by Jeffrey Meiliken | Jan 19, 2009 | Revelations
The seeds are always planted before the crops, and often it’s not where they are planted it’s by whom. In parsha Vayigash, 46:28 it says [Jacob] sent Judah ahead of him to make preparations in Goshen (Goshnah).” Goshen (Goshnah) has the same 4...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Dec 5, 2008 | Revelations
We need a leader. What does a leader do? Provide direction. What direction are we going now? Anyone know? That’s why we need a leader. There have been several great Patriarchs and numerous great tzaddikim (righteous souls) but only 3 leaders in Biblical history...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Nov 25, 2008 | Revelations
In a very simplified recap, we’ve linked the verse Bereshit 21:1 and the keeping of G-d’s promise to Abraham and Sarah, and the birth of Isaac to the coming of H’Mashiach (the Messiah) in 5778 (2018 CE) and to the Ari, Rabbi Isaac Luria, (of...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Nov 2, 2008 | Revelations
All the new wires are reporting a new archaeological find that will help verify the dates and importance of King David’s reign. Talmudic scholars already have the dates and know the importance. The Divine Calendar helps explain exactly why Kind David and Solomon...
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Oct 25, 2008 | Revelations
The year Israel became a nation, 1948 CE, has much significance as detailed in The Divine Calender but when we add the numerical value for Israel, 541 to 1948, we get 1948 + 541 = 2489, which is 2480 + 9. The Names of the Five Books of Moses (Bereshit, Shmot, Vayikra,...