We Were Told to Count to 50!

We were told to count to 50, yet every year we count to 49, and let G-d count the 50th day for us? But that’s not what we were told to do. As an adjunct to our last Article on the splitting of the Torah at Bamidbar (Numbers) Chapter 1 into the precise Phi...

The Power of 3; Your Life Depends on it.

Before we reveal the measure of the ancient and future cubit, it is imperative that we understand the universal concept of 3. A true understanding of the sefirot (dimensions) and what their names signify is beyond all of us. It’s like trying to tell someone without a...

Why the year 2018? Look to the Beginning.

To find the secret of why 5778 HC or 2018 CE, we can look to the sky and see the sun lording over us, burning away at 5778 K, or look under our noses to the very first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, to the seed of creation. First we should note that just as the...

For Crying out Loud.

For those of you who have already read the blog (Why are You Crying Out to Me?) on the tools G-d gave to Moses with which to split the Red Sea (Endless Sea,) which were hinted at the the 9 letter phrase Ma Titzak Elai (Why are you crying out to me?), we’ve...