or (15 x 11), which is also the katan0 gematria of the 42-Letter Name Matrix. This only happens by Divine Design. Being in awe is a side effect, not our goal, which is to seek out the patterns and learn from their Pathways.

And given the connections to 15 and 111 in the constants of the (3 x 3) and (6 x 6) Normal Magic Squares; the bounding numbers of the Pi (π) Sine wave, the Essential Magic Cube of Creation, the Alef-bet, the 5 Triplets of Pi (π), and to our DNA, it is notable that the 7th and 8th Triplets of Pi (π) equal (846 + 264) = 1110, while (7 + 8) = 15, as in (111 x 15) = 1665, again.

The difference between these 7th and 8th Triplets versus the first 4 Triplets is thus (11101096) = 14, as in David (14) at the center of the Spherical Time paradigm, and as in the central 14th position in the Magic Essential Cube of Creation.

This leaves the remaining 4 Triplets (5th, 6th, 9th, 10th) of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) to total (417311101096) = 1967, as in the year 1967 CE of the 6 Day War and it means that 6 of the Triplets equal (1110 + 1096) = 2206 or almost exactly 5778/φ2.  Then, whether metaphysical coincidence or not, when we subtract the 10th Triplet from these remaining 4 Triplets, we get (1967327) = 1640 and while 327 is just about 20.0% of 1640, and 1/6th of 1967, we see that 1640 CE is the year 5400 HC, or exactly 378 years less than 5778, as in the 378-value of the 27 letters and/or the 27  positions in the 33 Magical Essential Cube of Creation and as in “His Name is One, Echad Ushmo Echad (אחד־ושמו־אחד) whose final letters spell David (דוד),” while 5400 is (200 x 27). The year 5400 moreover, is the difference between the radiant value set at the Primal Frequency of 27.5 Hz and the standard value of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, or (10,3954995) = 5400.

While 15 represents the YH (יה) in the YHVH (יהוה) and 11 represents the VH (וה) in the YHVH (יהוה), the sum of the Concepts of 15 and 111 = 126, as in the faces and planes of the Essential Magic Cube of Creation and as in the (112 + 10 + 4) = 126 Essential Triplets that include the 14 Triplets of Pi (π). Moreover, 15 also represents the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema and 11 represents the 11 Triplets of Bereshit that are on the same axis of the primordial Alef (א).

The Shema

Regarding the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema, we must keep in mind that their value of 1118 is derived from the ratio between the radiance of the YHVH (יהוה) and that of the radiant Primal Frequency or (27.52/262) = 1.118… and that the difference between the two primary radiating life-forces of the universe is (27.526) = 1.5 as in the Concept of 15. Thus, we see that both the Concepts of 15 and 111 have come together in the 15 Essential Triplets concealed in first verse of the Shema, and that the 6 words of that verse, whose middle letters equal 666, whose 6 initials with the kolel equal (332 + 1) = 333, and whose 6 final letters with the kolel equal (120 + 6) = 126, align with the 6 Days of Creation. Those 6 initials have a complete gematria of (332 + 53) = 385, as in the value of the Shechinah (שכינה).

Those same 6 words of the Shema have a complete gematria of (1118 + 227) = 1345, which is the same as the 4 rivers that spread out from Gan Eden and drew down the energy from Binah whose collective numerical value is (446 + 77 + 142 + 680) = 1345. Moreover, this is in alignment with the ratio of the Prime Essential Constant 37 and the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz), or (37/27.5) = 1.345 that has the power to bring our DNA back into alignment.  Meanwhile, the Albam (plus 11) gematria for the verse is 2081, the 313rd Prime Number, as in the 313 Names Elohim (אלהים) in the Torah.

Regarding Elohim (אלהים), its ordinal value is 41, the 13th Prime Number. It is the highest Prime Number through the limit of 42. It is also the highest number whereby any integer squared (x2) less that integer (x) plus a fixed number (n) equals a Prime Number, (x2 – x + n). In other words (x2 – x + 41) yields a Prime Number every time up to x = 41, and no other number beyond 41 will yield a sequence of predominantly Prime numbers.

Pi (π) and the Magical Essential Cube of Creation

The value 378 of the Magical Essential Cube of Creation with David (14) in the center breaks down into 3 tiers of 126 in each of the 3 axes. When the Alef-bet interface is applied, each tier and/or plane has a set of triplet bars and interlocking triangles designed into it that equal multiples of Alef (111). For example, in the first set of 9 Triplets:

Here we see that the Triplet (איק) equals 111 and that (בכר) equals 222 and that (גלש) equals 333. This means that the remaining letters in each set of 3 Triplets must equal multiples of 111 as well, since we know each set totals 1665 or (15 x 111). As for the 2nd set or middle tier, the remaining 6 letter combination is (1665 333) = 1332 or (12 x 111) and its cube root is 11.0027541, which is a numeric combination of the 2 Primal Frequencies (1.1 Hz and 27.5 Hz) along with Israel (541). Naturally, this is also the cube root of (666 x 2). The interplay here with 666, the centroid median point, is far from casual, and neither is the Earth’s revolution around the Sun at 66,600 mph.

It must also be noted that once again Pi (π), or more specifically the metaphysical convergence at 3142, has been integrated into the Magic Essential Cube of Creation just like it is in the Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה) of string value 3142, and in the combined 3 iterations of the Names YHVH (יהוה) and Ehyeh (אהיה) that equal 3142, and in the 864,000-mile diameter of the Sun divided by 275, or (864000/275) = 3142. We can see that amongst the fixed positions within the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42 the central axis across the central horizontal plane is 3-14-25, as in 3142.

We can only surmise that 3142 is a Core Concept within the metaphysical universe that partially unfolds through the Field of Pi (π).  The Constant Pi (π) is off from the Concept 3142 by about 0.013% and in terms of the radiating frequency 27.5 Hz, the amount they are off equals precisely 27.5 x 3142– π) = (27.5 x  0.000407346410206…) = 0.0112020262806859422773069598136706845778… There are so many numerical concepts embedded here, starting with the reference to the 112 Essential Triplets through the 5778 Event Horizon. These 40 digits sum to 176, as in the 176 ordinal value of “He and His Name are One”; as in the longest portion of the Torah, Parsha Naso with its 176 verses; the 176 verses of Psalms 119, the longest chapter; the longest Talmud Tractate, Baba Batra, of 176 pages; and as in the 176 constant of the two completely symmetrical 4 x 4 super mirror magic squares that align with 32 elements of periodic table and with Moshiach.

Another aspect central to the physical and metaphysical dynamics of the universe is that the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) times the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273) is (27.5 x .273) = 7.5075 or 15.0150/2. This is the hidden meaning behind the floodwaters covering the earth by 15 cubits of 27.5 inches each.  To further understand this, we must realize that 1/.666 = 1.5015 meaning that 5/.666 = 7.50750 = (27.5 x .273), as in the centroid median points.

We further understand that 1/(27.5 x .273) = .1332 = (.666 x 2) = (12 x .111) representing the 12 Alefs (אלף) and 12 New Moons in the annual cycle of the Cosmic Wheel.

Moreover, the natural log (LN) of 15 is 2.708050, as in the 27 letters, the 708 value of the 42 letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה), and the 805 value of the sign that the Creator made with His Covenant with the Earth, along with the 805 elements of the 10 Commandments. Given the natural proclivity for the Concepts of 15 and 111 to interact in so many critical metaphysical ways, including in the (15 + 111) = 126 Essential Triplets and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, it is extraordinary that the LN (15) x LN (111) + LN (15) + LN (111) = 20.17122, as in the Western analogue year of the Event Horizon and the square root (√407) of the 6th word (ואת) of the First Verse of Creation.

The Rhythm or Natural Algorithm of the Triplets

While we know that the average value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit is (3003/11) = 273, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (.273), aligning them with the 11 years, and 27.3-day sunspot cycle,  when we add the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit to the 10 Triplets of Pi (π), we get 21 Triplets, as in the value of the higher Name Ehyeh (אהיה), that equal (3003 + 4173) = 7176 or (720024), as in the 72 Essential Triplet Matrix. This is eerily reminiscent of the 11/11 odd/even Alef-bet letter split and their ratios, or .4180 and .7180, that are off by only (41804173) = .007 and (71807176) = .004 respectively, yet the only possible correlation between them would have to be metaphysical. We must keep in mind that those sunspots are perturbations in the magnetic field of the Sun resulting in temperature variances from the steady 5778 K and that it is the short-circuiting of their field lines within the cycling sunspot groups what are causing the X flares and bathing the earth in proton wash and cosmic rays.


Dividing the Alef-bet into odd/even sets required a simple algorithm of alternating or skipping a letter, no different than counting by twos. When we applied a similar algorithm to the 2 columns of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix the alternating odd-even Essential Triplets added up to 1618, or Phi (φ) and the alternating even-odd ones to 2083, the 314th Prime Number or Pi (π).  Then, when we do it with the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit following the exact same 2-step process as the Alef-bet, the first step gave us 2 columns that add up to 1044 and 1959, whose digits (1+0+4+4+1+9+5+9) sum to 33, as in their 33 letters that total 3003.

Then in the second step, they are realigned into columns of odd and even and they then add up to 903 and 2100 respectively.

The right column totals 903, as in the 42nd Triangular Field, the sum of the integers from 142, which is also the value of the phrase “V’yomer Elohim (ויאמר־אלהים)” found in each of the 10 Utterances that created our physicality and the reality of Creation within the Torah’s first Chapter, the 6 Days of Creation. The left column totals 2100, as in all the primordial connections to the Name of Binah, Ehyeh (אהיה). While 2100 is the product of the complementary numbers 30 and 70, aligned with the Tree-of-Life, it is also the product of (50 x 42), the representative values of the 50 Gates of Binah, including the 50-cubit high Gate built into the 42-Letter Name Matrix whose 3 bottom tiers equals 1375, as in the 1375” in 50 cubits. It is also representative of the 50-cubit height of the 12 Outer (5 Temple Mount, 3 Outer Courtyard, 3 Inner Courtyard, and 1 Sanctuary) Gates of the Holy Temple and the 42 cu2 innermost (6 x 7) Gate of the Holy of Holies. So, if you understand about the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation and know how to stack them to form columns or Gates, passing though the Entrance of the Torah is like passing though the Gates of the Holies, akin to entering the Holy Temple and into Binah Consciousness.

Male and Female

Moreover, while the value 1044 of the first stacking step column is the difference between the total 12,600 years of the 26 Generations of Adam less the Spherical Time Bubble Diameter 11,556 years, or (12,600 11,556) = 1044 years, the value of the second column, 1959, aligns with the 1959 value of the 24 middle letters of the verse in Genesis 1:27 when Man was Created. It has 13 words and 50 letters, just like when the State of Hawaii took the USA from 13 colonies to 50 States in Aug 1959.

The revelation about the masculine and feminine complementary balancing energies or forces is significant and we will get into hits shortly. For now, we should just note that the Torah clearly states than Man was a reflection of the Cosmos that embody those two separate and balanced energies and that any other variation was not created in G-d’s image and is thus ungodly and not reflective of the upper worlds. While the numerical value of the phrase male and female (זָכָר וּנְקֵבָה) is 390, the same as Heaven, which together they reflect, and their ordinal value is 84, reflective of the conjoined Upper 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) and the 42-Letter Name Ladder, their complete value is (390 + 84) = 474, as in the 11th Sefira of Da’at.  Meanwhile, Male (זָכָר) alone has the complete value of 265, as in the 3rd Triplet in Pi (π), while Female (נְקֵבָה) with the kolel (2) has the value of the 2nd Triplet in Pi (π) or (157 + 2) = 159, and their balanced milui value (זין כף ריש ויו נון קוף בית הה) is 1413 or 3141 backward.  The difference between the two primal forces is (227157) = 70, as in the 70 offspring of Jacob and the 70 years of David at the center of Spherical Time.

So, it is beyond astonishing that when applying that same extraordinary and simple algorithm to the set of the first 8 Triplets of Pi (π), the first 24 digits, and just subtracting the second column, or every other Triplet, we see that not only does the first 3 triplets give us (314159 + 265) = 420, but the first 8 Triplets give us (314159 + 265358 + 979323 + 846264) = 1300, emphasizing the Concepts of 42 and One (13) built into the construct and cosmology of the universe and our existence, and directly relating to the 13 words of Genesis 1:27; to the 13 verses of the 10 Commandments that begin at the 420th YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah. They also reflect the results of the same simple triplet algorithm applied to the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation and the 4173 total of the 10 Triplets that equals (420027). It always comes back to the Singularity of 42, the essence of it all.

Moreover, while the 4173 total of the 10 Triplet Matrix of Pi (π) hints to both 4200 and to the small gematria value (173) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the first or hundreds column of the 10 Triplet Matrix of Pi (π) equals (300 + 100 + 200…300) = 3700, as in 3701, the numerical value of the 42-Letter Name, and as in the 13 initials of Genesis 1:27 that total 37, the Core Prime Essential Concept of 37 that our DNA was designed around. This is quite befitting for the verse where Man was created. When the Torah states “God created man” it was in the literal sense and not figurately. The 13 final letters of that verse total 820, as in “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” the message at the heart of the Torah.


There is a verse in the Torah, Devarim 23:2 (לא יבא פצוע דכא וכרות שפכה בקהל יהוה) that has confounded Torah scholars because of the word for testes that can be spelled in some scrolls as either (דכא) or in other scrolls as (דכה). The debate that even some righteous tzaddkim have opposite opinions is which spelling is correct, as it obviously effects the underlying technology and many of the Torah matrices.  In the sense that the Creator foresaw this issue, neither spelling would invalidate a Torah, and in the sense that we can count the number of digits beginning with the 3 in Pi (π) or instead from immediately after the decimal place and that both location ranks are correct then maybe both spellings are correct and just lead to a different set of revelations and circuitry. Nevertheless, the context of the phrase should be considered, and the verse is a prohibition for a male (obviously) with a wounded or crushed testes from marrying. In this context we see that the letter Alef (א) represents male or masculine energy and the letter Hei (ה) female or feminine energy. Straightforward, it makes sense that the Creator would not want someone who could not pro-create to marry despite the many ramifications and alternative solutions that we can consider. And given those alternative solutions that the Creator would also have foreseen, He must have had a deeper meaning to this verse that reflects the 2 sets of 23 chromosomes in our DNA and the relationship between male and female. Perhaps, He was referring to a less literal interpretation in which the Man was emasculated (crushed) and thus his soul was revealing a defect, making him unable to properly bond in marriage. As per usual it speaks to our times today. Another hint about changes to our DNA is when the EBGD (plus 1) cipher is applied to (דכא) and the three letters become “H’Lev (הלב), the heart” of numerical value 37 at the heart of our DNA. Meanwhile, the verse (לא יבא פצוע דכא וכרות שפכה בקהל יהוה) has a katan value of 111, as in the Name Alef (אלף), and a standard value of 1515, hinting at the Hei (הי) of numerical value 15.  This means that the verse spelled with the Alef (א) contains both Concepts of the Alef (א) and the Hei (ה). Moreover, the value 1515 is the string value of the Name YHYH (יהיה) used in “He and His Name are One,” the Name that is to be used in the time of Moshiach Ben David, another hint that this verse refers to our times, where through numerous means our DNA is being altered to emasculate men, create transhuman abominations and sterilize the population.  This would explain the extraordinary means employed to change a single and specific letter of the Torah, and only in some lineages of Torahs. Had it been changed in all lineages the discrepancy would never have been noticed, much technology would have been lost, and the polemic would never have arisen, keeping us in the dark as to the hidden message and warning in this verse.  Obviously, the message must be of the utmost importance and the consequences dire.

The Primal Masculine and Feminine Forces

The spelled-out Names Alef (אלף) and Hei (הי) of the 1st and 5th letters represent the masculine and feminine yin and yang forces within every aspect of our universe.  We have seen how their values of 111 and 15 come together in the Primal metaphysical structures of Creation, whether additive as (111 + 15) = 126 or multiplicative as (111 x 15) = 1665, but these are just the nominative surface representations of the underlying interaction of the two complementary primordial forces.  Regardless of whether there is one more Alef (א) vs one less Hei (ה), the number of Alefs (א) and Heis (ה) in the Torah equal 55115 for an average of 27557.5, as in the radiating Primal Frequency (27.5) that permeates the universe, and as in the 57.5 complement to 42.5o, the radiating angular complement to the radiating Phi (φ) angle 137.5o to which the Primal Frequency (27.5) radiates.

The other radiating force that permeates and sustains the universe is the YHVH (יהוה) of numerical value 26, and as we know their difference is (27.526) = 1.5.

So, we see that the Creator did foresee this dilemma and included it in the paradigm of the matrix to reveal to us the secrets and understanding behind the Concepts of 15 and 111. Alternatively, some ascendant master at some point changed the letter with permission of the universal consciousness in order that we would be forced to ponder it at the appropriate time so that it would spark further awakening.

The message was concealed in the version that has the Alef (א) while only one version contains the full technology of the Torah.  The version that contains the 28056 Heis (ה) and 27059 Alefs (א) is the original version in which the 90,100 letters Yuds (י), Heis (ה), and Vavs (ו) in the Torah equate to the 424th Triangular Field of Moshiach Ben David and that so many other matrixes align so wonderfully. This technology was preserved for us from the time of Creation. Speaking of Creation and the First Verse of Creation of numerical value 2701, when we multiply the values of the 22 Names of the 22 Letters by their letter occurrences in the Torah the total sum for the Torah is 50323793, which is 270.1… times the Speed of Light or (186,282 mps x 270.1… = 50323793. Its cube root is 369.1967 as in the 369 constant of the 92 normal magic square, and the (1820 + 1870) = 3690 value of the Names of the 12 Tribes. . Meanwhile, the logarithm of 50323793 is 7.7017733…, while the natural log of it is 17.733… as in the Concepts from the First Verse, 17, 73 and the 33 letters of the 11 Essential Triplets of Creation that equal 3003, the 77th Triangular Field. Meanwhile, the Name value of the 27059 Alefs (א) equal 3003549. The same Name value of the 28056 Heis (ה) is 420840. So let us heed the Creator’s urgent warning and choose the technology of elevation of the Torah over the technology of destruction of Man.

When the odd/even algorithm is applied to the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit contiguously along with the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, or 25 Essential Triplets in total, the two column totals become (903 + 1618) = 2521 and (2100 + 2083) = 4183 or exactly 10 more than 4173, the sum of the 10 Triplet Matrix of Pi (π) , along with 4183 = (420017), as in the katan value (17) of Torah (תורה) and as in the katan value (17) of the YHVH (יהוה) that we saw built into Pi (π).  Meanwhile, the ratio of the 12 Essential Triplets of the combined right column to the total 25 Essential Triplets is (903 + 1618)/(3003 + 3701) = .376044 as in the Spiritual Time component (3760 years) of the Spherical Time paradigm that pivots the two calendars at the year 3760 HC (0 CE), which is analogous to the value of the Names of the 12 Tribes plus 70 for the 70 Nations, (3690 + 70) = 3760.

As for the Left-hand stairwell or column that connects to Ehyeh (אהיה) through the value 2100 and to Pi (π) and/or Shadai (שדי) through the 314th Prime Number, the contiguous 13 Essential Triplets of the two sets sum to 4183 which is .623956 of the total 6704, and thus off from H’Keter (.625) or 5/8 by precisely (.625 – .623956) =.001044, which the sum of the first step in the splitting algorithm of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit into the two columns that added up to 1044 and 1959 respectively. How ironic then that the sum of the values of the 11 odd Hebrew letters equal 625, the square root of the 58 Words, Letters, and Verses in the Torah, and that the 11 positional pairs of the Alef-bet add up to 541, the word-value of Israel found 625 times in the Torah.

Thus the 6704 total value of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit and the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix are probably metaphysically related to the 42-Letter Sword of Moses hidden in the Song of the See at Exodus 15:11 whose total value is 6708, which itself contains the 708 value of the 42 Letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) concealed within the 15 Triplets of the Shema.  Moreover, we can see the position of the hidden sheathed Sword at Exodus 15:11 as a balanced coming together of the feminine Concept of 15 with the masculine Concept of 11.

We should also note that the ratio of 11 to 42 is almost exactly (11/42) = Phi (φ)2, off by only .000101363, as in the H’Moshiach (363) consciousness with 101 being the 26th Prime Number. Meanwhile, the ratio of 15 to 42 is approximately (15/42) = 358, off by only .000857 from Moshiach (358) consciousness, while together the ratio is almost exactly (15 + 11)/42 = (26/42) = 1/φ, off by only .00101363 from the inverse of Phi (φ), and thus the ratio of the Singularity of 42 to the two primal forces is 42/(15 + 11) = Phi (φ), off by only .00265, as in the 3rd Triplet (265) in Pi (π). If there was ever a blueprint for elevating to Moshiach Consciousness, this is it.

Furthermore, the difference between those two columns is (41832521) = 1662 or (2 x 831), the gematria sofit of Alef (אלף), alluding to Notzer Chesed La’alufim (נֹצֵר חֶסֶד לָאֲלָפִים) from the 13 Attributes of G-d in the Torah that translate as “Mercy for 2000 years.” This metaphysically connects to the Spherical Time Paradigm in that (3760 + 2000) = 5760 = (10 x 242), which is equivalent to the year 2000 CE as the logarithm of 5760 that is 3.76042248, and which represents the (57602000) = 3760 years of Spiritual Time, along with the 42 x 248 row-column structure of the Torah Matrix.

In case it is not clear, the year 3760 HC was chosen as the pivotal year 0 CE because all the reflected or mirrored years such as 1948 HC when Abraham was born and 1948 CE when Israel became a nation would be 3760 years apart or 10 times 376, the value for Peace, Shalom (שלום), and thus within the Spherical Time paradigm the ratio of their Spiritual Time component to their Physical Time one would always be equal to 3760/2018 = 186,282 mps, the Speed-of-Light, which is also 6.70616629 x 108 mph, as in the difference between the two columns (41832521) = 1662.

Moreover, that difference between the 2 columns less the kolel of 2 is (16622) = 1660, a metaphysical alignment with the 5 Triplets of Pi (π) that begin with the digit “3” as in (314 + 358 + 323 + 338 + 327) = 1660, while both the 5 Triplets of Pi (π) and the 1662 column difference within those 25 Essential Triplets metaphysically align with the (15 x 111) = 1665 balance of the complementary forces of Creation.

Those 5 Triplets of Pi (π) that begin with the digit “3” and that equal (314 + 358 + 323 + 338 + 327) = 1660 are thus 2100 less than 3760, as in the 6 aligned and stacked Essential Triplets of Bereshit that equal (710 + 203 + 705 + 90 + 101 + 291) = 2100, bringing these 11 Essential Triplets in harmony with Spiritual Time, as they would do for us if we would utilize them properly.  Furthermore, we see that the first 3 of those 6 aligned and stacked Essential Triplets of Bereshit equal (710 + 203 + 705) = 1618 or Phi (φ), just like the 7 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name, and as in the ratio of the Singularity of 42 to the two primal forces, 42/(15 + 11) = Phi (φ).

In must be noted and absorbed that the sum of that (15 x 111) Yin -Yang balance and the 336 letters of the 112 Essential Triplets in the Cosmic Wheel is (1665 + 336) = 2701, the value of the First Verse of Creation.


The Concept of 5 is one of the most significant in the Torah and in physicality. Metaphysically, it is the difference between the Name of Zeir Anpin, the YHVH (יהוה), and the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה), which is (2621) = 5.

The Concept of 5 and its square root, as previously explained, is a critical component at the core of Phi (φ), which snakes though the 42-Letter Name Matrix. When we multiply the right column of the 11 Essential Triplets of Bereshit that equals 903, which is the 42nd Triangular Field, by the square root of 5 we get 9035 = 2019.17, as in the Western Calendar analogue to the Spherical Time radius and Event Horizon, 5778 HC, both of which are found thrice within the first 1000 digits of Pi (π), along with the string …903… that ends at digit #358 within Pi (π), and is found backwards (…309…) at digit #420.

And referring to the 5 Triplets of Pi (π) that begin with the digit 3, the difference between the square root of 5 and that of 3 or (√5 – √3) = .50401717, as in the Earth and Moon radii together or exactly 5040 miles, which is also 7! or (7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) miles, matching the number of chapters in the first and second Books of the Torah, 50 and 40 chapters respectively. Without metaphysics, our physical reality is nothing more than incongruous chaos and impossibilities that defy explanation or purpose.

Nonetheless, within that snaking 7 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix that equal Phi (φ), the first two of those 7 Essential Triplets equal (6 + 359) = 365, as the 365 days in a Solar year; and as in Enoch’s age, who represented the 7th generation; and as in the 365 restrictive mitzvot. The next two Triplets equal (57 + 493) = 550, as in the initials of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, and as in the 20-cubit height, length, and width of the Holy of Holies that equal (20 x 27.5) = 550. The final 3 Triplets (110 + 187 + 406) = 703, as in the 37th Triangular Field built into the First Verse of Creation and our DNA.

When we use the same odd/even algorithm of taking every other geometric dimension of the 11 Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life, we find that Keter-Binah-Chesed-Tiferet-Hod-Machut equal 2351 and consequently Chochma-Da’at-Gevurah-Netzach-Yesod equal 991, and that 2351/3342 = .703… and that 991/3342 = .296…. While 703 is the value of the final two words (ואת־הארץ) in the Torah’s First Verse, 296 is the value of the last word, Earth (הארץ). There can be no understanding without metaphysics.

The 4 Triplets of Pi (π) and Electricity

While the two Triplets of the Moshiach Ben David Cosmic equation equal (159 + 265) = 424, when we subtract the first Triplet (314) from them they equal (424314) = 110 or (4 x 27.5 Hz), the major interval of the Primal Frequency and Joseph’s age, 110 years.  It is not a coincidence that the Aether in the Cosmos radiates with the free energy of 27.5 Hz while the trapped energy in the alternating current in our electric grids does too at either (4 x 27.5) = 110V or (8 x 27.5) = 220V. The magnetic and dielectric fields follow the same invisible grid as the metaphysical universe.

The 5th Triplet of Pi (π) and the 10 Commandments

When the 5th Triplet of Pi (π) is added to the 2nd and 3rd Triplets of Pi (π) less the kolel, the result becomes (159 + 265 + 979 3) = 1400, as in the 1400 YHVH (יהוה) that start at the 10 Commandments.  Then subtracting the 2nd Triplet from the 1st and 3rd give us (314 + 265 159) = 420, as in the 420 YHVH (יהוה) until the 10 Commandments, giving us the exact split of the 1820 YHVH (יהוה), right at the onset of the 10 Commandments, 420 YHVH (יהוה) and 1400 YHVH (יהוה). Since (420/1400) = .3 or 30%, then (314 + 265 159)/(159 + 265 + 979 3) also equals exactly 30%.  This goes hand in hand with the Cosmic equation (265/(159 + 265) = (265/424) = .625 and with (.625 x 1820) = 1137.5, which is 62.5 less than 1200, and is also 1000 (Binah) plus 137.5, the radiating Phi (φ) angle 137.5o.

We must keep in mind that there are 420 cycles of the Primal Frequency 27.5 in the 11,556-year diameter of Spherical Time and in the periodicity of the micro-nova inducing Galactic Wave sheet.

Angels in the Matrix

The Power of Yehuda

 We know that the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah directly align with the 1820-value of the 6 Names of the 6 Tribes whose total net differential between the two censuses was 1820. The Name Yehuda (יהודה), one of those 12 Tribes, has the numerical value of 30, as in the 30 digits of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π), and it contains the YHVH (יהוה) written sequentially.  Moreover, the Name Yehuda (יהודה) contains numerous deep concepts and thus innate powers of connection to the metaphysical world. It represents the YHVH (יהוה) inclusive of the kolel for the 4 (ד) letters, or (26 + 4) = 30. It thus aligns with both the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) and the 4 Triplets of Pi (π) and to the 10 letters in the 4 levels of the Triangular Name YHVH (יהוה) of numerical value 72.

The Name Yehuda (יהודה) when spelled out attains a value of (72 + 434) = 506, as in the first tier (אבגיתצ) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and as in the complete value of Moshiach Ben David, who like King David is descended from Yehuda (יהודה). David was the 10th generation descended from Yehuda and Tamar (תמר), whose Name has the value of 640 or 10 times 64, the joint value of Adam and Eve and Yehuda (יהודה) was the 23rd generation from Adam, as in the 23 chromosome pairs in our DNA. Together Yehuda (יהודה) and Tamar (תמר) have a joint value of (30 + 640) = 670, as in as in 10 times Binah (67), the 670 paragraphs in the Torah, and 670 million miles per hour speed of light. Meanwhile, the ordinal value of Tamar (תמר) is (42 + 13) = 55 as in the (42 + 13) = 55 words in the 248 words of the Shema that begin with the letter Vav (ו), the staff at the center of the Name Yehuda (יהודה), as in the staff lent to Tamar (תמר) to signify Yehuda (יהודה) was the progenitor of King David and thus Moshiach Ben David. Those 13 words of the Shema that begin with the letter Vav (ו) occur specifically in its first paragraph, the Paragraph of 42 words.  When the staff (ו) is added to the joint value of Yehuda (יהודה) and Tamar (תמר), we get (670 + 6) = 676 = 262, as in the radiant YHVH (יהוה), and their complete value with the kolel (1) is (670 + 85 + 1) = 756 = 27.52, as in the radiant Primal Frequency, and as in (18 x 42) = 756, with the square root of 18 being 4.2426, as in Moshiach Ben David and the YHVH (יהוה).

The Name Yehuda (יהודה) is the only name or word other than the YHVH (יהוה) itself to contain the 4 sequential letters (יהוה), and it appears 42 times in the Torah plus 7 additional times as L’Yehuda (ליהודה), meaning “to Yehuda,” and these are the only additional times that the YHVH (יהוה) appears within words of the Torah with/or without partitioning letters in between.

This brings the total to (1820 + 49) = 1869 YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah and with the kolel of 1, it makes 1870, as in the value of the other 6 Tribes that experience a zero net differential between the two censuses. They include Yehuda (יהודה) among them. Moreover, (1820/7) = 260 and (1820/49) is thus (260/7) = 37 plus 1/7th.

               Group #1

Name  Name Gematria  1st census 2nd census Difference
Reuven רְאוּבֵן 259        46,500        43,730      (2,770)
Gad גָּד 7        45,650        40,500      (5,150)
Efraim אֶפְרָיִם 331        40,500        32,500      (8,000)
Binyamin בִּנְיָמִן 152        35,400        45,600      10,200
Asher אָשֵׁר 501        41,500        53,400      11,900
Naftali נַפְתָּלִי 570        53,400        45,400      (8,000)
1820       262,950       261,130      (1,820)

               Group #2

Name Name  Gematria  1st census 2nd census Difference
Shimon שִׁמְעוֹן 466        59,300        22,200    (37,100)
Yehuda יְהוּדָה 30        74,600        76,500       1,900
Dan דָּן 54        62,700        64,400       1,700
Yisachar יִשָּׂשכָר 830        54,400        64,300       9,900
Zebulun זְבֻלוּן 95        57,400        60,500       3,100
Manasseh מְנַשֶּׁה 395        32,200        52,700     20,500
1870       340,600       340,600            0

Of additional note is that while the net sum of the differentials of the two Tribes Ephraim and Binyamin is (102008000) = 2200, the absolute differential between them is (10200 + 8000) = 18200, as in 1820 once again, and directly as in the sum of the 26 squares and 26 cubes of the 26 radial vectors for the 27 letters within the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, or (1638 + 16562) = 18200.

Moreover, the sum of the net differentials of the Tribes of Reuven and Gad is (2770 + 5150) = 7920, the exact diameter of the Earth, 7920 mi.

Meanwhile, the numerical value of the 42 Yehuda (יהודה) is 1260 and that of the 7 L’Yehuda (ליהודה) is 420, making their total, (1260 + 420) = 1680 or (40 x 42) like the 42 journeys over the 40 years from Egypt to Israel, from slavery to freedom, from physicality to spirituality, the 40 years between the 2 censuses, and the 40 years between the advent of social media, google, smart phones and the far end of the Event Horizon around 2045 CE.

Included in the 1820 YHVH (יהוה) there are also 255 YHVH (יהוה) with the same prefix Lamed (ל) as L’Yehuda (ליהודה), and those 255 L’YHVH (ליהוה) have a total value of 14280 as in 1/7th or .1428.  The total for those (42 + 7 + 255) = 304 Names is thus (1680 + 14280) = 14700, as in the 147 years of Jacob’s life, and the 14,700 that died in the plague after the rebellion of Korach.  This is notably the same as the net differences in the Tribes of Yisachar, Zebulun, and Dan that are all part of the same bundled cohort of 6 as Yehuda or (9900 + 3100 + 1700) = (13,000 + 1700) = 14,700.

Then, while both Ephraim and Binyamin were descended from Rachel, of numerical value 238, or 1/42, 238/Phi(φ) = 1470 and Phi(φ)/110 = .01470… with 110 being the Joseph’s age, Binyamin’s only brother, and the father of Ephraim. The underpinnings of every story, narrative, relationship, number, word, verse, and letter in the Torah is metaphysical.

Meanwhile the total YHVH (יהוה) including the (7 + 42) Yehuda (יהודה) is (1820 + 49) = 1869 and when we deduct the (42 + 7 + 255) = 304 Names from that total we get (1869304) = 1565, the string gematria of the YHVH (יהוה), while 304 coupled with the 805 elements of the 10 Commandments gives us the 304,805 letters in the Torah.

As for coupling the YHVH (יהוה) with the letter Lamed (ל) that is associated with Binah we must keep in mind that its collective value is (30 + 12) = 42 and thus that it is the perfect reflection of the 42 Yehuda (יהודה) in the Torah, and that its coupling with the YHVH (יהוה) serves as a further source of elevation.

The Creator could easily have placed 50 Yehuda (יהודה) in the Torah to make a perfect 1870, so there must have been other intentions besides the obvious connections to 7 and those enumerated above. Perhaps those include the value of the 7 Lamed (ל) of the 7 L’Yehuda (ליהודה), having a value of 210, or (5 x 42), as in the 210 years in exile in Egypt, or the (7 x 7) days in the Omer period and in the jubilee year that align with the 50 Gates of Binah. Or perhaps it is that the value of the L’YHVH (ליהדה) times 49 is (56 x 49) = 2744, which is a cube of 143 and that (143 minus the 14th Prime Number) = 2701, the value of the First Verse of Creation.

This, in turn, is like the midpoint in King David’s life and of the Spherical Time radius (2889 HC) plus the value of his Name (14) being equal to (2889 + 14) = 2903, the 420th Prime Number, that includes 903, the 42nd Triangular Field, with 2903 HC being his 49th year, 21 years, as in the value of Ehyeh (אהיה), before the end of King David (דוד)’s life. Without an understanding of the metaphysical, there is no understanding at all.

What makes this all the more extraordinary is that 2903 is found backwards (…3092…) within Pi (π) at digit #420, just like the 420th Prime Number, 2903.

The value 2903 is also exactly 1000 less than 3903, which is the sum of the 42 letters that consist of the 28 letters of the First Verse plus the 14 letters of the first half of that verse, or (2701 + 1202) = 3903. This is also (3903/3) = 1301, the 212th Prime Number, which is 1400 less than 2701. Alternatively, the sum of the 42 letters that consist of the 28 letters of the First Verse plus the 14 letters of the second half of that verse, is exactly (2701 + 1499) = 4200, and (4200/3) = 1400. The Source is always the Singularity of 42.  Just when we think that the understanding of the First Verse of Creation cannot get any deeper, another layer gets exposed.

Those 255 L’YHVH (ליהדה) and 7 L’Yehuda (ליהודה) equal 262 Names YHVH (יהדה) in total, which aligns with the average of the two censuses 40 years apart that equal (262,950 + 261,130)/2 = 262,040, making their total equal to (262,950 + 261,130) = 524080, which in turn is exactly 720 less than the sum of the 210 Word-Value Matrix positions in the Torah, 524800, the 1024th Triangular Field.

While both censuses of the 6 Tribes of 1820 correspond to the 1820 YHVH (יהדה) and while the 1st census of them correspond to the 262 Names YHVH (יהדה), the total for the 2nd census of them is 261,130, as in 26 for the YHVH (יהדה), 611 for Torah (תורה) and 130 for Mt Sinai (סיני). Split into groups as per the tables above we have 3 difference sums over the 2 censuses and they sum to (262,950 + 261,130 + 340,600) = 864,680, as in the diameter of the Sun, 864,660 miles or so, and 864,680 is 31442.91 cycles of 27.5, as in the Concept of 314, 42 and 91.  This is like the 20,107 sofit letters in the Torah that have a standard value of 864,660.

The average for the 2 censuses taken over the 40-year span is thus (1205280/2) = 602,640 or 600,000 plus 2640, a half a mile, and for the 12 Tribes it is (1205280/12) = 50,220 or 50,000 plus 220 or (8 x 27.5). Now, while we know that the 1775 half a shekel collected in the first census is connected to the Alef-bet as the sum of the 27 letters, and that the 600,000 men or souls are connected to the 600,000 component letters in the Torah and that the 27 letters are comprised of a set of 50 component letters, we also see in these results the 22 Letter Names of the 27 letters and once again the collecting of the halves as in half a mile (2640’).

Nonetheless, while the 7 L’Yehuda (ליהודה) have a value equal to (7 x 60) = 420, like Rachel and Jacob that equal (238 + 182) = 420, and while the ordinal value of L’Yehuda (ליהודה) is 42, the standard value of L’Yehuda (ליהודה) is 60, as in the 60 Hz of the 110 V alternating current and all A/C current in the USA.

Since the set of 5 Triplets of Pi (π) that begin with the digit 3 equal (314 + 358 + 323 + 338 + 327) = 1660, when we subtract the 2 Triplets that equal (846 + 264) = 1110, we are left with the 550 value of the seeds (initials) of the Tree-of-Life, and subtracting the 2 Triplets (159 + 265) that equal 424, as in Moshiach Ben David, we are left with (550424) = 126 = (3 x 42), the value of the faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation and the sum of the two complementary forces or (15 + 111) = 126. If instead of subtracting them, we just remove them from the set of 10 Triplets, we are left with only the 5th Triplet (979), or (100021), representing two different Aspects of Binah consciousness. Then when we subtract the 424 from the 5th Triplet we get (979424) = 555, as in the (5 + 50 + 500) diagonal (הנך) of the middle tier of the Essential Cube of Creation.

The 22 Names and Pi (π)

The value 555 is also the value of the 8 initials (אהטכמפקש) of the 8 Names Alef, Hei, Tet, Caf, Mem, Pe, Koof, and Shin whose total letter Name value is 1352, which is the quotient in the profound ratio (4248/π) = 1352. In other words, the sum of the 22 Names divided by Pi (π) equals 8 of those Names.  We must keep in mind that the sum of the values of the 22 Names of the letters is 4248, a direct alignment with the 42.48o gyromagnetic precession of the magnetic and dielectric fields found both at the quantum level in our atoms and the grand scale of the magnetic field lines connecting our planets, stars, and galaxies, and that not only do those field lines spiral at the Phi (φ) angel but as we have seen the 22 Names are fractally and repeatedly divisible into Phi (φ) partitions. So, discovering that they are similarly fractally split into the Pi (π) proportions is beyond astonishing. When we divide the resultant 1352 by Pi (π) again it equals 1352/Pi (π) = 430, as in the sum of the letter Names Yud and Chet or (22 + 408), in other words 42482.

This also means that the other 14 Names of the Alef-bet equal (42481352) = 2896 as in 2896 HC, or 7 years past the midpoint in David’s life, his 42nd year.

Moreover, those 8 Letters (אהטכמפקש) that total 555 represent 11.111% of the total 4995 for the full 27 Letters, matching the 555 recurrences of the word-value 37 in the Torah, the 20th most numerous word-value in it, while 111 is (37 x 3).

Then if we divide those remaining letter Names by Pi (π) or (4248 – (4248/π))/π = 2896/π = 922, we see that the result equals the two letter Names Bet (בית) and Resh (ריש) or (412 + 510), the first two letters in the Torah, whose back letters equal 720.

Those 10 letters (אבהטכמפקרש) now have a value of (555 + 202) as in the 555’ tall Washington Monument in Washington DC whose area code is 202, but why would the Masons erect the Washington Monument to align with the Alef-bet?

Nonetheless, the result of subtracting the 10 letters (אבהטכמפקרש) from the total 22 letters is (42481352922) = (42482274) = 1974, the sum of the 12 remaining letter Names. Nevertheless, if we deduct those 1352 and 922 of the 10 letter Names from 4248 and divide the remaining 12 letter Names by Pi (π), we get (42481352922)/Pi (π) = (42482274)/Pi (π) = 1974/Pi (π) = 628.17 = 200 Pi (π). The result of subtracting the 10 letters (42481352922) = (42482274) = 1974, the sum of the 12 remaining letter Names, or 200π2.

1 Alef 111 111
2 Bet 412 412 412
3 Gimmel 83 83 83
4 Dalet 434 434 434
5 Hei 15 15
6 Vav 22 22 22 22
7 Zayin 67 67 67
8 Chet 408 408 408 408
9 Tet 419 419
10 Yud 20 20 20
11 Caf 100 100
12 Lamed 74 74 74
13 Mem 80 80
14 Nun 106 106 106
15 Samech 120 120 120
16 Ayin 130 130 130
17 Pe 81 81
18 Zadi 104 104 104
19 Koof 186 186
20 Resh 510 510 510
21 Shin 360 360
22 Tav 406 406 406
253 4248 1352 2896 922 1974 430
4248/π 4248 – 4248/π 2896/π  2 4248/π2
Letters: 22 8 14 2 12 2

The geometry of the Alef-bet is such that each division by Pi (π) represents a diameter to the circumference of a specific circle, starting with the circle of 4248, exactly as Abraham described them to us, yet that diameter was comprised wholly of 8 odd letter. Then when the diameter (1352) of that circle is subtracted from the circumference (4248) the remainder forms the circumference of a new circle of 2896, as if it consciously shrunk to close off the gap, like removing a specific volume of air from a balloon. The process repeats with the new diameter (922) of the circle of 2896 being removed, and once the gap is closed the circle or spherical balloon shrinks to a circumference of 1974.   That diameter of 922 was composed wholly of 2 even letters whose ordinal values equal (2 + 20) = 22.  The new circle of 1974 has diameter of 2Pi (π), and considering decimal calculations, these approximately 628.3 radians work out to 36000o, exactly 100 revolutions of a circle, like the letter Name Shin (שין) of numerical value 360.  Meanwhile that first discarded diameter of 1352 curled up into its own circle of circumference 1352 with a new diameter of 430 comprised wholly of 2 other even letters, whose ordinal values total (6 + 8) = 14. When that new diameter of 430 becomes a circle of its own, its resultant diameter is 137, the Fine Structure Constant, as 42483 = 137.00451827

Let us recall that when we used integrals to determine the area under the 1.313x exponential curve of the initials of the Alef-bet the ratio of the area beneath the curve to the area above it was determined to be (1464.717/2330.5831) = .628348 or 2 Pi (π), making both the 22 initials and the 22 full Names scaffolded upon and reducible to the same Constant 2 Pi (π).

That said, it is now apparent the 22 Names of the Alef-bet can be reverse engineered from its seeds of origin of the Fine Structure Constant and the 2π Constant as 2 circles intertwined in 3 iterations to form a single circle of 22 specific and discreet arcs that total 4248, and moreover that these 22 specific and discreet arcs or Names are aligned sequentially so that their initials form fit to a specific curve that is also in the 2π Constant proportion.

Moreover, in terms of the ordinal value of the sets of the 14 and 8 letters, 157 and 96 respectively, of the circular geometry, the 14 letters that total 2896 and that are destined to become a new circle represents 62.0%, and the diameter of 1352 of the 8 letter represents 38.0% of the 253 total, as in the relationship of the freedom of Keter (620) and the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments, to the slavery of physicality of Egypt (380).

So, as we decipher values derived from a specific set such as the 12 remaining letter Names that total 1974, we must keep in mind that these are specific discreet segments of a diameter and simultaneously specific arcs of a specific Cosmic circle, not just numbers or letters. Also, we should realize that all the other diameters and circumferences in these dynamic chains also are comprised of segments and arcs that form exact relatable Torah and Cosmic Concepts, whether he have highlighted them here or not.

Of those 12 remaining letter Names that total 1974, the letter Names Yud and Vav equal 42;  the letter Names Yud and Zadi equal 126; the letter Names Nun, and Zadi equal 210; the letter Names Vav, Yud, Nun, and Zadi equal 252; the letter Names Yud, Nun, Samech, and Ayin equal 378; the letter Names Gimmel, Zayin, Yud, Samech, and Ayin equal 420; the letter Names Gimmel, Zayin, Samech, Ayin, and Zadi equal 504; the letter Names Vav, Yud, Gimmel, Zayin, Samech, Ayin, and Zadi equal 546; the letter Names Chet, Lamed, and Nun equal 588; the letter Names Yud, Lamed, Ayin, and Tav equal 630; the letter Names Vav, Chet, Lamed, Nun, and Zadi equal 714; the letter Names Gimmel, Zayin, Yud, Lamed, and Zadi equal 756, as in the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52); the letter Names Dalet and Tav equal 840; the letter Names Gimmel, Vav, Zayin, Yud, Lamed, Nun and Zadi equal 882; the letter Names Gimmel, Vav, Zayin, Chet, Yud, Lamed, Samech and Ayin equal 924, which is also the Phi (φ) split of the 22 Letters of the Alef-bet; and the letter Names Dalet, Vav, Zadi, and Tav equal 966: as (1 x 42), (3 x 42), (5 x 42), (6 x 42), (9 x 42), (10 x 42), (12 x 42), (13 x 42), (14 x 42), (15 x 42), (17 x 42), (18 x 42), (20 x 42), (21 x 42), (22 x 42), and (23 x 42). And all these are from the same set of 12 letters that equal 1974 = (47 x 42), while the 12th letter, Lamed has a complete value of 42.

This also means that the same set of 12 less the letter Names Vav and Yud equal (197442) = (46 x 42) for the 10 remaining letters. It also means we can continue that process and find the letter Name equivalents within them for the values (1974 126) = 1848 and for (1974 210) = 1764 or (44 x 42) and (42 x 42) or 422 respectively. It works the same for all the complementary values to 1974 from the illustrations above, giving us 1932, 1722, 1596, 1554, 1470, 1428, 1386, 1344, 1260, 1218, 1134, 1092, 1050, and 1008 as well, in other terms, (46 x 42), (41 x 42), (38 x 42), (37 x 42), (35 x 42), (34 x 42), (33 x 42), (32 x 42), (30 x 42), (29 x 42), (27 x 42), (26 x 42), (25 x 42), and (24 x 42).

While it is obvious that the 22 Letter Names are not only directly scaffolded upon the Constants Pi (π) and Phi (φ) and the Singularity of 42, the letter Names Zayin and Nun equal 173, the gematria katan value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

Moreover, the letter Names Gimmel, Vav, Zion, Yud, Lamed, Samech, Ayin, and Zadi equal 620; the letter Names Vav, Nun, and Ayin equal 248; the letter Names Yud, Lamed, Nun, and Ayin equal 330, and the letter Names Vav, Lamed, Samech, and Ayin equal 346, as in so many of the main metaphysical Concepts of the Torah. Likewise, Vav, Nun, and Zadi equal 232, as in the sum of the 4 Aspects of the YHVH (יהוה); the letter Names Zayin, Yud, and Lamed equal 161, as in the highest Binah Name Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי); the letter Names Gimmel and Samech equal 203, as in the first Essential Triplet in the Torah (ברא); and the 5 letter Names  Gimmel, Vav, Zayin, Samech, and Tav equal 708 as in the 42 letters of the Name YHVH (יהוה) and the year Israel became a nation, 5708 HC ; the letter Names Chet, Lamed, and Zadi equal 586, as in Jerusalem; while the letter Names Vav, Yud, Lamed, and Nun equal 222, as in (60005778) = 222, and the letter Names Zayin, Chet, Nun, Samech and Zadi equal 805, as in the 805 Elements in the 10 Commandments and G-d’s Covenant with the Earth.

Furthermore, the letter Names Dalet, Yud, and Chet equal 864, while the letter Names Vav, Lamed, and Samech equal 216, representing the diameters of the Sun and the Moon.

There is also the sum of the 5 letter Names Yud, Lamed, Nun, Samech, and Zadi that equals 424, as in Moshiach Ben David, while Yud, Samech, Ayin, and Tav equal 676, or 262, and Nun, Zadi, and Tav that equal 616, as in “The Torah.” All these are from the same set of 12 letters, including the age of Man and Moses, 120 years that corresponds to the letter Name Samech, and 130 years of Adam and Mt Sinai (130) that corresponds to the letter Name Ayin.

These are 22 puzzle pieces designed to fit together seamlessly. Just like the letter Names Dalet, Vav, Zayin, and Yud that add up to 543, as in the highest Name in the Torah, “I am that I am, Ehyeh Asher Eyheh (אהיה־אשר־אהיה)” and just like the Cosmic Harmonic (1.273) or 4/π that is represented by the letter Names Gimmel, Vav, Chet, Samech, Ayin, Zadi, and Tav that equal 1273.

Moreover, when we add the 3 letter Names Dalet, Chet and Tav that equal 1248 to the 8 letters that sum to 1352 or (4248/π), we get (1248 + 1352) = 2600, as in 100 times the YHVH (יהוה) for the 11 Letter Names. So, while (42481248) = 3000, as in the Circle of Creation (3000.0), the other 11 Letter Names equal (42482600) = 1648, as in the sum of the cube of 223 and the cube of 183 Torah Matrixes that equal (223 + 183) = 16480.

Meanwhile, the 4 letters Names Dalet, Chet, Zadi, and Tav also equal 1352, meaning that they also equal (4248/π), and their initials with the kolel (4) equals 506, as in the first tier of the 42-Letter Name that is likewise associated with Pi (π), and as in the 5 letter Names Gimmel, Zayin, Nun, Samech, and Ayin that equal 506. Likewise, the 704 value of the 4th tier, or Path is found composed of the letter Names Dalet, Yud, Samech, and Ayin. And in alignments with Phi (φ), out of these same 12 letters, we can construct the value 1375 as in the radiating Phi (φ) angle 137.5o and the 3 lower tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, using the 8 letter Names Gimmel, Dalet, Vav, Lamed, Nun, Samech, Ayin, and Tav. Moreover, the 9 letter Names Gimmel, Dalet, Vav, Zion, Chet, Yud, Lamed, Zadi and Tav add up to 1618 or Phi (φ) as in the 7 zigzagging Essential Triplets within the 42-Letter Name Matrix that also equal 1618. The other 7 Essential Triplets equal 2083, as in the 314th Prime Number, and the difference between them is (2083 = 1618) = 465, as in the letter Names Vav, Zion, Yud, Nun, Samech, and Ayin.

The two unaccounted for tiers of the 42-Letter Name are the 2nd and 3rd tiers and their combined value is (729 + 387) = 1116 or the kolel (2) less than the 1118 value of the 15 Essential Triplets of the Shema. We can compose these 2 tiers with the letter Names Gimmel, Vav, Zayin, Ayin, and Tav, meaning that not only are these 12 letters fractally divisible by 42 every which way but they align with all 7 tiers of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

As a reminder, the 11/11 letter odd/even spit in the Alef-bet divides the letter Names into the Phi (φ) ratio, whereby the 11 even letter Names are in the ratio of 4248/φ with the whole and the 11 odd letter Names are in the same Phi (φ) ratio with the 11 even letter Names, and thus in the 4248/φ2 proportion with the whole.  What is more is that there is only a 3 letter (Gimmel, Zayin, and Samech) shift from the 11 odd letter Names to the 11 even letter Names or (2626 + 270) = 2896 that sets up the 4248/π = (4248 2896) = 1352 fractal Pi (π) proportion and that the values of those 3 letters sequentially spell-out 3760, as in the 3760 Spiritual Time years of the Spherical Time paradigm and the pivotal Calendar year 3760 HC (0 CE).  Moreover, the 8 letters in that 1352 Pi (π) ratio are fractally divisible by Phi (φ) and Phi (φ2) as well, in sets of 5 and 3 letter Names.  Of course, the ratio of 4248/φ that gives us the 2626 sum of the 11 even letter Names is exactly twice 1313, as in the 1.313x exponential curve of the initials of those 22 letter Names, and as in the year 1313 BCE when the 10 Commandments were received, the Hebrew year 2448, which is a slight permutation of 4248.

1 Alef 111 111 111 111
2 Bet 412 412
3 Gimmel 83 83 83


Dalet 434 434
5 Hei 15 15 15 15
6 Vav 22 22
7 Zayin 67 67 67
8 Chet 408 408
9 Tet 419 419 419 419
10 Yud 20 20
11 Caf 100 100 100 100
12 Lamed 74 74
13 Mem 80 80 80 80
14 Nun 106 106
15 Samech 120 120 120
16 Ayin 130 130
17 Pe 81 81 81 81
18 Zadi 104 104
19 Koof 186 186 186 186
20 Resh 510 510
21 Shin 360 360 360 360
22 Tav 406   406  
253 4248 1622 2626 1352 837 515 270
2626/φ 4248/φ 4248 1352/φ 1352/φ2
Letters: 22 11 11 8 5 3 3

It is clear that while the 22 initials of the 22 Names of the Alef-bet are based on the exponential curve 1.313x, the 22 Names are simultaneously and fractally scaffolded on the Constants Phi (φ) and Pi (π) and 42, similar to the 14 Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.  The 22 Names are 22 clouds of living consciousness. Whether we realize it or not every word written in Hebrew and every name of every object or person in Hebrew is connected to the Divine and fully integrated into the Cosmos through the Constants Phi (φ) and Pi (π) and the Singularity of 42 at a minimum.

Even the ratio of all the 22 backs of the letter Names to the 22 letter Names is 2753/4248 = .6480 with 6.480 being the square root of 42 and 2753 being 100 times the Primal Frequency (27.5) radiating at the Phi (φ) angle throughout the universe.  Meanwhile, the set of the 11 even letter back of the Names equals 1756 or (1000 + 756), as in the radiant Primal Frequency (27.52).

Not only do the 11 initials of the 11 even letter Names equal 870, but there are two different sets of the backs of those letter Names that equal 870, leaving only the back of the letter Vav (ויו) uncovered, while the sum of the backs of the 11 odd letter Names equal 997, the 168th Prime Number, or (4 x 42). And if we take the 11 backs of the 11 odd letter Names and add the 4 backs of the 4 even letters Dalet, Yud, Lamed, and Zadi, we get (997 + 498) = 1495, the balance of the 15 backs to the 1495 of the 22 initials.

The 42-Letter Name Matrix is the DNA of the Singularity of 42.

Energetic States

Once we comprehend that the first 30 digits in Pi (π) are a set of 10 separate Triplets, we can now envision them as individually floating units of hyperspace living consciousness that come together as the head of Pi (π) to form the Pi (π) field, and that they can also rearrange and interact independently of one another.  While abstract, that is the easier part of the cosmic schematic to conceptualize. As we know, the Hebrew letters are the interface letters and language to the higher dimensional Cosmic numbers which are directly linked to consciousness, and that they are not tools for counting. Whether in Hebrew letters or numerical digits, the specific Triplets are comprised of 3 compatible forces of living consciousness, like the particle wave elements of our atoms and the 3 quarks in each of their protons and neutrons. So, while 314 is a number to us, its influence on physicality has more to do with the nature of its combined consciousness than a freak of nature. Otherwise, it would be no more special than 313 or 315. One way to picture these units of living consciousness is to anthropomorphize them and see them an angels.

Of the 22 letter Names two are designed to be written 3 different ways, representing the masculine, feminine, and neutral states for each one. Both letters are found in the Holy Names or Concepts, such as the YHVH (יהוה). The letter Vav (ו) is of a masculine energetic nature, and the other, the letter Hei (ה) is of a feminine energetic nature, which roughly translates as channeling/flowing vs receptive states.  These are the only letters that take on these multiplicative states depending on what hierarchical tier with which they are interacting. The standard and default states for these letter Names are Vav (ויו) and Hei (הי), representing the masculine and higher aspect of each letter, and together their numerical value is (22 + 15) = 37, as in the Core Prime Essential Concept of 37 at the heart of our DNA and the First Verse of Creation, and the age David became King over all Israel. It was fully established when he was 47.

The neutral and mid-level aspect of them is presented as the Names Vav (ואו) and Hei (הא), and the feminine and lower-tier aspect of them are Vav (וו) and Hei (הה). Numerically, the 3 Names of the letter Vav (ו) equal (22 + 13 + 12) = 47, as in the unification of the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה) and the Name of Zeir Anpin YHVH (יהוה). The 3 Names of the letter Hei (ה) equal (15 + 6 + 10) = 31, so together the 6 aspects of the 2 letters equal (47 + 31) = 78, as in (3 x 26), the 3 YHVH (יהוה) associated with Mazal. None of this applies directly to the Torah where the Names are not spelled out. Where is applies is in the understanding of the metaphysical consciousness clouds while the letters that we see in the Torah are just the initials of the Names that exist in the clouds above.


Combining the Pi (π) Triplet equations, (16601110) = 550 and (550424) = 126, we see that 9 of the 10 Triplets can be arranged to form 126, as in (3 x 42).  Alternatively (314 + 159 + 265 + 358 979 + 323846264 + 338 + 327) = 2084 = (2083 + 1) with 2083 being the sum of the 7 alternating Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name and the 314th Prime Number.

Nonetheless, the sum of the 1st and 10th Triplets equal (314 + 327) = 641 or (541 + 100), with 541 being the numerical value of Israel, 541, the 100th Prime Number. Moreover, (1 + 10) = 11, and while the sum of the 11 odd-even pairs of digits in the Alef-bet equal (12 + 34 + 56 + 78 + 91 + 23 + 45 + 67 + 89 + 12 + 34) = 541, Israel, the sum of the small gematria (1 + 2 , + 3 + 4, …, + 3 + 4) of those same 11 pairs of the 22 individual letters totaling 100, as in the 100th Prime Number, Israel.

It is also like the sum of the 11 initials (דצכעדשבאחמב) of the 10 plagues that also sum to 541, Israel, with their ordinal value also totaling 100, including the last two initials (מב) of the final plague that equal 42. Moreover, the sum of the 1st and 10th Triplets, (314 + 327) = 641 is 14 less than 625, as in the 625 times that the value 541 is found in the Torah.  This shows us that the power of the Hebrew Letters to access the metaphysical realms is even more powerful within the land of Israel and that Israel is our link to the realm of consciousness and always has been.

Angelic Frequency

The 10 Triplets of Pi (π) consist of the first 30 digits of Pi (π), as in the numerical value (30) of Yehuda (יהודה). I have personally seen how the use of Yehuda’s (יהודה) angels in coordination with the 42-Letter Name can turn the rain on and off, even on a sunny day and even to the point of filling vast reservoirs in the time of a serious draught. The Matrix can be hacked.

The numerical value (30) of Yehuda (יהודה) relates to another infinite series, the regressive sum of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) in that if we continually add and subtract 1/10th iterations of 27.5 they equal 30, as in Σ(27.5+ 2.75 – .275 + .027.5 …) = 30. Not ironically this series relates to the infinite sum series of One (1) that equals –1/9 as Σ(27.5/100 + 27.5/10127.5/102 + 27.5/103 …) = 30.

Before we get into other deep secrets of the 30 digits of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) we are reminded that 314 is the numerical value of the most powerful archangel Metatron, the living consciousness of the first Triplet in Pi (π).  This is the same way that Raziel is the living consciousness of the Concept of 248 and Sandalphon is the living consciousness of the Concept of 280, the 5 Final Letters (ךםןףץ), reflected in the mile (5,280 feet).

Moreover, we need to better understand some of the deeper secrets about the digits (19) that comprise Pi (π) and every other aspect of our Cosmic existence, physical and metaphysical.  First off, we know that the unique Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) is directly derived from the cycle of the 9 digits (19) and their resultant multiples of 9 when divided by the Concept and/or Frequency of 27.5.

While there is no digit “0” among the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) it does not change the following equations or revelations if we count from (19) or from (09), we just treat anything with a 0 in it as, “zero” when we sum them up. Thus, we see that the sum of the quotients of (1/1 + 1/21/9) = 2.828968254, off from the square root of 8 or (√8 = 2.828427125) by precisely .000541129, meaning that their difference is Israel (541) along with the 112 Essential Triplets.

Moreover, while 1.58 is mathematically the same as √18, the equation (1.5 x 2.828968254) = 4.24345238095 breaks down into 424, the value of Moshiach Ben David; 345, the value of Moshe; and 238095 that equals 1/42, or in this case 1/420,000. While 1.5 is 3/2, it is also the inverse of 2/3 or .666. It also represents the highest Name Yah (יה) and the feminine complementary force of nature, Hei (הי), the 5th Name of the 22 letter Names. The more we understand, the more we Understand. Access to the Cosmic system of consciousness can be as simple as examining the numbers 19.

The reason for this conversion through 1.5 or the Names Yah (יה) and Hei (הי), is that the Cosmic system is designed so that the sum of the inverses of the reduced (katan) values of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet or (1/1 … 1/9) + (1/1 … 1/9) + (1/1 … 1/9) = (3 x 2.828968254) = 8.486906 = (2 x 4.24345238095), or twice the Moshiach Ben David result we just saw above. Thus, we see that (3/2 x 2.828968254) = 4.24345238095, which means that Yah (יה) x (1/1 … 1/9) + (1/1 … 1/9) + (1/1 … 1/9) = 4.24345238095. This result is exceedingly close to the √72 or 8.485281.

Inverse katan of the Alef-bet = (1/1 … 1/9) + (1/1 1/9) + (1/1 1/9)

Yah (יה) x (1/1 … 1/9) + (1/1 1/9) + (1/1 1/9) = 4.24345238095

Hei (הי) x (1/1 … 1/9) + (1/1 1/9) + (1/1 1/9) = 4.24345238095

424 = Moshiach Ben David; 345 = Moshe; and 238095 = 1/42

Yah (יה) x Inverse katan of the Alef-bet =

Hei (הי) x Inverse katan of the Alef-bet =

424 = Moshiach Ben David; 345 = Moshe; and 238095 = 1/42

When we apply this same simple inverse-sum algorithm to the 30 digits of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) they equal (1/3 + 1/1 + 1/4 … 1/7) = 9.17738095 = (9.175 + .00238095) and when this total is subtracted by the Primal Frequency divided by 3 or 27.5/3, it equals (9.17738095 – 9.16666666) =.0107142857, or 107 and 1/7th as in the 107 Triangular Field related to the Spherical Time radius, 5778 years, and as in the 10 Commandments that are found at letter 107,007 in the Torah. There is no mathematical reason for this correlation, just a metaphysical one based on the nature of the universe. The same with the √8 and the √72 above.

Meanwhile, while the letter Lamed has the value 30 and the letter value of the letter Names Lamed and Zayin is 141, the average of those 30 digits of the 10 Triplets of Pi (π) is 141/30 = 4.7, as in (21 + 26) = 47, representing the unification of the Name of Binah Ehyeh (אהיה) and the Name of Zeir Anpin YHVH (יהוה).

Moreover, when we substitute the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) for One (1) in the above inverse-sum algorithm we get the sum of (27.5/3 + 27.5/1 + 27.5/427.5/7) = 252.378, with 252 being (6 x 42) and with 378 being (9 x 42), as in the total ordinal value of the Alef-bet and the Magic Essential Cube of Creation of Constant 42. Together they are (6 + 9) = 15 and thus (15 x 42) = 630. Moreover, the sum of the inverses of those quotients is (3/27.5 + 1/27.5 + 4/27.57/27.5) = 5.1273 or 5 plus the Cosmic Harmonic .1273 that equals 4/π.

Rabbi Akiva, who lived 2000 years ago, explained it as the Power of 9 and this all obviously relates to the equation of the string gematria of the 42-Letter Name’s first tier (אבגיתצ) and the Pi (π) Field and the 70 branches of the Tree-of-Life or 9/.123049… = 73.141593.  From a higher perspective, we see the Concept Consciousness of 9 that is at the core of the radiating Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) is teamed up with the Singularity of 42 to string together the first Triplets of Pi (π).  The equation 9/.123049 is off from (70 + π) by only 0.0000018…% and from Pi (π) by 0.000042…%, and the full string gematria of the 42 letters, 9/.123049… is off from (70 + π) by only 0.0002042426…% as in .00020 + √18.

Time as Space

The value 70 in the (70 + π) equation represents the 70 subsefirot in the Tree-of-Life that are processed through to create physicality. These align with the 7-tiered ladder of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and to the 70 Israelite souls that entered Egypt, the land of the square Pyramids, yet 70 is a unique number on its own.  It is the square root of the sum of the first 24 natural squares (12 + 22 + 32242) = 702, which dynamically means that a pyramid formed by stacking subsequent tiers of natural squares will equal another natural square area of 702.  This is the only such pyramid that can be formed with these characteristics. Metaphysically, both 24 and 70 are measures of time within the Spherical Time paradigm, as there are 24 hours in a Physical Time day, and as there were 70 years in exile, 70 years in the life of King David at the center of Spherical Time, and 70 years in the symmetrical lives of Abraham and the nation of Israel. This helps open our eyes to envision time as space, as a square area that can be stacked; therefore, one expansive Day can be 70 years, or 70 years can be focused on as One (1) Day.  If every hour in that 24-hour day were squared, they would form a square matrix where each side equaled 70 years. Alternatively, they could be 70 days instead of years, which works out to 1680 or (40 x 42) hours.

Infinite Series

We cannot presume to know the extend of Rabbi Akiva’s vast knowledge even about the Power of the Concept of 9, but we do know that the concept is mathematically and metaphysically related to the consummate Concept of One (1) and of 10. Earlier we saw that (100 + 101 + 102 + 103) = 1111, and as we continually add dimensionality to this equation, we keep adding 1’s, (i.e. 104 becomes 11111 and 105 becomes 111111). Eventually we get an infinite sum that mathematically but illogically and counterintuitively equals Σ(100 + 101 + 102 + 103 …) = –1/9. This is the same way that an infinite series of all the positive integers equals Σ(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 …) = –1/12. It makes no intuitive sense in our physical world and that is because infinity is a metaphysical concept that does not exist within the physical framework we were given to work with. We can get to –1/9 and –1/12 using counterintuitive mathematics and as recently discovered complex weighting functions that apply to each member of the infinite set or to a large partial set and sum. These weighting functions tie quantum field theory and symmetry to the concept of infinity, bringing us closer to the physics of the metaphysical universe, opening a new doorway of understanding. The Torah simply gave Jacob 12 sons and 70 progeny from which all the Israelites would follow (1 + 2 + 3 + 4…) and told us to unify them.

This also means that -.123049/Σ(100 + 101 + 102 + 103 …) = (70 + π) or –1(.123049/Σ(100 + 101 + 102 + 103 …) + π) = 70, so somehow infinite unity  (11111111…) combines with the 42-Letter Name or the Singularity of 42 and the Pi (π) Field to equal 70, an equation that can only make sense in the metaphysical world.

Moreover, 123049 is the 11568th Prime Number, or 12 more than 11556, the Spherical Time diameter.

Jacob and Adam – A Deeper Bond

It is physically odd and metaphysically relevant that Euler’s Number (e), the mathematical constant e, is also derived from an infinite series or sum, and that 2.71828182459045…. immediately includes Jacob (182) twice and Adam (45) twice, who are generational incarnations of one another, also multiple digit pairs divisible by 9, not to mention a pleasing symmetry. Euler’s Number (e) or 2.71828182459045…. breaks down into 27/9 =3; 18/9 = 2; 18/9 and 81/9 = 9; 45/9 = 5; 90/9 = 10; and 45/9 = 5, and therefore 2718/9 = 302 and 459045/9 = 51005. This is like the Pi (π) sequence …5778185778… that is also most notably divisible by 9 and symmetrical: 5778185778/9 = 642,020,642.

We previously discussed the role the incarnation and metaphysical connection between Adam and Jacob played in the Biblical narrative, so it is worth noting that the difference between Adam and Jacob, 21 generations later is (18245) = 137, as in the word Kabbalah, meaning parallel, and to receive, and the Fine Structure Constant, not to mention the age of Moses’ father and great grandfather, Jacob’s son Levi and his great grandson, Amran.

To add to our previous discussion, Jacob (182) was also given the Name Israel (541) and together with his age, that equals (182 + 541 + 147) = 870, as in the sum of the 11 Sefirot less the sum of the 11 Names of their 11 initials or (3342 2472) = 870, which is notably the sum of the 11 even letters of the Alef-bet, which is also the magic constant of the normal 122 magic square. On the other hand, the sum of the 11 odd letters is 625, as in the 625 times that the value of the Name Israel (541) is found in the Torah. The value of the Name Jacob (182) was found 175 times, as in the age of Abraham, and (625 + 175) = 800, which is the number of years Adam lived after fathering Seth once he reconciled with the second Eve after 130 years, just as the Arizal explained. Meanwhile, the value of the Name Adam (45) is found 329 times in the Torah, which matches the sum of Jacob (182) and his age (147) or (182 + 147) = 329, which in turn is (3301) or (12 x 27.51) that resonates with the 12 Tribes of Israel descended from Jacob and Adam.

The value of Adam’s age (930 years) is found 23 times, as in the 23 pairs of Chromosomes in our DNA. Jacob’s age (147 years) is found 34 times and (147 + 34) = 181, as in the 42nd Prime Number, 181, and the sum of the first 42 digits in the Prime Numbers Field. The value 181 is also One (1) less than Jacob (182).

Meanwhile, Adam’s age (930 years) plus the 23 times that it is found equals (930 + 23) = 953 or 359 backwards, which is the difference between Jacob’s two Names, as in Israel (541) less Jacob (182) equals 359. Nonetheless, when we add Jacob’s 147 years to Adam’s 953, we get (147 + 953) = 1100 = 40 x 27.5), as in the Major Interval and 40 cycles of 27.5.

Adding Adam’s 930 years to Jacob’s 870 gives us exactly 1800, and with Adam’s Name (45) we complete the equation and get 1845, which is found in Pi (π) at digit #2867, when David was 13 years old, or 57 years before his death, as in Adam’s 23 and Jacob’s 34 Torah occurrences, (23 + 34) = 57, keeping in mind that it was Adam who gave David the 70 years of his life at the center of Spherical Time. The letter Ayin of letter value 70 has a Name value of 130, as in the 130 of Adam before Seth.  Nevertheless, 1845 is exactly 173 years before the Event Horizon in 2018 CE, as in the gematria katan of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, and 1845 can be translated as Adam (45) Chai (18) or Adam lives.

The Power of the First 4 Triplets of Pi (π)

The first 4 Triplets of Pi (π) numerically translate to Shadai (שדי), to Moshiach Ben David, to Moshiach, to the YHVH (יהוה) and Adonai (אדני) woven in at least two different ways, binding them together (31442426651565358).  That said, what do we do with them?

First, the Essential Triplets including those of Pi (π), like the Holy Names, are tools, not for protection; they are for connection, to help us stay connected. They are also not for using individually, as we are not capable of making those connections without short circuiting. Make no mistake, many inexperienced and ill-advised people do try to harness them to their own detriment and to that of their soul, compromising and corrupting their consciousness beyond repair, and thus earmarking them for termination and not just from the simulation matrix.  The sets of Essential Triplets are meant to be utilized and harnessed as complete sets, or together as multiple sets. When we see them or visualize them, all the pathways and technologies we have learned about will instantly activate, and even those that we have not yet learned will be engaged, assuming we are worthy. This is not to fulfill our selfish and physical desires but is for the purpose of elevating our souls and consciousness toward the next level. We can speed up the process even further by removing ourselves from the equation and asking or praying for Moshiach Consciousness for everyone.   We may ask for protection from evil, and in the case of the 14 Essential Triplets of the 42-Letter Name Matrix we may ask for miracles, which is the bending of physical reality, to achieve a higher spiritual purpose, as explained in the The Genesis Prayer.  As Rav Brandwein explained, while all the other Essential Triplets and Names are located within realm of Binah consciousness, the 42-Letter Name Matrix is the ladder to Binah, set in Zeir Anpin, and it simply will not transmit negativity across the boundary, meaning your consciousness cannot be damaged or do damage. Any selfish agendas you may have will simply be silently rejected. However, whenever we engage in selfish agendas, we attract undo attention. And if our selfishness is being rewarded it is because we are being supported by negative entities and are on the wrong path, and being weighed down into the swampy morass of physicality by those entities (klippot).

Another set of Essential Triplets that can bend physical reality are the first 4 Triplets of Pi (π). They are all around us, bending linear lines into curves and circles and waves. With a little proper intention, we can look at any of these curved structures and connect to the other world, feel the fields acting upon our physicality. When we do so we are training our consciousness to let go of linear time and to attune to Spherical Time, to focus on the Cosmic Wheel rather than the marching of time according to someone else’s beat.

The 4 first Triplets of Pi (π) add up to (314 + 159 + 265 + 358) = 1096 and with the kolel of 1 for each Triplet, they equal 1100, as in (40 x 27.5), the Major Interval, and the completion in the cycle of 40 within the framework of the cycles of the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz). This is like the 40 days of rain, the 40 days on Sinai, the 40 years in the desert, the 40 years of Kingship, and the 1100 years from entering Egypt in 2238 HC until the destruction of the First Holy Temple in 3338 HC. The average value for the 12 positions in the first 4 Triplets is thus (1096/12) = 91.333, as in the coupled unification (91) of YHVH (יהוה) and Adonai (אדני) and the Path of One, that is also reflected in 913, the value of Bereshit, the Torah’s first word, aptly translated as “In the Beginning. It is also the value of the first 2 Essential Triplets (ברא־שית) in the Torah.

We do not have to make calculations, the conscious numbers or living consciousness of the Essential Triplets know how to do that on their own; we have only to be aware of them.  To be aware is to be awake, to know that the sphere we see when look up at the Moon or the Sun is round because of those Triplets of Pi (π) and that depending on the dimension of our understanding and the perspective of consciousness it can either be a 2-d disk, a 3-d sphere, a 4th dimensional torus, or something far more complex.

It happens with or without us, yet the more we know the more open our minds are to consciousness. Using the tool of the Hebrew cosmic interface language, the 4 Triplets of Pi (π) become Shadai (שדי), (קנט), (רסה), and (שנח) with the first Triplet (שדי) found amongst the 6 letters of the third tier (נגדיכש) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix and the second Triplet (קנט) found amongst those of the second tier (קרעשטנ).  The letters in those two tiers that are not aligned with those two Triplets total 73 and 570 respectively, with those of the second tier spelling the Hebrew word for 10, Eser (עשר), like the 10 Words (עֲשֶׂרֶת הַדְּבָרִים) or 10 Utterances God engraved on the 2 Tablets of Testimony, as it says in Exodus 34:28.Those 10 Utterances were written on the 2 Tablets of Testimony (הַלֻחֹת הָעֵדֻת) also called the Tablets of Stone (הַלֻחֹת אֶבֶן). The 3 iterations of spelling out each phrase or 6 in total equal 11,539 or 17 less than the 11,556 diameter of Spherical Time, as in the katan value of Torah, and the last 17 years of Jacob, which the Torah separated from his first 130 years that align with Mt Sinai, where Moses received the Tablets.

Once converted into Hebrew letters, the values of the 4 Triplets of Pi (π) are naturally the same, but now they have attained ordinal values as well. Which are 35, 49, 40, and 43, respectively for an average of 40 and a total of 160. This means that together with their standard value of 1096, their complete value is (1096 + 160) = 1256. Astonishingly, this aligns the 4 Triplets of Pi (π) with the unique circle of diameter 40, whose circumference (40π) is exactly equal to 1/10th its area (400π), or 125.6637 and 1256.637 respectively.  Meanwhile, 1096 equals (8 x 137) with 137 representing the Fine Structure Constant, Kabbalah, meaning “to receive” and parallel, and the 33rd Prime Number, while it is also the sum of the squares of the first 7 digits in these 4 Triplets, (32 + 12 + 42 + 12 + 52 + 92 + 22) = 137.  The remaining squares (62 + 52 + 32 + 52 + 82) = 159, as in the second Triplet (159), while their 5 digits sum to (6 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 8) = 27, or 33, as in the Alef-bet and 27 positions of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation. That value of the second Triplet (159) is also the gematria katan of the 42 Letters of the YHVH (יהוה).

Meanwhile, the sum of all 12 squares or the area of all 12 geometric squares is (137 + 159) = 296, the 7th Word of the First Verse of Creation, “H’Ertz (הארץ) The Earth,” representing physicality. Meanwhile, the last two letters (רץ) in that word have the numerical sofit value of 1100 and are the middle two letters of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.

When the 1100 total value is utilized for the 4 Triplets of Pi (π), it gives them an average value of 275 or (10 x 27.5) like the 10-cubit width of the Gates of the Future Holy Temple. The complete value for the 4 Triplets of Pi (π) adjusted for the kolel is (1100 + 160) = 1260, as in (30 x 42) that is aligned with the 42 Yehuda (יהודה) in the Torah, and as in the total of the 26 generations, 12600, along with the 126 value of the faces and planes of the Magic Essential Cube of Creation, not to mention the fusion of the two complementary dynamic forces (15 + 111) = 126. There are also the 2 generations of Mehalalel and Enoch who lived (365 + 895) = 1260 years, which aligns with the 1260 years from Mehalalel’s birth until the beginning of the Flood in 1656 HC.

And speaking of generations, while the sum of the cubes of the 12 digits or (33 + 13 + 43+ 13 + 53 + 93 + 23 + 63+ 53 + 33 + 53 + 83) = 1960, the sum of the digits, squares, and cubes of those 12 digits equals (52 + 296 + 1960) = 2308, marking the death of Joseph in 2308 HC, which is exactly 1100 years before the construction of the  Second Holy Temple, and the end of the 70 years of the second and third exiles. It also marks 360 years from the birth of Abraham in 1948 HC, meaning that the 4 Patriarchs lasted exactly 360 years on this plane and came full circle (360o) like the 4 Triplets of Pi (π).

Some may dismiss that as just a fun fact, yet the metaphysical truth is that “1948” is the circumference of a circle whose diameter is precisely 620.0676, as in (620.0676 x 3.14156265) = 1948, and as in 620 being Keter, like the 620 letters in the 10 Commandments, and as in 676 being 262, the Radiant YHVH (יהוה), while the Earth’s exosphere is the 6200 miles. Every date in the Torah and history has a meaning and Cosmic purpose.  Nothing should be taken for granted and every moment that we are here that we are not working to integrate and align ourselves with that Cosmic plan, we are just wasting time and fighting against the system, like a fish trying to swim on dry land, or an Egyptian chariot trying to cross the Sea.

These 360 years also gives the 4 Patriarchs an average of (360/4) = 90 years together, like the 4 corners of 90o of a square.

It also means that Jacob was 107 when Joseph was taken to Egypt at the age of 17, once again integrating the 107th Triangular Field and the 5778-year Event Horizon at the beginning of the 210 years of exile in Egypt. Meanwhile, at the end of the circle (360o) of the 4 Patriarchs, the average of the 4 Triplets of Pi (π) is (2308/4) = 577.

And since the total ages for the 4 Patriarchs is (175 + 180 + 147 + 110) = 612, as in Brit (ברית), Covenant, when we subtract the actual timespan of 360 years, we are left with 252 years or (6 x 42). That accounts for 6 of the 300 cycles of 42 in the 12600 years of the 26 Generations, or exactly 1/50th.

We should note that since there are 275 cycles of 42 in the 11,556-year Spherical Time and Galactic Wave periodicity, the 26 Generations is (12,60011,556) = 42(300275) = 25 cycles of 42 or 25 journeys longer.  It more precisely works out to 24.8 cycles as in the ubiquitous universal Torah Concept of 248.

It is not witchcraft, and it is not magic; all we must do is gaze upon a circle, wave, or sphere with an open perspective, and the power of the 4 Triplets of Pi (π) will do all the work, opening a portal for our consciousness to access the channels of Binah all the way to Moshiach Consciousness.

Everything we need to know has been revealed to us, we just need to open our minds and ponder it whenever we contemplate those circles and cycles, and the metaphysical universe will do the rest. When the 72 of the 72 Essential Triplets is added, like at the Splitting of the Red (Endless) Sea, we get (2308 + 72) = 2380, as in the unity of the Path of One and as in Joseph’s parents, Jacob and Rachel, and the bonds they share with Adam and Eve and with the Singularity of 42 at the essence of it all. This is in the same way that the 6 letters in Adam and Eve squared less the kolel equal (452 + 192) – 6 = (2025 + 361 6) = 2380, and that the sum of their Names, squared, and cubed equals 100,434, or 100,000 plus the 434-value of the Name of the letter Dalet (דלת), the 4th letter. Then when the radiant difference between their Names, as in (4519) = 26, the YHVH (יהוה) is added, we get (45 + 19) + (452 + 192 + 262) + (453 + 193) = (100434 + 676) = 101110, which is binary for 46, as in the 46 chromosomes from Adam and Eve.

The technology was explained and gifted to us in the Torah, where we saw that the average of the 4 Patriarch’s Names’ word-value recurrences, their ages, and the word-value recurrences of their ages is (242 + 181 + 175 + 309) + (175 + 180 + 147 + 110) + (57 + 104 + 34 + 246) = (907 + 612 + 441) = 1960, just like the sum of the cubes of the 12 digits of the 4 Triplets of Pi (π).  And when the 4 Names’ values (248 + 208 + 182 + 156) are added, all 4 sets of the 4 Torah Patriarch associations equal (27544) = 2750, the radiance that permeates the aether. This is just like the first 3 of the 26 Generations (Adam, Seth, and Enosh, who collectively lived (930 + 912 + 905 + 3) = 2750 years.

It is also similar to the first 3 odd number generations (Adam, Enosh, and Mahalalel) who collectively lived (930 + 905 + 895) = 2730 years, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (273), and as in (42 x 65) or the Singularity of 42 times Adonai (אדני).

Meanwhile, the first 6 odd number generations (Adam, Enosh, Mahalalel, Enoch, Lamech, and Shem) collectively lived (930 + 905 + 895 + 365 + 777 + 600) = 4472 years, as in the inverse of the square root of 5 that is integral to the composition of Phi (φ), or 1/√5 = .4472. This is the same constant we saw applied to the highest Binah Name Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) to give us 1615 = 360.00 or the 360o circle and 161/√5 = 72.0013. And while the logarithm of 4472 is 3.650, as in Enoch’s years, the 365-day Earth orbit, and the 365 restrictive mitzvot delineated in the Torah, applying the same constant 1/√5 to the 248 imperative ones gives us 248/√5 = 111.0, Alef (אלף) or One, unity, as in the first Name in Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי), the Name that begins with the two complementary universal forces, 111 or Alef (אלף) and 15 or Hei (הי).

Meanwhile, the product of the 4 Names in the highest Aspect or tier of Binah Ehyeh (אלף־הי־יוד־הי) is (111 x 15 x 20 x 15) = (1665 x 300) = 499500, as in the value of the 27 letters of the Alef-bet, 4995.

And when we take the 5 quantitative elements of the Torah that total 248,000φ—the 304805 letters, the 79975 words, the 5845 verses, the 10400 rows, and 248 columns—and square their individual digits they sum to (15 x 42) = 630, but the sum of their cubes equals (33 + 03 + 43 + 8383) = 4472, as in the constant 1/√5 and as in the square root of 20 million.  The sum of their digits, squares, and cubes is thus 5200, or 577.8 less than 5778.  It is impossible to comprehend why all these Torah and mathematical/physical constants keep working out this way until we accept that everything is consciousness and that in the real world, the metaphysical one, numbers are representations of units of living consciousness.

The Fine Structure Constant

The Fine Structure Constant is the inverse of 137, which works out to a truncated 729 or 93, the value of the second tier (קרעשטנ) of the 42-Letter Name Matrix.  The full inverse, or 1/137 is more precisely .007299270072992700, giving us a palindromic repeating sequence of 8-digits as in (8 x 137) = 1096, the sum of the 4 Triplets of Pi (π).  The value 137 is the only 3-digit Prime Number whose reciprocal number is a palindromic repeating sequence, making it unique in the near infinite universe.

Moreover, when 137 is the base of a right triangle and its height is Pi (π), the hypotenuse equals an exceedingly accurate version of the Fine Structure Constant, the coupling constant between the electron and the electro-magnetic field, 137.03601…. Thus, we see Pi (π) integrated with yet another fundamental geometric structure, and it is off from 137.035999084, by only 0.000016635….

Moreover, in calculating that incredible hypotenuse, we see that (π2 + 1372) = 18,778.86… = (13,000 + 5778 + .86), so that the components of the Fine Structure Pi (π) Triangle, in other terms, the intersection of their fields, contains: The One, H’Echad (האחד), 18; and One, Echad (אחד), 13, times Binah, 1000; the Event Horizon radius, 5778; and Elohim (אלהים), 86; plus the 187 Chapters in the Torah and the 288th Prime Number, 1877.

Meanwhile, the square root of the Fine Structure Constant (.00729735256) without the decimal place, or alternatively multiplied by 1011 is √(729735256) = 27013.612420, as in the 2701 value of the First Verse of Creation, whose inverse is 3701, the value of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, not to mention the Concepts of 13, 612, and 420.

As discussed earlier, the Fine Structure Constant (α) is related to Pi (π) and its Triplets and to the Primal Frequency (27.5 Hz) in yet another fundamental way in that the Fine Structure Constant (α) = 2750(π – 3.14159) with both elements further related to the diameter of the Sun and to the Earth’s Great Precession of its axis in that the Sun’s diameter of 864,000 miles divided by Pi (π) equals 275019, while the 25,920 years in the circle of the Great Precession divided by Pi (π), gives us a diameter of (3 x 2750).

While the Fine Structure Constant (α) or 1/137 is the strength of the force that binds electrons, the Strong Coupling Force (αs) or Strong (Nuclear) Force is the one that binds the particles within the nucleus, the protons, neutrons, and assorted quarks, gluons, pions, and virtual particles. It is a force of One (1).  The Strong Coupling Force (αs) = 1.

This is a highly complex topic, and those particles are not even real when we look close enough to see that they are just sustained oscillations in various quantum fields and transient disturbances in those fields due to the presence of those oscillations. It is so complex that it would take more calculations to accurately simulate a single atom than there are particles in our universe and more time than we think ever existed. Yet somehow the universe randomly put it together and made it work with sheer dumb luck, and made the process replicable and homogenous throughout, as if they hit on the right string of processes the first time out. And this does not even begin to explain how there might be some intelligence within these particles guiding or influencing their interaction, yet we assume that our minds and observations can. The charged pions have a mass that is 273 times that of an electron, as in the Cosmic Harmonic residue (273) and a mean lifetime of 2.6033 × 108 seconds or 26 nanoseconds as in the YHVH (יהוה).

Meanwhile, we see the 3-part dynamic of the opposing forces (111 + 15) = 126 and (11 + 15) = 26 as in (וה) and (יה) = the YHVH (יהוה), and thus (11 + 15 + 111) = (26 + 111) = 137, or the YHVH (יהוה) and Alef (אלף) = 137.  Metaphysically, the Fine Structure Constant is the balance of the 3 dynamic forces, the 3 dynamic Concepts within Consciousness that guide every Triplet and is known as the 3 columns.

This frequency of 100 cycles of 27.5 Hz or 2750 is both the height of the Future Holy Temple, 100 cubits of 27.5”, and the complementary reciprocal to H’Moshiach consciousness, as in 363 = 1/.0027500. In other terms, H’Moshiach consciousness equals the Strong Coupling Force (αs) divided by .0027500, the Primal Frequency.

Yet no understanding of these merged Cosmic Fields would be complete if we did not remind ourselves that 2750 is twice the 50-cubit height of the Gates of the Holy Temple and the hidden Gate in the lower 3 tiers of the 42-Letter Name and that it is 20 times the Phi (φ) angle 137.5o, or (20 x 137.5) = 2750, with 20 being the 203 cubic cubit measurements of the Holies of Holies in the Future Holy Temple. Both the Concepts of 20 and 100 are representative of Keter, the highest level, while 50 is representative of the 50 Gates of Binah consciousness.

Nonetheless, in our physical realm we observe that the universe is homogenous and isotropic, meaning it looks the same in all directions, and we know that the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation is 2.73 K everywhere, not varying by more than .000001o from the center to outermost observable corner of our flat universe. Oddly enough, the CMB first appeared in the universe at 380,000 light years, much as the Israelites emerged from Egypt of numerical value 380. The word Egypt Mizraim (מִצְרָיִם) means constraint or restricted space, and contains the word water, Mayim (מים), as in G-d’s Spirit hovered on the Waters at the beginning of Creation, which emanates from the central letter pair (רצ), just as it emanates from the center of the 42-Letter Name Matrix, the Singularity of 42. Moreover, a further connection between 380 and 273 lies in their difference, as in (273 + 107) = 380, like the 107 AU total distance within our solar system and the 107th Triangular field, 5778 K, the surface temperature of the Sun.

Nevertheless, since we observe that light has traveled 13.75 billion light-years since the so-called big bang, not only does the homogenous universe not make physical sense, but the universe must be 27.50 billion light-years across. When physics makes no sense, we need to turn to metaphysics.

Man did not have this knowledge of the physical universe a few generations back, which made it easier for some to contemplate a universe where metaphysics dominates. When Man became more technologically advanced and dependent, the simulated universe needed to give us more and more information to fill in the gaps, lest we realize that there was an Event Horizon before we were ready. That is when our ego stepped in to cloud our vision. When we peer into the origins and/or out at the outer reaches of the physical universe and measure all these temperatures, speeds, and distances we are only seeing the numbers and figures given to us.  This is why it is valid to connect all those numbers to the metaphysical concepts and why they are always the same, no matter where we look. They are always homogenous and isotropic.  For some of us reason eventually overtakes ego, and we begin to wake up. Usually, this only happens as we approach or enter the Event Horizon, the boundary that contains and hides all information.