Part XX – D. Dayenu

Is it enough? Dayenu. It would have been enough that the Creator gave us 27 Essential Forces or pressure mediations to create our universe. It would have been enough that He gave us the 27 Hebrew letters to represent them so that we may interact with them and one day...

The Final Sequence

On L’ag B’Omer this year I learned of a powerful Divine sequence of 7 numbers: 22, 23, 26, 32, 42, 57, and 78.  These are all spiritual numbers with powerful connections to Names of G-d individually in their own right. The other thing I learned that night was the...

Auspicious Dates

When will Moshiach arrive? The Gates of Moshiach have been opening wider every day since we started counting the Omer this year.  In Israel this week, corresponding with Lag B’Omer 5778 HC, the Torah portion Behar will be read; it is the first of the linked portions...

The Fingerprints of G-d

There is a place with G-d’s fingerprints all over it. And they form a pattern, two hand prints, 10 fingers and a date. Last week, I was wrapping one of our Pesach cabinets, when I discovered 3 bags of Israeli cous cous (chametz gamor) in the cabinet we were...

We Have Been Duped

It is Pesach, and even more than our homes, we need to clean out our souls of the chametz. We must clean up our own acts.  There is a reason Purim precedes Pesach.  There is a reason for everything. Yes, we have been duped, once again.  And it is bad. Amalek refers to...