The Torah; Beyond the Beginning.

Where to begin? “In the beginning G-d created….” The Torah tells us what to do in its very first word: Bereshit (“In the beginning” ). But the Torah is far from a narrative and the word Bereshit is far more than the beginning of a story....

We Were Told to Count to 50!

We were told to count to 50, yet every year we count to 49, and let G-d count the 50th day for us? But that’s not what we were told to do. As an adjunct to our last Article on the splitting of the Torah at Bamidbar (Numbers) Chapter 1 into the precise Phi...

What was in the Beginning?

“In the beginning…” What was there in the beginning? The world was without form and empty, so what was there? There were four things within this emptiness: The spirit of G-d hovering on the waters; the 42-Letter Name of G-d, the 22 letters (building...