The 10 Commandments (Utterances) began in Exodus 20:2 with G-d saying, “I am God, your Lord (Anochi Adonai Elohaycha, ENCY YHVH ELHYC). These 13 letters numerically translates to 107 plus 546, or 653 plus the kolel of 13 (letters) for a total of 666. Got your interest? Still think 666 is some number of a beast? How about 546 being the sum of the initials of the 10 sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-life? Do you think those 10 dimensions can somehow be tied into the 10 Commandments (Utterances)? And that 13 is the numerical value of echad “One” as in “G-d is One?” And knowing all this, is it just coincidental that the first 2 words (“I am G-d) of the 10 Commandments, the highest point of the Torah have the numerical value 107, when the sum of all the integers through 107 = 5778 (2018 CE), the year prophesied by the tzaddikim for the 3rd manifestation of the Tree-of-Life, the 1st of which was with Adam, the 2nd in 2448 HC with the receipt of the 10 Commandments and the 3rd 66.6 jubilee years later in 5778 (2018 CE).
Oh, and by the way, this is the 54th paragraph in Shmot (Exodus) and while 54 x 107 = 5778, it begins at the 107007th letter in the Torah. If you think there is any coding or hidden meaning in the Bible at all, beyond the literal, if you believe in anything that the sages and tzaddikim did, then this is where you want to begin; after all, there is only 7 years left before 5778 (2018 CE). This will be a multi-part series on the highest point in the Torah, the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments, and how do we know that they are the high-point, because as the Arizal, of blessed memory points out, 620 is the numerical value of Keter, the highest sefira (dimension), literally “crown.”
And recall that these 10 Commandments begin at Exodus 20:2 because as the Arizal further points out, the numerical value of the Hebrew word for 20 (Esrim) is also 620, and this is the 2nd time we stood at Keter and had the opportunity to receive the Tree-of-life reality and blew it.
First we need to establish that the 10 Utterances, more commonly known as the 10 Commandments, are found at a unique place in the Torah, which is why we laid out the math that heretofore had been known and guarded by a select few, passed by teacher to student to teacher for generations, 26 generations for Moses and 28 afterward for a total of 54, like the 54 portions that the Torah is divided into. Those same teachers would tell you that 26 is the gematria value of the ineffable Name of G-d, YHVH, and 28 is koach (power) as in the 28 letter of the Torah’s first verse. But it’s more than a specific place in the Torah, the 10 Commandments are located at a unique paradigm in time. And we need to establish that for you, before we can reveal what actually happened back then.
Remember, the numbers are just the energy readings that we take when we press our measuring devices (our minds) against the wiring of the Torah to see how its circuitry works, and see which way the current flows. They are our guides to the cosmic gateways to which the Torah connects. If we think of the Torah as a static parchment of paper with words on it, rather than as live wires, then we’ll miss out on the ability to draw enormous amounts of energy from it, and we’ll miss the tremendous opportunities, like the one opening up for again soon.
Let’s begin, as G-d did, with “I am God, your Lord (Anochi Adonai Elohaycha, ENCY YHVH ELHYC), and add that the final letter sum to 515. The sages (chazal) have taught us that the final letters always point toward the future and in this case they pointed to the 515 times that Moses would later plead with G-d to let him enter the promised land. We further know from chazal that had G-d not stopped him at 515, the next prayer would have succeeded and once Moses stepped into the land of Israel, it would have been all over and the Tree-of-life, world beyond illusion, would have been a reality. But that wasn’t G-d’s plan.
Those last 28 generations were each 120 years long, the length of Moses life, so that he’d be there for us in every generation, culmination in the final 120 years at 5778 (2018). To see a larger picture of that plan go to The Divine Calendar.
And if we ask why that wasn’t G-d plan, we have only to look at ourselves because 516 is the value of “The people, ET H’AM“, as G-d refers to them. It was the people fault. They weren’t ready, but we’ll get into that later. This also coincides with why we stand in judgment every year for 516 hours between Rosh Hashanna and Hoshanna Rabba.
Part II
In the first installment in this series of articles on the Ten commandments, we established that they were linked with Keter, the highest sefira (Dimension) of all 10 dimensions of the Tree-o-life, and that beginning with the encoding in its first 3 words, “I am God, your Lord” they further link our generation to the 3rd opportunity to receive the Tree-of-life reality in the next few years.
As for the 2nd time that cosmic window opened, it was 66.6 jubilee years ago, when G-d chose to recite the 10 Utterances. The first time occurred a total of 115.6 jubilees years ago. To understand that you must be able to think of time as fluid and space as collapsible, and reality as we know it as an illusion. In other words, you must be able to perceive the tree-of-life reality that was offered to our ancestors back in 2448 HC, 49 jubilee years after Creation .
In the 20th chapter and 54th Paragraph of Exodus (Shmot/Names), 600,000 Israelites and 4 times as many erev rav (known as the the people) stood poised at Mt Sinai.
This was after the Zohar tells us Moses received the 173 Keys to Heaven (the 42-letter Name); after the rectification of the 10 sefirot of the Tree-of-life through the 10 plague, as explained by the Arizal; after the tools of the 42-Letter Name (Mem-Bet) and the 72 Names (Ayin-Bet) were given to Moses and the Israelites when they cried out to G-d; after they split of the Red (endless) Sea; and after they completed the cleansing process through the appreciation, tshuva, and tools embedded in the “Song of the Sea,” the Israelites were ready to receive the 10 Utterances directly from G-d, thus completing their ascension to Keter. That was the plan.
The 10 Utterances are found at chapter 20 in parsha Yitro of Shmot (Exodus) and the letter Yud (Y) of numerical value 10 is a direct substitute for the number 10 in the 10 Utterances (Commandments). Moreover, the letter Yud (YVD) when spelled out has the numerical value 20, the same as the chapter the 10 Utterances are found in. This is significant because the number 20, esrim, has the numerical value of 620, that of Keter, the crowning, hightest sefira (dimension). Moreover,Yitro (YTRV), Moses’ father-in-law, not only begins with the letter Yud–actually the only one of the 54 Torah portions to begin with Yud–but it has the gematria value of 616, the same as H’Torah (the Torah). And when we add the kolel of the 4 letters we get 616 +4 = 620, or Keter once again. And that’s just the start.
Two Moments in Time Linked Together through a Single Window
That there are 9 verses spanning paragraphs 54 to 62 of Shmot (Exodus) is no coincidence. Readers of this blog know by now the formulas of the sum of positive integers through 107 = 5778; and 54 x 107 = 5778, the year the tzaddikim prophesied for the arrival of Moshiach and the geula (final redemption); and also that the surface temperature (radiance) of the Sun, representing the King and Zeir Anpin, is 5778 K, while its core temperature is 156 million K, with 156 being the gematria value of Joseph, representing Yesod of Zeir Anpin.
But what hasn’t been revealed yet is that the numerical value 54 is found 156 times in the Torah and that the Name Dan (DN)–the initials that Abraham’s Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Formation) says would lead to Mashiach–of numerical value 54, is found 26 times, corresponding to the value of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH). And consequently that 54 + 156 = 210, as in the 210 years of Exile in Egypt that just ended prior to the 10 Utterances.
And as most students of Torah know that the Torah is divided in 54 parashot (portions), so this being paragraph 54, coupled with the value of Yitro’s name, is most probably a hint that the whole Torah is about to be received, not just a few commandments to behave civilly.
The number 54 also has the distinction of being half of 108, the numerical value of the infamous golden calf. The reason that this connection is so significant will be revealed shortly. And since the number 107 is integrally associated with 5778, and thus the reception of Moshiach, that 108 is 1 beyond it, is significant as well. Nevertheless, for the moment it’s important to note that the first letter on the 10 Utterances is the 107007th letter in the Torah, or looked at another way, 107 x 1000 + 7 (representing Keter (1000) and the 7 sefirot of Zeir Anpin).
And for its part, 62, as in the 62nd and final paragraph of the 10 Utterances, it is the key to understanding what is really going on in the section. For starters. there are 62 letter Yuds, of numerical value 10, within these 9 paragraphs. Now, the letter Yud (Y) is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) and is associated with the level of Chochma (wisdom), the 9th and 2nd highest sefira (dimension), and those 62 Yuds have a total numerical value of 620, that of keter (crown), the highest sefira, the place the Israelites had reached as G-d spoke to them. This also means the Yuds reprsent exactly 1/10th the letters in the 10 Commandments.
But the icing on this keter cake is found in that there are 620 letters in these 9 short paragraphs.
Moreover, the sum of the ordinal values of those 620 letters works out to 11 x 620 + 1 (kolel), making the 10 Commandments also representative of the full 11 sefirot, when the balancing or reservoir of knowledge sefira (dimension), Da’at, is included.
And of the 10 Utterances, 8 really begin with the word Lo (LE), “don’t,” which is EL (G-d) backwards and these 8 words total 248, the value of Abraham, of mercy, and of the Earth’s reflected radiance back to the sun (248.5 K), but also 248 = 4 x 62. Obviously, this small 620 letter section of the Torah is quite special and unique.
Let’s talk about this word Lo (LE), meaning “don’t, because it is so ubiquitous amongst the 172 (132+3) words and 13 verses of the 10 Commandments. It’s found a total of 13 times, connecting it to the concept of Oneness (Echad) and love (Ahava), whose Hebrew translations have the value 13.
There seems to be a pattern developing as the numerical value of Lo (LE) is 31, or 13 reversed, its ordinal value is, well, 13.
Now in verse Exodus 20:6, where it says, “I show love for thousands of generations,” the words for love and thousands both contain the prefix Lamed, making both words actually begin with LE: (LEHBY, L’ahavi and LELPYM, L’alaphim).
This phrase Chesed L’alaphim is actually at the heart of the 13 attributes of G0d and both the Zohar and the Arizal translate it to G-d will show mercy for 2000 years, as we’ve previously written about.
With these 2 additional Lo (LE) and 3 others that are concealed at the beginning of various words in these 13 verses we have a total of 18, which is universally knows as the value of Chai (life).
Now, the sages tell us that the final letters point towards the future and in summing up the gematria of the final letters in 18 words that Lo (LE) appears within the 10 Commandments we get a total of 2028, which is significant because we know that 2018 CE (or 2028 – 10 (kolel for 10 Commandments) is the prophesied year 5778 HC.
And also because 2028 breaks down to 2000 + 18 + 10, reminding us of what the Arizal and the Zohar said about 2000 years amongst the 18 words of the 13 attributes. We can now more fully see the connection between the 13 pure Lo (LE) and 18 total Lo (LE) with the 18 words of the 13 attributes of G-d, in this the 20th Chapter of Exodus.
And if we add the two other words in this 620 letter section of the Torah that begin and end with L and E respectively, (LShVE, lashav) then the full 20 concealed Lo (LE) total 20 x 31 or a perfect 620.
Everything in the Torah has a purpose, both a revealed purpose and then multiple layers of concealed ones. We can look at the 10 Commandments as moral compasses or we can look at them as gateways into the 10 dimensions of the Tree-of-life. For 66.6 jubilee years (3330 years) most of us have seen them as moral guides, it’s time to really accept them. 28 generations ago we were invited in and the people replied that G-d was too loud for them.
And by the way, in case we missed it, the 28 generations was the hidden meaning behind the reference to 2000 generations, which is one of the reasons why Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (author of the Zohar) and the Arizal recognized it as 2000 years, but, of course, they knew the Divine Calendar and knew when the 2000 years would begin and end.
So just to wrap us this part of the series, we should note that when we add 1 for the kolel to the 172 words in this section, we get 173 words, which not only hints at the 42-Letter Name through its small gematria value of 173, which are incidentally the 173 keys given to Moses, but taking the letters of the section over the words gives us 620/173 = 3.58, and 358, as we know, is the numerical value of Moshiach, the messiah.
This is what we can receive when we enter the 10 Commandments, instead of just follow them (very important too).
Lo (LE) is tied for being the shortest word in the Torah, but through this small doorway a vast universe awaits. The Hebrew word for heart is very similar Lev (LB). Just because one translates into English as “don’t”, don’t let yourself be deceived by the illusion that one doesn’t stem from the other and LE is at the heart of Keter from where the love flows.
And then to complete the picture, the 13 verses in this section further links it to the 13 times that words with a numerical value of 173 appear in the Torah. Every wire in this section is very much alive and burning bright. Let it burn bright in our hearts as well.
Part III
First there were the 10 plagues which cleansed out the negativity (klippot) of the 10 sefirot of the negative (or inverse) Tree-of-life. Then there were the 10 doubts that cleaned out the the negativity (klippot) from the 10 sefirot (levels/dimensions) that had crossed over into Malchut, our world, the lowest of the 10 dimensions of the positive Tree-of- life. Then we were ready, or so we thought, for the 10 Commandments.
We’re covering the 10 Commandments over many parts not only because of their depth and their importance as the high point (keter) of the Torah, but because they play a role in our lives and for our generation bigger than any of us could imagine, and we’ll reveal exactly what that is–perhaps our biggest revelation to date–by the end of the series. For now, we need to understand them and the mechanics behind them better.
So while the total number of letters, words, and verses in the entire Torah total 390,625, which is 6252, or an astonishingly exact 58, the number of letters, words, and verses in the actual 10 Utterances (Commandments) is 620+172+13 = 805, the numerical value of “The rainbow,” which was G-d first Covenant (brit) with Earth.
And while 13, as in the 13 verses of the 10 Commandments, is the numerical value of ahava (love), if we add the 9 paragraphs to 805 we get 805 +9 = 814, the numerical value of the verse that Hillel stated summarizes the entire Torah in Levitiucs 19:18, paraphrased as “love they neighbor as thyself.”
That there are 9 paragraphs is probably not coincidental either as the numerical value 625, that of H’keter (The Crown) is found 9 times in the Torah, and keter (Crown) of value 620, as in the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments, is found 10 times that many times, or 90 times.
As we’re dealing with the moment the Israelites touched Keter, it should be noted here that the number 10 (or any multiple of it) is in a proportion with the year 5778 (2018 CE) that spells out the 173 Keys (the 42-Letter Name) which were given to Moses, and that are necessary to achieve the final redemption, according to chazal.
For example, 10,000, or 104, representing Keter, when divided by 5778 yields 10,000/5778 = 1.7307026, or a perfectly graphic rendition of the shem mem-bet (173 keys); the 70 nations, etc; 702 (Shabbat); and the YHVH (26). Readers of this blog and of The Divine Calendar know full well the significance of the number 70 and the role that the time span of 70 years repeatedly played in the Israelite history, so we should point out that the 10 Commandments (Utterances) occur in the 70th Chapter in the Torah.
And if what we’ve recently learned about the role the 10 Commandments are to play in out future, G-d is very serious about keeping the Sabbath (Shabbat), so none of the numbers in the above equation are superfluous.
So, it’s pretty obvious to us, as it’s always been to the tzaddikim, that in the relationship between reaching Keter, which means receiving the Mashiach and the Tree-of-life consciousness, the understanding the 42-Letter Name (the ability to access the 173 keys) and the year 5778 is a most important one. It was important enough to etch onto the cosmos and to build the Torah around, and important enough for G-d to reveal to us today only 7 years shy of 5778.
The 10 Utterances and the Seed of Creation, the First Window
We always look to the seed level of anything to find its outcome, for as with a seed and the eventual tree that grows from it, its entire genetic blueprint is already there, and so it is spiritually as well with our actions. In this case, we’ll look to the first verse in the section, Exodus 20:2, and to the first verse in the Torah to which it connects.
We know from chazal and have explained numerous times and in depth in The Genesis Prayer how the 42-Letter name is integrally connected with the Torah’s first verse as both a remote control for the Torah and as the seed of Creation itself, so we’ll skip that here, and instead point out the Torah’s first verse’s interesting connections to keter and to these 620 letters.
OK, so we know that the 7 words in the Torah’s first verse are connected to chochma/wisdom, of numerical value 73, because their total value is equal to all the positive integers through 73, and we know that the letter Yud (Y) of numerical value 10, represents the sefira of Chochma in the YHVH, and that there are 62 Yuds in the 620 letters of the 10 utterances, but what we didn’t know was that the word values of each of the Torah first 2 words (9 letters) are repeated a total of 62 times in the Torah.
So let’s think this through. The Torah’s first 2 words’ numerical value are found 2 x 31 (the numerical value of El, G-d, and thus is Lo, “don’t”) which the value if the Yuds amongst the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments is 20 x 31, El. From 2 to 20, a multiple of 10, as we’re climbing up the 10 Sefirot of the Tree-of-life to Keter.
For a tree to grow, a seed must be planted.
Back to the Torah’s first verse. While the actual 4th and 6th words (totaling 4+6=10) in the Torah (Et and V’Et) are found a total of 3450 times in the Torah, or 345 x 10, with 345 being the numerical value of both Moses (Moshe) and Hashem (G-d), the total number of times that their word values reoccur is exactly 622.
There are also 62 times that the 2nd word and or it’s value, 203, reoccur.
So the first 2 words together and independently connect to 62 and the 4th and 6th together do as well. So if we add up those 622 and 62 and connections, we get 62 x 65 of them, all within the first 7 words of the Torah, and since 65 is the numerical value of Adonai, representing Malchut, the connections stretch from Keter all the way down to Malchut.
This compares with the 7363 total word occurrences and word value recurrences for those 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 6 words in the Torah, all of them connected to 62. And for some reason 7363 – (62 x65) = 3333. It seems almost too perfect. Or they may be yet another clue and piece in the puzzle, and have something to do with the 3330 years between the twp tree-of-Life opportunities in 2448 at Sinai and in 5778.
So maybe the fact that 1+2+4+6 = 13, as in the 13 verses of the 10 Utterances, isn’t a coincidence either.
And as for words #3, 5, and 7 of the Torah’s first verse, whose collective numerical value is 777, their total word and word value recurrences is 3125 or 625 (H’Keter) x 5.
Is it possible that this is yet another rendition and clue to 5-777, or 5777 (2017 CE)?
In order for Moses to have led the Israelites to Keter at Mt Sinai in the seed had to have been planted 2448 years earlier. And in order for us to experience it would take another 3330 years to reach full height (maturity). But before we can climb it, we have understand it and the best way to do that is to understand the seed that spawned it.
So what connects the Torah’s first 7 words and its 70th Chapter, where we find the 10 Commandments? For one, they are connected by 107,007 letters, and just as the sum of the integers through 73 equals the T0rah’s first verse, the sum of the integers through 107 equals 5778.
Nothing in the Torah is situated randomly. Everything has a purpose and is part of a plan. Wouldn’t you like to know what that was?
Just note for now, that what’s happening all over the Mideast right now is directly related to what’s happening to the 70 supernal ministers over the 70 nations and what’s happening to them is directly related to our shift through the 70th chapter of the Torah.
At the Seed of Keter, the Window Opens
It’s not surprising that the high point (H’keter) in the Torah would be connected to its first verse, or seed level consciousness, in the same way that if we don’t have the purest of intentions when we help someone, our efforts will go awry or even backfire.
So let’s look to the seed level within the 10 Utterances, at its first verse at Exodus 20:2. Amongst the 9 words of the verse, which are analogous to the 9 paragraphs of the 10 Commandments, we find that its first 3 words form a 13-letter phrase (analogous to the 13 verses of the 10 Commadnments), “Anochi Adonai Elohicah (ENCY YHVH ELHYC),” “I am God, your Lord.”
That should have been enough.
While 3-word phrases in the Torah are often associated with the 3 columns of the Tree-of-life schematic, and this time even more so since the word ELHYC has the gematria sofit value of 546, as in the initials of the 10 sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-life.
This is not surprising, as we know from chazal that the 10 Utterances represent those 10 sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-life, but what is news is that the regular gematria value of this phrase is 173, as in the 173 keys of Moses, the 42-Letter Name, the understanding of which chazal tells us will bring the geula. And which is analogous to the 172 words plus 1 for the kolel of the 10 Commandments.
It should have been enough, all the power of the 10 Commandments, the power to transform and transcend, was all wrapped up in its first 3 words, “Anochi Adonai Elohicah (ENCY YHVH ELHYC),” “I am God, your Lord.”
And if you recall from the prior articles in this series, the numerical value 173 is found 13 (ahava/love) times in the Torah. Yes, it’s because of G-d’s love for us that He gave us the 42-Letter Name, but also this is another piece of evidence that the 42-Letter Name (Ana B’koach) is the love algorithm, a spiritual formula and cosmic technology that connects us to “unconditional love,” the numerical value of of which is not only the value of the 42-Letter Name’s first line, 506, but also the number of times the 14 triplets in the Name appear in the Torah, 506 times. This is also the complete (ordinal and simple) value of Mashiach Ben David, but much more about that can be found in The Genesis Prayer.
Moreover, 506 is also the numerical value of the 32nd (VShR) of the 72 Names, and as we saw with our blogs on the splitting of the Red (Endless) Sea, the 42-Letter Name and the 72 Names often work in concert when big, so-called, miracles are required. This also further connects the 42-Letter Name to the 32 Paths of Wisdom and thus the Tree-of-life.
And speaking of Moshiach and the geula, not only are the first 2 words of the 10 Utterances “I am God” found at letter number 107007 in the Torah, but their numerical value is 107 as well, leading us right back to 5778 (2018 CE), the date the tzaddikim gave us for the arrival of Mashiach and the geula (final redemption) since the sum of the integers through 107 = 5778, and since this being the 54th paragraph in the Torah, 54 x 107 = 5778 as well..
Why not a perfect 107007?
Because it probably is perfect on some level that we don’t fathom as yet. We find this non-perfect reference again in the (600,000 – 408) component letters in the Torah, whereby 408 x 6 = 2448, the year of the 10 Utterances and when Keter was achieved for a few, and not for the 600,000 Israelites who were present and could have achieved it.
Meanwhile, while 408 x 6 = 2448, the equation 408/6 = 68, the numerical value of Cha’im, life, as in Etz Cha’im, the Tree-of-life, and the number of alefs (E) in the 620 letters of the 10 Utterances.
Are we reading into this? You decide. The verse that immediately precedes and introduces the 10 Utterances, Exodus 20:1 “God spoke all these words, saying:” has 7 words and 28 letters, just like the Torah’s first verse.
–Moreover, the initials of those 7 words add up to 68, again, the numerical value of Cha’im, life, as in Etz Cha’im, the tree-of-life.
–And, the total gematria sofit value of that verse less a kolel of (28/7 or 4 for the YHVH) is 2448.
–And with a kolel of 28 for the 28 letters it equals 2480, which is the sum of the Names of the 5 Books.
–Also the standard gematria for the full verse is 1332 or 2 x 666.
Anyway you look at it, this introductory verse is connecting the 10 Utterances (Commandments) spoken by G-d at Sinai to Creation itself. That simple 3 word phrase Anochi Adonai Elohicah (ENCY YHVH ELHYC),” “I am God, your Lord,” was directly plugged in to G-d Himself. Soon, we’ll be able to plug in once again…
Some Got it, Most Didn’t; Will We?
In the previous installments we spoke of the first 3 words (Exodus 20:2), “I am God, your Lord,” of the 10 Commandments and how they connect with the Torah’s first verse and how they contain the entirety of the 10 Commandments’ power and structure.
Just to add to what’s been discussed already, we note that we can break down (ENCY YHVH ELHYC) into the symmetrical phrase (EYC YHVH NHL EYC), which numerically is (31 + 111 + 31) and while 31 is the numerical value of El (G-d) and Lo, (LE), meaning “don’t,” used so often throughout the 173 words of the 10 Commandments. Meanwhile 111 is the value of the letter alef (E), the permuted phrase could translate to “Where are you? G-d, our guide, Where are You?”
Some of the Israelites reached Keter, and the Tree-of-life represented by alef, which when broken down (Yud-Vav-Vav-Yud) has the numerical value of 32 and thus is our physical symbol of the 32 Paths of Wisdom that are the 32 connections (energy centers and channels) of the 10 sefirot (dimensions) that comprise the Tree-of-life. One of the interesting things about the structure of the letter alef (Yud-Vav-Vav-Yud) is that the upper Yud-Vav component when spelled out equals 42 numerically, as does the lower Yud-Vav component when spelled out equal 42. Thus the letter Alef, all on its own represents the complete union of the upper and lower 42-letter Names, which chazal has explained together translate to
Pad (84), redemption. It’s no wonder that the Alef represents the Tree-of-life, which according to R’ Chaim Vital of blessed memory in his book, New Writings, is really 42 and connected to the 42 Letter Name, because the 32 Paths are added to the 10 sefirot (dimensions). This is also why there are 42 letters in the names of the sefirot.
Most did not, and asked “Where are you? G-d, our guide, Where are You?”
They could see the words but not beyond them. We have to do everything we can to see beyond them, past the barriers of our own illusions, our own limitations.
Like the first 3 words of this first verse that significantly have 13 letters that correspond to the 13 verses of the Ten Commandments, the last 2 words of the verse m’bet avadim, have 9 letters corresponding to the 9 paragraphs: (MBYT ABDYM), “from the house of slavery.”
So let’s examine those 2 words, which were last used in the Torah during the killing of the first born, the 10th plague, whose initials were MB. These 2 words (MBYT ABDYM) begin with Mem-Bet and Ayin-Bet respectively, as in the 42-Letter Name and the 72 Names, which are the keys to freedom hidden within the doorways to the house of slavery.
Some found these keys, most didn’t.
Those that didn’t weren’t really ready, even after everything they had seen. They still weren’t ready to let go completely.
When we unlock the MB and AB in (MBYT ABDYM) we’re left with 5 letters that total 1024, as in the numbers of word values in the Torah, precisely 210, or 32 x 32. Moreover, concealed within teh word for slavery (ABDYM) are the initials of Mashiach Ben David, and what’s left is the Hebrew word Yi (AY), meaning “debris, ruins.” Two clear choices.
When faced with a revelation of light, we can choose to embrace it, or to embrace our doubts instead. Most people choose the comfort of their doubts, and the company of their peers.
And while the numerical value of MBYT is 452, so is the number of times that the value 86, that of Elohim appears in the Torah, 452 times. It’s noteworthy that found Elohim appears in both the Torah’s first verse and the 10 Utterances introductory verse (Exodus 20:1), both of whichare comprised of 7 words and 28 letters.
Meanwhile, the value of (MBYT ABDYM), “From the house of slavery” is 578, a possible allusion to the year prophesied 5778.
The connection to Elohim is understandable, considering that this Name (aspect of) G-d, was found 32 of those times in Creation, the first chapter of the Torah, which of course, means that the value 86 is found 32 times the story of creation and 420 times in the rest of the Torah. Things that make you go hmm!
Moreover, the value 86, that of Elohim, is found a total of 62 times through the completion of the 10 generations of Adam in chapter 5, analogis to the 62 letter Yuds of numerical value 10 within the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments.
There’s not much room for coincidence here. Nor room for error, as the window to the Tree-of-life opens for the 3rd time, the last time being 3330 years ago.
As one would imagine there’s so much concealed information and guidance jam-packed into these 620 letters that it becomes tedious to try to maneuver through it all. So we’ll stop here and continue in our next posts, where we’ll explain what everything in the previous articles were hinting at: what happened at Mt Sinai; what were the two paths in the Torah that followed; and what’s hidden in plain sight within the 10 Commandments that describes what the next few years will bring.
The implications for us today are extraordinarily profound, which is why all this tedious background enlightenment into the workings and encodings of the Ten Commandments (Utterances) and to its connection to the whole Torah were necessary. The Torah must be seen as a whole, and the 10 Utterances as a special moment or window in time if we are to welcome the next cosmic opening.
What is going on?
Our last blog was about the split that happened at “The 10 Utterances,” which we showed beyond doubt to connect to Creation, the Torah’s first verse, the Torah in its entirety, to the tree-of-life, to the 42-Letter Name, and to Moshiach.
When we last left the Israelites at the 10 Utterances (Commandments), they were at keter, the highest point of ascension possible.
They were immersed in the 620 letters and the 62 Yuds (Y) of the 10 Utterances found at the 20th chapter in Exodus with the number 20, esrim, having a gematria value of 620, that same as Keter, the “crown”. And while the letter yud (Y) has the value 10, and can substitute for the 10 in the 10 utterances, when it’s spelled out, (Y-V-D), it has the value 20, esrim and thus Keter again.
The ascending Israelites were past the aspect of G-d called Elohim, which was reflected in the 62 Elohims present in the Torah through the 10 generations of Adam. They were in the letter yud (Y) of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) and ready to enter the tip of the Yud, which we know from the Arizal is Keter, the dimension where the self is reduced to virtually nothing and where we rejoin G-d in the whole, the oneness.
In terms of the Torah organization, the Israelites and the event of the offering of the 10 Commandments were at chapter 20 in parsha Yitro of Shmot, paragraphs 54-62. Yitro (YTRV), Moses’ father-in-law, has the value 616, the same as H’Torah (the Torah), which when added to the kolel of its 4 letters gives us 616 +4 = 620, Keter once again, the crowning, highest sefira (dimension).
And 54, once again and as explained in the previous articles connects us to the year 5778, when the tzaddikim have advised us Mashiach and the geula (final redemption) will come again, 66.6 jubilee years after the giving of the 10 Commandments in 2448 HC.
So what do we mean by come again?
And what happened, seeing as they were already at such a high place 66.6 jubilee (3330) years ago?
The second question almost answers the first, but we’ll give the full answer after we straighten out the seemingly incongruoustime-line of the 5 portions, Yitro, Mishpatim, Terumah, Tetzaveh, and Ki Thisa; from Exodus 20 – 34, encompassing paragraphs 54 to 130, from the 10 Utterances to the second set of Tablets.
Just to put that into perspective, that span of the 5 portions with 22 letters in their combined names is exactly 22,000 letters, 5788 words, 441 verses, 77 paragraphs and 15 chapters long. And while, yes, the fact that 5788 = 5778 + 10 (Commandments); and that 441 is the gematria of Emet, truth, a synonym for Torah, the Tree-of-life and the 42-letter Name; and that 22,000 letters is exactly the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet, 22 x 10,000; and that 77 is the numerical value of mazal wedged into the middle of 5778, are all compelling reasons to assume this section of 15 chapters is very special, there are other reasons as well.
For instance, the total gematria of those 22,000 letters is 1733324 or 299.99 x 5778, off by a minuscule (0.0044%) percent from exactly 300 x 5778, and moreover, when we divide 1733324 by 26, the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) we get 1733324/26 = 66666.308.
Now, all that is certainly astonishing, and awe-inspiring in its precision and in the detailed planning that went into specifically organizing these specific 5 portions so that their combined encoding and energy dictates their profound interaction. First, the 42-letter Name is prescribed here by it small gematria value of 173. Next the year 5778 prophesied by the tzaddikim for the arrival of the Moshiach (Messiah) and the geula (final redemption) is hinted several times, including by the starting letter of the 10 Commandments, # 107007 in the Torah (note 54 x 107 = 5778). Then the number 666 so prominent in the calculation of 5778, etc is prescribed. And finally the 22 letters of the alef-bet; and the value of the Tetragramamton (YHVH), 26, is utilized as well.
Nevertheless, the Torah goes even further to strengthen this connection for us. In analyzing the 22,000 letters, we see that many of them reoccur very specific and significant number of times. Now, it would be natural for one of them to, even for two of them, but of the 22 letters, at least 7 of them do: the letter bet (B) reoccurs 1024, the number of different word values in the entire Torah, and as we discussed in our last article 1024= 322, the tree-of-life squared; both the letter gimmel (G) and the letter tet (Tt) each reoccur 137 times, as in the numerical value of Kabbalah, meaning “to receive” and “parallel,” and as in the age of the universe, 13.7 billion years; and the letter zayin (Tz) reoccurs 204 times, as in the value of tzaddik; and the letter chet (Ch) reoccurs 616 times as in H’Torah, and as in the number of times Moses exact name (MShH) is mentioned in the Torah, and also as in the numerical value of Yitro(YTRV), the first of the 5 portions; and while Pe(P) reoccurs 358 times, as in the value of Mashiach, the final letter Pe sofit reoccurs 42 times; and the letter Ayin (A) reoccurs 954 times, as in digit #954 in Pi where we find the final of the three 5778‘s (please see There’s Nothing Random in the Universe for an explanation as to why this is significant for us).
It’s obvious that in these 5 portions, where we’re receiving the 10 Commandments, the 2 tablets twice, the laws of reincarnation (in Mishpatim), the instructions for building the Tabernacle, the Temple accouterments, and the vestments of the Cohenim, that they all have a reason for us to study them beyond the obvious. But to do that, we must untangle them first, especially the timing of the events, including when and to who G-d is speaking.
Another letter, the 8th to have significance for us (this time only in this context) is the letter hey( H) of numerical value 5, found 2060 times within the 22000 letters of the 5 portions. In the middle of the first of those portions, in the 5th verse of the 10 Utterances, at Exodus 20:6, G-d advises that his love will go to those deserved for thousands of generations (eternity/immortality), but the sins of the fathers will pass on for 3 or 4 generations.
Here is where the choice was officially offered.
The choice given to the Israelites was the same as that given to Adam 2448 years earlier: to choose between the immortality of the Tree-of-life reality, or the cycle of reincarnation, the cause and effect relationship of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam through Eve was persuaded by the snake to choose wrong. The Israelites were persuaded by the erev rav (mixed multitude) to choose wrong as well.
This is not surprising as the gematria value of erev rav (ARB RB) is 474, the same as Da’at, knowledge, and that of Snake (NChSh) is the same as Mashiach, so it’s easy to see how they were tricked. This is also why there are legends that say that many of us will be tricked in these days as well.
It didn’t take much to persuade them. You know that from your own experiences. A little deceit, a little temptation, rationalization, and bam, we’ve fallen yet again, daily for most of us. But Adam, Eve, the Israelites, they had the miracles right there in front of them, direct from the source, no misunderstandings. And they fell just as quickly as we do, only they fell from the top of the mountain, and we’re still at base camp.
By Exodus 20:15, the people showed where their hearts and minds were at: After hearing and seeing the 10 Utterances, the people trembled, kept their distance, and they said to Moses in Exodus 20:16, “You speak to us, and we will listen, but let God not speak with us anymore, for we will die if he does.”
In their own words they chose death. G-d let it be Pharaoh’s words that brought about the death of the first born, and the people back then chose their fate with their own words as well.
This is why chazal warned us to always choose our words wisely and use them sparingly.
According to the Zohar, the words in Moses’ mouth were like a sword, especially when he recited the Shem Mem-Bet (42-Letter Name). They are like swords in our mouths as well, double-edged ones. It’s designed that way as part of the knowledge of Good and Evil, whereby we are our own judges. What comes out of our lips comes right back at us from another direction, as if time and space were warped (just as they are in the spiritual realm. And this is exactly why the Torah warns us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Then after Moses implores them not to be afraid, in Exodus 20:18, when the Covenant of Abraham, which was given in 2018, 430 years earlier, was supposed to be fulfilled, the Torah repeats, “The people kept their distance while Moses entered the mist where God was.”
“The people kept their distance”
That was it. In Exodus 20:18, G-d fulfilled his promise with Moses that he made with Abraham in 2018. This is the last verse of paragraph 64, the numerical value of Din (DYN), judgment. Now we wait until 2018 ce.
Synopsis of the next 4 Portions
From here on out G-d is speaking only to Moses, until in Exodus 24:1 G-d tells Moses go up to G-d and to bring the 70 elders, Aaron–the only names in the Torah associated with the word Moshiach–and his sons Nadav and Avihu, who we know from the Zohar and the Arizal would reincarnate into Pinchas and then into Eliyahu Hanavi (Elijah the Prophet), who we are told by chazal will usher in the arrival of H’Mashiach. Still, they were instructed to bow down and keep their distance.
Then in Exodus 24:3 “Moses told the people “All of God’s words and ALL of the laws.” And in Exodus 24:4 “Moses wrote down ALL of God’s words.”
Then after Moses, Aaron, his two sons and the 70 elders made the Covenant of sacrifices they received a vision, at which point in Exodus 24:12 G-d summons Moses up to the Mountain to give him the stone tablets. After six days, G-d called to Moses from the midst of the Cloud on the seventh day. In Exodus 24:17, we learned Moses was to remain on the Mountain 40 days and 40 nights.
G-d continues giving Moses instructions for 7 chapters up to the Sabbath instruction in paragraph 123, Exodus 31:12, and then in paragraph 124, Exodus 31:18, G-d gives Moses the 2 Tablets of the Testimony, written by G-d. Meanwhile, in Exodus chapter 32, we learn of the Golden calf (H’AGL), whose numerical value is 108 or 2 x 54. And in 32:19 Moses destroys the 2 Tablets that G-d had given him.
Then in Exodus 33:23, G-d grants Moses a vision of his presence (ET EChRY) of numerical value 620, that of Keter. This occurs just before G-d gives Moses instructions to carve out the second set of tablets–the first ones were G-d’s creation–and to climb Mt Sinai in Exodus 34:1 in paragraph 130, which happens to be the gematria value of Sinai.
In Exodus 34:6, G-d pronounces the 13 attributes and we are again told that his love will go to those deserved for thousands of generations (eternity/immortality), but the sins of the fathers will pass on for 3 or 4 generations. And in Exodus 34:10 G-d advises that He will make a Covenant before all Moses’ people. G-d once again dictated the laws to Moses and asked him to write them down, and once again Moses stayed with G-d for 40 days and 40 nights, then G-d wrote the words of the Covenant, the 10 Utterances on the two tablets. And Moses brought them to his people, his skin now luminous, his being from another dimension.
So Why Two?
Two (2) is primordially indicative of a split, a dichotomy, divergent and juxtaposed choices.
So why 2 Tablets; why 2 sets of Tablets, why going back up 2 times, each time for 40 days and 40 nights; and why were there 2 visions; and why does G-d tell us 2 times that He will be with those deserved for thousands of generations and that those not, will have self-inflicted punishment (rectification) for 3 or 4 generations.
And if Moses wrote down ALL of G-d’s words in Exodus 24:4, why did he have to write them down again later, twice (or 2 times).
And finally, the Golden calf incident, which ruined everything, happened in paragraph 124, which is 2 x 62, the chapter we were at in the 10 Commandments, when we were at Keter, 62 verses earlier.
2 Parallel Universes
It is because we’re witnessing 2 parallel universes that existed simultaneously until the 22,000-letter section ends at chapter 34, the 84th in the Torah.
As we know, 84, is the number that represents redemption (PD) and the fusion of the upper and lover 42-Letter Names.
It’s at chapter 34 that we official fall down from Keter and fall back down to earth/malchut, and begin anew the process of rectifying the shattered vessels of the second (2nd) world, the world of tikun (karma), a process that necessarily has to take 5778 years, as hinted at by the 5788 verses, which included the Yud of simple value 10 for the 10 Utterances.
This Yud is the separate universe given to Moses and the few that kept their doubts in check. This addition 10 is equivalent to .1730% of 5778, as in the 173 keys given to Moses and the small gematria of the 42-Letter Name.
Moses had just received the vision of G-d’s Presence and was now in keter, and couldn’t be with the people any longer, still it would take another 40 years before they realized he was no longer there. He had ascended, as had everyone else who had been ready.
How many? We don’t know, but it may be hinted at in the number of component letters in the Torah, which is 600,000-408 since we known from chazal that there are supposed to be 600,000 letters in the Torah and that there were 600,000 Israelites at Mt Sinai and furthermore that each of the Isralites souls have a letter in the Torah. That would seem to leave 408 Souls that have ascended to keter, or at least missing.
The first set of Tablets represented the world of Tohu v’Bohu, the first set of 10 Sefirot (dimensions) whose vessels overloaded and shattered because of a lack of interconnectedness. When the Israelites led by the erev rav feared, rather than embraced G-d’s words, their vessels could no longer hold the light and G-d had to destroy them, which is why Moses had to shatter the 10 Commandments on the 2 Tablets.
And if we ask how could Moses destroy G-d’s work, the answers lies in that the spiritual realms to which the Israelites and the Tablets were anchored had already been shattered; otherwise, Moses could have thrown them from the top of the mountain and they never would have broken.
But, G-d did make Moses responsible; G-d referred to them as the Tablets that you (Moses) broke. Moses chose to bring the erev rav with him and the consequences would last 66.6 jubilee years, many many generations (28 to be exact). The lesson here is that regardless of our closeness to G-d, regardless of G-d’s overall plans for us, and regardless of His immediate intentions for us, we are responsible for our actions.
Our last article was about straightening out the 5 portion, 22,000 letter, section of the Torah’s time line concerning the giving of the Ten Commandments, the incident of the golden calf, and the two times Moses brought down the 2 Tablets. In this article, we’ll begin tying it all together.
Adam, Noach, Moses and the End of Days
As we said the people saw to it that the Tree-of-life conscious never took root. But what did happen, though, was that G-d had to start all over again with these people. In paragraph 125, Exodus 32:9-10 “G-d then said to Moses, “I have observed the people and they are an unbending (stiff-neck) group. Now do not try to stop me when I unleash my wrath against them to destroy them. I will then make you into a great nation.”
Here is a deep secret: The words “great nation” L’Goy Gadol (LGVY GDVL) permute into Yud Gilgul (YVD GLGVL), “10 reincarnations, “one for each of the 10 Commandments.
Could it be that the Torah is hinting to us that Moses (H’Moshiach) will reincarnate 10 times?
Moses could have chosen to be like Noach, the 10th generation from Adam and preside over a new beginning, but Moses was the 26th generation of Adam, connected to the YHVH of value 26.
This connection between Noach and Moses is more than casual. G-d’s wrath was revealed to Moses in paragraph 125 of Exodus and to Noach in paragraph 25, when in Genesis 6:13 “God said to Noach, ‘The end of all flesh has come before me. The world is filled with crime. I will therefore destroy them with the earth’.” It was only a few verses earlier when in Genesis 6:3 “God said, ‘My spirit will not continue to judge man forever, since he is nothing but flesh. His days shall be 120 years’.” The word flesh (BShR) is found 58 times in the Torah, the same as the numerical value of Noach.
And who lived for 120 years? Moses did. Moreover, the Torah mentions no one else who lived for 120 years to fulfill G-d’s statement. And lets not forget that Noach had to endure for 40 days and 40 night immersed in water to cleanse mankind and the earth, and Moses also 40 days and 40 nights immersed in the clouds on Sinai to do the same.
The Torah is drawing these parallels for a reason. G-d gave us the 120 years of Moses (H’Mashiach) in flesh. Bnei Noach (BNY NCh) also has the value of 120, so it’s not surprising that G-d’s announcement about his wrath was found in Genesis 6:13, which hints at the 613 precepts that Moses would bring, and if you add the 7 Noahide precepts, we get 613 + 7 = 620, keter, a relationship many a sage has pointed out in relation to the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments.
This is all evidence as well in that the yud Gilgul (10 reincarnations or 10 revolvings) also refer to the 10 generations from Adam to Noach.
Furthermore, each of the 28 generations from 2448, when the Ten Commandments were given, to 5778 (2018 ce), the date prophesied for Moshiach lasted 120 years, while the first 26 generations through Moses lasted 93 years each on average. What this means is that the 54 generations from Adam to Moshiach lasted an average of 107 years, and since the sum of the integers from 1 to 107 = 5778, it all makes perfect sense. Spiritually, it always did.
26 + 28 = 54 generations
(26 x 93) + (28 x 120) = 54 x 107 = 5778 years
Please note that it is 91.0 years.generation for the 26 generations until Moses birth. The average is exactly 93 years, when Moses life is split into 70 years and his last 50 years or 58 and 42% respectively, in line with the Noach (58) connection, and the not coincidental significance of the 42-Letter Name (necessary for the geula), the final 70 year period from Israeli Statehood in 5708 to 5778, and the 50-year jubilee period.
But the most significant parallel to draw from this Moshe(MShH)-Noach (NCh) connection is the correction of the snake (nachash, NChSh) and Adam/Man (EDM). When we combine the letters in their 2 names (MShH-NCh) they permute to NChSh, which is Nachash, snake and mah (MH), which has the same numerical value as Adam (45) and, according to the Zohar, it is also the aspect of the G-d’s name (YVD HE VEV HE) that is called M’H of value 45, and which represents both Man (ADM) and the 6 sefirot of Zeir Anpin.
And because nachash has the numerical value of 358, this correction will brings us Mashiach (358). Moreover, 45 is also the gematria of Geula (GEVLH), the final redemption. So while the price paid was high, in the end we’ll get the Messiah and the final redemption.
Nevertheless, it also warns us what we have to overcome for Moses (Mashiach) to come again and bring the geula. The snake always finds a way, different every time, to work his way in and make us lose our focus.
Adam blew the opportunity to stay in the Tree-of-life reality, and 1658 years and 10 generations later, the Flood waters covered the earth, and we began anew. In 2448, we blew the opportunity once again. Thus we were given 66.6 jubilee years and/or 10 incarnations to reincarnate in flesh to find the means to summon the Tree-of-life back into our lives.
The phrase “End of days” found in the Zohar Trumah 143, is in Hebrew “Ketz H’Yamim (KZ HYMYM)“. It has the sofit gematria value of 1665, and if we take away the kolel of the 7 letters we get 1658, the year of the Flood, and if we add 1 instead for the kolel we get 1666, the year the generation of Shabtai Tzvi thought Moshiach was coming. But we also get 666, the numerical value of “the days,” and 1000 for “End.”
The end is the beginning since alef (ELP), the first letter, is also teh word elef, “one thousand (1000),” a concept that keeps coming up in spirituality and in many of our blogs. It’s pure gematria-the observance and measure of similarity of form. Just like the geula and Adam having the same gematria.
Have doubts about the Adam-Noach-Moshe connection?
Please note then that Moses passed on after 120 years in 2488, just before the Israelites entered the Promised Land and Noach’s Flood occurred in 1658. The relationship between them gives us
1658/2488 = .666.
The flood occurred .666 of the way from Adam to Moshe’s death in the flesh.
Also 2488/5778 = 430, as in the 430 years from the Covenant with Abraham in 2018 to 2448 when the 10 Commandments were issued, which again comes full circle as 2018 CE = 5778 HC. And just to top it off, a circle has 360 degrees and 1658 + 360 = 2018.
…Continued from The Ten Commandments
Our last article in the series was about relationship between the time of flood, Noah, Moses, the time of the 10 Commandments, and the time of the final redemption. l
The People
The people, “ET H’AM“, that G-d refers to has the numerical value of 516, which we know from chazal is the number of times Moses needed to pray if he wished to enter the Land of Israel and bring the final redemption, but G-d had instructed Moses to stop at 515. And as we’ve previous written, according to the Arizal these coincide with the 516 hours between Rosh Hashanna and Hoshanna Rabba.
Then 4 verses later, after Moses pleaded on their behalf, the 4 Hebrew word phrase, “God refrained from doing that evil,” has a gematria of 516 as well when the kolel of 4 is subtracted. The connection between them is that G-d put off that decree to destroy the people in the same way that he put off the final redemption h’geula for 66.6 jubilees years.
It’s simple:
The numerical value of h’geula is 50 and 66.6 x 50 = 3330
2448 + 3330 = 5778.
But as all judgments, they can be meted out with harshness or mercy. In this case, it was mercy. With the generation of Noach, it was harshness for as chazal explain, Noach didn’t pray for the people as Moses had. The lesson here is that mercy comes when we pray for others.
Back in paragraph 123, Exodus 31:12-17, when G-d is telling Moses to tell the Israelites to keep the Sabbath, making it a day of rest and a sign to you for all generations, “as an eternal covenant,” He referred back to Creation again, and repeated that He made Heaven and Earth in 6 days and on the seventh (Shabbat) “He ceased work and withdrew to the spiritual.”
There are 6666 letter Bets(B) in the Torah up to that point, reminiscent of the value 66666.308 x 26, which as previously stated was the total gematria of the 22,000 letters in this full 5 portion section.
One way to interpret this is that at the 6’s He stopped working on us, and withdrew to spiritual, for in the very next paragraph, the Israelites at the urging and persuasion of the erev rav decide they couldn’t wait another 6 hours, and in 6 verses they made the golden calf instead. It appears they stopped working on themselves first. So is it surprising that the numerical value of the biblical “golden calf” is 108, which is 18 x 6, or chai x 6, meaing giving “life” to the 6. It’s also (6+6+6) x 6.
And 108 as 1 more than 107, which we know indicates the year 5778 (2018 CE), makes the statement that the erev rav (the people) need to wait 1 period beyond 5778, they need to atone for the 6 hours and 6 verses; they’ll need to wait until the 6th millennium, the year 6000, 222 years more. But beware, knowing that, they will probably do everything they can to prevent everyone else from achieving the Tree-of-life reality in 5778, just as they did 66.6 jubilee years earlier.
The word “spiritual (vyinafash, VYNGSh)” has the same gematria, 446, as mot, death. This double meaning is similar to Moshiach and Snake, in that when we’re not working (on ourselves) it can be like and thus can lead to death, or if we chose otherwise, it can lead to connectivity to the spiritual realm, where our physical down-time is a spiritual time (not a dead rest time), a time to work on ourselves spiritually and thus recharge our physical world for the coming 7 day cycle.
This dichotomy on a grander scale is indicating that the 66.6 jubilee (Biblical 50 year period) will lead either to death (a permanent end) or to the spiritual realm (the tree-of-life reality) in the 7th period, and this time frame is hinted at by the 5761 letter Nuns(N), each of numerical value 50, through this same location in the Torah, as in the year 2001 CE, when it appears the period of Oy and Ashrei began (at least physically) with 9/11. Spiritually it began in 5760 as Rav Abraham Azulai suggested it would, 18 (6+6+6) years before 5778.
As we will explain very soon in the upcoming articles in Ten Commandment series the year 2001 CE was indeed marked by the Ten Commandments themselves as the beginning, and the 18-year period was laid out for us.
If we consider chazal’s analysis that after 6 millenniums, the geula will happen in the 7th, then we have to look at the millenniums as elefs (thousands) each of which has the numerical word value of 111, and thus the 6 of them total 666. Thus 66.6 equals 6 millenniums.
And just to hammer home the point, up until chapter 32 and the 6 verses of the golden calf there are 5777 letter nun’s of value 50, and thus symbolically and spiritually related to the 50-year jubilee period.
As the Zohar explains, the thousands are found in YHVH, and jubilee is Binah. And the aspect of the YHVH that corresponds to Binah is Sag (YVD HY VEV HY). The 3 Yuds (YYY) at this level each have a value of 10 and when multiplied together form 10 x 10 x10 =1000.
And since there are 600,000 component letters in the Torah, the 5 component and composite yuds in YHVH similarly form 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 100,000. To understand this you must see the two letters Hey (H) as their component dalet-yud’s 2 x (DY) and combine them with the letters vav (VV) to form yud (YVD) and yud (YVD). You then add the Yud (Y) of YHVH and the two component yuds (Y) from the Heys, and you get the 5 total yuds in the YHVH at the level of Malchut (Ban), which is the level that the 600,000 souls fell back to when it was decreed they needed to restart the correction process.
Okay, so maybe it was 408 souls that ascended to Keter, or 4 x 102, the numerical value of emunah (faith). And maybe that makes sense since 408 = 407 + 1 (Moses) and the square root of 407 = 20.17424, considering that 424 is the value of Mashiach Ben David and 2017 CE is the year 5777.
But considering 620 is the value of Keter and there were 620 letters in the 10 Commandments, why not 620 souls?
Why not? We do know though that 620-408 = 202, as in verse 20:2 where the 10 Commandments and the 22,000-letters began. Perhaps this had something to do with it. Who knows?
And since everything to do with the special set of 22,000 letters, the embedded gift within the Bible, has to do with 10 and the power of 10, perhaps it has something to do with 408 x 6 being equal to 2448 and also that the square root of ((600,000 – 408) x 10 ) also equals 2448 .
Let’s not forget that it was the year 2448 when the 2nd Tree-of-life opportunity, the 10 Commandments, occurred, and that that is 66.6 jubilee years before 5778.
Could it be for that reason that the Hebrew letters break down into 50 component letters, representing the Jubilee period, and that because of this they form the 600,000 – 408 equations. After all, G-d was pretty emphatic that we count the Jubilee years.
There was going to be 10 parts to this series, but due to the unfolding crisis in Japan, we felt it best to skip to the most critical and most significant revelations about and from the 10 Commandments, those critical to our understanding of what is happening in our world today. Our last article in the series was the encoded timing for the Moshiach (messiah) and of the final redemption, and of those few sols that managed to cross over 3330 years ago during the last opening of the Tree-of-life reality at Mt Sinai.
The Alter
The word Mizbayach (MtzBCh), the Alter, whose construction is described in detail in the 3rd (middle) of the 5 special portions has the numerical value of 62, as in Keter, the highest sefira (dimension) of numerical value 620, just as so many other connections to the 10 Commandments( Utterances), including the 620 letters and the 62 letter Yuds of the 10 Commandments that were engraved on the 2 Tablets housed in the Tabernacle (MishKan). And this all fits since there are 100 (an appellation of Keter) occurrences of the word H’Mizbeach in the Torah, 22 of them through chapter 34 and the carving of the second set of tablets, which terminates the special 5 portion set of 22,000 letters.
And contained within the Hebrew word for “The Alter” (HMzBCh) are the initials of the 42-Letter Name (Mem-Bet) so integral to the structure of the Torah, the universe, and so necessary for the geula, final redemption.
Within”The Alter” (HMzBCh) the (Mem-Bet) is accompanied by the letters Hey ,Zayin, and Chet whose collective numerical value is 20, “esrim” in Hebrew, of numerical value 620. Individually, the 3 letters sequentially have the values, 5-7-8, as in the year given to us by Rav Ashlag and the tzaddikim, 5778 (2018 ce) for the geula, advent of the Tree-of-life reality.
If you examine the number 620, you’ll see that it is the product of 31 and 20, or 31 x 20 = 620. As discussed early on in this series 31 is the numerical value of El (G-d) and also L0 (don’t), as in the Commandments not to do things, and while 20 is the numerical value of the letter Yud (YVD) and the word for 20 has the value 620 itself, the 10 Commandments are all in chapter 20 of Exodus, a very important point as you’ll soon see.
Nevertheless, back to the word Mizbeach (MZBCh), which without the prefix “the” has the numerical value 57, meaning the remaining letters would then be Z-CH or 78, thus encoded within the Hebrew word for the Alter, where all the sacrifices are performed, is the simple message “42 and 5778.”
Soon we’ll begin a new series on the construction of the Future Holy Temple as detailed by R’ Chaim Luzzatto of blessed memory. For the moment, we’d like to point out that the Alter in the Future Holy Temple measures 32 x 32 cubits and is in the exact center (heart, lev of numerical value 32) of a series of concentric (nested) symmetrical courtyards, the most inner of which measures 100 x 100 cubits. We bring this up only for the reference to the 100 times “the alter” is mentioned in the Torah.
To Be or Not To Be
The Hebrew word Eem (EM) of numerical value 41, as in the 41 letters of the spelled out name of G-d, Ehyeh (EHYH) , can translate to mother, Matriarch, matrix, or “if” or “whether,” as it’s used repeatedly in the laws (precepts) of G-d given in the 4 chapters subsequent to the 10 Commandments, which together comprise the special 5 chapters of 22,000 letters.
What makes it so germane to our discussion of the 10 Commandments is that the word EM is found 62 times in Genesis, just like the Name Elohim, which begins and ends with EM.
And, not only is the word EM found 77 times through the 10 Commandments, as in 5778; and 86 (the value of Elohim) times through chapter 21 (the value of Ehyeh); but it’s found another 21 times throughout the 5 portions for a total 107 times through chapter 34, the chapter in which the 2nd set of tablets was received. And 107 is indicative of the sum of all the positive integers through 107, whose collective energy and sum equates to 5778.
Now, the final point to be made today out of all this is that the year 6000, is when most people expect the arrival of Moshiach. But the tzaddikim of blessed memory have arrived at 5778 as the approximate date, and we’ve shown a preponderance of evidence physical, spiritual, comic, and primordial that the prescribed year does indeed appear to be 5778 (2018 ce). So why the discrepancy?
The differential of 6000 – 5778 = 222 years represents the 2 divergent paths forged in the 22,000 letters by the doubts of the Israelites.
Thus when we divide 222 by 358 (Mashiach) and we get 222/358 = .620, keter, and are sent back to the 10 Commandments.
As we get closer to 5778 (2018 ce) it’s important to realize that when we question it should not be of our faith, but only of our understanding. The reason to question, should be to dig deeper, not to create separation, as our ancestors did the last time they stood at keter.
If you follow the path of the 222 you’ll see that 222 x 26 (YHVH) = 5772, the year 2012 CE, and if you believe in the Mayan calendar prophecies of 12/21/12, you’ll find yourself deep in the trail of doubts, for when those 6 final years before 5778 mimic the Israelites failure to wait 6 hours for Moses’ return with G-d’s Tablets, and the Tree-of-life eternal reality.
We stood there before; we know the routine. This time, let’s get it right.
Of course, just to make sure we had everything we need to get it right this time, the Torah provided us with a road map, and shoved it under our noses every year for the past 3330 years.
And no, it’s not the 10 plagues; It’s the 10 Commandments. They are being played out as right now.
It began in 2001, corresponding to Exodus 20:01 that initiates the Torah’s 70th Chapter, the Keter sequence of the 10 Commandments. It began with a jolt, a new reality realized on 9/11.
On June 8th, 2002 the prophesied 1370 reign of Ishmael (Islam, 10 years for each of the 137 years of his life) over the Israelites ended. This coincided with the beginning of the 620 letters of the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20:02 “I am God your Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, from the place of slavery.” Like Pharaoh before them, they were not giving up without a fight, which brought us the attack in Mombasa on Nov 28th, 2002.
Exodus 20:03 “Do not have any gods before me” An earthquake on Dec 26th, 2003 killed 40,000+ people in BaM, Iran, one of the many events Mem-Bet events over this 18 year period.
Exodus 20:04 “Do not represent [such gods] by any carved statue or picture of anything in the heaven above, on the earth below, or in the water below the land.” Exactly, one year after the earthquake in BaM, on Dec 26th, 2004 230,000 people died from the tsunami (mabul) resulting from the 9.3 Earthquake off the coast of Meulaboh, Indonesia.
In 2008 we were stuck financially, leading to the world markets losing 42% of their value and wide scale loss of jobs (livelihood), while in Exodus 20:08 we were told, “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” And lets not forget it was Erev Rosh Hashannah that September when the NY stock market closed down 5% or 778 pts. While Exodus 20:08 was the 4th Commandment, 2008 also brought us the attack on/in Mumbai on Nov 26th, Bernie Madoff, and of course, our 44th President, President Barack Obama.
In continuation, Exodus 20:09 and 20:10 insisted no one do anything that constitutes work on the Sabbath, which brings us to today, 2011.
As for this year 2011, Exodus 20:11 tells us that in the six(6) days, God made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on Saturday. God blessed the Sabbath and made it holy. So this year, what we’ll see is events from space, the earth, the sea and all that is in them. It’s no wonder the birds fell from the sky and the fish died on 1/1/2011.
Each one of these fish kill images represents millions of fish and they all occurred in different parts of the world this year, from Louisiana to Scotland to Thailand to Redondo beach California, and we could have posted similar images from several more diverse locations. Whatever it is, it’s global.
We wrote this section back in January when we began our series on the 10 Commandments; unfortunately, the events have continued with millions and millions of fish washing up ashore last week in California and then the devastating 9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami that hit Japan and thus created the terrifying chain of nuclear events that are happening to the 6 reactors there.
In Exodus 20:12 it’s honor your father and mother, then murder, adultery, stealing and false witness in 20:13.
In 20:14, don’t be envious of your neighbor
Then in 20:15 “All the people saw the sounds, the flames, the blast of the ram’s horn, and the smoking mountain.”
Hold on to your hats, folks.
In Exodus 20:16 “If God speaks with us anymore, we will die.”
Then in Exodus 20:17 Moses says, “God only came to you to raise you up.”
And in Exodus 20:18. It ended. “The people kept their distance while Moses entered the mist where the divine was revealed.
This is the road map for the next 7 years. The ministers of the 70 nations are falling rapidly, especially in the Mid-East, as prophesied in the Zohar, including Mubarak of Egypt, who fittingly was forced from his throne on the death anniversary of Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses).
Chapter 20 of Exodus is the 70th chapter of the Torah. The pinnacle of the Chapter ends at Exodus 20:18: “The people kept their distance while Moses entered the mist where the divine was revealed.” This time it coincides with the 70th anniversary of Israel becoming a nation in 5778 (2018 ce).
It’s obvious in all this that there was always two choices, two paths.
It’s all about G-d giving us 10 simple rules (commandments) in order to reach the Tree-of-life, and we couldn’t follow them.
Purim is almost upon us, when we take off our masks–by concealing our identity and getting inebriated we’re actually giving ourselves permission to reveal who we truly are–and reveal the truth.
It’s time to take off the masks from the Bible, and see the simple Torah truth. Either we follow G-d’s 10 simple rules, spiritually and physically, or we follow the prescribed consequences. 2 paths, 2 futures, 1 time table.
G-d willing, B’H, we will choose correctly.
PS. Notice that 2011 has continued with record tornado activity, flooding, heat spells, droughts, and now the economy once again