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Black Fire – White Fire
The written Torah is composed of the black letters and all 70 faces or layers of understanding that they represent. However, to access those 70 faces we need to comprehend the Secrets, the Sod (סוד) Torah of numerical value 70, the Soul of the Torah, the unwritten...
Chapter XXXII Part T Part 4– The Cosmic Voice
G-d Spoke The Primal Frequency is in the Ether, and in the Spirit (Ruach) that moved on the waters. It is the vibration in G-d’s voice. The phrase “YHVH Spoke (וידבר־יהוה)” is two words. The first word, “spoke (וידבר),” the action of carrying G-d’s voice, has the...
Chapter XXXII Part T Part 3– The Cosmic Heart
Two Cubes are Better than One Generations and Frequencies A cosmic mike must have been dropped because the dark stairwell of the 26 generations springs to life and in rapid succession the 15th, 16th and 17th staircases light up, representing the 3 generations of...
Chapter XXXII Part T – The Cosmic Ring
The Festivals (Chagim) and the Cosmic Wheel The still small voice informs us, “Everything has its purpose and its place. Purpose is place. How do you determine purpose? By its location.” By place, we assume it means cosmically, but what happens on the cosmic/spiritual...
The Blessing of the Cohen
This is an excerpt from our next installment to be published shortly: Another powerful connection that is seeded with the YHVH (יהוה) and can greatly benefit us is the Blessing of the Kohanim. It is found in 3 consecutive verses in Bamidbar 6:24-26. Each of the 3...
Chapter XXXII Part S2 – Chanukah Addendum—More Light
The clear mirror is taking advantage of the cosmic window of Chanukah to share with us another understanding about the 167.000 result of summing the cube roots of the totals of the 9 sets of 25 Triplets that pertain to the 9 Candles of Channukah. That includes 3...
Hanukah Guide to the Deepest Connections
Chag Chanukah Sameach Like the word Chanukah (חנוכה), the 72 Names (Triplets) are split into two parts, the 8 rows of the 64 (חנו) Triplets that have a total numerical value of 8000 and the first (or 9th) row with a special value of 1143. The square root of 8000 is...
Chapter XXXII Part S – The Cosmic Wheel
A most important segment in our journey including deeper understanding to deal with the deeper darkness about to descend on our world, and new Channukah kavannot crucial to releasing the Ohr Haganuz, the Light of Moshiach and mazal. The 9 Vortexes Truth Off in the...
Chapter XXXII Part R – The Cliffs of Enlightenment
The Plain of Perfect Numbers Venturing deeper into the plain, basking in the openness and especially the light, we come upon the percolating stream of Perfect Numbers that we had been following before we took refuge in the inner cavern of enlightenment. We are...
Chapter XXXII Part P – The River of the Inner Cavern.
The grotto is gone, and the passage is once again dark. All we hear is silence and ask ourselves if the storms are still raging outside? It does not matter though; it is too late. We are in so deep we cannot retrace our steps. Our only hope is that this fractal...
Chapter XXXII Part N – The Journey Continues With the 3 Axes of the Portals
Engaging the Clutch The rich quartz vein reveals another huge nugget. The 420th YHVH (יהוה) in the Torah is located at “I am G-d (אנכי־יהוה),” which initiates the 10 Utterances. The clear mirror indicates that this means that there are 1400 YHVH (יהוה) from this point...